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Mr Mykola Kulinich, Ambassador, Ukraine 20-2-2022

Cc: Ambassador H.E. Dr Alexey Pavlovsky,

Scott Morrison PM, email portal

20220220-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Mr Mykola Kulinich, Ambassador, Ukraine
-Supplement 1
after emailing you my 19 February 2022 correspondence I on 20 February 2022 came across
an article that contained the following details:
Powerful Gas Pipeline Explosion Rocks Eastern Ukraine; Biden "Convinced By Intel"
Putin Has Decided To Invade
(Update 11:05ET): Futures have taken the elevator to session lows after Russia's RIA reports a
large explosion occurred near the separatists' government building in the center of Donetsk.
Взрыв прогремел в нескольких десятках метров от здания правительства ДНР
— РИА Новости (@rianru) February 18, 2022
Here are photos of the explosion that occurred after dark local time in Donetsk...

... and which has been attributed to a car bomb assassination attempt.
Donbas breakaway government says a car exploded near their HQ in Donbas/Donetsk.

p1 20-2-2022 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
I noted “a large explosion occurred near the separatists' government building” and as such a
gas explosion may NOT have been the real intended target, but rather to cause damages and
further harm to the likely intended target the “separatists' government building”. Also that it
was a car bomb. Whereas ordinary an attack upon a gas line might be one issue, a car bomb
however near a “separatists' government building” rather to me indicates an attack upon the
building to possibly try to kill as many people as possible in the building or just to try to give a
warning by destruction of the building.
Update (0950ET): Now the second Donbas republic has announced it has initiated the
evacuation of civilians as there are reports that intense fighting has broken out at various
spots along the line of contact.

"The leader of the second self-declared republic in eastern Ukraine has announced that the
evacuation of civilians to Russia is being organized," CNN reports after pro-Russian separatist
leaders in Donetsk hours ago announced the same.

Some of the first footage to have emerged of the evacuations in progress...

Footage from Donetsk apparently showing orphans being loaded onto buses leaving for
— Kevin Rothrock (@KevinRothrock) February 18, 2022
Leonid Pasechnik of Luhansk People's Republic, said in a statement the evacuations began
“due to the escalation of tension on the contact line, instructed the heads of the territories of
the Republic to ensure the organized evacuation of the population... and help the population in
the delivery to border checkpoints.”

He added “the Russian Federation is ready to provide organized reception and accommodation
on its territory of residents of the Luhansk People's Republic.”

There is no doubt that innocent civilians are now suffering.
Full letter (emphasis ours):

Dear residents of the Donetsk People's Republic! Countrymen!

In recent months, we have been observing a daily increase in the number of military personnel
and lethal weapons by Ukraine, including Smerch and Uragan multiple launch rocket systems,
NLAW rocket launchers, as well as Javelins and Stingers along the entire line of contact.

Today their guns are aimed at civilians, at us and our children.

The armed forces of the enemy are in combat formations and are ready for the forceful capture
of Donbass.

p2 20-2-2022 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky will soon give an order to the military to go on
the offensive, to implement a plan to invade the territory of the Donetsk and Luhansk
People's Republics.

I appeal to all the inhabitants of our state.

The armed forces of the Donetsk People's Republic, having experience in conducting military
operations, are in constant combat readiness, fully capable of protecting the civilian population
and infrastructure.

Nevertheless, when the enemy shells the settlements of the Republic, the life and health of
our citizens may be endangered.

Therefore, from today, February 18, a mass centralized departure of the population to
the Russian Federation has been organized.

First of all, women, children and the elderly are subject to evacuation.

We kindly ask you to listen and make the right decision. Temporary departure will save the life
and health of you and your loved ones.

By agreement with the leadership of the Russian Federation, places for the reception and
accommodation of our citizens are ready in the Rostov Region. The evacuees will be
provided with everything necessary. All conditions have been created for a quick
transition at checkpoints.
Donetsk: Ukraine moves 150,000 troops, rocket launchers, NATO arms to Donbass
front line
Two-thirds of Ukrainian army servicemen have been amassed along the Donbas
contact line, Eduard Basurin, spokesman for the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s
Republic (DPR) militia, said on Thursday.
“Another three brigades are on their way [to Donbas], which is 20,000 to 25,000
troops more. The total number will reach 150,000, not to mention the nationalists.
This is about two-thirds of the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ personnel,” Basurin said
on the Rossiya 1 television channel (VGTRK) on Thursday.
The Ukrainian troops are stationed along the 320-kilometer front line, he said.
Donetsk: Ukraine moves 150,000 troops, rocket launchers, NATO arms to Donbass
front line
The situation in Donbass has reached a critical mark in the past week due to Ukraine’s
aggressive actions, Donetsk People’s Republic representative at the Minsk talks, DPR
Foreign Minister Natalia Nikonorova said on Thursday.
“The situation has strained to the limit in the past week through Kiev’s fault,” Nikonorova
said. “The disregard of this setup by guarantor countries that have influence on Ukraine,
especially by France and Germany is considered absolutely inadmissible. If representatives
p3 20-2-2022 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
of these states continue to close their eyes to Ukraine’s provocative behavior and do not
put proper pressure on Ukrainian authorities in order to prevent such actions, it can be
interpreted as tacit assistance to Kiev.”
Donetsk: Ukraine moves 150,000 troops, rocket launchers, NATO arms to Donbass
front line
In the past few months, Kiev and the West have been making statements alleging the threat
of a Russian invasion. This pretext was used to mass considerable forces next to the
contact line in Donbass. Earlier, the DPR reported the massing of some 120,000 Ukrainian
servicemen in the region. The Ukrainian group was reinforced with radicals, multiple
launch rocket systems and NATO weapons. Ukrainian chemical warfare troops drills were
reported as well.
Donetsk: Ukraine moves 150,000 troops, rocket launchers, NATO arms to Donbass
front line
In the past few months, Kiev and the West have been making statements alleging the threat
of Russian invasion. This pretext was used to mass considerable forces next to the contact
line in Donbass. Earlier, the DPR reported the massing of some 120,000 Ukrainian
servicemen in the region. The enemy group had been reinforced with radicals, multiple
launch rocket systems and NATO weapons. Drills by chemical warfare troops were
reported as well.

Do note “The Ukrainian group was reinforced with radicals”, this appears to underline what I
previous stated of what I understood from Ukrainians some years ago (around MH17 being shot
down) that “Ukraine armed forces and groups working with them were endangering their
health, wellbeing and safety.”. As such, rather than this being an alleged invasion by Russian
Federation it appears that all along it are Ukraine armed forces and “radicals” who are rather
causing and maintaining the conflict.
Donetsk, Lugansk announce evacuation of citizens to Russia
DPR has announced evacuation of civilians, first of all women, children and elderly
citizens to the Russia Federation.
“From today, February 18, a mass centralized departure of the population to the Russian
Federation has been organized. First of all, women, children and the elderly are subject to
evacuation”, Pushilin said in his statement.
He said that the agreement has been reached with Russian authorities to organize dwellings
and organized crossing of the border for the evacuated people.
Donetsk, Lugansk announce evacuation of citizens to Russia

p4 20-2-2022 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
Russia’s southern Rostov Region has reported that it is ready to receive Donbass residents.
Meanwhile, the Kiev regime keeps denying reports of pending offensive operations in
The situation at the engagement line in the east of Ukraine escalated on Thursday morning.
The Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics reported the most intensive bombardments
by the Ukrainian military in recent months. There has been no data on casualties yet;
however, it has been reported that the bombardments have damaged some civil
infrastructure facilities.
According to the data of the DPR people’s militia, the Ukrainian military has opened fire at
the republic’s territory 30 times since the beginning of February 18, leaving residents of
the communities of Verkhnetoretskoye and Krasny Partizan without electric power. It was
also reported that two sabotage acts were foiled at chemical facilities in the Gorlovka area.
DPR Head Denis Pushilin announced measures for the mass centralized evacuation of the
republic’s residents to Russia in the wake of Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky’s
intentions “to give an order to the army shortly to switch to an offensive and implement the
plan of invading the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics.”

As I stated in my 19 February 2022 correspondence:

QUOTE 20220220-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Mr Mykola Kulinich, Ambassador, Ukraine
At the time that MH17 was shot down above Ukraine, I was communicating with
Ukrainians residing in Ukraine and I was given the understanding that actually (so they
claimed) Ukraine armed forces and groups working with them were endangering their
health, wellbeing and safety.
I do realise that more than likely the Ukraine government may deny what was claimed by
Ukraine nationals at the time, but I am not the judge to determine who is telling the truth,
albeit I perceived that Ukrainians at the time were fair dinkum in what they stated.
There can be absolutely no dispute that the Ukraine Government violates its own
constitution and in my view the evidence is underlined by the following:
END QUOTE 20220220-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Mr Mykola Kulinich, Ambassador, Ukraine

QUOTE 20220220-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Mr Mykola Kulinich, Ambassador, Ukraine

In my view the Ukraine Government has absolutely no legal powers to ignore/override the
Ukraine constitution and therefore I view should immediately without delay order all and
any foreign troops to leave Ukraine immediately. Failing that, I view, that Ukraine should
be deemed to be on its own in that the Ukraine Government clearly acts unconstitutionally
and act therefore against the rights and interest of all Ukrainians. This is not that I am
taking sides with any party but rather that i view that the Ukraine government must act as a
model citizen to ensure it acts according to and within the legal provisions of the Ukraine
constitution. Where is ignores to do so then it should be deemed to have chosen to act
unconstitutionally and may place in question its own constitutional validity to govern.
END QUOTE 20220220-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Mr Mykola Kulinich, Ambassador, Ukraine

QUOTE 20220220-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Mr Mykola Kulinich, Ambassador, Ukraine
Official translation CONSTITUTION OF UKRAINE
Official translation. CONSTITUTION OF UKRAINE. The Verkhovna Rada (the
Parliament) of Ukraine on behalf of the Ukrainian people – Ukrainian citizens of all ...
Article 17. Protecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, ensuring
its economic and information security, shall be the most important function of the State and
a matter of concern for all the Ukrainian people.

p5 20-2-2022 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
The defence of Ukraine and protection of its sovereignty, territorial integrity and
inviolability shall be entrusted to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Ensuring the security of the State and protecting the State borders of Ukraine shall
be entrusted to respective military formations and law enforcement bodies of the State,
whose organisation and operational procedure shall be determined
by law.
The Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations shall not be used by
anyone to restrict the rights and freedoms of citizens or with the intent to overthrow the
constitutional order, subvert the public authorities or obstruct their activity.
The State shall ensure social protection of citizens of Ukraine who serve in the
Armed Forces of Ukraine and in other military formations as well as members of their
Establishment and operation of any armed formations not envisaged by law are
prohibited in the territory of Ukraine.
The location of foreign military bases in the territory of Ukraine shall not be
END QUOTE 20220220-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Mr Mykola Kulinich, Ambassador, Ukraine

Considering the above there is to me no indication that the Russian Federation is the aggressor
but rather is as ordinary any country ought to do is to provide sanctuary for those having to flee
their homeland.
It appears that the Ukraine armed forces and their “radicals” rather are the real war mongers.
In view of the above it is my view that when it comes to the Commonwealth of Australia there is
absolutely no legal justification to in any way assist the Ukraine Government to in violation of its
own constitution harm its citizens. At most the Commonwealth of Australia could provide
refugee facilities, if and when needed, for those in harm’s way. There is clearly, at least by the
articles I read, no claim that so called “the separatists' government” is attacking other parts of
The Commonwealth of Australia was created by the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution
Act 1900 (UK) and the legal principle embedded in this constitution is that only the Governor-
General can declare war, by publishing in the gazette a DECLARATION OF WAR naming the
country deemed to be an enemy. Any Government that violates its own constitution is no longer
a Government but a pretended Government. This doesn’t just apply to Ukraine, Australia but to
any other nation also.
While obviously it may suit the Ukraine Government to bolster its rhetoric that the Russian
Federation is the aggressor, in reality it seems to me that the reports indicate it is an internal
Ukraine issue. And as I indicated regarding MH17, at that time I understood that the Ukraine
Government planned to bring down a passenger aeroplane as then to bolster its case against the
Russian federation. As such it appears to me that the Ukraine Government holds the lives of
innocent people mere “collateral damage”.
In my view the U.S.A and NATO should stay out of the internal conflict in Ukraine and the
Ukraine Government should withdraw any troops and pursue peaceful solutions to any internal
conflicts that is if it desires any legitimate governance.
This correspondence is not intended and neither must be perceived to state all issues/details.
Awaiting your response, G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. (Gerrit)


(Our name is our motto!)

p6 20-2-2022 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://

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