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University of Information Technology &Sciences (UITS)

Faculty of Science and Engineering

Department of Civil Engineering
Term Final Examination, Autumn-2021
Course Title: Hydrology, Irrigation Engineering and Flood Management.
Course Code: CE 345
Marks: 70 Time: 3 Hours
(Answer all the Seven (7) questions). Assume any necessary values.
1. a) Define Evapotranspiration & percolation. [2]
b) Describe hydrologic cycle with appropriate sketch. [5]
c) What are the factors affecting infiltration capacity? [3]

2. a) Describe the types of streams. [2]

b) Calculate the precipitable water in a saturated air column 2 km high above 1 m^2 of [8]
ground surface. The surface pressure is 101.3KPa, air temperature is 30 Degrees and
the lapse rate is 6.5 degree centigrade/m.
[air density at ground 1.16 kg/m^3, air density at 2km is 0.97 kg/m3]

3. a) Define saturation vapor pressure, relative humidity, Glaze, Rime, Hail. [5]
b) Describe the procedure of formation of precipitation. [5]

3. a) Define hydrograph and its applications. [3]

b) Rainfall of magnitude 3.8cm and 2.8cm occurring in two consecutive 4-h duration on a [7]
catchment of area 27km2 produced the following hydrograph of at the outlet of the
catchment. Find rainfall excess and Φ-index.
Time (h) 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66
Flow (m /s) 5 13 26 21 16 12 9 7 5 5 4.5 4.5

4. Four rain gages located within a rectangular area with four corners (0,0), (0,12), (14,0), [10]
(14,12) having the following co-ordinates and records of rainfall.
Gage location
2,8 7,10 12,8 5,3
Rainfall (mm) 18 26 35 42
Calculate the average rainfall by iso-hyetal method using 20,30,40 mm isohyets.

5. a) i) Write about the various impurities of irrigation water. [4]

ii) What is SAR & EC
b) What is the classification of irrigation water having the following characteristics? [6]
Concentration of Na, Ca, Mg are 22,3,1.5 mili-equivalent per liter respectively, and
the electrical conductivity is 200 micro-mhos/cm at 25 degrees centigrade.
ii)What are the problems that can arise using this water in fine textured soil? What are
the remedies do you suggest to overcome these problems?

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5. a) i) Differentiate between delta and duty. [4]

ii) What are the cash crops?
iii) Define KOR watering.
b) Find the delta for a crop when its duty is 864 hec/cumec on the field. The base period [3]
of this crop is 130 days.
c) Define i) Basin Flooding ii) Furrow Irrigation iii) Drip irrigation. [3]

6. a) What is permanent wilting point and field capacity? [4]

b) Find the irrigation frequency in order to ensure sufficient irrigation of the given crop if [6]
field capacity is 28%, Permanent wilting point 13%, dry density 1.3 gm/cc, depth of
root zone 70cm, daily consumptive use 12mm.
b) Determine the time required to irrigate a strip of land of 0.04 hectares in area from a [6]
tube well with a discharge of 0.02 cumec. The infiltration capacity of the soil may be
taken as 5cm/h and the average depth of the flow on the field as 10 cm.

7. a) What are the reasons of flood in Bangladesh? [2]

b) What are the methods to estimate flood? [2]
c) An urban catchment area has an area of 85 ha. The slope of the catchment is 0.006 and [6]
the maximum length of travel of water is 950 m. The maximum depth of rainfall with
25-year return period is as below.

Duration, min 5 10 20 30 40 60
Depth of
17 26 40 50 57 62
rainfall in mm
If a culvert for drainage at the outlet of this area is to be designed for a return period of
25 years. Estimate the required peak flow rate by assuming the run-off co-efficient as

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