Adel Lahsasna, Raja Noor Ainon, and Teh Ying Wah - Credit Scoring Models Using Soft

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The International Arab Journal of Information Technology, Vol. 7, No.

2, April 2010 115

Credit Scoring Models Using Soft

Computing Methods: A Survey
Adel Lahsasna, Raja Noor Ainon, and Teh Ying Wah
Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, Malaya

Abstract: During the last fifteen years, soft computing methods have been successfully applied in building powerful and
flexible credit scoring models and have been suggested to be a possible alternative to statistical methods. In this survey, the
main soft computing methods applied in credit scoring models are presented and the advantages as well as the limitations of
each method are outlined. The main modelling issues are discussed especially from the data mining point of view. The study
concludes with a series of suggestions of other methods to be investigated for credit scoring modelling.

Keywords: Credit scoring, credit risk, soft computing, data mining.

Received August 4, 2008; accepted September 25, 2008

1. Introduction underlying paradigms of soft computing are neural

computing, fuzzy logic computing and evolutionary
Credit risk evaluation decisions are key determinants computing [34].
of success for financial institutions in the lending There are some studies on the application of soft
industry due to the heavy losses associated with wrong computing techniques in credit scoring models. For
decisions. The US sub-prime mortgage crisis reveals example, Vellido et al. [29] surveyed the use of neural
the impact of credit risk decisions on the economy networks in business applications and included a
either locally or globally. Many financial institutions section on credit scoring model. It illustrated some of
suffered significant losses as a result of customers’ the difficulties of credit scoring modelling such as the
payment defaults. Hence, the development of the credit availability of the data and the mixed results obtained
risk decision support tools and models has an by previous research on the application of neural
important impact on enhancing the evaluation decision networks. Thomas [28] surveyed the statistical and
by getting faster and more accurate decisions. operation research techniques used in credit scoring. It
Credit scoring is the most commonly used technique also discussed the need to incorporate economic
to evaluate the creditworthiness of credit applicants conditions into the scoring systems.
with respect to their features such as age, income, and This study aims at discussing the main modelling
marital status. Its objective is to classify the credit issues of credit scoring models built using soft
applicants into two classes according to their likely computing methods and exploring the recent trends,
payment behaviour: good applicants who are likely to challenges and suggesting future directions for the
repay their financial obligations and subsequently intelligent credit scoring modelling. Specifically, it
receive the credit and bad applicants who are denied focuses more on the growing interest of the extracting
because of the high probability of defaulting on their knowledge from the model for credit analysis
financial obligations. Many methods have been purposes, or data mining approach to credit scoring
investigated by banks and financial institutions to model. Data mining is aimed to reveal useful
develop accurate credit scoring models with the relationships, finding useful patterns in data sets and to
statistical methods being most popular. predict outcomes using set of computational techniques
In recent years, with the developments of financial and tools [7].
markets, more sophisticated methods that can model This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 defines
non-linear, complicated, real world applications are the credit scoring problem while the credit scoring
needed. In this context, soft computing methods have models using soft computing techniques is presented in
been successfully applied to solve non-linear problems section 3. Section 4 discusses the main recent issues
in engineering, business and medicine. These methods and challenges facing these techniques in scoring
which indicate a number of methodologies used to find modelling. Finally, section 5 draws the conclusion.
approximate solutions for real-world problems which
contain various kinds of inaccuracies and uncertainties
can be alternative methods to statistical methods. The
116 The International Arab Journal of Information Technology, Vol. 7, No. 2, April 2010

2. Credit Scoring Problem 3.1. Neural Networks

Credit scoring models are based on statistical or ANNs are mathematical representations inspired by the
operation research methods. These models are built functioning of the human brain. They are composed by
using historical information from thousands of actual a number of simple processors (neurons) working in
customers. For each application, an application form parallel, without any centralised control. The neurons
and history over a fixed period are taken, and a are arranged in a particular structure which is usually
decision on whether his history is acceptable or not, organised in layers. A system of weighted connections
i.e., is he or she a bad customer or not, is then made. determines the information flow through the network.
Specifically, credit scoring objective is to assign credit ANNs have been extensively used in many disciplines
applicants to either good customers or bad customers, to model complex real-world problems.
therefore it lies in the domain of the classification
problem [1]. 3.2. Neural Networks in Credit Scoring
The credit scoring model captures the relationship Literature
between the historical information and future credit
Neural networks have established themselves as a
performance. This relation can be described
serious alternative to traditional statistical models and
mathematically as follows:
many studies have concluded that neural networks
f(x1,x2,…xm)= yn (1) outperformed statistical methods in terms of
where each customer contains m attributes: x1,x2,…xm, classification accuracy [33, 6, 21, 4]. Much
yi denotes the type of customer, for example good or architecture of neural networks have been applied to
bad. f is the function or the credit scoring model that develop credit scoring models. Vellido et al. [29]
indicated that more than 75% of neural networks
maps between the customer features (inputs) and his applications in business rely on the use of feedforward
creditworthiness (output), the task of the credit scoring MultiLayer Perception (MLP) trained by Back
model (function f) is to predict the value of yi, i.e., the Propagation (BP).
creditworthiness of customer i by knowing the In [18], a MLP has been used to predict the payment
x1,x2,…xm, which denote the customer features such as history of credit applicants. The MLP model was
income and age. Linear discriminant and logistic compared with a commercial credit scoring model
regression and their variations are the most popular using a sample of 125 applications. Its classification
methods in the credit scoring industry [9]. accuracy ranged from 76% to 80% on the validation
sample. In [6], a comparison of the predictive accuracy
3. Credit Scoring Models Using Soft of two neural networks: the multiplayer perceptron and
Computing Methods modular neural network, against that of two statistical
techniques: linear discriminant analysis and logistic
In the credit lending industry, an improvement in regression in classifying loans into good and bad was
prediction accuracy of even a fraction of a percent may made. It was concluded that neural networks are
translate into huge savings [33]. To pursue even small superior only if the measure of performance is the
improvement in credit scoring accuracy, many percentage of bad loans correctly classified. If the
methods have been investigated in the last decade. measure is the percentage of good and bad loans
Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) are the most correctly classified, neural network performance is
commonly soft computing method used in credit comparable to those of statistical modelling
scoring modelling. techniques.
Thirteen out of 23 of the applications of soft West [33] compared the classification accuracy of
computing methods in credit scoring models proposed five ANN techniques: the MLP, Mixture Of Experts
neural networks methods either as single method [33, (MOE), Radial Basis Function (RBF), Learning Vector
18, 17, 6, 21, 25, 2, 3, 4, 15 and 32] or combined with Quantization (LVQ) and Fuzzy Adaptive Resonance
other methods [26, 22]. Some studies used neural (FAR). Two data sets were used in this study, namely
networks as a benchmark to compare with the new the German data set and Australian data set.
proposed algorithms like evolutionary computation Surprisingly, RBF and not MLP -which is the most
[24, 14] and support vector machine [20, 30, 8, 35, 23 used method- is the most accurate NN method. This
and 13]. Recently, other methods like evolutionary initial result is important and needs more studies to be
algorithms and support vector machine have shown confirmed as most of the new proposed methods have
promising results in terms of prediction accuracy. In chosen MLP as a neural networks benchmark method
the following sections, neural networks, evolutionary to compare with. To increase the accuracy of the credit
computation and support vector machine are briefly scoring model, three ensemble strategies: cross-
described and the main characteristics of each method validation, bagging and boosting were applied by West
are mentioned. et al. [32]. Multilayer perceptron neural network was
employed as a base classifier. The idea is that an
Credit Scoring Models Using Soft Computing Methods: A Survey 117

ensemble of predictors provides more accurate fuzzy rules. The performance of neuro-fuzzy was
generalization than the reliance on a single model. The compared with that of neural networks. Three data
result revealed that the generalization ability of neural sets were used in this study. The result obtained
network ensemble was superior to the single best from the study illustrated the trade-off between the
model for three data sets. classification performance results and
understandability of the result obtained. Neural
3.3. Neural Network Modelling Issues networks outperformed neuro-fuzzy systems in
terms of classification accuracy, on both training
3.3.1. The Lack of Explanatory Capabilities and testing data while neuro-fuzzy systems are
Even though the rate classification of neural networks understandable by any user since they are in IF-
is high, they are being criticized for their black box THEN rule form. A comparison between Takagi-
nature, i.e., there is no explanation as to why certain Sugeno and Mamdani types in terms of performance
applicants are classified as good credit group and the and comprehensibility was investigated by [10]. The
others as a bad credit group. In his survey, Vellido et result showed that the credit scoring model
al. [29] stated that the lack of explanatory capabilities developed by neuro-fuzzy Takagi Sugeno type was
is considered as the main shortcoming of applications more accurate and less comprehensible than the
of neural networks in business field. Moreover, ones developed by neuro-fuzzy Mamdani type.
Baesens et al. [4] pointed out that the main reason These two types of inference system vary somewhat
behind the lack of applying neural networks methods in the way outputs are determined. The Mamdani
in credit risk evaluation industry is the lack of generates a comprehensible descriptive fuzzy rule
explanatory capabilities of these techniques and set with a fuzzy set output while Takagi Sugeno
therefore the enhancement of the transparency of generate fuzzy rules with linear or constant output.
neural networks is one of the key factors of their The latter method is widely used in dynamic and
successful deployment. This explanatory capability complex systems while Mamdani type is more
plays a pivotal role in credit-risk evaluation as the suitable for data analysis and data mining problems.
evaluator may be required to give justification as to • Clustering methods: some studies used the
why a certain credit application is approved or visualization capabilities of Self Organized Map
rejected. To solve this problem many methods have (SOM) for exploratory data analysis. Huysmans et
been proposed such as hybridization, rule extraction al. [15] used this method in the first step to offer
from trained neural network and clustering methods. data analysts an easy way for exploring data. Two
data sets from Benelux financial institutions were
• Neuro-Fuzzy system: one of the solutions to
used in this study. To enhance the classification
overcome the lack of the transparency in neural
accuracy of the initial model, two ways for
networks is to combine them with fuzzy systems.
integrating SOMs with supervised classifier were
The term “fuzzy systems” refers mostly to systems
proposed. The first technique consists of improving
that are governed by fuzzy IF–THEN rules. The IF
the predictive power of individual neurons of the
part of an implication is called the antecedent
SOM with the aid of supervised classifiers. The
whereas the second, THEN part is a consequent. A
second technique is similar to a stacking model in
fuzzy system is a set of fuzzy rules that converts
which the output of a supervised classifier is entered
inputs to outputs. The fuzzy inference engine
as an input variable for the SOM. The result found
combines fuzzy IF–THEN rules into a mapping
that the integration of a SOM with a supervised
from fuzzy sets in the input space X to fuzzy sets in
classifier is feasible because of the powerful
the output space Y based on fuzzy logic principles.
visualization capabilities of SOMs for exploratory
In [22], a neuro-fuzzy algorithm called ANFIS was
data analysis and the percentage of correctly
used to build a comprehensible credit scoring model
classified applicants of these integrated networks is
which outperformed Multidimensional Discriminant
better than what can be obtained by employing
Analysis (MDA) in terms of accuracy. Furthermore,
solely a SOM.
the neuro-fuzzy approach was found flexible, more
• Rules extraction from trained neural networks:
tolerant of imprecise data and can model non-linear
another approach to overcome the lack of
functions of arbitrary complexity. The main
explanatory capabilities of neural networks is to
limitations of this method lay in the computational
extract the rule sets that mimic the decision process
cost due to the curse of dimensionality i.e., the
of the trained neural network. Three different
exponential increase of the fuzzy rules when the
methods have been discussed in [4] for
number if input increase and the fact that ANFIS is
comparatively extracting rules from a NNs:
applied only for Takagi Sugeno type which is less
NeuroRule, Trepan and Nefclass. The aim of this
comprehensible than the Mamdani fuzzy type. The
study was to investigate the performance of these
latter type of fuzzy system was applied by [26] to
methods to generate meaningful as well as accurate
develop a comprehensible credit scoring model with
rule sets for credit risk evaluation problems. The
118 The International Arab Journal of Information Technology, Vol. 7, No. 2, April 2010

performance of these methods was compared with computational cost and the lack of comprehensibility.
the C4.5 algorithm and logistic regression. All these To make the evolutionary model more comprehensible
methods were applied to three real credit databases: different methods have been proposed.
German credit and two data sets from Benelux One of the best solutions to overcome this problem
financial institutions. Both NeuroRule and Trepan is to combine the powerful learning of genetic
yield very good classification accuracy when algorithm with the description capabilities of fuzzy
compared to the popular C4.5 and logistic logic. Hoffman et al. [10] proposed a genetic fuzzy for
regression. Furthermore, it was concluded that credit scoring and compared it with neuro-fuzzy
NeuroRule and Trepan were able to extract very algorithm NefClass. The result showed that the
compact trees and rules for all data sets. performance of the genetic fuzzy algorithm is better
Subsequently, a decision table technique was used than the neuro-fuzzy whereas it is less comprehensible
to represent the rule set in intuitive graphical format than the descriptive rule inferred by neuro-fuzzy
that allows for easy consultation by the user. One of classifier NefClass.
the drawbacks of using these techniques is that the Recently, a data mining approach is adopted in
rule set extracted does not capture the learned developing credit scoring model. Hoffmann et al. [11]
knowledge very well [26]. proposed two evolutionary fuzzy rule learners: an
evolution strategy that generates approximate fuzzy
3.3.2. Neural Networks Parameters Selection rules, whereby each rule has its own specific definition
The performance of neural networks depends on the of membership functions and a genetic algorithm that
adequate setting of the network parameters. The lack extracts descriptive fuzzy rules, where all fuzzy rules
of a formal method for selecting the most suitable share a common, linguistically interpretable definition
parameters is a major drawback that may affect the of membership function. The performance of
prediction accuracy of the neural networks. In [31] and evolutionary fuzzy rule learners was compared with
[16], Genetic Algorithms (GAs) have been applied to that of Nefclass; a neuro-fuzzy classifier and a
determine the optimal topology of NNs. Another study selection of well-known classification algorithms on
[19] used evolutionary techniques to define the four data sets: German data set, Australian data set and
adequate values of RBF parameters. The performance two data sets from Benelux financial institutions. The
of the proposed model was compared with other result showed that the genetic fuzzy classification
models such as support vector machine and NNs compares favorably with the other classifiers yields
models. The results were superior in terms of about the same classification accuracy across different
prediction accuracy but the processing time required data sets.
was longer than the other models. The conception time
is largely reduced as the main network parameters 3.4.2. Genetic Programming
were automatically defined by the GA while a trial and Another type of evolutionary computational
error technique is used in the other models of NNs. techniques, Genetic Programming (GP), has been used
by [24] to build an accurate credit scoring model with
3.4. Evolutionary Computation two data sets: the German credit data set and
Australian data set. The accuracy of the model was
Evolutionary computation searches for the optimal compared with other models using techniques like:
solution by a number of modifications of strings of bits neural networks, decisions trees, rough sets, and
called chromosomes. The chromosomes are the logistic regression. The result showed that the new
encoded form of the parameters of the given problem. model outperforms the other models in terms of
In successful iterations (generations), the chromosomes accuracy.
are modified in order to find the chromosome Another study conducted by Huang et al. [14]
corresponding to the maximum of the fitness function. proposed a model using two-Stage Genetic
Each generation consists of three phases: reproduction, Programming (2SGP) to deal with the credit scoring
crossover, and mutation. problem by incorporating the advantages of the IF–
THEN rules and the discriminant function. 2SGP was
3.4.1. Genetic Algorithm compared with GP, MLP, Classification And
After the success of neural network in developing Regression Tree (CART), C4.5 algorithm, rough sets,
accurate credit models, many studies have investigated and Logistic Regression (LR) using the two real-world
the application of genetic algorithm as a potential data sets. The first data set, called the German credit
alternative to neural network or statistical methods. It data set, and the second called the Australian data Set.
was found in [5] that GA approach was better than The result showed that 2SGP outperforms other
linear discriminant analysis, logistic regression and a models. However, GP, ANNs and logistic regression
variety of neural networks in terms of classification can also provide the satisfactory solutions and can be
accuracy. One drawback to use GA is the considerable other alternatives. The accuracy of the induction-based
Credit Scoring Models Using Soft Computing Methods: A Survey 119

approaches (decision trees and rough set) is inferior to the area under the receiver operating characteristic
the other approaches. curve AUC.
It was found that the Radial Basis Function (RBF),
3.5. Support Vector Machine least-squares support vector machine (LS-SVM) and
NNs classifiers yield very good performance in terms
SVM is a powerful learning method based on recent of both PCC and AUC. However, it has to be noted
advances in statistical learning theory. It is widely used that simple, linear classifiers such as Linear
for classification and regression problems due to its Discriminant Analysis (LDA) and LOGistic
promising empirical performance. Recently, many Regression (LOG) also gave very good performances,
studies have used SVM in credit scoring with which clearly indicates that most credit scoring data
promising results. Li et al. [20] developed a loan sets are only weakly non-linear. Only a few
evaluation model using SVM to identify potential classification techniques were clearly inferior to the
applicants for consumer loans. The experimental others.
results revealed that SVM surpasses neural network
models in generalization. As the other machine
learning, a major problem is that the SVM is a 4. Some Modelling Issues
complex function and then it is incomprehensible for 4.1. Data Limitation
human. To overcome this problem, [23] proposed a
comprehension credit scoring using SVM by rule There is a lack of data in the field of credit scoring
extraction technique. Rules can be extracted from a modelling for the academic community [18]. There
trained SVM that are interpretable by humans while are two data sets which are made public from uci
maintaining as much of the accuracy of the SVM as repository of machine learning database. The first data
possible. The results obtained showed that this set called German credit data set was provided by Prof.
technique loses only a small percentage in performance Hofmann in Hamburg and the second data set is the
compared to SVM and therefore this technique ranks at Australian credit data set provided by Quinlan [27].
the top of comprehensible classification techniques. A Both of the German and Australian data sets were used
data mining approach is applied by Huang et al. [13] to by many studies [3, 4 11, 13, 14, 23, 24, 32, 33, 35] to
get credit scoring model with relatively few input compare the performance of different models. Some
features. This study used three strategies to construct authors [2, 6, 8, 10, 15, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 30]
the hybrid SVM-based credit scoring model. Two used data sets from other banks. Baesens et al. [3] used
credit data sets were used to evaluate the methods rich data sets composed of eight real-life credit scoring
applied. The experimental results demonstrated that the data sets from Benelux, UK, German and Australian
proposed methods achieve accuracy identical to that of financial institutions. There are relatively few studies
neural network, genetic programming and decision tree that used many data sets. Thus, more data sets should
classifier. Additionally, combining genetic algorithm be made publicly available for academic researchers
with SVM classifier can be used for simultaneously and cooperation between them and the financial
feature selection task and model parameters institutions are needed.
optimization. A direct search method has been applied
by [35] to optimize the parameters of SVM model. The 4.2. Data Preprocessing
resulting model has been compared with other three
The data preprocessing is an important step in the
parameters optimization methods, namely grid search,
modeling process. The objective is to derive a set of
Design Of Experiment (DOE) and GA. The results
data, which is expected to be a representative sample
revealed the ability of direct search to select effective,
of the problem to be modeled. A preprocessing stage
accurate and robust SVM credit scoring model.
was applied by [12] to isolate the unrepresentative data
Baesens et al. [3] made a study of 17 different
sample in the data set using hybrid SOM-K means
classification algorithms using eight different real-life
clustering methods and then used the neural networks
data sets. Some of the data sets originate from major
to construct the credit scoring model. The aim of this
Benelux and UK financial institutions. The
stage is to increase the effectiveness of the neural
classification methods were linear regression (and its
networks learning process by using representative and
quadratic variant), logistic regression, linear
consistent data set. The results show that the
programming, four variants of vector support
preprocessing stage is valuable in building credit
machines, four variants of classification trees, two
scoring of high effectiveness.
variants of nearest neighbours, neural net, naive Bayes
and tree augmented naive Bayes. The experiments
were conducted on eight real-life credit scoring data 4.3. Variable Selection
sets. The classification performance was assessed by Variable selection or feature selection is the problem of
the Percentage Correctly Classified (PCC) cases and choosing a small subset of features that is sufficient to
describe the target concept. The objective of the
120 The International Arab Journal of Information Technology, Vol. 7, No. 2, April 2010

variable selection in credit scoring model is to obtain a compactness of the rule base, the number of rules that
model with low dimensionality. map the model behaviour and the number of
Most of the intelligent credit scoring models antecedents in the rule base. In the majority of studies,
developed have used the independents variables some important features of the model needed by real-
provided by the banks without modifications. life applications are neglected because of the computer
Variables selection may affect the performance of the science background of the researchers. So the need of
model and using a formal method for choosing the cooperating between the two disciplines; computer
most suitable customer variables for the model may science and finance may have good benefits on the
improve the accuracy and reduce the complexity of the credit risk evaluation systems developments. A recent
model by eliminating the non-relevant variables. In trend in the credit risk evaluation system is to evaluate
[13], inputs selection has applied technique to build a the profit that can be gained from the customer before
less complicated credit scoring model with relatively his delinquency rather than measuring the probability
few inputs. of defaulting or non defaulting on their financial
obligations, hence more attention should be paid to the
4.4. Other Methods to Be Investigated development in the interest of the banking and finance
community and more techniques should be developed
There are some methods which have not been to face the newest modelling challenges.
investigated such as: evolutionary-neuro-fuzzy
methods which are the result of adding evolutionary
computation to neuro-fuzzy system. The combination 5. Conclusions
of three different methods can overcome the limitation In the last fifteen years, the application of soft
of a simple hybrid. For example, neuro-fuzzy methods computing techniques in credit scoring modelling have
may suffer from the local optima whereas genetic- attracted more attention and many credit scoring
fuzzy method has the disadvantage of being time models have been developed using single methods like
consuming. By using evolutionary-neuro-fuzzy neural networks, genetic algorithms or hybrid methods
methods, the problem of local optima and time like neuro-fuzzy or genetic fuzzy. Some of these
consuming can be overcome. Another promising methods have been introduced and the main
method is multi-objectives genetic algorithms as it is advantages and disadvantages have been discussed.
suitable for systems that have conflicting objectives. In Neural networks, genetic algorithms and support
the case of credit scoring models, we have two vector machines have been reported to be the most
conflicting objectives; the first one is to increase the accurate methods as compared to the other methods.
classification accuracy while the second is to reduce The classification accuracy is the key determinant of
the complexity of the models. Through this method success in financial lending industry. During the last
maximum trade-off can be found and different levels few years, many studies have been conducted to
of accuracy-complexity can be chosen. overcome the main drawback of the soft computing
methods which is the lack of interpretability. This
4.5. Modelling Objectives survey illustrated different approaches used to
In most of the studies, the objective of developing overcome this problem. Among the approaches used
credit scoring models using soft computing method are extraction rules from neural networks, using hybrid
was to achieve higher classification accuracy than the methods like neuro-fuzzy or genetic-fuzzy or using
existing models. Recently, the transparency of the unsupervised neural networks learning methods like
models is becoming a more important criterion for a self-organizing map. This study has shown the benefits
practical credit scoring model that can be deployed in of using hybrid methods to overcome some limitations
the lending industry. In Table 1, we have divided the of the single methods. By using fuzzy system, artificial
studies based on their objectives into two categories: methods like neural networks, genetic algorithms and
the studies whose objective is only to build a powerful support vector machine become transparent techniques.
model and the second category comprises studies those Another issue is the classic trade-off between the
whose objective is to develop an accurate and accuracy and transparency or complexity of the
transparent model. As shown in Table 1, the number of systems, for example neural networks are more
studies whose objective is performance and accurate and less transparent than neuro-fuzzy models
transparency is increased from 16.6 % (between 1992- and also genetic algorithms are more accurate and less
2000) to 41% of the total number of studies (between transparent than genetic-fuzzy systems.
2001-2007). Some other hybrid methods like evolutionary-neuro-
The transparency in the model is generally defined fuzzy methods or multi-objectives genetic algorithms
as the ability to describe the relations between the have not been investigated in the credit scoring
customer features and their creditworthiness in an easy models.
way; generally in the form of IF-THEN rules. The
transparency degree of the model is measured by the
Credit Scoring Models Using Soft Computing Methods: A Survey 121

Table1. Methods used in developing credit scoring models.

Key to Table 1

Soft Computing

Classification Benchmark ANFIS Adaptive Network based Fuzzy

Objectives Data Set
Algorithm Method
Inference Systems
Bayes Bayes’ classification rule
C4.5 Decision Trees Algorithm
MLP, MOE, LDA, LRA , C4.5rules C4.5 with rules set
(1) Australian credit
[33] Perf RBF, LVQ, KNN, NN, CART Classification And Regression
(2) German credit

Statistical FAR Fuzzy Adaptive Resonance

[18] Perf MLP 125 applicants
methods. GF Genetic-Fuzzy
(1) Visa Gold. GFS Approx Genetic Fuzzy System inferring
[17] Perf MLP /
(2) Visa Classic.
(1) Credit union L, Approximate fuzzy rules
Perf (2) Credit union M, GFS Desc Genetic Fuzzy System inferring
[6] MNN. LRA
(3) Credit union N
Descriptive fuzzy rules
[21] Perf MLP MDA (1) Credit Union Data
GP Genetic Programming
[25] Perf MLP / (1) List of Companies.
2SGP Two Stages Genetic
[2] Perf MLP MDA (1) credit unions Programming
LDA, QDA, LOG, LP, RBF LS- (1) Bene1, (2) Bene2,

KNN K Nearest Neighbor

SVM, Lin LS-SVM, RBF SVM, (3) UK1, (4) UK2,
[3] Perf Lin SVM, NNs, NB, TAN, C4.5, (5) UK3, (6) UK4, KDE Kernel Density Estimation
C4.5rules, C4.5dis, C4.5rules dis, (7) Australian credit, LOG LOgistic Regression
KNN10, KNN100. (8) German credit
C 4.5, C 4.5rules, Pruned NN, LP Linear programming
(1) German credit
Neurorule, Trepan, Nefclass and LDA Linear Discriminant Analysis
[4] Perf-trans (2) Bene1
logistic regression LRA Linear Regression Analysis
(3) Bene2
SOM+Supervi MDA Multiple Discriminant Analysis
[15] Perf / (1) Bene1, (2) Bene2
sed classifier. Nefclass Neuro-Fuzzy CLASSier
Ensemble (1) Australian credit,
NF Neuro-Fuzzy
[32] Perf strategy of MLP (2) German credit,
NNs (3)Bankruptcy data NNs Neural Networks
[20] Perf SVM NNs (1) Taiwan data MLP Multi-layer Perceptron
OLS, OLR, MNN Modular Neural Networks
[8] Perf LS-SVM (1) BankScope data
MOE Mixture of Experts
Direct Search- (1) Australian credit,
[35] Perf LogR, DT, k- LVQ Learning Vector Quantization
SVM (2) German credit.
NN RBF Radial Basis Function

(1) UK corporations Data.

LRA, LOG, Perf Performance
[30] Perf Fuzzy-SVM (2) Japanese credit card
(3) credit data set QDA Quadratic Discriminant Analysis
C4.5, logit,
SVM rules (1) Australian credit, SOM Self Organizing Map
[23] Perf-trans SVM, Trepan,
extraction (2) Bene-C SVM Support Vector Machine
(1) Australian credit RBF LS- Radial Basis Function least-
[13] Perf SVM+GA BPN, GP, C4.5
(2) German credit
NNs, DT, SVM squares support vector machine
(1) Australian credit
[24] Perf GP C4.5, rough linear least-squares support


(2) German credit

sets, LRA vector machine

GP, MLP. RBF SVM Radial Basis Function support

(1) Australian credit
[14] Perf-trans 2SGP CART, C4.5.
(2) German credit vector machine
Lin SVM Linear support vector machine
[26] Perf-trans NF NNs (1) credit card data TAN Tree Augmented Naive Bayes


[22] Perf-trans ANFIS MDA (1) Nine credit unions Trans Transparency


[10] Perf-trans GF (1) Benelux data set

Fuzzy (EF)

Fisher, (1) Australian credit

GFS Approx, Bayes., ANN, (2) German credit
[11] Perf-trans
GFS Desc C4.5, (3) Bene1
Nefclass (4) Bene2

Finally, the transparency and the knowledge systems because it will help for understanding the
extracted from credit scoring models will be an lending process, the relations between customer
important feature in any intelligent credit scoring
122 The International Arab Journal of Information Technology, Vol. 7, No. 2, April 2010

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decision making process. Using Evolutionary Algorithms,” European
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