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AE wvaccount CATALOG FAQ. ~RPORTS™ ONTHEEASE CONTACTUS SOS. SPAEWGHUGATS ABOUT momTNS samo Q The Art Treehouse eon te) A CASE AGAINST ODORLESS MINERAL SPIRITS 2 sesenber 182018 4 estar = 730 Tis 2 guest atle wrten by Peter Campbel the highly regarded att workshop presenter and video producer whose work appears in multiple gales ram Colorado tothe East Coast. ‘Anyone who as taken one of my workshops has heard my feelings about Oderles Mineral Splits or ONS. have long touted the advantages of using pure gum turpentine n smal ‘quanti versus OMS fora couple of reason. ‘The feet reason isa mattrof exposure |cantalyu how many tes have seen atts use (OMS ta thin the paint a awash forthe ntl blockn oa background, Spreading 2 thin wach of (OMS over the canvas creates a large surface of quicly evaporating OMS thatthe artist subsequent breathes throughout the entire painting sesion. Because the odor hasbeen removed the artists completly unaware ofthe massive exposure they are subjecting themselves oa wells thare around them. Odores snot vapo-es. At least wih turpsf you ‘sed that much in a paieting session the odor woul alr you that you ae geting fr too much exposure. With O6S there no canary inthe oa mine Soo Speak ‘The seconds that OMS has tendency to destroy the ol vehicle that binds the pigment When palmtng wet into wetthe fest thin layer painted with ONS has sucha strong aly o break own the succeeding layers that makes it almostimpossileto get the paint to adhere ‘couraging the layers to mc which in turn leads to the ol sinters dread. mud, This tendeney ‘e breakgown the is 50 strong that frmlybelleve creates a weak paint ayer ao des with a mate chally fish thats annoyingly absorbent whereas gum turpentine has 2 gum Ke residue tat helps bind layers and ges tacky aides ging the artist a chance to make dy brush stokes on previous layers, Yu als cant use OMS to make a Damar vanish er lean up 3 varnishing brash ‘The nal reason i personal ane. | getamassive headache within tn minutes of exposure to (OMS. Several of my wesky group poral sesion have forced met leave early due to someone sing Om. ‘So what to do? Turpentine tox as bad as OMS but a last you can imi your exposure by sing it sparingly For years that has Been my practice witha smal cup of 5080 inseesurpsas medium. But now nity Oi of Spike Lavender Ihave foun the perfect sition. subsite for ‘everything would use Tups for, only useless. Because Olof spke Lavender isa it strongerin le solvent propertsit requires ite les, A 30/70 rato of Olof Spke Lavender to Linseed Ol ‘works fo ret painting Flyers | tar SO/SO then goto 3070 to Keep fa ver ean. Ol of Spike Lavender has very iow tox ana stl ges that gum ike felt the paint Ithasa pleasant Cedor thats weleoming when | wakinto the stud, | mustalso tout the properties of the Art Treahouse's Att’ Sohent. | have used for an nia wash block-on for age pangs ting Itdry overnight. Fortis works reat though the yng tie maybe a bit longer you use something other than quicker drying ert colors lls use it for cleanup. tcan even clean eed paint off ny plete and with no oxy. Ol paint has says been my preferred medium: Inthe past have always gruseiney acepted Ceca oo aseened wth ny preted ren fel an worth rch es ery ond n sdncltely see edadlegy 2 rel

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