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Name: ID:

Héctor Alfonso Elizondo Cadena 2894748.

Name of the course: Name of the teacher:

Advance English III Saraí Alejandra Cervantes Bustos
Fecha: 01/ 27 / 2021 Activity: 2


1. Read the following sentences providing bad news, and identify if the register
is appropriate or if it is blunt

Bad news Register

Your performance is poor and we have to let Blunt

you go.

The meeting did not result in a viable solution. Appropriate

The annual report indicated losses in the first Appropriate


Some coworkers were fired for being lazy. Blunt

The videoconference was not very optimistic Appropriate

regarding the new project.

My boss hated the proposal. Blunt

The secretary was rude. Blunt

2. Complete the following sentences using the second conditional form, imagine a
hypothetic situation.

If I had a sports car I would make road trips

If I had a house on the beach I would like to fish at the sea

If all my friends were in problems I would help people in need

If I were president I would like to support the education sector

If I had more money and time I would follow my dreams

If I won the lottery I would like to buy a PS5

If I had the opportunity to go on an adventure I would explore exotic countries

If I traveled to Europe I would like to visit Ireland

If I had a bigger house I would adopt many pets.

3. Write a memo to arrange a work meeting. Include time and duration, topics of
discussion, and expected outcome. Use appropriate language and collocations, as
reviewed in topic 2.


I´ve been asked to inform you that there will be an urgent meeting to discuss the
inversions of the company and explain the next project for the expiation on Monterrey. It
is going to be in the Hall C of the building, which will be on February 25.

It is highly important to assist. Those who won´t be at the meeting or they can´t, have to
submit a letter to the Lic. Ramon Bolsa and to HR and explain why you are not going to
the day.

Thank you very much for reading this message. -H. Cadena

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