Undergraduate Activity: St. Mary'S College of Tagum, Inc

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Tagum City, Davao del Norte, Philippines




PROFESSOR: Eumar jess Agbon REFLECTION#: 1

DATE: 08/08/20

 Character sketch of a person who is religious but not spiritual.

Jhon Kenneth is a pastor. He is a vocal proponent of a church. He always preaches
everything that is right in the sacred text, but Jhon Kenneth do have many vices, and
only his parents know about this. He always gives time upon serving in the church and
also have a lot of time doing vices. His parents want him to stop being a pastor if he
wants to continue his vices, but Jhon Kenneth wants to do both. In his words, “Doing
what makes you happy is worth living for”.
 Character sketch of a person who is spiritual but not religious.
Ian is a knight of the altar since elementary until he reaches his college days. He
always follows the instruction from the church, he never have any vices while he is a
knight of the altar, but he did not sincerely pray and sincerely do everything he showed
inside the church. His parents are the only one who want him to be in that position. He
serves because someone wanted it for him. He wants to live his own life, in his words
“Living the life you choose, is like living like a bird with freedom”.

 What is your experience of religion and spirituality? What is the question

that you presently asking in relation to religion?

Religion is a central part of one’s identity and different also different people have
different experiences with religion and spirituality. As I grew up, I experience a lot in
terms of religion and spirituality. When I was fifteen, I was really a religious person
actually. Then suddenly fell into this not so-religious- stage- that was between the end
of my Junior High school and Freshman year of college. I started praying less and going
out with my friend more. I believe that spirituality is a roller coaster and you are going to
have your ups and downs, because when you are up, there’s nowhere to go but down. I
went down and think I need to go back. I go back praying and serving the lord but not
every time because of my schedule but I believe that true spirituality transcends ritual
worship, So as I walk in my path, I try to live my life with the teachings of my religions. It
teaches compassion, peace, ad tolerance and things that helps us to grow deeper with
faith. I always try to refuse the temptations that is against the religion and spirituality
especially the peer pressure. They want me to go with them and try to enter their
church and try on their religion and belief but I always refuse them that’s the reason why
I always came up to the questions, “What about other religion? Are they different from
mine? Are they fake? And if they are why million people is praying for them. Then my
faith answers all the doubt that I have.

 Why is it important to understand what religion is?

It is important to understand what religion is, because understanding religion

might make us happier. It will help us to better understand the different cultures that we
have all over the world. Studying what religion really is might increase our
understanding of global complexity and to better understand what the scope of our
religion and also its limitation. Another reason why we need to understand what religion
is, it is because it increases cultural awareness, it makes us aware about what we need
and what we do not need to do if we encounter other religions. We need to understand
religion in order for us to learn more how different aspects of human life, politics,
science, literature, art, law and economics have been and continue to be shape by
changing religious notions. It helps to know how different communities of believers,
past and present have used their religious tradition to shape, sustain and transform
lives. Lastly, we need to better understand religion for us to know why we have religions
and why we have to follow what our religions trying to convey to all of us.

1. Where did the religion originate?

Christianity- The historical backdrop of Christianity is concerns with the Christian

religion, Christian nations and the church with its different divisions, from the first
century to the present. Christianity started with the service of Jesus in the first century
Roman area of Judea. As indicated by the gospels, Jesus was a Jewish instructor and a
healer who broadcasted the impending realm of God and was killed c. AD 30-33. His
supporters are said that they accepted that he was then raised from the dead and lifted
up by God and would return soon at the initiation of God’s realm.

Islam- The historical backdrop of Islam concerns with the political, social, monetary and
social improvements of Islamic human advancement. Most students of history
acknowledge that Islam began in Mecca and Medina toward the beginning of the
seventh century CE, around 600 years after the establishing of Christianity, with the
disclosures got by the prophet Muhammad. Muslims view Islam as an arrival to the first
confidence of the prophets, for example, Jesus, Solomon, David, Moses, Abraham,
Noah and Adam, with the accommodation too the custom, in 610 CE, the Islamic
prophet Muhammad started accepting what Muslims consider to be divine disclosures,
calling for accommodation to the one God, the desire for the unavoidable Last
Judgment and taking consideration for poor people and needy.

Judaism- The origin of Judaism as indicated by the current verifiable view, in

contradistinction to the strict record as portrayed in the content of the Hebrew bible, lie
in the bronze age in the midst of polytheistic old Semitic religions, explicitly developing
out of ancient Canaanite polytheism, at that point coinciding with Babylonian religion,
and syncretizing components of Babylonian conviction into the love of Yahweh as
reflected in the early prophetic books of Hebrew bible.

Buddhism- Is a confidence that was established by Siddharta Gautama (“the Buddha”)

over 2, 500 years prior in India. With around 470 million adherents, researchers
consider Buddhism as one of the significant world religions. Its training has verifiably
been generally unmistaken in East and South Asia, yet its impact is developing in the
West. Numerous Buddhist thoughts and ways of thinking cover with those of different

Hinduism- Is the world’s most seasoned religion, as per numerous researchers, with
roots and customs going back over 4,000 years. Today, with around 900 million
devotees, Hinduism is the third biggest religion in the world’s Hindus live in India. Since
the religion has no particular organizer, it is hard to follow the birthplaces and history.
Hinduism is special in that it is anything but a solitary religion however an arrangement
of numerous conventions and way of thinking.

Confucianism- Depend on the lesson of Master Kong, later Latinized to Confucius,

who lived in Chin from 551 BCE. His lessons depended on the key standards of the
Chinese Zhou Dynasty which managed over China at that point. The heart of the
religion is Confucius home in Shandong region of China.

Taoism- The historical backdrop of Taoism extends all through Chines History.
Beginning in ancient China, it has applied an incredible impact over all through the
ages. Taoism developed in light of evolving times, with its tenet and related works on
being reconsidered and refined. The acknowledgement of Taoism by the decision class
has come and gone, on the other hand getting a charge out of times of favor and
dismissal. Most of us, late Taoism has risen up out of time a concealment and is
experiencing a restoration in China. Laozi is generally viewed as the organizer of Taoist
religion in this setting with “unique” Taoism.
Shintoism- Also known as kami-no-michi, is a religion beginning in Japan. Named an
East Asian religion by researchers of religion, its professionals frequently see it as
Japan’s indigenous religion and as nature religion. Researchers once in a while call its
specialist Shintoism., in spite of the fact that followers once in a while utilize that term
themselves. There is no focal expert in charge of the development and much assorted
variety exist among specialists.

2. Can you say that geography influences the kind of religion that arises from
that specific area? Why or why not?

Yes, for me geography influences all the religion that arises from its specific area
because its area do have many people and lot of its people are its follower and is part of
the religion.

3. How can you say religion influences culture?

I can say that religion influences culture in a way that, religion helps the society
to better understand the culture they have. Religion can play a big part in the cultural
identity of people. Religion influence the culture of the people in terms of how they
dress, what and when they eat, and how they behave. Many cultural traditions are
closely associated with religion and behaviors have become so rooted in the daily lives
of people all over the world that it is hard to make a distinct difference between culture
and religion. Religion influence culture by creating standards and rule for the society to

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