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High School Department

Rodolfo N. Pelaez Boulevard, Kauswagan, Cagayan de Oro City
Senior High School Main Campus

“Mango on the Go”

“Feels like Heaven”

Submitted by:

Jane Dhell S. Cagas

Noreen Dagoc
Don Pochulo Tidor
Naz Reil Dalondonan
Gynno Dela Cruz
Bryan Legaspi

Submitted to:

Mr. Anthony A. Millare


March 2018

I. Executive Summary …………………………..………... i

II. Marketing Plan …………………………………..……... 1
A. Product to Sell Description ………..………………….. 1
B. Target Market …………………….…….………..…… 1
C. Demand and Supply Analysis …………………...…..… 1
1. Survey Results …………………..……………..….. 1–8
2. Observation Result …………………..………..……. 9
3. FGI Result ………………….……..……………..… 10 – 11
D. Projected Sales …………………………...……….…… 11
E. Marketing Program ………………………………….. 12-13
F. Marketing / Selling Expenses ……………………….. 14
III. Production / Operation Plan ………………………….…… 15
A. Production / Operation Process ………………..………… 15
B. Production Schedule …………………………………….. 16
C. Labor Requirement ……………………………….….… 16
D. Equipment/Machineries Requirement ………….……… 17
E. Raw Materials Requirement ……………………….…… 17
F. Plant / Factory Location ….. ……………………..…….. 18
G. Floor Plan ……………………………………….……… 19
H. Waste Disposal System…………………………………. 19
I. Quality Control System ………………………..…….…… 20
J. Production Cost ………..………………………………… 21
1. Total Production Cost ………………………………… 21
2. Production Cost Per Unit …………………………….. 21
IV. Organizational Plan …………………………………… 22
A. Legal Form of Business ………………………………… 22
B. Organizational Structure ………………………………….. 22
C. Qualifications of Officers ………………………………… 23 – 24
D. Office Equipment …………………………………………. 24
E. GANTT Chart of Activities ……………………………… 25
F. Administrative Expenses …………………………….……. 25
V. Financial Plan ………………………………………………. 26
A. Total Production Cost ……………………………………. 26
B. Sources of Financing ……………………………………... 26
C. Projected Financial Statements ………………………….. 27
1. Projected Income Statement ……………….…….…… 27
2. Projected Statement of Cash Flows …..………….…… 28
3. Projected Balance Sheet………………………………. 29
D. Profitability Indices …………………………………….… 30
1. Return of Investment ……………………………..… 30
E. List of Assumptions Used …………………………….….. 30
F. Schedule / Notes to Financial Statement ……………..… 31 – 33
a. Questionnaire
b. Curriculum Vitae
i I. Executive Summary
A. Market Methods
1. Research Methods
a. Survey: The members conducted the survey in Liceo de Cagayan University (students) using
random sampling.
b. Observation: Observation was done at Next Move Student, MOGCHS and Gaisano.
c. FGI: Focus Group Interview was done Liceo de Cagayan University Main Campus (students).
2. Demand Analysis
a. Total Demand of Products: 338 units per week
b. Market Share: 10%
c. Total Unit Demand per Month: Mango on the Go - 1,352 units
d. Per Capita Consumption: Mango on the Go - Php 36.00
B. Marketing Mix
1. Name of Product/Service of the company: Mango on The Go
2. Price: P35.00 per 1 unit
3. Promotion:
Three of the best strategies of the company are (1) to have a new toppings to our mango
float. (2) To take advantage of technology because nowadays many people are using technology
and this is the best way to promote our product. (3) To give free water and free candy.
C. Production Plan
1. Buying Process:
Purchase ingredients and materials from the following market/mall:
a. Cogon Market
b. Gaisano Mall
2. Production Schedule: Every day there will be 7 units.
3. Total Duration per Production: 12 hours, 50 minutes and 30 seconds
4. Total Number of Units Produced per Production: number of units to be produce in a month is 7 units per
day and multiply to the days that we will be selling in a month.
D. Organizational Plan
1. Type of Business: Sole Proprietorship
E. Financial Plan
1. Initial Investment: P7,000.00
2. Total Number of Units Sold in 9 months: 1022 units
3. Total Net Sales in 9 months: Ᵽ35,770
4. Total Net Income in 9 months: P3,371.9
II. Marketing Plan
A. Product/Service to Sell Description
“Mango on the Go” is a mango float snack product that caters to the cravings of everyone.
Mango on the Go can be made with two layers of filling or three, depending on the size of your baking pan.
This mango float snack is nutritious and it will be fit for all and it has many nutritional benefits.

B. Target Market
1. Area Coverage
The coverage area of the company would be at the Liceo de Cagayan University Main Campus
which located at Rodolfo N. Pelaez Blvd., Kauswagan, Cagayan de Oro City because the location of our
business will be inside the university.
2. Demographic Profile
The company’s target market are female and male students of Liceo de Cagayan University Main
Campus ages 16 and 18 years old. Liceo de Cagayan University Main Campus composed of Senior
High School students ages 16-19 years old. The proponents conducted a survey with 20 respondents and
based on the survey result there are 9 out of 20 respondents aging 17 years old and 10 out of 20
respondents aging 18 years old. The remaining 1 respondent is a 16 year old student. The senior high
school students spend 1-20 pesos for their snack and some are also spend 21-50 for their snack. The
company will sell their product depends on the spending money of the customers snack.

C. Demand and Supply Analysis

1. Survey Result



15 yrs old 16 yrs old 17yrs old 18yrs old 19yrs old

15 yrs old 16 yrs old 17 yrs old 18 yrs old 19 yrs old
2 The company’s respondents are composed of 0% ages 15 years old, 5% ages 16 years, old, 45%

ages 17 years old, 50% ages 18 years old and 0% ages 19+ years old.


The result meet the company’s expectation because the company has set its target market which is
senior high school students ages 17 and 18 years old.



Female Male

Female Male

The company’s respondent are composed of 50% female and 50% male.

1. How much your daily allowance?


10 Out of 20

1-20php 21-50php 50&Above

1-20php 21-50php 50&Above

respondents, 50% says that their allowance is 21-50php and 50% says that their allowance is 51 above.

3 Conclusion:
The company concluded that the result of the survey for question number 1 is split between 21-
50php and 51php above which is both 50% of the vote. So we will sell our product between 20php to

2. How much money do you spend for your snack?



1-20php 21-50php 51&Above

1-20php 21-50php 51&Above

Out of 20 respondents, 50% answered 1-20php money they will spend in their snacks while 35% of
the respondents answered 21-50php money they spend in their snacks and 15 % of the respondents
answered 51php&above.


The company concluded that the result of the survey for the question number 2 is majority of the students
which is 50% voted that they only spend 1-20php for their snacks. So we will sell our product between 20-
50php because there are students that are spending 1-20php and 21-50php money to their snack.

3. How often do you buy Mango Float?




Occasionally Once a week Once a month

Occasionally Once a week Once a month

4 Out of 20 respondents 65% answered that they buy mango float occasionally while 15% answered
that they buy mango float once a week and 20 % answered that they buy mango float once a month.


The company concluded that the result of the survey for the question number 3 is majority of the
students which is 65% voted that they only buy mango float occasionally. So we will selling our product
every day and not just a week or a month.

4. Where do you usually buy a Mango Float?




Inside the University Outside the University

Inside the University Outside the University

Out of 20 respondents, 65% answered that they usually buy mango float inside the campus while 35
% of the respondents answered that they buy mango float outside the campus.


The company concluded that the results of the survey for question number 4 is majority of the
students which is 65% voted that they only buy mango float inside the campus. So we will sell our product
inside the campus only.
5. Which do you prefer to buy mango float, with or without



with toppings without toppings

with toppings without toppings

Out of 20 respondents, 65% answered that they want toppings with their mango float while 35%
answered that they don’t want toppings with their mango float.


The company concluded that the result of the survey for question number 5 is majority of the
students which is 65% voted that they want mango float toppings. So every time we will sell our product there
must have a toppings so that the attention of our customer will be caught.

6. If you choose toppings which do you prefer?




Chocolate syrup Nips Marshmallow

Chocolate syrup Nips Marshmallow

6 Out of 20 respondents, 60% of the students answered that they want chocolate syrup to their mango
float, while 30% of the students says that they want nips to their mango float and 10% of the students says
that they want marshmallow to their mango float.


The company concluded that the result of the survey for question number 6 is majority of the
students which is 60% voted that they want chocolate syrup as the toppings for their mango float. So we
will make the chocolate syrup as our toppings but their will be a little bit nips for those students that
answered nips.

7. How many times do you eat mango float in a week?

75% 16 says
that they eat 14
mango float 1-
5times in a week,
while 5% of 6
students says 4 that
they eat mango 2 float
6-10 times and 1-5times 6-10times 11&Above 10%
says that they 1-5times 6-10times 11&Above eat
mango float 11 times above.


The company concluded that the results of the survey for question number 7 is majority of the
students which is 75% voted that they eat mango float 1-5 times in a week.
8. When do you prefer to eat mango float?



Morning Noon Afternoon

Morning Noon Afternoon

0% of the students says that they buy mango float in the morning while 35% says that they buy
mango float at the noon break and 65% says that they buy mango float in the afternoon.


The company concluded that the results of the survey for question number 8 is majority of the
students which is 65% voted that they prefer to eat mango float in the afternoon. So we will be selling our
mango float in the afternoon but some of our mango float will be selling also at noon for the students that
answered noon.

9. Do you like eating mango float?





Yes No

Yes No

100% of the students says yes that they want to eat mango float. 0% says no.

The company concluded that the results of the survey for question number 9 is 100% of the
students voted that they all like mango float.
10. What part in mango float do you like ?
Mango Grahams Milk Whole

Mango Grahams Milk Whole

35% says that the part they like in the mango float is the mango while 25% of the respondents says
they like the grahams part and 5% of the respondents says that they like the milk part and lastly 35% of the
respondents says that they like the whole part.


The company concluded that the results of the survey for question number 10 is split between
mango and the mango float which is both 35% of the vote. So we will be selling our product with more mango so that
our customer will enjoy eating our products.
2. Observation Result

The company has conducted the observation on its major competitors namely Next Move Student,
MOGCHS and Gaisano. Each member of the company was assigned to each of these establishment in order
to have an accurate observation.

Mon Tues Wed Thu Fri Total Market

Next Move Students 11 13 10 13 11 116 34.32%
MOGCHS 12 12 11 10 11 106 31.36%
GAISANO 15 13 14 13 11 116 34.32%
338 100%

Demand per Month (Similar Product)

5 days x 20 days

=1,352 units/months

Demand per Month for the Product

=1,352 units x 10% (market share)

=135.2 / 135 units

Daily Demand

20 days

=6.75 / 7 units (per day)

3. Focus Group Interview Result

Cagas: Good day! We are here to conduct our FGI. First we want to know your name.
Respondent: James, Nikka, Aaron, Rodelo, Kristian, Arthur, Hamad, Kenneth, Alyssa, Kaye,
Crysty, Dolrich, Gwen, Max, Calvin, Darren, Gloria, Ermie, Zaldy and Rodrigo.
Cagas: How much your daily allowance?
Respondent 1-10: Daily allowance 21-50 pesos.
Respondent 11-20: Daily allowance 51& above.
Dalondonan: How much money do you spend for your snack?
Respondent 1-10: 1-20 pesos for snack daily.
Respondent 11-17: 21-50 pesos for snack daily.
Respondent 18-20: 51 & above pesos for snack daily
Tidor: How often do you buy usually buy a mango float?
Respondent 1-13: Occasionally
Respondent 14-16: Once a week
Respondent 17-20: Once a month
Dagoc: Where do you usually buy a mango float?
Respondent 1-13: Buy inside the campus.
Respondent 14-20: Buy outside campus.
Dela Cruz: Which do you prefer to buy mango float, with or without toppings?
Respondent 1-13: Mango float with toppings.
Respondent 14-20: Mango float without toppings.
Legaspi: If you choose toppings which do which do you prefer?
Respondent 1-12: Chocolate syrup as toppings for their mango float.
Respondent 13-18: Nips as toppings for their mango float.
Respondent 19-20: Marshmallow as toppings for their mango float.
Nabo: How many times do you eat mango float in a week?
Respondent 1-17: Eats mango float 1-5 times a weeks.
Respondent 18: Eats mango float 6-10 times a weeks.
Respondent 19-20: Eats mango float 11& above times a week.
Cagas: When do you prefer to eat mango float?
Respondent 1-7: Eat mango float at noon,
Respondent 8-20: Eat mango float at afternoon.
Dalondonan: Do you like eating mango float?
Respondent 1-20: Like mango float.
0 Tidor: What part in mango float do you like?
Respondent 1-7: The mango part on the mango float.
Respondent 8-12: The grahams part on the mango float.
Respondent 13: The milk part on the mango float.
Respondent 14-20: The whole part on the mango float.

D. Project Sales

MONTH Number of Daily Sales Projected Sales Price Projected

Days Sales in Unit Sales in
Per Month Peso
June 19 7 133 35 Ᵽ4655
July 24 7 168 35 Ᵽ5880
August 25 7 175 35 Ᵽ6125
September 22 7 154 35 Ᵽ5390
October 21 7 147 35 Ᵽ5145
November 20 7 140 35 Ᵽ4900
December 15 7 105 35 Ᵽ3675
Total: 146 1022 Ᵽ35,770

The company projects an estimate of Ᵽ3,675.00- Ᵽ4,900.00 of sales; hence, the company projected for
the whole 7 months to reach Ᵽ35,770.00 of sales excluding all expenses. The company forecasted that for every
month there is a maximum of 175 units sold in Liceo de Cagayan University Main Campus.
12 E. Marketing Program
1. Marketing Mix
a. Product and Packaging


B. Price

Product Price Total # of Unit Sold Total Sales

Next moves St. Ᵽ50.00 116 Ᵽ5800
MOGCHS Ᵽ5.00 106 Ᵽ530
GAISANO Ᵽ50.00 116 Ᵽ5800
Total 338 Ᵽ 12,130

Per Capita Consumption:

= Ᵽ12,130
338 units
= 35.89/ Ᵽ36.00
The company’s product can be bought at Ᵽ35.00 because it is within the range of Ᵽ20- Ᵽ50
which is a price mostly preferred by the target market.

13 C. Place
Since the company’s target market are the students of Liceo de Cagayan University Main
Campus, and also the fact that the most buyers of “Mango on the Go” are students. Therefore the
company decided to sell its product inside the campus.

D. Promotions

Month Events/Occasions Promotion Purpose

June Jumpstart Free 500ml mineral To make our buyers
water. not in thirst.
July Nutrition Month Banana toppings. To ensure that our
customers will buy
our product because
of the banana’s
August Buwan ng Wika To promote the To introduce our
Filipino dessert products and to make
which is mango float. them know that
mango float is a
Nips toppings. Filipino dessert.
September Intramurals To promote new To introduce them
kinds of toppings that the different toppings
our mango float has. that our mango float
October No Events Promotion on To expand the
Facebook. popularity of the
November Halloween To promote the To make our product
horror version of our in, in the event.
mango float, which is
the Bloody Theme
Mango Float.
December Christmas Party Free Christmas Candy To make our buyers
feel the Christmas with
our free Christmas

F. Marketing/Selling Expenses

Month Events Promotions Materials Cost Budget

June Jumpstart Free 500ml 500ml (42pcs x Ᵽ504.00
mineral mineral Ᵽ12.00 =
water. water. Ᵽ504.00)
July Nutrition Banana Banana Ᵽ150.00 Ᵽ150.00
Month toppings.
August Buwan ng Nips Nips (42pcs x Ᵽ42.00
Wika toppings Ᵽ1.00 =
September Intramurals To promote Nips (42pcs x Ᵽ84.00
new kinds of Toppings Ᵽ1.00 =
toppings that Ᵽ42.00)
our mango Marshmallow
float has. Toppings. (42pcs x
Ᵽ1.00 =
October No Events Promotion Ᵽ15.00 Ᵽ15.00
on Facebook.
November Halloween To promote Food Ᵽ30.00 Ᵽ30.00
the horror Colouring
ver. of our
mango float,
which is the
Mango Float.
December Christmas Free Christmas (39pcs x Ᵽ195.00
Party Christmas Candy Ᵽ5.00
Candy = Ᵽ195.00)

III. Production Plan

A. Production/Operation Process

Procedures Duration
Step 1. Prepare the materials Per Batch 20 minutes
such as utensils, plastic box,
raw and ingredients.
Step 2. In a bowl, mix Per Batch 10 minutes
together all purpose cream
and condensed milk, then set
Step 3. Place the graham Per Batch 2 minutes
crackers in a small plastic
box. Arrange them in a way it
will fit the plastic box.
Step 4. Slowly pour the Per Batch 30 seconds
cream mixture into the
graham crackers. Make sure
to fill all the spaces.
Step 5. Placed the sliced Per Batch 3 minutes
mango over the cream
mixture. Spread evenly.
Step 6. Repeat procedure Per Batch 10 minutes
three and four until you’re
satisfied with the layer then
top it with crashed graham
Step 7. Refrigerate overnight. Per Batch 12 hours
Step 8. Get the chilled mango Per Batch 5 minutes
float and you’re all set to sell

B. Production Schedule

June 19 133 0
July 24 168 0
August 25 175 0
September 22 154 0
October 21 147 0
November 20 140 0
December 15 105 0

C. Labor Requirements


Lay outing of Logo Design Design Team 1
Buying the Ingredients for Operation Staff 3
Mango Float
Mixing all Ingredients Operation Staff 2
Putting Mango Floats to Operation Staff 2
Plastic Container
Displaying of the Mango Marketing Staff 3
Selling of Mango Float Marketing and Financial Staff 7
Recording of Transactions Financial and Marketing Staff 7
Financial Reports Financial Staff 3
Documentation Personnel 2
D. Equipment/Machineries Requirements

Plastic Container – One that contains such as a receptacle box or jar that is made of plastic.
Glass Container – Contains a box or jar that is made of glass.
Spoon – an eating or cooking implement consisting of small shallow bowl with a relatively long handle.
Knife – A usually sharp blade attached to a handle that is used for cutting.

Equipment Price (Php) Source

Plastic Container Ᵽ 100 Unitop
Glass Container Ᵽ 60 Unitop
Spoon Ᵽ 20 Unitop
Knife Ᵽ 30 Unitop

E. Raw Materials
1. Mango – A juicy tropical fruit that has firm yellow and red skin that being cut by small pieces.
2. Cream – A very thick liquid that will mix to condense milk.
3. Condensed Milk – A canned milk that is so sweet.
4. Graham Crackers – A slightly sweet cracker made of whole wheat flour.
5. Stick’o – Delicious toppings for mango float.
6. Nips – Colourful candy to make mango float have a nice appearance and to add the taste of mango float.
7. Chocolate – A flavouring ingredient in other sweet food but also toppings in mango float.
8. Food Coloring – A liquid substance with color likely for cooking.
9. Marshmallow – A soft, white, sweet food made of sugar and eggs.
10. Banana – A long curved fruit with a thick peel that is yellow when it ripe.
F. Plant Factory Locations
G. Floor Plan/Stall Design

H. Waste Disposal System

In managing your waste when it comes to business. You must know where to put your trashcan so
that every time you will throw your trash you will know where. There must also a trashcan for your
customer so that they will not be throwing their trash everywhere. Your stall must be so clean and not dirty
so that the customer will love buying your products. If your stall was so dirty they will think that your
product is also dirty so proper cleaning of your stall and the place of your stall is so important so that the
customer will love buying your products.

I. Quality Control System

As a business company that produces dessert costumer quality and food safety recognize. To satisfy
costumer on its craving satisfaction. In making the company’s product, employees must require to wear
gear to avoid any contamination no other chemical mixed. The quality measures that the company should
be strictly following:

 Expiry date of the product and its raw material

 Raw material should be stored in a proper place
 Sanitation should be applied on the working area
 Employees should be responsible for the proper and cleanliness on distribution of the products
 Utensils should be sterilized after using
 Trash can should be meters away from the working area and on its target market plan
 Employees should wear equipment’s.
- Hairnet
- Apron
- Gloves

Production Stage
 Inspection for the damaged in the plastic container
 Checking for the quality of the product

Final Inspection

A. Packing assortments
1. Durability
2. Quality Product

B. Product Defects
1. Cracks
2. Leaks

C. Workshop Defects
1. Quality Product ( Color, Predicted taste’s)

J. Production Cost

1. Total Production Cost Per Year


June 19 133 20 2,660
July 24 168 20 3,360
August 25 175 20 3,500
September 22 154 20 3,080
October 21 147 20 2,940
November 20 140 20 2,800
December 15 105 20 2,100
Total: 146 1022 140 20,440

2. Production Cost per Unit

Production Cost per

Prices No. of Units Total
Direct Materials 15 62 930
Direct Labor 169
Factory Overhead
Plastic Container 120
Transportation Cost 24
TOTAL 1,243
÷ 62
Cost per Unit 20php


Cost = Ᵽ 20.00
Mark-up = 75%

Selling Price = 20 – (20*.75)

Selling Price = 35.00
IV. Organizational Plan
A. Legal Form of Business
The business will be registered as a sole proprietorship under the name of the General Manager,
Jane Dhell S. Cagas.

B. Organizational Structure

General Manager
Jane Dhell S. Cagas

Research and
Financial Manager Marketing Manager Production Manager Operations Manager Purchasing
Bryan Legaspi Gynno Dela Cruz Naz Reil Dalondonan Noreen Dagoc Manager
Don Pochulo Tidor
C. Qualification and Responsibilities

Positions Qualifications Responsibilities

General Manager Must know how to Will assist the members and
communicate with other assign a work that will suit to
people. Especially to his/her their skills. Will take all the
member so that they will able responsibilities. Will take
to understand each other. note and understand all the
Must know how to manage instruction that will be given
their time so that they will be to the general manager.
no excuses that will be
happening when it comes to
their business.
Finance Manager Must have the ability to make Will be the one who record
logical and rational decisions accurately every business
and can investigate ways to transaction. Will be the one
improve profitability and who make every reports
analyse market for business about budget, financial
opportunities such as statement and assist in
expansion mergers or strategic planning of the
acquisition. company.
Purchasing Manager Who can analyse our current Conduct research to the
system and create the best certain best product and
methods for day-to-day suppliers’ value, delivery
purchasing operation. schedule and quality. The one
that will develop a purchasing
strategies. Responsible in
buying the best quality
equipment for their products.
Production Manager Must have a knowledge when Must know how to evaluate
it comes to the product things and create schedule for
development. Must know every works. Must maintain
how to manage their time and the best quality for our
must able to perform in every product. Must always check if
duty that will be assigning to our products is no damage.
Marketing Manager Have a knowledge in Develop program business
marketing or business. Has an plans and develop strategies
ability to demonstrate in and tactics. Resolve issues
writing formats including the and solve problem that may
online. cause the lifecycle of
Operation Manager Must have the ability to know Should have initiative toward
what the good strategies that operational excellence. The
can improve the company are. production of goods and
Must have the ability to provision of service.
manage and has excellent
interpersonal skills.
Must have the ability to adopt
the environment in
Research Development Must always active in Must take note all the details
technology and has a about business and must
knowledge in researching. know how to plan and
Must be creative and conduct a research for the
resourceful. Must know every business that will be making.
trends in business.

D. Office Equipment

Equipment Description
Cellophane  A thin transparent material that is used for
wrapping things.
Calculator  A small electronic device that is used for
adding, subtracting and etc.
Notebook  A book with blank pages that is used for
writing notes.
Ballpen  An implement for writing or drawing with

E. GANTT Chart of Activities

June July August September October November December

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Free 500ml mineral
Banana toppings                                                        
Nips toppings                                                        
New kinds of toppings
for Mango Float                                                        
Promotion on Facebook                                                        
Bloody Theme Mango
Free Christmas Candy                                                        

F. Administrative Expenses

Administrative Expense    
JUNE Ballpen Ᵽ6.00 Piece 2pcs Ᵽ12.00
  Notebook Ᵽ25.00 Piece 1pc Ᵽ25.00
  Calculator Ᵽ120.00 Piece 1pc Ᵽ120.00
  Cellophane Ᵽ80.00 60pcs 1pack Ᵽ80.00
Total       Ᵽ237.00
NOVEMBER Cellophane Ᵽ80.00 60pcs 1pack Ᵽ80.00
  Ballpen Ᵽ6.00 Piece 2pcs Ᵽ12.00
  Notebook Ᵽ25.00 Piece 1pc Ᵽ25.00
Total         Ᵽ117.00



Fixed Asset 510.00

Office Supplies 237.00

Pre-Operating 900.00

Fixed Cost 1422.86

Variable Cost 3128.11

Total Project Cost 6197.97

In order to start operation of the proposed business, the company should have Php 7000 as its investment to
attain the essential amount needed to establish the business. Each member will contribute Php 1,166.67.
The financial resources for the operation of the projected business will be coming from the personal savings
of each business affiliate of the company.

  May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

Net Sales 4655 5880 6125 5390 5145 4900 3675
Cost of Goods Sold (Schedule 6)   2624.11 4 3452.75 3038.42 2900.31 2762.2 2071.65
GROSS PROFIT   2030.89 6 2672.25 2351.58 2244.69 2137.8 1603.35
Operating & Administrative Expenses
Rent Expense (Liceo Compound) 500 500 500 500 500 500 500
Depreciation Expense 72.86 72.86 72.86 72.86 72.86 72.86 72.86
Salaries and Wages 800 800 800 800 800 800 800
Promotional Cost 504 150 42 84 15 30 195
Research and Development 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
Office Supplies(Schedule 3) 237 117
Pre-Operating Expenses(Schedule 2) 900

NET INCOME/LOSS -1137 104.03 992.5 1207.39 844.72 806.83 567.94 -14.51
Income: P3,371.9


  May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

Cash Beginning Balance 7000 5353 5529.89 6595.25 7875.5 8793.08 9672.77 10313.57
Add: Cash Sales   4655 5880 6125 5390 5145 4900 3675
Total Cash 7000 10008 11409.89 12720.25 13265.5 8 14572.77 13988.57
Less: Cash Disbursement
Cash payments for purchases 2624.11 3314.64 3452.75 3038.42 2900.31 2762.2 2071.65
Rent Expense (Liceo Compound) 500 500 500 500 500 500 500
Salaries and Wages 800 800 800 800 800 800 800
Promotional Cost 504 150 42 84 15 30 195
Research and Development 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
Office Supplies (Schedule 3) 237 117
Pre-Operating expense (Schedule 2) 900
Furniture and Fixtures (Schedule 1) 510
Total Cash Disbursement 1647 4478.11 4814.64 4844.75 4472.42 4265.31 4259.2 3616.65

Cash Ending Balance 5353 5529.89 6595.25 7875.5 8793.08 9672.77 10313.57 10371.92


  May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

Cash 5353 5529.89 6595.25 7875.5 8793.08 9672.77 10313.57 10371.92
Furniture and Fixtures(Schedule 1) 510 510 510 510 510 510 510 510
Less: Accumulated Depreciation 0 72.86 145.72 218.58 291.44 364.3 437.16 510.02
Net Book Value 510 437.14 364.28 291.42 218.56 145.7 72.84 -0.02
TOTAL ASSETS 5863 5967.03 6959.53 8166.92 9011.64 9818.47 10386.41 10371.9

Capital (Schedule 7) 7000 5863 5967.03 6959.53 8166.92 9011.64 9818.47 10386.41
Net Income -1137 104.03 992.5 1207.39 844.72 806.83 567.94 -14.51
TOTAL OWNER'S EQUITY 5863 5967.03 6959.53 8166.92 9011.64 9818.47 10386.41 10371.9

D. Profitability Indices
1. Return on Investment
ROI= Net Income- Initial Investment x 100
Initial Investment
P 3,371.9−7,000
ROI = x 100=−51.83 %

E. List of Assumptions Used

1. Rent is fixed at P500 per month.
2. All sales are on cash basis.
3. All costs of sample of mango float under marketing/selling expense table are assumed to
carry the basic cost, no mark-up.
4. Research and development is a fixed monthly expense to improve the mango float’s taste.
5. The company always bought mango in Cogon at the price of P120 per kilo.
6. Target Market:
A. Primary: Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School students.
B. Secondary: Liceo College student.
C. TERTIARY: Liceo Staff and Faculties.



Fixed Assets  
Furniture and fixtures:  
-stall 350.00
-chair (2 pieces) 160.00
TOTAL 510.00


Pre-Operating Expenses  
Mayor's Fee 100.00
Sanitary Permit 500.00
Zoning Fee 100.00
Fire Inspection 85.00
Garbage Fee 100.00
Oath Fee 10.00
Survey Questionnaire 5.00
TOTAL 900.00

Office Supplies
May Ballpen Php 6.00 Piece 2pc P 12.00
Notebook Php 25.00 Piece 1pc P 25.00
Calculator Php 120.00 Piece 1pc P 120.00
Cellophane Php 80.00 60 Piece 1 pack P 80.00

Total P237.00
NOVEMBER Cellophane Php 80.00 60 pieces 1 pack P80.00
Ballpen Php 6.00 Piece 2 pcs P12.00
Notebook Php 25.00 Piece 1 pc P25.00

Total P117.00
Grand Total P354.00


Fixed Cost June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

Rent Expense 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00
Depreciation Expense 72.86 72.86 72.86 72.86 72.86 72.86 72.86
Research and
Development 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
Salaries and Wages 800.00 800.00 800.00 800.00 800.00 800.00 800.00
P1422.8 P1422.8 P1422.8 P1422.8 P1422.8 P1422.8 P1422.8
Total 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
Grand Total P9960.02


Variable Cost June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

Direct Material 1963.33 2479.92 2583.25 2273.26 2169.93 2066.6 1549.95
Direct Labor 356.78 450.72 469.5 413.16 394.38 375.6 281.7
FOH 304 384 400 352 336 320 240
Promotional Cost 504 150 42 84 15 30 195
Total 3128.11 3464.64 3494.75 3122.42 2915.31 2792.2 2266.65
Grand Total P21,184.08


Cost of Goods Sold June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

Direct Material
1963.33 2479.92 2583.25 2273.26 2169.93 2066.6 1549.95
Direct Labor
356.78 450.72 469.5 413.16 394.38 375.6 281.7

304 384 400 352 336 320 240

Cost of Goods Sold 2624.11 3314.64 3452.75 3038.42 2900.31 2762.2 2071.65


Capital May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

1166.66 977.17 994.50 1159.92 1361.15 1501.92 1636.41 1731.05
Dalondonan's 1361.15 1501.92 1636.41 1731.05
1166.66 977.17 994.50 1159.92
Tidor's 1361.15 1501.95 1636.41 1731.05
1166.67 977.17 994.50 1159.92
Dagoc's 1159.92 1361.15 1501.95 1636.41 1731.05
1166.67 977.17 994.50
Legaspi's 1159.92 1361.16 1501.95 1636.41 1731.05
1166.67 977.16 994.50
Dela Crus's 1159.93 1361.16 1501.95 1636.42 1731.16
1166.67 977.16 994.53

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