Week 5-Designing A Research Paradigm

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(source: https://www.onlinewithsaints.com/saint/saint-aloysius-gonzaga & https://www.listennotes.com/podcasts/let-us-pray-grexly-HfM_Au01BR-/)

Our discussion in previous research lesson will give us an idea of what is research paradigm.
Here in this topic, we will be dealing with the concepts and principles of research paradigm. A
research paradigm in simple terms can be likened to a map. When do we need a map?
When one does not have a clear plan on how to do things, s/he may end up not accomplishing
anything. When s/he is not guided by a map, s/he may be led to another place. A researcher who is
not guided by a paradigm or simulacrum, may not attain his/her research objective.
Now, we will explore the realm of research paradigm and apply its principles and procedure in
the conduct of research studies.

A research paradigm is a model or approach to research that is considered the standard by a
substantial number of researchers in the field based on having been both verified and practiced for a
long period of time. In life sciences, for instance, the research paradigm is the quantitative
methodology, whereas in social sciences, the paradigm is qualitative. So, based on the purpose and
need of your study, you need to apply an appropriate paradigm. Of course, you could also choose to
do a mixed-methods study.
To add some theoretical information, there are broadly two types of research
paradigm: positivist and interpretivist.

According to the positivist school of thought, it is possible to generalize the findings of one
study to another study of a similar nature irrespective of the conditions or environment. This is why
the quantitative method is used more in life sciences.

In contrast, the interpretivist school of thought holds that it is not appropriate to generalize
findings from one study to another, especially in the case of human behavior, as this can change
according to various situational and environmental factors. Thus, the qualitative method is preferred
in social sciences. The image below summarizes the descriptions above on what paradigm to use:

Source: https://www.slideshare.net/j0eylei_08/research-paradigm-63679905?

A research paradigm is an approach or a research model to conducting a research that has

been verified by the research community for long and that has been in practice for hundreds of years.
Most of the research paradigms emerge from one of the two of the approaches to research that are
positivist approach and interpretivism approach. Every research uses one of the research paradigms
to use as a guideline for developing research methodology and to take on the research venture in a
manner that is most valid and appropriate. Though basically there are two paradigms but there are
several other paradigms emerged from these two especially in the social science research.
The word paradigm originated from the Greek word “paradeigma” which means pattern. This
word was first used in the research by “Kuhn” in 1962 to describe a conceptual framework that is
accepted by a community of researchers or scientists and that provides them with an in-depth
guideline to conduct the research. Since that time a debate between scientists regarding the best
paradigm to conduct the research has always been there. Until 1980s scientists believed that
quantitative research paradigm is the only paradigm or research approach that should be used in
both pure science and social science research.

Types of Research Paradigm

Positivist Paradigm
Most of the scientific or quantitative research use positivism as a conceptual framework for
research. Quantitative research always follows positivist approach because positivists believe in the
empirical hypothesis testing. In pure sciences, positivism is preferred because of its empirical nature
to study facts. In quantitative research, the research follows a probabilistic model that is determined
by previous research. Positivists believe that the findings of one study can be generalized to another
study of a similar kind regardless of it is conducted in a different environment and situations. This is
true of scientific variables like volume, speed, density, strength, and weight. For example, if a
scientific study proves the hypothesis that if a certain finish is applied to a fine cotton tulle fabric it will
lose some of its natural strength, these results can be generalized to another similar fabric that gets
the same after-finish.

When talking about social and behavioral sciences quantitative researchers believe that any
human behavior can be studied and predicted quantitatively and they believe that behavior can be
explained using a scientific approach to research. While using positivist paradigm in social sciences
the researcher controls all the other factors that can ruin his/her research by having their impact. To
achieve a controlled environment the researcher has to conduct the research in a laboratory setting
like a scientific experiment, though the human behavior is difficult to study in a controlled
environment, this makes it difficult for the social science researcher to use a positivist paradigm in the
study of human behavior. For example, if a researcher hypothesizes that adolescents who drop out of
high schools are also involved in criminal activities, he/she has to study those students who dropped
out in a natural setting rather than in a lab. As human behavior cannot be studied in lab settings it’s
difficult to generalize human behavior to a wide and varied group of people regardless of if they have
several similarities.

If it is presented in terms of a diagram, the variables are usually connected through an arrow. 

          Example, if you would like to find out whether salary and job freedom could affect the job
satisfaction of employees, the research paradigm could be presented as follows:
Given the different examples of a research paradigm for a quantitative research design, take note of
the differences, specially in the use of connecting lines, single arrowhead, and double arrowhead.

Interpretivist Paradigm
Most of the qualitative research in social sciences use interpretivism approach to research.
Interpretivists believe that human behavior is multilayered and it cannot be determined by pre-defined
probabilistic models. It depends on the situations and is determined by environmental factors other
than the genes. A human behavior is quite unlike a scientific variable which is easy to control. Human
behaviors are affected by several factors and are mostly subjective in nature. Therefore,
interpretivistic believe in studying human behavior in the daily life rather than in the controlled
Distinction between Positivism and Interpretivism
To summarize positivism and interpretivism we can say that positivism is governed by objectivity,
measurability, predictability, probability, controllability and control laws that can predict human
behavior. On the other hand, anti-positivism or interpretivism is governed by subjectivity and studying
human behavior in a real-life setting.

Though, both of these paradigms are opposite of each other they represent the reality in two different
manners, both of them have their own value and significance in the growth and development of
In a qualitative research study, there is no definite variables to be defined, as it cannot be defined.
But a diagram showing possible major concepts can be included in the study. It can be similar to a
simple descriptive study of the quantitative research design as follows:

A quantitative research study requires specific variables and its specific connection with one another.
Thus, the paradigm for a quantitative research design is so defined according to the variables under
study. Unlike the qualitative research design which purely depends on what be gathered from the

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