CE 201 - 3A Day

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University of Information Technology &Sciences (UITS)

School of Science and Engineering

Department of Civil Engineering
Term Final Examination, Autumn-2020
Course Title: Engineering Materials
Course Code: CE 201 D
Marks: 50 Time: 2 Hours

(Assume reasonable data if missing)

Question 01 is compulsory and Attempt any one set from the rest of the questions
1. a) How does reliability affect the selection of materials in engineering purpose? [10x
b) Which reasons make the sand suitable for concreting? =10]

c) “C2S (Di calcium silicates) renders the long term strength of cement concrete” – Explain
Why excess lime is harmful for bricks? What are the objectives of wood seasoning?
Contrast between the False setting & flash setting.

f) Why is white lead base oil paint not suitable for iron surface?

g) “Low heat cement used in mass concreting” – justify the statement?

h) Briefly describe the compounding of rubber.

i) “An FRP is a specific type of two-phase composite material” – explain.

j) “Standard cube strength is about 1.25 times the standard cylinder strength of concrete”
explain the reasons.

2. Set A

a) One cubic meter Concrete is required for column of a building. Average compressive [10]
strength should be 3000 psi at 28 days. Design the concrete mix according to ACI method
using following information.
i) Cement is ordinary Portland cement
ii) Coarse aggregate is crushed stone having maximum size 25 mm and fine
aggregate is Sylhet sand having FM 2.7.
iii) Slump value should be 100- 150 mm
iv) Absorption capacity of aggregate is 3.0% ; moisture content of fine aggregate
and coarse aggregate in site was found to be 1.50% and 4.0% respectively.
v) Expected air content of concrete is 3.0%
vi) Bulk specific gravity (OD) of fine and coarse aggregate are 2.52 and 2.73
vii) Fine and coarse aggregate has a loose dry density of 1300 kg/m3 and 1500 kg/
m3 respectively.

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viii) Assume reasonable values for missing data, if any.

Find the adjusted batch masses to cope with the site condition and the mix ratio in
volume basis from the adjusted batch masses.


Set B
a) The following table refers the analysis data showing sieve size, percent finer and specific [6]
limit of blending. Now, determine the blending proportion of aggregate A and aggregate
B. Use trial and error method.

b) Illustrate well- graded, gap- graded and uniformly- graded aggregates with GSD curve. [2]

c) Why is air entrainment required for concrete? [2]

3. Set A
a) For the following loading sequence draw the likely strain response of [7]
i) an elastic materials
ii) an elasto- plastic materials


2P P

T0 T1 T2 T3 time

Figure: Q.2(a)
b) Write down the salient features of strain components of an elastic materials and Viscous [3]
Set B
a) A steel plate is assumed to be subjected to plane stress condition. Determine the €x, €y, [5]
and €z if σx= 35 Mpa, σy= 25 Mpa, σxy= 15 Mpa, υ = 0.28 and E = 30000 ksi. The
symbols have their usual meanings. [5]

b) What is power law of stress – strain model of solid materials? Laboratory test data of
strain versus time relationship of an elasto-visco-plastic material best fits with a function
of the form € = AtB . The coefficient A and B were found to vary with load level, P as
follows: A =0.0045P0.16; B = 0.005 where P is in KN/m and t in hour. Determine the

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strain of the material due to a load of 35 KN/m at 5 years.

4. Set A
a) Describe the steps involved in the repair works with ferrocement of a spalled area of a [4]
RCC roof slab.

b) Choose the cement and sand for ferrocement in electrochemically passive structures. Also [4]
explain the reasons behind the choice.

c) What are the causes and remedies of following defects on painted surface: i) Blistering [2]
and ii) Cracking
Set B
a) What are the circumstances for application of FRP in structural rehabilitation? [5]

b) Estimate the amount of sand, cement and water requirements for repair work with [5]
ferrocement of a spalled area of a RCC roof slab shown below.
Spalled area

78 cm

RCC floor
175 cm

Figure: Q.4(b)
5. Set A
a) Illustrate the corrosion of steel in RCC structures. [4]

b) If the reinforcement is embedded in a concrete column which is pervious enough to allow the [6]
passage of water and carbon dioxide then carbonation advances from surface to interior
concrete. Now briefly explain the successive stages and results in deterioration and distress of
this RC member.
Set B
a) Following are the reinforcement steel cover given in a RCC building construction- [5]

Building member Steel cover given

Floor beam 15 mm
Floor slab 18mm
Column ( above ground level) 50mm
Column (below ground level) 25 mm
Mat foundation 20 mm
Now check the adequacy of the steel cover against corrosion.

b) A steel member is in a harsh environment. So, for the durability of the member, an [5]
additional thickness should be provided. The cross section of a steel member is shown
below. Now determine the design size of the member if the corrosion rate is
0.005mm/year and design life is 100 years.

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Figure: Q.5(b)

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