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Triangulation of Belief in Just World, Commitment with Life and HR Retention

In today’s world companies are trying to build relationship with employees by treating all well. 
This trend is enduring as corporations are developing their own specific cultures and operating in
a way that can beat market competition. The human resources department plays a vital and
extensive different roles in the success of an organization. To compete in an ever-changing
world, companies must recurrently realign the HR strategies. The human resources function in
any corporation is at the center to identify, hire and retain the best people they need to execute its
strategy and achieve its objectives and goals.

There are many challenges organizations are facing nowadays. Due to the global advancement
and shifting economy, there are many changes that are occurring rapidly and affecting HR in a
wide range of issues. One of the major challenge is to retain its efficient, brilliant and talented
employees. Retaining qualified employees in a demanding, labor-intensive, and fast-paced work
environment is a major challenge for all industries. Another challenge is high staff turnover in
fast-paced companies is due to inequality. Equality in the workplace is also vulnerable when an
organization allows harassment or a culture of hostility towards some of the employees. The
ultimate challenge for HR in any organization is to understand the corporate landscape of the
future. As industries and technologies are evolving, new generations are entering the workforce,
and globalization is creating increased competition, it will be the only issues of the human
resource that make or break a company.

Human Resources department may set strategies and standards, develop policies, systems,
culture and processes that implement these strategies in a whole range of areas in order to satisfy
the employees. If the employees of the organization are satisfied with their job, the workplace
and the team they work with, then they will less likely to consider other employers and switch
the job. The management of the company can control the problem of employees leaving the
organization within no time to a great extent by implementing the strategies but can’t put 100%
full stop to it because there are numerous other challenges to it.
There are many variables that influence HR retention. Employee retention is one of the much
discussed areas and identifying the causes for employee turnover in an organization and
implementing the necessary policies to retain the talented employees. Hence, all companies
expect to lower the employee turnover to best possible level. Therefore, the intention of my topic
is to study triangulation of Belief in Just World, Commitment with Life and HR Retention in
corporate sector.

It has been defined that employees are the most important assets of an organization which are
most difficult to manage. According to just world theory people have a basic need to believe that
the world is a just a place where individuals get what they deserve and deserve what they get.
The theory belief in a just world in the study will provides an explanation for who are working in
an organizations responses to the suffering of others, especially their tendency to blame
employees for their fate. Another aspect which may affect the HR retention is commitment with
life. Commitment often associate with relationships. Commitment in the workplace is a quality
that most employers appreciate and reward. Commitment with life is also associated with job, as
true commitment is key to success. However, once an employee work out a few positive thing in
job, he/she often can look forward to reaping the benefits of a productive and fulfilling
partnership with his/her job for years to come and consequently HR retention will increase.

Commitment with

Belief in Just
World HR Retention

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