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1. Due to the lack of depth of the pool, it means that diving is forbidden.
2. The ownership of property is still unrealistic for many people nowadays.
3. Not only are you a liar, but you are also a fool.
4. The efficiency of many renewable energy resources is still debatable.
5. What is the width of our living room?
6. I am really fit and healthy.
7. Equality is something that the bottom 15% of the population can only dream of.
8. I am a fitness fanatic and that is why I go to the gym daily.
9. My kids are really noisy today, they must be feeling hyperactive.
10.I find the whole situation quite surprising.
11.It is a fairly obvious decision when it comes down to it.
12.The laughter in the theatre was contagious.
13.The length of the course depends on each student’s own performance.
14.You should never threaten another person with acts of violence.
15.The membership fee seems excessive to me.
16.The Paralympics offers the platform for people with a disability to compete.
17.Deforestation is without a doubt one of the most pressing environmental issues.
18.How much is the replacement of the motor going to cost us?
19.Your personality rather than your appearance is what counts in the end.
20.Unemployment in Spain is rising at a concerning rate.
21.I will reserve judgement until after I receive my results.
22.The departure of the flight has been delayed by 3 hours.
23.What time do you have an appointment with the lawyer?
24.Politicians all end up being corrupt; it is just a matter of time. Absolute power
corrupts absolutely.
25.We have a mutually agreed arrangement for the business.

1. Do you find it hard to make travel arrangements before you go away?
2. Do you think that travel broadens your mind?
3. What is the best trip you have ever been on and why?
4. Have you made a holiday booking for next year yet?
5. Are you a big fan of sightseeing while you are away or do you prefer other activities?
6. Would you complain to the manager in a hotel if you were not happy with the service?
7. Have you ever been on a disappointing holiday?
8. Have you ever spent an extended period of time abroad?
9. If you had the choice, where would you go on holiday next year?
10. Would you ever seek employment abroad?
11. Can you explain about a time in which you found the behaviour of local people strange in a foreign
12. Do you need encouragement to try to speak a foreign language while abroad?
13. Do you ever travel off the beaten track while abroad?
14. What is the most successful holiday destination in your country?
15. Are you passionate about travel?

1. Have you ever taken a long flight?
2. Do you get annoyed with noisy tourists when you stay in a hotel?
3. Do you ever go on trips that are not affordable?
4. Are people in your country helpful to tourists?
5. Do you have difficulty getting by in other languages when you are abroad?
6. Do you enjoy the freedom to choose where you go on holiday?
7. Have you ever spoken English while you were abroad?
8. Do you ever suffer from boredom when you are on holiday?
9. Do you follow advice from your friends when making travel arrangements?
10. Where are you planning on traveling abroad next year?
11. How does traveling impact on the natural environment?
12. Are there any dangerous regions of Europe that you would not travel to?
13. Does safety worry you while you are travelling?
14. Do you ask for information at the hotel when you get to a travel destination?
15. How does your personality affect the way you travel?

1. Does everyone reckon that you are sporty because of your body type?
2. Have you succeeded in any sports competition recently?
3. Would you struggle to be successful if you didn't have a hobby?
4. Would you like to do an alternative sport to things like football or tennis?
5. Have you ever tried a dangerous sport?
6. Do you find reading to be an interesting hobby?
7. Do you idolize any sporting figures?
8. Does your laziness get in the way of your fitness?
9. Would you have difficulties learning how to do a new sport?
10. Is it important to train consistently to be good at a sport?
11. What is the most effective sport to keep fit?
12. Have you ever suffered a huge failure in your sporting life?
13. Are you keen on looking at art exhibitions?
14. Are you known for showing off when you do your hobby?
15. When you were younger, what hobbies did you have?

1. What type of career path did you want to go down as a teenager?
2. Would you object to being filmed or observed while you work?
3. How much dedication would it take to become a footballer?
4. Would you ever quit a job because you found it too easy?
5. Is it overly ambitious to try to become a celebrity?
6. Do you expect to be successful in your future career?
7. Is it ok to deduct an employee´s pay because of breakages to equipment?
8. What types of job do you think would be unbearable?
9. Is it sensible to get work experience before finishing your degree?
10. Do you have the abilities and skill sets to achieve your goals?
11. Have you ever lost a job because of laziness in the workplace?
12. Is boredom a good reason to change jobs?
13. Where is the best place to get information about workers rights?
14. Is it affordable to live and work in London?
15. Are you happy with your career choice?

1. Did you know that see is an irregular verb so you need to conjugate it differently?
2. When learning a language, is it useless to just translate all the time?
3. Do you understand that what you are saying is complete and utter nonsense?
4. Is your boss really unfriendly towards his employees?
5. Why shouldn't we be so insecure about your appearance?
6. What would you do if you had quite severe disabilities?
7. Do you think that all drugs should be illegal?
8. Is getting a job in a successful company is pretty improbable?
9. Are you ever careless in the workplace?
10. Are you having trouble undoing my shoe laces?
11. Should the goal have been disallowed?
12. Are you ever unkind to your partner?
13. Have you ever done anything that you thought was impossible?
14. Are there any errors that are irreversible?
15. Are you an achiever or a non achiever?

1. The advantage of getting away with committing a crime is that it makes you feel smarter than the
2. It was an extremely strange accusation and I was soon to find that I was to be disabused of that notion.
3. I have never received a severe punishment for my crimes.
4. He is without a doubt the most infamous criminal to grace the earth.
5. Most crimes are due to drug addiction.
6. Ted Bundy was one of the worst murderers of all time.
7. I received a small fine for the misdemeanour.
8. What is the solution to all the petty crime in this city?
9. Do you have any proof of the occurances?
10. My boss has been imprisoned for tax fraud.
11. In all honesty, I believe the whole case to be a farce.
12. I was sentenced to eight months behind bars.
13. I was not guilty so I refused to plead to be.
14. What seemed suspicious was his complete lack of consistency when retelling the events.
15. I was robbed at gun point and I must admit that it was unbelievably threatening.
16. Would you rather be a lawyer or a judge?
17. I was doubtful about the issue so I decided to consult an expert in the field.
18. Some may say that it as completely on purpose, but I assure you that it was unintentional.
19. That may not necessarily be the case, but we will have to wait and see.
20. I am extremely respectful to law enforcement officers.

1. What is the most popular place for photography in your city?
2. Is your city a long distance from the sea?
3. Does your city have lively nightlife?
4. Do people in your country criticize your country’s appearance?
5. Are there a vast amount of sightseeing spots in your city?
6. Is your city successful when it comes to creating jobs for young people?
7. In which direction is the capital of your country from your city?
8. Is your city recognizable from what it was 50 years ago?
9. Are there ample amenities in your city?
10. Are you happy with the cleanliness of the public spaces in your city?
11. Is it easy to get lost in your city?
12. Have you ever accidentally broken a local law in your city?
13. What are the sports facilities like in your city?
14. How many inhabitants live in your city?
15. Is there a lot of tourism where you live?
16. What is the difference between your city and a rural area in your country?
17. What do people generally think on arrival to your city?
18. Is your city culturally rich?
19. Is it easy to make travel arrangements to go on holiday from where you live?
20. What would you say is your city’s biggest failing/failure?

1. What types of challenges do we face as a species in order to protect the environment?
2. What are the most common environmental issues on your region?
3. Are you interested in learning about rainforest conservation?
4. Can you name any species in your local wildlife that is at threat?
5. Do people listen to warnings from the UN or the WWF?
6. Does the government help in the protection of national parks in your country?
7. Do you know any climate activists?
8. What is the solution to clearing out plastic from our oceans?
9. Is there a good awareness of environmental problems amongst people ages 18-25?
10. Do we need to enforce systematic changes in order to avoid damage to the environment?
11. Do you think that climate campaigns can be beneficial to us all?
12. How can the advancement of technology solve many climate issues?
13. What threatens our planet most, plastic or carbon emissions?
14. Have there been any technological developments that could help prevent climate change?
15. Do you do anything to aid the protection of mistreated animals?

1. Are you expecting society to take responsibility for its carbon footprint?
2. Are there currently any controversial topics in the news?
3. How far would you say that the governments looks after our interests?
4. What is the solution to keeping millennials happy and motivated?
5. Why is the integration of migrants into society so unsuccessful in the UK?
6. What financial constraints does the EU have to work under?
7. Why can finding a work-life balance be stressful?
8. Is there a failure in our society to educate teenagers on what working life is like?
9. Do you think that failed parenting strategies are causing problems nowadays?
10. Why have we seen an increase in depression nowadays?
11. Is there enough variety in the workplace?
12. Why are young people said to be entitled in this day and age?
13. Is adolescence the period in which we form our personality or can we later change?
14. What tendencies have young people adopted thanks to technology?
15. Would you say that technological advances have aided mankind?

1. Do you have trouble taking in new vocabulary in a foreign language?
2. Do you follow a methodology to learn a language?
3. Do you get a sense of satisfaction when you pass exams?
4. What can be learnt from huge failures?
5. Is time management an issue for you during busy exam periods?
6. How can boredom be detrimental to success?
7. Is there a lot of confusion about teaching-learning methods?
8. Do you have difficulty organising your studies?
9. Would you consider studying abroad a long-distance from home?
10. Should we be careful when choosing our area of studies to get a degree after high school?
11. Do you feel huge pressure to succeed in your studies?
12. Have you ever received great advice regarding your education?
13. Is studying at university unaffordable in your country because of the privatisation of universities?
14. Which nationalities are known for having effective educational systems?
15. Is it important to have the freedom to be creative during the learning process?

1. What is the best way to stay fit and healthy?
2. Why are humans becoming immune to some antibiotics?
3. What are the ideal conditions to stay in good shape?
4. Do you ever suffer from tiredness or even exhaustion?
5. What are the most common illnesses in your country?
6. Have you ever suffered a serious injury?
7. Was the recovery period long?
8. What advice would you give to someone who wanted to start working out?
9. What is the best treatment for a cold?
10. Is it cheap to get a prescription in your country?
11. Are you concerned about the prevention of sickness?
12. Do you find it hard to keep your weight down?
13. Do you ever suffer from swelling of any part of your body?
14. Do you constantly feel energy less or tired at work?
15. Can you name an incurable disease that scientists are trying to find a cure for?

1. Is the internet the most useful tool that we have at our disposal?
2. Should we place age restrictions on social media?
3. How has technology influenced our lives?
4. Do you see the disadvantages of technology as well as its benefits?
5. Do you have any specific preferences when it comes to brands of computers or gadgets?
6. Could the internet save us from chronic unemployment?
7. Would you say that there is now a striking difference between the technology available now to what
was available 20 years ago?
8. How have technological advances impacted on your job?
9. Are you concerned that technology will make your profession obsolete in the future?
10. Have you ever felt disappointment with a gadget because it did not live up to your expectations?
11. How do people tend to misuse technology to the detriment of their lives?
12. Are technology giants systematically monitoring our lives?
13. Are you worried about your cyber footprint?
14. How has the storage of data improved over recent years?
15. Do young people abuse social media?

1. What I like about this place is the rich diversity.
2. London is a bustling city that everyone should visit at least once in their life.
3. What I like about you is your unhurried attitude towards life.
4. Never before have I seen such a lack of efficiency from a new employee.
5. We had better look out for a replacement as soon as possible, should it be necessary.
6. I have no preference either way to be honest.
7. You seem to be happy plodding along, regardless of the consequences.
8. Would you please accompany me into my office.
9. We have shown a great belief in your ability and fortunately we have been able to reap the benefits.
10. Should your application be successful, we will be in contact in due course.
11. We use wish and would to show annoyance, for instance: “I wish you would pull your finger out and
work harder”.
12. We have seen a worrying reduction in orders over the past few months.
13. I have shown a lot of enthusiasm to be able to get the job.
14. Promotions are fairly accessible thanks to the great management structure in place.
15. Our office is somewhat overcrowded and it is rather bothersome.
16. I required a great deal of assistance on starting this job.
17. Your job is pointless whereas mine is of the utmost importance.
18. It was a pleasure to have worked with you.
19. I have suffered a bout of depression over the past few months.
20. Interaction is a key element of this work placement.

1. Our host was extremely hospitable and helpful.
2. Your knowledge of computing seems quite limited to me,
3. Coding is the new universal language and everyone should learn it.
4. In reality, I would be up for doing any kind of job.
5. A vast knowledge of contract law is of the utmost importance to be able to work here.
6. I achieved legendary status at work by securing a great contract during my last business trip.
7. What kind of revelations have come up at work since I have been off?
8. The new App is readily available on Iphones.
9. We have noticed a huge reduction in activity in the whole financial sector as all stocks are drastically
10. It has been a pleasant experience working here.
11. I find this job way too stressful to be honest.
12. I want to give my employees the freedom to express themselves.
13. I have noticed quite a lot of exclusion of certain team members around the office.
14. Don't be mistaken, I am no push-over.
15. The development of this website has taken me a really long time.
16. In all honesty, I think I am falling in love with you.
17. You should receive the payment in the near future.
18. That meeting was a dreadful waste of time.
19. My boss is extremely kind and considerate to all member of staff.
20. Could you give me some kind of indication when you will come to a decision?

1. We had to fire the new member of staff for acting unprofessionally.
2. Your inability to recall all of the events leads me to believe that you are lying.
3. The severity of the situation seems to have escaped your grasp.
4. We will not only be testing your endurance, but also your overall fitness.
5. Now that the quarentine is over, we have the freedom to move around.
6. All political extremists should be put in prison.
7. What is your monthly household income?
8. Could you provide some insights into the current events?
9. I often suffer from boredom when I am unemployed.
10. I used to tease my brothers for my own amusement.
11. The instability of the tourism industry is quite concerning.
12. I am generally an upstanding member of society.
13. All the students in the class show an eagerness to progress academically.
14. The COVID-19 outbreak has been a stressful situation for us all.
15. I have worked tirelessly to build up my business.
16. I would say that you have been economic with the truth, not intentionally untruthful.
17. No children can use the facilities when unaccompanied by an adult.
18. This summer has been a memorable experience.
19. Coincidentally, I already knew my new boss from the local golf club.
20. What exactly do you mean by that?
21. Your performance was unbelievable, I am so proud of you.
22. I would say that your latest purchase was quite reasonable.
23. My friendship with Ian will last forever.
24. I have been really smart and good-looking since birth.
25. You are unlikely to get the job after that awful performance in the interview.

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