Claims Kit

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Important information about filing for

unemployment and finding a job

If you filed a claim for unemployment, it is important

that you read the information in this kit and keep it
for future reference.
Table of Contents
Unemployment Insurance Benefits..........................................................................................................4

Important Training Information

Commissioner Approved Training..................................................................................................................5
Training Benefits............................................................................................................................................6
Self-Employment Assistance Program.............................................................................................................7
Trade Readjustment Allowance.......................................................................................................................7

General Information
What are Unemployment Insurance Benefits?.................................................................................................8
Who pays for Unemployment Insurance?........................................................................................................8
What Services are Available?...........................................................................................................................8
What if I Have a Disability?.............................................................................................................................9

Contact Information
Automated Claims Line Number...................................................................................................................10
Internet Addresses.......................................................................................................................................10
Telephone Numbers, Fax Numbers, and Addresses.......................................................................................10

Rights, Responsibilities and Benefit Amounts

Am I Eligible?...............................................................................................................................................11
What are my Rights?.....................................................................................................................................11
What are my Responsibilities?......................................................................................................................11
How much will I Receive?.............................................................................................................................11

Filing my Weekly Claim

How do I Collect my Benefits?......................................................................................................................12
How do I File my Weekly Claim?...................................................................................................................12
When do I File my First Weekly Claim?.........................................................................................................12
What is a Waiting Week?...............................................................................................................................13
When will I Receive My Check?.....................................................................................................................13
What if I do not File my Claim on Time?........................................................................................................13
How do I Stop Claiming Benefits?.................................................................................................................13
What are the Requirements for Filing my Weekly Claim?...............................................................................13
Reporting a Change of Address, Telephone Number, or E-mail Address
How do I Change my Address or Telephone Number?...................................................................................14
When will my Address Change be Effective?..................................................................................................14
How do I Change my E-mail Address?...........................................................................................................14

Restarting your Claim

When Should I Reopen my Claim?................................................................................................................15
How do I Reopen my Claim?.........................................................................................................................15

Denial and Requalification

What Could Disqualify me from Receiving Benefits?......................................................................................16

Filing an Appeal
When to File your Appeal.............................................................................................................................18
Getting Help with an Appeal.........................................................................................................................18
Filing Weekly Claims while Appealing...........................................................................................................18

Table of Contents
What can be Deducted from my Benefits?.................................................................................................... 19
Other Deductions........................................................................................................................................ 20

Overpayments and Fraud

What if I Receive more than I am entitled to?............................................................................................... 21
Repaying Overpayments.............................................................................................................................. 21
Waivers....................................................................................................................................................... 22
Failure to Repay an Overpayment................................................................................................................ 22

Job Search Guide

What Must I Do To Find Another Job?.......................................................................................................... 23
Do I Have to Accept any Job that is Offered?................................................................................................ 24

Miscellaneous Information
Special Programs........................................................................................................................................ 25
Definitions and Detailed Explanations......................................................................................................... 25
Who Pays Unemployment Taxes?................................................................................................................. 27
What is a Covered Employer?....................................................................................................................... 27
Who may not be Eligible for Benefits?.......................................................................................................... 28
We Share Limited Information About You.................................................................................................... 29
Are my Unemployment Benefits Taxable Income?........................................................................................ 30
What Job Search Assistance is Available?...................................................................................................... 31
What Resources are Available on the Internet?............................................................................................. 32
How can I Expand my Job Search?.............................................................................................................. 33
What Special Services are available?............................................................................................................ 33
WorkSource Offices and Affiliates................................................................................................................ 35
Equal Employment Opportunity Is the Law.................................................................................................. 37

Benefit Tracking Calendars.......................................................................................................................... 39
Earnings Deduction Chart........................................................................................................................... 41
Unemployment Insurance Claim Form........................................................................................................ 43
Job Search Log............................................................................................................................................ 45

Unemployment Insurance Benefits
This is your Unemployment Claims Kit, which provides important information about unemployment insurance claims. You are
responsible for reading and understanding the information in this booklet, along with all other information we mail to you.
Your failure to read all information could result in a denial of benefits. If you cannot read English and need help understanding
any of this information, contact the Unemployment Claims TeleCenter. They have interpretive services available free of charge.
Este es su Manual para Reclamos por Desempleo con información importante acerca de reclamos del seguro por desempleo.
Usted tiene la responsabilidad de leer y entender la información en éste manual y cualquier otra información que le enviemos
por correo. Si falla al no leer toda la información, podría resultar en denegación de beneficios. Si no puede leer inglés y
necesita ayuda para entender cualquier parte de ésta información, por favor comuníquese al TeleCentro para Reclamos por
Desempleo. Ellos tienen servicio de interpretación sin cargo para usted.

Important Training Information
Commissioner Approved Training
Commissioner Approved Training (CAT) allows you to collect your regular Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits while
attending an approved full-time training program. If approved for CAT, you do not have to look for work. CAT does not pay
for books, tuition or school related fees. It does not extend your benefits. To learn more about CAT, visit our Web site at
To be potentially eligible for CAT, you must:
* Be otherwise eligible for UI benefits; and
* Be unlikely to return to work due to a diminishing demand for your skills or a surplus of workers with your skills in your
local labor market; or
* Have been laid off due to technological advances; or
* Show that you are unlikely to return to work in which you have experience or skills because of illness, injury or other
unique individual circumstances.

An approved training program is a course of education which:

* Is full time, as determined by the school or training facility;
* Provides you with skills in an occupation for which there are reasonable job opportunities in your labor market;
* Is not primarily intended to meet the requirements of a baccalaureate or higher degree; and
* Is generally of short duration, as CAT does NOT extend your benefits. If you will run out of UI benefits before completing
your training, you must show us that you have the financial resources to complete your training.
To apply for CAT, call the TeleCenter at 1-800-318-6022 and ask for a Student Eligibility Questionnaire/CAT Application, go
to the nearest WorkSource Office, or download and complete an application from the Internet at
Mail your completed application to;
Unemployment Insurance Imaging
P.O. Box 19019
Olympia, WA 98507-0019
Fax: 1-800-301-1796
You can also drop off your completed application at the nearest WorkSource Office. (A list of WorkSource Offices is provided
in this booklet.)

Training Benefits
Training benefits are additional weeks of unemployment benefits for dislocated workers needing vocational training to find
work. They are paid after you run out of your regular unemployment benefits (and any federal emergency extension).
Training benefits can add up to an additional 26 weeks of benefits to your unemployment claim to help you while you are
in training.
Training benefits do not pay for books, tuition, or other school-related fees. But, if approved for training benefits, you don’t
have to look for work while making satisfactory progress in your full-time vocational training.
You may be eligible for training benefits if you:
• Were terminated or received a notice of termination from your last job;
• Are otherwise eligible for unemployment benefits; and
• Are unlikely to return to work because your skills are no longer in demand in your local labor market, as determined by
your local Workforce Development Council (
Note: For new claims filed September 13, 2009 and later, you may also be eligible if you:
• Are a low-income worker* and our assessment indicates vocational training will enhance your earning potential;
• Served in the U.S. military or Washington National Guard in the last year, or are currently serving in the National Guard, and
we determine you need job-related training to find work; or
• Are disabled due to an injury or illness and we determine you are unable to return to your normal work and need job-
related training to find new work.
* You are low-income for training benefit purposes if the total wages reported on your claim divided by the total hours worked
reported on your claim equals $11.11 an hour or less.

For unemployment claims to enroll in training, or as soon will allow you to get a job in
effective before April 5, 2009: as possible if we determine the an occupation which is in high
training is not available within demand in your labor market,
* After receiving this claims kit, you
120 days. as determined by your local
have 60 calendar days to turn in
Workforce Development Council
a Training Benefits Application. * We will deny training benefits if
(; and
you do not meet these deadlines,
* You have 90 calendar days
unless you show good cause. * Is not primarily intended to
to enroll in training, or as soon
Your training program can only be meet the requirements of a
as possible if we determine the
approved if it: baccalaureate or higher degree.
training is not available within 90
days. * Is full-time, as determined by the To apply for training benefits, go to
* We will deny training benefits if school or training facility; your nearest WorkSource Office (a list
you do not meet these deadlines. of WorkSource Offices is provided in
Note: For unemployment claims
effective April 5, 2009, or later, this booklet) and ask for a Training
* Have a long-term history of Benefits Application Packet, download
working in an occupation or using less than full-time training may be
approved if you have a disability and complete a packet from the
a particular skill.
that prevents you from attending Internet at, or call
For unemployment claims school full-time. the TeleCenter at 800-318-6022.
effective April 5, 2009, or later: * Is at a school or training facility, Your local WorkSource Office can help
* After receiving this claims kit, you and in a training program on in completing the application.
have 90 calendar days to turn in the Eligible Training Provider
To learn more about training benefits,
a Training Benefits Application. List approved by the Workforce
Training and Education visit our Web site at
* You have 120 calendar days Coordinating Board (www.wtb.;
* Provides you with skills that

Self-Employment Assistance Program
While participating in the Self-Employment Assistance Program (SEAP), you can
create a job in an occupation that interests you and stimulates the local economy.
Each new business can provide employment for you and for job seekers you hire.
The SEAP program offers a valuable option to eligible people who wish to work
but want to run their own business. This program can give you the flexibility
and income opportunity unavailable through traditional employment. The Self-
Employment Assistance Program (SEAP) is a unique opportunity for you to enter
into self-employment entrepreneurial training and receive business counseling
while you collect unemployment benefits.
If you are approved to attend a Self-Employment Assistance Program you may
receive your unemployment benefits and not have to look for other work.

To be approved you must be:

* Otherwise eligible for If you do not have Internet access, go
unemployment benefits. to your nearest WorkSource office for
* Identified as likely to exhaust your help and more information.
* Enrolled in an approved Self- Note: Approval to attend a Self-
Employment Assistance Program. Employment Assistance Program
* Making satisfactory progress in the just means you do not have to look
approved program. for other work while you attend your
training program. Approval does not
To learn more, visit our Web extend your unemployment benefits
site at You and does not provide additional money
will find: to pay for books, tuition, or other
training-related expenses.
* More information about who is
and is not eligible to participate.
* A list of approved Self-Employment
Assistance Program training
* Information on how to apply -
including an application you can
print-out and complete with the
help of your approved training

Trade Readjustment Allowance

Trade Readjustment Allowance (TRA) benefits are payable to workers who have
lost their job from an employer who has been certified by the Trade Adjustment
Assistance (TAA) Reform Act of 2002. TRA weekly benefits are the same as your UI
weekly benefit amount. You may receive TRA benefits only after you run out of all
your regular UI benefits. To learn more about TRA, visit your nearest WorkSource
Office or our Web site at

General Information
What are Unemployment Insurance Benefits?
Unemployment insurance (UI) benefits partially replace your regular earnings and help you meet expenses while you look for
another job. They are not based on financial need.
While receiving unemployment benefits, your first responsibility is to get back to work as quickly as you can. The Job
Search section in this booklet explains the various services we offer to help you return to work. Staff in our various WorkSource
Offices throughout the state can help you find work and explain training opportunities.
If you live out of state, check with your local employment center for available resources. Whether you live in Washington
or another state, you can locate the office nearest you by calling 1-877-872-JOBS (5627), or on the Internet at www.

Who pays for unemployment insurance?

Washington State employers pay all the costs of the UI program through payroll taxes. Workers do not pay any of the costs. For
more information about the effect benefit payments have on employers, go to

What services are available?

We offer a variety of services on the Internet at or by calling the Automated Claim Line at 1-800-318-6022.
You can:
* File a new claim.
* Reopen an existing claim.
* File your weekly claim for benefits.
* Change your mailing address, telephone number, or e-mail address.
* Get specific information about your claim.
* Get information about the status of your check.
Certain services available by Internet or telephone are not available all the time. Some of these services are only available by
telephone. Depending on the status of your claim, you may not have access to all of the services you are seeking.
To find answers to many of your unemployment questions, research information, or access the Unemployment Insurance Laws
and Regulations, go to

The following chart outlines the availability of certain services.

This chart tells you when the Automated Claims Line or the Internet can be used.
Services This service is available This service is NOT available

Weekly Claim 24 hours a day beginning • When you have already filed your weekly claim for
Saturday at midnight through last week.
5:00 p.m. of the last business • When you missed claiming one or more of your
day of each week (usually Friday, weekly claims. You must stay current by filing your
unless a state holiday). claims each week.

Address Change 24 hours a day beginning • When you have already filed an address change
Saturday at midnight through this week. You can only submit one address
3:00 p.m. of the last business change per week using this system.
day of each week (usually Friday,
unless a state holiday).

Reopen Your Claim 24 hours a day beginning • When you have already filed a weekly claim,
Saturday at midnight through reopened an existing claim, or filed a new claim
3:00 p.m. of the last business within the last four weeks.
day of each week (usually Friday,
unless a state holiday).

If you need help or are not able to access the service(s) you need, call the TeleCenter at 1-800-318-6022 (hearing
or speech impaired call 1-800-365-8969).

What if I Have a Disability?

If you have a disability that prevents you from using the Internet or telephone, visit your nearest WorkSource Office for
assistance. All sites are accessible to people with disabilities. Their staff can help you file your application for unemployment
benefits and help you look for work.
The Employment Security Department is an equal opportunity employer and provider of programs and services.
Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to persons with disabilities. Auxiliary aids may include qualified
interpreters and telecommunication devices (TTY) for hearing or speech impaired individuals. Individuals with limited
English proficiency may request interpretive services free of charge to the customer in order to conduct business with
the department.

Unemployment Claims TeleCenter and Automated Claims Line:
TTY (for hearing or speech impaired): 1-800-365-8969
The TeleCenter hours are Monday through Friday (except state holidays), between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and
5:00 p.m. Pacific Time Zone.

Internet Addresses:

To send a form or questionnaire back to us, please use the return address on the form or envelope mailed to you,
or refer to the table below.
If you are not sure which address to use, call the Unemployment Claims TeleCenter.

Form/Letter: Mailing Address/Phone Number: Fax Number:

Request for an Appeal: TeleCenter Appeals 1-800-301-1795
You received a denial of your unemployment PO Box 19018
benefits and want to appeal. Olympia, WA 98507-0018

Petition for Review: Agency Records Center Must be mailed. We

You received a denial from the Office of PO Box 9046 do not accept faxed
Administrative Hearings and want to appeal. Olympia, WA 98507-9046 Petition for Reviews.

Advice of Rights form, questionnaires about Unemployment Insurance Imaging 1-800-301-1796

your job separation, and other requests for PO Box 19019
information to determine your eligibility for Olympia, WA 98507-0019

Paper weekly claim forms Unemployment Claims TeleCenter (509) 893-7240

Spokane- CCPU 1-877-280-6224
P.O. Box 14857
Spokane, WA 99214-0857
Military DD214, or Special Wage and Benefit Unit (SWAB) (360) 902-9766
Affidavit of Federal Civilian Service, Wage, PO Box 9046 1-877-890-2633
and Reason for Separation form Olympia, WA 98507-9046

Overpayments – To repay an overpayment Employment Security Department

of your unemployment benefits. Benefit Payment Control
PO Box 24928
Seattle, WA 98124-0928
Statement of Wages and Hours - to request Please call the TeleCenter at
a correction or to file an appeal. 1-800-318-6022 for the mailing address.

Training Benefits Applications See the Important Training Information in

this booklet.
Shared Work Program forms Shared Work Program (360) 586-5601
PO Box 9046 (360) 586-5602
Olympia, WA 98507-9046

Rights, Responsibilities and Benefit Amounts
Am I eligible? We will send you a written notice
any time we make a decision about
benefit year is one-third of your base
year wages or 26 times your WBA,
You may be eligible for benefits if you: your claim. whichever is less.
* Worked at least 680 hours in your However we will not make a
base year in a job or jobs covered Benefit Year
decision on your claim until you
by Unemployment Insurance; and Your benefit year is 52 weeks,
claim at least one week.
* Are fully or partially unemployed; beginning on Sunday of the week in
which you apply for benefits. During
* Are unemployed through no fault
of your own;
What are my your benefit year, you can collect no
* Are able to work; responsibilities? more than your maximum benefits
payable. We offer state or federal benefit
* Are available for work; It is your responsibility to understand extensions only during times of high
* Are actively seeking suitable work; the information in this booklet and do unemployment rates.
what the law requires. If you have any
* Are legally authorized to work in Statement of Wages
questions, call the TeleCenter. We will
the United States (US)(if you are
assume you understand the information and Hours
not a US Citizen or National) and
were legally authorized to work if you do not call. We will mail you a Statement of Wages
during your base year; and Hours within a few days after you
* Do not earn too much money
How much will I apply for unemployment benefits. It
during a week; or receive? will show:
* Do not have other income that * The wages and hours for your
Weekly Benefit Amount (WBA)
would disqualify you. base year reported by your former
For new claims filed with an effective employer(s).
See the Job Search Guide section
date of July 5, 2009 or later, the WBA NOTE: Your base year is the first
of this booklet for your job search
equals 3.85 percent of the average of four of the last five completed
the two highest quarter’s earnings in calendar quarters prior to filing
your base year or $560, whichever your claim for unemployment
What are my is less. benefits. If you do not qualify
using that period, you may qualify
Rights? NOTE: Federal and state
legislation in 2009 temporarily
for an Alternate Base Year (ABY)
If we question your eligibility for using the last four completed
increases the calculated weekly
benefits, you have the right to: calendar quarters as your base
benefit amount by $70 ($25
* Know why; year.
federal increase and $45 state
increase) for most claims filed * Whether you worked enough
* Ask for a copy of any or all
through the end of 2009. hours to receive benefits.
department records or documents
about the problem; For new claims filed prior to * The total amount of benefits you
July 5, 2009, the WBA equals 3.85 can receive on your claim.
* An interview before a decision
is made; percent of the average of the two If you do not get your Statement of
highest quarter’s earnings in your base Wages and Hours within two weeks of
* Have anyone, including an
year or $541, whichever is less. filing your claim, call the TeleCenter.
attorney, help you at the interview;
The minimum WBA is based on
* Present evidence, documents, or What if I think my Statement
witnesses, including co-workers, 15 percent of the average weekly wage
for the same period. of Wages and Hours is wrong?
at the interview;
If you think the amount of wages or
* Question witnesses or anyone Maximum Benefits hours is wrong, call the TeleCenter.
present at the interview; Payable (MBP) We will mail you a corrected Statement
* Appeal any decision you The total amount of regular benefits of Wages and Hours if we have to add
disagree with. that you can draw during your or remove wages or hours from your

claim. You can appeal if you still think * You were in the military, worked If part of the wages in your new base
the corrected information is wrong. for the federal government, or year were earned before you filed your
worked in another state. (These previous claim, you must also meet one
Your Statement of Wages and Hours wages will not show on your first
may be or appear to be wrong if: of two other requirements:
Statement of Wages and Hours.)
* You worked in one quarter and 1. If you were unemployed when
* Errors were made while entering you filed your previous claim, you
were paid in the next quarter. your wages and hours into our
Employers report wages in the must have returned to work and
computer system. earned wages of at least six times
quarter that they pay you. If you
think moving these wages to the your new WBA after filing your
Can I file a new claim after my previous claim; or
quarter you earned them would current claim ends?
give you a better claim, call the 2. If you filed your previous claim
TeleCenter. You may qualify for a new claim when before you became unemployed,
your current benefit year ends, if you you must have returned to work
* Your employer incorrectly
reported your Social Security meet certain eligibility requirements. and earned wages of at least six
number, wages or hours, or failed You must work 680 hours in your new times your new WBA since you
to submit a report. base year (or alternate base year). first became unemployed.

Filing My Weekly Claim

How do I collect my benefits? NOTE: You can only file your weekly week that you want to claim benefits
After you file your application for claims from one of the 50 U.S. states, and continue to file until you go back
unemployment benefits, you must start the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, to work, run out of benefits, or stop
filing your weekly claims. You need to the U.S. Virgin Islands, or Canada. This looking for work. You must claim at
file each week even if you are: is because you must be available to least one week before we can make a
report in person to a local employment decision on your eligibility.
* Waiting for a decision about office for reemployment services when
benefits; asked to do so. You cannot claim a week of benefits
* Waiting for your claim to become until the week ends. All weeks end
valid; or When Do I File My First at midnight on Saturday night.
Weekly Claim? Sunday is the first day you can file
* Appealing a denial of benefits for the week that has just ended. If
You file your weekly claim for week one
during week two between Saturday at you do not file your weekly claims
How do I file my
midnight and 5:00 p.m. the last working on time, we may deny your benefits
weekly claims?
day of the week (usually Friday, unless (see example).
You may use either the Internet or
there is a state holiday). File each
a touch-tone telephone to file for
your weekly benefit payment unless we
specifically tell you to file your weekly Example
claims another way. S M T W T F S
The Internet and Automated Claims
You applied for unemployment
Line systems are available to file your during this week. 1 2 3 4 5
weekly claim beginning at 12:01 a.m.
You make your first weekly
Sunday to 5:00 p.m. of the last business claim this week. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
day of the week (usually Friday, unless
You make your second
there is a state holiday). weekly claim this week, etc.
13 14 15 16 17 18 19

20 21 22 23 24 25 26

27 28 29 30 31

Establishing your Personal must continue to file weekly claims late, or you miss a week, you can not
Identification Number and look for work every week that you file by Internet or phone. You must
want to receive unemployment benefits, reopen your claim. If you wish to
You must select your own Personal
unless otherwise instructed. claim for back weeks, you must call
Identification Number (PIN). You use
We usually send your payment the the Telecenter during regular business
your PIN to file your weekly claim.
day after you file your weekly claim. hours and speak to a Claims Specialist.
Use a 4-digit number that you can
However, if you file your claim after Failure to file your weekly claims on
remember, but one that is not easy
5:00 p.m., we usually send your time may result in a denial of benefits.
for anyone else to guess. Your PIN
may be used with either the Internet payment two days later. Do not expect How do I stop
or telephone filing method. Please your payment the same day every week. claiming benefits?
do not use your birthday, repeating Mail delivery may vary.
The way to stop your claim is simple:
numbers (such as 5555) or numbers If it has been seven mail delivery Do not file your weekly claims.
in sequence (1234) for your PIN. days since you filed or called in your
claim and you have not received your You may stop claiming at any time
On your first call, we ask you to enter
payment by check or direct deposit, during your benefit year. You may
your two-digit birth month and four-
call the Automated Claims Line to see reopen your claim and begin receiving
digit birth year using the keypad on
if payment was made. If payment was the balance of your benefits until
your phone, e.g., 07 1956. We then
sent, and seven mail delivery days have your benefit year ends, as long as
ask you to set up a PIN. Enter the 4
passed, call the TeleCenter. To replace you meet all eligibility requirements.
numbers you set up for your PIN. When
lost or stolen checks will take time. For example, you are not eligible if
asked to do so, re-enter the 4 numbers
In the meantime, continue to file your you take a vacation, have full-time
to verify. When you successfully entered
weekly claims. temporary work, or become ill. There
your PIN, you may file your weekly
may also be other reasons you are not
Direct Deposit available for work or looking for work.
The Employment Security Department
Direct deposit is now available. We However, if you wish to start claiming
does not have access to your PIN
can send your unemployment benefits again, you must reopen your claim
number. It is confidential. Only you can
directly to your bank or credit union on the Internet or by calling the
claim benefits using your PIN as it is
account. You must apply online at TeleCenter.
the electronic equivalent of your written You will apply
signature. If we discover that anyone What are the requirements for
through a secure Web site to protect
claims benefits for you using your PIN, filing my weekly claim?
your personal information. We do
even with your permission, we may deny
not accept written requests for direct While claiming benefits, you must be:
your benefits and you may have to pay
deposit. To protect your information
them back. * Able to work;
please do not send written request.
What if I Forget My * Fast - no more mail delivery delays * Available to work;
PIN Number? * Safe - no more lost or stolen * Actively seeking suitable work; and
If you forget your PIN number and checks * Register for work with a
need to reset it, call the TeleCenter. * Convenient - WorkSource Office or local
employment center.
What is a Waiting Week? • no trips to the bank or credit
union to cash your check If required, you must maintain a log of
The first week you are eligible for
benefits is your waiting week. You will • no waiting in long lines your job search activities. For detailed
not be paid for your waiting week. You • no check cashing fees information about job search, see the
must file a weekly claim to receive Job Search Guide section in this book.
credit for your waiting week. What if I do not file my weekly
claim on time? More Information about Filing
When will I receive Your Claim
Our Internet and Automated Claims
my payment? Line systems do not accept late claims. * You must wait until the week is
We will send your first payment after Your claim is late if it is not filed by over (midnight, Saturday) before
you file your weekly claim.
you claim your second week if you 5:00 p.m. on the Friday after the week
meet all eligibility requirements. You being claimed. If you try to claim
* You may only file your weekly arrive within seven (7) postal * You must endorse your benefit
claim for the most recently delivery days after you complete check before it can be cashed
completed week. your weekly claim. or deposited. Before you sign
the check, please read the
* If there are any issues with your * You can call the Automated Claims
statement on the back above the
weekly claim, and it is during Line at 1-800-318-6022, and
select option #3—Where is my signature line.
normal business hours, the
system will transfer you to a check, to find out if we processed
Claims Specialist to talk about the your check. Or go to the Weekly
issue(s). Otherwise, we will ask Claims section on-line at www.
you to call back during normal
business hours.
* If you have not received your
* If you are entitled to a benefit check, DO NOT call before
payment for the week that you the end of seven (7) postal
claimed, your check will generally delivery days.

Reporting a Change of Address,

Telephone Number, or E-mail Address?
It is important to keep your mailing The Internet and Automated Claims When will my address change
address current in our files even if Line address and telephone number be effective?
you have stopped claiming benefits. change option is available 24 hours We usually make address changes on
We mail your IRS tax information, a day beginning Saturday at midnight the day you submit it. However, it could
benefit eligibility information and through 3:00 p.m. of the last business take up to 48 hours to process. If you
other notices to the address we day of each week (usually Friday, submit an address change, please
have on file. unless a state holiday). wait until later in the week to file
How do I change my address The address change option will not your weekly claim. Otherwise, we
or phone number? be given if you have already filed an may mail all correspondence, including
address change for the week. You can your check, to your old address.
You can change your address and only submit one address change per The Post Office does not forward
phone number by Internet or using the week. If you need to make a second unemployment benefit checks.
Automated Claims Line. address change during the same week,
To avoid errors when using the phone, call the TeleCenter. How do I change my e-mail
please speak slowly and clearly. address?
You can only add or update your e-mail
address by Internet or by calling the
TeleCenter at 1-800-318-6022 and
speaking to a Claims Specialist.

Restarting Your Claim
After you apply for unemployment
benefits, you must file your weekly
How do I reopen * If you want to reopen for a
previous week and it is during
claims each and every week. If at my claim? normal business hours, call the
anytime you stop filing your weekly TeleCenter and select Option #7
It depends on whether you use the to speak to a Claims Specialist.
claims (even for one week), your Internet or Automated Claims Line.
unemployment claim becomes inactive. We may deny your request unless
Internet: you show good cause for failure to
If you want to start claiming again, you reopen on time.
must first “reopen” your claim. You * If it has been more than four
can reopen your claim anytime during weeks since you last filed a weekly You will not be given the option to
claim, you can use the Internet to reopen if you have already filed a
your 52 week benefit year. If your
reopen your claim. weekly claim or reopened your claim
benefit year has ended, you must apply during that week.
for a new claim. * If it has been four weeks or less
since you last filed a weekly claim,
When should I call the TeleCenter at 1-800- What happens if I
318-6022 and speak to a Claims
reopen my claim? Specialist to reopen your claim. file my claims late?
Automated Claims Line: If you are late filing your weekly claim,
A reopened claim is effective the week or you missed a week and want to
that you call. You must reopen your * If you want to reopen your claim get “caught-up”, you must call the
claim during the first week you want to for the current week, call 1-800- TeleCenter. If a weekly claim is filed
318-6022 and select Option #2 to late, you may be denied benefits for the
begin claiming benefits, even though
reopen your claim. late week(s), or for failure to reopen
you cannot claim the week until it ends.
your claim, or both.
If you want to reopen your claim for
a previous week, you must call the
TeleCenter and speak with a Claims
Specialist. You must show good cause
for failing to reopen on time or you will
be denied benefits.

What Could Disqualify Me From
Receiving Benefits?
We may deny your unemployment NOTE: If the reduction in hours What happens if I am fired
benefits even though you have enough or pay is less than 25 percent, from my job?
earnings and hours for a valid claim. you may still qualify for benefits
if the working conditions are less Two types of misconduct are defined–
We may deny you indefinitely, for a misconduct and gross misconduct.
certain number of weeks, or until you favorable than similar work in
your area. Misconduct includes, but is not
fulfill a requirement.
7. Because your employer changed limited to the following:
What happens if I quit my job? your work site, causing a material 1. Willful or wanton disregard of the
You can show good cause for increase in distance or difficulty of employer or fellow employee;
voluntarily quitting work for these 2. Deliberate violations or disregard
specific reasons. You may have left 8. Because your work site safety of standards of behavior which the
work for good cause: deteriorated, you reported the employer has the right to expect;
safety deterioration to your
1. To accept a bona fide offer of employer and your employer 3. Carelessness or negligence that
work. failed to correct the hazard(s) causes or would likely cause
within a reasonable period serious bodily harm to the
2. Due to your illness or disability,
of time. employer or fellow employee; or
or the death, illness or disability
of a member of your immediate 9. If you reported illegal activities at 4. Carelessness or negligence of
family, as long as you pursued all your work site to your employer such degree or recurrence to
reasonable alternatives to keep and your employer failed to show an intentional or substantial
your job. end such activities within a disregard of the employer.
3. To relocate for your spouse’s reasonable period of time. You The following acts are considered
or domestic partner’s military are not required to notify your willful or wanton disregard:
transfer. The relocation must employer before quitting when
your employer is conducting 1. Insubordination;
be outside your existing labor
market area and you must have the illegal activity and notifying 2. Repeated inexcusable tardiness
remained employed as long as was your employer could jeopardize following warnings;
reasonable prior to the move. your safety or is contrary to
other federal and state laws 3. Dishonesty related to employment;
For quits on or after September
6, 2009, you may have good
(for example, whistle blower 4. Repeated and inexcusable
protection laws). absences;
cause if you quit to relocate for
the employment of a spouse or 10. If your employer caused your 5. Deliberate acts that are illegal,
domestic partner. The relocation usual work to change to work that provoke violence or violation
must be outside your existing would now violate your religious of laws, or violate the collective
labor market area and you must convictions or sincere moral bargaining agreement;
have remained employed as beliefs. 6. Violation of a company rule; and
long as was reasonable prior 11. To enter approved apprenticeship
to the move. 7. Violations of law.
4. To protect yourself or your If you are discharged or suspended for
12. If you are working both a full-time
immediate family members from and part-time job at the same time misconduct connected with the work,
domestic violence or stalking. and you quit the part-time job. we will deny you benefits for at least
5. Because your employer reduced ten weeks and until you earn wages
your usual pay by 25 percent equal to ten times your weekly benefit
or more. amount in covered employment.
6. Because your employer reduced
your usual hours of work by
25 percent or more.

Gross misconduct is defined as: for seven weeks and until you * Randomly auditing claims.
1. A criminal act in connection earn at least seven times your * Checking earnings reported in
with your work for which weekly benefit amount in covered other states.
you have been convicted in a employment.
* Checking records of people hired
criminal court, or have admitted * Fail to attend a Job Search in new jobs.
committing; or Monitoring Interview when
scheduled. * Checking job search contacts.
2. Conduct connected with your
work that demonstrates a flagrant * Fail to report for an Orientation * Investigating tips from others
and wanton disregard for the and Job Preparation class if about possible fraud.
employer or a fellow employee. directed. * Crosschecking social security
If we deny you for gross misconduct, * Fail to provide copies of your Job numbers against the Social
in addition to the ten weeks and ten Search Log when requested. Security Administration data base.
times your weekly benefit amount, all * File your claim late. Misrepresenting or knowingly
of your hourly wage credits based on * Fail to reopen your claim if you withholding information about
that employment or 680 hours of wage stop claiming. your claim is fraud, and will
credits, whichever is greater, will be result in a denial of benefits and
* Do not follow directions given by a
removed from your record. Removing additional penalties as follows:
department representative.
these hourly wage credits could mean * 1st occurrence – Denial of
you no longer have a valid claim, or * Refuse the department’s help in
benefits for 26 weeks beginning
finding a job.
your benefits could be reduced. the Sunday of the week the
* Do not follow union rules (if you decision is mailed and you must
Were affected by a strike are a member). repay any benefits paid for the
We may deny your benefits if you * Are employed full time. fraud weeks.
are not working because of your * Report work, vacation, holiday and * 2nd occurrence – Denial of
participation in a strike. If you do self-employment hours consistent benefits for 52 weeks beginning
qualify, you must report any payments with full time employment. the Sunday of the week the
from your union while you are not decision is mailed and you
* Are a school employee between must repay any benefits paid for
working. If the law defines these terms or a professional athlete the fraud weeks in addition to
payments as “earnings,” we will deduct between seasons. a penalty of 25% of the fraud
these earnings from your benefits. * Are not legally entitled to work in overpayment amount.
the U.S. * 3rd & subsequent occurrences –
Were affected by a lockout
* Misrepresent the facts while Denial of benefits for 104 weeks
We recommend that you apply for claiming benefits. beginning the Sunday of the week
benefits if you are not working because the decision is mailed and you
of a lockout. If you qualify, you must * Are a corporate officer and you
or a family member owns 10% or must repay any benefits paid for
report any payments from your union. the fraud weeks in addition to
more of the business.
If the law defines these payments as a penalty of 50% of the fraud
“earnings,” we will deduct them from * Are an ex-military service member overpayment amount.
your benefits. receiving a subsistence or
educational assistance allowance. You may also face criminal
We may also deny you benefits
We are on the Lookout for
if you:
False Claims
* Are not able to work, are not
available for work, or are not We have many ways to find out if
actively seeking suitable work. someone is receiving unemployment
This also applies to students in benefits by making false claims or
training that is not approved by the not giving us information as required.
department. Some of these are:
* Fail to accept or apply for a suitable * Comparing the earnings you
job as directed by the department. report with those reported on
If denied, you will be disqualified employer’s records.

Filing an Appeal
You, your last employer, and any base TeleCenter Appeals Most hearings are held by telephone.
period employer, have the right to P.O. Box 19018
appeal any decision we make about Olympia, WA 98507-0018 Getting help with an
your claim, including: Fax number: 1-800-301-1795 appeal
* Approval or denial of benefits; Your request must include: Anyone can assist you at a hearing.
* Approval or disapproval of * Your name; This includes your attorney and free
training; or low-cost legal aid. The person that
* Social Security number; represents you does not need to be an
* Reason for an overpayment;
* What you are appealing (the attorney.
* Amount of an overpayment; reason you were denied/
disqualified); At the hearing, the Judge will ask
* Whether or not you are responsible you to give testimony under oath. You
for an overpayment; and * The date of the decision; will also have the right to question
* Reason for denying or allowing * Why you disagree with the any witnesses and present evidence or
an overpayment waiver. A waiver decision; testimony to show that our decision
means that you do not have to
* Any records that you think should was wrong. Your availability for work
repay the amount we paid you.
be considered in making the and work search may be examined
You will know that we made a decision decision; during the hearing. Have your Job
when you receive one of the following * Any witnesses you would like to Search Logs available for your hearing.
notices: have present for your hearing; If you do not attend the hearing, the
* Revised Statement of Wages * If you need an interpreter, judge may rule against you.
and Hours (redetermination). which language you use (this
Tells you whether we recalculated includes American Sign Language
Filing weekly claims
your benefits based on new interpreters); while appealing
information about your earnings
and/or hours worked. * If your appeal is late, explain why To protect your right to receive
it is late; and benefits, file your weekly claim as usual
* Decision Letter. Tells you that we for each week you are unemployed. If
allowed or denied your benefits * Your signature.
the appeal is decided in your favor, you
and the reason(s) why. If denied, We can not accept an appeal by email.
the Overpayment Assessment will not be paid for any week you did
If you move while your appeal not claim as required. If your employer
tells you that we paid you too
much, and how much you must is pending, remember to tell the appeals your right to benefits and the
pay back. TeleCenter and Office of Administrative appeal is decided against you, you must
Hearings of your new address. repay any benefits received.
When to file your appeal When we receive your request If you have questions about filing
You must file an appeal within 30 days for an appeal, we will mail you an appeal or the process, call the
of the date we mailed your decision. information explaining your rights and TeleCenter and request the “Know Your
If you do not file your appeal within responsibilities in the appeal process. Rights” brochure, which explains the
30 days, you must tell us why you are We will send your appeal to the Office appeal process. You can download a
filing it late. Unless you can show good of Administrative Hearings (OAH), copy of the brochure from our website
cause, your case may be dismissed as which is not a part of the Employment at
untimely. Security Department. OAH will then
If a hearing decision goes against you,
assign an Administrative Law Judge to
Submitting your appeal hear your case. OAH will send copies
you can appeal by filing a Petition for
in writing Review with the Com­missioner of the
of your file to all parties involved
Employment Security Department. The
If you disagree with any decision, you in your appeal. This includes you,
instructions for filing the Petition for
can appeal the decision by writing your witnesses, and any interested
Review are included in the hearing
a letter and mailing or faxing it to employer(s). OAH will tell you when
the following address (unless your the hearing will be held and whether it
decision has a different address): will be done by telephone or in person.
What Can Be Deducted
From My Benefits
Earnings/Deductible Income Tips estimated net earnings to reflect your
You must report all work and income You must report all tips received as actual earnings. You may be eligible
earned each week, including income earnings for each week you claim for more benefits or you may have an
that is: benefits. If the total tips you received overpayment.
* Earned from part-time work, for a calendar month are less than Remember that you must be actively
including your current employer; twenty dollars, you may request that we seeking work and be able and available
adjust benefits for the week to show no to accept full time work with an
* Earned from self-employment; tip earnings. employer while self-employed.
* Received instead of money, such
as room, board, bonuses, tips, or Pay instead of notice, Military reserve pay
other forms of value; sick leave, holiday, and You must report your pay if you are
* Received for Chore Service, vacation pay in the Military Reserve or National
COPES, or day care; If your employer fires you and pays you Guard and you worked more than 72
* Earned for performing work or instead of giving you advance notice, consecutive hours. State law requires
services on an exchange basis, we must deduct that amount from your us to deduct your earnings for more
such as trading work for rent; and benefits (wages in lieu of notice). If than 72 consecutive hours of work.
your employer pays you for sick leave, If you are a reservist, your weekend
* Earned for a working interview.
holiday pay, or vacation pay assigned duty is based on 24 hour days.
You must report your earnings (gross to a specific week, we must also
pay) before deductions, not your net deduct these payments. For example: Jury Duty
pay. You must report income for (1) If you work part-time and you are If you receive compensation for being
the week you earn it, regardless of sick one day, we assign the sick leave on-call or reporting as a prospective
when you receive the pay. If you do earnings your employer pays you to the juror or serving on a jury, the
not, you may lose your right to future week you were sick; (2) payment for compensation must be reported and
benefits and have to pay back the July 4th is assigned to the week of the deducted from unemployment benefits.
benefits you received. You must report holiday; (3) payment for vacation when
all earning whether received in the the company is closed for two weeks is If you receive reimbursement
state of Washington or another state. assigned to those weeks. for travel, meals or other
expenses, it is not deductible from
If you are uncertain whether something If you receive a lump sum unemployment benefits.
is considered earnings, call the cash-out of your vacation pay,
TeleCenter. it is not deductible from your Back Pay and Worker’s
The following are a few examples unemployment benefits because it Compensation
of what might be considered is not assigned to a specific time If you seek back pay from an employer,
remuneration (earnings). period. you must let us know when you apply
Self-employment for benefits. If you receive any back pay
or lump sum settlement of worker’s
A bonus is deductible when connected If you are self-employed and claiming compensation of any kind, you must
with work which you performed during benefits, you must estimate how much let us know. You may have to repay the
a specific week. Bonuses over and you expect to receive and report the unemployment benefits you received
above any contractual agreement are net amount on your weekly claim (net for the period covered by the back
usually not assigned to any one week earnings are gross earnings minus pay award.
and are not deductible. expenses). At the end of the year,
you must contact the TeleCenter and
provide the actual amount of your
net earnings. We will adjust your

Other Deductions
Pensions Lump sum payments Disability pensions are not
If you receive or apply for a pension, If you receive a lump sum payment for deductible if based only on the degree
the employer-paid portion is deductible a pension instead of monthly payments, of disability or injury, rather than
from your benefits if your base period we deduct the employer-paid portion length of service.
employer (listed on your Statement from unemployment benefits. The Survivors and widows pensions
of Wages and Hours) paid into the entire lump sum payment is prorated are not deductible because they are not
pension plan. Deductible pensions over your life expectancy (based on IRS based on your work.
include: life expectancy charts) to determine
the monthly deduction. Child support
* Private employer pensions;
If you reinvest the lump sum amount If you owe child support, federal law
* Union pensions; requires us to deduct up to 50% of
(or a portion of it) within 60 days to
* State and local government another long-term retirement plan, each of your unemployment checks
pensions; such as an IRA (WAC 192-16-025), the until your debt is paid. If you have any
* Federal civil service pensions reinvested amount is not deductible questions about the amount of your
(including disability); from unemployment benefits. The long- deduction, contact your local Division
term plan must be a plan that you do of Child Support.
* Military retirement pensions
(including disability); and not intend to draw any income from Income Tax
while drawing unemployment benefits.
* Annuities. The federal income tax law does
You must tell us if you later apply for
If you choose to draw out any funds and/or receive any income from the not require us to withhold taxes
you paid into a retirement plan after plan while drawing unemployment from your weekly unemployment
you leave work, we do not deduct these benefits. benefits. However, you may choose
funds from your benefits. to have 10% of your weekly benefits
Social Security pensions are not deducted for income tax. See the “Are
deductible from unemployment My Unemployment Benefits Taxable
insurance benefits. Income” section in this booklet.

What If I Receive More Benefits
Than I am Entitled To?
If you receive more benefits than you
are entitled, we will send you a decision
Repaying * For overpayments due to
misrepresentation (fraud) - the
with an Overpayment Assessment. overpayments weekly benefit amount you
You must pay back the amount of the received at the time you were
If you receive more benefits than overpaid or 3% of the overpayment
overpayment if you are at fault. Some you are entitled to, we will send you balance, whichever is greater.
reasons you may be paid more than you a decision with an Overpayment
are entitled, include: * For all other overpayments - one
Assessment, which will say how much third of the weekly benefit amount,
* Mistake. You keyed your earnings you owe. If we overpay you, and the 3% of the overpayment balance, or
incorrectly or reported your payment includes an Internal Revenue $25, whichever is greater.
net earnings (the amount after Service (IRS) deduction, you must
deductions) instead of your gross If you cannot afford the minimum
repay the benefits you received, plus
earnings (the amount before monthly payment, you can make
the amount we withheld and sent to the
deductions). payment arrangements by calling the
IRS. You can repay by check or money
* Misrepresentation. You willfully Benefit Payment Control Unit toll free
order. Please make your check or
reported an incorrect earnings number at 1-866-697-4831, or in the
money order payable to “Employment
amount, intentionally gave the Olympia area at (360) 902-9770. You
Security Department”. Include your
wrong reason for your job can also use the following numbers or
separation, or you deliberately name and Social Security number on
e-mail address: Fax 360-902-9270, TTY
failed to report all earnings or your payment. Mail your payment to:
local 360-486-3032, TTY toll free 800-
other information that we require. Employment Security Department 207-0882, e-mail:
* Back pay. You receive back pay or Benefit Payment Control
a back pay settlement. When you PO Box 24928 Adding interest
apply for benefits, you must tell Seattle, WA 98124-0928 If we decide you committed fraud, we
us that you are trying to get back will calculate interest at 1% per month
pay. When you receive back pay We do not accept payments at our local
you must tell us, even if you are no offices. (12% per year) from the date the
longer claiming benefits. overpayment is discovered, including
If we deny you benefits and there is
* Improper payment. You receive an overpayment, the new balance
benefits, but are later disqualified available on your unemployment Interest on overpayments is charged
because we have learned new facts. claim increases by the dollar amount at 1% per month. Interest begins
* Employer appeals. You receive of the overpayment. If we cancel the immediately on fraud overpayments.
benefits, but are later disqualified overpayment, the new balance available For other overpayments, interest
because a former employer is then reduced by the amount of the begins when a portion of two or more
successfully appealed the payment. canceled overpayment. payments have been missed.
* Agency error. We accidentally paid Because an overpayment is a legal debt, Deducting money from your
you for a week(s) for which you we encourage you to promptly repay
were not eligible. benefits for your overpayment
the money you owe. We recommend
You must pay back the overpaid amount If you make your full monthly payment,
that you repay the full amount in one
if we decide you are at fault in causing we will not deduct your overpayment
payment if you can. If you cannot afford
the overpayment. Fault implies a degree from future benefits unless:
to repay in full, we will calculate your
of responsibility, but at a lesser level minimum monthly payments as follows: * You asked us to deduct it to pay off
than fraud or willful nondisclosure. your overpayment more quickly;
* Your overpayment occurred
because you asked us to cancel
your claim; or

* You owe more than the balance on Waivers Failure to repay an
your claim.
Under certain conditions we can waive overpayment
We will not deduct any interest, an overpayment. “Waived” means you If you do not repay the overpayment,
penalties or court costs from your do not have to pay it back. We cannot we may place a lien on your property,
benefits. You must pay these costs waive an overpayment if: garnish your bank account, or garnish
* You were at fault in causing the your wages or your spouse’s wages.
If you stop making your full monthly overpayment; or Filing for bankruptcy may not remove
payment for any reason, we may deduct * Your benefits were denied because your responsibility to repay the debt.
the overpayment from your benefits. We of misconduct/gross misconduct;
can do this if you are eligible for and or Correction of wages or hours
claim benefits. * The overpayment is the result of a If your employer corrects your wages
We will deduct 100% of your weekly conditional payment. or hours, your claim could become
benefit amount if: invalid, making you ineligible for
Your decision tells you whether
* Your overpayment was caused by benefits. If you received benefits on this
you were at fault in causing your
misrepresentation (fraud), and claim, you do not have to repay those
overpayment. The decision to waive or
you miss at least a portion of two benefits. However, if you were denied
not waive your overpayment is made
monthly payments; or benefits for some other reason before
according to state law and is based on
* The money left in your benefit the claim became invalid, you must
a number of factors, including your
claim is equal to or less than the repay those benefits.
financial circumstances. If we can
amount you owe; or consider waiver of your overpayment, If you received any benefits, we will still
* You ask us to cancel your old we will ask you to submit a Certification report all benefits paid to you to the
claim in order to file a new claim of Financial Condition and Request for Internal Revenue Service (IRS) even if
We will deduct 50% of your weekly Waiver. your claim becomes invalid. We will
benefit amount if: mail you a tax statement (1099-G)
after the end of the year. You will need
* Your overpayment was not caused to make the appropriate adjustments
by misrepresentation (fraud), and
when filing your taxes with the IRS.
you miss at least a portion of two
monthly payments; or
* You are being paid benefits on a
federal extension.

Job Search Guide
What Must I Do To * Are a member of a full referral
union that is recognized by the
30 days past the receipt of any
benefits, whichever is later.
Find Another Job? department; or
Out-of-state claimants must also
* Are on department approved be prepared to record job search
While claiming benefits, you standby. contacts for each week claimed.
must be:
We will notify you of your job search * For each employer contact, you
* Able to work; requirements. must provide the following items
* Available to work; on your Job Search Log:
A valid job search contact is a contact
* Actively seeking suitable work; and with an employer to inquire about or • The date;
* Registered for work with a apply for a job. • The business name and
WorkSource Office or local The following are NOT considered valid complete mailing address or
employment center. Web address;
job search contacts:
You must maintain a log of your job * Posting to an online employment • The business phone
search activities, if required. agency without an application number, e-mail address
submitted to a specific employer or Web address;
For each week that you claim benefits,
you must make at least three employer * Job search contacts with • How the contact was made;
contacts or participate in three in- employers that you know are not • The person you contacted or
person job search activities (or a hiring the job reference number;
combination of both for a total of * Submitting a state application • The type of work you were
three) at your WorkSource Office or without a specific announcement seeking; and
local employment center. number • The result.
Approved job search activities at * When it is determined the job * For each in-person activity,
the WorkSource Office or local search contact is designed in you must provide the following on
employment center include workshops whole or in part to avoid meeting your Job Search Log:
on topics such as job finding tips, the job search requirements.
• The date;
interviewing skills, or how to use the We monitor job search efforts on a
• The WorkSource office;
Internet to find a job. Other facilitated random basis for both in-state and
activities that qualify may be offered by out-of-state claims. If we select you for • A description of the activity;
your local office. an interview to review your job search and
If you are collecting additional or activities, you must bring proof of your • The result.
extended benefits under a state or identity. * When scheduled, attend a Job
federal program, you may be required Search Monitoring Interview at
You must also: your WorkSource Office or local
to make more job search contacts each
* Keep a log of your job search employment center to discuss
contacts. You can download your job search activities. Bring
If you are a member of a full referral additional job search logs on line your Job Search Logs with you. If
union, you must comply with your at you fail to report for the one week
union’s dispatch rules. NOTE: Copies of the Job Search review of your job search, we will
Log are included in the back of schedule you for a job search
You may not be required to make any review of all weeks claimed.
job search contacts if you: this booklet. When your logs are
completed, save them in case NOTE: If you are selected for
* Have been granted Commissioner we ask you for them. Do not an interview to review your
Approved Training (CAT); mail them to us unless we ask job search activities, you are
* Are approved for the Self- you to do so. Employer contacts required to bring proof of your
Employment Assistance Program listed on the log will be verified identity.
(SEAP); on a random basis. Keep these
logs a minimum of 60 days past
* Are approved for Training
the end of your benefit year or
* Accept any reasonable offer of Most claimants are Do I have to accept any job
suitable work. automatically registered for that is offered?
* Correctly report all hours worked, work at the WorkSource Office While receiving regular unemployment
earnings, and any other income. or local employment center. benefits, you do not have to look for or
* Report in person to your However, you must register within one accept work that is not suitable. Work
WorkSource Office or local week if we notify you. If you are an is not suitable if:
employment center when we ask Interstate claimant, call 1-877-872- * The work is not in line with your
you to do so. 5627 to find the local employment training and experience. (After
If we have a question about your center closest to you. a period of time, any job you
job search, we will schedule you for are qualified to do may become
a review of all of your job search You do not need suitable work.)
activities from the beginning of to register if you:
* You would be forced to join or
your claim. If you do not report for * Are partially unemployed because resign from a labor union.
this interview or your job search is your hours were cut, or if you are
* The hours or working conditions
incomplete, we will question your “on standby” requested by your
are not as favorable as most other
availability for work and may deny your regular employer.
jobs in your occupation in your
benefits. A denial of benefits will result NOTE: You may request standby area.
in an overpayment that you must repay. for up to four weeks as long as * The work is farther than the usual
NOTE: Your job search activities may there is a definite return to work commuting distance for people in
include looking for self-employment, date. Standby will be verified your occupation in your area.
but this cannot substitute for your with the employer. Any request * The wages offered are lower
three job search contacts each to extend standby beyond four than the wages common for that
week. You must look for work weeks (limit eight weeks total occupation in your area.
as an employee in your regular per benefit year) must come * The work is unreasonably
occupation. If your primary goal is from your employer and be dangerous.
self-employment, we will question approved by the department.
* You cannot physically do the work.
your eligibility for benefits. * Are a member in good standing
with a department-recognized full * The work would offend your
referral union. religious beliefs or moral
* Are enrolled in a department
approved training program.
* Have an anti-harassment order
issued by the court for your

Miscellaneous Information
Special Programs
Shared Work Claimants hours and earnings, as regular work Temporary Total Disability
If you are an approved Shared Work hours and earnings. Shared Work A Temporary Total Disability (TTD)
participant, direct any questions to participants also are not allowed to claim may be available to individuals
your employer representative, unless use the automated phone or Internet who have been released as able to
instructed to contact the Shared services to file their initial claims and work by a doctor within the last 12
Work Administrative Unit. Claimants reopen claims. If you need additional months, and:
participating in the Shared Work assistance, contact the Shared Work
* Received time loss pay for 13 or
program must follow most of the Administrative Unit at 1-800-752-
more consecutive weeks because
requirements outlined in this booklet, 2500. DO NOT call the TeleCenter for of a work-related injury;
with a few exceptions. Shared Work assistance. See the Contact Information
section for additional information. * Were off work for 13 or more
participants are not required to look consecutive weeks because of a
for work, keep a weekly job search nonwork related injury or illness;
log, and must report all paid time, * Received crime victims
including sick, vacation and holiday compensation for 13 or more
consecutive weeks.
Because a TTD claim uses work before
your injury or illness to establish your
claim, it could result in a better claim.
Call the TeleCenter if you need more

Definitions and Detailed Explanations

Fully unemployed means you have amount of unemployment benefits. If you meet this definition of a part-
lost your job and you have performed You may receive some benefits over a time worker, you do not have to look
no services during the week or have longer term than someone who is fully for full-time work to be eligible for
no earnings payable for the week. You unemployed. Part-time earnings may unemployment benefits. You are
cannot receive benefits if you work full- help you qualify for a new claim when required to be able, available and
time for an employer or if you are fully your current claim ends. In order to seeking suitable work that is 17 or
self-employed. receive partial benefits while working fewer hours each week.
Partially unemployed means you part-time, you must still look for full For more information, call the
were originally hired to work full time time work each week. TeleCenter or see our Frequently Asked
and your employer has temporarily Questions at
reduced your work hours because Part-time workers
Suitable work is employment in an
of lack of work. (If you are partially You are a part-time worker for the occupation in keeping with your prior
unemployed and filed your claim purposes of this law (RCW 50.20.119) work experience, education, training,
using the Internet, you must call the if you are otherwise eligible for benefits and that you have the physical and
TeleCenter to learn whether you need and: mental ability to perform. Generally,
to look for work.) * Earned wages in at least 40 weeks suitable work is full time work. Self-
Part-time employment means in your base year. employment is not included in the
that you routinely work less than * Did not work more than 17 hours definition of suitable work.
full-time. If you work part-time, you in any week of your base year. Suitable work is different when you
may be eligible to receive a reduced are collecting state funded extended

benefits. It is any work that is within Actively seeking work means you when called for dispatch, or if you
your capabilities and that pays a gross are looking for suitable work every refuse a dispatch or referral, you
wage that is at least equal to the higher week in the way that is common for must report this information when
of: your occupation and labor market. you make your weekly claim;
* Your Weekly Benefit Amount (plus State law requires that people receiving * Are partially unemployed (your
any supplemental unemployment unemployment benefits be actively full-time job has been reduced to
benefits); or looking for work. part-time work) or “on standby”
requested by your regular
* The state or federal minimum For each week that you claim benefits, employer and approved by the
wage (whichever is higher). you must make at least three employer department;
contacts or participate in three in-
Unemployed through no fault person job search activities (or a * Are enrolled in an approved
of your own means you were laid training program; or
combination of both for a total of
off, you quit your job with good cause three) at your WorkSource Office or * Have an anti-harassment order
as defined by state law, or you were local employment center. issued by the court for your
fired but not for misconduct/gross protection.
misconduct. If you voluntarily quit If you are a member of a full referral
union, you must comply with your If you are a student, you must let
without good cause, or were fired for us know if you are attending school,
misconduct/gross misconduct from any union’s dispatch rules.
registered for school, or planning to
former job, we may deny you. If you are collecting additional or start school. Like anyone who is being
Able to work means you are extended benefits under a state or paid unemployment benefits, you must
physically able to work. If you cannot federal program, you may be required still meet the other requirements listed
perform any type of work because you to make more job search contacts. without unreasonable limits on the
are injured or disabled, you may not be You may not be required to make any hours you will work. If the department
eligible for unemployment benefits. You job search contacts if you: agrees that the only way you can return
must inform us whenever you are not * Have been granted Commissioner to work is by going to school, you may
able to work, if you apply for or receive Approved Training (CAT); be able to receive benefits without
any retirement or disability pension, or looking for work. See Important
if you apply for or receive “time loss” * Are approved for the Self- Training Information in the front of this
Employment Assistance Program;
income, “loss of earning power” or booklet to learn more about receiving
crime victim’s compensation. * Are approved for Training Benefits; unemployment benefits while going
Available for work means you * Are a member of a full referral to school.
must be ready, able, and willing to union that is recognized by the Continuing Eligibility means that
immediately accept any suitable work department; or after you begin receiving benefits, we
that fits your training, experience, and * Are on department approved may question your eligibility. If you are
ability. You cannot place substantial standby. using the Automated Claims Line or
restrictions on the types of work you We will notify you of your job search Internet, you will be directed to call
will accept, or such things as hours, requirements. us or we will send you a request for
shifts, wages, and location that is written information. We will review the
customary for your occupation. It also You may not have to register facts and send you a letter with our
means you must have a way to get to for work with us if you: decision. If you have already received
work and have childcare available if * Are a member of a full referral benefits for which you do not qualify,
you need it. You must be legally entitled union that is recognized by this your decision letter will include an
to work in the United States. department. Your membership Overpayment Assessment that tells
Whenever you are not available for meets the job search requirements you how much you owe. (See the
work, including going to school, you of the law as long as you are a overpayment section in this booklet.)
member in good standing and are Unless you have returned to work,
must tell us. Otherwise, you could lose
available for dispatch according continue to file your weekly claims.
your benefits. You may also have to pay to your union rules. You must be
back the benefits you received and we immediately available for work If you understand the decision but do
may assess fraud. and do whatever your union not agree with it, you have 30 days to
requires of you to be referred appeal. Continue to file your weekly
to work. If you are not available claims during the appeal process.
Conditional Payment means that Exceptions to Covered notice. The notice is to be
when you are receiving unemployment Employment signed by the corporate
benefits and there is a question about officer(s). Corporate officers
Some types of businesses may not have in non-profit, 501(c)(3)
your eligibility for benefits, we will to report all employees. Non-covered
pay you conditionally. This means that organizations are reportable
employees are not eligible to as covered employees; as
we will continue to pay you while we receive unemployment benefits. are corporate officers in
determine your eligibility for benefits. local government (city,
We will not pay you conditionally if you If you are a:
county, towns, or tribes) and
have had a break in claiming of at least a. Business Owner – Owns a political subdivisions.
four weeks because: business, or are a member of a
Note: Even if covered by UI, corporate
* You returned to work; Limited Liability Company
officers who own 10% or more of
or Limited Liability Partnership,
* You stopped filing a claim; or company stock are not eligible for
you do not have to report owners,
benefits unless the business is closed
* We denied your benefits. but you must report all employees.
or they are permanently removed as
If we deny benefits, you must repay 1) Sole Proprietors -Washington an officer.
the overpayment. You are not eligible is a marital community
state so owners and their Note: If an employer has been
for waiver.
spouses are not covered reporting corporate officers and
For more information about for unemployment chooses to exempt these corporate
these terms, go to our Web site at insurance purposes; officers and not continue to report If you do not have 2) Partnerships - Partners in them, they are to immediately
a computer, you can usually find one most cases are not covered provide a signed and dated
in the local library, or you can use one for unemployment insurance notification of exemption to each
in your WorkSource Office or local purposes, there are some officer notifying them of exemption
employment center. exceptions; limited partners from unemployment insurance
in a limited partnership coverage. A copy of this document
Who Pays are covered if they are should be maintained as part of their
Unemployment Taxes? performing services for the
permanent corporate file.
Businesses that have employees limited partnership;
b. Small Farm Operator – Operates
must register, report wages, and pay 3) Limited Liability Companies
a small farm with a quarterly
unemployment taxes. The businesses’ (LLC) - the members or
payroll of less than $20,000 and
tax obligation begins when it hires registered agents of these
fewer than ten employees; you do
companies are not covered
its first employee and pays the first not have to report your spouse,
by unemployment insurance;
payroll. This obligation includes children under 18, or student
taxes on full-time, part-time, and workers.  You must report and pay
temporary employees. 4) Corporations - All services taxes on all other employees.
performed by corporate
c. Domestic Services – Hires
What is Covered Employment? officers, regardless of the
someone to perform domestic
nature of the work, are not
Covered employment is a job in services in a private home, college
covered by unemployment
which the employer is required by club, fraternity, or sorority, you
insurance purposes
law to report to our department and do not have to report unless you
unless the corporation
pay wages of $1000 or more per
pay a payroll tax. This tax is used to chooses to voluntarily
quarter to one or more workers.
pay unemployment benefits. Covered cover its officers and the
If payroll exceeds $1000 in
employment can also include work for department approves such
any quarter, the employer must
local, state, tribal, federal government, coverage. It must provide
report wages for the entire year
military service, or work in another the corporate officers with
retroactive to the beginning of
a written notice informing
state. Unemployment insurance does the year.
them of the ineligibility for
not cover a few jobs, such as outside unemployment benefits. The d. Non-profit Preschool – Operates
commission sales, real estate sales, exemption is not effective a private, nonprofit preschool, the
certain non-profit organizations, and until the date of the written business does not have to report if
churches. it employs fewer than four staff.

Who May Not Be
Eligible For Benefits?
Other types of employees * Elected government officials
that may not have to be * Church employees
reported to our department
and may not be eligible to * Licensed Insurance agents
receive unemployment * Licensed Real estate agents,
benefits include: brokers, and investment company
* Independent contractors (self-
employed) that are registered * Appraisers if they meet the terms
and paying taxes to other state in RCW 50.04.255
agencies * Travel agents if they meet the
* Non-resident aliens who are terms in RCW 50.04.232
temporarily in the United States * Work-study students or students
as a non-immigrant (Visa who work for a college while
classification F, H-2A, H-2B, H-3 attending the college
or J)
* Commissioned salespeople selling
goods, not services, outside all
of the places of business of the

We Share Limited
Information About You
We must give information about payments to the Internal Revenue * Address;
your claim to any of your base year Service (IRS) as, taxable income; * SSN;
employers or employer representatives * For statistical purposes;
if they request it. We can give them: * Wage;
* To detect fraud in federal and state * Other relevant identifying
* Your home address and telephone programs;
number; information; and
* For child support enforcement * Your employment & educational
* Amount of benefits paid; and purposes; history.
* Copies of your file including * To verify eligibility for
statements made and documents Sharing the information among
unemployment benefits and public WorkSource partners allows you to
collected regarding issues on your assistance;
claim. receive services from them without
* To verify eligibility for Housing having to give the same information to
NOTE: This does not apply to and Urban Development (HUD) each of the partners.
individuals who are victims of programs; and
domestic violence or stalking and WorkSource partners may not share
are a participant in the Washington * To assist in tracking people who this information with anyone else.
State Address Confidentiality have not paid back their student You may ask us not to share your
Program (ACP). loans. information with WorkSource partners
We cannot give information about you Wage, income, and other information and we will honor that request. You
or discuss your claim with anyone under your SSN may be exchanged with are still eligible for services from these
else unless we have a signed release other agencies that administer federally partners.
of information on file giving us assisted programs. We will not share this information
permission or are ordered to do so by Note: To prevent unauthorized if you have a court order
a Hearings Tribunal. use, we will verify the Social issued for your protection or
Security Number that you provide you are a victim of domestic
Privacy Act to establish your unemployment violence and are a participant
The Privacy Act of 1974 requires this claim with the Federal Social Security in the Washington State Address
department to provide the following Administration through a cross Confidentiality Program (ACP).
information because you are being match process. We will strictly obey the laws that
asked to furnish your Social Security protect your private information.
Number (SSN) under the authority of Data Sharing Notice
the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 We will share information about you We will send you a copy of the Data
(26 U.S.C. 85, 6011(a), 6050B, and with our WorkSource partners for Sharing Notice when we mail the
6109(a)): the purpose of providing you with Statement of Wages and Hours to you.
employment and training-related We send this to you when you file
Furnishing your SSN services. Examples of WorkSource your claim for benefits. If you do not
partners are community colleges; want us to share your information
is mandatory under with these partners, please complete
community service organizations such
federal law. as Community Action Councils and the form, sign it, and mail it to us.
Career Pathways; the Department of This form is also available in Spanish,
Your SSN is used: Russian and Vietnamese from your
Social and Health Services (DSHS);
* For processing your and the Division of Vocational local WorkSource Office. If you have
unemployment claim; Rehabilitation within DSHS. any questions about data sharing with
WorkSource partners differ in each WorkSource partners, please contact
* To match with Social Security
region. your local WorkSource Office.
Administration records to verify
your identity; The information we will share includes: We will never share information about
you for commercial purposes.
* To report unemployment benefit * Your name;
Are My Unemployment Benefits
Taxable Income?
Yes. Your tax payment options are Statement of taxes paid The IRS requires a copy of the 1099-G
described in this section. After January 15th of each year, the to file your income tax if you choose
department will mail an IRS 1099-G to have 10 percent withheld from
To withhold or not to withhold? your benefits.
form showing the total benefits paid
The federal income tax law does not and the amount of income taxes Between January 30th and April 30th,
require us to withhold taxes from withheld in the prior calendar year. you can obtain the prior year’s tax
your weekly unemployment benefits. This form is mailed to the last address information by calling the Weekly
However, you may choose to have on your claim. If you have stopped Claims Line. If you were issued more
10 percent of your weekly benefits claiming benefits and moved, it is than one 1099-G, you will hear a total
deducted for income tax. important that you give us your amount that includes all 1099-Gs. This
If you want income taxes taken from new address before the end of the information is also available on the
your benefits, this may help you avoid a year so we can send the 1099-G Internet from the Weekly Claims option
large tax bill. form to your correct address. This at
We cannot refund any money we information is also provided to the IRS. If you file your tax return electronically,
withhold for income tax purposes. If we The amount on the 1099-G form does you will also need to identify the agency
overpay you, and the payment includes not include any adjustments, such as which paid you the benefits. In this
an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) overpayments, nor does it include any state it is:
deduction, you must repay the benefits amount you returned to us. If you had Employment Security Department
you received, along with the amount we adjustments for overpayments, you State of Washington
withheld and sent to the IRS. must resolve the differences with the PO Box 9046
If you want taxes taken from your IRS using receipts or other records to Olympia, WA 98507-9046
benefits, and did not tell the TeleCenter support your tax return. If you have Federal ID 91-6001099
when you filed your claim, complete questions about reporting adjustments 1-800-318-6022
the Voluntary Withholding Form below on your income tax, contact the IRS for
and send it to the address listed or call assistance.
the TeleCenter.

You may use the form below to either request withholding or to stop withholding taxes from your weekly
benefits. Only the IRS can refund your withholdings for income tax. The IRS can only refund your money if you
qualify for a refund on your annual federal income tax return.

q Yes, Name:
I want 10 percent of my
weekly unemployment Signature:
benefit payment withheld Social Security or identification number:
for income tax.

q No, Return this form to:

I do not want 10 percent of Employment Claims Telecenter Spokane – CCPU
my weekly unemployment P.O. Box 14857
benefit payment withheld Spokane, WA 99214-0857
Local fax: 509-893-7240
for income tax.
Toll-free fax: 877-280-6224
What Job Search
Assistance Is Available?
The Employment Security Department We have: Newspapers and other publications
is Washington’s largest employment Free photocopiers and for searching job listings and
agency. Each year our local computer printers to give you a researching the labor market.
WorkSource Offices refer thousands professional looking resume. Job announcements for state,
of applicants to jobs. Nearly 75,000 of federal, and local government agencies;
them get jobs - one every 90 seconds! Videotapes and books with helpful
information about job search colleges and universities; and large
Each year we help another 25,000 businesses.
people find work by teaching them strategies, writing resumes,
how to search for a job or by linking interviewing skills, and finding the “Job Line” phone numbers for major
them with specialized training at hidden job market. employers.
community and technical colleges or Personal computers for preparing Local phone directories.
on-the-job training programs. You resumes and researching labor market We can also provide
can find your next job this way too. information. You can also use the consultation for those who request
We are here to help you! Interstate computer to write letters to potential it. We can help identify your unique
claimants can locate the nearest local employers, run tutorial programs assets, skills and experiences that an
employment center by calling 1-877- on how to look for a job, download employer will value. We can help you
872-5627 or on the Internet at www. application forms for state jobs, or learn skills (such as computer skills) assess your aptitudes and interests to to improve your chances of finding a
find clues to the right job for you.
Local resources good job.
Internet access including the Classes, workshops, and other
You can find a wealth of resources to department’s site (go2worksource.
help you find your next job at your facilitated services at the WorkSource
com) and national job listings. You Office can also meet your weekly job
local WorkSource Office. We will can also use the computer to access
refer you to available jobs, training search requirements.
information about unemployment
opportunities, and community services benefits.
and help you use the on-site resources.

What Resources Are Available
on the Internet?
The Employment Security Department’s * Read our Frequently Asked You can also send e-mail messages
home page has a link to information Questions; to the department and ask questions
about Unemployment Insurance (UI). * Get statistical information about a about unemployment issues if you can
The site address is www.home.go2ui. wide range of topics related to the not find the answer on the web site.
com. This site provides information UI program; You can apply for unemployment ben-
and services related to unemployment * Read “Just the Facts” which efits through the Internet unless:
benefits. contains the mission statement * You worked in two or more states
for the department and provides a in the last 24 months.
Services Offered brief history of the UI program;
* You worked in only one state other
You can use this site to: * Download forms and brochures than Washington in the last 24
used for unemployment benefits months.
* Apply for unemployment benefits,
and tax;
file your weekly claim, or reopen * You were totally disabled for at
your claim; * Read the glossary of terms used in least 13 consecutive weeks due
the UI program; to a work related injury or a non-
* Get information about
unemployment insurance tax, * Read information about the work related injury or illness, AND
including information about filing services available to specific layoff you were released by your doctor
tax reports and laws related to UI populations, such as dislocated within the last 12 months.
tax; Boeing workers; and
* Read the Laws and Regulations * Find links to other resources for
related to the Employment Security information about other state
Department; of Washington sites and related
federal agency sites.

How Can I Expand My Job Search?
Use the power of the World General Information Job and Resume
Wide Web to find: Find labor market information, Databases
* Job and resume databases. You such as the latest wage information Explore and apply for job openings
can browse thousands of jobs on jobs in your field before you via Employment Security’s job-
and post your resume to help an negotiate your salary. Use Employment finding web page, WorkSource, at:
employer find you. Security’s Workforce Explorer at www.
NOTE: Browsing job listings WorkSource is Washington’s official
or posting your resume on
the Internet (, Employment Security’s site for career and employment, Monster. Home Page resources for job seekers and
com, etc.) does not count as a employers. As a service to you, the
job search contact unless you Access helpful information about the following can be accessed from the
submit a job application to a Washington Employment Security WorkSource web site:
specific employer. It also does Department on our home page at Classified Job Ads - Find job listings in
not count as an in-person job
search activity when done at the on-line newspapers.
WorkSource Office. Some of the best Company Sites - Many employers list
* Employer information.  You can job opportunities on their company
find out where a company is sources on the web sites.
located and who to talk to about
available jobs.  You can even World Wide Web Government Jobs - Federal, state, city,
county, and regional are listed here.
check out financial information
about the company before
are listed here. Find Washington State jobs listed by the
you apply. Washington Department of Personnel at

What Special Services Are Available?

We want to help you get back to work * Were discharged or released who want to hire veterans. We will
quickly. We give extra attention to (except for dishonorable show you how to use the services
people with special needs or those discharge); or at the WorkSource Office or local
having a hard time finding a job. * Were discharged or released for a employment center and other sources
service-connected disability. aimed at helping veterans compete in
Veteran Services At the WorkSource Office or local the civilian job market. For example:
You are eligible for veteran’s assistance employment center, you will work with * Veteran work study
if you: a fellow veteran to identify your skills, * Federal contractor job listings
* Served on active duty for more and learn new ways to market yourself.
* Veterans Readjustment Act
than 180 days; We will also help link you to employers
* Montgomery GI Bill

We will also show you how employers Dislocated worker by contacting the student employment
can take advantage of incentives to If you are a dislocated worker, you may office on campus. We cooperate with
hire veterans such as tax credits and be eligible for additional services. The college placement services to offer
reimbursement for wages. services are available if you lost your job placement, resume assistance, job
job and are unlikely to return to your clubs, individual counseling, and labor
Trade Act market information – such as wages
usual occupation due to:
If you lost your job or your hours and jobs in your field.
* Plant closure;
were cut due to foreign imports or
shifts of U.S. production, you may * Mass layoff; Community Resources
be eligible for assistance under the * Foreign competition; or Your WorkSource Office or local
Trade Act. A petition must be filed * Lack of demand for your skills. employment center can refer you to
with the U.S. Department of Labor to food banks, free credit counseling,
certify that the loss of employment Displaced homemakers and self- and a wide range of other community
or hours qualifies for this program. employed people affected by market resources to help you cope with
For more information, call your changes are among those who may unemployment.
nearest WorkSource Office or local qualify. Dislocated workers can use
employment center. You may also go the resources of a WorkSource Office The Washington Basic
online at or local employment center and other Health Plan
services to prepare for a new occupa­ If you have no health insurance, or
Trade adjustment assistance tion. Services include: are having difficulty paying for your
may include: * Training in skills needed for jobs health insurance, you may qualify for
* Employment and vocational in your area; the state-sponsored Washington Basic
counseling to help you prepare for * Basic literacy; Health Plan. This insurance is available
a job search; to Washington residents at a much
* English as a second language;
* Training in skills for a new lower cost than most private health
occupation, basic or remedial * On-the-job training;
insurance plans. You may be able to
education, literacy, or English as a * Starting your own business; insure your children at no cost to you.
second language; * Finding a job in another area; and To find out if you are eligible, or to
* A job search allowance to cover * Helping your family cope with job request an application, call 1-800-826-
your expenses in finding a job loss. 2444. You may also visit their web site
outside your normal commuting at
area; If you have a disability . . .
If you think you qualify for any of the
* A relocation allowance to cover specialists at our WorkSource Offices special services listed, call or visit
expenses for moving to a new area and local employment centers can help
for a job; and your WorkSource Office or local
you find work. employment center for assistance.
* Additional financial support after
your unemployment benefits run If you are a community college
out, as long as you are enrolled student . . .
in an approved full-time training
program. you may be able to obtain job
readiness and job search assistance

WorkSource Offices and Affiliates
Aberdeen (Grays Harbor) Goldendale Mount Vernon
Main Number 360-533-9318 Main Number 509-773-5503 Main Number 360-416-3500
Toll Free 1-800-783-0657 116 E Main TTY 360-416-3582
TTY 360-538-2349 Goldendale - 98620 2005 E College Way
511 W Heron St Mount Vernon - 98273
Aberdeen - 98520 Grandview (Apr-Oct)
Main Number 509-882-3200 Oak Harbor (Whidbey Island)
American Lake VA Hospital 601 E Main St Main Number 360-675-5966
Main Number 253-582-8440, ext 6889 Grandview - 98930 31975 SR 20, Ste 3
Couns & Pys Services Office, Bldg 148 Oak Harbor - 98277
Tacoma - 98433 Kelso (Cowlitz/Wahkiakum East)
Main Number 360-577-2250 Olympia
Auburn TTY 360-578-4249 Main Number 360-704-3600
Main Number 253-804-1177 305 S Pacific Ave, Ste A TTY 360-570-4253
TTY 253-804-1177 Kelso - 98626 1570 Irving St SW, PO Box 9765
2707 “I” St NE Tumwater - 98512
Auburn - 98002-2411 Kennewick (Columbia Basin)
Main Number 509-734-5900 Omak (Okanogan County)
Bellingham (Whatcom) TTY 509-734-5957 Main Number 509-826-7310
Main Number 360-676-1521 815 N Kellogg, Ste C Toll Free 1-800-887-8057
101 Prospect St Kennewick - 99336 TTY 509-826-7578
Bellingham - 98225 126 S Main, PO Box 3759
Lakewood Omak - 98841
Bremerton Main Number 253-984-5400
Main Number 360-337-4810 Lakewood Town Plaza Port Angeles (Clallam County)
1300 Sylvan Way, 1st Floor 5712 Main St SW, Ste 200 Main Number 360-457-2100
Bremerton - 98310 Lakewood - 98499 TTY 360-457-2106
228 West 1st St., Suite A
Chehalis (Lewis County) Long Beach Port Angeles - 98362
Main Number 360-748-2360 Main Number 360-642-6213
TTY 360-748-6889 2601 N Pacific Hwy Port Hadlock
Lewis County Mall Long Beach - 98631 Main Number 360-379-5036
151 NE Hampe Way 207 W Patison
Chehalis - 98532 Lynnwood Port Hadlock - 98339
Main Number 425-673-3300
Colville TTY 425-712-3047 Pullman
Main Number 509-685-6158 20311 52nd Ave W, Suite 300 Main Number 509-332-6549
956 S Main, Suite B Lynnwood - 98036 350 SE Fairmont Rd, Suite 2
Colville - 99114 Pullman - 99163-5500
Mattawa (Mar-Oct)
Ellensburg (Kittitas County) Main Number 509-932-4045 Raymond (Pacific County)
Main Number 509-925-5311 403 Boundary St. Main Number 360-875-9470
412 N. Main St Mattawa - 99349 600 Washington St
Ellensburg - 98926 Raymond - 98577
McChord Outstation
Everett Main Number 253-982-2009 Redmond
Main Number 425-258-6300 62 MSS/WSES 552 A St Main Number 425-861-3700
TTY 425-257-1216 McChord - 98438 TTY 425-861-3808
3201 Smith Ave, Suite 114 7735 178th Pl NE
Everett - 98201 Moses Lake Redmond - 98052
Main Number 509-766-4105
TTY 509-766-6509
309 E 5th Ave
Moses Lake - 98837

Renton Sunnyside Wenatchee
Main Number 206-205-3500 Main Number 509-836-5405 Main Number 509-665-6605
500 SW 7th Street, Suite 100 TTY 509-836-1130 TTY 509-665-3744
Renton - 98057 1925 Morgan Rd 215 Bridge St, PO Box 1927
Sunnyside - 98944 Wenatchee - 98801
Seattle (North)
Main Number 206-529-6043 Tacoma (Pierce) White Salmon
9600 College Way N, #1151 Main Number 253-593-7300 Main Number 509-493-1210
Seattle - 98103 1305 Tacoma Ave S, Suite 201 Toll Free 1-800-511-7388
Tacoma - 98402 TTY 509-493-5025
Seattle (Rainier) 107 W Jewett Blvd, PO Box 2169
Main Number 206-721-6000 Tieton (Aug-Oct) White Salmon - 98672
TTY 206-721-4335 Main Number 509-673-5380
2531 Rainier Ave S, PO Box 22510 704 Wisconsin Ave Yakima
Seattle - 98144-5328 Tieton - 98947 Main Number 509-574-0105
TTY 509-574-0117
Shelton (Mason County) Vancouver (Town Plaza) 306 Division St
Main Number 360-427-2174 Main Number 360-735-5000 Yakima - 98902
310 E Wallace Kneeland Blvd, Suite 224 322 TTY 360-735-5094
Shelton - 98584 5411 E Mill Plain Blvd, Suite 15 Zillah (Apr-Oct)
Vancouver - 98661 Main Number 509-829-5554
Spokane 1002 1st Ave
Main Number 509-532-3000 Walla Walla Zillah - 98953
TTY 509-532-3028 Main Number 509-527-4393
130 S Arthur St TTY 509-527-1834
Spokane - 99202-2291 1530 Stevens, PO Drawer H
Walla Walla - 99362
Main Number 509-427-4464 Wapato (May-Oct)
704 SW Rock Creek Dr, PO Box 847 Main Number 509-877-3166
Stevenson - 98648 1283 S Camas Rd
Wapato - 98951


Equal Employment
Opportunity is the Law
Employers Holding Private Employment, Programs or Activities
Federal Contracts or State and Local Receiving Federal
Subcontracts Governments, Financial Assistance
Applicants to and employees of Educational Institutions It is against the law for the Employment
companies with a federal contract or Applicants to and employees of most Security Department to discriminate on
subcontract are protected under the private employers, state and local the following basis:
following Federal laws: governments, educational institutions, * Race, color, religion, sex, national
* Race, color, religion, sex, employment agencies and labor origin, age, disability, political
national origin affiliation or belief; and in service
organizations are protected under the
Executive Order 11246, as following Federal laws: delivery, based on citizenship or
amended status as a participant in any WIA
* Race, color, religion, sex, national Title I financially assisted program
* Individuals with disabilities origin or activity
Section 503 of the Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of
Rehabilitation Act of 1973 1964 If you believe you have
Vietnam era & special disabled * Individuals with disabilities
Americans with Disabilities Act
been discriminated
of 1990 against, you have the
Vietnam Era Veterans’
Readjustment Assistance Act * Age right to file a complaint
of 1974 Age Discrimination in within 180 days from
Employment Act of 1967
the date of the alleged
If you believe you have * Sex (wages)
Equal Pay Act of 1963 discrimination with
been discriminated
against under any of the If you believe you have Director
above laws, you should been discriminated Civil Rights Center
contact: against under any of the U.S. Department of Labor
Director above laws, you should Room N-4123
Pacific Region 200 Constitution Avenue NW
Office of Federal Contract contact: Washington, DC 20210
Compliance Programs U.S. Equal Opportunity Commission Phone: (202) 693-6502
71 Stevenson Street 1801 L St. NW TTY: (202) 693-6515
Suite 1700 Washington, DC 20507 or,
San Francisco, CA 94105 or, an EEOC field office by calling
Phone: (415) 848-6969 EO Officer
toll free, Employment Security Department
Fax: (415) 848-6955 Phone: 1-800-669-4000 PO Box 9046
TTY: 1-800-669-6820 Olympia, WA 98507-9046
Phone: (360) 902-9530
TTY: (360) 902-9569

Benefit Tracking
Benefit Tracking Calendar
Enter thethe dateweek
date weekisisclaimed
claimed in
in column
Enter thethe datebenefit
date payment receivedinincolumn
received columnDD



First Quarter - 2009 Third Quarter - 2009


1 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 27 J 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
2 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 28 U
N 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
3 A 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 29 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
4 Y 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 30 26 27 28 29 30 31 1

5 F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 31 A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
6 R
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 32 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
7 A 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 33 U
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
8 Y 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 34 S 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 35 T 30 31 1 2 3 4 5
10 A
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 36 SE 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
11 R 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 37 T 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
12 C 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 38 M 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
13 H
29 30 31 APR
1 2 3 4 39 RE 27 28 29 30 OCT 1 2 3
Base Year: October 1, 2007 thru September 30, 2008 Alternate Base Year: January 1, 2008 thru December 31, 2008 Base Year: April 1, 2008 thru March 31, 2009 Alternate Base Year: July 1, 2008 thru June 30, 2009
Base Year Quarters: 4 of 2007; 1, 2 and 3 of 2008 Alternate Base Year Quarters: 1, 2, 3 and 4 of 2008 Base Year Quarters: 2, 3 and 4 of 2008; 1 of 2009 Alternate Base Year Quarters: 3 and 4 of 2008; 1 and 2 of 2009

Second Quarter - 2009 Fourth Quarter - 2009


14 A 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 40 O 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
15 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 41 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
R 0
16 I 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 42 B 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
17 L 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 43 R 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
18 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 44 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
19 M 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 45 V 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
20 A 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 46 M 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
21 Y 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 47 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
22 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 48 R 29 30 1 2 3 4 5
23 49 D 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
J 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 E
24 U 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 50 E 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
25 N 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 51 B 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
26 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 52 R 27 28 29 30 31 1 2
Base Year: January 1, 2008 thru December 31, 2008 Alternate Base Year: April 1, 2008 thru March 31, 2009 Base Year: July 1, 2008 thru June 30, 2009 Alternate Base Year: October 1, 2008 thru September 30, 2009
Base Year Quarters: 1, 2, 3 and 4 of 2008 Alternate Base Year Quarters: 2, 3, and 4 of 2008; 1 of 2009 Base Year Quarters: 3 and 4 of 2008; 1 and 2 of 2009 Alternate Base Year Quarters: 4 of 2008; 1, 2 and 3 of 2009

Dates circled are state holidays.

Benefit Tracking
Benefit Tracking Calendar
Enter thethe dateweek
date weekisisclaimed
claimed in
Enter thethe datebenefit
date payment receivedinincolumn
received columnDD



First Quarter - 2010 Third Quarter - 2010


1 J 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 27 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2 N
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 28 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
3 U 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 29 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
4 R 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 30 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
5 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 31 A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
6 F 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 32 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
7 B
R 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 33 U
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
8 A 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 34 S 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
9 Y 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 35 T 29 30 31 1 2 3 4
10 M 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 36 SE 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
11 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 37 T 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
12 C 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 38 M 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
13 H 28 29 30 31 APR
1 2 3 39 RE 26 27 28 29 30 OCT
1 2
Base Year: October 1, 2008 thru September 30, 2009 Alternate Base Year: January 1, 2009 thru December 31, 2009 Base Year: April 1, 2009 thru March 31, 2010 Alternate Base Year: July 1, 2009 thru June 30, 2010
Base Year Quarters: 4 of 2008; 1, 2 and 3 of 2009 Alternate Base Year Quarters: 1, 2, 3 and 4 of 2009 Base Year Quarters: 2, 3 and 4 of 2009; 1 of 2010 Alternate Base Year Quarters: 3 and 4 of 2009; 1 and 2 of 2010

Second Quarter - 2010 Fourth Quarter - 2010


14 A 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 40 O 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
15 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 41 T
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
16 I 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 42 0 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
17 L 25 26 27 28 29 30 MAY
1 43 E 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
18 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 44 31 1 2 3 4 5 6
19 M 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 45 N 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
46 V
20 A 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 E 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 Y 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 47 B 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
22 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 48 R 28 29 30 1 2 3 4
23 49 D 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
J 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 E
24 U 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 50 E 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
25 N 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 51 B 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 52 R 26 27 28 29 30 31 1

Base Year: January 1, 2009 thru December 31, 2010 Alternate Base Year: April 1, 2009 thru March 31, 2010 Base Year: July 1, 2009 thru June 30, 2010 Alternate Base Year: October 1, 2009 thru September 30, 2010
Base Year Quarters: 1, 2, 3 and 4 of 2009 Alternate Base Year Quarters: 2, 3, and 4 of 2009; 1 of 2010 Base Year Quarters: 3 and 4 of 2009; 1 and 2 of 2010 Alternate Base Year Quarters: 4 of 2009; 1, 2 and 3 of 2010

Dates circled are state holidays.

Gross Earnings Earnings Gross Earnings Earnings Gross Earnings Earnings Gross Earnings Earnings Gross Earnings Earnings
(From) (To) Deduction (From) (To) Deduction (From) (To) Deduction (From) (To) Deduction (From) (To) Deduction
0.00 - 5.00 = 0 85.01 - 86.33 = 61 166.34 - 167.66 = 122 247.67 - 249.00 = 183 329.01 - 330.34 = 244
5.01 - 6.33 = 1 86.34 - 87.66 = 62 167.67 - 169.00 = 123 249.01 - 250.33 = 184 330.35 - 331.67 = 245
6.34 - 7.66 = 2 87.67 - 89.00 = 63 169.01 - 170.33 = 124 250.34 - 251.66 = 185 331.68 - 333.00 = 246
7.67 - 9.00 = 3 89.01 - 90.33 = 64 170.34 - 171.66 = 125 251.67 - 253.00 = 186 333.01 - 334.34 = 247
9.01 - 10.33 = 4 90.34 - 91.66 = 65 171.67 - 173.00 = 126 253.01 - 254.33 = 187 334.35 - 335.67 = 248
10.34 - 11.66 = 5 91.67 - 93.00 = 66 173.01 - 174.33 = 127 254.34 - 255.66 = 188 335.68 - 337.00 = 249
11.67 - 13.00 = 6 93.01 - 94.33 = 67 174.34 - 175.66 = 128 255.67 - 257.00 = 189 337.01 - 338.34 = 250
13.01 - 14.33 = 7 94.34 - 95.66 = 68 175.67 - 177.00 = 129 257.01 - 258.33 = 190 338.35 - 339.67 = 251
14.34 - 15.66 = 8 95.67 - 97.00 = 69 177.01 - 178.33 = 130 258.34 - 259.66 = 191 339.68 - 341.00 = 252
15.67 - 17.00 = 9 97.01 - 98.33 = 70 178.34 - 179.66 = 131 259.67 - 261.00 = 192 341.01 - 342.34 = 253
17.01 - 18.33 = 10 98.34 - 99.66 = 71 179.67 - 181.00 = 132 261.01 - 262.33 = 193 342.35 - 343.67 = 254
18.34 - 19.66 = 11 99.67 - 101.00 = 72 181.01 - 182.33 = 133 262.34 - 263.66 = 194 343.68 - 345.00 = 255
19.67 - 21.00 = 12 101.01 - 102.33 = 73 182.34 - 183.66 = 134 263.67 - 265.00 = 195 345.01 - 346.34 = 256
21.01 - 22.33 = 13 102.34 - 103.66 = 74 183.67 - 185.00 = 135 265.01 - 266.33 = 196 346.35 - 347.67 = 257
22.34 - 23.66 = 14 103.67 - 105.00 = 75 185.01 - 186.33 = 136 266.34 - 267.66 = 197 347.68 - 349.00 = 258
23.67 - 25.00 = 15 105.01 - 106.33 = 76 186.34 - 187.66 = 137 267.67 - 269.00 = 198 349.01 - 350.34 = 259
25.01 - 26.33 = 16 106.34 - 107.66 = 77 187.67 - 189.00 = 138 269.01 - 270.33 = 199 350.35 - 351.67 = 260
26.34 - 27.66 = 17 107.67 - 109.00 = 78 189.01 - 190.33 = 139 270.34 - 271.66 = 200 351.68 - 353.00 = 261
27.67 - 29.00 = 18 109.01 - 110.33 = 79 190.34 - 191.66 = 140 271.67 - 273.00 = 201 353.01 - 354.34 = 262
29.01 - 30.33 = 19 110.34 - 111.66 = 80 191.67 - 193.00 = 141 273.01 - 274.33 = 202 354.35 - 355.67 = 263
30.34 - 31.66 = 20 111.67 - 113.00 = 81 193.01 - 194.33 = 142 274.34 - 275.66 = 203 355.68 - 357.00 = 264
31.67 - 33.00 = 21 113.01 - 114.33 = 82 194.34 - 195.66 = 143 275.67 - 277.00 = 204 357.01 - 358.34 = 265
33.01 - 34.33 = 22 114.34 - 115.66 = 83 195.67 - 197.00 = 144 277.01 - 278.33 = 205 358.35 - 359.67 = 266
34.34 - 35.66 = 23 115.67 - 117.00 = 84 197.01 - 198.33 = 145 278.34 - 279.66 = 206 359.68 - 361.00 = 267
35.67 - 37.00 = 24 117.01 - 118.33 = 85 198.34 - 199.66 = 146 279.67 - 281.00 = 207 361.01 - 362.34 = 268
37.01 - 38.33 = 25 118.34 - 119.66 = 86 199.67 - 201.00 = 147 281.01 - 282.33 = 208 362.35 - 363.67 = 269
38.34 - 39.66 = 26 119.67 - 121.00 = 87 201.01 - 202.33 = 148 282.34 - 283.66 = 209 363.68 - 365.00 = 270
39.67 - 41.00 = 27 121.01 - 122.33 = 88 202.34 - 203.66 = 149 283.67 - 285.00 = 210 365.01 - 366.34 = 271
41.01 - 42.33 = 28 122.34 - 123.66 = 89 203.67 - 205.00 = 150 285.01 - 286.33 = 211 366.35 - 367.67 = 272
42.34 - 43.66 = 29 123.67 - 125.00 = 90 205.01 - 206.33 = 151 286.34 - 287.66 = 212 367.68 - 369.00 = 273
43.67 - 45.00 = 30 125.01 - 126.33 = 91 206.34 - 207.66 = 152 287.67 - 289.00 = 213 369.01 - 370.34 = 274
45.01 - 46.33 = 31 126.34 - 127.66 = 92 207.67 - 209.00 = 153 289.01 - 290.33 = 214 370.35 - 371.67 = 275
46.34 - 47.66 = 32 127.67 - 129.00 = 93 209.01 - 210.33 = 154 290.34 - 291.66 = 215 371.68 - 373.00 = 276
47.67 - 49.00 = 33 129.01 - 130.33 = 94 210.34 - 211.66 = 155 291.67 - 293.00 = 216 373.01 - 374.34 = 277
49.01 - 50.33 = 34 130.34 - 131.66 = 95 211.67 - 213.00 = 156 293.01 - 294.33 = 217 374.35 - 375.67 = 278
50.34 - 51.66 = 35 131.67 - 133.00 = 96 213.01 - 214.33 = 157 294.34 - 295.66 = 218 375.68 - 377.00 = 279
51.67 - 53.00 = 36 133.01 - 134.33 = 97 214.34 - 215.66 = 158 295.67 - 297.00 = 219 377.01 - 378.34 = 280
53.01 - 54.33 = 37 134.34 - 135.66 = 98 215.67 - 217.00 = 159 297.01 - 298.33 = 220 378.35 - 379.67 = 281
54.34 - 55.66 = 38 135.67 - 137.00 = 99 217.01 - 218.33 = 160 298.34 - 299.66 = 221 379.68 - 381.00 = 282
55.67 - 57.00 = 39 137.01 - 138.33 = 100 218.34 - 219.66 = 161 299.67 - 301.00 = 222 381.01 - 382.34 = 283
57.01 - 58.33 = 40 138.34 - 139.66 = 101 219.67 - 221.00 = 162 301.01 - 302.33 = 223 382.35 - 383.67 = 284
58.34 - 59.66 = 41 139.67 - 141.00 = 102 221.01 - 222.33 = 163 302.34 - 303.66 = 224 383.68 - 385.00 = 285
59.67 - 61.00 = 42 141.01 - 142.33 = 103 222.34 - 223.66 = 164 303.67 - 305.00 = 225 385.01 - 386.34 = 286
61.01 - 62.33 = 43 142.34 - 143.66 = 104 223.67 - 225.00 = 165 305.01 - 306.33 = 226 386.35 - 387.67 = 287
62.34 - 63.66 = 44 143.67 - 145.00 = 105 225.01 - 226.33 = 166 306.34 - 307.66 = 227 387.68 - 389.00 = 288
63.67 - 65.00 = 45 145.01 - 146.33 = 106 226.34 - 227.66 = 167 307.67 - 309.00 = 228 389.01 - 390.34 = 289
65.01 - 66.33 = 46 146.34 - 147.66 = 107 227.67 - 229.00 = 168 309.01 - 310.33 = 229 390.35 - 391.67 = 290
66.34 - 67.66 = 47 147.67 - 149.00 = 108 229.01 - 230.33 = 169 310.34 - 311.66 = 230 391.68 - 393.00 = 291
67.67 - 69.00 = 48 149.01 - 150.33 = 109 230.34 - 231.66 = 170 311.67 - 313.00 = 231 393.01 - 394.34 = 292
69.01 - 70.33 = 49 150.34 - 151.66 = 110 231.67 - 233.00 = 171 313.01 - 314.33 = 232 394.35 - 395.67 = 293
70.34 - 71.66 = 50 151.67 - 153.00 = 111 233.01 - 234.33 = 172 314.34 - 315.66 = 233 395.68 - 397.00 = 294
71.67 - 73.00 = 51 153.01 - 154.33 = 112 234.34 - 235.66 = 173 315.67 - 317.00 = 234 397.01 - 398.34 = 295
73.01 - 74.33 = 52 154.34 - 155.66 = 113 235.67 - 237.00 = 174 317.01 - 318.34 = 235 398.35 - 399.67 = 296
74.34 - 75.66 = 53 155.67 - 157.00 = 114 237.01 - 238.33 = 175 318.35 - 319.67 = 236 399.68 - 401.00 = 297
75.67 - 77.00 = 54 157.01 - 158.33 = 115 238.34 - 239.66 = 176 319.68 - 321.00 = 237 401.01 - 402.34 = 298
77.01 - 78.33 = 55 158.34 - 159.66 = 116 239.67 - 241.00 = 177 321.01 - 322.34 = 238 402.35 - 403.67 = 299
78.34 - 79.66 = 56 159.67 - 161.00 = 117 241.01 - 242.33 = 178 322.35 - 323.67 = 239 403.68 - 405.00 = 300
79.67 - 81.00 = 57 161.01 - 162.33 = 118 242.34 - 243.66 = 179 323.68 - 325.00 = 240 405.01 - 406.34 = 301
81.01 - 82.33 = 58 162.34 - 163.66 = 119 243.67 - 245.00 = 180 325.01 - 326.34 = 241 406.35 - 407.67 = 302
82.34 - 83.66 = 59 163.67 - 165.00 = 120 245.01 - 246.33 = 181 326.35 - 327.67 = 242 407.68 - 409.00 = 303
83.67 - 85.00 = 60 165.01 - 166.33 = 121 246.34 - 247.66 = 182 327.68 - 329.00 = 243 409.01 - 410.34 = 304

Gross Earnings = Your earnings before deductions. Earnings Deductions = Amount deducted from your weekly Benefit Amount (WBA).
Computation: Gross Earnings minus $5.00 times 75% equals the Earnings Deduction. All deductions are rounded up to the next higher dollar.
When your Earnings Deduction is equal to or more than your Weekly Benefit Amount, you are not eligible for benefit payments.

(Rev. 6/09)

Gross Earnings Earnings Gross Earnings Earnings Gross Earnings Earnings Gross Earnings Earnings Gross Earnings Earnings
(From) (To) Deduction (From) (To) Deduction (From) (To) Deduction (From) (To) Deduction (From) (To) Deduction
410.35 - 411.67 = 305 490.34 - 491.67 = 365 570.35 - 571.67 = 425 650.35 - 651.67 = 485 730.35 - 731.67 = 545
411.68 - 413.00 = 306 491.68 - 493.00 = 366 571.68 - 573.00 = 426 651.68 - 653.00 = 486 731.68 - 733.00 = 546
413.01 - 414.34 = 307 493.01 - 494.33 = 367 573.01 - 574.34 = 427 653.01 - 654.34 = 487 733.01 - 734.34 = 547
414.35 - 415.67 = 308 494.34 - 495.67 = 368 574.35 - 575.67 = 428 654.35 - 655.67 = 488 734.35 - 735.67 = 548
415.68 - 417.00 = 309 495.68 - 497.00 = 369 575.68 - 577.00 = 429 655.68 - 657.00 = 489 735.68 - 737.00 = 549
417.01 - 418.33 = 310 497.01 - 498.33 = 370 577.01 - 578.34 = 430 657.01 - 658.34 = 490 737.01 - 738.34 = 550
418.34 - 419.67 = 311 498.34 - 499.67 = 371 578.35 - 579.67 = 431 658.35 - 659.67 = 491 738.35 - 739.67 = 551
419.68 - 421.00 = 312 499.68 - 501.00 = 372 579.68 - 581.00 = 432 659.68 - 661.00 = 492 739.68 - 741.00 = 552
421.01 - 422.33 = 313 501.01 - 502.33 = 373 581.01 - 582.34 = 433 661.01 - 662.34 = 493 741.01 - 742.34 = 553
422.34 - 423.67 = 314 502.34 - 503.67 = 374 582.35 - 583.67 = 434 662.35 - 663.67 = 494 742.35 - 743.67 = 554
423.68 - 425.00 = 315 503.68 - 505.00 = 375 583.68 - 585.00 = 435 663.68 - 665.00 = 495 743.68 - 745.00 = 555
425.01 - 426.33 = 316 505.01 - 506.33 = 376 585.01 - 586.34 = 436 665.01 - 666.34 = 496 745.01 - 746.34 = 556
426.34 - 427.67 = 317 506.34 - 507.67 = 377 586.35 - 587.67 = 437 666.35 - 667.67 = 497 746.35 - 747.67 = 557
427.68 - 429.00 = 318 507.68 - 509.00 = 378 587.68 - 589.00 = 438 667.68 - 669.00 = 498 747.68 - 749.00 = 558
429.01 - 430.33 = 319 509.01 - 510.33 = 379 589.01 - 590.34 = 439 669.01 - 670.34 = 499 749.01 - 750.34 = 559
430.34 - 431.67 = 320 510.34 - 511.67 = 380 590.35 - 591.67 = 440 670.35 - 671.67 = 500 750.35 - 751.67 = 560
431.68 - 433.00 = 321 511.68 - 513.00 = 381 591.68 - 593.00 = 441 671.68 - 673.00 = 501 751.68 - 753.00 = 561
433.01 - 434.33 = 322 513.01 - 514.33 = 382 593.01 - 594.34 = 442 673.01 - 674.34 = 502 753.01 - 754.34 = 562
434.34 - 435.67 = 323 514.34 - 515.67 = 383 594.35 - 595.67 = 443 674.35 - 675.67 = 503 754.35 - 755.67 = 563
435.68 - 437.00 = 324 515.68 - 517.00 = 384 595.68 - 597.00 = 444 675.68 - 677.00 = 504 755.68 - 757.00 = 564
437.01 - 438.33 = 325 517.01 - 518.33 = 385 597.01 - 598.34 = 445 677.01 - 678.34 = 505 757.01 - 758.34 = 565
438.34 - 439.67 = 326 518.34 - 519.67 = 386 598.35 - 599.67 = 446 678.35 - 679.67 = 506 758.35 - 759.67 = 566
439.68 - 441.00 = 327 519.68 - 521.00 = 387 599.68 - 601.00 = 447 679.68 - 681.00 = 507 759.68 - 761.00 = 567
441.01 - 442.33 = 328 521.01 - 522.33 = 388 601.01 - 602.34 = 448 681.01 - 682.34 = 508 761.01 - 762.34 = 568
442.34 - 443.67 = 329 522.34 - 523.67 = 389 602.35 - 603.67 = 449 682.35 - 683.67 = 509 762.35 - 763.67 = 569
443.68 - 445.00 = 330 523.68 - 525.00 = 390 603.68 - 605.00 = 450 683.68 - 685.00 = 510 763.68 - 765.00 = 570
445.01 - 446.33 = 331 525.01 - 526.33 = 391 605.01 - 606.34 = 451 685.01 - 686.34 = 511 765.01 - 766.34 = 571
446.34 - 447.67 = 332 526.34 - 527.67 = 392 606.35 - 607.67 = 452 686.35 - 687.67 = 512 766.35 - 767.67 = 572
447.68 - 449.00 = 333 527.68 - 529.00 = 393 607.68 - 609.00 = 453 687.68 - 689.00 = 513 767.68 - 769.00 = 573
449.01 - 450.33 = 334 529.01 - 530.33 = 394 609.01 - 610.34 = 454 689.01 - 690.34 = 514 769.01 - 770.34 = 574
450.34 - 451.67 = 335 530.34 - 531.67 = 395 610.35 - 611.67 = 455 690.35 - 691.67 = 515 770.35 - 771.67 = 575
451.68 - 453.00 = 336 531.68 - 533.00 = 396 611.68 - 613.00 = 456 691.67 - 693.00 = 516 771.68 - 773.00 = 576
453.01 - 454.33 = 337 533.01 - 534.33 = 397 613.01 - 614.34 = 457 693.01 - 694.34 = 517 773.01 - 774.34 = 577
454.34 - 455.67 = 338 534.34 - 535.67 = 398 614.35 - 615.67 = 458 694.35 - 695.67 = 518 774.35 - 775.67 = 578
455.68 - 457.00 = 339 535.68 - 537.00 = 399 615.68 - 617.00 = 459 695.68 - 697.00 = 519 775.68 - 777.00 = 579
457.01 - 458.33 = 340 537.01 - 538.33 = 400 617.01 - 618.34 = 460 697.01 - 698.34 = 520 777.01 - 778.34 = 580
458.34 - 459.67 = 341 538.34 - 539.67 = 401 618.35 - 619.67 = 461 698.35 - 699.67 = 521 778.35 - 779.67 = 581
459.68 - 461.00 = 342 539.68 - 541.00 = 402 619.68 - 621.00 = 462 699.68 - 701.00 = 522 779.68 - 781.00 = 582
461.01 - 462.33 = 343 541.01 - 542.33 = 403 621.01 - 622.34 = 463 701.01 - 702.34 = 523 781.01 - 782.34 = 583
462.34 - 463.67 = 344 542.34 - 543.67 = 404 622.35 - 623.67 = 464 702.35 - 703.67 = 524 782.35 - 783.67 = 584
463.68 - 465.00 = 345 543.68 - 545.00 = 405 623.68 - 625.00 = 465 703.68 - 705.00 = 525 783.68 - 785.00 = 585
465.01 - 466.33 = 346 545.01 - 546.33 = 406 625.01 - 626.34 = 466 705.01 - 706.34 = 526 785.01 - 786.34 = 586
466.34 - 467.67 = 347 546.34 - 547.67 = 407 626.35 - 627.67 = 467 706.35 - 707.67 = 527 786.35 - 787.67 = 587
467.68 - 469.00 = 348 547.68 - 549.00 = 408 627.68 - 629.00 = 468 707.68 - 709.00 = 528 787.68 - 789.00 = 588
469.01 - 470.33 = 349 549.01 - 550.33 = 409 629.01 - 630.34 = 469 709.01 - 710.34 = 529 789.01 - 790.34 = 589
470.34 - 471.67 = 350 550.34 - 551.67 = 410 630.35 - 631.67 = 470 710.35 - 711.67 = 530 790.35 - 791.67 = 590
471.68 - 473.00 = 351 551.68 - 553.00 = 411 631.68 - 633.00 = 471 711.68 - 713.00 = 531 791.68 - 793.00 = 591
473.01 - 474.33 = 352 553.01 - 554.33 = 412 633.01 - 634.34 = 472 713.01 - 714.34 = 532 793.01 - 794.34 = 592
474.34 - 475.67 = 353 554.34 555.66 = 413 634.35 - 635.67 = 473 714.35 - 715.67 = 533 794.35 - 795.67 = 593
475.68 - 477.00 = 354 555.67 - 557.00 = 414 635.68 - 637.00 = 474 715.68 - 717.00 = 534 795.68 - 797.00 = 594
477.01 - 478.33 = 355 557.01 - 558.34 = 415 637.01 - 638.34 = 475 717.01 - 718.34 = 535 797.01 - 798.34 = 595
478.34 - 479.67 = 356 558.35 - 559.67 = 416 638.35 - 639.67 = 476 718.35 - 719.67 = 536 798.35 - 799.67 = 596
479.68 - 481.00 = 357 559.68 - 561.00 = 417 639.68 - 641.00 = 477 719.68 - 721.00 = 537 799.68 - 801.00 = 597
481.01 - 482.33 = 358 561.01 - 562.34 = 418 641.01 - 642.34 = 478 721.01 - 722.34 = 538 801.01 - 802.34 = 598
482.34 - 483.67 = 359 562.35 - 563.67 = 419 642.35 - 643.67 = 479 722.35 - 723.67 = 539 802.35 - 803.67 = 599
483.68 - 485.00 = 360 563.68 - 565.00 = 420 643.68 - 645.00 = 480 723.68 - 725.00 = 540 803.68 - 805.00 = 600
485.01 - 486.33 = 361 565.01 - 566.34 = 421 645.01 - 646.34 = 481 725.01 - 726.34 = 541 805.01 - 806.34 = 601
486.34 - 487.67 = 362 566.35 - 567.67 = 422 646.35 - 647.67 = 482 726.35 - 727.67 = 542 806.35 - 807.67 = 602
487.68 - 489.00 = 363 567.68 - 569.00 = 423 647.68 - 649.00 = 483 727.68 - 729.00 = 543 807.68 - 809.00 = 603
489.01 - 490.33 = 364 569.01 - 570.34 = 424 649.01 - 650.34 = 484 729.01 - 730.34 = 544 809.01 - 810.34 = 604
810.35 - 811.67 = 605

Gross Earnings = Your earnings before deductions. Earnings Deductions = Amount deducted from your weekly Benefit Amount (WBA).
Computation: Gross Earnings minus $5.00 times 75% equals the Earnings Deduction. All deductions are rounded up to the next higher dollar.
When your Earnings Deduction is equal to or more than your Weekly Benefit Amount, you are not eligible for benefit payments.
(Rev. 6/09)



State of Washington - Employment Security Department OFFICE USE ONLY


Please print your name and identification number above. We cannot process
your claim without it. IMPORTANT: If your name, address or telephone number is
incorrect, please show corrections here.
If your name, address or telephone number has changed since your last
contact with this office, show the correction in the box to the right. Name

Return the completed form to: Unemployment Claims TeleCenter
Spokane – CCPU, P.O. Box 14857, Spokane, WA 99214-0857;
local fax, 509-893-7240; toll-free fax, 877-280-6224. City State Zip

Phone No. Area Code ( )


ANSWER ALL I am claiming unemployment benefits for the calendar
week(s) ending midnight Saturday. THE DATES ARE:
__________ __________
1. Were you physically able and available for work each day? (If No, complete "A" below.)
2. Did you make an active search for work as directed and record your contacts on a Job Search Log?
(If No, complete "A" below.)
3. Did you refuse any offer of work or fail to go for a scheduled job interview? (If Yes, complete "A" below.)
4. Have you applied for or did you receive workers or crime victim's compensation?
5. Have you applied for or did you have a change in a pension? (If Yes, complete "B" below.)
6. Did you receive holiday pay? (If Yes, enter gross amount of pay before deductions and complete "C" below.) $___________ $___________
7. Did you receive vacation pay? (If Yes, enter gross amount of pay before deductions and complete "D" below.) $___________ $___________
(If Yes, enter gross amount of pay before deductions
8. Did you receive pay in lieu of notice or termination pay? and complete "E" below. $___________ $___________
9. Did you work? (If Yes, complete "F" below.)
A Iftheyou answered "NO" to questions 1 or 2, or "YES" to question 3, tell us why. Give details. (Were you sick, on vacation, returned to work, was
job too far away?) GIVE EXACT DATES. Explain WHERE (such as job location or location of school); WHO was involved (name of person
who interviewed you, name of doctor, name of school). If you have other information you believe is important, please explain or attach the other
Explanation: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
B If you answered "YES" to question 5, please provide the following information about your pension.
Pension source? _________________________________________; Is it: a new pension? or a change in an existing pension?
New or changed monthly amount before deductions is $_______________; Effective date of this new or changed pension is __________________
C If you answered "YES" to question 6, be sure you show the gross amount of the holiday pay before deductions. For what holiday(s) were
you paid? _______________________________; Payment source? _________________________; Hours paid for?______________________
D If you answered "YES" to question 7, be sure you show the gross amount of pay before deductions. The vacation pay was for: a cash-out of prior
time earned, or certain specific dates (If for specific dates, what dates and hours?________________________); Payment source?_______________
E If you answered "YES" to question 8, be sure you show the gross amount of pay before deductions. What type of pay?___________________
For what date(s)? ____________________; Reason for pay? _____________________________________; Payment source? ________________

F If you answered "YES" to question 9, please provide the HOURS and EARNINGS information for each employer you worked for.
1. Employer's Name: __________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________
City: _____________________State: ______ Zip: ___________Type of Work: ___________________________________________
If not scheduled to work after week(s)
NUMBER OF HOURS WORKED EACH DAY claimed, check reason why:
OTHER __________________________

1. Employer's Name: __________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________

City: _____________________State: ______ Zip: ___________Type of Work: ___________________________________________
If not scheduled to work after week(s)
NUMBER OF HOURS WORKED EACH DAY claimed, check reason why:

OTHER __________________________

I certify that all information I provided on this form is correct. I know ____________________________________________________
the law imposes penalties for false statements made on this claim. CLAIMANT’S SIGNATURE EMS 5325 (Rev. 5/09) CC 7540-032-167

Job Search Log

NAME:............................................................................................. ID:................................................... Keep this document for your records
INSTRUCTIONS: Please use black or blue ink only. Keep this Job Search Log for your records. Do not send it to us unless we ask for it. You must complete a Log for each week
you claim unemployment benefits. You must have a combined total of three employer contacts or approved job search activities each week. You can get more Logs at your local WorkSource office or
online at
We may call the employers listed to verity that you looked for work. We may ask you for a copy of your Job Search Log anytime up to 60 days past the end of your benefit year or up to 30 days after
receiving any benefits, whichever is later. Providing false information is fraud that can result in a denial of your unemployment benefits and additional penalties.

Employer Contacts and Job Search Activities

Date of Contact Business Name with Complete Mailing Address/Web Address How Contact was Made Contact Person or Position Applied For or
MO-DA-YR or WorkSource Office (Include phone number or complete e-mail or web address for all contacts) Job Reference Number Approved WorkSource Activity
Business/WorkSource Office Name In Person Mail Online

Street , P.O. Box, or Web Address Phone: (.............. )................................................................

Fax:.................................................................................... Application/Resume

City, State and Zip Code
E-mail:................................................................................. Interview:
In Person Mail Online

Phone: (.............. )................................................................

Fax:.................................................................................... Application/Resume

E-mail:................................................................................. Interview:

In Person Mail Online

Phone: (.............. )................................................................

Fax:.................................................................................... Application/Resume

E-mail:................................................................................. Interview:
In Person Mail Online

Phone: (.............. )................................................................

Fax:.................................................................................... Application/Resume

E-mail:................................................................................. Interview:
In Person Mail Online

Phone: (.............. )................................................................

Fax:.................................................................................... Application/Resume

E-mail:................................................................................. Interview:
In Person Mail Online

Phone: (.............. )................................................................

Fax:.................................................................................... Application/Resume

E-mail:................................................................................. Interview:

Week Being Verified WS Office TeleCenter # Staff Initials The Employment Security Department is an equal opportunity employer and provider of programs and services. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to persons with disabilities. Auxiliary aids may include qualified interpreters
Reschedule Name or #
For official
and telecommunication devices (TTY) for hearing or speech impaired individuals. Individuals with limited English proficiency may request interpretive services free of charge to the customer in order to conduct business with the department.
use only EMS 10313 . Rev 7/08 . UI-jsk-joblog-EN
Job Search Log

NAME:............................................................................................. ID:................................................... Keep this document for your records
INSTRUCTIONS: Please use black or blue ink only. Keep this Job Search Log for your records. Do not send it to us unless we ask for it. You must complete a Log for each week
you claim unemployment benefits. You must have a combined total of three employer contacts or approved job search activities each week. You can get more Logs at your local WorkSource office or
online at
We may call the employers listed to verity that you looked for work. We may ask you for a copy of your Job Search Log anytime up to 60 days past the end of your benefit year or up to 30 days after
receiving any benefits, whichever is later. Providing false information is fraud that can result in a denial of your unemployment benefits and additional penalties.
Employer Contacts and Job Search Activities
Date of Contact Business Name with Complete Mailing Address/Web Address How Contact was Made Contact Person or Position Applied For or
MO-DA-YR or WorkSource Office (Include phone number or complete e-mail or web address for all contacts) Job Reference Number Approved WorkSource Activity
Business/WorkSource Office Name In Person Mail Online

Street , P.O. Box, or Web Address Phone: (.............. )................................................................

Fax:.................................................................................... Application/Resume
City, State and Zip Code
E-mail:................................................................................. Interview:
In Person Mail Online

Phone: (.............. )................................................................

Fax:.................................................................................... Application/Resume
E-mail:................................................................................. Interview:
In Person Mail Online

Phone: (.............. )................................................................

Fax:.................................................................................... Application/Resume
E-mail:................................................................................. Interview:
In Person Mail Online

Phone: (.............. )................................................................

Fax:.................................................................................... Application/Resume
E-mail:................................................................................. Interview:
In Person Mail Online

Phone: (.............. )................................................................

Fax:.................................................................................... Application/Resume
E-mail:................................................................................. Interview:
In Person Mail Online

Phone: (.............. )................................................................

Fax:.................................................................................... Application/Resume
E-mail:................................................................................. Interview:
WS Office
For official Week Being Verified Reschedule Name or #
TeleCenter # Staff Initials The Employment Security Department is an equal opportunity employer and provider of programs and services. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to persons with disabilities. Auxiliary aids may include qualified interpreters
and telecommunication devices (TTY) for hearing or speech impaired individuals. Individuals with limited English proficiency may request interpretive services free of charge to the customer in order to conduct business with the department.
use only EMS 10313 . Rev 7/08 . UI-jsk-joblog-EN
Job Search Log

NAME:............................................................................................. ID:................................................... Keep this document for your records
INSTRUCTIONS: Please use black or blue ink only. Keep this Job Search Log for your records. Do not send it to us unless we ask for it. You must complete a Log for each week
you claim unemployment benefits. You must have a combined total of three employer contacts or approved job search activities each week. You can get more Logs at your local WorkSource office or
online at
We may call the employers listed to verity that you looked for work. We may ask you for a copy of your Job Search Log anytime up to 60 days past the end of your benefit year or up to 30 days after
receiving any benefits, whichever is later. Providing false information is fraud that can result in a denial of your unemployment benefits and additional penalties.

Employer Contacts and Job Search Activities

Date of Contact Business Name with Complete Mailing Address/Web Address How Contact was Made Contact Person or Position Applied For or
MO-DA-YR or WorkSource Office (Include phone number or complete e-mail or web address for all contacts) Job Reference Number Approved WorkSource Activity
Business/WorkSource Office Name In Person Mail Online

Street , P.O. Box, or Web Address Phone: (.............. )................................................................

Fax:.................................................................................... Application/Resume

City, State and Zip Code
E-mail:................................................................................. Interview:
In Person Mail Online

Phone: (.............. )................................................................

Fax:.................................................................................... Application/Resume

E-mail:................................................................................. Interview:

In Person Mail Online

Phone: (.............. )................................................................

Fax:.................................................................................... Application/Resume

E-mail:................................................................................. Interview:
In Person Mail Online

Phone: (.............. )................................................................

Fax:.................................................................................... Application/Resume

E-mail:................................................................................. Interview:
In Person Mail Online

Phone: (.............. )................................................................

Fax:.................................................................................... Application/Resume

E-mail:................................................................................. Interview:
In Person Mail Online

Phone: (.............. )................................................................

Fax:.................................................................................... Application/Resume

E-mail:................................................................................. Interview:

Week Being Verified WS Office TeleCenter # Staff Initials The Employment Security Department is an equal opportunity employer and provider of programs and services. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to persons with disabilities. Auxiliary aids may include qualified interpreters
Reschedule Name or #
For official
and telecommunication devices (TTY) for hearing or speech impaired individuals. Individuals with limited English proficiency may request interpretive services free of charge to the customer in order to conduct business with the department.
use only EMS 10313 . Rev 7/08 . UI-jsk-joblog-EN
If you have anything that you would like to tell us about the information in this
booklet, please provide your comments below. Tear this sheet out and mail it to:

Employment Security Department

Unemployment Insurance Division
UI Policy Unit
PO Box 9046
Olympia, WA 98507-9046

EMS 8139 UCT (Rev. 6/09) CC 7540-032-804

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