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Conflict is an existing state of disagreement or hostility between two or more people

(Nicholson, 1992)
The word conflict is comes from the Latin word “Confligere” which means to “come
together or to engage in battle”.
Conflict can either be internal or external.
Internal conflict

 This pertains the struggle within a person’s mind over a problem,

issue or even a question.
External conflict
 Refers to the conflicts between a character and external forces or
conflict that happens in outside world.
1. Feminist theory
o Studies power in its relation to gender or relationships and inequities
between men and women.
2. Critical race theory
o Is a point of view that focuses on inequality and conflict between people and
different racial or ethnic categories
3. Postmodern theory and postcolonial theory

4. Queer theory

5. Post-structural theory, and

5. Theories of globalization and systems.

Direction: Supply the graphic organizer on how are you going to resolve such conflicts or issues
to your School, Family and Society.




Me ____________________________




Before we are going to discuss the main topic answer this exercise first to assess yourself if
you are ready to resolve such conflict or not. Carefully read the instruction below.

Each of the social skills below are helpful toward solving conflict. For each skill, rate yourself
according to the following:

 O for OKAY, or

Write your answer on the space provided before the statements below.

__________ Listen to others.

__________ understand how others are feeling.

__________ Talk positively when upset or angry.

__________ Have a positive attitude towards yourself.

__________ Have a positive attitude towards others.

__________ Act gracefully in awkward or embarrassing situations.

__________ Get along with others.

__________ Open-Minded.

__________ Sensitive.

__________ Forgiving.

__________ Loyal.

__________ Dependable.

__________ Friendly.

__________ Logical or reasonable.

__________ Calm or composed under pressure.

__________ Flexible or adaptable.

__________ Brave, use courage to do the right thing.


 Use to handle conflicts
 Designed to measure a person’s behaviour in conflict situations
 Developed by Kenneth Thomas and Ralph Kilmann (2015)
 Also known as Thomas-Kilmann Instrument or “TKI Conflict Strategies”
o Avoiding
o Competing
o Accommodating
o Collaborating
o Compromising
 In such conflict situations, an individual’s behaviour can be described along two
 Assertiveness
The extent to which a person attempts to satisfy his own concerns
 Cooperativeness
The extent to which the person attempts to satisfy the other
person’s concerns.
1. Avoiding
o An assertive and uncooperative
o The party neither pursues his own nor the concern of other individual
2. Competing
o This kind of strategies is assertive and not cooperative
o This method is characterized by assumptions that someone wins and loses
3. Accommodating
o This kind of strategy is cooperative but not assertive
o This is where one party gives in to the wishes or demands of another
4. Collaborating
o This kind of strategy is assertive and cooperative.
o It involves an attempt to work with one another in order to find same solution
that fully satisfy one concerns.
5. Compromising
o This kind of strategy is moderate or partially assertive and cooperative
o It is to find some expedient, mutually acceptable solution that partially satisfies
both parties.


It is any process or procedure used to resolve a dispute or controversy, other that by

adjudication of a presiding judge of a court or an officer of a government agency, in which a
neutral third party participates to assist in the resolution of issues, which includes the

 Arbitration
 Mediation
 Conciliation
 Early neutral evaluation
 Mini-trial or any combination thereof. (sec. 3, RA 9285)

Does RA 9285 Limits the power of the Supreme Court to adopt any ADR System?

No. This act shall be without prejudice to the adoption by the Supreme Court of any ADR
system, such as mediation, conciliation, arbitration, or any combination thereof as a means of
achieving speedy and efficient means of resolving cases pending before all courts in the
Philippines which shall be governed by such rules as the Supreme Court may approve from
time to time. (Sec. 2, RA 9285)
 Arbitration
o Means a voluntary dispute resolution process in which one or more
arbitrators, appointed in accordance with the agreement of the parties, or
rules promulgated pursuant to this act, resolve a dispute by rendering an
award- means any partial or final decision by an arbitrator in resolving
the issue in a controversy;
o Arbitrator- means the person appointed to render an award, alone or
with others, in a dispute that is the subject of an arbitration agreement.
 Early neutral evaluation
o Means an ADR process wherein parties and their lawyers are brought
together early in a pre-trial phase to present summaries of their cases
and receive a nonbinding assessment by an experienced, neutral person,
with expertise in the subject in the substance of the dispute.
o Judicial Dispute Resolution- a process whereby the judge employs
conciliation and mediation or early neutral evaluation in order to settle a
case at the pre-trial stage.
 Mediation
o Means a voluntary process in which a mediator, selected by the disputing
parties, facilitates communication and negotiation, and assist the parties
in reaching a voluntary agreement regarding a dispute.
o Mediator- means a person who conducts mediation.
o Mediation Party- means a person who participates in a mediation and
whose consent is necessary to resolve the dispute;
o Mediation-arbitration (Med-Arb) is a step dispute resolution process
involving both mediation and arbitration

 Conciliation- the settlement of a dispute by mutual and friendly agreement

with a view to avoiding litigation.

 Mini-trial
o Means a structured dispute resolution method in which the merits of a
case are argued before a panel comprising senior decision makers with or
without the presence of a neutral third person after which the parties
seek a negotiated settlement.

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