Global Recruitment and Staffing

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Global Recruitment And Staffing

Global Recruitment And Staffing

Global Recruitment And Staffing

Arya Ganapathy-17

Badrinath Mayuranathan - 21

Nilanjan Maity – 52
December 20, 2009

Srinivas L Reddy-79

December 20, 2009

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December 20, 2009
Global Recruitment And Staffing

Table of Contents
1INTRODUCTION-Human Resource Planning....................................................................3
2Human Resource Planning: Process................................................................................4
3Recruitment And Staffing...................................................................................................5
3.1Recruitment Sources......................................................................................................6
3.2Sources of Recruitment..................................................................................................6
3.3Advantages & Disadvantages of Internal & External Recruiting.....................................7
3.4Recruiting Pyramid.........................................................................................................7
3.5Recruiting Timeline.........................................................................................................8
3.6Methods of Recruiting.....................................................................................................8
3.7Recruiting on Internet.....................................................................................................8
3.8Selection Process Issues...............................................................................................9
3.9Interviewing Process Issues...........................................................................................9
3.10Behavioral Interviewing..............................................................................................10
3.12The Big Five Personality Dimensions.........................................................................11
3.13Other Testing Methods................................................................................................11
3.14Selection for International Assignments......................................................................11
4SELECTION PROCESS.....................................................................................................12
4.1Process Flow................................................................................................................13
4.2Frequently Mentioned Benefits to Global Staffing System............................................15
4.3Frequently Mentioned Obstacles to Global Staffing System.........................................15

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Global Recruitment And Staffing


1 INTRODUCTION-Human Resource Planning

Human resources are regarded as the only dynamic factor of production. Other factors like
materials, methods, machines, money etc. are useless without their effective use by the human
resources. Thus, it is logical that there should be proper manpower or human resource planning
in the organization to use the other resources effectively.

Planning is one of the basic functions of management of any organization. In commercial and
industrial undertakings, planning has been focused on profit making, procurement, production,
marketing, quality control and only most recently, manpower. Manpower planning has now been
recognized as an important part of the overall planning of any organization. Without the
procurement and maintenance of adequate number of personnel, it is not possible to realize the
goals of the organization. Manpower planning is essential to put the plans of the organization into
action for the achievement of its goals or objectives.

1.1 Definitions:

Leon Megginson, “Human resource planning is an integrated approach to performing the

planning aspects of the personnel function in order to have a sufficient supply of adequately
developed and motivated people to perform the duties and tasks required to meet organizational
objectives and satisfy the individual needs and goals of organizational members”.

Coleman, “Human resource planning is the process of determining manpower requirements and
the means for meeting those requirements in order to carry out the integrated plan of the

Assessing Future
Assessing Current
Human Resource
Human Resources

Developing a
Program to Meet
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Global Recruitment And Staffing

2 Human Resource Planning: Process

The process of systematically reviewing HR requirements to ensure that the required number of
employees, with the required skills, are available when they are needed

1. Analyzing organizational plans.

2. Demand forecasting
Managerial Judgement
Statistical Techniques – ratio analysis and econometric models
Work study techniques
Employment trends
Replacement needs
Growth and expansion

3. Supply Forecasting
Existing inventory
Potential losses – temporary/permanent
Potential additions

4. Estimating the net human resource requirement

5. In case of future surplus

Plan for redeployment, retrenchment and lay-off

6. In case of future deficit –

Forecast the future supply of human resources from all sources with reference to plans of other

7. Plan for recruitment, development and internal mobility

If future supply is more than or equal to net human resource requirements

8. Plan to modify or adjust the organizational plan

If future supply will be inadequate with reference to future net requirements.

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Global Recruitment And Staffing

3 Recruitment And Staffing

Process of recruiting & selecting prospective employees has significant impact on organization’s
bottom line. Requires staffing process to become strategically focused
Recruitment & selection activities offer organization numerous choices to find & select new
employees Staffing decisions need to ensure employees fit organization’s culture

• Temporary versus permanent employees

• Increase headcount temporarily or permanently should be strategically-driven
• Basis for decisions is HR forecast
• Temporary employees less costly
• Temporary headcount increases can be obtained from specialized agencies
• Headcount increases can be avoided by subcontracting work

Before employees can be recruited, recruiters must have some clears ideas regarding the
activities and responsibilities required in the job being filed. Jon analysis is therefore an early step
in the recruitment process. Once a specific job has been analyzed, a written statement of its
content and location is incorporated into the organization chart. This statement is called either a
job description or a position description. Each box on the organization chart is linked to a
description that lists the title, duties, and responsibilities for that position.

The Employability Potential Assessment at Campus (EPAC), an employability assessment tool

promises to revolutionize campus placement programs by raising their efficiency and
effectiveness while significantly reducing the cost for recruiter.

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Global Recruitment And Staffing

Campuses are usually faced with a daunting task during the placement season. With heavy
investments in infrastructure B- schools host bright ambitious youngsters for intensive training;
they are subsequently faced with the prospect of having to attract the attention of recruiters
amidst a high degree of competitive clutter. Most companies have dedicated placement
resources, but these resources are hamstrung or lack of access and bandwidth to attract the best
quality of recruiter profile.

Recruiters on the other hand, today are required to evaluate and compare students of an
increasing variety of educational campuses. In such a situation, pre-recruitment election tools and
processes need to be scaled up to credibly evaluate and sort out larger number of participants
than ever before. Increase in the number of institutes which are covered under the company’s
campus recruitment program implies an increase in cost and effort. Consequently, most
recruitment managers would want to stick to the tried and tested campuses rather than
experiment with the new and unknown.

3.1 Recruitment Sources

• Process of locating, identifying, and attracting capable candidates

• Can be for current or future needs
• Critical activity for some corporations.
• What sources do we use for recruitment

3.2 Sources of Recruitment

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3.3 Advantages & Disadvantages of Internal & External


3.4 Recruiting Pyramid

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3.5 Recruiting Timeline

3.6 Methods of Recruiting

• Informally or formally
• Internally or externally
• Targeted advertising in selected media
• Recruiting on Internet
• Outsourcing to staffing agencies
• Private Industry Councils (PICs)
• Executive search firms
• On-campus recruiting

3.7 Recruiting on Internet

• One of fastest-growing recruitment methods
• More cost-effective than newspaper advertising
• Low cost, speed, & ability to target applicants with technical skills
• Allows applicants to assess interests & needs with employer’s offerings
• Global exposure to potential applicants

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• Can cut search process time by as much as 75%

• Some potential challenges
o Ensuring security
o Viruses
o Access to unauthorized areas
• Some potential challenges
o Disparate impact against certain protected classes
o Can complicate reporting of data related to compliance with federal & state laws

3.8 Selection Process Issues

• Reliability
o Consistency of measurement
o Screening criteria should elicit same results in repeated trials across time &
o Reliability influenced by criterion deficiency & contamination errors
o Reliability is prerequisite for validity
• Validity
o Degree to which what is assessed is related to actual performance
o Ability to establish job-related validity is crucial to employers in defending
themselves in discrimination allegations
o Content validity illustrates that measure or criterion is representative of actual job
content or knowledge
o Criterion (empirical) validity demonstrated by relationship between screening
criteria & job performance

3.9 Interviewing Process Issues

• Who should be involved?
o Prospective supervisors, peers, subordinates
• Which interview format?
o Individual or group interviews
• Common interviewer errors
o Similarity errors
o Contrast errors
o First impression
o Halo errors

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Global Recruitment And Staffing

o Personal biases

3.10 Behavioral Interviewing

• Used with experienced & inexperienced applicants
• Asks about situations candidate is likely to face on job
• Candidates can present real-life situations they were involved in & how they handled

3.11 Testing
• Work sample tests
o Ask applicant to complete representative sample of actual work
• Trainability tests
o Measure
 Aptitude in certain areas
 Ability to understand critical job components that firm will teach new hires
• Realistic job previews
o Make applicants aware of both positive & negative aspects of job
o Decrease likelihood new employee will become dissatisfied
o Increase likelihood of candidate’s self-selecting out of position
• Personality testing is useful in anticipating how applicants are likely to behave

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3.12 The Big Five Personality Dimensions

Characteristics of Person Scoring
Personality Dimension Positively on Dimension

1) Extraversion Outgoing, talkative, social, assertive

Trusting, good-natured, cooperative,

2) Agreeableness

Dependable, responsible, achievement-

3) Conscientiousness
oriented, persistent

4) Emotional stability Relaxed, secure, unworried

Intellectual, imaginative, curious, broad-

5) Openness to experience minded

3.13 Other Testing Methods

• Personality testing
o Useful to anticipate how applicants likely to behave
o Few, if any, jobs require specific personality type
o Have been successfully challenged in court
• Physical testing
o Restricted under ADA to testing only for specific critical job-related physical
performance requirements
• Honesty testing
– Declined since passage of Polygraph Protection Act in 1988
• Drug testing
– Challenged in courts as invasion of privacy
• References
– Little information available due to former employer fears of liability for libel,
slander & defamation

3.14 Selection for International Assignments

o Reasons for failure on international assignments
o Interpersonal & acculturation abilities

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o Rarely technical skills

o Test employees’ adaptability, open-mindedness, ability to tolerate uncertainty &
ambiguity & independence
o Interview & screen family members who would accompany employee

Reasons for Expatriate Early Departure

Not performing job effectively 48.4%
Received other, more rewarding offer (other co.) 43.7%
Expatriate or family not adjusting 36.6%
Expatriate or family missing home 31.0%
Received more rewarding offer (current co.) 17.2%
Unable to adjust to deprived living standards 10.3%
Concerned with problems of safety & health 10.3%
Believed children’s education was suffering 7.1%
Feared assignment would slow career advance 7.1%
Spouse wanted career 6.1%
Compensation package inadequate 0.0%

A series of steps from initial applicant screening to final hiring of the new employee.
• Selection process.
Step 1 Completing application materials.
Step 2 Conducting an interview.
Step 3 Completing any necessary tests.
Step 4 Doing a background investigation.
Step 5 Deciding to hire or not to hire.

Step 1 Completing application materials

• Gathering information regarding an applicant’s background and experiences.
• Typical application materials.
• Traditional application forms.
• Résumés.
• Sometimes tests may be included with application materials.

Step 2 Conducting an interview.

• Typically used though they are subject to perceptual distortions.

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• Interviews can provide rough ideas concerning the person’s fit with the job and the

Step 3 Completing any necessary tests.

• Administered before or after the interview.
• Common examples of employment tests.
• Cognitive, clerical, or mechanical aptitudes or abilities.
• Personality.

Step 4 Doing a background investigation.

• Can be used early or late in selection process.
• Background investigations include:
• Basic level checks.
• Reference checks.

Step 5 Deciding to hire or not to hire.

• Draws on information produced in preceding selection steps.
• A job offer is made.
• A physical examination may be required if it is relevant to job performance.
• Negotiation of salary and/or benefits for some jobs.

Step 6 Socialization.
• The final step in the staffing process.
• Involves orienting new employees to:
o The firm.
o The work units in which they will be working.
o The firm’s policies and procedures.
o The firm’s organizational culture.

4.1 Process Flow

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4.2 Frequently Mentioned Benefits to Global Staffing System

Global succession planning is

Global succession planning is
Global database of qualified talent enabled
Global database of qualified talent enabled
Quick identification of candidates to Global HR personnel have access to
Quick identification of candidates to Global HR personnel have access to
meet needs of specific location the latest versions of
meet needs of specific location the latest versions of
Provision of consistent message products/tools
Provision of consistent message Shared vision of HR globally
about company to candidates Shared vision of HR globally
about company to candidates
worldwide Comparisons of staffing results across
worldwide Comparisons of staffing results across
Quality of all hires is ensured locations
Quality of all hires is ensured locations
Better understanding of Global database as internal
Better understanding of Global database as internal
country/regional needs by all HR benchmark of achievement in
country/regional needs by all HR benchmark of achievement in
different parts of world
different parts of world

4.3 Frequently Mentioned Obstacles to Global Staffing System

Level of HR experience varies across

Level of HR experience varies across
Legal requirements across regions
Legal requirements across regions
countries/regions Role of HR in hiring varies across
countries/regions Role of HR in hiring varies across
Education system across countries/regions regions
Education system across countries/regions regions
Economic conditions across Familiarity with a tool or practice
Economic conditions across Familiarity with a tool or practice
countries/regions varies
Misperceptions that something is a
Ability to acquire & use technology Misperceptions that something is a
Ability to acquire & use technology cultural difference
Labor market variations cultural difference
Labor market variations Limited local resources for
Limited local resources for
Value differences across cultures implementation
Value differences across cultures implementation
Availability of off-the-shelf translated tools Beliefs about whether a global system
Availability of off-the-shelf translated tools Beliefs about whether a global system
is US-centric or imposed
is US-centric or imposed

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