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CEGILUNE Lesser Deity (Neutral Evil) ero Sena ee a tn eae nore d her. Collecting a eee ee ae corn ar ay ce cae ee er eon Se ey een ees Sc oae Herald and Allies: Cegilu Se eee ee Cee eet Sneed oreo erat See ate ee ete nearly lost amid its titanic roll Cerca eke ere ey ee Cleris of Cegilune most ight hags with thee planar aly spel ter ‘cut down and driven into the shadowed reaches of the world. In addition, her divine tantrums had expended much of hher remaining power, devastating her failingbeauty and leaving her aweakened, ‘monstrous crone, who too fled to the darkest, loneliest pits of existence. With the departure of their goddess, the surviving daughters of Cegilune found their divine blessings corrupted and their hearts infused with their patroness’s hatred. Thus, the voices, prophets, and protectors of Cegilune BET 2.00345 2006 became the first green hags, sea hags, and annis hags. Today, the daughters of Cegilune, hhags of all types, still strive to wreak their mother's dark will and bring suffering to all the treacherous mortal races. As for Cegilune, from her desolate home at the bottom of the multiverse, a pit in the Gray Wastes ‘known as Hay’s End, she fosters her ‘remaining powers while seeking ways to bring rain upon all mortal races and the imposter deities of the night. TADSOLOGY OF TH ANN A ‘Whilemostperceivehagsasnothingmore than vicious wart-skinned beldames, ‘merely one disgusted glance at an annis hhag forces reconsideration. Easily the ‘most physically menacing subspecies of hhag, annis hags loom more than 8 feet tall, their scabbed and blemished blue skins stretched over obscenely powerfl fiames of jutting bone and knotty muscle. The flesh of these withered forms holds more akin to leather armor than the supple skins of most humanoid aces, being capable of turning aside blades with ease. Only blunted weapons, ‘capable of smashing down an annis hag’s ‘tenacious ffame, are assured to do any harm, Such implies, however, that one ‘an bypass these monstrosities’ potent and unnatural offenses. Often measuring upward of 3 inches Jong, an annis hag’s nails are formed of actual iron that magically extends from their bodies justas keratin nails develop from a normal humanoid’s fingertips. Asan annis hag ages, her nails continue to grow, often replacing bits that have bbeen filed away by battle, rough use, and rust. Many anisshags—in atypical showing of vanity—take great pride in theirnails, cultivating them into lengthy spirals that gradually become like rusted ‘corkscrews. While such gross huxuriance neither aids nor hinders hags in combat, the sight of the creatures’ sword-length nails and the cyclical wounds they gouge ‘can prove most disconcerting. ‘Also marking annis hags apart from their hag sisters are these creatures’ vestigial homs, Little longer than a humans thumbs, these curved, blackened nubs arch upward fiom the forehead and possess neither the length. nor durability to serve as weapons. Although these horns’ purposes are ‘unknown, some scholars suggest these protrusions—along with their blue skin—mark a Tink between annis hags and the planes-hunting night hag or, alternatively, cunning ogre mages. Whether these similarities imply that annis hags are progenitors or scions of such terriffing beings, though, remains ‘widely contested. STCHOLOGY OF THE ANAS A All hags possess powerful egos, but even among hags none prove more vainglorious than annis. Holding their size and strength as proof of their superiority, annis hags are quick to subjugate weaker creatures, especially other hags. Eager to have their perverse virtues acknowledged, they delight in manipulating bands of savage humanoids—the stronger the race, the greater their delight in subjugating them. ‘Annis hags show no more generosity toward their sisters than they do their minions. Ever eager to increase their powers, dominant annis hags physically subjugate weaker hags to form coveys, maintaining such groups through intimidation and violence. ‘Their characteristic vanity and natural bitterness make groups with two or more annis hags exceedingly rare. ‘Those that do exist often survive only through the extreme canniness or deception of another hag or as temporary arrangements. In the end, ‘most alliances between annis hags end in bloody betrayal. Exploring every imagined avenue to increase their power and fearsomeness, amnis hags frequently augment ‘themselves, either magically or physically. Deep scatfication, bodily modification, ‘magical enhancement, and grafting are all commonalities among these crones. One annis, known as Smiling Rut, was known for having gnawed through her ‘own cheeks to give herself an obscene, gangrenous grin. Some go on to say that Smiling Rut was in fact an entire covey,

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