Investigation Into Electrochemical Micromachining (EMM) Through Response Surface Methodology Based Approach

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Int J Adv Manuf Technol

DOI 10.1007/s00170-006-0759-0


Investigation into electrochemical micromachining (EMM)

through response surface methodology based approach
Jagannath Munda & Bijoy Bhattacharyya

Received: 8 May 2006 / Accepted: 22 August 2006

# Springer-Verlag London Limited 2006

Abstract Electrochemical micromachining (EMM) could pattern during electrochemical micromachining have been
be used as one the best micromachining technique for observed and the causes of these irregularities are further
machining electrically conducting, tough and difficult to investigated.
machine material with appropriate machining parameters
combination. This paper attempts to establish a compre- Keywords Electrochemical micomachining (EMM) .
hensive mathematical model for correlating the interactive Metal removal rate (MRR) . Radial overcut (ROC)
and higher-order influences of various machining parame- Response surface methodology (RSM)
ters, i.e. machining voltage pulse on/off ratio, machining
voltage, electrolyte concentration, voltage frequency and
tool vibration frequency on the predominant micromachin- 1 Introduction
ing criteria, i.e. the material removal rate and the radial
overcut through response surface methodology (RSM), Electrochemical machining (ECM) has tremendous poten-
utilizing relevant experimental data as obtained through tial on account of the versatility of its applications and it is
experimentation. Validity and correctiveness of the devel- expected that it will be successfully and commercially
oped mathematical models have also been tested through utilized in modern industries, although the effective
analysis of variance. Optimal combination of these pre- utilization of this machining technology will require the
dominant micromachining process parameters is obtained application of a system approach to solve some of the
from these mathematical models for higher machining rate predominant machining problems, like stray current ma-
with acuuracy. Considering MRR and ROC simultaneously chining, generation of micro-spark during micro-machin-
optimum values of predominant process parameters have ing. When ECM is used in the micron range, it is called
been obtained as; pulse on/off ratio, 1.0, machining voltage, electrochemical micromachining (EMM) [1, 2]. The rela-
3 V, electrolyte concentration, 15 g/l, voltage frequency of tionship between ECM process parameters and machining
42.118 Hz and tool vibration frequency as 300 Hz. The accuracy criteria like overcut and conicity is established [3].
effects of various process parameters on the machining rate Machining voltage frequency, pulse on time and off time,
and radial overcut are also highlighted through different electrolyte concentration also play a predominant role in
response surface graphs. Condition of machined micro- generation of a micro-hole with high accuracy during the
holes are also exhibited through the SEM micrographs in electrochemical material removal process [4]. Moreover, it
this paper. Pulse voltage pattern during electrochemical is observed that during the electrochemical micromachining
micromachining process has been analyzed with the help of process the increment in gap resistance due to various
voltage graphs. Irregularities in the nature of pulse voltage causes, e.g. electrolyte heating, gas bubble generation,
sludge formation, etc., leads to the occurrence of micro-
sparks, causing larger radial overcut as well as a micro-
J. Munda : B. Bhattacharyya (*)
spark affected zone that results in poor quality of final
Jadavpur University,
Kolkata, West Bengal, India products [5]. Therefore, the optimal use of the EMM
e-mail: process for achieving an enhanced production rate with
Int J Adv Manuf Technol

improved profile accuracy demands proper control of

machining parameters through a suitable EMM setup.
Optimal quality of the workpiece in EMM can be generated
through combinational control of various process parame-
ters. The present paper, therefore, emphasises features of
the development of comprehensive mathematical models
for correlating the interactive and higher-order influences of
the various machining parameters, such as the pulse on/off
ratio, machining voltage, electrolyte concentration, voltage
frequency, tool frequency on the predominant machining
criteria, i.e. the metal removal rate and radial overcut, for
achieving controlled EMM. The investigation into the
influence of ECM process parameters on machining
performance criteria has been carried out through the devel-
opment of mathematical models based on response surface
methodology (RSM) [6], utilizing the relevant experimental
data as obtained through experimentation. Response surface
methodology (RSM) is also used in the present research
work for correlating the various machining parameters,
such as the pulse on/off ratio, machining voltage, electro- Fig. 1 Photographic view of mechanical machining unit
lyte concentration, voltage frequency, tool frequency on the
predominant electrochemical micromachining (EMM) cri-
teria, i.e. the metal removal rate and radial overcut. The micro tool and workpiece that may cause generation of
adequacy of the developed mathematical models has also microsparks, which in turn reduces machining accuracy.
been tested by the analysis of variance test. Piezoelectric transducer (PZT) was used for vibrating micro
tools [11], which enhance the end gap and improve the
circulation of electrolyte that result in reduction or
2 Experimental set up elimination of microsparks generation. To carry out the
experiments with vibrating micro tool, a micro tool
Considering the influence of predominant process char- vibration system was developed [12]. This developed
acteristics, a well-planned research program has been system consists of mainly two sub units, i.e. tool holder
considered for experimentation in the developed EMM unit and tool vibrator unit.
system [7, 8]. The developed system consists of various
sub-components, e.g. mechanical machining unit, micro
tool vibrating unit, electrical power and controlling system,
and controlled electrolyte flow system, etc. [9]. A very
small interelectrode gap (IEG) in the range of 10–15 μm, is
maintained during the EMM process to increase the
localization effect for producing a higher quality machined
product [10]. The developed EMM set up is capable of
maintaining required IEG during the EMM process.
Photographic view of mechanical machining unit of the
developed EMM setup is exhibited through Fig. 1.
Electrical power and controlling system is comprised of
the pulse generating unit, microprocessor and stepper motor
along with controlling units, exhibited in Fig. 2. The pulsed
generating unit is utilized to provide the required pulse
nature of power supply for the micromachining operation
that improves the accuracy and surface quality of the
machined job. Stepper motor is used to give the feed
motion to the micro tool and it is controlled by an Intel
8085 microprocessor. During this process, there may be a Fig. 2 Photographic view of power supply unit and microprocessor
possibility of striking reaction products in-between the control unit
Int J Adv Manuf Technol

3 Planning of the experimental design rotatable design, is shown in Table 1. The original values
of the various levels for controlling process parameters in
The indigenous EMM experimental set has been designed this set of investigations are as shown in Table 2.
and developed successfully to analyze the influence of A stainless steel wire of diameter 335 μm was used as
predominant machining parameters, i.e. pulse on/off ratio, the micro tool for the experimentation. The micro tool was
machining voltage, electrolyte concentration, voltage fre- coated with a very thin layer of synthetic material. The
quency and tool vibration frequency during EMM opera- workpiece specimens were 15×10×0.15 mm bare copper
tion on the desired machining performance characteristic, plates. The electrolyte used for experimentation was fresh
i.e. material removal rate and machining accuracy with aqueous solution of sodium nitrate (NaNO3) with varying
better surface quality of machined products. The experi- electrolyte concentration because of its high conductivity
mentation scheme was designed in such a way as to and non-passive characteristic. Variable rectangular DC
explore the influence of the various predominant machin- pulsed supply was used for experimentations. The material
ing parameters, based on RSM with the help of MINITAB removal rate (MRR) and accuracy in terms of radial overcut
software, in order not only to obtain the optimal scheme was observed for various sets of experiments with different
for multi-variable experimentation, but also to perform combinations of process parameters based on response
studies for exploring the interactive and higher-order surface methodology (RSM). Amplitude of micro-tool
effects of the various parameters considered. The exper- vibration was typically chosen as 8 V-RMS for performing
imental plan for studying the relationship between the all sets of experiments as at this vibration amplitude lesser
controlling parameters and the various machining criteria, radial overcut could be achieved. The amplitudes were
based on central composite half fraction second-order measured by true RMS multimeter. So the values are in

Table 1 Plan for central com-

posite half fraction rotatable Expt. No. x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 MRR (g/min) ROC (mm)
second order design
1 −1 −1 −1 −1 1 0.69446 0.023000
2 1 −1 −1 −1 −1 0.49448 0.258750
3 −1 1 −1 −1 −1 1.08200 0.228864
4 1 1 −1 −1 1 0.86490 0.264320
5 −1 −1 1 −1 −1 0.63812 0.018500
6 1 −1 1 −1 1 0.70511 0.170000
7 −1 1 1 −1 1 1.01228 0.211288
8 1 1 1 −1 −1 0.90600 0.137955
9 −1 −1 −1 1 −1 0.66900 0.282500
10 1 −1 −1 1 1 0.67302 0.143611
11 −1 1 −1 1 1 0.87941 0.200830
12 1 1 −1 1 −1 0.72345 0.121140
13 −1 −1 1 1 1 0.76081 0.221786
14 1 −1 1 1 −1 0.62941 0.279210
15 −1 1 1 1 −1 1.12242 0.230510
16 1 1 1 1 1 1.05966 0.094000
17 −2 0 0 0 0 0.77195 0.107357
18 2 0 0 0 0 0.62808 0.168864
19 0 −2 0 0 0 0.50221 0.204290
20 0 2 0 0 0 1.12904 0.143198
21 0 0 −2 0 0 0.70914 0.235192
22 0 0 2 0 0 1.06508 0.218214
23 0 0 0 −2 0 0.81948 0.161389
24 0 0 0 2 0 0.91998 0.203190
25 0 0 0 0 −2 0.89469 0.180000
26 0 0 0 0 2 0.98655 0.112857
27 0 0 0 0 0 0.88242 0.130119
28 0 0 0 0 0 0.89597 0.106698
29 0 0 0 0 0 0.83790 0.110625
30 0 0 0 0 0 0.88869 0.117350
31 0 0 0 0 0 0.86993 0.101583
32 0 0 0 0 0 0.92481 0.106559
Int J Adv Manuf Technol

Table 2 Original values of

machining parameters Parameters Symbols Levels

−2 −1 0 1 2

Pulse on/off ratio x1 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5

Machining voltage (V) x2 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5
Electrolyte concentration (g/l) x3 10 15 20 25 30
Voltage frequency (Hz) x4 35 40 45 50 55
Tool vibration frequency (Hz) x5 100 150 200 250 300

V-RMS unit. Machining accuracy was measured in terms of the mathematical link between the responses and predom-
radial overcut phenomena. Micro-hole inspection and inant machining parameters. The general second order
measurement were performed with the help of measuring polynomial response surface mathematical model can be
microscope (OLYMPUS, JAPAN) and the radial over cut of considered to evaluate the parametric influences on the
the machined micro-holes was noted. The weight of test various machining criteria as follows:
pieces was measured before and after machining by using a
precision weighing machine (Mettler Toledo, Switzerland) X
n X
n X
Yu ¼ b o þ bi xiu þ bii x2iu þ bij xiu xju ð1Þ
and machining time was noted with help of a stopwatch i¼1 i¼1 ij
(Baker, India) for calculating material removal rate. A
scanning electron microscope was also used to study the where Yu represents the corresponding response, e.g. MRR
effects of various predominant process parameters, i.e. and ROC of the EMM process in the present research. The
machining voltage pulse on/off ratio, machining voltage, code values of ith machining parameters for uth experiment
electrolyte concentration, voltage frequency and tool are represented by xiu. The values of n indicates the number
vibration frequency. The condition of machined micro- of machining parameters. The terms bi, bii and bij are the
holes was observed through scanning electron micrographs second order regression co-efficient. The second term under
(SEM). A high frequency digital storage oscilloscope, the summation sign of this polynomial equation attributes
ScopeCorder, DL750 (YOKOGAWA, JAPAN) was utilized to linear effects, whereas the third term of the above
for monitoring the state of pulsed power supply during equation corresponds to the higher order effects and lastly
micromachining experiments. the forth term of the equation includes the interactive
effects of the parameters.
In the present set of analyses, the voltage pulse on/off
4 Experimental analysis for the response surface ratio (x1), machining voltage (x2), electrolyte concentration
methodology (RSM) based modeling (x3), voltage frequency (x4), tool vibration frequency (x5)
were considered as controlling variables. Their effects on
The response surface methodology (RSM) is a useful tool material removal rate (MRR) and radial overcut (ROC) are
for finding the relationship between various process tested through a set of planned experiments based on
parameters and the machining criteria of a machining central composite second order half fraction rotatable
process so as to explore the effect of these parameters on design. The experiment has been carried out according to
the responses criteria of the machining process. The the designed experimental based on central composite half
objective of the response surface methodology is to develop fraction second order rotatable design as depicted in Table 1.

Table 3 ANOVA for MRR & ROC

Source of variation D.OF. Sum of square Mean sum of square F value P value


Regression 20 0.884125 0.140773 0.044206 0.007039 0.000 0.000

First term 5 0.708576 0.013307 0.141715 0.002661 0.000 0.004
Square term 5 0.090748 0.030734 0.018150 0.006147 0.001 0.000
Interaction 10 0.084801 0.096733 0.008480 0.009673 0.008 0.000
Lack of fit 6 0.015210 0.003837 0.002535 0.000639 3.05 6.09
Experimental error 5 0.004153 0.000525 0.000831 0.000105
Total 31 0.903488 0.145135
Int J Adv Manuf Technol

The machining criteria, e.g. metal removal rate and radial obtains for analyzing the influences of the various dominant
overcut has been observed for each experiments and the machining parameters on the ROC is given by:
results obtained through a series of experiments for various
sets of parametric combinations as planned have been ROC ðYROC Þ ¼ 1:08149 þ 1:21039x1 þ 0:448639x2
exhibited in Table 1.
 0:0821333x3 þ 0:0247783x4
4.1 Mathematical modeling of MRR  0:00258589x5 þ 0:0198541x1 2

Based on Eq. (1), the effects of the above-mentioned þ 0:0554876x2 2 þ 0:00108447x3 2

process variables on the magnitude of the MRR have been þ 0:000640329x4 þ 2:817205
evaluated by computing the values of the different
constants of Eq. (1) using MINITAB software and utilising  1006 x5 2  0:139966x1 x2
the relevant data from Table 1. The mathematical relation-
 0:00133867x1 x3  0:0161759x1 x4
ship for correlating the MRR (Yu) and the considered
process variables is obtained as follows:  5:41335  1005 x1 x5

MRRðYMRR Þ ¼ 1:78917 þ 0:111858x1 þ 1:36263x2  0:00307591x2 x3  0:0163201x2 x4

 0:0864044x3 þ 0:0231122x4 þ 0:000831331x2 x5

 0:00139639x5  0:201666x1 2 þ 0:000786541x3 x4

 0:0860582x2 2  0:000145752x3 2 þ 0:0000725981x3 x5  6:94181

 0:000319532x4 2 þ 3:893684  1005 x4 x5 :::: ð3Þ

 1006 x5 2  0:0704326x1 x2 The adequacy of the above model has also been tested
through the analysis of variance. The results of the analysis
þ 0:00838936x1 x3 þ 0:00275664x1 x4 justifying the closeness of fit of the mathematical model
þ 0:00178484x1 x5 þ 0:00870264x2 x3 have been enumerated, as shown in Table 3. It is concluded
that the evolved model given by Eq. (3) is quite adequate at
 0:00700764x2 x4  0:00105004x2 x5 97.5% confidence level with degree of freedom 6 and 5 and
demonstrate the independent and quadratic effects of the
þ 0:00125437x3 x4
different machining parameters on the OC.
þ 0:0000247626x3 x5

þ 0:0000181174x4 x5 :::: ð2Þ 5 Analysis of results based on the developed

mathematical models
The adequacy of the above model has also been tested
through the analysis of variance. The results of the analysis 5.1 Influence of machining voltage and electrolyte
justifying the closeness of fit of the mathematical model concentration on material removal rate (MRR)
have been enumerated, as shown in Table 3. It is concluded
that the devolved model given by Eq. (2) is quite adequate Figure 3 exhibits the influence of machining voltage and
at 90% confidence level with degree of freedom 6 and 5 electrolyte concentration on material removal rate (MRR).
and demonstrate the independent and quadratic effects of Figure shows that material removal rate (MRR) increases
the different machining parameters on the MRR. with an increase of machining voltage for all level
electrolyte concentration at particular micromachining
4.2 Mathematical modeling of ROC parametric combination, i.e. pulse on/off ratio of 1.5,
voltage frequency of 45 Hz and tool vibration frequency
A model based on Eq. (1) has been developed to correlate of 200 Hz. Machining current increases with an increase in
the interaction and higher-order effects of the previously- machining voltage. According to the Faradays’ Law
mentioned process parameters on the ROC, utilizing the material removal rate is proportional to the machining
relevant experimental data as observed (Table 2) during the current. However, in a very small inter-electrode gap less
course of machining for such purposes as varying paramet- than 25 μm needed for electrochemical micromachining
ric combinations. The mathematical relationship thus (EMM) MRR does not vary linearly as polarization voltage
Int J Adv Manuf Technol

Fig. 3 Influence of machining

voltage and electrolyte concen-
tration on (MRR)

is not constant. Increment rate of MRR at lower machining 5.2 Influence of pulse on/off ratio and voltage frequency
voltage range, i.e. from 2.5 V to 3.5 V, is higher compare to on material removal rate (MRR)
the higher machining voltage range, i.e. from 3.5 V to
4.5 V. These trends are the consequences of a larger Figure 4 illustrates the influence of pulse on/off ratio and
increment of dissolution efficiency at lower range of voltage frequency on MRR. It is clear from the graph that at
machining voltage. The response surface graph also shows lower value of voltage frequency, i.e. at 35 Hz, material
the influence of electrolyte concentration on MRR at the removal rate (MRR) initially increases with pulse on/off
same preset values of pulse on/off ratio, voltage frequency ratio and after achieving the maximum value, MRR starts
and tool vibration frequency under varying machining decreasing with further increase in pulse on/off ratio at a
voltage. With an increase in electrolyte concentration, preset machining parametric combination, i.e. machining
material removal rate (MRR) also increases for every voltage of 3.5 V, electrolyte concentration of 20 g/l and tool
machining voltage. At higher electrolyte concentration, the vibration frequency of 200 Hz. Off time decreases with an
larger number ions associated with the machining pro- increase in on/off ratio for a particular voltage frequency as
cesses, increases the machining current and thus results in pulsed machining voltage cycle time is fixed. During on
higher MRR. time material removal takes place and during off time

Fig. 4 Influence of pulse on/off

ratio and voltage frequency on
Int J Adv Manuf Technol

machined product is flushed away from the machining consequence of proper dissolution of workpiece material
zone, so that fresh electrolyte comes into the interelectrode due to the greater amount of sludge material flushing from
gap causing proper dissolution of workpiece material. With the machining zone.
increase in on/off ratio, on time increases and simulta-
neously off time decreases. Initially dissolution of material 5.4 Influence of machining voltage and electrolyte
increases with increases in on/off ratio due to the more concentration on radial overcut (ROC)
machining time. With further increases in on/off time ratio,
MRR decreases in smaller span of off time and the entire Figure 6 shows the influence of machining voltage and
machined product can not be removed completely from the electrolyte concentration on ROC. At 10 g/l of electrolyte
machining zone causing improper dissolution of workpiece concentration, ROC decreases with an increase in machin-
material. ing voltage in the machining voltage zone from 2.5 V to
3 V and then ROC increases with further increases in
5.3 Influence of machining voltage and tool vibration machining voltage range from 3 V to 4.5 V. Machining
on material removal rate (MRR) voltage of 2.5 V with 10 g/l electrolyte concentration zone,
linear material removal rate is less than tool feed rate,
Response surface plot of MRR with respect to machining which causes the microspark due to the touching of the tool
voltage and tool vibration frequency is shown through to the workpiece. With an increase in machining voltage the
Fig. 5. The influence of machining voltage on MRR is chance of occurrence of microspark reduces and hence
already explained. The figure also illustrates that for a reduces the radial overcut in this machining voltage zone
preset machining voltage, MRR increases with an increase from 2.5 V to 3 V. In the higher voltage range electro-
in tool vibration frequency. It is clear from the graph the chemical reaction generates hydrogen gas bubbles and
material removal rate (MRR) increases with tool vibration those bubbles break down resulting in the occurrence of
frequency at every value of machining voltage keeping the microsparks. Localization effect diminishes as stray ma-
other machining parameters at preset values. For every chining has significant effect in the higher machining
cycle of tool vibration, once the tool maintains a preset voltage range, i.e. 3.5 V to 4.5 V. So, in this machining
interelctrode gap during the machining the tool is with- voltage range ROC increases with machining voltage. This
drawn, making the gap between job and micro-tool more sparking causes uncontrolled material removal from the
for flushing away the sludge material completely. At lower larger area of the workpiece, which in turn produces larger
tool vibration frequency the number of withdrawal of tool side gap. The nature of variations of ROC with machining
and flushing away the sludge material from the machining voltage for different electrolyte concentrations are almost
zone are fewer, which causes improper dissolution of the same, i.e. initially decreases and than increases with
workpiece material which results in lower material removal increases in machining voltage. Keeping machining voltage
rate (MRR). When the frequency of tool vibration at 2.5 V, ROC decreases with increases electrolyte concen-
increases, material removal rate (MRR) increases in tration up to 20 g/l. In the zone of electrolyte concentration

Fig. 5 Influence of machining

voltage and tool vibration fre-
quency on MRR
Int J Adv Manuf Technol

Fig. 6 Influence of machining

voltage and electrolyte concen-
tration on ROC

from 15 g/l to 20 g/l, ROC decreases with increase in machining voltage of 3.5 V, electrolyte concentration of
electrolyte concentration as the chance of occurrence of 20 g/l and voltage frequency of 45 Hz. Machining with
microspark is reduced. Further increase in electrolyte 100 Hz of tool vibration frequency, ROC increases with an
concentration ROC increases as in the higher electrolyte increase in on/off ratio. Off time, during which machined
concentration range electrochemical reaction generates product flushed from the machining zone, decreases with
hydrogen gas bubbles and those bubbles breaks down on/of ratio, which increases the chance of microsparking
resulting in the occurrence of microsparks. Localization of and hence increases the ROC. Moreover, localization effect
current flux flow decreases with an increase in electrolyte diminishes with an increase in pulse on/off ratio as on time
concentration. Stray current flow increases in the machining increases. However, at higher zone of tool vibration
zone due to the poor localization effect, in turn affecting the frequency, from 100 Hz to 200 Hz, ROC initially increases
increased material removal from the larger area of the with an increase in pulse on/off ratio; attain the minimum
workpiece, which causes an increase in ROC. value at 1.5, and further increase in on/off ratio ROC starts
increasing. At 0.5 on/off ratio, tool feed rate is more than
5.5 Influence of pulse on/off ratio and tool vibration the linear material removal rate and hence touches the tool
frequency on radial overcut (ROC) to the workpiece causing generation of microspark that
results in larger ROC. In the zone of 0.5 to 1.5 with a
Figure 7 depicts the influence of pulse on/off ratio and tool higher tool vibration frequency zone, i.e. from 200 Hz to
vibration frequency on ROC during machining with 300 Hz, linear material removal rate increases and become

Fig. 7 Influence of pulse on/off

ratio and tool vibration frequen-
cy on ROC
Int J Adv Manuf Technol

equal to tool feed rate at 1.5 of pulse on/off ratio. Further larger ROC. At 35 Hz of machining voltage frequency,
with an increase in on/off ratio, off time decreases results in ROC increases with an increase in tool frequency. Though,
improper flushing of machined product from the machining at 35 Hz voltage frequency span of on time is more, but
zone and the chance of generation of microsparks increases, effective machining time decreases as the number of
which results in larger ROC. The figure also depicts that at withdrawal of tool from the machining zone increases with
any pulse on/off ratio with an increase in tool vibration an increase in tool frequency. Hence, the linear material
frequency, ROC decreases. At higher frequency of tool removal rate from the workpiece becomes less than tool
vibration, the chance of making a larger gap between feed rate and the chance of touching the tool to workpiece,
micro-tool and workpiece is more, which helps in evacu- which generates the microspark increases and larger ROC is
ation of sludge material from the machining zone which the final consequence. Therefore, at 35 Hz voltage
results in reduction of the chance of generating a micro- frequency ROC increases with tool vibration. At tool
spark and less ROC is the subsequent result. Tool vibration frequency of 200 Hz, ROC initially decreases upto 45 Hz
propagates pressure waves in the electrolyte in the and than increases with further increase in voltage
machining zone, which also helps in flushing away the frequency. At lower voltage frequency of 35 Hz on time
sludge and gas bubble generated during the machining and off time both are more. Material removal rate as well as
process leads to less ROC. The evacuation of sludge generation of machined product is more due to the larger on
material by pressure wave is more significant at higher time. Though off time is also larger at 35 Hz voltage
tool vibration frequency. frequency it is not sufficient to flush away the material from
the machining zone completely. This phenomena initiates
5.6 Influence of machining voltage frequency and tool the microspark, and causes larger ROC at 35 Hz voltage
vibration frequency on radial overcut (ROC) frequency with 200 Hz tool frequency. With an increase in
voltage frequency up to 50 Hz on time decreases and hence
Figure 8 exhibits the response surface graph of ROC with the generation of machined products decreases, and chances
respect to voltage frequency and tool vibration frequency. of flushing away these products from the machining zone
The figure shows that at 100 Hz, tool vibration frequency completely increases and lessens the chance of microspark
with increases in voltage frequency cause radial overcut propagation and smaller ROC is the ultimate consequence.
increases. This can be explained as the number of on and At 300 Hz, frequency of tool vibration, same nature of
off time increases but time span of both the times decrease. variation of ROC has been observed. The minimum ROC
During the off time machined product is flushed away from achieved at 53 Hz voltage frequency.
the machining zone. With an increase in voltage frequency,
off time decreases causing improper removal of sludge
material from the machining zone which results in micro- 6 Analysis for optimality search
spark. These generations of microsparks in the machining
zone, result in uncontrolled material removal from the Based on the developed second-order response surface
workpiece and produced larger micro-hole, or in other word equations, i.e. Eq. (2) and Eq. (3) for correlating the various

Fig. 8 Influence of machining

voltage frequency and tool
vibration on ROC
Int J Adv Manuf Technol

Table 4 Optimum values for

process parameters Parameters Optimum values MRR (g/min) ROC (μm)

Pulse on/off ratio 1.0 0.70374 g/min 20 μm

Machining voltage (V) 3.0 V
Electrolyte concentration (g/l) 15 g/l
Voltage frequency (Hz) 42.118 Hz
Tool vibration frequency (Hz) 300 Hz

process variable effects with the MRR and ROC optimality SEM micrograph in Fig. 9. At this machining parametric
searches can be obtained. This is carried out to determine combination MRR as well as larger overcut is observed at
the optimal combination of the machining parameters and this higher machining voltage and higher electrolyte
their combine effects on the desired response criteria. The concentration causes more stray current machining. How-
optimality search model for the various process variable ever, the chance of microspark initiation is almost elimi-
conditions for maximizing the MRR, minimizing the ROC nated due to higher linear material removal rate than
value of various machined workpieces was formulated micro-tool feed rate. No distortion in the voltage pulse
based on the methodology as described. The optimum level pattern is observed in voltage graph on the Fig. 9, which
of machining performance criteria can be achieved at a corroborates the absence of microsparks during machining
particular parametric combination, i.e. 3 V of machining under this parametric combination. Figure 10 shows the
voltage, 1.0 of pulse on/off ratio, 42.118 Hz of voltage SEM micrograph of a micro-hole machined under the
frequency, 15 g/l of electrolyte concentration, 300 Hz of parametric combination of 1.0 pulse on/off ratio, 3.0 V,
tool vibration frequency. Optimum values of machining machining voltage, 25 g/l of electrolyte concentration,
process parameters for different micromachining criteria are voltage frequency of 40 Hz and tool vibration frequency
also shown on Table 4. Machining with optimum paramet- of 150 Hz where minimum radial overcut is observed. The
ric combination, micro-hole produced with very smaller nature of pulse voltage pattern during machining with the
radial overcut, around 20 μm with material removal rate same parametric combination is also exhibited through
(MRR) as high as 0.700 g/min. voltage graph in the same figure. The distortion of the
Condition of a micro-hole machined under parametric voltage pattern observed on the graph is due to the
combination of pulse on/off ratio of 1.5, machining voltage occurrence of few microsparks. SEM micrograph in
of 4.5 V, electrolyte concentration of 20 g/l, voltage Fig. 11 exhibits the condition of a micro-hole machined at
frequency of 45 Hz and tool vibration frequency of a parametric combination of 1, pulse on/off ratio, 3.0 V,
200 Hz, which gives maximum MRR, is depicted through machining voltage, electrolyte concentration of 15 g/l,

Fig. 9 SEM micrograph and voltage graph: Pulse on/off ratio 1.5, Machining voltage 4.5 V, Electrolyte concentration 20 g/l, Voltage frequency
45 Hz, Tool vibration frequency 200 Hz
Int J Adv Manuf Technol

Fig. 10 SEM micrograph and voltage graph: Pulse on/off ratio, 1.0; Machining voltage, 3.0 V; Electrolyte concentration, 25 g/l; Voltage
frequency, 40 Hz; Tool vibration frequency, 150 Hz

voltage frequency of 50 Hz and tool vibration frequency of greatly influenced by the various predominant machining
250 Hz, which gives values close to the optimum level of parameters considered in the present study. Response
MRR and ROC obtained from the developed models. surface methodology used in the present research work
Microspark occurrence is not completely eliminated and has proved its adequacy to be an effective tool for analysis
hence small distortion in the voltage pulse pattern is of the EMM process. Mathematical models for correlating
observed on voltage graph in Fig. 11. The surface quality MRR and ROC with predominant process parameters have
of the machined micro-hole is also better than the previous been obtained separately. The influence of different process
one, as shown in SEM micrograph. parameters on machining performance criteria are exhibited
though response surface plots. It is clear from the response
surface plot of MRR, the MRR increases with an increase
7 Conclusions in any of the machining parameters except pulse on/off
ratio. However, at higher level of machining parameters,
The experimental analysis highlights that the electrochem- except tool vibration frequency, gives higher ROC as
ical micromachining criteria like MRR, ROC in EMM are shown on the ROC response surface plots. Voltage pulse

Fig. 11 SEM micrograph and voltage graph: Pulse on/off ratio, 1.0; Machining voltage, 2.5 V; Electrolyte concentration, 15 g/l; Voltage
frequency, 50 Hz; Tool vibration frequency, 250 Hz
Int J Adv Manuf Technol

nature during machining with microsparking is shown models of this present investigation. Further research
through different voltage graphs captured with a digital activities on EMM will open up many challenging possibil-
storage oscilloscope. It is evident from the voltage graph ities such as elimination of microspark generation as well as
that though microspark occurs during machining, mostly at stray current machining during EMM operation to achieve a
lower electrolyte concentration, radial overcut diminishes better shape and size of the final machined component with
drastically due to lower stray current machining. This is high accuracy at higher machining rate.
because at lower electrolyte concentration, stray current
machining has more significant effect than micro-sparking
on radial overcut. Considering MRR and ROC simulta-
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