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And the Big Winners Were. Chapter | oa Tm very, wery happy, SE Tm very satisfled— CONTE! the dream ix going on. Impact of World Cup soccer on players, Before You Read 1. Look quickly over the newspaper article on pages 37-40 and read the title. Whats “our game"? Why do you think tis the most popular game in the world? 2, The first paragraph ofthe reading mentions the “costs and the tins of Wor Cup 2002" What are some ofthe costs of hosting a ‘ajorintematns event ke the World Cup tournament? What fare some of he gains? 23 Thispictute shows the Brazilian sar Ronaldo jist after his tear Scored goa in the inl match fof World Cup 2002, In Bra the ‘whole county began a weeklong ‘celebration. Why do athletes like Ronaldo etso uch attention? Whore the most celebrated athletes in your country? How much do they get pid? Passage -—_________— AND THE BIG WINNERS WERE: RONALDO, SOUTH KOREA, AND “OUR GAME” by Roo Hughes {rom The International Herald Tribune ‘or tha frst tne in Word Cup history, he tournament was hosted by fa Asian countriey, Japan and South Koya. The South Korean tam Uhrig win ver Spain sn overtime also marked theft me an Asien team hed advanced tothe semifinal round of he tournament 1 Once the ball has stopped roling and the Brazilian stop partying, sve can begin to count the costs andthe gains of World Cup 200. 1 has been a touament of many faces. Asia, fist of all, was mbroken ground, trumpl of organization and security, and a ‘5 Tesson to the world in cai? * unbroken ground place where something has never ben done before + ellity courteous behavior; plieness 37 0 18 20 2% Brazil's team was bound for home, where the Penca—the historic ‘th homecoming ofthe Word Cup—wil reignite a population of 170 million whowe problems with thelr beleaguered currency, the real, ‘will bese aside while the return of Ronaldo prolongs the carnival He not only scores the goals he finds the sraple sentence that sums ‘up anation: “tsa fantastic feeling to bea Beslan tonight," he sid in ‘Yokohama Japan, as Sunday nigh timed into Monday moraing. Looking at him, Oliver Kan, the beaten German goalkeeper and captain, could only say: “This isnot about your elu ts about the fate nation, When you look atthe expectations andthe enthusiast ‘of milions back home, you realize what stake." Maybe too much Maybe soccer is exeeeding its purpose in ie and this World Cup wehase sen the best o tan potentially the worst ‘The skis of Brazil transcended everything and masked a ite that this was a tournament of tired athletes (that's what they sy, anyway, fom France to Argentina, from England to aly), and of “uninspired, unpolished teeiques Bat if Brazil was, without room for question, the champion, the Republic of Korea was a remarkable victor also. Its streets became ‘vast seas of red, impenetrable! lines of supporters like popples in an ‘overgrown eld “The celebrations that lasted fom the first othe last all that South Koreas sons chased were extraordinary. They were laced with fever? nd with the Joyousness that Latin American counties parade™ when they win. ‘There was something) s0 proud, so deep, and so ‘overwhelming! throughout South Korean society that with 6 milion people in the town squaresit il alt perfectly sate. “We discovered unity in our people,” said Chung Mong Joon, the san whos igerish' fight within FIFA (Fédération Internationale de Football Assocation), the governing boy of word soccer, brought at least haa World Cup to his county. peimite_ her, cause people to become happy ain * protongs the carnival makes the clbration stlongee © tranacended everything were rote important thn althe problems * masked aitle covered up somewhat ‘impenetrable tigty packed * taced with fever fils wth exement © parade sow ina way that gets alto tention overwetming tremendous: overpowering 2 aigerinh crest aggresive (ike ger) ‘3B Qhapler4 + And the Big Winners Wore. 6 Speaking one moming at breakfast in Tokyo, Chung added: “They demonstrated they are fee, they are mature, they are global citizens.” ‘And, he added, “nobody lost control” So, above all, the memory of {this World Cup i the people of South Korea. They have, as Chung says, discovered nity “The World Cup has bee lifetime experience,” he sai, Yand even ‘fin the end we were disappoinied to lose the semifinal, Lean say that [worked in FIEA for ten years without understanding the fall impact ‘ofthe World Cup” He knows it now. I¢ was mounted at huge cost." and in South Korea and Japan the nfrastricture" will now have to be paid fr. Sonth Korea pai more than 82 bililon to erect 10 new stadiums, ‘ile Japan’ eos was lose to ewice as much. ‘We visitone—those not let. down by the ticketing mess created by FIFA appointed agenes—were the beneficiaries.” There is no continent better served by state-ofthear stadiums than Asia now. How they will be used in the fuare (bearing in mind that $660 ilion stadium costs atleast $8 milion a year in maintenance) is part fof the headache, the cost Asian taxpavers Will beat ‘There ae, of course, some who are counting ther profits, some ‘bemoaning’ loses roman event that claims to have been viewed by cumulative audience of 2 billion over ts 64 matches. FIFA hopes that its television and marketing return nears $1 billion, and thus wipes out the bad blood!” caused by ts debis after ‘one ofits marketing companies collapsed last year and its television ‘up ran ito financial problems this year: But i soccer is inseparable from polities and commeree, the 10 sporting images that surpass all others are the awakening of South Kotes, and the heart-warming resurrection of Ronaldo. Ie-was a if 2002 was predestined tobe his toumament. He came back to rediscover himself, to conquer fear and long, long injuries, and inevitably, to score the «wo goals that defeated Germany in ‘Yokohama on Sunday. mounted at huge cont_veryexpensve to produce Infrastructure” ulin, ods, et 1 pemefciaries poopie who reeive the benef % state-of thesart most moder sng the lates technolony " emouning. regen eting srry about % pad blood. nepative fetngs anger © collapaed fale; went ot of business predestined ated: decided in advance +39 70 Magnificent. Ronaldo isa young man, stil only 25, who has so ‘much wealth that he did not need to push his body throug pain. He ould have retired on his fame. But in his soul is to be a footballer, and every Brazilian aspires to winning the Workd Cup. {ong may he thi us. 75 South Korea and Japan did not manage to smooth over! their separate customs (either atthe airports or atthe heart of a joint {ourmament). They remain suspicious and often incompatible ‘eighbors. But both saw in the flesh the greatest teams and the sreatest player ofthis World Cup. ‘80 Yee football crossed the boundaries. North Koreans peeped? a the ‘games, whichis an improvement on 1988, when Pyongyang remained closed and shuttered window, inring the world at pla. ‘The hopes that, long after the stadiums are closed, some of them ‘becoming relics even in their imaginative structural design, the ‘85 aman sharing ofthis event will remain with those who hosted Atboundary has been crossed, and FIFA now talks, optimistically, of African 210 (after Germany in 2008) It one person found the Joy in this now gargantuan®* business enterprise, then soccer, the game, Is stil a remarkable hfe force 90 And [know of one. Po Soon Ban 6, and a grandmother, “I id not wateh football, even on television, before this World (Cup, she sald. “Tcould not understand those boys running after the hall But now, fread every World Cup article inthe newspapers ts amazing what football can do to you" Welcome to our game, 85. Natlame. You are never too young or too old to catch the fever” Source 5 gmooth over make more sinilaror compatible = inthe Desh inperon © peeped took alook elles things that remain fer along ime has passed © gargantuan huge > Tie fore kivation ove hpiy sour of ay © ate the fever it excited abot something (long wih ot ober people 40 Chapter’ + And the Big Winners Were. After You Read Understanding the Text ‘A. Multiple choice. For each item below, cc the best answer 1. This atcte was writen 2. just before the final match between Brail and Germany . ayear after the teams had retumed home {shortly afer the tournament was over 4. afterall the debts for hosting the fourmament had been paid 2. Tho author makes all of the following points except 4. Ronaldo isa great player, both physically and mentally ‘, the German fans were remarkably vl ‘the whole word was impressed by the South Korean fans <4. soccer has the power to bringjoy tothe ives of ordinary people [3 Ronaldo's success was especialy heartwarming because —_ 4. hes Brazilian ’b. itmade him richer . hehad recovered from serious injuries he will retire soon 4. Which ofthe following does the author give asan example ofa boundary" belng crossed? «4. Korea ad Japan became fiendlier toward each other '. North Korea didnot ignore the games. ‘6. The Korean cooch was from Europe. ‘The South Korean team made to the semifinals '5. The new stadiums bult forthe event are examples ofthe —__ ‘country must have to put on a big international sporting event. a. fullimpact ». communiations , beneficiaries <4. infrastructare 6, Which of these statements do you think the author would agree swith most? a, World Cup 2002 was expensive but well worth it ', People around the word pay too much attention to football, € Professional soccer players make more money than they should 44. The only winners at World Cup 2002 were the Brazilians. 1B. Consider the issues. Work with a partner to answer the questions below, 1, Find the quotations below inthe text For each quotation, in the speaker's name and explain beefy wh the person ‘Why do you think the author included these quotations inthe aricle? 2. Inlines 4-41, the author raises Asia for giving the world “a lesson in ivi." Explain in your own words wht this means and give atleast one example. 42 Chapter 4 + And the Big Winners Were. Reading Skill |A. Look bock atthe reading and find at least thee related ideas. details, or examples that support each ofthe main ideas below. B, Ident atleast one more ofthe writers main ideas. What related dens, deta, andor examples does he use to suppor i? +3 |A. Look back atthe reading and find examples of words that begin "withthe folowing preies. Explain the meaning ef each example. 1B. Complete each sentence with a word rom the Box 1. Asan extra security __, police inspected the bags of al cket holders a the gates 2. The German team was ‘ani the final mate, _ South Korea won its match aginst Spain in 44. Thebehavor ofthe Asian fas was considered remarkably civil, ‘becase in other parts of the world, the behavior of soccer fans fone 7 ‘5. Both the 1988 Olympies and World Cup 2002 have cause the world io its perception of Asi. 44 Chapter + And the Big Winners Were. ‘A. Read te ast wo paragraphs of the article again (page 40). Then. ‘without looking back, put quotation marks around the sentences ‘that were spoken directly by Po Soon Bun. Po Soon Bun s 68, anda grandmother. {could not understand those boys raning after the bal, Welcome to our game, Madame. ‘Buc now read every World Cup article inthe newspapers BB, Look back a he rect quotation from Ronaldo ine 11) and answer the folowing questions 1, What were Ronaldo's exact words? 2 What question do you think he was answering? 3. Why do you think the reporter (Rob Hughes) decided to include ‘this quotation nthe arile? 45 Discussion & Writh 1. Although the costs are great and there are aloe of problems to solve, many countries compete fiereey forthe opportunity to host major international sporting event, such as the World Cup forthe Olymples. Why do you think this i 0? 2, Group work. Imagine that your group has been appointed to decide whether or not the next World Cup (or other big sporting event) should beheld in your hometown or city. Give the event. ‘aname anda year. Then make two lists, (1) the potential benefits the event could bring and (2) the potential problems it could cause. 46 Chapter > + And the Big Winners Were. Use words from the reading to complete the crossword puzzle. ‘Across: Down: 1 Aslan fanstanghtthe worlda 1 Nobody lost —_. lesson in 2 Ahuge celebration “4 Very negative feelings (two 3 A__ hasbeen crossed. Pa 4 People who receive the benefits 6 Onccofthe host countsesin 282 § Governing body of world 7. Capital of Noah Korea Sc aeel 11 Firstname ofthe German {8 Host country for World Cup 2005 soalkeeper 9 Bright red lowers 13 One ofthe most famous 10 Unit ofeurreney in Brat sporting eventsinthe world 4 Tange Japanese city rye 14 Avery; very ol thing ean 16 Iesneverto iat wo catch the 17 Like atiger 18, Decided inadvance a7

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