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B No.

Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person

Garcia, Patrick Oswin Macatangay October 12, 2021
G12-STEM B Additional Activities

Activity 2: “WHO AM I?”

1. Confucius
"Do not impose on others what you do not wish for yourself"
His social philosophy describes me due to the fact that it was based on the principle of ren,
loving others. It characterizes the bearing and behavior that a paradigmatic human being
exhibits in order to promote a flourishing human community. He believed this could be achieved
using the Golden Rule: “Do unto others what you want done unto you.”
2. Socrates
"Let him that would move the world first move himself"
This stoic principle attributed to Socrates describes me since it states that we mortals have
absolutely no control over the universe, other people, past events or anything other than what
we can do in the present moment to deal with all the rest of it. It is the decisions that we make
and the actions that we take in this moment that can make a difference and the better we use
each moment to prepare and educate ourselves that will enable good decision making. I can
only move in one time and place and that is now, thus, moving myself is essential to
3. Aristotle
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not on act, but a habit. 
It is the same concept as is contained in modern existential philosophy. This describes me
because I firmly believe that Character, virtue, and ethical behavior is both a journey and a
marathon. Self-Willed Acts can turn into Consistently willed Habits, Consistent Habits form
Character, and Well-formed Character allows us to make the best choices which creates
4. Plato
"Good actions give strength to ourselves and inspire good actions in others."
This guiding principle represents me since I strive to be kind and charitable to others, which in
turn inspire strength within my own endeavors. It implies that we should practice doing good
actions until they are habituated and part of the core of our being. Thus, the recipients of good
actions will act in a better way with others than people who were recipient of a neutral action. 
5. Dante 
From a little spark may burst a flame.
This resonates with me due to the fact that I pursue any creative passions no matter how trivial
they feel as they might spark success. I am not afraid to explore things beyond my comfort zone
and break my status quo. I firmly believe that just a little extra push can go a long way.
Activity 3: “Mirror on the Wall”

By utilizing the guide principles of

philosophers and through the study
of philosophy I have learned how to
evaluate and resolve problems. It
helped me analyze concepts,
definitions, arguments, and
problems. It contributes to my
capacity to organize ideas and issues,
to deal with questions of value, and
to extract what is essential from
masses of information.

I must say, and without boast, I have

realized and appreciated that I am an
extremely dedicated person. Dedication is
one of my core strengths. When I am
given a task, it is not just my goal to
complete it but to complete it to
perfection. I make myself very flexible
and I am always willing to compromise.
Furthermore, I am a quick and initiative
learner. I like to ponder things that interest

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