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Ever Rafter

PHOTOgraphy BY Michael Anderson and Larry okrend

An easy-to- of the footings is 14-4/5-in. Use a
laser level (photo 2) to make sure

build hip roof

the tops of each form are at an even
height. (The yard where we built
this gazebo was slightly sloped, so

makes this the footing elevation above each

hole varied.)

gazebo a
Finish filling each hole and
form with concrete and smooth the
surface; then insert a mudsill an-

doable project chor in the center of each footing.

HANDY’s contractor for this proj-

for any DIYer

ect, Mike Conner, borrowed the
idea of employing mudsill anchors
from a friend who has great success
using them to build decks.
BY Jenny Stanley Once the concrete has cured
(usually after 24 to 48 hours), use
a reciprocating saw or sharp utility
Figuring out precise angles and cuts knife to remove the Sonotube form
for a hip roof can be a daunting task from the outside of each footing
that might deter some DIYers from (photo 3).
attempting to build an outdoor
structure. But with the help of a Build a simple deck
terrific Web site (see “Online Math Create the deck frame by cutting
Whiz,” p. 20), all of the calculat- two 2x10 boards to 10 ft. 9 in.
ing for this gazebo project is done Double-check that the pieces rest
for you; all you have to do is follow level on the concrete footings. Cut
the plans and round up a few extra two more 2x10 boards to 10 ft.
hands, and you’ll be sipping iced 6 in.; they will fit between the lon-
tea in the shade in no time. (Before ger boards to create a square frame.
you start the project, however, be Fasten the pieces together and box
sure to check with your local build- the frame (photo 4; see WEB EX-
ing authority regarding applicable TRAS). Add shims where there are
permits and codes.) spaces between the boards and the
concrete footings. Secure the frame
Prep the foundation to the concrete footings by wrap-
To allow for proper drainage and ping the mudsill anchors around
prevent grass and weeds from each board and nailing them in
growing beneath the gazebo, first place with joist-hanger fasteners
mark the 12 x 12-ft. pad; then re- (photo 5). Be sure to keep the box
move the sod and about 3 in. of straight and level while attaching
dirt within the marks. Add a layer the straps.
of landscape fabric and top it with Next, cut 10 4x4 posts to 6 ft. 8 in.
approximately 3 in. of class II grav- Using 4x4 joist hangers, fasten one
el (photo 1, p. 20). post inside each corner of the deck
Next, dig four 12- to 14-in.-dia. frame and the rest of the posts along
holes (one in each corner) to ac- the sides (photos 6 and 7). Drive a
commodate the 8-in.-dia. Sono- ledger board fastener through the
tube forms for the concrete foot- frame and into each post.
ings. Dig at least 24 in. deep or to Mark the locations of the 2x10
the frost-line depth for your area. joists 16 in. OC (or 15-1/4 in. from
Mix the concrete and start by the end of each previous joist);
filling the holes half full. Insert the then cut all joists to fit within the
Sonotube forms so that the distance frame. Be sure that the crown of
from the center of one footing to each board faces up. (To learn more
the center of the adjacent footings about crowning lumber, see WEB
measures 10-1/2 in. and the diago- EXTRAS). Conner recommends
nal distance between the centers nailing the joists to the frame to
1 Dig four holes for the footings and partially fill them with concrete.
Place the Sonotube forms in the holes and check that the centers
Cover the foundation with landscape fabric and about 3 in. of are square. Use a laser level to ensure equal height across the tops
class II gravel to prevent weed growth. of all Sonotube forms.

3 4 5
Fill the holes and Sonotube forms com- Build the deck frame on the concrete foot-
pletely with concrete and insert a mudsill ings, making sure that the mudsill anchors Secure the mudsill anchors to the deck
anchor into each footing. When the con- are prepped to wrap around the boards. frame. A palm nailer works well for
crete is dry, cut away the Sonotube forms. Then ensure that the frame is square. building the deck portion of this project.

Online Math Whiz

While designing this project, we discov-
ered a smart (and free!) Web site that
does complicated roofing calculations
for you. Go to and
input your structure’s dimensions and
the type of roof you’d like to build. The
site produces the precise angles, cuts,
spacing and other details for all hip,
rafter and creeper boards — no more
head scratching or wasting time and
materials because of mathematical mis-
takes. (Keep in mind, however, that due
to factors such as variations in lumber
dimensions, etc., you’ll most likely have 6 7
to make slight adjustments as you as- Insert 4x4 posts into the hangers and
semble the roof.) — JS Use nails to attach the 4x4 joist hangers screw ledger-board fasteners through
inside the deck frame. the deck boards and into the posts.
hold them in place while attach- rest of the frame with deck boards mon rafters (to be installed from
ing the 2x8 joist hangers (photo 8, cut to fit within the edging. To find the center of each side of the
p. 22). Secure each 2x8 joist hanger the right spacing, lay out all of the top plate to the center point of
to the frame using joist-hanger fas- boards before fastening them. Us- the roof). Cut four 8-ft. 2x6s to
teners. (Be sure to drive a nail in ing a hidden-fastener jig such as the 7 ft. 6-3/4 in. Mark and cut the
every hole.) If you run into a space Camo Marksman (see SOURCES angles for the setbacks and bird’s-
where there isn’t enough room for ONLINE), secure the boards to the mouths to achieve the proper
a hanger (as we did), use shims and frame, creating a smooth surface height above plate (photo 14 and
locking screws to attach the joist (photo 12). inset; to watch a video clip of this
to the frame (photo 9). step, see WEB EXTRAS). Cut the
Attach two 2x6 boards (deck- Construct the rafters overhanging ends to achieve the
ing blocks) to the ends of the deck Begin by measuring and cutting desired length and finished edge.
frame that run parallel to the joists eight 2x4s for the top plate. Se- Attach the common rafters to a
(photo 10, p. 23). This will provide cure two stacked boards on top of ridge, a 6-in.-long x 1-1/2 x 1-1/2-in.
a sturdy surface for nailing the the 4x4 posts along each side of piece at the center point of the roof.
deck boards in place. the gazebo; then add 2x4 support Next, measure, mark and cut
Add the deck boards next. To brackets to each corner (photo four 2x6 hip boards (to be installed
create a finished look for the perim- 13). Next, refer to the rafter lay- from each corner of the top plate
eter of the deck, let the edge pieces out (p. 22) to cut the rafters and to the center point of the roof) one
overhang slightly and miter the hips one at a time as you assem- at a time to make sure you achieve
corners. You’ll have to notch the ble the roof. This will allow you the correct length, setback and
edge pieces and the adjacent deck to make slight adjustments as bird’s-mouth. Each hip will have
boards with a jigsaw to fit around necessary. a compound miter on one end for
the 4x4 posts (photo 11). Top the Start by creating the four com- securing to the adjacent main raf-

Easy- to - b uild g a z e bo






Illustration BY Michael Anderson

ters and ridge (photos 15 and 16).
Cut the overhanging ends to the
same length as the common rafter
boards. To ensure accuracy and to
speed up the process of marking
and cutting the overhanging ends
of all subsequent boards, Conner
suggests adding a nail to the end of
each hip board (one in each corner)
and tying a string across all sides.
Making sure to mark the correct
spacing, setback, bird’s-mouth and
end cuts for each, continue adding
three boards (creepers) to each side
of the four hip boards (photo 17,
p. 24). There will be eight creepers
8 9
of each length. Check that the crown of each 2x10 joist For spaces where there isn’t enough
faces up. Nail the joists in place first; room for a joist hanger, use shims and
Add roofing then add the joist hangers. locking screws to attach the joist to the
To make the roof panels, we frame.
laminated 3/4-in. water-resistant
plywood (for the top face of the
roof) and 1/4-in. non-water-
resistant plywood with a high-
grade veneer (for the underside).
Creating this double layer prevents
the roofing nails from puncturing r a f t e r l ayou t
the ceiling of the gazebo.
Use construction adhesive to
Common rafter

glue each 4x8 sheet of 1/4-in. ply-

wood to a sheet of 3/4-in. plywood
to create eight panels. Once the
adhesive has cured according to
the manufacturer’s instructions,
lift the first panel onto the bottom
edge of the roof framing and screw
it in place along the common raf-
ter. Snap a chalk line to mark the
cut location along the hip; then use
a circular saw with the depth guide
set to 1 in. to make the cut (photo Ridge
18). Use the scrap pieces for the
upper portions of the roof. Repeat
these steps until the roof is com-
pletely covered with plywood.
Though this is an open-air
structure, adding a vent will help
to allow air and heat to escape,
preventing too much uplift under

the roof. After you’ve installed the

vent, add the drip edge to the roof
using a hammer and nails (photo
19); then cover the plywood with a
layer of roofing felt and staple it in
place. Top the felt with an armor of
shingles (photo 20).
10 11 12
Add a double-layer of 2x6s (decking Notch and miter the decking trim boards Use a hidden-fastener jig such as the
blocks) inside the deck frame at the ends and secure them in place along the edge Camo Marksman to attach the decking
that run parallel to the joists. of the frame. to the joists.



13 Cut two common rafter boards and attach them to the ridge. Fit
them in place along the top plate, making sure that they are at
Attach the top plate to the 4x4 posts and add support brackets the correct height above plate (HAP). Mark and cut the bird’s-
to the corners of the gazebo. mouths (inset) for both boards.

15 16
Install the hip boards, making sure to cut the correct compound miters that will attach to the ridge and adjacent common rafters.
Install the railing
and apply finish
We chose to use Deckorators
26-in. classic-baluster railing from
a local home center for this proj-
ect. To install the railing, start
by attaching the top and bottom
metal rails to the top and bottom
2x4s for each section of railing.
Then screw all plugs in place and
insert the balusters.
Next, mark the cut locations for
the top and bottom 2x4s for each
section and cut them to size (photo
21). Install each section of railing
by screwing it in place between the 17 18
Enlist a couple of helpers to lift the ply-
4x4 posts. Tip: Use a couple of piec-
Attach three creepers to each side of the wood panels onto the roof framing. Use a
es of scrap 4x4 to prop up each rail-
hip boards; use nails and string to mark circular saw with the depth guide set to
ing section from the deck; this will
the end cuts for all boards. 1 in. to make cuts.
ensure that all sections are installed
at the same height (photo 22).
Once the railing was installed,
we sprayed on a cedar-color semi-
transparent water-base stain from
Thompson’s WaterSeal. (To watch a
video of the process, see WEB EX-
TRAS.) You can apply the finish of
your choice. After the stain dries,
all that’s left is to furnish your ga-
zebo with a couple of chairs and
perhaps a small table or two; then
you’re ready to relax and enjoy the
fruits of your labor.

To watch a quick video of
contractor Mike Conner
19 20
building this gazebo, scan Install the drip edge; use tin snips to cut Cover the plywood with roofing felt and
this tag or go to www. the corner. shingles. and
Get the free mobile app atclick on WEB EXTRAS.
http:/ /
To watch the completed
gazebo being sprayed with
stain, scan this tag or go to
and click on Web Extras.

Get the free mobile app atTo learn more about

http:/ / gettag.mobicrowning lumber, scan
this tag or go to
and click on WEB EXTRAS.

Get the free mobile app at

http:/ /
Sources online
For online information, go to
and click on WEB EXTRAS.
21 22
National Nail Corp. (Camo Marksman) After assembling the sections of railing, Use scrap pieces of 4x4 to prop up the fit them in place and mark the cuts. railing; secure it in place.

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