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Work – Energy Relation, Power and Efficiency.

This module is consists of concepts, principles, illustrations, solved problems and

activities to enhance the knowledge and skills of the learners to analyze and solve
problems in this topic.

WORK (U) – done by a force is the product of the magnitude of the force and the
distance through which the point of application of the force moves in the direction of the


P,W,N,F – 4 forces acting on the body and cause it to move a distance S

W,N – do no work on the body, since their points of application do not move in the

direction of the forces.

Force P – causes the motion;

- Does the positive work:

Pos. Work (PU) = P cosѲ (S)

Force of Friction F – tends to retard motion and is said to perform negative work;

Neg. Work (NU) = F S

For work done by or against gravity on a weight W through a vertical distance (h), the
total work done is;

Work (U) = W h


ENERGY (E) – capacity to do work.

Potential Energy – If a weight has the capacity to do work due to its position
above the datum plane.

Kinetic Energy – A body in motion is capable of doing work due to its velocity.

KE = ½ mv2 (sometimes called Final kinetic energy or Initial kinetic energy)

Kinetic energy of translation – Forces constant:

U = ½ mv2 – ½ mvo2

In any motion of translation the work done by the positive force minus the work done by
the negative force is equal to change in kinetic energy.

Pos. Work – Neg. Work = Change in Kinetic Energy

PU – NU = FKE – IKE (work-energy formula)

Power and Efficiency:

Power - is the rate of doing work;

- the amount of work done per unit of time

Unit - horsepower (HP) whose value is:

1 HP = 745.7 N.m/sec = 745.7 Watts = 0.7457 kW

= 44,742 N.m/min

= 550 ft-lb/s (in English System)

(The SI derived unit for power is the watt. 1 watt is equal to 1 N.m/sec.)

Mechanical Efficiency - The ratio of the output to the input for a given length of

Efficiency = Output/Input

Horsepower - is the unit of power to define hydraulic or water horsepower. In

System International System (SI) it is in kilowatts (kw).

Water horsepower is the minimum power required for a pump to move water
throughout a given system, or the power that the pump would require if it were 100
percent efficient.

Flow rate is the total water volume that passes through a fixed point over time.
Flow rate can be measured using a flow meter.

Pump efficiency is defined as the ratio of water horsepower output from the
pump to the shaft horsepower input for the pump.

Horsepower of Water Hpof water

Pump Efficiency = ------------------------------- = ----------------
Horsepower of Pump Hpof pump

(Note: Pump Efficiency is in %).

Variable Forces (Force exerted by or against a spring)

If C is the spring modulus or constant, the force F will be C multiplied by the

distance S it is deformed; or

F = Cs

Where: C = spring constant

s = deformed distance of the spring

The work done by the force is:

U = Cs2 = C(s)(s) ; but: Cs = F ; therefore:

2 2

U= Fs (the work done by or against a spring is equal to the average force multiplied
2 by the length of its deformation)

EXAMPLE 1. The block shown reaches a velocity of 12 m/sec in a distance of 40 m
starting from rest. Compute the coefficient of friction between the block and the floor.

W=200N 200N 12m/s

S= 40m

P=100N P=100N

F= 200µ


IKE = initial kinetic energy = 0

PU = positive work = PS = 100(40) = 4000N.m

NU = negative work = FS = 200f = 8000µ N.m

FKE = final kinetic energy = ½ mv2 = ½ w/g v2 = 200(12)2/19.60 = 1496.39N.m

Applying the Work-Energy Formula:


4000 – 8000µ = 1496.39 – 0

µ = 0.313ans.

EXAMPLE 2. A body weighing 2225 N is being dragged along a rough horizontal plane
by a force “F” = 445 N. If the coefficient of friction is 1/12 and the line of the pull makes
an angle of 180 above the horizontal, what are the velocities required from rest in the
first 3.65 m and in the first 5.50 m?

W=2225N P = 445N




ΣFv=0; +

N – W + 445 sin 180 = 0

N = 2087.49 N

But : F = 1/12 N = 2087.49/12

F = 173.96 N

a. For S = 3.65 m

IKE = initial kinetic energy = 0

PU = positive work = PS = P cosѲ = 445 cos 180 (3.65) = 1544.75N.m

NU = negative work = FS = 173.96(3.65) = 52.91 N.m

FKE = final kinetic energy = ½ mv2 = ½ wv2/g = 2225(v2)/19.60 = 113.52v2 N

Using the Work-Energy Relation Formula:


1544.75 N.m – 52.91 N.m = 113.52 v2 N - 0

1544.75 kg.m/s2 (m)– 52.91 kg.m/s2 (m) = 113.52 v2 kg.m/s2

v = 2.83 m/sans

EXAMPLE 3. A railway car 50 metric tons and moving at 2.7 m/s is to be stopped by a
spring on a bumping post. What should be the spring constant in kg/m so that the car
will stop when the spring is compressed a distance of 0.45 m? Assume 5% of the
energy of the car is dissipated by friction and permanent deformation of the bumper. (1
metric ton = 1000 kg)
vi = 2.7m/s
Bumping Post
50MT= 50000kg


Wvi2 50000kg (2.7)2 m2/s2 364,500 kg m

IKE = ---------- = -------------------------------- = ------------------- = 18,577.98 kg m
2g 2(9.81) m/s2 19.62

PU = 0

NU = 5% (KE) + Cs2

= 0.05(18,577.98 kg m) + ½ C (0.45)2

NU = 928.899 kg m + 0.10125 C

FKE = ----------- = 0 ; (the railway car stopped when it bumped the spring at the bumping
2g post)

Applying the Work-Energy Relation:


0 – (928.899 kg m + 0.10125 C) = 0 - 18,577.98 kg m

-928.899 kg m - 0.10125 C = 0 - 18,577.98 kg m

0.10125 C = 18,577.98 kg m - 928.899 kg m

C = 174,311.91 kg/mans

EXAMPLE 4. Calculate the pump rated horsepower if 8 liters per second of water is
pumped to a tank 150 m above the pump. Assume pump efficiency equal to 85%.



Find: Rated Hp = Pump Horsepower = Hpof pump


Given: Q = measured flow rate = 8 liters x 1000cm3 = 8000 cm3 = 8x10-3 m3

sec 1 liter sec sec
h = head of water or total head = 150 m

Pump Efficiency = 85% = 0.85

Unit weight of water (w) = 9.807 KN/m3 = 9807 N/m3

Calculate for the Water Horsepower (Hpof water):

Qwh (8x10-3m3/s) (9807N/m3) (150m)

Hpof water = -------------- = -------------------------------------------- = 15.78 Hp
745.7 745.7

Calculate for the Pump Rated Horsepower (Hpof pump):

Hpof water 15.78

Hpof pump = ----------------- = ----------- = 18.56 Hpans
PumpEff. 0.85


DIRECTION: On short bond paper, answer the following activity correctly and honestly.
Submit the Photo or e-copy of your answer sheet via Google Classroom on or before
the due date stated in the instruction on the Classwork of the Google Classroom.

Activity 1. In Problem No. 2, solve for v, when b.) S = 5.50 m. (Ans. v=3.48 m/s)

Activity 2. The block shown has a velocity vA = 25 m/s at A and a velocity vB = 15 m/s
as it passes point B on the incline. Calculate the coefficient of friction µ between the
block and the plane if S = 100 m and Ѳ = 25°. (Ans. µ=0.69)

S = 100 m



Activity 3. A body that weighs W Newtons falls from rest from a height of 600mm and
strikes a spring whose scale is 7.00 N/mm. If the maximum compression of the spring is
150 mm, what is the value of W? Disregard the mass of the spring.
(Ans. W=105 N)




Conservation of Linear Momentum, Resultant Impulse Equation

and Impulse Momentum Equation

This module is consists of concepts, principles, illustrations, solved problems and

activities to enhance the knowledge and skills of the learners to analyze and solve
problems in this topic.

Impulse and Momentum

Impulse – the act of driving onward with sudden force.

- the product of the average value of a force and the time during which it acts.

- is the product of force and time. If a Force F is constant in both magnitude

and direction during time t, the Impulse is:

Impulse = F t

Momentum - strength or force gained by motion or by a series of events.

- a property of a moving body that the body has by virtue of its mass and
motion and that is equal to the product of the body’s mass and velocity.

The momentum of the body is the product of its mass m to produce acceleration a and
velocity v and is denoted by:

Momentum = m v

Relation between Linear Impulse and Linear Momentum

(Resultant Impulse Equation):

F t = mv - mvo (where: F is the Resultant Force acting on the body)

(If both m and F are constants)

Resultant Linear Impulse = Change in Linear Momentum

The above equation may also be transformed into an equation similar to Work-Energy
Relation: (Impulse – Momentum Equation)

Initial Linear Momentum + Positive Linear Impulse – Negative Linear Impulse = Final Linear Momentum


(Note: An impulse in the same direction as the initial momentum is considered a positive
impulse; any impulse in the opposite direction is a negative impulse.)

Conservation of Linear Momentum

If: m1 and m2 = are the masses of the two bodies;

v1 and v2 = the said bodies’ respective velocities before contact

v1’ and v2’ = said bodies’ velocities after impact

Then: the Conservation of Linear Momentum is given by the expression:

m1 v1 + m2 v2 = m1 v1’ + m2 v2’

(before impact) (after impact)

EXAMPLE 1. A body is thrown vertically upward with an initial velocity of 9 m/sec.

Assuming that it falls freely after it comes to rest at the top of its path, find its velocity
2.5 seconds after discharge.


Find: v = final velocity of the body


Given: W = weight of the body

vo = initial velocity of the body = 9 m/s

t = time travelled by the body

Calculate the final velocity v by applying the principle of Resultant Impulse Equation:
(The resultant Force F is the weight W of the body and is negative, since it is in the direction opposite the
intial velocity)

F t = mv - mvo

-W (2.5 sec) = W v – W (9 m/sec) {divide both equation by 1/W to cancel the W}

g g

- 2.5 sec = v – 9 m/sec
9.81 m/sec2

- 2.5 sec (9.81 m/sec2) = v – 9 m/sec

v = 9 m - 24.525m
sec sec

v = - 15.53 m/sans (the negative sign of the final velocity v indicates that the body
is on its way down when the time travelled t=2.5 seconds)

EXAMPLE 2. A 400N weight starts down a 300 incline with an initial velocity of 4m/s.
What is the velocity of the weight after 10 seconds if µ is equal to 0.20 for the incline?

v x 400N

F = 0.2N

Find: v= final velocity


Given: W = 400N t = 10 s

vo = 4 m/s µ = 0.20

Calculate the final velocity v by applying the principle of Resultant Impulse Equation:

Resultant Linear Impulse = Change in Linear Momentum

F t = mv - mvo (Working Formula)

Determine N and Resultant Force F by considering the FBD of the whole system:

∑Fy = 0; +

N – 400N cos300 = 0

N = 346.41N

∑Fx = W x – F

∑Fx = 400N sin300 – 0.2 N = 200N – 0.2 (346.41N)

∑Fx = 200N – 69.28

∑Fx = 130.72N = F = Resultant F

Substitute F = 130.72N in the Working Equation:

F t = mv - mvo = m (v – vo)

130.72N (10 s) = W (v – 4m/s)


130.72N (10 s) = 400N (v – 4m/s)


12,823.63 Nm = 400N v – 1,600Nm

s s

14,423.63 Nm = 400N v

v = 36.06 m/sans

Second Solution:

By Impulse-Momentum Equation:

ILM + PLI - NLI = FLM (Working Equation)

ILM= Initial Linear Momentum = m vo = Wvo = 400N(4m/s) = 163.10 N.s

g 9.81m/s2

PLI = Pos. Linear Impulse = F t = 400N sin30o (10s) = 2000 N.s

NLI = Neg. Linear Impulse = µ N t = 0.2 (400N cos300)(10s) = 692.82 N.s

FLM = Final Linear Momentum = m v = Wv = 400N v = 40.77N v

g g 9.81m/s2 m/s2

Substitute the computed values in the Working Equation:


163.10 N.s + 2000 N.s - 692.82 N.s = 40.77N v


1,470.28 m/s = 40.77N v

v = 36.06 m/sans

EXAMPLE 3. A 75 kg man running with a horizontal velocity of 8m/s, jumps off a dock
onto a 225 kg boat which is moving toward the dock with a velocity of 3m/s. What is the
horizontal velocity of the boat after the man lands on it?

Find: v = ? ;


Given: m1 = 75kg ; v1 = 8m/s

m2 = 225kg ; v2 = -3m/s

Calculate the horizontal velocity (v) of the boat after the man lands on it applying the
principle of conservation of momentum:

m1 v1 + m2 v2 = m1 v1’ + m2 v2’ (Working Formula)

but: v1’ = v2’ = v (because when the man lands on the boat their velocities are now
the same)

Therefore: the equation will now be:

m1 v1 + m2 v2 = v (m1 + m2)

75kg (8m/s) + 225kg (- 3m/s) = v (75kg + 225kg)

300 kg v = 600kg m/s – 675kg m/s

v = - 0.25 m/sans (The negative value of the velocity indicates that when
the man landed on the boat from the dock indicates that
the direction of the boat is still towards the dock)


DIRECTION: On short bond paper, answer the following activity correctly and honestly.
Submit the Photo or e-copy of your answer sheet via Google Classroom on or before
the due date stated in the instruction on the Classwork of the Google Classroom.

Activity 1. A 0.60N bullet with a velocity of 360 m/s strikes a 90N block of wood moving
a velocity of 10m/s in the direction opposite that of a bullet. If the bullet imbeds itself in
the block, determine their resulting velocity. (Ans. v = -7.55 m/s)
v = -10m/s
v = 360m/s

0.60N 90N

Activity 2. A 400N body starts up a 30o incline (µ = 0.2) with a velocity of 3m/s. How
long must a 500N horizontal force act on the body to increase its velocity to 8m/s? How
far will the body travel while the force is acting? (Ans. t = 1.79s; s = 9.85m)
(For the First Solution, apply the Resultant Impulse Equation)
(For the Second Solution, apply the Impulse-Momentum Equation)

v 400N




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