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ea an ee ee ee In place of hands, and her features livid bluc Glared in her visag whilst her obscene waist Anan mere are oust Cegilune’s worship quickly spread acress lands and through numerous races, A silver-haired beauty, she was said to be as fickle as the nighted orb cover which she held sway, and thus her followers constantly courted her favor. ‘These who pleased her best, pious priest- cesses whose comely forms reminded her most of herself; Cegilune adopted as her daughters and granted them pow- ers with which to further her worship. The so-called songs of Cegilune were granted beautifll voices to entice others to her service, Gegilune's prophets were given the power to tread across water as casly as land so to spread her word, and the protectors of Cegilune were granted grec strength with which to defend the godess followers. For an age, Cegilune gamered the fear and love of her worshipers, but eventually she grew complacent, indalging in her followers’ adoration butearelyinterveningon theirbehalves. Avthe same time, the deities of distant lands began to encroach upon her disciples’ hearts. Only when a wrinkle first marred the moon goddess’ Neato un ener “The following table shows the result ofa Knowledge (nature) check as it relates ‘toannis hags. Those who live near lonely moors or marshes, particularly in frigid climes, or who have dealings with lesser giants such as tolls or ogres, ‘might possess this information, even if only in the form of colloquial legends. Knowledge (nature) DC Result 10 Annis hags are hideous, blue-skinned ogresses who lurk in marshes and other dark, rotting places. 15 Anannis hag’s claws are made of rusted metal and, along with her great strength, can rend an armored knight to bits. 20 Annis hags ae incredibly resilient to all attacks but the blows of blunted weapons. These defenses can also turn away less powerful magies 25. Anannis hag often uses her magical abilities to disguise herself as 3 large human or comely giant. They can also summon dense clouds of cold fog to cloak their approach, 30. Annis hags are, even among hags, especially egotistical and seek to dominate the lands and creatures around them. This vanity can often be exploited through gifs of magic and lve food supposedly eternal beauty did she realize her error. Appearing before her remaining followers, the goddess found that only her daughters had remained devout, but that they too had aged as she weakened. Others who had left her fold bitterly mocked the moon goddess, flaunting the powers of their new divine patrons. Enraged, Cegilune slaughtered hundreds of her former ‘worshipers, sending her remaining daughters on a bloody crusade. ‘The moon goddess's holy war was terrible but brief Cegilune's willsome acts offended numerous younger deities and her outnumbered devotees. were 2006 onacon 34s ES

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