Laboratory Exercise No. 1: Name Address Contact Number Email Address

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ENS 42 – Computer Applications in Environmental Science

Laboratory Exercise No. 1

Name: _______________________ Date performed: __________ Course & Year:

________________ Date submitted: __________


I. Introduction

Microsoft Word is a word processor developed by Microsoft that was first released on
October 25, 1983. Microsoft Word is a word processing program that enables the creation of
both simple and complex word documents. The word application allows you to create, read,
edit, and share your document files quickly and easily. The writing app and word processor is
as handy as you want it to be, whether you’re a student, blogger, writer, journalist, columnist,
or a project manager working on documentation.

II. Objectives

General: At the end of the exercise, the students are expected to familiarized commands
and create documents using the Microsoft Word program.

Specific: At the end of the exercise, the students are expected to:
1. Create word document with appropriate fonts style and font size;
2. Format a document with bold, italics, centering and underlining;
3. Insert, resize, and format images and borders; and
4. Insert table, adjust size and format borders.

III. Materials: Desktop computer/Laptop; Microsoft Word Program

IV. Procedures

1. Create a Professional Resume

2. Open MS Word Program: Follow the instructions and samples below:
∙ Set the Margin: 1 inch Top, Bottom, Left and Right
∙ Set the Spacing: Single Space
∙ Write the provided sample informations (in Red texts) and input your specific
informations following the specified format

Name: Bold, All capital letters; Font style: Arial; Font size 14 point; Font Color: Black Address:
Complete address; Capitalized each word; Font style: Arial; Font size 14 point; Font Color:
Contact number: Font style: Arial; Font size 14 point; Font Color: Black
Email address: Font style: Arial; Font size 14 point; Font Color: Black
∙ Add 2x2 inch Photo ID in the upper right corner
∙ Format: Picture Border; Color: Black; Weight: 1pt
∙ Right Click in the image; Select Wrap Text; then choose Square; then adjust the image in
the upper most corner of the document without exceeding the specified margin.
Personal Information: Bold; Capitalized each letter; Italic; Font style: Arial; Font size 14 point;
Font Color: Black
∙ In this section, insert a table with two (2) columns and nine (9) rows, then select No
Border, and click View Gridlines (see image below).

∙ Move the cursor in the upper left corner of the table (see image below), if the cursor
changes its form, Right click; select AutoFit – AutoFit to Window

∙ For the 1st Column, adjust the center line at 1.5 referring at the ruler (see image below).

∙ Input the following: Age, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Gender, Civil Status, Nationality,
Religion, Father’s Name and Mother’s Name per Row in the 1 st Column, then write the
complete information in the 2nd column in the corresponding Row.
∙ Font style: Arial; Font size 12 point; Font Color: Black
∙ Align the content in the 1st column with the right margin by highlighting the text then click
the Align Right (Ctrl+R)

∙ See example below:

*With Border
Age 20 years old

Date of Birth November 15, 2000

*Without Border
Age 20 years old
Date of Birth November 15, 2000

Educational Background: Bold; Capitalized each letter; Italic; Font style: Arial; Font size 14
point; Font Color: Black
∙ Insert a Table following the same format provided in the Personal Information ∙ List your
educational attainment start with your highest educational attainment in reverse
chronological order
∙ Indicate the Academic Year in the 1st column
∙ Include the following information in the 2nd column: your degree, name of school, location of
school for the corresponding Academic year in the 1st column.
∙ Font style: Arial; Font size 12 point; Font Color: Black

Professional Experiences: Bold; Capitalized each letter; Italic; Font style: Arial; Font size 14
point; Font Color: Black
∙ List any extracurricular activities such as Club/Organizations Officer or Member, volunteer
works, etc.
∙ Insert a Table following the same format in the Personal Information ∙
Indicate the Year in the 1st column (in reverse-chronological order)
∙ Indicate your professional experiences in the 2nd column
∙ Font style: Arial; Font size 12 point; Font Color: Black

Honors and Awards: Bold; Capitalized each letter; Italic; Font style: Arial; Font size 14 point;
Font Color: Black
∙ List your honors and awards received in bullet form including the date received, in reverse
chronological order
∙ Font style: Arial; Font size 12 point; Font Color: Black

Technical Skills: Bold; Capitalized each letter; Italic; Font style: Arial; Font size 14 point; Font
Color: Black
∙ List your technical skills in bullet form
∙ Font style: Arial; Font size 12 point; Font Color: Black

Personal Skills: Bold; Capitalized each letter; Italic; Font style: Arial; Font size 14 point; Font
Color: Black
∙ List your personal skills in bullet form
∙ Font style: Arial; Font size 12 point; Font Color: Black

3. Save your document:

∙ Select File from the menu bar.
∙ Click Save As from the pull down menu
∙ Click on the arrow by the “Save in” box and change to your folder.
∙ Click in the “File name” box and give your file a name
∙ Click Save
*IMPORTANT* Always save your work every 5 to 10 minutes! You can also save it
from the keyboard by holding down the CTRL key and the S key.

V. Discussions: Discuss your observations and learnings in doing the exercise. Answer the
guide question below.
a. What is the importance of a Microsoft Word Program?

VI. Conclusion: Make a conclusion based on the objectives of the exercise.

VII.Recommendation: Make your recommendation as how to improve the exercise.

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