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Higher Technological Institute of the East of the State

of Hidalgo

Course: English II
Homework: Report and Vocabulary
Title: Life of PI

Student’s name: Kevin Barrón Gutiérrez

Teacher name: María Victoria Robles Mendoza

Date of delivery: 9th, January, 2022

To begin, the students of the second semester of the
educational program of engineering in business
management of group 1, will write a report of four hundred
words on a reading that has the theme "the life of PI".
They will also make vocabulary from all the previous links
provided by the teacher.

The life of pi

The story begins when Pi Patel is visited by a writer

interested in learning more about his story as a survivor of
a shipwreck who, despite having lost everything, has not
lost faith in God.

Pi Patel is a young man from India whose father owns a

zoo in that country. This is an atheist man of science, while
his mother is a woman of Hindu faith and introduces him to
religion, which arouses spiritual curiosity in him.

Meanwhile, a political event forces Pi's father to sell the

animals to another zoo in the United States of America and
move to Canada. The trip must be made by boat to
transport the animals.
A heavy rain causes the ship to sink, from which
apparently no one manages to save himself, except him.

Suddenly other occupants appear on the boat. They are

the animals from his father's zoo: a zebra with an injured
leg, an oragutan and a hyena.

Paralyzed with fear and despite his disapproval, Pi

watches as the hyena attacks the injured zebra to eat it. In
response to maternal instinct, the outraged orangutan
struggles with the hyena, but the fierce scavenger kills
both. An unexpected crew member appears: Richard
Parker (the tiger), who unexpectedly comes out of hiding
and kills the hyena.

Pi lives six months of drifting adventures in the company of

the tiger.

Finally, I can say that this story had a great impact on me
and even made me reflect since we can realize a story
which made me understand for everything that the
character lived that every human being needs company, in
this case the tiger he was a danger to pi but he was always
with him, overcoming his fears and always having faith in
what he believed they brought from god

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