Deliverance From Marine Spirits Powerful Prayers To Overcome Marine Spirits - Spirit Husbands and Spirit Wives - Permanently. (Deliverance Series Book 1) by Daniel C. Okpara (Okpara, Daniel C.)

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Deliverance from Marine Spirits.

Powerful Prayers to Overcome Marine Spirits –

Spirit Husbands and Spirit Wives.

Copyright © October 2016 by Daniel C. Okpara.

All Rights Reserved. Contents of this book may not be reproduced in any way or by any means

without written consent of the publisher, with exception of brief excerpts in critical reviews and


Published By:
Better Life Media.

This title and others are available for quantity discounts for sale

promotions, gifts and evangelism. Visit our website or email us to get


Any scripture quotation in this book is taken from the King James Version or New International

Version, except where stated. Used by permission.

All texts, calls, letters, testimonies and enquiries are welcome.








Prayer 1: For Deliverance From Marine Spirits, Spirit Husband Or Spirit Wife

Prayer 2: For Deliverance From Undesirable, Destructive Habits And Strongholds

Prayer 3: Releasing Favor, Breakthrough And Blessings

Prayer 4: For Divine Direction.

Prayer 5: Manifesting The Fruit Of The Holy Spirit

Prayer 6: For The Gifts Of The Holy Spirit.

Prayer 7: For Marital Restorations, Blessings And Breakthrough






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Other Books from The Same Authors

1. Prayer Retreat: 21 Days Devotional With 500 Powerful Prayers & Declarations to Destroy

Stubborn Demonic Problems, Dislodge Every Spiritual Wickedness Against Your Life and Release

Your Detained Blessings

2. HEALING PRAYERS & CONFESSIONS: Powerful Daily Meditations, Prayers and Declarations

for Total Healing and Divine Health.

3. 200 Violent Prayers for Deliverance, Healing and Financial Breakthrough.

4. Hearing God's Voice in Painful Moments: 21 Days Bible Meditations and Prayers to Bring

Comfort, Strength and Healing When Grieving for the Loss of Someone You Love.

5 . Healing Prayers: 30 Powerful Prophetic Prayers that Brings Healing and Empower You to Walk in

Divine Health.

6. Healing WORDS: 55 Powerful Daily Confessions & Declarations to Activate Your Healing &

Walk in Divine Health: Strong Decrees That Invoke Healing for You & Your Loved Ones

7. Prayers That Break Curses and Spells and Release Favors and Breakthroughs.
8. 7 Days Fasting With 120 Powerful Night Prayers for Personal Deliverance and Breakthrough.

9. 100 Powerful Prayers for Your Teenagers: Powerful Promises and Prayers to Let God Take Control

of Your Teenagers & Get Them to Experience Love & Fulfillment

10. How to Pray for Your Children Everyday: + 75 Powerful Prayers & Prophetic Declarations to

Use and Pray for Your Children's Salvation, Future, Health, Education, Career, Relationship,

Protection, etc

11. How to Pray for Your Family: + 70 Powerful Prayers and Prophetic Declarations for Your

Family's Salvation, Healing, Victory, Breakthrough & Total Restoration.

12. Daily Prayer Guide: A Practical Guide to Praying and Getting Results – Learn How to Develop a

Powerful Personal Prayer Life

13. Make Him Respect You: 31 Relationship Advice for Women to Make their Men Respect Them.

14. How to Cast Out Demons from Your Home, Office and Property: 100 Powerful Prayers to

Cleanse Your Home, Office, Land & Property from Demonic Attacks

15. Praying Through the Book of Psalms: Most Powerful Psalms and Powerful Prayers &

Declarations for Every Situation: Birthday, Christmas, Business Ideas, Breakthrough, Deliverance,

Healing, Comfort, Exams, Decision Making, Grief, and Many More.

16. STUDENTS’ PRAYER BOOK: Powerful Motivation & Guide for Students & Anyone Preparing

to Write Exams: Plus 10 Days of Powerful Prayers for Wisdom, Favor, Protection & Success in

Studies, Exams & Life.

17. How to Pray and Receive Financial Miracle: Powerful Prayers for Financial Miracles, Business

and Career Breakthrough

Chapter 1: Understanding What Marine Spirits


“Then all the princes of the sea shall come down

from their thrones, and lay away their robes, and put
off their broidered garments: they shall clothe
themselves with trembling; they shall sit upon the
ground, and shall tremble at every moment, and be
astonished at thee.” -Ezekiel 26:16.

This scripture simply means that the seawaters have their own Princes and

Princesses. These are demonic spirits whose abode is the sea, from where
they plot, attack and oppress humanity with their various wiles. These

groups of demons are responsible for enforcing sexual impurities in our

societies today. They are also in charge of enforcing various kinds of

marriage problems, breakups and strife.

These demonic spirits are now on rampage in our world to win a lot of

people to the side of Satan and obstruct many from their Godly heritage and


Mark 5:12 gives us some idea of spirits from the sea and how far they could

make a man suffer.

And all the devils besought him, saying, Send us into the swine, that we may

enter into them. And forthwith Jesus gave them leave. And the unclean

spirits went out, and entered into the swine: and the herd ran violently down

a steep place into the sea, (they were about two thousand ;) and were
choked in the sea.

We all know that spirits don’t die, they simply relocate. So even though

those pigs died, it’s very scriptural to state that those 2,000 (legion) evil

spirits didn’t die. They simply relocated back to the sea from where they

came from, since there wasn’t a place for them in the land any more. But

can you just imagine how much these demons made that man to go through
before Jesus came to his rescue.
Marine spirits perpetrate the highest level of wickedness against mankind in

the form of filth, defilements and life frustration. A look at the fashion, the

music and the TV industries will give you an idea of how these demons are

fighting hard to ruin the world with seduction, all kinds of sexual and

sensual defilements.

Their operation does not also stop at just enforcing whoredom; they are also

into building wicked restrictions against people from possessing their


Read these letters to get an idea of one way that these spirits operate:

Dear …..,

I came across your website by chance on the Internet. God bless you, it is

very inspirational. I want some Holy spirit filled help from you to provide

some guidance with Bible verses or direction on how I can break a water

spirit married to my wife.

This spirit has been hindering my marriage from children for the last 9 yrs.

My wife went through menopause when she was 27 and is now 38. In the

last year we have changed our strategy on praying, by praying aggressively

and a lot has happened. For example a spirit tried to sleep with my wife 3X

this year but failed which had never happened before.

It finally came out from her mum she took my wife Sheila (when she was
very young) somewhere (in a water church) where she was bathed with

some leaves and three small incisions were made on her forehead. What it

was done for, her mum says she does not know. I don’t believe her.

Can you please provide guidance or some prayers to break this spirit away.

I know God will do it.

God bless you.

(name withheld)


I am under serious demonic attacks. It happens almost every minute,

everyday, while I walk, sleep or sit. A presence comes over me and starts

tormenting me. When it leaves me I start vomiting blood, my whole body

starts itching.
Nothing works for me. Sometimes it comes and sex me through my anus. I

cry all the times. I have fasted and prayed and nothing is changing in me. I

really need help” - Jimdevis


“I’m Nigerian but have lived in America since ’88. My mom is from the

Island, Bonny, and I was born on the coast: Port Harcourt. I’ve never been

able to marry or even have sex with a woman, and I’ve had dreams of

occult meetings with my dad by the water, of women telling me their babies

were mine when I didn’t know them, of being killed or taken into captivity,

of constant attacks, and of attacks from my dad. I’ve tried everything, but

nothing has worked, including ministry.

“I know a minister who’ll be taking me through deliverance, but it’ll be

good to get more information on the meaning of the above “dreams, etc.

I’ve been homeless since 2003 because of fear spirits and my dad and
family tormenting me from afar. Can you help?”

Apart from the very visible penetration of marine spirits in our society

today, these spirits also oppress people by coming to have sex with them in

the dream or even claim to be married to them, resulting in what is called

spiritual husband or spiritual wife. This spiritual union eventually becomes

a ground for the devil to cut the victims out of their blessings in Christ.

Spiritual husband or spiritual wife is not just a feel good preaching or get
scared talk to impress anyone. They are a reality that we are faced with in
our world. They have become one of the powerful devices of the devil that

we should not be ignorant about.

These demons who will take different forms usually give notice of their
presence to their victims by coming regularly in the dream to have sexual
union with them. Sometimes the victim will have dreams of having children

and living married, while in the physical, the reverse is the case.

These spiritual defilements, if not checked, will become a platform for the
devil to create several forms of oppressions and attacks on the subjects and

stop them from being blessed in many ways.

One thing about marine spirits is that they are stubborn. To obtain victory
you need to pray over and over and over again, and keep speaking the word

of God after deliverance. For example read this letter:

“I have applied various strategies over the deliverance from marine spirit

but only little inputs. Please I am a victim to this horrible situations and I

need spiritual support.” - Ezea


There is a slight difference between marine spirits possession and

oppression. When marine spirits possess a person, they use that person to
seduce others and eventually frustrate their victims. They do it on purpose,

as messengers. Most times the people who are possessed know that they are
possessed and they know that they have given these demons permission to

use them to get at others.

On the other hand, someone can be oppressed by marine spirits. In this case
the person may have just exposed himself or herself in one way or the other

and the spirits starts exploiting that invitation. Such people are not happy
with what’s happening in their lives. They want to be free, but often times

don’t know how to go about it.

In either case however, there is freedom for anyone who desires it and will

call upon God sincerely.


The main form of entry for marine spirits into people’s lives is through
sexual intercourse and sexually related immoralities, such as fornication,
adultery, masturbation, partner exchange, pornography etc. These sins

become a legal ground for these spirits to control the persons.

It’s also possible for these spirits to gain access into a person’s life via other
methods, like parental initiation, consulting mermaids, worshipping of
water spirits, symbolic incisions and rituals, etc.

“A person suffering from marine spirits influence

would find it hard to practice holiness because
reading the Bible would be difficult, praying would
be hard work, and fasting too, would be tough.

People possessed or oppressed by water spirits may

also be exposed to quick tempers.

They may also dream about water from time to time,

and many times, may have uncontrollable sexual
urges. They may also find it difficult to settle down in
marriage, and may experience hindrances to

marine spirits cannot be forced out or overcome once they’ve gained entry
by just positive confessions, or just ignoring them, or by just giving

offerings and paying tithes; they can only be cast out and their holds broken

by extensive fasting and declaring the word of God in the name and through

the blood of Jesus Christ.


Marine spirits oppress people in several ways, some which include:

Sexual intercourse in the dream.

Marital problems such as non-marriage, late marriage,

disappointments, etc

Business and financial disappointments

Constant quarrels between husband and wife. If a wife is under

marine spirits attack, the spirits will be jealous that their claimed

wife is in a relationship with another man, and consequently

cause constant strife between the couple…just to get them to

separate. Same thing applies for the man side as well

Sexual immorality and uncontrollable sexual urges and desires.

Disgraceful sexual practices and shameless fantasizing.

Marriage failure and divorce.

Bareness and or miscarriages.

Seeing self by the river in the dreams.

Extreme love for ornaments or jewelry

Stubborn and vicious spirit husband or wife.

Seeing marine animals in your dreams, such as crocodile, water

turtles, crabs, serpents, etc.

Encounters with spirit spouse and spirit children.

Unexplainable hindrances to progress.

Unexplainable failure where there should be success particularly

after evil sex encounters in the dream.

Genuine repentance is always the first step to deliverance, followed by

waiting on the LORD with fasting and serious prayers. As we pray the

prayers below, every marine spirit connection you have will be destroyed

and you will be set free in Jesus name.

Chapter 2: How to Pray for Deliverance from
Marine Spirits and Release Your Blessings

“…I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. See, I

have given you authority to tread on snakes and
scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy.
Nothing will harm you. “Nevertheless, do not rejoice
that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your
names are written in heaven.” - (Luke 10:18-20)

Of course, the first step to deliverance from marine spirits is to surrender to

the LORDSHIP of Christ and decide to serve God, as a free person. Those

who receive Christ as their LORD and savior have their names written in
the Book of Life. They can bind and cast out demons and break the power

of witchcraft and nothing shall by any means hurt them.

You can bind and cast out the devil and destroy the power of witchcraft

from your life and family as a child of God. Yes, you can and should learn
to do that. In fact, the book of Proverbs said:

“Deliver thyself as a roe from the hand of the hunter,

and as a bird from the hand of the fowler.” -
Proverbs 6:5

You can and should deliver yourself. No one can pray for you the way you

will for yourself. You hold the key into your life. Whatever you forbid will

be forbidden, and whatever you allow will be allowed. So here are the steps
to minister deliverance to yourself or to a loved one.

Jesus said that there are stubborn demons that will try to resist our prayers,
but with fasting we can be adequately prepared to crush them. (Matthew
17:21). Fasting increases the power of prayer several times over.

When you fast, the Holy Spirit will open your eyes to doorways that need to

be removed. It is highly recommended that you fast for 3 days or more and
pray these prayers all these days.

There are different kinds of fasting. But whatever kind of fasting you can
do, that is okay. I usually encourage people to drink water when they are

fasting. Whichever kind of fasting you decide to do, whether it is 6-10am,

6-12:00 noon, 6PM-6AM, that’s okay.

Ask the Holy Spirit to show you what open doors you might have that
would allow the marine witchcraft spirits to oppress you or come into your
life and home. He will show you things and areas that need to be addressed.

Some doorways may be sins, while others may be unknown objects, books,

tools, etc. somewhere in the house or property. As you pray, and follow the
leading of the Holy Spirit, He’ll put it in your heart, areas that you may
need to confess sins to the LORD or things to take away and destroy.

Just be open to the Holy Spirit to show you what needs to be done here.

Prayers to deal with marine attacks, possession or oppression are better

done in the midnight, usually between the hours of 12 midnight to 4AM.
Spend a good time in praise and worship and then embark on the prayers

here to set yourself free.

Remember, if you ever feel threatened or attacked by marine spirits in the

future, you can come back to these prayers until you obtain your

You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow
that flies by day

That simply means that terrors are usually executed in the night times. You

know why? Because “Everyone who does evil hates the day, and will not

come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed (John 3:30-

Jesus said in Matthew 13:25

“But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed
tares among the wheat, and went his way.”

Enemies utilize the night to sow tares in people’s lives because they easily
get away without notice. But when we decide to watch and pray in the

night, we can destroy whatever the enemies have sown and release our

hanging blessings. So pray these prayers mainly in the midnights


There are about 100 prayer points in the prayer chapters below. They range
from confession prayers, declaration prayers, and deliverance prayers, to
prayers of intercession for your family. It may not be possible for you to

pray all these prayers in one session. You may spread the prayers into 3 or 7
days. You can start where you stopped the previous day. But I advise that

you pray all the prayers for each prayer session and all the entire prayers for
this prayer project…breaking the power of witchcraft and releasing buried


This book will help you pray with the word of God effectively. Your prayers
will have more power and produce more effect when they are saturated with
God’s Word.

So, in praying the prayers in this book take time to read the scriptures that

are recommended and personalize them. If after reading a scripture, you

feel like praying some other way before coming back to this outline, that’s

Please do not recite the prayer points in this book. That is, do not just read
them only and say you have prayed. The prayer points are just guides. As

you read out one, spend time praying it through with words the Holy Spirit
puts in your mouth.

And if you are baptized in the Holy Spirit, do not hesitate to pray in tongues

whenever you are moved, even while you follow the prayer points and
strategies in this book (see Ephesians 6:18, jude20).
Chapter 3: Scriptures for Reflection and


Revelations 12: 11 - And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and
by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.

Isaiah 49: 24-26 - "Can the prey be taken from the mighty man, Or the

captives of a tyrant be rescued?"

Surely, thus says the LORD, "Even the captives of the mighty man will be

taken away, and the prey of the tyrant will be rescued; for I will contend

with the one who contends with you, And I will save your sons.

"I will feed your oppressors with their own flesh, and they will become

drunk with their own blood as with sweet wine; And all flesh will know that
I, the LORD, am your Savior And your Redeemer, the Mighty One of

Isaiah 54:4-5 - “Fear not; for thou shalt not be ashamed: neither be thou

confounded; for thou shalt not be put to shame: for thou shalt forget the
shame of thy youth, and shalt not remember the reproach of thy widowhood


“For thy Maker is thine husband; the LORD of hosts is his name; and thy

Redeemer the Holy One of Israel; The God of the whole earth shall he be

called.” (If Jesus is your husband, then legally and according to Him, you cannot have any other
marine husband or wife.)

1 Corintians 6: 17 - “But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit.” (We

cannot be joined to any other god).

Isaiah 54:14 -15, 17 - “…thou shall be far from oppression: for thou shall

not fear: and from terror; for it shall not come near thee”

“Behold, they shall surely gather together, but not by me: whosoever shall

gather together against thee shall fall for thy sake.”

“No weapon formed against you shall prosper, And every tongue which

rises against you in judgment. You shall condemn. This is the heritage of
the servants of the Lord, And their righteousness is from Me, Says the


1 John 4:4 - “Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them:

because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.”

Chapter 4: Prayers to Defeat Marine Spirits.

Once again, bear in mind that as we pray the prayers below, every marine

spirit connection you have will be destroyed and you will be set free in
Jesus name.



Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I come before You this day once again

and plead the Blood of Jesus Christ over my spirit, soul and body.

By the Blood of Jesus I receive forgiveness of sins and reunion with You.

I am a new creature in Christ Jesus and old things have passed away.

I am Your workmanship, recreated in Christ as a priest and king to reign

here on earth.


O LORD, according to Your Word, I am joined to Christ in one Spirit (I cor.

6:17) and so cannot be joined to any other spirit.

I therefore plead my case this day and declare that marine spirits have no

ground to be connected to my spirit, soul and body henceforth, in Jesus


Heavenly Father, as I intercede and pray this day, I surrender myself to the

Holy Spirit and ask that You bring to my attention anything that is serving

as an opening in my life for marine spirits to attack me.

Show me areas of my life that needs to be attended to and objects or

materials that are with me that I need to destroy, in Jesus name.


O LORD, You said in Isaiah 49: 25 that You will fight against those that

fight against me and save me and my children.

I therefore hand over this battle against marine spirits over to You in faith

and declare that I have victory already, in Jesus name.


Jesus Christ was made manifest that He might destroy all the works of the

So every work of the devil and of marine spirits in my life and family are

hereby declared to go into a destruction mode.

As I go into this prayer, I hold in my hand the victory Jesus Christ

purchased on the cross of Calvary, when He made an open show of

principalities and powers and triumphed over them.


I take my position in Christ as one given power to become a son of God,

even joint heir with Christ to execute judgment against every form of

disobedience exhibited against the knowledge of God in my life and family,

in Jesus name.


I come against evil strongholds of any marine kingdom against my life and

family. I command them to be destroyed right now, in Jesus name.

Every marine altar erected against me and my family, physically or in the

marine (water) kingdoms, be destroyed by fire this day, in Jesus name.


I pollute every demonic waters from where attacks are being coordinated

against my life and family by the Blood of Jesus Christ. I overrun every

demonic queen or king enthroned against my life and family, and I trample

on all the snakes and scorpions being used against me from the marine

world, in Jesus name.


You evil queens, kings, princes and princesses from the rivers and coasts,

working against my life and my destiny, hear the WORD of God.

Jesus is the only LORD and Savior of my life. He is the only King and

husband of my life. You have no ground to claim connection with me

henceforth. I therefore bind you all and command you to get back into the

abyss in Jesus name.


Holy Ghost Fire, erase my name from marine kingdoms and altars from

today, in Jesus name.


Every demonic spirit claiming to be my husband or wife, I declare that you

are mad. Marriage is done with the consent of each party. How can you be

claiming to be my wife or husband when I have not given you any consent.

This shows how foolish you evil spirits are with your master the devil.

I command fire to rain from heaven right now over you and your children. I

command you all to be bound and bundled back into the abyss and remain

bound in Jesus name.


It is written in Acts 17:30 that in the days of Ignorance the LORD has


Whatever I have done in the past that became a ground for evil spirits to

claim marriage to me is hereby erased by the Blood of Jesus Christ.


Whatever evil marriage instrument in my possession, knowingly or

unknowingly, I command them to be exposed and destroyed by fire this day,

in Jesus name.


Any witchcraft practice under any water against my life, receive immediate
judgment of fire this day, in the name of Jesus Christ.


Every priest ministering at an evil altar against me inside any water, fall

down, be broken and cast into abyss, in the name of Jesus.


I destroy any demonic instrument being used to monitor and remote control

my life and destiny, in Jesus name.


Every agent of marine witchcraft physically attached to my home and

marriage to frustrate it, be exposed and decease by fire from now onwards,

in Jesus name.


I hereby neutralize every marine witchcraft attack against my finances,

business, health and reproductive systems, in Jesus name.


I reverse and nullify every form of bewitchments, enchantments, curses,

spells and divinations against me by marine witches, in the name of Jesus



Wherever meetings have been held or are holding or will be held against

me by marine demons and witches, I attack such gatherings with God’s

WORD in Isaiah 54:15, which says that they shall gather together but their
gathering is not of the LORD and whoever gathers against me shall fall.

I command every demonic gathering of witches and marine spirits in the

marine world against me to scatter by fire, in Jesus name.


From this day forward, I render all evil decisions and decrees taken against
my life and destiny by marine spirits to nothing, in Jesus name.


I command every demon released to monitor my life and activate demonic

decisions to collapse and become blind this moment, and be bundled into

the abyss by fire, in Jesus name.


Every water spirits from my village or place of my birth, practicing

witchcraft against me and my family, be amputated by fire right now, in the

name of Jesus Christ.


I command fire from heaven to excavate all my blessings and virtues buried

in the sea and bring them back to me, in Jesus name.


This day, I declare with God’s Word in Isaiah 60:4-6 and say:

My blessings and prosperity shall gather together and come to me.

I will carry my sons and daughters and grandchildren.

I will be radiant and my heart shall be filled with joy from now onwards.

Riches and wealth and the abundance of the sea shall be turned to me.

The wealth of the nations shall come to me.

Men and women will bring gold and frankincense and submit them to my

And my mouth shall be filled with good news, in Jesus name.


I decree according to 1 Peter 2:24 that Jesus carried my sins and diseases
and pains at the cross. By His wounds I am healed.

Every sickness and affliction in my body is a stranger. And from today, they

have no more place in my life and family.

You afflictions and pains in my life and family caused by marine spirits and

witchcraft, cease right now in Jesus name.

28. The Blood of Jesus Christ cleanses me from all unrighteousness

according to I John 1:7-9.

I therefore decree that I am cleansed from every form of sexual pollution of

marine spirit husband or wife, in Jesus name.


I am disconnected from the marine world and connected to Jesus Christ,

forever and ever, in Jesus name.

Thank You LORD Jesus Christ for my deliverance and permanent victory

over the marine kingdom and their operations.

There shall be no reinforcement or evil reunion against me henceforth, for

afflictions shall not rise a second time (Nahum 1:9)

I seal my victory and confessions with the blood of Jesus and I cover myself

with the blood of Jesus.

In Jesus name.


REFLECTION: Romans 12:1-2, Psalm 1:1-3, 2 Corinthians 10: 4-5.


Almighty Father, I surrender my body to YOU this day. I hand over my

thoughts to you and dedicate my mind, imagination and attitude to you

henceforth, in Jesus name.


O LORD, uproot out of my life every inner argument and unbelief

contesting your Word in my life, in Jesus name.


I hereby arrest every negative thought in me, resisting the move of the Holy
I command these thoughts to wither by fire right now, in Jesus name.


Every spiritual stronghold in my life working against the knowledge of God,

I pull you down right now, in the name of Jesus Christ.


I command all the false gods contesting for worship in my life, die by fire,

in Jesus name.


Every bad habit in my life, causing a barrier between me and the power of
God, O LORD, let your fire destroy them this moment, in Jesus name.


From today LORD JESUS, plant in me an everlasting hatred for every work

of the flesh as revealed in Your WORD.

I claim my freedom from every destructive habit.

You spirits of anger, lust, dishonesty, lying, spiritual laziness, pride,

exaggeration, alcoholism, smoking, gossiping, and criticizing – by the

blood of Jesus Christ, I declare that I am forever free from all of you.

I command you all to leave my life now and go into the abyss in Jesus



O LORD my Father, whatever evil effect happening in my life, resulting

from my characters, past mistakes, or addictions to negative thoughts,

words and actions, LORD, please set free, in the name of Jesus Christ.


Whatever curse and obstacle my wrong association and friendships have

brought upon my life, O LORD, let them be destroyed today, in the name of

Jesus Christ.

Father, from now onwards, surround me with the right people; surround me

with people who will challenge me towards a Godly and excellent life.

In Jesus name.

I commit myself never to walk in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stand in the

way of sinners, nor dine with mockers.

Cause me by Your Spirit to find delight in seeking You and following Godly


Make me like a tree planted by the riverside that will bear fruit in all


In Jesus name.



“Heavenly Father, I give You praise because You delight in the prosperity of
Your people. I give You praise because YOU supply my needs according to
Your riches in Christ Jesus. Receive my praise today in Jesus name.”


“How often do I think that prosperity, money and success is by my own

efforts and will alone. LORD, I come to YOU this day and confess my

ignorance and pride. Forgive me for not giving YOU the ultimate place in
my finances in the past. Forgive me and let Your mercy prevail over me this

day, in Jesus name.

By the Blood of Jesus, I receive forgiveness of sins. I receive forgiveness for

any form of greed and financial impropriety in the past. LORD Jesus let

Your Blood speak for me spiritually from this moment, in Jesus name.


“Thank YOU LORD Jesus because in YOU I have forgiveness of sins. In

YOU I have grace to appear before the Almighty God to obtain mercy and

find grace in time of need. In YOU I have assurance that when I pray, I

receive answers. This is the confidence that I have, that as I pray for my

finances this day, I have answers to Your Glory, in Jesus name.


“Almighty Father, as it is written in Your WORD, in Job 36:11, that if I

obey and serve YOU, that I will spend my days in prosperity and my years

in plenty. LORD, I come to YOU this day and ask for grace to obey YOUR

Word on finances and in every aspect of life, in Jesus name.

“HOLY SPIRIT, I come to YOU today, I ask You to make me willing and

obedient to the WORD of God henceforth according to Isaiah 1:19 so that I

may eat the good things of the land. Uproot every seed of greed and

disobedience from me this day, in Jesus name.


“Dear LORD, I ask YOU to make me a blessing in this world, that my life

will be a light and support to those who are in need, for it is written that

when I give, You will command men to give back to me. Inspire me to give

and to give joyfully without regrets from today, in Jesus name.


“Holy Spirit, please motivate me and help me to honor the LORD with my

resources and finances from this day, so that my barns will be full and

overflowing with harvest, in Jesus name.”


“Heavenly Father, I stand in the authority in the name of Jesus Christ right

now. I command every demon working against my business, my career and

my finances to collapse, be bound and cast into the abyss, in Jesus name.


“It is written in Matthew 16:19 that whatsoever I bind here on earth is

bound in heaven and whatsoever I loose here on earth is loosed in heaven. I

therefore bind every spirit of poverty, lack, frustration and loss. I cast them

into the abyss from today, in Jesus name.


“O LORD, based on Your Word we have authority here on this earth and

according to (Mark 11:23) we can speak to the mountain and it will have to
obey us. So devil, I speak to you in the name of Jesus Christ, I command

you to take your hands off my finances right now in the Name of Jesus.


“I speak to the mountain of Lack and Want, I command you to be removed

and cast into the sea from this day, in the Name of Jesus.

“I hereby declare all curses against my life null, void, and destroyed from

today. I am redeemed from the curse of poverty! I am free from oppression,

in the name of Jesus Christ.


I now loose the abundance of God, and all that rightfully belongs to me now

to start locating me, in Jesus name.


I thank You O LORD that You have a plan for me to overcome this have

abundance. I cast all my cares and money worries over on You Lord. I

WILL NOT WORRY anymore, neither will I FRET. I have peace and I’m

enjoying God’s supplies, in Jesus name.


“It is written that angels are ministering spirits sent to minster unto the

heirs of salvation. Therefore LORD, I ask that your angels of goodness, love
and success begin to minister to my needs henceforth, in the name of Jesus



“Wherever my finances are, whoever is connected to my financial

breakthroughs, O LORD, let your angels begin to reconnect them to me this

day. As I step out to work on my business or career, LORD Jesus, men and

women will bring me favor, in Jesus’ name.


Heavenly Father, it is written that You give us power to create wealth.

Therefore, I ask You to give me the power, wisdom and guidance to create

wealth in my life. In Jesus name.


“LORD, I ask YOU today for ideas, I ask YOU for inspiration and divine

strategies to turn my career around and grow my business into a global

brand. Show me secrets hidden from men and help me to unleash YOUR full

potential in what I am doing at the moment, in Jesus name.


“O LORD, make me an employer of labor, so that I will be a blessing to

others and fulfill the covenant of Abraham which I inherit in Christ Jesus.

Direct me to men and materials that YOU have assigned to bring me into

my place of financial and business dominion before the world began, in

Jesus name.


“Holy Spirit, You are my teacher. I ask You to teach me how to make profit

in my business and career. Teach me to become a shining light in my

business and career. Open my eyes to the right job opportunities and

profitable business ventures, in Jesus name.


Heavenly Father, I thank YOU for Your Word, in Psalm 1:3, which says that

I am like a tree planted by the riverside. Whatever I do prospers. Lord I

pray, let your blessing and prosperity fill my house, in Jesus name.

“It is written in 1 Corinthians 9: 8 that God is able to make all grace

abound toward me; that I, always having all sufficiency in all things, may

abound to every good work.

“Therefore, LORD, I decree that from this day, I have all sufficiency in all

things and I lack nothing. I decree that the grace of God is causing me to
abound in every good work, in Jesus name.


“It is written in Psalm 112:3 that wealth and riches will be in my house,

and his righteousness endures forever.

“So I decree that my house shall be filled with wealth and riches in Jesus


“The Lord is my Shepherd. He prepares a table before me in the presence of

my enemies. He anoints my head with oil. My cup runs over with blessings!
Money comes to me right now. God is opening the windows of heaven for
me. He meets my every need according to His riches in glory by Jesus


He is causing men to give unto me good measure, pressed down, shaken

together and running over, in Jesus name


God has given me the power to get wealth. I’m blessed in the field. I am

blessed going in and going out. I have the favor of God. Favor,
breakthrough, success, money and every good thing comes to me from this

day, in Jesus name.


REFLECTION: Isaiah 30:21


“Father LORD, I thank THEE for You are my Shepherd. You will guide me

in the right paths for Your name’s sake. You will instruct me in the ways that
I should choose.

You will guide me always; and will satisfy my needs even in difficult times

and hard places; and will strengthen my innermost being.

You will make me like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters

never fail. (Isaiah 58:11).

I honor and praise THEE for Your will is to guide me and give me direction

at all times, in Jesus name.


In the same vein LORD, I ask that You forgive me in every way I have tried

to run my life without acknowledging YOU.

Forgive me for all the wrong decisions I have taken in the past without

allowing You to make any input.

How often have I made choices out of my own ways; hence have suffered

severe consequences and even failed and got trapped on occasions.

Today, LORD, I surrender to THEE and declare that henceforth, YOU be

the pilot of my affairs and lead me in the paths ordained for me in YOUR


Whatever I have suffered in my family, life, business and career, or lost, as a

result of taking decisions that were not of You in the past, please LORD, I

ask You to restore them to me hundredfold, in Jesus name.


Henceforth O LORD, I confess that I am not able to provide sound direction

for my life in this confused world.

I therefore remind THEE that I will always need THEE every day of my life

in taking decisions in my family, place of work, ministry, business and in

fact, all aspects of my life.

I ask, LORD, that the Holy Spirit will always remind me to acknowledge

You at all times and provide me with guidance and direction when I need it,

in Jesus name.


Even now, O LORD, I lean on THEE and thy promises for my life and

therefore bring up these entire plans I have for my life, family, career,

business and ministry before THEE.

LORD, look at all that I am planning to do, and thinking to carry out. Here

they are:

(Tell the LORD your plans)

Now O LORD, I pray, how do I go about all these?

You said that Your sheep hear your voice in John 10:27.
So LORD, right now, speak to me and guide me in taking the right decisions

that will bring Glory to Your name and safety to your people, in Jesus


“LORD, I trust THEE according to Proverbs 3:5-6 and hereby lean not

unto my own understanding. I acknowledge YOU in all these plans O

LORD, and ask according to THY Word, direct my paths, in Jesus name.

(Proverbs 3:5-6)


LORD You said in James 1:5 that if any lack wisdom, let him ask and You

will give Him.

Lord, I confess that I lack wisdom make the best out of my life and achieve

these plans I have tabled before THEE.

I confess that I don’t know the right decision to take without Your help.
I confess that I lack the capacity to lead myself to the right place in this

career, business, relationship and others.

O LORD, please lead me and give me wisdom to decide rightly, in Jesus



“O LORD, You said in 1 John 5:14 “this is the confidence that we have in

YOU, that, if we ask any thing according to YOUR will, that YOU hear us.

“You also said in Isaiah 30:21 that my ears shall hear a word behind me,

saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when I turn to the right hand, and

when I turn to the left.

“According to Your Word, LORD, my desire for Your guidance and

direction is according to Your will.

So I ask You now to Speak to me and bring to my knowledge the way that I

should walk in this matter, in Jesus name.


“Holy Spirit, please teach me even now and at all times. I put my trust in

You and believe that You will help me navigate through this moment and all

glory will be to the LORD Jesus Christ, in Jesus name.”


“Thank You Heavenly Father,

Thank You LORD Jesus.

Thank You Holy Spirit.

As I lay me down right now in quietness, let me receive Your instruction,

ideas, insights, visions and strategies to follow regarding all these and more

that You plan for my life, in Jesus name.


I believe that You will answer and show me great and mighty things which I

do not know, for I have called unto THEE according to Jeremiah 33:3; and
I take solace in Your Word, in Jesus name.


(Now lay quiet before God and write down whatever He lays in your

heart. But even if He doesn’t speak to you immediately, surely, He is in

control and will speak to you as you continue to remind Him of Your
dependence on Him daily.)

REFLECTION: - Galatians 5:22-23


Heavenly Father,

Thank You for engrafting me in Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit as a branch.

You designed me to bear fruits of righteousness, love, peace, joy, gentleness,

self-control, goodness, patience, and kindness.

O LORD, I desire to bear these fruits in my life henceforth,

In Jesus name.


Dear Holy Spirit,

I desire to remain rooted in Christ, bearing fruits that lead others to the

light of God’s love.

I desire to walk in LOVE, forgiving others at all times and gifting God’s

blessings in my life with others, just as God Loved and gave Jesus to die for


I desire to walk in joy every day of my life, thereby drawing from the well of

Please remind and help me at all times to LOVE and be joyful as I live, in

Jesus name.


Dear Holy Spirit,

I desire to walk in peace with myself and with others as a child of God.

I desire to walk in patience, for faith makes no haste.

I desire to walk in kindness, thoughtfulness and compassion for others just

as Christ was compassionate at all times.

Provide me with daily assistance to bear these fruits of peace, patience and

kindness in abundance, so that Jesus will be glorified in my life every day,

in Jesus name.


Dear Holy Spirit,

I desire to bear the fruit of Goodness, so that I may lead others to Jesus


I desire to be faithful at all times with whatever God blesses me with, so

that I may stand before God in the end and receive the rewards of


I desire to be gentle with myself and others, in thoughts, words and actions,

so that I may be an instrument of encouragement and uplifting to others and

not discouragement.

I desire to walk in Self-control in food, dressing, and in everything so that I

could win the race set before me and not be a cast away after preaching to

I call upon You to empower me every day to bear these fruits as I live, serve

God and relate with others.

In Jesus name I pray. Amen.



Dear Holy Spirit,

You are the One here on earth today testifying of Christ and bearing witness
of His death and resurrection.

I surrender myself to THEE today; knowing fully well that One united with

You is united with God the Father and our Savior, LORD Jesus Christ.

Holy Spirit, I desire Your gifts this day, and I come asking You to brood
upon me right now and manifest Your presence in my life and fill me with

the Glory of Heaven, in Jesus name.


Holy Spirit,

I give You my heart and I offer my passionate thanksgiving for all the grace

which You never cease to impart on me.

Manifest in me the Gift which You have bestowed on me for my spiritual

instruction, and benefiting of Your people.

In Jesus name.


Dear Holy Spirit,

Your Word reveals different gifts that come from You, given to us,

individually, to serve the Body of Christ. These gifts according to 1

Corinthians 12:7-11 include:

The gift of word of wisdom

The gift of word of knowledge

The gift of faith

The gift of healing

The gift of performing miracles

The gift of prophecy

The gift of discernment of spirits

The gift of speaking in different tongues and

The gift of interpreting different tongues.

Holy Spirit, if You ask me, I would say I need all of these gifts.

However, I know there is a gift or several gifts You have already imparted in

me. Cause me to recognize this gift or these gifts and let them manifest in

my life, in such a way I would be so convinced of Your Work in my life.

In Jesus name.


Holy Spirit,

Please make me humble even as I serve Your people with the gifts You have

bestowed on me, which begins to flow and manifest in undeniable ways in

my life henceforth.

In Jesus name


REFLECTION: 1 Peter 4:8, Ecclesiastes 4:12, Ephesians 4:2-3, Psalm




“Father LORD, I recognize that You are the one who instituted marriage in

order to further Your will here on earth. Thank You for my partner whom
You have given to me.

You said in Your Word, Jeremiah 29:11, that You have a good plan for me,

to give me a great and happy future.

LORD, I thank YOU because today is part of my future. I thank You because

YOU are working out in everything I go through for my own good. I say
may YOUR name be glorified forever and ever in Jesus name.”

“LORD Jesus, I come to You this moment and completely surrender to

YOU. I ask You to forgive me in every way I have tried to work out my

relationship without YOU.

“How often do I think that it is in my hand to make the best out of my

partner. LORD, Forgive my ignorance and negative thinking.

“You said in 2 Chronicles 7:14 that if I humble myself and confess my

faults, that You will forgive me and heal my land.

LORD, in this case my land is my relationship. I confess my faults in

thoughts, words and actions in this relationship. Forgive me, cleanse me

and let your mercy be made manifest for me by the Blood of Jesus Christ.

“LORD, I claim Your Forgiveness today. I claim Your grace and mercy to

find help in my relationship, in Jesus name.


“O LORD, I bring my partner before THEE. I raise my relationship and

marriage before THEE.

I ask YOU LORD to help me to delight myself in YOU. Help me to believe

You at all times and trust YOUR work in my life. Draw me closer to You

each day of my life, both now and forever more, in Jesus name.


“Father, You said that as I delight myself in You, that You will give me the

desires of my heart. That as I trust You, YOU will make my righteousness to

shine like dawn.

Lord, I desire that You will heal my marriage and bring back Your love and

understanding between us, far more greater than it used to be.

Cause us to begin to find favor with each other henceforth, in Jesus name.


“O LORD, I wait patiently on THEE and believe that You will not allow the

wicked to carry out their schemes in my life, in the life of my partner, my

marriage and home. Take away strife between us and bind us once again in

YOUR love, in Jesus name.


O LORD, I speak right now to the spirits of anger, strife, hate, alcohol,

addiction and indecency;

I bind you demons and command you all to pack your belongings and leave

my life and that of my partner right now.

I command you demons causing strife, anger, quarrelling,

misunderstanding, thoughts of indecency, addiction to negativity, and

separation to go into the abyss and remain their bound forever and ever, in

Jesus name.


“I decree that my partner and I are humble and serving the LORD. I decree

that our hearts are arrested and bonded together in the spirit and in the

physical world, in Jesus name.






Heavenly Father, In the Name of Jesus, I ask for Your will to be done in my

life as I seek a godly life partner.

Your Word says in Psalm 37:4 that if I delight myself in THEE – that You

will give me the desires of my heart.

LORD, because the covenant of marriage is divine and holy I ask for a

godly life partner so that our lives will be lived in your service forever and

ever, in Jesus name.


LORD, please provide me a partner who will love You and follow after You

all the days of their life.

Give me a partner who will love me and take me for who You have made me

to be, as I continually grow in THY LOVE.

In Jesus name.


Please Father, protect my future spouse from any lies, tricks traps or snares

of the enemy. Keep them safe in all their ways and direct them to me, in

Jesus name.

O LORD, please keep me from attaching myself to anyone out of

desperation. Help me not to settle for a relationship that's second best,

convenient, or one that feeds my insecurities. And when I meet my future

spouse, please confirm to me that he/she is the one in ways I will be very

sure about, in Jesus name.


It is written in James 1:5 that, “If any lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who

gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him."

LORD, I now ask You for wisdom and strength to let go of any luggage of

past relationships, and prepare for the spouse You have chosen for me, in

Jesus name.


LORD, help me to let go of any unrealistic expectations that will set me up

for disappointment.

And let every stronghold of insecurity, habitual sins, selfishness, and

emotionalism designed to yoke my life and bring an evil entanglement be

broken this day, in Jesus name.


LORD, I come against every demon projected to obstruct or delay my

spouse from locating me; I bind them and cast them into abyss, in Jesus


I now release my spouse wherever they are to start coming to locate me, in
Jesus name.


Father Your Word says in Psalm127:1-5 that, "Unless the Lord builds the
house, those who build it labor in vain".

I therefore pray LORD that in our future relationship we will draw closer to

You daily, placing You first in our lives together, in Jesus name.


LORD, I pray, in this period of waiting, help me by the Holy Spirit to look

to You alone to be my companion and best friend.

For You are the one who redeems my life from the pit, who crowns me with

love and compassion, who satisfies my desires with good things (Psalm
I declare according to Philippians 4:6-7 that I will not be anxious about
anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving I

will make my requests made known to God. And the peace of God, which
surpasses all understanding, will guard my heart and my mind, in Jesus


Thank you Lord, for hearing my prayer in Jesus' Name I pray, Amen.
Chapter 5: How to Maintain Your Victory Over

Marine Spirits.

“When the unclean spirit has gone out of a person, it passes through
waterless places seeking rest, but finds none.

Then it says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came.’ And when it
comes, it finds the house empty, swept, and put in order.

Then it goes and brings with it seven other spirits more evil than itself, and

they enter and dwell there, and the last state of that person is worse than the
first. So also will it be with this evil generation.” –

Matthew 12:43-45

Jesus is simply saying here that there is a probability that one gets delivered
from sickness, curses and evil spirit attacks and the problems come back

again and the situation become worse than it were in the beginning.
But it doesn’t have to be so.

The Word of God gives us an idea of how we can keep our deliverance and

victory permanent.

From Jesus’ statement above, it’s obvious that if you leave your spirit
empty, you might get attacked with worse situation.

Consequently, it’s important to fill your spirit with positive thoughts and

vibrations. Fill your mind with God’s Word on a daily basis.

“Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and

night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you

will be prosperous and successful. - Joshua 1:8”

Work out a system to read the Bible daily, one or two chapters a day and

your spirit will have content that will resist the enemy at all times.

“So you shall serve the LORD your God, and He will bless your bread and
your water. And I will take sickness away from the midst of you. No one

shall suffer miscarriage or be barren in your land; I will fulfill the number
of your days." - Exodus 23:25-26:

Find a place in God’s kingdom and do His work. Join in sharing tracts, the

prayer team, the ushering department… just get busy for the LORD, and no
enemy will have grounds over your life

It is possible that you experience some form of attack, temptation and

setback in your life, from time to time. That doesn’t necessarily mean that

you are not delivered.

It’s important for you to believe that you have been delivered and confess
your deliverance, and stop running to and fro looking for other types of

prayers for deliverance any more. Remember what the Bible says:

“Now faith is the assurance (title deed, confirmation) of things hoped for

(divinely guaranteed), and the evidence of things not seen [the conviction of
their reality—faith comprehends as fact what cannot be experienced by the

physical senses]. 2 For by this [kind of] faith the [a]men of old gained

[divine] approval - Hebrews 11:1(AMP).


When you share your story with others, your blessings become permanent.
Jesus told the healed man…

“ Return to your home, and declare how much God has done for you.” And

he went away, proclaiming throughout the whole city how much Jesus had
done for him - Luke 8:39 (ESV)

Proverbs 18:21 - Death and life [are] in the power of the tongue: and they

that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.

1 Peter 3:10 - For he that will love life, and see good days, let him refrain
his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak no guile:

Ephesians 4:29 - Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your

mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister
grace unto the hearers.

God bless you.

Other Books by the Same Author.

1. Prayer Retreat: 21 Days Devotional With 500 Powerful Prayers & Declarations to Destroy

Stubborn Demonic Problems, Dislodge Every Spiritual Wickedness Against Your Life and Release

Your Detained Blessings

2. HEALING PRAYERS & CONFESSIONS: Powerful Daily Meditations, Prayers and Declarations

for Total Healing and Divine Health.

3. 200 Violent Prayers for Deliverance, Healing and Financial Breakthrough.

4. Hearing God's Voice in Painful Moments: 21 Days Bible Meditations and Prayers to Bring

Comfort, Strength and Healing When Grieving for the Loss of Someone You Love.

5 . Healing Prayers: 30 Powerful Prophetic Prayers that Brings Healing and Empower You to Walk in

Divine Health.

6. Healing WORDS: 55 Powerful Daily Confessions & Declarations to Activate Your Healing &

Walk in Divine Health: Strong Decrees That Invoke Healing for You & Your Loved Ones

7. Prayers That Break Curses and Spells and Release Favors and Breakthroughs.
8. 7 Days Fasting With 120 Powerful Night Prayers for Personal Deliverance and Breakthrough.

9. 100 Powerful Prayers for Your Teenagers: Powerful Promises and Prayers to Let God Take Control

of Your Teenagers & Get Them to Experience Love & Fulfillment

10. How to Pray for Your Children Everyday: + 75 Powerful Prayers & Prophetic Declarations to

Use and Pray for Your Children's Salvation, Future, Health, Education, Career, Relationship,

Protection, etc

11. How to Pray for Your Family: + 70 Powerful Prayers and Prophetic Declarations for Your

Family's Salvation, Healing, Victory, Breakthrough & Total Restoration.

12. Daily Prayer Guide: A Practical Guide to Praying and Getting Results – Learn How to Develop a

Powerful Personal Prayer Life

13. Make Him Respect You: 31 Relationship Advice for Women to Make their Men Respect Them.

14. How to Cast Out Demons from Your Home, Office and Property: 100 Powerful Prayers to

Cleanse Your Home, Office, Land & Property from Demonic Attacks

15. Praying Through the Book of Psalms: Most Powerful Psalms and Powerful Prayers &

Declarations for Every Situation: Birthday, Christmas, Business Ideas, Breakthrough, Deliverance,

Healing, Comfort, Exams, Decision Making, Grief, and Many More.

16. STUDENTS’ PRAYER BOOK: Powerful Motivation & Guide for Students & Anyone Preparing

to Write Exams: Plus 10 Days of Powerful Prayers for Wisdom, Favor, Protection & Success in

Studies, Exams & Life.

17. How to Pray and Receive Financial Miracle: Powerful Prayers for Financial Miracles, Business

and Career Breakthrough

See all at:

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About The Author.

Daniel Okpara is a husband, father, pastor, businessman and lecturer. He is the author and publisher

of the popular daily devotional, “IT IS WRITTEN.” He has authored over 50 life transforming books

on business, prayer, relationship and victorious living.

He is the president of Better Life World Outreach Centre - a non-

denominational evangelism ministry committed to global prayer revival and evangelism.

Through the monthly Better Life Crusades, Better Life Health and Business Breakthrough Seminars

and Better Life TV, thousands of lives have been won to the LORD, healed, blessed and restored to a

purposeful living.

He holds a Master’s Degree in Theology from Cornerstone Christian University and is married to

Prophetess Doris Okpara, his prayer warrior, best friend and biggest support in life. They are blessed

with two lovely kids (Isaac and Annabel).

If you are looking to connect with someone who understands the challenges and issues of life and is

willing to pray with you, provide counseling and believe God for a way forward
then Daniel Okpara is your man. You can connect with him at for prayers

and counseling.

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