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Theorem FLT

Pythagorean triples
First, secondary & n-th degree.

Solving with the consistent difference equal degrees integers

Proof of the impossibility of solving Equation FERMAT

Mantzakouras D.Nikos

Abstract: It is well-known that there are many solutions in integers to x 2  y 2  z 2 , for instance
(3, 4, 5),(5, 12, 13). The Babylonians were aware of the solution (4961, 6480, 8161) as early as
around 1500 B.C. Around 1637 [1],Pierre de Fermat wrote a note in the margin of his copy of
Diophantus’ Arithmetica stating that x n  y n  z n has no solutions in positive integers if n > 2
.But rhe use of equation ( m   )   1  m   0 and finding the λ, that which arises from the
initial x n  y n  z n according to the method << Solving with the consistent difference equal
degrees integers >> helps effectively solution to the problem.

α. Primary Pythagorean triplet is a list of three integers (x, y, z) such that in general
a  x  b  y  c  z with a , b , c  Z (1). Such a triad called primary if the integers are non-negative
gcd(x,y,z)=1. There is a simple method for producing Pythagorean triplets degree n <= 2 but is
also the same method of proof of the impossibility for n> 2. This method is called method
consistent difference equal degrees integers, ie integers which differ by an integer constant or
explicit general. But first to apply this method we divide the equation (1) with y, where y  0
x z
and get a  b  c .
y y

x z
consider  m   and  m where m ,   Q then substituting in (1) will be
y y

a   b с   b
a  (m   )  b  c  m but m  and m    therefore selectingς y  k  ( a  c )
ac ac
, k  Z implies that primary Pythagorean triad[2] will become

x  (c    b)  k
y  (a  c)  k
z  (a    b)  k
Cyclically If we divide the variables {y, z} with x, {x, z} with y, and {x, y} with z shows the
general solution of (1) with the three relations ...

x  (c  λ  b)  k y  (c  λ  a)  k x  (c  b   )  k
y  (a  c)  k ή x  (b  c)  k ή z  (a  b )  k with κ,λ in Q
z  (a  λ  b)  k z  (b  λ  a)  k y  (c  a  λ)  k

Another form where, (n, f) = 1 with coprime integers as solutions of the equation, it is clear if we
replace the upper and 3 forms.

Proportionally controlled or if we want to only give positive or negative integer triples as

solutions.Another form where n , f , v    ,(n,f)=1 with coprime primes integers as solutions of
the equation,, it is clear if we replace   and k  vf the upper and 3 forms.. Proportionally
controlled ε f  n or f  n if we want to only give positive or negative integer triples as

β. Pythagorean triplet secondary is also a list of three integers (x, y, z) such that
x  y  z (2) . Such a trio called primary if the integers are non-negative and gcd(x,y,z)=1. For
2 2 2

example, (3,4,5) is a Pythagorean triple because primary 3 2  4 2  5 2 . Although (30,40,50) and (-

3,4, -5) are also Pythagorean triples, but it is not primary. Using the same method we divide the
2 2
2 x z
equation (2) with the y , where y 0 and we get 2
1 2
y y

x z
consider  m   and  m where ( m ,  Q ,   Q and substituting in (3) should be
y y

 1 1 
2 2

(m   )  1  m
2 2
but m  ( m   )  1  m 
2 2
και m    therefore choosing
2 2
y  2     , k  Z implies that secondary Pythagorean triplet is

x  (1   )  k

z  (1   )  k ( Ι)

y  (2   )  k

For example if we take k  4,   then implies that…
1 2 3 1 2 5 1
x  (1  ( ) )  4  4   3 and z  (1  ( ) )  4  4   5 and y  ( 2  )  4  4 .
2 4 2 4 2
so the triple (3,4,5). Equation (I) has another form, is that we know from the old.

So we have the solution….

x (f  n )v
2 2

z (f  n )  v (ΙΙ)
2 2

y  (2  f  n)  v

where n, f , v   ,(n,f)=1 with coprime integers as solutions of the equation and obtained by
replacing the   and k  vf 2
in (I) with f  n and finally gives us only trebles as a positive
integer solutions. The primary Pythagorean triples with the following conditions:

1. 0 ≤ x ≤ y ≤ z,

2. gcd(x, y, z) = 1

x  y  z
2 2 2

until z <= 100 is::

(3,4,5) ,(5,12,13), (8,15,17), (7,24,25) , (20,21,29), (12,35,37), (9,40,41), (28,45,53), (11,60,61),

(33,56,65), (16,63,65),(48,55,73), (36,77,85), (13,84,85), (39,80,89), (65,72,97).

So we see that there are 16 primary Pythagorean triples with 0 ≤ x ≤ y ≤ z ≤ 100.

c. Pythagorean triplet third degree is known as a list of three integers (x, y, z) such that
x  y  z (4). Using the same method we divide the equation (4) with the y , where y  0 and
3 3 3

3 3
x z
we get 3
1 3
y y

x z
Consider  m   and  m where ( m ,  Q ,   Q ) an by replacing in (5) will be
y y

(m   )  1  m
3 3
but m 3  ( m   ) 3  1  3  m 2   3  m   2  (  3  1)  0 (6)

3  9    12    (   1)
2 4 3

i) Solving (6) with respect to m, m  , thus resulting the

minimum requirement in order to have integer solutions is the discriminant of (6) is
positive or zero.Thereforeς the minimum requirement in order to have integer
solutions is the discriminant of (6) is positive or zero. So Δ = 12    3   4  0 whose
solutions are   0    3 4 .But Δ is positive in space [ 0 , 3 4 ] and because the full
discriminant must be positive integer then necessarily the current of   0    1 .
In that case, it should be that m  1 and so x  0  z  y . Pythagorean triplet
therefore will beη (x, y, z)= (0, y, y).
9 
2 2
ii) We set the Below the root equal to but then, however, should i.e..
 ( 3   )  4 .This implies that (λ,κ)=(1,1) which is like a unique solution. . As
2 2

previously shown in the case (1)

So as we see the third degree Pythagorean triplet is not susceptible generalized integer
solutions for all variables, especially since one necessarily equal to zero.
γ. Pythagorean triplet fourth degree know that is a list of three integers (x, y, z) such that
x  y  z (7) . Using the same method we divide the equation (7) with y , where y  0 and
4 4 4

4 4
x z
we take 4
1 4
y y

x z
consider  m   and  m where ( m ,   ,    ) and substituting in (8) will be
y y

(m   )  1  m
4 4
αλλά m  ( m   )  1  4  m   6  m    4  m    (   1)  0
4 4 3 2 2 3 4
(9) and

We see that the discriminant is positive for each    . Obviously (9) holds when λ=1 thereby
resulting in m=1. But then x  0  z  y the Pythagorean triplet therefore will be ….
(x, y, z)= (0, y, y).

Conditions for positive discriminant and to find the upper limit of the roots of the

i) . The λ is an integer in general..

Necessary and sufficient condition has integer solutions to the n-th degree Pythagorean triplet is
the discriminant of a solution to m, be positive, but at the same time the upper limit of the
variable λ , satisfies the condition   2    0 .

This should apply to prevent the removal of lambda, and to define the interval λ [0,2), which
necessarily means that apart from the price of λ=0 then
limited to the value λ=1 will be the ideal, but the only one that meets all the Conditions . To this
end, we examine two cases in detail:

1. Pythagorean triplet degree   2    1,  

i) As we know, the discriminant of an equation is if we solve the system of equation and the
equation of the derivative. Thus we take as Δ the discriminant of generalized Equation odd
degree and with the specific, ( m   )   1  m   0 με   2    1 ,and I will have the
replacement ( m   ) 2  1  1  m 2  1  0 (10). If the derivative the (10) and the equation to zero

we get ( 2   1)  ( m   ) 2   ( 2   1)  m 2   0 (11).From (11) that comes m  and with the
replacement of (10) we find that the discriminant must be equal to

     2  1  2  1  2  1
whifh   (  ) 1 ( )  ( ) 1 ( )  1 2( )
2 2 2 2 2

which is

 2  1
  lim (1  2  ( ) )1 0
   ,  1 2

Which means that the discriminant Δ is positive for the price of   1,   1 .

ii) To find the upper limit of the value of λ in the discriminant set the value of the Δ>=0 and find
 1
the maximum because 1  2  ( ) 2   1  0   max  2  ( ) ( 1 /( 2   1 )) which for    tends to
2 2
the 2. So we obtain the value λ=1 as accepted solution. We will prove that there is no other
solution even any solution λ=-1 obtained from the equation ( m   )   1  m   0 if we solve for
λ , and because we know that the relevant theorem with integer roots of a polynomial are the
divisors of the last term positive or negative ie.  1 . To this end we return to the original
equation ( m   )   1  m   0 with ν=2ρ+1 and examine two cases if the solve for the variable
λ, so we have ...

Erect ...

1. λ=1

In this case, the original equation ( m   )   1  m   0 becomes: :

2  1 2  1
( m  1) 1 m 0 which has as unique solutions m  1 .

i) m=1.
For this case fully verified (1  1) 2  1  1  1 2  1  0 fully verified .

ii) m=-1

For the case when (  1  1) 2  1  1  (  1) 2  1  0 verified when

 (2)
2  1
 1  (1)  0 which means that ρ=0 therefore necessarily ν=1.

2. λ=-1

In this case, the original equation ( m   )   1  m   0 becomes::

2  1 2  1
( m  1) 1 m 0 which has as unique solutions. m  1 .

i) m=1

For the case (1  1) 2  1  1  1 2  1  0 can not be accepted because

22ρ+1=0 which is impossible   

ii) m=-1

For this case will force

2  1
(0)  1  (1)  2  0 which can not be so absurd.    .

Reverse ....

To this end we return to the original equation

 
(m   )  1  m  0

with ν=2ρ+1 and examine two basic cases with respect to the m ...

1. m=1

In this case, the original equation ( m   )   1  m   0 becomes:

2  1 2  1
(1   ) 11 0 which has a unique solution  1.

In this case the Pythagorean triplet is (x, y, z)= (0, y, y).

2. m=-1

Same as above, with the overall value the equation ( m   )   1  m   0 becomes ι

(1   )
2  1
 1  (  1)
2  1
 0  (1   ) which means that ν=1.For ν>1
2  1
 2   1   0
or ρ>0 the ratio leads to a contradiction, so there is only one solution for the λ so that ν=1 i.e.

In the given situation the trio is verified

(x, y, z)= (-2y, y, -y).

Therefore with ( m   )   1  m   0 με ν=2ρ+1 is verified if applicable (m,λ)=(1,1) which

in this case is the Pythagorean triplet is (x, y, z)= (0, y, y) , y  0 and for ν>1.

2.Pythagorean triad degree   2   ,  

In a similar way the discriminant of an equation is if we solve the system of equation and the
equation of the derivative. So we take as Δ the discriminant equation generalized par grade and
specific ( m   )   1  m   0 με   2   , and substituting then therefor i will have the
2 2
(m   ) 1 m  0 (12). If the derivation of (12) and equation to zero should
2  1 2  1
2  (m   )  2  ( m )  0 (13). From (13) we know that two equivalent where ...

i)(m-λ)-m>=0 which implies -λ>=0 => λ<=0 hence we have the solutions m=-1 and λ=-1

ii)-(m-λ)-(-)m>=0 also which implies -λ<=0 => λ>=0 hence we have the solutions m=1 and
λ=1 excludes value λ=0.

And for the two cases have equivalent: :

2 2 2 2
(  1  1)  1  (  1)  0  (1  1)  1  (  1) 0

Which means that the discriminant is positive for the price   1 with no maximum .

To make what prices we receive for λ accepted as a solution, we prove that there is no other
solution of λ beyond of λ=-1 ή λ=+1 obtained from the equation ( m   )   1  m   0 if we
solve for λ . We know that the relevant theorem integer roots of a polynomial are the divisors of
the last term positive or negative ie λ  1 . To this end we return to the original equation
( m   )  1  m  0 with ν=2ρ and examine whether the two cases solve for the variable λ, so
 

we have ...
Erect ...

1. λ=1

In this case the initial equation ( m   )   1  m   0 becomes::

2 2
( m  1) 1 m 0 which has as unique solutions m  1 .

i) m=1

In this case (1  1) 2   1  1 2   0 fully verified .

ii) m=-1

For this case (  1  1) 2   1  (  1) 2   0 verified when

 1  (  1)
 2
0 which means that ρ>=0 is impossible.

2. λ=-1

In this case the initial equation ( m   )   1  m   0 becomes:

2 2
( m  1) 1 m 0 which has as unique solutions m  1 .

i) m=1

For the case (1  1) 2   1  1 2   0 can not be accepted because

22ρ=0 , which is impossible   

ii) m=-1

For this case will be

2  1 2
(0)  1  (  1) 0 that applicable   

Reverse ... for this let us return to the original equation with

 0 with ν=2ρ and let us consider two basic cases with respect to the m ...
 
(m   )  1  m
1. m=1

In this case the initial equation ( m   )   1  m   0 becomes:

2 2
(1   ) 11 0 which has a unique solution.  1. In this case the Pythagorean triplet is
(x, y, z)= (0, y, y).

By replacing this general equation ( m   )   1  m   0 becomes:

(1   )
 1  (  1)
 0  (1   )
which means that
 0    1    0 ν>=2.
Certainly in the case only when ν = 2, the analysis will be given as before. In this case, with ν> 2
Pythagorean triplet is (x, y, z)= (0, y,-y).

To generalize the results should be mentioned theorem on irreducible fraction as a

polynomial solution, referred to evidence an explicit value of λ.

ii). The λ is a rational number in general.

 1
THEOREM: If the polynomial equation  a  1 x  ...  a 1 x  a 0  0 with integer
a x

coefficients has a solution as irreducible fraction κ/λ, ie (κ,λ)=1 , then κ is the divisor of a 0 and

the λ is divisor of a .


Having the κ/λ is a solution of the equation, we have

  1  1 
 ...  a 1 ( /  )  a 0  0  a   a 1   ...  a 1  a0  0
  1
a (  /  )  a 1 (  /  ) (1)

From (1),we have   ( a    1  a 1   2   ...  a 1  1 )   a 0  and because the κ divides the
1ο member and then I’ll divides and the second 2ο member,i.e  /  a 0  and after that,
( ,  )  1 ,we ill have that  / a 0 .

From (1), and also we have   ( a 1  1  a  2    2   ...  a 0  1 )  a   and because the λ
divides the 2ο second member and will divide and the 1ο member ,i.e  / a    and after that
( ,  )  1 , so we get that  / a  .

Therefore if we solve the original equation in the previous theorem ( m   )  1 m

0 . we
will have…

i)ν=2ρ then has the general form

 1   r  1   r
  1  m    (  1)  
  к  r   к  r
m    (  1)  m   m   1 0
r 1 r 1
r  r 

Clearly if the root for λ is a rational the general form λ=p/q with (p,q)=1, I’ll we have
p=(+/-)1 and q=(+/-)1.Therefore λ=(+/-)1 and this because they are being negative and
positive as proved before..
ii)ν=2ρ+1 then has the general form
 1   r  1   r
  1  m     (  1)  
  к  r   к  r
m    (  1)  m   m   1 0
r 1  r 1
r  r 

Clearly if the root for λ is a rational the general form λ=p/q με (p,q)=1, I’ll be p=(+/-)1
and q=(+/-)1.Therefore λ=(+/-)1 and because one accepts only positive as shown then λ=1
and (p=+1,q=+1) as well (p=-1,q=-1). We conclude therefore for λ an integer number of
both cases. Therefore ( m   )   1  m   0 με ν=2ρ,ν>2 is verified if applicable (m,λ)=(1,1)
which in this case is the Pythagorean triplet is (x, y, z)= (0, y, y) , y  0 or if ν=2 and
  1,   Q the (x, y, z)= ((1-λ2)κ, 2λκ, ((1+λ2)κ as originally shown.

Thereafter if applicable (m,λ)=(-1,1) με ν>2, the triad will be verifiable by (x, y, z)= (0, y, -
y). But accept because x>=0, y>0, z>=0 then finally accept only positive, so the couple
(m,λ)=(1,1) and more specifically for ν >2.

Conclusion ...

I.Apodeiknyetai fully that the Fermat equation and exhibitors   2    1 with ν>1 the
equation Fermat no has solution of triad, outside 3 general cases-tions:

1.x=0,(x, y, z)= (0, y, y)

2.y=0, (x, y, z)= (χ, 0, χ)

3.z=0, i.(x, y, z)= (x, -x, 0)

ii. (x, y, z)= (-y, y, 0)

II. For the case where   2 και ν>2 the equation has no solution with relatively with λ,m
namely triad (x, y, z)= (0, (+/-)y,(+/-)y) with χ=0, or the symmetric (x, y, z)= ((+/-)x,0,(+/-)x)
with y=0, for (λ,m)=(1,1). Especially when ν=2 the only triad that is verifiable and showed
accordance with the foregoing is the (x, y, z)= ((1-λ2)κ2, 2λκ2, (1+λ2)κ2) or another format
first on each other, the (x, y, z)= ((f2-n2)κ2, 2fnκ2, (f2+n2)κ2).

4. The obvious solution is the (x, y, z)= (0, 0, 0).

Valid for positive integer solutions that:

x, y, z  Z ,f,n, k 1 , k 2    , m ,   Q  .


[1]. The Proof Of Fermat’s Last Theorem, Nigel Boston 2003

[2].Solve Equations, Mantzakouras Nikos 2014

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