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Regulars 1 forms (i-masu, -tte, -nai, -tta)

Au – meet Kiku – listen

aku – be, have Komu – be crowded
Aruku – walk Matsu – wait
Chigau – be wrong Magaru – turn
Gambaru – does one’s best Morau – receive
Hairu – enter Nomu – drink
Iu- say Noru – ride/get on
Iku – go Okuru – send
Irasshairu – go, be Osu – push
Itadaku – accept Owaru – finish
Kaeru – return Suu – smoke
Kau – buy Sumu – live
Kakaru – take Toru – take
Kaku – write Tsukau – use
Kesu – turn off Tsuku – arrive
Uru - sell Tsukuru – make
Yomu – read

Regular 2 forms (-masu, te, -ta, -nai)

Ageru – give Oshieru – tell

Akeru – open Shimeru – close
Dekiru – can Taberu – eat
Deru – leave Todokeru – deliver
Iru – be Tomeru – stop
Kakeru – to call by phone Tsukeru – turn on
Miru – see Kiotsukeru – be careful
Miseru – show Tsutomeru – work for
Okiru – get up

Irregular ( suru / kuru )

Kuru – come Ryokou suru – take a trip

Motte kuru – bring Setsumei suru – explain
Onegai suru – be favor Shigoto suru – work
Shitsurei suru – be rude Shokai suru – introduce
Denwa suru- to call Sou betsukai suru – give a farewell party
Kaigi suru – have meeting

- KU - ite EXAMPLE:
- GU - ide
- SU - shite KAKU - KAITE - TO WRITE




 Big - ooki  Small - chiisai

 Many - ippai  Few - sukoshii/sukunai
 Tall - segatakai/takai  Short - mijikai
 Far - too  Near - mijikai > long – nagai
 Wide - hiroi  Narrow - semai
 Deep - fukai  Shallow - asai
 Dim/dark - kurai  Bright/light - akarui
 Heavy - omoi  Thin/slim - yaseta/hosoi
 Fat - futoi/futotta  Down - shita
 Top - ue  Cheap -yasui
 Expensive - takai  Slow - oaoi/norui
 Fast - hayai  Slowly - yukkuri
 Faster - hayaku  Old - furui
 New - atarashi  Hate - nikumo/kirai
 Love - suki/aijo/ai  Weak - yowai
 Strong - tsuyoi  Ugly - minikui/migurushi
 Pretty/beautiful - kawai/kireina  Bad - warui
 Good - yoi/ii  Sad/lonely - sabishii
 Happy - oreshii/tanoshii  Black - makkuro
 White - masshiro  Noisy - urusai/yakamashi
 Silent/quiet - shizuka  Late - osui
 Early - hayai  Soft - yawarakai
 Hard - katai/tsurai(hirap)  Cold - samui(weather)/tsumetai(food/drink)
 Hot - atatakai(food/drink)/atsui  Convenient - benri na
 Difficult - muzukashii  Leisure - hima
 Busy - isogashii  Bitter - nigai
 Sweet - amai  Sour - suppai
 Delicious/tasty - oishii  Night - yoru
 Day - hiroma  Unclean - kitanai/yogureta
 Clean - seikitsu na/ kirei na
 Famous - yuumei
 Kind - shinsetsu
 Interesting -omoshiroi
 Good at - jouzou na/ umai
 Poor at - heta
 Cool - suzushii
 Low - hikui
 Nice/fine - suteki
 Lively - nigiyaka
Adjective Conjugation

( -I adjective) ( -na adjective)

Atsui natsuyasumi Kirei na yama

(hot summer vacation) (beautiful mountain)

Natsuyasumi wa atsui desu Ano yama wa kirei desu.

Present affirmative
(Summer vacation is hot.) (That mountain is beautiful)

Natsuyasumi wa atsukatta desu Ano yama wa kireideshita.

Past affirmative
(Summer vacation was hot.) (That mountain was beautiful.)

Natsuyasumi wa atsuku arimasen Ano yama wa kireija arimasen.

Present negative
(Summer is not hot.) (That mountain is not beautiful.)

Ano yama wa kireija

Natsuyasumi wa atsuku arimasendeshita.
Past negative arimasendeshita.
(Summer was not hot.)
(That mountain was not beautiful.)

1. N1 + WA + N2 + DESU

 Watashi tachi wa gakusei desu.
 Anata wa kaishain desu.
 Kanojo wa sensei desu.
 Kare wa isha desu.
 Ringo wa amai desu.


 Rica san wa gakusei dewa arimasen.
 Anata wa isha ja arimasen.
 Kanojo wa kangofu ja arimasen.
 Kare wa Omari san ja arimasen.
 Anata tachi wa sensei ja arimasen.

3. N1 + WA + N2 + DESU KA

 Aiko san wa sensei desu ka?
 Kare wa gakusei desu ka?
 Kanojo wa kangofu desu ka?
 Anata wa kaishain desu ka?
 Yuri san wa nihonjin desu ka?

4. N1 + WA + N2 + DESU. N2 + MO + N4 + DESU

 Nelson san wa gakusei desu. Resty san mo gakusei desu.
 Miller san wa gaijin desu. Brown san mo gaijin desu.
 Kare wa kangofu desu. Kanojo mo kangofu des.
 Henry san wa isha desu. Rey san mo isha desu.
 Ringo wa oishii desu. Budo mo oishii desu.

 Hana wa kirei desu.
 Nihongo wa muzukashii desu.
 Ringo wa amai desu.
 Koen wa yumei desu.

6. Demonstrative Pronoun + WA + NOUN + DESU KA?

 Kore wa hon desu ka?
 Are wa kasa desu ka?
 Sore wa jisho desu ka?
 Are wa kaban desu ka?
 Kore w enpitsu desu ka?

7. Demonstrative Adj. + N + WA (Interrogative Adj. /Personal Pro.) + DESU KA?

 Kono kasa wa dare desu ka?
 Sono hon wa anata desu ka?
 Ano kaban wa watashi desu ka?
 Kono jisho wa kanojo desu ka?
 Sono enpitsu wa ikura desu ka?

8. Progressive Pronoun + N + DESU

 Watashi no hon desu.
 Anatano kaban desu.
 Kare no enpitsu desu.
 Kanojo no kasa desu.
 Watashi tachi no jisho desu.

9. Demonstrative Pronoun + Poss. Pro + DESU KA?

 Kore watashi no kaban desu ka?
 Asoko anata no kasa desu ka?
 Are kare no enpitsu desu ka?
 Sore kanojo no jisho desu ka?
 Are watashi tachi no hon desu ka?
Nice to meet you
- Pre-Departure-for-Japan Training Course -
1. Objective: To establish “the foundation of communication ability”

In order that you can work together with Japanese and live a happy life in Japan, you must
acquire the ability of correctly understanding what Japanese speak, and of correctly telling to them what
you have in mind. However, to master such communication ability, enormous efforts and time are
necessary. For efficiently developing the communication ability, needless to say, it is necessary to
stepwise accumulate practice. The “Nice to meet you” is a textbook prepared for the purpose of
establishing “the foundation of communication ability” as the first stage of developing the communication
ability. Particularly it is intended to achieve the following for targets in 100 learning hours.

Four targets of “Nice to meet you”

 To be accustomed to the natural Japanese pronunciations, and to develop the basic ability
of hearing Japanese language
 To acquire the ability of Japanese words written in Hiragana and Katakana characters
 To acquire the ability of hearing, understanding and using the minimum sentences
necessary for the daily life

2. Composition
The “Nice to meet you” consists of the following parts. Part 1 is the “base” of Part 2. So, at first,
learn Part 1, and then proceed to Part 2. In addition, CD and “Translation Notes” in English are attached.

1) Textbook
Part 1: Learning of characters and words
 Learn “Hiragana and Katakana characters”, “words” and “numbers”.
 Acquire the ability of hearing Japanese words.
Part 2: Learning of sentences and conversations
 Learn sentences and conversations
 Acquire the ability of hearing Japanese sentences and conversations.

2) CD
The CD contains what is described in the book, in Japanese and in the foreign language
3) Translation Notes
The “Translation Notes” describe the following in the foreign language concerned.
 Objective and features of the textbook, and how to use it
 Vocabulary (by section, in the order of pages)
 Answers to questions

3. Features: Epochal practice method with attention paid to the “process of learning.”
To achieve the aforesaid four targets of “Nice to meet you,” the conventional learning method
based on “accumulation of sentence patterns” has a problem that it takes too much time. To solve this
problem, the “Nice to meet you” employs a peculiar practice method with attention paid to the “process
of learning,” so that you as a learner can acquire the communication ability efficiently. To memorize
words and sentences and to be accustomed to Japanese pronunciations and natural conversations within a
short period of time, it is essential to identify the process of learning and to effectively guide in line with
the process. Main features of “Nice to meet you” are concretely described below.

 Practice based on the voices uttered from CD

In general, since the hearing sense of a person is accustomed to identifying the pronunciations
of the mother language along with his/her growth, it is difficult for an adult to identify the
pronunciations of any other language than the mother language, So, to acquire the ability of
identifying the pronunciations of Japanese language, it is necessary to be accustomed to the phonetic
system of Japanese language. The “Nice to meet you” presents practice in such a manner that the
phonetic features of Japanese language will be anchored in the memory of the learner both in Part1
(Learning of characters and words) and Part 2 (Learning of sentences and conversations). We are
confident that while you listen to the CD and proceed with learning according to the instructions of
practice, you will be accustomed to the pronunciations of Japanese language and acquire the ability of
identifying the pronunciations of Japanese language naturally.

 Understanding the meanings of words and sentences in reference to “pictures” and memorizing
them in reference to “pictures”
When you learn a new word or sentence, it is first of all necessary to understand the meaning of
the word or sentence. The “Nice to meet you” uses “pictures” abundantly in both Part 1(learning of
characters and words) and Part2 (Learning of sentences and conversations), so that you can
immediately understand the meanings of words and sentences. It is known that a “picture” exhibits an
excellent of remaining deeply in the memory in addition to contributing to the understanding of its
meaning. The “Nice to meet you” uses “pictures” for the practice in a hope that they will remain as
deeply as possible in the memory. So, use them as aids for efficiently learning of words and

 “Character learning” for “words and numbers”

The conventional “character learning” is intended to mainly learn “Hiragana characters” and
“Katakana characters,” and learners are usually forced to read and write the words that are not
necessary in the daily life or jobsites. Furthermore, less verbs and adjectives are presented, and
the most of introduced words are nouns. In view of Japanese language for living, this learning
method cannot be said to be very efficient. Part 1 (Learning of Characters and Words) of “Nice to
meet you” is set to achieve the final aim of understanding and memorizing the “words” and
“numbers” necessary for living, to overcome the problem. Part 1 is designed to allow you to learn
nouns as well as verbs, adjectives, numbers, units, etc. in good balance. So you will memorize
various “words” necessary for living. Especially for verbs, in order that you can be accustomed to
natural every day conversations from the early stage, not only the polite expressions but also the
friendly expressions of “eat”, “can” and others are introduced.

 Practice without being particular about “sentence forms” and “grammatical rules”
If learning starts from “sentence forms’ and “grammatical rules,” it may make it difficult to
develop the communication ability. You should have an experience that you come to a standstill
during talking, because of your too strong wish of speaking a grammatically correct foreign
language or because of your fear of making a grammatical mistake. Part 2 (learning of sentences
and conversations) of “Nice to meet you” is designed to ensure that you can practice
pronunciations and conversations without being particular about “sentence forms” and
“grammatical rules” and, as a result, can produce correct sentences naturally. Furthermore, since
you can practice while comparing friendly expressions with polite expressions you will be able to
be early accustomed to natural conversations.

 You can study even without teacher

The “Nice to meet you,” both in Parts 1 and 2, is composed to ensure that you as a learner can
practice even alone. It must be very rare that a Japanese teacher guides a learner who stays in a
foreign country and studies Japanese language before he/she comes to Japan. The “Nice to meet
you” has been developed as a textbook that allows the learner to study as effectively and
pleasantly as possible in every case, anticipating various learning environments where the learner
must study alone, whether there is no Japanese teacher, or where a teacher with a little teaching
experience guides the learner.
4. How to use
How to use the textbook is described below.
Part 1: Learning of characters and words
Part 1 assures small stepwise strides so that the learner can master “Hiragana and
Katakana characters and words” easily through the process of practice.

Recognition of characters and sounds

“Listen to the CD. Pronounce.”
In this practice, you as a learner is expected to recognize the forms of Hiragana and Katakana
characters and know the sounds expressed by “characters and words.” At first, listen to the
pronunciations of the CD. If you are accustomed to the sounds of Japanese language, pronounce
“characters and words” jointly with the CD.

Understanding the meaning of words

“Do you understand? Listen to the CD.”
In this practice, you are expected to understand the meanings of “words.” At first, see pictures
while listening to the CD. You can understand for the first time the meanings of the “words” you
recognized in the previous step (in the case of “Katakana characters,” the meanings of words are
further according to the instructions of the CD. Try to guess the “word” corresponding to each set
of Japanese pronunciations uttered from the CD, while listening. If you indicate each “word” by
your finger while listening to the CD repeatedly, you will be able to learn more effectively.

“Select.” “Connect by line (Katakana characters).”
In this practice, you are expected to confirm how far you memorize the “characters and words”
you have learned so far.
Practice of writing
“Write. Read.” “Read. Write.”
In this practice, you write the “characters and words” you have learned so far. If you pronounce
while writing for your practice, the relation between sounds and characters can be emphasized in
your impression, and you will be able to learn more effectively.

“Listen to the CD, and select.”
“Pay attention to short sounds and long sounds, while listening.”
This is the last step. Listening to the “characters and words” you have learned so far, confirm how
far you can understand. Especially for the “long sounds and short sounds” difficult to
differentiate, you should practice repeatedly. At first you may find it difficult to differentiate
them, but you will be accustomed to them gradually and be able to differentiate tem.

Introduction and practice of numbers

One of the aims of Part 1 is to make you accustomed to “numbers.” At the end of each section,
“numbers’ are introduced for your practice. Practice according to the instructions. If you
repeatedly listen to the CD in your efforts to memorize as far as possible, the memory will be
conveniently used for your study in Part 2 “Learning of sentences and conversations.”
Part 2: Learning of sentences and conversations
Part 2 has two targets. One of the targets is to make you accustomed to the intonations of
sentences and natural conversations for making you master the basic ability of hearing. The other
one is to make you practice pronunciations and conversations without being particular about
sentence forms and rules. As a result, you will be able to naturally produce correct sentences. To
achieve these two targets, the following practice strategy is employed.

Practice for introduction

“See pictures, while listening to the CD.”
You are expected to understand meanings and make images with the hearing sense in this
practice. At first see pictures and understand the meanings of sentences. The, repeatedly
listen to the CD. When you listen to the CD, be sure to have the images of “pictures” in
your mind. Such images are likely to remain in your memory. If you listen to the CD
frequently enough, you will be able to naturally duplicate the Japanese sentences of CD
since they are short. When you duplicate, take care of pronunciations. Taking care of
pronunciations does not mean taking care of each sound. It is important that at first you
listen with attention paid to the intonation of each sentence as a whole, and pronounce. The
process of practice can be summarized as follows.
 See pictures while listening to the CD, and understand the meaning
 Listen to the CD repeatedly without seeing pictures. In this case, be sure to have images
of pictures in your mind.
 If you listen frequently enough, you will be able to naturally duplicate. When you
duplicate, practice with attention paid to general intonations and accents without being
particular about individual pronunciations.

Furthermore, take care of the following marks.

Polite expressions Friendly expressions

In Japanese language, polite expressions are used for talking with superiors and company
members. Even for Japanese, it is difficult to identify the situations when polite expressions
should be used or when friendly expressions should be used. You, as learners, are
recommended to always use polite expressions when you speak Japanese. If you use polite
expressions only, it does not happen that you give a rude impression to the person you talk
with. It is safe that even if the person you talk with use friendly expressions, you keep using
polite expressions. You will please use polite expressions when you speak Japanese.

“Listen to the CD, and pronounce.”
“Listen to the CD, and answer/pronounce.”
You are expected to be accustomed to sentences and conversations in this practice.
Repeatedly pronounce jointly with the CD as often as possible till you acquire the ability
of speaking fluently. When you repeatedly pronounce, take care of intonations as in the
“Practice for introduction.”
“Listen to conversations, and write the answers.”
“Write answers above the underlines.”
“Connect by line.”
In this practice, you are expected to confirm what you have learned so far. Calmly
confirm what you have understood and what you have not understood. The answers are
stated in the supplement volume, so that you can confirm them.
Vocabulary (by section, in the order of pages)
Part 1

Hiragana characters and words that are difficult to understand even if you refer to pictures

 Lesson 2 2か Page
Tax ぜいきん 25
Time じかん 30
Earthquake じしん 30
Cleaning そうじ 30
Duster そうきん 30

 Lesson 6 6か
Company かいしゃ 59
Post office ゆうびんきょく 59
Hospital びょういん 59
Electric train でんしゃ 59
President しゃちょう 59
Department manager ぶちょう 59
Section manager かちょう 59

Part 2

Vocabulary by section

 Remember and use おぼえてつかいましょう Page

Sorry すみません 132
I don’t understand わかりません 132
Now, I understand あ、わかりました 132
あ 132
I understand わかりました 132
Please say it again もういちど、おねがいします 133
Again もういちどう 133
Please おねがいします 133
Are you Mr. Lee? リーさんですか 133
Yes, I am はい、そうです 133
You are wrong ちがいます 134
You are right そうです 134

 Lesson 1 1か
Nice to meet you どうぞ よろしく 135
My name is Lee リーです 136
Lee リー 136
Hien ヒエン 136
Chachai チャチャイ 136
Jomel ジョメル 136
I am ~ ~です 136
Are you Mr. Lee? リーさんですか 137
Yes, I am Lee はい、リーです 137
Are you ~ ~ですか 137
Mr. ~. Ms. ~ ~さん 137
Yes はい、 137
No, I am Chachai いいえ、チャチャイです 138
No いいえ 138
Japan にほん 139
China ちゅうごく 139
Vietnam べトナム 139
Indonesia インドネシア  139
Thailand タイ 139
I came from China ちゅうごくから きました 140
From ~ ~から 140
Came きました 140
Trainee けんしゅうせい 140
Sato さとう 140
Teacher of Japanese Language にほんごの せんせいです 140
Of ~ ~の 140
Teacher せんせい 140

 Lesson 2 2か
What time is it now? なんじですか 142
It’s 5 o’clock 5じです 142
What time なんじ 142
~ o’clock ~じ 144
~ minute(s) ~じ~ぶん・~ぷん 145
What time is it now? いまなんじですか 146
Now いま 146

 Lesson 3 3か
How much? いくらですか 147
It is one hundred yen 1 00 えんです 147
How much いくら 147
~ yen ~えん 147

 Lesson 4 4か
What is it? なんですか 151
What なん 151
Apple りんご 152
Egg たまご 152
Cabbage キャベツ 152
Kettle やかん 152
Pot なべ 152
Bottle opener せんぬき 152
Towel タオル 152
Soap せっけん 152
Toothbrush はブラシ 152
Give me apples りんごを ください 153
Here you are はい、どうぞ 153
~を 153
Give me ください 153
はい 153
どうぞ 153
Well, I wish to have them じゃください 154
Well じゃ 154

 Lesson 5 5か
This is a helmet これは ヘルメットです 156
This これ 156
-は 156
Helmet ヘルメット 156
Bucket バケツ 156
Cutting p0liers ペンチ 156
It is an electric drill それは でんきドリルです 157
It それ 157
Electric drill でんきドリル 157
Screwdriver ドライバー 157
Wrench スパナ 157
That is an airplane あれは ひこうきです 158
That あれ 158
Airplane ひこうき 158
Tokyo tower とうきょうタワー 158
Mt. Fuji ふじさん 158
Camera カメラ 159
Portable stereo boom box ラジカセ 159

 Lesson 6 6か
What day of the week is it today? きょうは なにようびですか 161
It is Monday げつようびです 161
Today きょう 161
What day なんようび 161
Monday げつようび 161
Tuesday かようび 162
Wednesday すいようび 162
Thursday もくようび 162
Friday きんようび 162
Saturday どようび 162
Sunday にちようび 162
~にち 162
~がつ 164
What month is your birthday? たんじょうびは なんがつですか 165
What day of the month? なんにち ですか 165
Birthday たんじょうび 165
What month なんがつ 165
What day なんにち 165

 Lesson 7 7か
Above うえ 167
Below した 167
Front まえ 167
Rear うしろ 167
Right みぎ 167
Left ひだり 167
It is on a chair いすの うえです 168
A briefcase is at the rear of a car かばんは くるまの うしろです 168
Chair いす 168
Car くるま 168
Briefcase (Bag) かばん 168
Is there? ありますか 169
Yes, there is はい、あります 169
No, there isn’t いいえ、ありません 169
Is there ある? 170
Yah, there is うん、ある 170
Nope, there isn’t ううん、ない 170
There is ある 170
There isn’t ない 170
Yah うん 170
Nope ううん 170
Screwdriver ドライバー 171
Nut ナット 171
Bolt ボルト 171
Screw ピス 171
Drill ドリル 171
There is a wrench スパナは あります 172
Table テーブル 174
Clock とけい 174
Flower はな 174

 Lesson 8 8か
Floor ーかい 175
A restaurant is on the 6th floor しょくどうは 6かいです 176
Restaurant しょくどう 176
Neckties ネクタイ 176
Underwear したぎ 176
Shoes くつ 176
Television sets テレビ 176
There are います 177
There aren’t いません 177
There are いる 177
There aren’t いない 177
Is there Mr. Chachai? チャチャイさんは いますか 179
Is there Mr. Lee? リー`さんいる? 179
Where is Ms. Hien? ヒエンさんは どこですか 180
Where is Mr. Jomel? ジョメルさんは どこ? 180
where どこ 180

 Lesson 9 9か
I eat たべます 182
I don’t eat たべません 182
I ate たべました 182
I didn’t eat たべませんでした 182
I drink のみます 183
I buy かいます 183
I see みます 183
I take a rest やすみます 183
I go いきます 183
I drink beer ビールを のみます 186
Beer ビール 186
―を 186
I buy a briefcase(bag) かばんを かいます 186
I see television テレビを みます 186
television テレビ 186
I smoke a cigarette たばこを すいます 186
Cigarette たばこ 186
I smoke すいます 186
I go to company かいしゃに いきます 186
Company かいしゃ 186
―に 186
What do you eat? なにを たべますか 187
Coffee コーヒー 187
Chinese noodles ラーメン 187
Where do you go? どこに いきますか? 187
Department store デパート 187
Company かいしゃ 188
Hospital びょういん 188

 Lesson 10 10か
Do you eat? たべる? 189
Yah, I do うん、たべる 189
Nope, I don’t ううん、たべない 190
Did you eat? たべた? 189
Yah, I did うん、たべた 189
Nope, I didn’t ううん、たべなかった 190
I eat たべる 191
I don’t eat たべない 191
I ate たべた 191
I didn’t eat たべなかった 191

I see みる 191
I don’t see みない 191
I saw みた 191
I didn’t see みなかった 191

I drink のむ 191
I don’t drink のまない 191
I drank のんだ 191
I didn’t drink のまなかった 191

I take a rest やすむ 191

I don’t take a rest やすまない 191
I took a rest やすんだ 191
I didn’t take a rest やすまなかった 191

I go いく 191
I don’t go いかない 191
I went いった 191
I didn’t go いかなかった 191

I buy かう 191
I don’t buy かわない 191
I bought かった 191
I didn’t buy かわなかった 191

I do する 191
I don’t do しない 191
I did した 191
I didn’t do しなかった 191

What will you do tomorrow? あした なに するの? 193

I will see a movie えいがを みます 193
Tomorrow あした 193
Movie えいが 193
What なに 193
―の 193
Section manager かちょう 193
Where will you go tomorrow? あした どこ いく? 194
I will go to a department store デパートに いきます 194
What will you buy? なに かうの? 194
I will buy a camera カメラを かいます 194
What did you do yesterday? きのう なに した 195
I read a book ほんを よみました 195
Book ほん 195
Where did you go yesterday? きのう どこ いったの? 196
I went to a park こうえんに いきました 196
What did you do? なに したの? 196
I took lunch ひろごはんを たべました 196
Park こうえん 196
Lunch ひろごはん 196
Friend ともだち 197
House うち 197
Meal ごはん 197

 Lesson 11 11か
I would like to eat たべたいです 198
I would like to drink のみたいです 198
I would like to smoke a cigarette たばこを すいたいです 200
I would like to take a rest やすみたいです 200
I would like to return かえりたいです 201
Return かえる 202
Roast meat やきにく 203
Chinese noodles ラーメン 203
Water みず 203
Tokyo とうきょう 203

 Lesson 12 12 か
What is the matter? どうしたんですか 206
I have a headache あたまが いたいです 206
Painful いたい 206
―が 206
Head あたま 206
Tooth は 207
Eye め 207
Ear みみ 207
Throat のど 207
Nose はな 207
Belly おなか 207
Back せなか 207
Waist こし 207
Arm て 207
Leg あし 207
Do you like? すきですか? 210
Yes, I do はい、すきです 210
You like? すき? 210
Yah, I do うん、すき 210
No, I don’t like いいえ、きらいです 211
Nope, I don’t like ううん、きらい 211
Do you like a fish さかなが すきですか? 211
Fish さかな 211
が 211
Nations くに 211

 Lesson 13 13か
How do you like it? どうですか? 215
It is delicious おいしいです 215
Expensive たかい 216
Cheap やすい 216
Delicious おいしい 216
Unpalatable まずい 216
Funny おもしろい 216
Boring つまらない 216
Beautiful きれい 216

 Lesson 14 14か
Wait まってください 219
Come here きてください 220
Yes, I will go there immediately はい、すぐ いきます 220
Immediately すぐ 220
Show me みせてください 221
Yes please はい、どうぞ 221
Don’t come here こないで 222
Don’t touch it さわらないで 223
Don’t smoke たばこを すわないで ください 224

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