Word Formation 1

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Fill in the gap in the sentence with the correct form of the root word. This examples
shows how to convert ROOTS into nouns:
1. If you should need any ________ (ASSIST), let us know.
2. On ________ (ARRIVE) at the airport, all passengers should have a check-up.
3. The ________ (EXCITE) before the party was like electricity in the air.
4. I have never felt such ________ (BORE) as when i was in the Vietnam war.
5. The ________ (EXCEL) of each and every student is essential.
6. All of the patients have shown a great deal of ________ (STRONG).
7. ________ (ENJOY) is much more important than achievement.
8. The most ________ (SUCCEED) you can have in life is to have kids.
9. ________ (PREPARE) is a key part of passing the exam.
10.The ________ (POPULAR) of many politicians in the country is astounding.
11. You have a ________ (CHOOSE) between two possibilities.
12.My ________ (NEIGHBOUR) is friendly and welcoming.
13.What is the ________ (LIKE) that you will get the job of your dreams.
14.All ________ (BREAK) must be paid for at the checkout.
15.I was in ________ (DENY) about COVID-19 until the 9th of March.
16.The ________ (COVER) in this area is awful, we can never get a signal.
17.The ________ (IGNORE) of many citizens is probably what makes them seem so happy.
18.All ________ (NEW) of contracts will be carried out before the end of the month.
19.The saying goes that “________ (CURIOUS) killed the cat”.
20.What is the ________ (DISTANT) from Albacete to Madrid?
21.I have a great ________ (AWARE) of how to handle the situation.
22. The plan ________ (WRECK) will take weeks to clear.
23.________ (PERSIST) and hard walk are a key factor is making it in life.
24.I would say that ________ (FLUENT) is more important than ________ (ACCURATE).
25.We have a great deal of ________ (FREE) to do as we see fit.

Fill in the gap in the sentence with the correct form of the root word:
1. Due to the lack of ________ (DEEP) of the pool, it means that diving is forbidden.
2. The ________ (OWN) of property is still unrealistic for many people nowadays.
3. Not only are you a ________ (LIE), but you are also a fool.
4. The ________ (EFFICIENT) of many renewable energy resources is still debatable.
5. What is the ________ (WIDE) of our living room?
6. I am really fit and ________ (HEALTH).
7. ________ (EQUAL) is something that the bottom 15% of the population can only dream of.
8. I am a ________ (FIT) fanatic and that is why I go to the gym daily.
9. My kids are really ________ (NOISE) today, they must be feeling hyperactive.
10.I find the whole situation quite ________ (SURPRISE).
11.It is a fairly obvious ________ (DECIDE) when it comes down to it.
12.The ________ (LAUGH) in the theatre was contagious.
13.The ________ (LONG) of the course depends on each student’s own performance.
14.You should never ________ (THREAT) another person with acts of violence.
15.The ________ (MEMBER) fee seems excessive to me.
16.The Paralympics offers the platform for people with a ________ (ABLE) to compete.
17.________ (FOREST) is without a doubt one of the most pressing environmental issues.
18.How much is the ________ (PLACE) of the motor going to cost us?
19.Your ________ (PERSON) rather than your appearance is what counts in the end.
20.________ (EMPLOY) in Spain is rising at a concerning rate.
21.I will reserve ________ (JUDGE) until after I receive my results.
22.The ________ (DEPART) of the flight has been delayed by 3 hours.
23.What time do you have an ________ (POINT) with the lawyer?
24.________ (POLITIC) all end up being corrupt; it is just a matter of time. Absolute power corrupts
25.We have a mutually agreed ________ (ARRANGE) for the business.

Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the ROOT word:
1. Do you find it hard to make travel __________ before you go away? ARRANGE
2. Do you think that travel __________ your mind? BROAD
3. What is the best __________ you have ever been on and why? TRAVEL
4. Have you made a holiday __________ for next year yet? BOOK
5. Are you a big fan of __________ while you are away or do you prefer other activities? SEE
6. Would you complain to the __________ in a hotel if you were not happy with the service? MANAGE
7. Have you ever been on a __________ holiday? DISAPPOINT
8. Have you ever spent an extended period of time __________? BROAD
9. If you had the __________, where would you go on holiday next year? CHOOSE
10. Would you ever seek __________ abroad? EMPLOY
11. Can you explain about a time in which you found the __________ of local people strange in a foreign
country? BEHAVE
12. Do you need __________ to try to speak a foreign language while abroad? ENCOURAGE
13. Do you ever travel off the __________ track while abroad? BEAT
14. What is the most __________ holiday destination in your country? SUCCEED
15. Are you __________ about travel? PASSION

Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the ROOT word:
1. Have you ever taken a long __________? FLY
2. Do you get annoyed with __________ tourists when you stay in a hotel? NOISE
3. Do you ever go on trips that are not __________? AFFORD
4. Are people in your country __________ to tourists? HELP
5. Do you have __________ getting by in other languages when you are abroad? DIFFICULT
6. Do you enjoy the __________ to choose where you go on holiday? FREE
7. Have you ever __________ English while you were abroad? SPEAK
8. Do you ever suffer from __________ when you are on holiday? BORE
9. Do you follow __________ from your friends when making travel arrangements? ADVISE
10. Where are you __________ on traveling abroad next year? PLAN
11. How does traveling impact on the __________ environment? NATURE
12. Are there any __________ regions of Europe that you would not travel to? DANGER
13. Does __________ worry you while you are travelling? SAFE
14. Do you ask for __________ at the hotel when you get to a travel destination? INFORM
15. How does your __________ affect the way you travel? PERSON

Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the ROOT word:
1. Does everyone reckon that you are __________ because of your body type? SPORT
2. Have you succeeded in any sports competition __________? RECENT
3. Would you struggle to be __________ if you didn't have a hobby? SUCCEED
4. Would you like to do an __________ sport to things like football or tennis? ALTERNATE
5. Have you ever tried a __________ sport? DANGER
6. Do you find reading to be an __________ hobby? INTEREST
7. Do you __________ any sporting figures? IDOL
8. Does your __________ get in the way of your fitness? LAZY
9. Would you have __________ learning how to do a new sport? DIFFICULT
10. Is it important to train __________ to be good at a sport? CONSIST
11. What is the most __________ sport to keep fit? EFFECT
12. Have you ever suffered a huge __________ in your sporting life? FAIL
13. Are you keen on looking at art __________? EXHIBIT
14. Are you known for __________ off when you do your hobby? SHOW
15. When you were __________, what hobbies did you have? YOUNG

Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the ROOT word:
1. What type of career path did you want to go down as a __________? TEEN
2. Would you object to __________ filmed or observed while you work? BE
3. How much __________ would it take to become a footballer? DEDICATE
4. Would you ever quit a job because you found it too __________? EASE
5. Is it overly __________ to try to become a celebrity? AMBITION
6. Do you expect to be __________ in your future career? SUCCEED
7. Is it ok to deduct an employee´s pay because of __________ to equipment? BREAK
8. What types of job do you think would be __________? BEAR
9. Is it __________ to get work experience before finishing your degree? SENSE
10. Do you have the __________ and skill sets to achieve your goals? ABLE
11. Have you ever lost a job because of __________ in the workplace? LAZY
12. Is __________ a good reason to change jobs? BORE
13. Where is the best place to get __________ about workers rights? INFORM
14. Is it __________ to live and work in London? AFFORD
15. Are you happy with your career __________? CHOOSE

Use the correct form of the ROOT word in the negative with the correct prefix or suffix (un, im, il, ir, dis,
non, in, -less):
1. Did you know that see is an __________ verb so you need to conjugate it differently? REGULAR
2. When learning a language, is it __________ to just translate all the time? USE
3. Do you understand that what you are saying is complete and utter __________? SENSE
4. Is your boss really __________ towards his employees? FRIEND
5. Why shouldn't we be so __________ about your appearance? SECURE
6. What would you do if you had quite severe __________? ABILITY
7. Do you think that all drugs should be __________? LEGAL
8. Is getting a job in a successful company is pretty __________? PROBABLE
9. Are you ever __________ in the workplace? CARE
10. Are you having trouble __________ my shoe laces? DO
11. Should the goal have been __________? ALLOW
12. Are you ever __________ to your partner? KIND
13. Have you ever done anything that you thought was __________? POSSIBLE
14. Are there any errors that are __________? REVERSE
15. Are you an achiever or a __________? ACHIEVE

Use word formation to adapt the root word and complete the sentence:
1. The advantage of getting away with ________ (COMMIT) a crime is that it makes you feel smarter
than the police.
2. It was an extremely strange ________ (ACCUSE) and I was soon to find that I was to be disabused of
that notion.
3. I have never received a severe ________ (PUNISH) for my crimes.
4. He is without a doubt the most infamous ________ (CRIME) to grace the earth.
5. Most crimes are due to drug ________ (ADDICT).
6. Ted Bundy was one of the worst ________ (MURDER) of all time.
7. I received a small ________ (FINE) for the misdemeanour.
8. What is the ________ (SOLVE) to all the petty crime in this city?
9. Do you have any ________ (PROVE) of the occurances?
10. My boss has been ________ (PRISON) for tax fraud.
11. In all ________ (HONEST), I believe the whole case to be a farce.
12. I was ________ (SENTENCE) to eight months behind bars.
13. I was not ________ (GUILT) so I refused to plead to be.
14. What seemed ________ (SUSPECT) was his complete lack of consistancy when retelling the events.
15. I was robbed at gun point and I must admit that it was ________ (BELIEVE) threatening.
16. Would you rather be a ________ (LAW) or a judge?
17. I was ________ (DOUBT) about the issue so I decided to consult an expert in the field.
18. Some may say that it as completely on purpose, but I assure you that it was ________ (INTEND).
19. That may not ________ (NECESSARY) be the case, but we will have to wait and see.
20. I am extremely ________ (RESPECT) to law enforcement officers.

Use word formation to adapt the root word and complete the sentence:
1. What is the most popular place for ________ (PHOTO) in your city?
2. Is your city a long ________ (DISTANT) from the sea?
3. Does your city have ________ (LIVE) nightlife?
4. Do people in your country criticize your contry’s ________ (APPEAR)?
5. Are there a vast amount of ________ (SEE) spots in your city?
6. Is your city ________ (SUCCEED) when it comes to creating jobs for young people?
7. In which ________ (DIRECT) is the capital of your country from your city?
8. Is your city ________ (RECOGNISE) from what it was 50 years ago?
9. Are there ample ________ (AMENITY) in your city?
10. Are you happy with the ________ (CLEAN) of the public spaces in your city?
11. Is it easy to get ________ (LOSE) in your city?
12. Have you ever ________ (ACCIDENT) broken a local law in your city?
13. What are the sports ________ (FACILITY) like in your city?
14. How many ________ (INHABIT) live in your city?
15. Is there a lot of ________ (TOUR) where you live?
16. What is the ________ (DIFFER) between your city and a rural area in your country?
17. What do people generally think on ________ (ARRIVE) to your city?
18. Is your city ________ (CULTURE) rich?
19. Is it easy to make travel ________ (ARRANGE) to go on holiday from where you live?
20. What would you say is your city’s biggest ________ (FAIL)?

Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the ROOT word:
1. What types of __________ do we face as a species in order to protect the environment? CHALLENGE
2. What are the most common __________ issues on your region? ENVIRONMENT
3. Are you interested in learning about rainforest __________? CONSERVE
4. Can you name any species in your local __________ that is at threat? WILD
5. Do people listen to __________ from the UN or the WWF? WARN
6. Does the government help in the __________ of national parks in your country? PROTECT
7. Do you know any climate __________? ACTIVE
8. What is the __________ to clearing out plastic from our oceans? SOLVE
9. Is there a good __________ of environmental problems amongst people ages 18-25? AWARE
10. Do we need to enforce __________ changes in order to avoid damage to the environment? SYSTEM
11. Do you think that climate campaigns can be __________ to us all? BENEFIT
12. How can the __________ of technology solve many climate issues? ADVANCE
13. What threatens our planet most, plastic or carbon __________? EMIT
14. Have there been any technological __________ that could help prevent climate change? DEVELOP
15. Do you do anything to aid the protection of __________ animals? TREAT

Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the ROOT word:
1. Are you expecting society to take __________ for its carbon footprint? RESPONSIBLE
2. Are there currently any __________ topics in the news? CONTROVERSE
3. How far would you say that the __________ looks after our interests? GOVERN
4. What is the solution to keeping __________ happy and motivated? MILLENIUM
5. Why is the integration of migrants into society so __________ in the UK? SUCCESS
6. What __________ constraints does the EU have to work under? FINANCE
7. Why can finding a work-life balance be __________? STRESS
8. Is there a __________ in our society to educate teenagers on what working life is like? FAIL
9. Do you think that failed __________ strategies are causing problems nowadays? PARENT
10. Why have we seen an increase in __________ nowadays? DEPRESS
11. Is there enough __________ in the workplace? VARY
12. Why are young people said to be __________ in this day and age? TITLE
13. Is __________ the period in which we form our personality or can we later change? ADOLESCENT
14. What __________ have young people adopted thanks to technology? TEND
15. Would you say that __________ advances have aided mankind? TECHNOLOGY

Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the ROOT word:
1. Do you have trouble __________ in new vocabulary in a foreign language? TAKE
2. Do you follow a __________ to learn a language? METHOD
3. Do you get a sense of __________ when you pass exams? SATISFY
4. What can be learnt from huge __________? FAIL
5. Is time __________ an issue for you during busy exam periods? MANAGE
6. How can boredom be __________ to success? DETRIMENT
7. Is there a lot of __________ about teaching-learning methods? CONFUSE
8. Do you have __________ organizing your studies? DIFFICULT
9. Would you consider studying abroad a long-__________ from home? DISTANT
10. Should we be __________ when choosing our area of studies to get a degree after high school? CARE
11. Do you feel huge __________ to succeed in your studies? PRESS
12. Have you ever received great __________ regarding your education? ADVISE
13. Is studying at university __________ in your country because of the privatization of universities?
14. Which nationalities are known for having effective __________ systems? EDUCATE
15. Is it important to have the freedom to be __________ during the learning process? CREATE

Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the ROOT word:
1. What is the best way to stay fit and __________? HEALTH
2. Why are humans becoming immune to some __________? BIOTIC
3. What are the ideal __________ to stay in good shape? CONDITION
4. Do you ever suffer from tiredness or even __________? EXHAUST
5. What are the most common __________ in your country? ILL
6. Have you ever suffered a serious __________? INJURE
7. Was the __________ period long? RECOVER
8. What __________ would you give to someone who wanted to start working out? ADVISE
9. What is the best __________ for a cold? TREAT
10. Is it cheap to get a __________ in your country? PRESCRIBE
11. Are you concerned about the __________ of sickness? PREVENT
12. Do you find it hard to keep your __________ down? WEIGH
13. Do you ever suffer from __________ of any part of your body? SWELL
14. Do you constantly feel __________ or tired at work? ENERGY
15. Can you name an __________ disease that scientists are trying to find a cure for? CURE

Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the ROOT word:
1. Is the internet the most useful tool that we have at our __________? DISPOSE
2. Should we place age __________ on social media? RESTRICT
3. How has technology __________ our lives? INFLUENCE
4. Do you see the __________ of technology as well as its benefits? ADVANTAGE
5. Do you have any specific __________ when it comes to brands of computers or gadgets? PREFER
6. Could the internet save us from chronic __________? EMPLOY
7. Would you say that there is now a striking __________ between the technology available now to what
was available 20 years ago? DIFFER
8. How have __________ advances impacted on your job? TECHNOLOGY
9. Are you concerned that technology will make your __________ obsolete in the future? PROFESS
10. Have you ever felt disappointment with a gadget because it did not live up to your __________?
11. How do people tend to __________ technology to the detriment of their lives? USE
12. Are technology giants __________ monitoring our lives? SYSTEM
13. Are you worried about your cyber __________? FOOT
14. How has the __________ of data improved over recent years? STORE
15. Do young people __________ social media? USE

Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the ROOT word:
1. What I like about this place is the rich ________. DIVERSE
2. London is a ________ city that everyone should visit at least once in their life. BUSTLE
3. What I like about you is your ________ attitude towards life. HURRY
4. Never before have I seen such a lack of ________ from a new employee. EFFICIENT
5. We had better look out for a ________ as soon as possible, should it be necessary. REPLACE
6. I have no ________ either way to be honest.PREFER
7. You seem to be happy plodding along, ________ of the consequences. REGARD
8. Would you please _________ me into my office. COMPANY
9. We have shown a great ________ in your ability and fortunately we have been able to reap the
benefits. BELIEVE
10. Should your ________ be successful, we will be in contact in due course. APPLY
11. We use wish and would to show ________, for instance: “I wish you would pull your finger out and
work harder”. ANNOY
12. We have seen a worrying ________ in orders over the past few months. REDUCE
13. I have shown a lot of ________ to be able to get the job. ENTHUSE
14. Promotions are fairly ________ thanks to the great management structure in place. ACCESS
15. Our office is somewhat ________ and it is rather bothersome. CROWD
16. I required a great deal of ________ on starting this job. ASSIST
17. Your job is ________ whereas mine is of the utmost importance. POINT
18. It was a ________ to have worked with you. PLEASE
19. I have suffered a bout of ________ over the past few months. DEPRESS
20. Interaction is a key element of this work ________. PLACE

Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the ROOT word:
1. Our host was extremely ________ and helpful. HOSPITAL
2. Your knowledge of computing seems quite ________ to me. LIMIT
3. Coding is the new ________ language and everyone should learn it. UNIVERSE
4. In ________, I would be up for doing any kind of job. REAL
5. A vast knowledge of contract law is of the ________ importance to be able to work here. MOST
6. I achieved ________ status at work by securing a great contract during my last business trip. LEGEND
7. What kind of ________ have come up at work since I have been off? REVEAL
8. The new App is ________ available on Iphones. READY
9. We have noticed a huge ________ in activity in the whole financial sector as all stocks are drastically
falling. REDUCE
10. It has been a ________ experience working here. PLEASE
11. I find this job way too ________ to be honest. STRESS
12. I want to give my employees the ________ to express themselves. FREE
13. I have noticed quite a lot of ________ of certain team members around the office. EXCLUDE
14. Don't be ________, I am no push-over. TAKE
15. The ________ of this website has taken me a really long time. DEVELOP
16. In all ________, I think I am falling in love with you. HONEST
17. You should receive the ________ in the near future. PAY
18. That meeting was a ________ waste of time. DREAD
19. My boss is extremely kind and ________ to all member of staff. CONSIDER
20. Could you give me some kind of ________ when you will come to a decision? INDICATE

Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the ROOT word:
1. We had to fire the new member of staff for acting ________ (PROFESSIONAL).
2. Your ________ (ABLE) to recall all of the events leads me to believe that you are lying.
3. The ________ (SEVERE) of the situation seems to have escaped your grasp.
4. We will not only be testing your ________ (ENDURE), but also your overall fitness.
5. Now that the quarentine is over, we have the ________ (FREE) to move around.
6. All political ________ (EXTREME) should be put in prison.
7. What is your monthly household ________ (COME)?
8. Could you provide some ________ (SIGHT) into the current events?
9. I often suffer from ________ (BORE) when I am unemployed.
10. I used to tease my brothers for my own ________ (AMUSE).
11. The ________ (STABLE) of the tourism industry is quite concerning.
12. I am generally an ________ (STAND) member of society.
13. All the students in the class show an ________ (EAGER) to progress academically.
14. The COVID-19 ________ (BREAK) has been a stressful situation for us all.
15. I have worked ________ (TIRE) to build up my business.
16. I would say that you have been economic with the truth, not intentionally________ (TRUE).
17. No children can use the facilities when ________ (ACCOMPANY) by an adult.
18. This summer has been a ________ (MEMORY) experience.
19. ________ (COINCIDENCE), I already knew my new boss from the local golf club.
20. What ________ (EXACT) do you mean by that?
21. Your performance was ________ (BELIEVE), I am so proud of you.
22. I would say that your latest purchase was quite ________ (REASON).
23. My ________ (FRIEND) with Ian will last forever.
24. I have been really smart and good-looking since ________ (BORN).
25. You are ________ (LIKE) to get the job after that awful performance in the interview

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