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Name of Researcher(s) Yr. & Title of the Study


Criteria Rating
1. Content and Development – 50 points (Content is comprehensive, accurate and persuasive.
Major points and purpose are stated clearly and are well supported. The research will open new
avenues about the discipline.)
2. Format and Presentation – 10 points (Paper follows designated guidelines. Paper has the
appropriate length as described for the project. Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuations are
followed, spelling is correct. Language is clear and precise; sentences display consistently strong,
varied structure.
3. Grammar, punctuation and spelling – 10 points (The content of the paper is free from any
grammar related issues and shows conciseness, clarity and unity.)
4. Research Methodology – 15 points (Research design is appropriate. States the sampling method
used and sets adequate sample size. States and describe the materials/tools used in the
study.Provides the appropriate tests to be used in analysis of data.)
5. Work Cited Pages – 15 points (Proper citation was observed in the paper)
Total Numerical Points:

Comments/Suggestions: (Please use additional page if necessary.)

Passed ( )
Deferred ( )
Unacceptable ( )

Signature Over Printed Name of Thesis Evaluator

/Modiifed from:

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