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Written Test

Unit Code:- SITXCOM005

Unit Name:- Manage conflict

Assessment for this Unit of Details

Assessment 1 Written Test
Assessment 2 Scenario/Observation
Assessment 3
Assessment conducted in this instance: Assessment 1 2 3
SITXCOM005 Manage conflict
Assessment Guidelines
What will be assessed
The purpose of this assessment is to assess your underpinning knowledge to complete the tasks
outlined in the elements and performance criteria for this unit of competency and relating to the
following aspects:
commonly occurring conflict situations in the tourism, travel, hospitality and event industries and their typical causes
• conflict theory:
o signs
o stages
o levels
o factors involved
o results
• conflict-resolution techniques:
o assertiveness
o negotiation
o use of appropriate communication
• resources to assist in managing conflict:
o counsellors
o internal security staff
o mediators
o other staff members
o police
o senior staff
• communication techniques:
o active listening o empathising with the person's situation while upholding organisational policy o
non-verbal communication and recognition of non-verbal signs
o language style
o questioning techniques
o those appropriate to different social and cultural groups
• organisational policies and procedures for complaint, conflict and dispute resolution

Place/Location where assessment will be conducted

Duke College Class Room and DC Training Kitchen

Resource Requirements
Pen, Paper, Computer

Instructions for assessment including WHS requirements

The assessment for this unit of competency consists of two parts, Part A and Part B.
Part A consists of 4 different scenarios, each followed by a series of questions.
Part B consists of questions to assess your underpinning knowledge relating to workplace policies
and protocols which form the basis to deal with and manage conflict.
You are required to address all questions to achieve competence.
Your trainer will provide you with instructions for time frames and dates to complete this
If more space is required for any answer you may attach a separate page containing your ID
number, name unit title, unit code and the assessment task number and attach this page with
the current assessment task before submission or alternatively use the back of each paper
with a clear reference to the relevant question(s). Once completed, carefully read the responses
you have provided and check for completeness.

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CRICOS ID: 02564C Version 2.0
RTO ID: 90681 Page 2 of 13
SITXCOM005 Manage conflict

Ensure you check your work and keep a copy before submitting.
You are encouraged to clarify any tasks, requirements or questions you may have with your
Your trainer will provide you with feedback and the result you have achieved.

Assessment 1: Written Test

Your task:
Read the following scenarios and answer the corresponding questions for each.

Part A: Scenarios

Scenario 1:
You are working as part of the wait staff at a local restaurant. A customer you are serving
has called you over to her table and has complained that she has found a hair in her meal.
However, she has finished her meal and there is no hair to be seen. She is visibly unhappy
and demanding a refund. This is not the policy of your restaurant.

1. Name 3 conflict resolution techniques and explain how you will use these to resolve this


2. What are the dangers of leaving this conflict unresolved?


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SITXCOM005 Manage conflict

Scenario 2

You are working at a hotel that is popular with international tourists. A foreign tourist
approaches you with a complaint about his room, but you are struggling to understand his
concerns due to his accent and language barrier. You begin to understand that the customer
has an issue with the cleanliness of his bathroom. He is becoming agitated, aggressive,
raising his voice and speaking quickly. He has crossed his arms and looks stiff and tense, as
well as frowning at you. How will you manage this customer’s complaint? Answer the
following questions based on this scenario.

1. What are the signs in this situation that conflict is occurring?


2. How could you overcome this communication barrier?


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SITXCOM005 Manage conflict

3. What actions can you take to resolve this complaint?


4. What actions can you take to prevent this situation from happening again in the future?


5. What actions could management take to assist employees to improve their

communication with international customers?


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SITXCOM005 Manage conflict

Scenario 3:-

Some hostility has been occurring among your work team as Sarah and James always
receive the weekend off, and the rest of the team is required to work both Saturdays and
Sundays. The other employees are beginning to resent Sarah and James for always receiving
the weekend off work. The team rarely works with Sarah and James due to this rostering,
and when they do, there is conflict. The other employees hold fixed opinions about Sarah
and James and as a result, the working environment has become tense and there has been a
lot of gossip. The conflict has not been resolved, and is therefore increasing in severity. As a
result, arguments have occurred between Sarah and other employees. There has been a
notable decrease in productivity.

1. Conflict theory can be divided into the following parts:

1) Signs
2) Stages
3) Levels
4) Factors involved
5) Results;

Using the scenario, apply the situations to the relevant parts of conflict theory listed
above. Which aspects need to be addressed by you as the manager?


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SITXCOM005 Manage conflict

2. As the manager of this team, describe why you believe this conflict is occurring between
Sarah and James and the other team members.


3. During the initial stages of this conflict, team members were uncomfortable about the
rostering situation but did not argue about the issue. Describe the stage of conflict that
this situation has reached. What will happen if it is ignored further?


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4. How can management work with you to determine and implement a possible solution to
this conflict?


5. What results will be achieved if this conflict is managed effectively?


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Scenario 4

A customer at your bar appears to have become drunk and disorderly. He is knocking over
drinks, talking loudly and has begun arguing with a new staff member working next to you at
the bar when she refuses to serve the customer. You notice that his behaviour is becoming
increasingly threatening to customers and your fellow staff member, who is becoming
frightened of the situation.

1. How might this situation escalate if you do not respond appropriately?


2. What actions will you take and what resources can you use to effectively address this
situation and prevent escalation?


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3. Which documentation do you need to complete in this instance? List 3 instances which must
be recorded associated with conflict situations in a workplace and explain the reasons why
this needs to occur.


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Part B – Questions
Workplace policies and protocols to deal with and manage conflict

1. Outline the common procedures and policies which could be part of a company policy
regarding the requirements for reporting and management of conflict. What does this need to

2. What are the regulatory, industrial and legislative requirements related to the handling of


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SITXCOM005 Manage conflict

3. Explain the variety of communication skills which could be employed to ensure the
effectiveness of dealing with conflict and conflict resolution.


4. What are the procedures where conflict involves drugs, alcohol or violence?


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5. To whom (other than the HR department) should escalated conflict situations or problems be
reported in an organisation?


6. What is the purpose of evaluating conflict situations? Provide examples how this could be
achieved effectively.


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