Types of Chocolate Used in Baking

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Types of chocolate used in baking

Different flavours and varieties of chocolate are produced depending on the amount of
chocolate liquor that is added or removed. Chocolate is commonly used in baking. The
best advice when baking with chocolate is to use the specified kind the recipe calls for,
since different varieties of chocolate will react differently in heat and moisture. There are
many varieties, each providing a unique culinary touch to each recipe. The most
common ones are:

Unsweetened - Does not contain sugar, lecithin, or vanilla. It is pure, hardened

chocolate liquor and commonly known as bitter or baking chocolate. Mostly used as an
ingredient in recipes or as a garnish.

Bittersweet - Contains sugar, lecithin and vanilla added to the basic chocolate. It has a
higher percentage of chocolate liquor, thus more flavourful.

Semi-sweet - Contains sugar, lecithin and vanilla added to the basic chocolate. It is a
bit sweeter than bittersweet and less intensely chocolate than bittersweet.

White - Contains a mixture of sugar, cocoa butter, milk solids, lecithin and vanilla.
White chocolate contains no chocolate liquor.

Chocolate chips - Specially formulated to maintain their shape when heated. Not
recommended for melting since it is too thick when melted.

Cocoa - A chocolate liquor that does not contain much cocoa butter, thus resulting in
fine dry, powder.

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