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Delaware State University

Division of Physics, Engineering, Mathematics

and Computer Science
University Seminar
Term Project
The objectives of this project are:
1. To promote group work and the sharing of ideas and tasks.
2. To explore the latest technology in the Science and Technology.

Time Line and Due Date

This project is a group project and will require your group to write a short paper (3-4 pages).
Your group will also be required to give a ten minutes presentation on Wednesday, December 8,
2021(in class). This project is due by 11:59 PM on Tuesday, December 7, 2021. See details
below in the section labeled Submitting Your Work.

Project Requirement
1. You are required to propose a topic in STEM (must need approval from your instructor
before Monday, November 8, 2021).

2. You will need to search the journal articles for the approved topic. You can use data bases
from the library webpage.

3. You must focus on the three key questions:

a. How it is designed (build)?

b. How it is works?

c. What technology involved?

4. Paper must be three to four pages long, typed, double-spaced, normal margins and a normal
typeface and size. Must use Grammarly and proofread.

5. Prepare the power point presentation.

As explained previously in this document, your group will be required to give a presentation.
The presentation must include a Power Point document that will be used to convey the ideas
incorporated into your project.
The presentation will also be scored by a rubric that will be made available to you and to those
assessing your work. Please ensure that your presentation covers all the elements of the rubric.
Make sure that every member is familiar with all aspects of the project. Those working on
specific tasks in the project will be the group’s experts on any aspect of that task. Make sure that
this is coordinated and communicated within the group.

As in everything, practice makes perfect! If you expect to receive high scores on the rubric
elements, make sure that the group has several opportunities to practice the presentation. Ensure
that everyone knows their role. The audience should not have to see your group figure things out
during your presentation. If this happens, your group will surely loose points!

Group Work
Since this is a group project, it is suggested that the group have a project manager who will be in
charge of all aspects of the project, including managing the group’s resources. The project
manager will also break up the tasks of this project and assign them to various group members.

Submitting Your Work

You are required to submit the following documents:

1. First draft of the power point is due by 11:59 PM on Wednesday, November 24, 2021.

2. Paper (3-4 pages) containing the following elements:

a. A title page with the title and the name of the group members.

b. Well written paragraphs from the project requirements part 1.

c. A well written paragraph that explains what you have learned from working on
this project. Title this paragraph, Added Value.

d. You must cite the sources in APA (American Psychological Association) style.

3. The Power Point presentation that will be used in your talk.

The project manager or any member of the group may submit for the entire group. The two
documents above must be provided in a zipped folder called Project.zip and submitted by 11:59
PM on Tuesday, December 7, 2021. You must present your work on Wednesday, December 8,
2021 (in class).

If your group does not present, then the entire group will receive no credit on the presentation
part of your grade.

Submitting Your Work Electronically

Compress your documents into a folder, called Project.zip, and submit it through blackboard on
or before the deadline of 11:59 PM on Tuesday, December 7, 2021.
Team presentation evaluation rubric (adapted from C. Dirks)

Novice Apprentice Proficient Distinguished Comments

Organization Audience cannot Audience has The group The group
understand difficulty presents presents
presentation following the information in information in a
because there is presentation a logical logical and
no sequence of because the sequence, interesting
information. sequence of which sequence, which
information is audience can the audience can
haphazard. follow. follow
Content Members of the Some members Most members All students in
Knowledge group do not of the group are of the group the group
have an uncomfortable are at ease demonstrate full
understanding of with the topic with content, knowledge with
the topic. They and are only able but do not explanations and
cannot answer to answer always elaboration.
any questions. rudimentary elaborate on
questions. questions.
Supporting Students used no Students Students used Students used
Material graphs, figures, occasionally used graphs, figures, graphs, figures,
statistics, or graphs, figures, statistics, or statistics, or data
data. statistics, or data in a compelling
data, but not effectively. and informative
effectively. way.
Mechanics The material was The material was The material The material was
illegible, legible, but was easy to easy to read, and
contained many contained some read, had few organized well,
errors and/or errors or too errors and was with no errors.
was presented much presented at a Presented at
too quickly to information to pace that was pace that
see. read at the pace easy to follow. maintained
of the interest in the
presentation. subject.
Delivery Presenters Presenters Presenters Presenters speak
mumble and/or occasionally speak clearly clearly and show
speak too speak too and show enthusiasm.
quietly. Lack of quietly. Lack interest. Make Hold attention by
enthusiasm energy. eye contact direct eye
and/or interest. Infrequent eye with some of contact with all
No eye contact, contact, heavily the audience. parts of the
read directly rely on notes. Members of audience.
from notes. Members of the the group Members of the
Members of the group interact interact well group interact
group do not ineffectively. and share the dynamically as a
interact at all. Some members delivery group in a way
dominate. equally. that enhances
and clarity.
Written reports evaluation rubric (adapted from St. Mary's College
http://www2.bc.cc.ca.us/jfulks/basicSkills%20course_coding/Example_Writing_Rubric.pdf and California
State University Longbeach www.cecs.csulb.edu/~maples/Dept-docs/Writing-Rubric.doc)

Novice Apprentice Proficient Distinguished

Focus, Purpose Simplistic or Weak thesis that Competent and Engaging and full
or Thesis unfocused thesis does not well-developed development of a
with little or no demonstrate a clear thesis which clear thesis
sense of purpose understanding of the represents sound appropriate to the
and unclear topic. and adequate assignment purpose.
understanding of the understanding of
topic. the topic.
Ideas, Support Lack of sufficient Inconsistent support Ideas sufficiently Consistent originality
and support for main of ideas with supported with and depth of ideas
Development purpose; frequent occasionally illogical valid and logical which work together
and illogical generalizations only evidence. as a unified whole.
generalizations that partially supported Main points are
are not supported by the evidence. sufficiently
with valid evidence. supported with valid
and specific
Structure and Unclear structure Inconsistent Competent Organization is
Organization with paragraphs organization with organization with sequential and
lacking cohesion and occasional support paragraphs that appropriate to the
failing to support of major points but support major assignment.
major points. unclear and/or points. Appropriate Paragraphs are
Transition between incoherent transition transitions between appropriate and
paragraphs lack between paragraphs. purposeful. Ideas are
coherence and may paragraphs. logically presented
have one or more and interrelated.
digressions. Transitions are linked
with smooth and
effective transitions.
Sentence Simple sentences Varied sentences Effective and varied Each sentence is
Structure and used almost with occasional sentences with effectively
Grammar exclusively with errors in sentence infrequent errors structured, using a
frequent errors in structure. Shows due to lack or rich and well-chosen
sentence structure. insufficient effort in proofreading, variety of sentence
Contains many proofreading to syntax errors styles and length.
errors in identify errors in and/or use of Free of punctuation,
punctuation, spelling spelling, colloquialisms. spelling and
and capitalization. punctuation, Infrequent errors in capitalization errors.
Errors significantly capitalization, punctuation, Appropriate forms
interfere with grammar and syntax spelling and and presentation for
meaning and errors and/or use of capitalization. assignment.
formatting is weak. colloquialisms.
Vocabulary and Extremely limited or Range of vocabulary Good range of Exceptional
Usage inappropriate that is limited and vocabulary with vocabulary range
vocabulary which inconsistent usage. accurate usage. with accuracy and
lack a grasp of effective word usage.
diction. Inaccurate

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