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Player Options Pack


ART BY, Aaron Lee, Alphonse Mucha, Colby Stevenson, Courtney Hilbig, David Lewis Johnson, David Revoy, Edmund Dulac,
Eugene Delacroix, Gustave Moreau, Hugo Stevenson, Ian MacLean, Ilya Repin, Jason Juta, Jason Nelson, Joyce Maureira, Jean
Auguste Dominique Ingres, John Collier, John Everett Millais, John William Waterhouse, Kathrin “Kitty” Polikeit, Konstantin
Makovski, Konstantin Somov, Luigi Castellani, Mohammed Agbadi, Nicole Cardiff, Sencer_Sarı, Tan Ho Sim
(used with permission)

Proof-Reading: Alessandro Saponara

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D Adventurers League, all other Wizards of
the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. All characters and their distinctive likenesses are property of Wizards of the
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©2016 Wizards of the Coast LLC, PO Box 707, Renton, WA 98057-0707, USA. Manufactured by Hasbro SA, Rue Emile-Boéchat 31, 2800 Delémont, CH. Represented by Hasbro Europe, 4 The Square, Stockley
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When I first started playing D&D one of my previous player’s options have been revised and
favorite activities was to think about new rules tweaked, and I have adjusted the wording to
and class options. And so, when the Dungeon avoid a few sad issues. Artworks are now more
Masters Guild become a thing, I was eager to of a contribution to the text rather than an
submit my 5th edition works to the community. expedient to increase the number of pages.
No one sold really that much, certainly not When new, official options came out and
after I made all my contributions available in a pay overlapped with my drafts, I re-purposed them
what you want format, but to expand the preexisting as a more specific niche.
rules still remains a hobby of mine. Some of my first Multiversatility – POP is organized in
works are now blatantly out of date, and often full
three main sections: the first addresses races
with typos, shabby wording, and plain mistakes, but I
and subraces, the second introduces new
never had the dedication to rewrite them all. Until
now. subclasses and class variants, while the third
Multiversatility – Player’s Options one focuses on backgrounds, feats and familiars.
Pack is a bundle ff all my previous works as From now on all my new class options
much as it is a fresh start for new projects. The will come as updates of Multiversatility – POP.




NEW RACES.......................................................................................................................................................................................6
CHILD OF THE SEA..................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
CHILD OF THE SEA TRAITS...............................................................................................................................................................................................8
ANCIENT BLOOD............................................................................................................................................................................................................8
DHAMPIR..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
DHAMPIR TRAITS...............................................................................................................................................................................................................12
TAINTED ONE...............................................................................................................................................................................................................13
FARSPAWN................................................................................................................................................................................................. 15
FARSPAWN TRAITS...........................................................................................................................................................................................................16
FARSPAWN VARIANTS.............................................................................................................................................................................................17
DEFORMITIES OF THE BODY................................................................................................................................................................................18
DEFORMITIES OF THE MIND................................................................................................................................................................................19
FEYBLOOD.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 20
FEYBLOOD TRAITS.............................................................................................................................................................................................................22
FEYBLOOD VARIANTS..............................................................................................................................................................................................22
FAIRY FEATURES........................................................................................................................................................................................................23
GALADHEMA.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 25
GALADHEMA TRAITS........................................................................................................................................................................................................27
KOBELYN..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 28
KOBELYN TRAITS...............................................................................................................................................................................................................30
NEW SUBRACES............................................................................................................................................................................32
DWARVEN SUBRACES......................................................................................................................................................................................................33
BRASSKIN DWARF......................................................................................................................................................................................................33
DEEP DWARF (CLOCKWORKED)........................................................................................................................................................................34
OATHSWORN DWARF...............................................................................................................................................................................................35
PACTBOUND DWARF................................................................................................................................................................................................36
SPELLWRIGHT DWARF............................................................................................................................................................................................37
UPLAND DWARF (UPLANDER)............................................................................................................................................................................38
ELVEN SUBRACES...............................................................................................................................................................................................................39
NEFARIOUS FOLK (DOSHAPHALA)....................................................................................................................................................................39
SAVAGE ELF (MALINASYA)....................................................................................................................................................................................40
SEA ELF (SAMUDRIYA)............................................................................................................................................................................................41
VENERABLE ELF (MANYAVARNA).....................................................................................................................................................................42
WANDERING ELF (CARACAPANTHA)..............................................................................................................................................................43
WINGED ELF (SAPAKSHA).....................................................................................................................................................................................44
HALFLING SUBRACES.......................................................................................................................................................................................................46
MELLON HALFLING...................................................................................................................................................................................................46
TAINTED HALFLING..................................................................................................................................................................................................47
VARIANT ORCS......................................................................................................................................................................................... 49
ORC, CORRUPTED ONE....................................................................................................................................................................................................49
CORRUPTED ORC TRAITS.......................................................................................................................................................................................49
ORC, FREE FOLK..................................................................................................................................................................................................................51
FREE ORC TRAITS.......................................................................................................................................................................................................51
CLASS OPTIONS.............................................................................................................................................................................53

BARBARIAN................................................................................................................................................................................................ 54
VARIANT CLASS: WHIRLWIND....................................................................................................................................................................................54
NEW PRIMAL PATHS.............................................................................................................................................................................. 55
PATH OF THE BRUTAL BRAWLER.............................................................................................................................................................................55
PATH OF THE CURSED.....................................................................................................................................................................................................56
PATH OF DISCIPLINE........................................................................................................................................................................................................57
PATH OF MADNESS............................................................................................................................................................................................................58
BARD............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 60
VARIANT CLASS: LORESEEKER...................................................................................................................................................................................60
VARIANT CLASS: WORDSEER.......................................................................................................................................................................................61
NEW BARDIC COLLEGES....................................................................................................................................................................... 62
COLLEGE OF DANCE..........................................................................................................................................................................................................62
COLLEGE OF DEMAGOGY................................................................................................................................................................................................63
COLLEGE OF THE EXEMPLAR.......................................................................................................................................................................................64
COLLEGE OF THE FARSHOOTING BRIGHTNESS.................................................................................................................................................65
COLLEGE OF THE HARLEQUIN....................................................................................................................................................................................66
COLLEGE OF LAUGHTER ETERNAL...........................................................................................................................................................................68
COLLEGE OF PRISTINE UTTERANCE........................................................................................................................................................................69
COLLEGE OF SHANTIES...................................................................................................................................................................................................71
CLERIC.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 74
VARIANT CLASS: CONTEMPLATIVE..........................................................................................................................................................................74
QUICK VARIANT: DIVINE STRIKE...............................................................................................................................................................................75
NEW DIVINE DOMAINS......................................................................................................................................................................... 75
CREATION DOMAIN...........................................................................................................................................................................................................75
DARKNESS DOMAIN..........................................................................................................................................................................................................76
DESTRUCTION DOMAIN..................................................................................................................................................................................................77
PASSION DOMAIN...............................................................................................................................................................................................................78
PRESERVATION DOMAIN...............................................................................................................................................................................................79
REST DOMAIN.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................80
SOLEMNITY DOMAIN........................................................................................................................................................................................................82
DRUID........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 84
NEW DRUID CIRCLES............................................................................................................................................................................. 84
CIRCLE OF APOSTASY.......................................................................................................................................................................................................84
CIRCLE OF THE ENERGY WITHIN...............................................................................................................................................................................87
FIGHTER...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 89
VARIANT MARTIAL ARCHETYPE: ELDRITCH DRAGOON...............................................................................................................................89
FIGHTING STYLE OPTIONS............................................................................................................................................................................................90
NEW MARTIAL ARCHETYPES............................................................................................................................................................. 90
MONK............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 93
NEW MONASTIC TRADITIONS........................................................................................................................................................... 93
WAY OF MERCY....................................................................................................................................................................................................................93
WAY OF ENLIGHTENMENT............................................................................................................................................................................................94
WAY OF MADNESS..............................................................................................................................................................................................................95
PALADIN...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 97
FIGHTING STYLE OPTION...............................................................................................................................................................................................97
NEW SACRED OATHS............................................................................................................................................................................. 97
OATH OF APOCALYPSE....................................................................................................................................................................................................97
OATH OF BALANCE............................................................................................................................................................................................................99
OATH OF LIBERTY...........................................................................................................................................................................................................101
OATH OF MORTALS.........................................................................................................................................................................................................102
OATH OF TYRANNY.........................................................................................................................................................................................................104
OATH OF WARDING........................................................................................................................................................................................................106
RANGER..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 108
FIGHTING STYLE OPTIONS.........................................................................................................................................................................................108
VARIANT CLASS: A RANGER WITHOUT SPELLS...............................................................................................................................................108
RANGER ARCHETYPES SPELLS.................................................................................................................................................................................110
NEW RANGER ARCHETYPE............................................................................................................................................................... 111
LIMINAL WARDEN..........................................................................................................................................................................................................111
ROGUE........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 113

VARIANT ROGUISH ARCHETYPE: ARCANE RASCAL......................................................................................................................................113
NEW ROGUISH ARCHETYPE............................................................................................................................................................. 114
SHIFTY ONE.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................116
SORCERER................................................................................................................................................................................................ 118
NEW SORCEROUS ORIGINS............................................................................................................................................................... 118
FAIRY BLOODLINE...........................................................................................................................................................................................................118
FATED BLOODLINE.........................................................................................................................................................................................................119
IMPLANTED ONE..............................................................................................................................................................................................................120
WARLOCK................................................................................................................................................................................................. 122
VARIANT CLASS: FAUSTIAN.......................................................................................................................................................................................122
NEW PACT BOONS...........................................................................................................................................................................................................123
PACT OF THE AEGIS................................................................................................................................................................................................123
PACT OF THE CONCOCTIONS.............................................................................................................................................................................123
PACT OF THE CONTRACTS..................................................................................................................................................................................123
PACT OF THE VISIONS...........................................................................................................................................................................................124
NEW PATRONS....................................................................................................................................................................................... 124
THE ANCIENT SCALED ONE........................................................................................................................................................................................124
THE ARCHMAGE...............................................................................................................................................................................................................126
THE ASCENDANT.............................................................................................................................................................................................................127
THE FATE ITSELF.............................................................................................................................................................................................................129
THE LORD OF CHAOS.....................................................................................................................................................................................................130
THE LORD OF ORDER.....................................................................................................................................................................................................133
THE MOTHER NATURE.................................................................................................................................................................................................134
THE PHOENIX.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................136
NEW ELDRITCH INVOCATIONS................................................................................................................................................................................137
WIZARD..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 139
NEW ARCANE TRADITIONS.............................................................................................................................................................. 139
SCHOOL OF DARK MAGIC.............................................................................................................................................................................................140
SCHOOL OF WHITE MAGIC..........................................................................................................................................................................................141
NEW BACKGROUNDS........................................................................................................................................................................... 144
PLAGUE DOCTOR..............................................................................................................................................................................................................146
PLANAR REFUGEE...........................................................................................................................................................................................................148
EXPANDED BACKGROUND SKILLS................................................................................................................................................ 153

SPELL LISTS............................................................................................................................................................................................. 159
SPELL DESCRIPTIONS......................................................................................................................................................................... 160
EYE STALKER.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................164
FEATHERED DOG.............................................................................................................................................................................................................165
GUIDING LIGHT.................................................................................................................................................................................................................166
MOON CAT...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................167
WINGED CAT......................................................................................................................................................................................................................170


The following races, complete with their own cultural balance, as they represent the
subraces, are designed to be added to an uncommon and obscure offspring of
existing campaign world without unsettling its preternatural creatures.

“The sweet murmur of refreshing water that Usually, those traits match in giving to a
caresses your lungs… nothing could compare.” single child of the seas a greater or lesser
human appearance, but as noted before the
The waters of the world are wide and deep, as members of this alleged “race” display no such
well as unknown to those who live above, thing as a common appearance. Skin, eyes and
dwelling on dry land and adventuring only hair color are equally various, often reflecting
briefly over the surface of the sea. And yet many the hue inherited from the land-dwelling
races call the depths of the oceans their home, parent.
for numerous are the dwellers of the reef. However, the most beautiful of the
Usually they avoid any contact with the surface shades children of the sea display are those that
folk, for conflict will certainly follow should reflect their waterborne nature: coral-red or
such different civilizations meet each other. ultramarine hair, aquamarine or teal eyes, even
Those who dwell above often fear and pale green skin.
hate all the sea folk, for among them there are
some violent and vile races, true monsters and SECLUDED, BELOVED, OR HATED
horrors whose raids left their marks on history
and legends alike. As they grow, children of the sea tend to fall into
Sometimes however the contacts two broad categories: those whose
between humans and waterborne races are “deformities”,according to the human eye, are
quite friendly, and bear the sweet fruit of a non-existing or easy to conceal, and those
child. The result of such unions is a so-called whose otherness cannot be denied. Among the
child of the seas, a member of a rare and latter, some children of the sea unequivocally
enigmatic race of mixed heritage that possesses betray the heritage of vile, savage and despised
the blessing of the oceans. Sadly, such half- monstrous humanoids. Their ichthic or
blooded babies are often abandoned by their batrachian features are enough to brand them
mothers; the ocean in vast and uncharted, and as outcasts.
perhaps those poor souls will never know their On the contrary, the children of the sea
true parents... and sometimes this is a real that display the heritage of a siren or a mermaid
blessing. are usually admired, and often ships contend to
have them on board as living “lucky charms”.
All the children of the sea share an inborn
affinity with water in all its form: even before
Many are the sentient beings that inhabit the
they learn to walk, they are capable of
oceans and roam its depths, and every child of
swimming with a confidence that many
the seas displays the traits of their marine
grownup sailors lack.
parent. Typically, they possess webbed fingers
Thus, many of them seek their destiny
and toes, while their lungs are equally capable
across the seas: the ocean is their second, if not
of breathing air and water; some children of the
first, home, the only place where they can be
sea, however, show no webbing, or possess
really free, where their diversity becomes an
retractable webs, while others have little,
advantage; the vast, unexplored expanse of
functional fins along their limbs, or exhibit little
gills across their neck.

water where they hope to find the truth about Languages. You can speak, read, and
their heritage. write Aquan (a dialect of Primordial) and
Common; you gain an innate understanding of
the language of elemental water from your
inhuman parent.
As children of the sea are typically born and Subrace. Three subraces of children of
raised among humans, their names tend to the sea are found among the worlds of D&D:
reflect the tradition of the society they grew ancient bloods, deepborns and sirenids. Choose
into. Only those who are raised among their one of these subraces.
marine parents possess peculiar names,
according to the culture that raised them. ANCIENT BLOOD
Some of those names are evocative
Aquan words... while others reflect the madness Ancient blooded children of the sea are not, in
that lies at the darkest depths of the oceans. fact, human half-breeds. For their marine parent
is not an inhuman creature, but a peculiar
human being, one of the last inhabitants of a
CHILD OF THE SEA TRAITS long forgotten land, one whose existence
transcended into myth many centuries ago. So
Your child of the sea character has certain
advanced was the civilization of those humans
characteristics in common with all other
that, according to the legends, the gods
children of the sea.
themselves feared them, and decided to punish
Ability Score Increase. Your
their hubris by striking down their land; some
Constitution score increases by 1.
of them, however, still live, hidden deep
Age. Children of the sea mature and age
underwater in the ruins of their ancient cities.
at the same rate as humans; according to
Regardless of the truth, you could pass
legends, when they die they are born anew
for a common human being, as very few ancient
among their sea-faring parents, but there are no
blood display non-retractable webs. Your
facts to prove this myth.
intellect, however, cuts you above common
Alignment. The legacy of a child of the
sea does not predict their alignment: children of
the sea are free to pursue their own dreams and
Size. Children of the sea are about the
same size as humans, ranging from 5 to 6 feet
tall. Your size is Medium. Here’s how to
determine your height and weight randomly,
starting with rolling a size modifier:
Size modifier = 2d10
Height = 4 feet 8 inches + your size modifier
in inches
Weight in pounds = 110 + (2d6 x your size
Speed. Your base walking speed in 30
Amphibious. You can breathe air and
Swim. You have a swimming speed of
30 feet.

human beings, as does the arcane lore that you You gain an unharmed attack with your bite
somehow seem to know. that deals 1d4 piercing damage on a hit; when
Ability Score Increase. Your you use the Attack action to make a melee
Intelligence score increases by 2.
Secrets of the Past. You have
proficiency in the Arcana and History skills.
Some memories are deep-rooted in the mental
schemes you inherited from your sea-delving
Strong-Minded. You have advantage on
saving throws against being charmed, and
magic can't detect nor read your thoughts;
telepathy works with you only if you allow it.

Deepborn children of the sea are the spawn of
the less humanoid and benevolent races of the
oceans, those who live deep below the surface
and are often regarded as fiends or aberrations.
Very often, a deepborn displays features
that not too vaguely suggest their heritage, such
as big, round, fish-like eyes, few – if any – facial
and body hair, or scaly skin; furthermore, their attack, you can use a bonus action to make a
teeth are sharp and deadly as the ones of a single unharmed attack with your bite.
shark. Slippery Skin. You have advantage in
Despite those quite unsettling traits, ability checks and saving throws made to
deepborns are not monsters, and they often escape a grapple.
pridefully embrace the cause of mankind
against their horrible ancestors.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength
score increases by 2. Sailors and fishers tell tales of the beauty of
Darkvision. You can see in dim light merfolk and sirens, the breathtaking inhabitants
within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, of the sea whose flawless features conquer even
and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't the coldest heart.
discern color in darkness, only shades of grey. When an enamored human is lucky
You inherited the eyes of your waterborne enough to achieve their dream, and the union
parent, accustomed to the darkness of deep bears fruit, the resulting baby is a sirenid child
water. of the sea: beautiful beyond words for the
Inhuman Physiology. You gain standards of both the parent races, a sirenid has
Advantage on all saving throws against poison, the potential to act as a bridge between two
as your mixed heritage makes your blood more worlds.
resistant to toxins. Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma
Keen Senses. You have proficiency in score increases by 2.
the Perception skill. Beautiful Beguiler. You have
Shark-Like Teeth. Your numerous, proficiency in one between the Deception and
sharp and pointy teeth are a fearsome weapons. Persuasion skills.

Siren's Songs. You know the friends … you would like to hint at an Atlantis-like
cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast human civilization.
the charm person spell once with this trait and … you like the novels of a certain writer from
regain the ability to do so when you finish a Providence and would gladly hint at them.
long rest. When you reach 5th level, you can
also cast the suggestion spell once with this trait Play a child of the sea if...
and regain the ability to do so when you finish a … you want to play a sailor with a really strong
long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability connection to the sea, one that even on land
for these spells. remains a true mariner.
… you want your character to be the typical,
stereotyped charmer.
Include children of the sea in your campaign … you want to offer your Dungeon Master an
if... interesting story hook regarding your true
… you want to focus on what represents the ancestors.
better part of a livable world, its oceans and their

“The childe who's born from life and death alike, milk-white are instead pitch black, dark as the
He bears the mark of grave within his soul. night that spawned them.
His kiss of blood the sweetest death, his gift Eyes and hair colors are more variable,
The curse he feels within, unquenched thirst.” usually ranging from red to white; black hair
and yellow eyes are not unheard of, and some
Among the undead abominations that plague dhampirs are lucky enough to inherit those trait
the Material World vampires are perhaps those from their living parent.
whose charade is the most lifelike. Their nature,
however, is a predatory one, their farce of life
one that requires constant blood sacrifices:
their very existence is a cancer that drys out
and corrupts natural life. Other undeads are
mockeries of life; vampires are a plague aimed
to consume it.
Thence it's not unexpected that
vampires, only among the undead strains, are
capable of giving life; for their essence is
mingled with blood, and blood is the life. Not
every race, however, is capable of combining
itself with undeath: only humans are adaptable
enough to procreate a child tainted by
vampirism, and only if the nonliving sire is of
human ancestry.
Those children are called usually
dhampir, dhampyr, or simply half-vampires; for
half of their legacy comes from the undead
parasites that walk the night. POWER OF BLOOD
Despite such marks of diversity, the
half-vampire acquires some gifts from their
While a vampire is cursed and condemned to immortal sire. All dhampirs tend to display
such an existence at the dawn of its life, a better reflexes than common human beings, and
dhampir is born with the curse in his veins. some of them reveal an unnatural strength, the
Even as a fledgling, among the normal appetites strength of the grave. Other dhampyrs posses
they feel the lust for blood, drinking the red strong personalities and a tantalising look, as
ichor along with mother’s blood in order to well as a lesser version of a vampire's
survive and grow. intoxicating charm.
The light of the sun, while not deadly, is All half-vampires are equally capable of
painful for them to bear, and their very feeding on blood, a practice they must commit
appearance betrays an unnatural parentage. daily in order to remain in their prime. For
The skin of a dhampire is very pale, being among the many powers granted by the legacy
burned and not tanned by sunlight, and gains of vampires there is an unnaturally extended
some complexion only when the child is well lifespan, as long as they are willing to feed on
feed. Those few dhampirs whose skin is not the blood of the living to sustain themselves.

among the undead. Dhampirs that embrace
their dark heritage show the colors of true
Given their peculiarities, dhampires don't reach villains, their evil nourished by hate and
adult age unless serious efforts are made by disdain.
their parents in order to protect them. Most However, should a half-vampire
villagers will surely burn the spawn of hell at embrace their human legacy and sharp
stake, along with its family, so the true nature of resentment as a weapon against undeath, the
a half-vampire must be kept a well-guarder half-monster will be regarded as a true, full-
secret. fledged hero. Such dhampirs are well-known for
Even when fully grown, a dhampir will their skills as vampire hunters; for nobody
always have to keep the utmost secrecy about understands evil like those who suffered its
their parentage and abilities. For, when their cruelty even before they were born.
true nature and appetites are discovered, half-
vampires are met with fear, hate and DHAMPIR NAMES
superstition, and they are often chased off the
cities by an angry mob, right into the welcoming Living among humans, dhampirs tend to be
embrace of their undead parents. named like common human beings, ad best
Indeed the most scheming vampires suited for their country and culture. Many half-
often generate dhampirs in order to use them as vampire, however, bear no family name, as they
pawns and emissaries when, predictably were rejected by their kin, or adopt a peculiar
rejected by mankind, they'll seek acceptance second name best suited to describe their dual
Sometimes, the name of a dhampir will
be imposed by the undead parent, thus
reflecting ancient naming traditions, or the vile
schemes behind the conception of this
unfortunate child.

Your dhampir character has certain
characteristics in common with all other half-
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity
score increases by 1.
Age. Dhampirs mature at the same rate
as humans, but age sensibly slower and usually
live more than half past a century.
Alignment. Some dhampirs inherit the
vile nature of their undead progenitor, while
others fight against it and become prized
undead hunters, freeing the world from the
scourge of their brethren. While a good half-
vampire is a conscious companion, the natural
bloodlust of an evil one produces a true villain.
Most half-vampires tend towards neutrality,
driven by their opposite legacies.

Size. Dhampirs are about the same size After you use your vampire bite, you
as humans, ranging from 5 to 6 feet tall. Your can't use it again until you complete a short or
size is Medium. Here’s how to determine your long rest.
height and weight randomly, starting with Languages. You can speak, read, and
rolling a size modifier: write Common and one extra language of your
Size modifier = 2d10 choice. Half-vampires live among humans, and
Height = 4 feet 8 inches + your size modifier learn to speak as they do.
in inches Subrace. Two subraces of dhampirs are
Weight in pounds = 110 + (2d4 x your size found among the worlds of D&D: loveborns and
tainted ones. Choose one of these subraces.
Speed. Your base walking speed in 30
Darkvision. As a true child of the night, LOVEBORN
you have superior vision in dark and dim While not always the fruit of genuine passion,
conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 these dhampirs are born from a natural act of
feet of you as if it were bright light, and in lovemaking. These half-vampires, be them the
darkness as if it were dim light. You can't spawn of affection, simple lust or vile coercion,
discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. are known as loveborn.
Bloodlust. In addition to the normal Thanks to the act of their conception,
appetites and thirst of a normal human being, loveborn dhampirs inherit the most charming
you need to satiate periodically your own aspects of vampires, including their seductive
bloodlust in order to avoid exhaustion. It is looks.
enough to drink a cup of blood once a day, even Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma
from an animal, in order to satiate this thirst. score increases by 2.
Embrace of Shadows. Adept at moving Seduction of the Blood. You know the
in the dark like darkness itself, you have friends cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you
proficiency in the Stealth skill. can cast the charm person spell once with this
Sunlight Vulnerability. You have trait and regain the ability to do so when you
disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks finish a long rest. When you reach 5th level, you
as long as you are in direct sunlight. Thick can also cast the alter self spell once with this
clothes or simple shadow remove this penalty, trait and regain the ability to do so when you
but you still suffer disadvantage on attack rolls finish a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting
and Perception checks that rely on sight if the ability for these spells.
target of your attack or whatever you are trying
to perceive is in direct sunlight.
Vampire Bite. You can use your action
to bite the neck of a grappled, unconscious or Despite their facade of life, few vampires are
willing target, drinking his blood to restore your capable of true acts of procreation, and it is
own energies. The target takes 1d4 necrotic nearly unheard of a female vampire who bare a
damage, and you regains the same amount of hit child. But sometimes, when a pregnant woman
points. The damage increases to 2d4 at 6th is bitten by a vampire and survives the
level, 3d4 at 11th level and 4d4 at 16th level. If experience, the taint of vampirism nevertheless
you are unconscious, an adjacent ally can use infects her unborn baby.
his action to cut his own wrist and let you drink Later on, if the fetus survives, it
his blood, activating your vampire bite with becomes a strange dhampir, a child “gifted” with
himself as the target. the most unnatural powers of a vampire and its
undead strength.

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength … vampires play a pivotal role in your world,
score increases by 2. along with their schemes, progeny and
Power of the Blood. You know the bloodlines.
message cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you … you like grim adventures, where even the
can cast the fog cloud spell once with this trait greatest heroes have dark secrets and unnatural
and regain the ability to do so when you finish a needs.
long rest. When you reach 5th level, you can
also cast the spider climb spell once with this Play a dhampir if...
trait and regain the ability to do so when you … you like to play tormented characters with
finish a long rest. Constitution is your morbid tastes.
spellcasting ability for these spells. … you want to stay in the darkness and be the
… you wanted to play a vampire, but your
Include dhampirs in your campaign if... Dungeon Master said: “NOPE!”

“My… child? No, that thing is certainly not its best to trace back the origin of the unlucky
related to me! It’s a monster, an abomination event that bounds an unborn human with the
spurned by the Gods themselves!” very essence of that distant plane of existence.
A solid and reassuring fact is that the
Something is rotten in your bloodline. What is horrors of the Far Realm don't breed with
the secret of your infamous ancestor? Why did mankind – usually – and thus the birth of
your father leave behind a promising career as farsapwn is not the fruit of a blasphemous
an adventurer to settle down with a peasant girl physical conjoining, but of a cursed mark left by
in the most remote town of the kingdom? that plane over a single, doomed mortal. In
Where the stars shining unnaturally bright the some instances a real anathema can be traced
midnight you were born? And what about that back, as a certain heir of a certain bloodline was
old prophecy regarding – what was it? – the Far cursed to bear the seed of the Far Realm.
Realm? Sometimes long-forgotten prophecies or
Whether the case, you were still young rambling madmen foresaw the birth of a
when the first signs of your heritage were specific farspawn. Thus some scholars believe
noticed: a vestigial limb, a little tentacle where the birth of farspawn to be unrelated to events
body-hair should have been, a strange eye color in the Material Plane, corresponding with the
or an unnatural complexion, even a not-quite- turning of Strange Aeons in the Far Realm.
so-red blood. Your internal organs are perhaps Finally, some other times vile cults, swore to the
misplaced, and you may have one more finger aberrant plane, execute unspeakable rituals in
or one less toe, or your deformities are so order to provide themselves with a farspawn
obvious that you can't conceal them. Sometimes child.
you hear a strange, alien voice in your head, and For, willingly or not, those unlucky souls
small objects seem to move by themselves in are cursed to act as beacons that anchor the
your presence. Clearly, you are not a common insanity of the Far Realm to the mortal world.
human being.
Were you shunned or did you family try
to protect you? Were you branded a sick
monster and chased away by your own folk, or
were you seen as a fine laboratory specimen by
someone who you trusted? Whether the case,
you grew up to be alone, feared and mistrusted.
But, as an adventurer, you could became
a hero, and discover something about the
inhuman legacy you carry.

Heritage, legacy, lineage... all those are empty
words when addressing the voluptuous abyss of
madness and alien geometries of ever-changing
flesh known as the Far Realm. And yet to
understand how farspawn are born the mind of
mortals must indulge in such concepts, trying

The essence of what exists within the Far Realm Your farspawn character shares certain
transcends material definitions of shape, characteristics with all other farspawn.
substance and logic. And, when this Ability Score Increase. Your
conglomeration of coexisting possibilities Constitution score increases by 1, and your
touches a human fetus, the unborn child is Intelligence increases by 2.
reshaped – or rather misshaped – according to Age. Farspawn mature much faster than
the whims of semi-conscious, ever-changing humans, reaching adulthood around the age of
matter. 12, but then they age sensibly slower and
Mind and body end up being utterly sometimes live nearly two centuries.
deformed by the raw forces that transform the Alignment. A dark voice whispers in
human-to-be into a farspawn. Lumps, vestigial your soul, a voice that urges you towards evil.
limbs and cracked skin are only a few of the For a farspawn to choose the path of goodness
many disfigurements that can brand a farspawn. is an endless struggle, but from their knowledge
However, the worst of the scars left by the Far of ultimate inhuman evil comes out the
Realm are those inside the mind, the everlasting willpower of a true hero. Farspawn equally
madness that will always plague a farspawn bend towards chaos and order, two opposites
with the whispers and reflexes of alien whose influence is hard to deny when felt in the
unreality. blood itself.
Size. Farspawn are about the same size
as humans, ranging from 5 to 6 feet tall. Your
size is Medium. Here’s how to determine your
Being born like humans among humans, height and weight randomly, starting with
farspawn are generally named according to the rolling a size modifier:
traditions of their communities. Given their Size modifier = 2d12
appearance, however, farspawn are often Height = 4 feet 6 inches + your size modifier
in inches
denied a proper name, and instead they are
Weight in pounds = 105 + (2d4 x your size
referred to with some offensive epithet based
on their deformities; such farspawn, of course,
Speed. Your base walking speed in 30
lack a family name.
When the birth of a farspawn was
Darkvision. Your alien, inhuman eyes
instigated, planned and supervised by some
are remarkably good at night vision, not
aberrant cult, the newborn's name is given by
hindered even by utter darkness. You can see in
the cult leaders according the their schemes and
dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were
visions, based on whatever insane ideas pushed
bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim
them to await the birth of the Far Realm's child.
light. You can't discern color in darkness, only
Finally, the most insane among
shades of gray.
farspawn rename themselves in Deep Speech, a
Inhuman Powers. You know the mage
language that they innately understand, a
hand cantrip (the hand is invisible). When you
language so vile and alien that few humans
reach 3rd level, you can cast the arms of Hadar
could properly speak it without chocking. And
spell once with this trait and regain the ability
the fact that farspawn speak it fluently is quite
to do so when you finish a long rest. When you
significant of their true nature.
reach 5th level, you can also cast the crown of
madness spell once with this trait and regain the
ability to do so when you finish a long rest.

Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for these once with this trait and regain the ability to do
spells. so when you finish a long rest. When you reach
Unnatural Resistance. You have 5th level, you can also cast the hold person spell
resistance to poison and psychic damage. once with this trait and regain the ability to do
Perpetual Nightmares. Madness, half- so when you finish a long rest. Intelligence is
memories, horrific calls and ill-fated visions your spellcasting ability for these spells. This
have always plagued your sleep; over time, you trait replaces the Inhuman Powers trait.
learned to live with them, finding out that when Living Portal. You know the dancing
you indulge your nightmares sleep-time is more lights cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you
effective. Whenever you take a long rest, you can cast the arms of Hadar spell once with this
can choose to ignore and fight your nightmares, trait and regain the ability to do so when you
or embrace them; if you resist, you need 8 hours finish a long rest. When you reach 5th level, you
of sleep to complete a long rest. If you indulge can also cast the blur spell once with this trait
your night madness, 4 hours of screams, and regain the ability to do so when you finish a
maniacal laughs and creepy somnambulism will
be enough for you, but it will be impossible for
everybody else to rest properly in your
Languages. You can speak, read, and
write Common and Deep Speech.

Many are the unnatural powers displayed by
individual farspawn, for the madness of the Far
Realm knows no bonds nor limits. The Dungeon
Master may permit the following variants for
your farspawn character, although Fated Birth
and Flexible Bones are mutually exclusive, as
well as Mind Over Matter, Living Portal, Second
Sight, and Telepathy.
Fated Birth. You were marked since
birth or before, doomed to be the warlock and
mortal agent of some aberrant power. Your
Constitution score increases by 1, and your
Charisma score increases by 2. This trait
replaces the Ability Score Increase trait. Also,
Charisma becomes your spellcasting ability for
your racial spells.
Flexible Bones. Your bones are capable
of turning and folding in unnatural shapes and
angles. Your Dexterity score increases by 1, and
your Intelligence score increases by 2. This trait
replaces the Ability Score Increase trait.
Mind Over Matter. You know the mage
hand cantrip (the hand is invisible). When you
reach 3rd level, you can cast the shield spell

long rest. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability
for these spells.This trait replaces the Inhuman Lesser Deformities
Powers trait. d6 Lesser Deformities
Second Sight. You know the true strike 1 You grow teeth on your tongue.
cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast 2 Your feet lack of heels.
the detect magic spell once with this trait and 3 Little bone excrescences protrude from
regain the ability to do so when you finish a your joints.
long rest. When you reach 5th level, you can 4 You feed from a lamprey-like appendages
also cast the see invisibility spell once with this placed under your tongue.
trait and regain the ability to do so when you 5 Your eyes are placed over short and flexible
finish a long rest. Intelligence is your stalks that protrude from the sockets.
spellcasting ability for these spells. This trait
6 You grow hair on the palm of your hands
replaces the Inhuman Powers trait. and feet.
Telepathy. You know the friends
Greater Deformities
cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast
d6 Greater Deformities
the Tasha’s hideous laughter spell once with this 1 Your mouth opens vertically rather than
trait and regain the ability to do so when you horizontally.
finish a long rest. When you reach 5th level, you
2 Small, blind eyes open all over your skin.
can also cast the detect thoughts spell once with Perhaps something else gazes through
this trait and regain the ability to do so when them.
you finish a long rest. Intelligence is your 3 You have no skin at all, but an odd-looking
spellcasting ability for these spells. This trait chitin covers and protects your body.
replaces the Inhuman Powers trait. 4 Your have fat, flexible tentacles in place of
DEFORMITIES OF THE BODY 5 Your skin is translucent, making all your
organs and entrails visible.
As far as aberrant deformities and unnatural
features go, if you need a help deciding which 6 You grow short, thin tentacles in place of
body and facial hair.
ones will affect your farspawn character you
could always roll one or more times on each of
the following tables – or choose from them the Unnatural Features
features that most catch your imagination. d6 Unnatural Features
1 Your foot marks instantly fill with maggots
and worms.
Unsettling Details
d6 Unsettling Details 2 When a mirror reflects your figure, there is
1 You are totally sterile, often lacking any always something else at your side.
reproductive system. 3 While other animals don't seem to dislike
2 You have no fingernails in one or more of your presence, cats inexorably hiss at you.
your limbs. 4 Wherever you sleep, nightmares plague the
3 Your intestine and urinary system are the inhabitants of the place till you remain
same, and so you defecate a foul smelling there.
guano. 5 When they see you for the first time,
4 In your eyes the colors of sclera and iris are children start laughing hysterically.
inverted. 6 Madmen across the world seem to
5 You have one less or more finger or toe in instinctively know your name.
one or more of your appendages.
6 A short tentacle protrudes from your navel.

and control them! The worms! Its worms!
They know!”
6 You have an irrational fear of water, for in
The very essence of farspawn is infused with deep water its star-spawns sleep. You'll
the utter insanity of the Far Realm, making never wash yourself willingly, and you
them very susceptible to madness. While prefer to drink alcohol rather than water –
a habit that strongly contributes to your
madness is, by definition, polyhedric and
strange behaviors.
multifaceted, if you want to play a deranged
7 “Well, I think you are all right, but my twin
character, and if you need a little help deciding
Lumpy doesn't like you. You know Lumpy,
the specific insanity – or insanities, why have right? It's right here, protruding between
just one? – that afflict your character, you could the ribs, say hello Lumpy!”
always roll on the following table or choose 8 When you speak with someone, you stare
from it at their shadow rather than at the face:
from your point of view, bodies are just the
colorful shapes cast by shadows.
d8 Madness Include farspawn in your campaign if...
1 “I trust the voices in my head over my … you would like the Far Realms and its denizens,
companions. After all, I just met them,
of perhaps even “simple” aberrations, to play a
while the voices were always with me,
always.” major role in your campaign setting.
… humans are the only race of your world, but
2 You find it hard to distinguish between
corpses and living beings. You could you want to offer some choice to your players.
converse with a cold, dead body and try to … you really, really like the aforementioned
bury a still breathing person. Solitary of Providence, and you would like to hint
3 “It's not that I fear the night, but among the at some of his most “human” villains.
stars there are its hungry, sleepless eyes,
and I don't want them to see what I am Play a farspawn if...
doing when I don't invite it to do so.”
… you want to play a really inhuman character,
4 Whenever you see sprinkled blood, you feel one that isn’t a simple “monster race”.
the urge to laugh maniacally and clap your
… you like the challenge of a totally deranged
character, whose madness could even became
5 “Beware the sparrows! They eat worms,
humorous while still hinting at the tragedy of
and so the worms can reach their brains
their conception.

“Come here, and don’t worry. Let’s dance in the
meadow, it would be a shame to waste such a
beautiful moonlight!”

Someone among your ancestors wasn't human.

You had a fairy grandmother, perhaps, or your
grand-grand-mother never quite explained
where she met the stranger who become her
husband. Perhaps everyone in your family is
just a dull, plain human, but you suffered from a
grave illness while just a baby, and your parents
sought the help of the mysterious lady in the
Anyway, you grew up to be different
from other children – and perhaps even siblings.
In the best case, something in your eyes, hair,
traits or complexion is not quite human, and
while still young you were capable of true
miracles concerning the natural world: flowers
blossomed as you touched them, the birds
singed with you... the whole natural world
seemed someway familiar to you. This could
have been a gift, as you became a prominent
member of your community, a true blessing for
your family, or a curse, as you were rejected and
seen as a freak by most human beings.
Either the case, soon you reached
adulthood and felt a strange wanderlust, the
desire to discover the truth behind your
heritage... perhaps your fey ancestor is still
alive, after all, and you are eager to meet them.

children whole generations after the first union.

COUNTLESS APPEARANCES As a matter of fact, the most plain-looking half-
fairies are those who inherit the appearance
Despite their common denomination as from their human blood: they may display a
members of the same races, no two feyblood are somehow feral or gently charming look,
alike, for, more than humans, fairies come in depending on their heritage, but they can pass
many shapes and appearances: different for common humans. As many of the fey-folk
heritages produce differently looking children. possess more or less almond-shaped eyes and
The mingle of mortals and fey-folk often pointed ears, the most mundane feyblood can
produces results that go beyond the simple pass themselves for elves or half-elves, a
fusion of the two creatures, for the nature of charade good enough to fool the members of
fairies goes beyond the concept of human other races who are not very familiar with the
heredity, as proven by the birth of feyblood elven folks.

When the legacy of the fairy is stronger, LONGING FOR THE FEYWILD
however, the feyblood cannot possibly pass for
a human, nor for an elf: such children display Every feyblood feels within their soul the call of
some anomalies from birth, but those became the ancestral homeland of fairies, the plane of
more and more undeniable as they grow, existence known as the Feywild. The subtle
reflecting the multifarious facets of nature and whispers and seductions of the distant and fair
fairies. Some feyblood display the traits of thicket echoed through generations, instilling
animal, some others those of plant: bark-like feeling, ideals and desires that the mortals
skin or leaf-like air, as well as fur and horns or struggle to understand, urges that only in the
hooves, are equally represented by individuals realm of fairies can be truly satisfied.
of different heritage. For a feyblood it may be perfectly
There are those half-fairies that can be normal to stroke the bark of a tree or the hair of
recognized as descendants of a specific type of a new acquaintance as a greeting, to spend the
fey, such as a satyr or a dryad, but more often night laughing under the stars or to dance and
feyblood are marked as heirs of the whole fairy sing in the rain. Strong and unpredictable mood
folk. swings make it difficult, even to close friends, to
truly understand a half-fairy.
LEGENDARY CHANGELINGS And, when the fey that begot them was a
member of the Unseelie Court, the inborn urges
When a feyblood displays a remarkably foreign of the feyblood tend to be much more cruel and
appearance since the cradle, and the human bloodthirsty, often suggesting acts of such a
parents have no idea of the true lineage behind wicked vileness that few humans could even
such an infant, the child is often branded as a conceive. How the individual half-fey reacts to
changeling, a spawn of their own that such tendencies, however, is up to them.
mischievous fairies exchanged with the true
human baby. FEYBLOOD NAMES
Those changelings are feared and
despised by parents that don't recognize them All feyblood, even those who descend directly
as their own, and they are often abandoned in from the fairy folk, are usually named by the
the woods for their supposed fairy parents to human parent or parents, and thus their names
take, exchanging them back with the human follow the habits of the society they were born
child. and raised in. Despite the custom, however,
Luckily for them, abandoned feyblood sometimes the human parent of a feyblood
are typically adopted by the most kind names the child according to the memories of
inhabitants of the woods, even by fairies the fey that begot them, producing highly poetic
themselves: nymphs, satyrs and pixies and quite unusual names. Only the rare
recognize changelings as kindred, and raise “changelings” that are raised by fairies receive a
them as their own; once they reach adulthood, fairy name, typically a compound name in
the children of men will leave the company of Sylvan referring to the salient capabilities and
fey-folk and try their best to integrate, as a traits of the child.
foreigner, in human society. In many cases, feyblood decide to
When it is a druid or ranger that adopts rename themselves after they discover the truth
the supposed changeling, the child will often about their heritage, in order to better reflect
grow to follow the footsteps of the adoptive their dual nature – or at least the way they
parent, acting as a guardian of the forest where perceive it.
they were raised.

you finish a long rest. Charisma is your
spellcasting ability for these spells.
Your feyblood character has certain Languages. You can speak, read, and
characteristics in common with all other fey- write Common, Sylvan and one extra language
blooded humans. of your choice.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity
score increases by 1, and your Charisma FEYBLOOD VARIANTS
increases by 2.
Age. Feyblood mature slightly faster As noted before, there isn't something as a
than humans, reaching adulthood around age typical feyblood. And, while usually all the
15, and then age sensibly slower and usually members of this quite loose race share the same
live more than two thousands years. characteristics, some of them have traits that
Alignment. The mischievous nature of differ from the standard ones. The Dungeon
their heritage bends all feyblood towards chaos, Master may permit the following variants for
as they live for freedom, creativity and beauty. your feyblood character, although Force of
Usually they are of good or neutral alignment, Nature and Whispers-Knower are mutually
but some twisted feyblood are as evil as the exclusive, as well as Blessings of Nature,
most vile fey. Mischievous Magic, and Winged.
Size. Feyblood are about the same size Little Folk. You descend from one of the
as humans, ranging from 5 to 6 feet tall. Your most diminutive and reclusive of fairies, and
size is Medium. Here’s how to determine your thus you are shorter than the typical human,
height and weight randomly, starting with
rolling a size modifier:
Size modifier = 2d10
Height = 4 feet 6 inches + your size modifier
in inches
Weight in pounds = 100 + (1d6 x your size
Speed. Your base walking speed in 30
Darkvision. Your eyes are naturally
capable of seeing the world in the pale light of
the moon, and to admire the beauty of the night.
You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as
if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it
were dim light. You can't discern color in
darkness, only shades of gray.
Fey Ancestry. You have advantage on
saving throws against being charmed, and
magic can't put you to sleep.
Magic of the Fairies. You know the
druidcraft cantrip. When you reach 3rd level,
you can cast the charm person spell once with
this trait and regain the ability to do so when
you finish a long rest. When you reach 5th level,
you can also cast the invisibility spell once with
this trait and regain the ability to do so when

usually no taller than 4 feet. Your size is Small FAIRY FEATURES
rather than Medium; however, you gain
proficiency in the Stealth skill. Here’s how to Many are the features that characterize
determine your height and weight randomly, feyblood, ranging from the most seducing ones
starting with rolling a size modifier: to nearly hideous deformities. If you need a help
Size modifier = 2d4 visualizing a proper appearance for your half-
Height = 3 feet + your size modifier in fairy character, you could always roll on the
inches following tables – or choose from them the
Weight in pounds = 30 + (1d4 x your size features that most catch your imagination.
Force of Nature. You descend from one Build
of the most sturdy but less physically appealing d6 Build
of the fairies. Your Dexterity score increases by 1 Normal, plainly human-like.
1, and your Strength score increases by 2. This 2 Delicate, slim and gracious.
trait replaces the Ability Score Increase trait.
3 Thin, really too slim for a human.
Whispers-Knower. Thanks to your
heritage, you possess an inborn insight greater 4 Slender, too tall and somehow creepy.
than the average human's one. Your Wisdom 5 Athletic, well-proportioned in musculature.
score increases by 2, and your Charisma score 6 Chubby, cute but a bit overweight.
increases by 1. This trait replaces the Ability
Score Increase trait.
Blessings of Nature. You know the Skin
druidcraft cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, d4 Skin
1 Normal, of a common human complexion.
you can cast the animal friendship spell once
with this trait and regain the ability to do so 2 Of an extravagant, inhuman shade.
when you finish a long rest. When you reach 5th 3 Bark-like.
level, you can also cast the alter self spell once 4 Covered by a short fur.
with this trait and regain the ability to do so
when you finish a long rest. Charisma is your
spellcasting ability for these spells. This trait
d4 Build
replaces the Magic of the Fairies trait.
1 Plain human features.
Mischievous Magic. You know the
minor illusion cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, 2 Delicate and elfin.
you can cast the disguise self spell once with this 3 Keen and somehow unsettling to behold.
trait and regain the ability to do so when you 4 Thick, strong features.
finish a long rest. When you reach 5th level, you
can also cast the invisibility spell once with this
trait and regain the ability to do so when you Body Hair
finish a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting d6 Build
1 Usual human body hair.
ability for these spells. This trait replaces the
Magic of the Fairies trait. 2 Thick, bristle-like body hair.
Winged. You have butterfly-like wings 3 No body hair.
sprouting from your shoulder blades. You have 4 Fur-like body hair.
a flying speed of 40 feet, but you can't fly while
5 Feather-like body hair.
wearing medium or heavy armor. This trait
replaces the Magic of the Fairies Trait. 6 Leaf-like or grass-like body hair.

Include feyblood in your campaign if...
Hair … humans are the only race of your world, but
d6 Build you want to offer some choice to your players.
1 Plain human hair. … the influence of the Feywild plays an
2 Hair of a shade not found in humans. important role in your adventures, and it’s quite
common for fairies to mingle with mortals.
3 Hair of one or more peculiar bright colors.
… you are not scared of potentially flying
4 Feather-like hair.
5 Leaf-like or grass-like hair.
6 No hair. Play a feyblood if...
… you want to play a fairy character, but you find
elves to be overused.
d4 Build
1 Plain human ears. … you want to play a druid with a really strong
bond to the natural world, or a non druid
2 No lobe.
character that still possesses a strong bond with
3 Pointed ears nature.
4 Animal ears.

d6 Build
1 Plain human eyes.
2 Plain color, slit pupils.
3 Unusual color.
4 Unusual color, slit pupils.
5 No sclera.
6 Slit pupils, no sclera.

Characteristic Features
(you can choose or roll 1d4 – 1 times on the following
d8 Build
1 Short animal tail.
2 Paws as feet.
3 Cloven hoofs.
4 Horns or antlers.
5 Thick, claw-like nails.
6 Short fangs.
7 Smell like moss or musk.
8 Smell like blossomed flowers.

“My health was always excellent, and so I never maker, but comes in fact from a deceased
saw a healer until the time I fell from the roof human.
and broke my legs; the sawbones had to operate, Whether the case, where galadhemas
and only then I discovered that I wasn’t human differ is in the exact materials they are carved
at all.” from, and as some would say matter clearly
matters. While constructs could be crafted from
To create life, replicating the miracle that gave graft of living or dead flesh, for a proper
origin to the mortal races, is the dream of many galadhema to be born their body must be
an ambitious savant – not to corrupt or splice fashioned with rare metals, gems and precious
existing creatures, nor to shape a mindless pile stone, shaped into a perfect replica of a human;
of stone animated by an elemental spirit, nor different base material result in different inborn
reanimating a corpse in a parody of its previous capabilities for the new galadhema as soon as
existence, but shaping inert matter into a life is infused into them. Stone becomes flesh,
perfected humanoid shape, capable of the gems become eyes and lips and glands, as the
ultimate accomplishment: to possess a soul, and metal chiseled heart starts beating and the
trick even itself into believing to be a mundane lungs expand for the first breath.
creature. Even when they become living tissues,
Usually even the most sophisticated the base materials of a galadhema somehow
procedures and rituals result in barely retain their previous hue, often resulting in
conscious abominations that incessantly scream impossible complexions and exotic eye color. In
from their deformed mouths, but sometimes the choosing the right materials it is even possible
promethean dream of mortal creating mortal is to create a galadhema that is virtually
achieved, either by ingenuity, relentless hubris, indistinguishable from a true human, at least
or sheer luck. Somehow surprisingly most of until age starts – or should start – to take its toll:
these man-made mortals share a few common for, as long as they eat and drink properly,
features, a fact that led the sage to classify them galadhemas’ bodies remain unaltered by the
as a single new race: the galadhema. passing of time, their hair never going gray, the
features of their youth still engraved on their
octogenarian faces.
The most striking trait shared by all galadhemas MANY QUESTIONS, FEW
is their resemblance to humankind: despite the
best – and worst – efforts of their would-be ANSWERS
shapers, it seems impossible to grant the same
degree of sentience and autonomous life to a The specific process behind the creation of a
nonhumanoid figure, or to make it truly mortal single galadhema is always a mystery, for no
and living without reproducing the internal two of them are alike, even when devised by the
organs and structure of the human body. A few same creator. Nevertheless, the existence of
elven-like or dwarven-like, and even smaller every galadhema poses the same disturbing
and larger galadhemas are known to exist, but question: how is it possible for mortal magic to
they are the rarest among the rare. This has grant a true, sentient soul to unliving matter
lead a few scholars to speculate that the soul without stealing a deceased one?
inhabiting a galadhema is not created by the And yet this is just the most obvious
mystery posed by the created: the more they

live, the more they discover how inherently time they are five, they have reached the mental
human and at the same time inhuman. The very age of a young adult.
moment they are created, galadhemas have the Most galadhemas, however, remember
body of an adult – or a child, or an elder… nothing of their upbringing, and many of them
whether the case, the one they will always live even have false memories of a completely
with – and the mind of a newborn. In a few year mundane, and utterly false, life. This could well
their intellectual faculties mature and, by the be a final suggestion implanted by their creator,
in the same way every galadhemas feels a
natural disposition towards certain skills, but
the fact remains that this convenient amnesia
prevents many a galadhema to investigate their

For many pious devotees the very existence of a
galadhema is a sin against nature and against
the gods that created the mortal races. Even
among those that salute the birth of
galadhemas, many are those who see them as
nothing more than a scientific novelty, a daring
experiment but certainly not a sentient
For these reason, galadhemas tend to
keep their true nature a secret: many a loved
one has shunned them after learning of how
they came into being. Should a galadhema be
accepted, they could lead a perfectly mundane,
albeit unnaturally long, life, even bearing or
siring children of their own.

A galadhema is usually given a name by their
creator; such names usually tend to follow
human convention, and even when galadhemas
rename themselves they choose mundane
names. A few galadhemas choose instead a new
name that refers to the material they were
fashioned from, their “real family”.
Galadhema Names: Amethyst, Bronze,
Emerald, Goldenbrow, Gypsum, Jet, Marble,
Ironguts, Onyx, Rock, Silverheart, Sulphur, Zinc.

GALADHEMA TRAITS Languages. You can speak, read, and
write Common and one other language of your
Your galadhema character has certain choice.
characteristics in common with all other fey-
blooded humans. Include galadhema in your campaign if...
Ability Score Increase. Your … you like the philosophical implications of a
Constitution score increases by 1, and one other world where mortals can create life.
ability score of your choice increases by 2. … your campaign world has a very advanced
Age. While being virtually born adult, magic and technological level, and living
galadhemas usually need at least 5 years of life androids are commonplace.
to mature into adulthood. Galadhemas are … an ancient civilization left some very living
known to live as long as three centuries. testament of their ingenuity.
Alignment. Despite being sometimes
created with a specific role in mind, galadhemas Play a galadhema if...
soon mature into being their own beings, and so … you want to play an android, versatile and
they show no tendency towards a specific resilient.
alignment. … you are intrigued by the ambiguity of an
Size. Galadhemas are generally about inhuman character that believes to be perfectly
the same size as humans, ranging from 4 to 7 human.
feet tall. Your size is Medium. Here’s how to … you are thrilled by the possibility of
determine your height and weight randomly, interpreting a character whose very birth is a
starting with rolling a size modifier: riddle wrapped in a mystery.
Size modifier = 2d10
Height = 4 feet 8 inches + your size modifier
in inches
Weight in pounds = 120 + (2d8 x your size
Speed. Your base walking speed in 30
Living Construct. Your living flesh and
organs retain some of the strength of the
materials they were shaped from. You gain the
following benefits:
• You have advantage on saving throws
against being poisoned, and you have resistance
to poison damage.
• You are immune to disease.
• You can sustain yourself with rotten or
even non edible food, such as bark and dirt, as
long as you have a suitable way of ingesting it.
• Your hit point maximum increases by
1, and it increases by 1 every time you gain a
Implanted Proficiencies. You gain
proficiency with one skill and one tool of your

“They say that I mutter at their work, that I am Despite all the issues their existence and
an ignorant blasphemer, that I corrupt cataloging poses, some secluded kobelyn still
everything with a simple gaze… it’s envy, sheer exist, living at the edges of humanoid
resentful envy.” civilizations and struggling to keep the legacy of
their once prosperous kind.
Legends around the worlds of the Material
Plane speak of a now extinct race of tricksters, AN ESTRANGED LITTLE FOLK
diminutive humanoids of great magical abilities
and even greater proficiency, whether as The typical kobelyn is a short fellow, usually 3
metalworkers or knaves. to 4 feet tall with a muscular build and long,
These mythical shapeshifters were thick body air. The head and the hands are
called with many names by different cultures, slightly disproportionate, with strongly marked
and didn’t share a single culture themselves. features and nimble fingers that never rest. Only
Kobaloi, telkhines, kobeholt, gobelini, kobelyn… male kobelyn have face hair, and typically grow
given their ancient names, some scholars of long sideburns and beards. The complexion
Multiversal lore have proposed that these ranges from fair to tanned, and the typical hair
humanoids were the common ancestors of color are usually dark, from jet-black to auburn,
goblinoids, kobolds and gnomes, a conjecture even if white haired kobelyn are not unheard of.
that all interested parties strongly reject. The appearance of kobelyn is usually
quite unkempt, as they favor efficiency and
practicality over fashion: a long shirt and a
pair of trousers, with the occasional cloak
or apron and of course the tools of their
trade, constitute the typical kobelyn
apparel. Even the most accomplished
goldsmith wouldn’t usually wear their own
masterwork jewels. As most of them are
capable of altering their size or shape,
kobelyn favor baggy clothes and loose
apparel, that further enhance their shabby


Little or no attention is payed by kobelyn
to the habits of the society they live within:
they are usually content with being alone
and practicing their chosen craft. Every
kobelyn in fact practices a single craft with
peerless skill, so that their work quickly
become the stuff of legends and are much
sought after by the other races. Where
dwarven craft is the result of a long,
centuries-long tradition and development

within a highly structured society, the work of a centuries of life are like the blink of an eye for
kobelyn is their and their alone. those that pursue utter perfection in their art.
Rather than sheer genius, it’s tireless
practice and fine-tuning that produces kobelyn AT THE EDGES OF REALITY
masterwork: every single artisan – and every
single kobelyn is an artisan of sorts – works Were the sages to ask the kobelyn rather than
constantly to improve their craft, pursuing this ramble endlessly, they would discover that
single goal for all their live. Other races soon according to kobelyn lore their kind was one of
learn to leave kobelyn masters to their own the first races of the world, often trusted with
devices, employing their services when needed tasks of the utmost importance by the gods
and avoiding annoying them. After all every themselves. Back then they possessed a proud
kobelyn knows a thing or two about magic in culture, and were the inventors of all the arts
order to make their presence scarce, should the and crafts that were then passed to the other
need arise. races. This lasted until the gods decided to cut
A few kobelyn choose to pursue a craft short kobelyn civilization, and plagued them
that stems from their magical gifts, and embrace with countless calamities. Every single kobelyn
a life of crime, their aim always set to more tried to survive and cope as they could, and so
daring heists. These knaves are responsible for the different folks and self-centered disposition
the bad reputations of their kind, even if their of their kind were established.
goal is not the loot, but the sheer skill required The fact is, no known chronicles
for a proper theft. Other kobelyn set for even corroborate the kobelyn myths, not even the
more exotic – from their point of view – crafts, great libraries of immortal scholars beyond the
such as wizardry, exploration, or Material Plane. And, given their secluded ways
warmongering, and find peculiar interest in and very slow rate of birth, kobelyn should have
mingling with other humanoids in order to been long extinct were their race so ancient.
improve their related skills. Most kobelyn And yet they exist in their perpetual degrading
adventurers come from these callings, but it’s state, as the ideal missing link between
not unheard of from a kobelyn artisan to decide goblinoids, gnomes, and kobolds, a missing link
that in order to reach a better understanding of that no one would ever seek were not for the
their art they need to spend a few years as an existence of the kobelyn themselves. Those who
adventurer, field-testing their own creations in are versed in Multiversal lore and don’t shiver
the most extreme conditions. at the idea of countless Material Planes theorize
Nevertheless, loneliness and that the kobelyn are the scattered remains of a
individualism usually are kobelyn’s favored long-gone civilization from a backwater world
companions, as they feel no need to search that has been forgotten, scattered across the
others of their own nor to establish kobelyn Multiverse by their inherent magic. A few
communities. And yet their lives are so long that scholars further postulate that, as objective time
most kobelyn sooner or later meet with others has no meaning in the Multiverse at large,
of their kind; in the proper circumstances, these kobelyn could emerge at any time from their
brief meeting result in the birth of a young one. home world into another Material Plane.
One of the parent would then devote a dozen And what about the strange similarities
years to looking after their offspring, providing that some point out between kobelyn and the
to the newborn until they are able to provide for three aforementioned races? Well, in the
themselves, and have decided what craft they Multiverse everything is possible… even for
want to pursue. Parent and child would then something that should not be to became real as
depart, perhaps destined to never cross paths more and more people believe it.
again, without an ounce of regret: even a few

Size. Kobelyn are between 3 and 4 feet
tall and weigh about 40 pounds. Your size is
Kobelyn names are often obscure to the kobelyn Small. Here’s how to determine your height and
themselves, as they inherited naming customs weight randomly, starting with rolling a size
from the ancient times. Male and females use modifier:
the same names with a different suffix. Among Size modifier = 2d6
the other races, kobelyn often employ a Height = 2 feet 10 inches + your size
modifier in inches
nickname that alludes to their craft, sometimes
Weight in pounds = 35 + your size modifier
a euphemism of sort.
Speed. Your base walking speed in 30
Given their nonexistent social structure,
Kobelyn have no use for family names.
Craftmaster. You are proficient with
Nevertheless, when they encounter one of their
one tool of your choice. Whenever you make an
own, they identify themselves with their given
ability check with this chosen tool, roll a d4 and
name, followed by the folk they belong to,
add the number rolled to the check’s total.
followed by the name of the parent they grew
Deft. You can take the Search or Use an
up with, followed by all their ancestors.
Object action as a bonus action.
Thus the adventurer known as “Skulker Demis”
Tricky Touch. You know the mage
would formally introduce themselves as “Demis
hand cantrip. Intelligence is your spellcasting
of the thalattha, son of Albhoya, daughter of
ability for this cantrip.
Dwopedya, daughter of Nebhis, son of Prialuya,
Languages. You can speak, read, and
daughter of Kerkasis” to another kobelyn.
write Common and one other language of your
Male Names: Akis, Deukis, Gnois,
Kerdis, Kerkasis, Nebhis, Noghodis, Pezdis,
Subrace. Three subraces of kobelyn are
Sekwis, Weidis.
found among the worlds of D&D: arkhe, gobhe,
Female Names: Aikya, Albhoya, Demya,
and thalatta. Choose one of these subraces.
Dwopedya, Gwenya, Medhuya, Nobhya,
Prialuya, Semya, Swesorya.
Nicknames: Amiable, Blacksmith, ARKHE
Fletcher, Gaffer, Goody, Jeweler, Kind, Pleasing, The arkhe are the most secluded of the kobelyn
Sage, Skulker, Sly, Tinkerer, Wisecracker, subraces, and the ones that most likely still
Wyrmtongue. carry the memory of when their kind were the
chosen servants of the gods, or the first
KOBELYN TRAITS blacksmiths of the world. An arkhe hair are
usually fair, if not white, and often well
Your kobelyn character has certain groomed. A few of the Old Folk kobelyn even
characteristics in common with all other establish small communities of their own,
kobelyns. reminiscent of times long gone.
Ability Score Increase. Your Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom
Intelligence score increases by 2. score increases by 1.
Age. Kobelyn mature slightly faster than Ancient Memories. You have
humans and reach adulthood at age 12. They proficiency in the Arcana skill.
live well over a century, sometimes up to 250 Vanishing Act. You can cast the
years. invisibility spell on yourself once with this trait,
Alignment. Kobelyn tend towards requiring no material components, and you
loneliness and neutrality, their mischievous regain the ability to cast it this way when you
deeds and rigorous crafts somehow balancing

finish a long rest. Intelligence is your Shapeshifting. You can cast the alter
spellcasting ability for this spell. self spell once with this trait, requiring no
material components, and you regain the ability
GOBHE to cast it this way when you finish a long rest.
Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for this
The gobhe are stout, often shaggy, and spell.
sometimes the worst of scoundrels among
kobelyn. Gobhe usually live in humanoid cities, Include kobelyn in your campaign if...
and tend to keep to themselves so much that … you want to mix up the usual race roster with
they often go unnoticed until they decide to something that apparently doesn’t fit.
make their presence manifest. Sometimes a … house goblins are literally a thing in your
gobhe decides to squat into a particularly large campaign.
and comfortable house, helping the inhabitants … you are intrigued by a race whose very idea
with their craft in exchange of food. derived from an etymology. Philologist power!
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity
score increases by 1. Play a kobelyn if...
Malleable Form. You can cast the … you like the idea of your character being one of
enlarge/reduce spell on yourself once with this a kind, more or less.
trait, requiring no material components, and … the possibility of calling every single gnome,
you regain the ability to cast it this way when goblin, or kobold “my child” intrigues you.
you finish a long rest. Intelligence is your … you want your character to be old, and odd.
spellcasting ability for this spell.
Skulker. You have proficiency in the
Stealth skill.

Is common opinion that there is no such thing
as the typical thalatta: the most blatantly
magically gifted among their kind, these
kobelyn share no common feature apart from a
tendency to travel through every means at their
disposal. Most kobelyn adventurers come from
the thalatta folk, and their shapeshifting gift is
perhaps the truth behind the legends of horned
and finned kobelyn.
Ability Score Increase. Your
Constitution score increases by 1.
Nimble Fingers. You have proficiency
in the Sleight of Hand skill.


Elves, dwarves, halflings and orcs, along with subraces. Diversity should be encouraged by
humans, are found across most of the worlds of rules, and must not be a struggle to play a sub
Dungeons & Dragons. But, as implied by the optimal character against all odds.
“multi” in Multiverse, everything could be So here they came, a bunch of new
different and yet remain the same in a subraces that range from the predictable to the
multifaceted kaleidoscope of reflections: the – I hope –refreshingly new, both in mechanics
stars of the infinite Material Planes are as and flavor. Some of them have been heavily
different as the mortal eyes that gaze upon redesigned since they first came out, as new,
them. But a difference with no rules to official rules were released to fill their previous
corroborate it becomes only a cosmetic factor: niche.
different campaign worlds need different

The typical dwarf adventurer is a heavy- For a brasskin dwarf possesses an
armored warrior or cleric, usually equipped inborn resistance to fire and blaze, a feature
with an axe or a hammer to further enhance the that is surely helpful in the forge but that,
stereotype of a sturdy, traditionalist and combined with the superior physical strength of
conservative folk, whose only joys are the rude this subraces, could be the mark of a chosen
pleasures of beer and liquor. Both the hill and flame-breathing monsters’ slayer.
mountain dwarves encourage this type of Individual brasskin are documented
character. The gray dwarves, despite being through all the chronicles of dwarven history;
surely not as good hearted as their kin, are still as they are incapable of breeding true, their
a darkened version of the former stereotype: a birth is always an unexpected event. As nearly
sturdy, proud, and stubborn folk, a race whose every documented brasskin lived an astonishing
features encourage you to play some kind of life, becoming a renowned artisan, hero or
warrior. leader, the members of this subrace could
When you consider all the different expect to be treated with regards by the
elven subraces that usually exist in most of the common dwarfs, given that they meet the great
D&D worlds, you would think that dwarves expectations the community has for them.
need a bit of love too, wouldn’t you?
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength
BRASSKIN DWARF score increases by 1; your muscles are as strong
as metal.
“You have to do better than this, dragon! Your Extra Language. You can speak, read,
fire is colder than an icy mountain peak!” and write Ignan (a dialect of Primordial) in
addition to Common and Dwarfish.
Brasskin are a strange kind of dwarves that Fireforged. You have resistance to fire
show remarkable affinities with the elemental damage. Your very body is somehow
creatures known as azers: their skin is naturally impervious to the flames, further highlighting
tanned and light makes it shine like metal, while your ties with the creatures of elemental fire
their eyes and hair show the red and yellow known as azers.
shades of flame itself.
Given that azers are crafted rather than Include brasskin in your campaign if...
born, scholars still debate about the exact … you want to suggest a deeper connection
origins of brasskin, as the resemblance is too between the mortal races and the elemental
striking to be overlooked, and yet nobody could planes.
tell how it was possible for dwarves and azers … your dwarves are a mysterious folk, that holds
to interbreed, as the latter don't breed at all. many secrets and perhaps is not totally related to
Sages believe that potent magic was at work the other mortal races.
behind the origins of this strange subrace, but
no one has a real clue about the birth of such a Play a brasskin if...
splice. Was it the natural influence of the … you want your dwarf to be a true champion,
Elemental Fire that somehow overlapped with one whose birth foretold the greatness of the
the Earth predisposition of the dwarves? Or is it battles won crossing, inured, the flames of hell.
a curse cast down by giants? Or the ongoing … you find the common dwarves to be a bit too
effect of a ritual to first fight the flames of red common for the idea of character you have in
dragons? mind.

DEEP DWARF (CLOCKWORKED) child, had to play their part. Finally, as they
reached the mantle, the journey of the deep
“Give me a moment there, please… here, done, it’s dwarves come to an end: the mind flayer and
opened. Surface locksmiths are certainly a lazy other races had long since stopped pursuing
folk, aren’t they? Even as a child I could design a them, deeming the miserable profit not worth
better mechanism” the effort, and yet new dangers and predators
awaited them in the extreme layers of the
When the most deep-delving of dwarves met Underdark.
the horrors of the Underdark and the voracious By then, the clans had abandoned every
attentions of the mind flayers, some of them idea of themselves as being of mere flesh and
turned to the gods and prayed for salvation; bones; and, when it was not necessity to impose
others, cut down from their surface brethren by graft and implants, it was fashion and ease to
the very horrors they had to fight, decided to suggest further enhancements and modification.
delve yet deeper, seeking solace in places so Secluded in their isolation, with a potentially
remote that not even the illithid had established endless source of metals and basic materials,
any community in their dark corners. deep dwarves became the ultimate artificers
It was a strenuous, extenuating journey, and clockworkers: deprived of divine magic by
a migration of whole clans that faced scarcity their shunning the gods, they soon developed a
and ambushes on daily basis; it was then that new kind of magic based on solid, tangible
the deep dwarves started to adapt themselves. mechanisms, a magic whose basic implement
The first implants were crude works, grafted could be grafted into their own bodies.
out of necessity with what materials they could When some deep dwarves finally
salvage: for the clans to survive, no one had to emerged from their isolation and meet their
be left behind, and till the heart was still beating former kin, establishing strong bonds especially
every single dwarf, man or woman, elder or with the gray dwarves, they had become a new
and astonishing subrace: their cerulean eyes
gazed with awe at sunlight, and their pale, red-
tanned skin, burnt by the schorcing light of
magma, was grafted with clocks and gears that
seemed to be part of their own bodies, fueled by
their own bloodstream and brains. It’s not too
astonishing that they were branded “the
clockworked”, nor that their occasional
ambassador or traveler between surfaces
dwarves is often seen as an alien curiosity
rather than as a distant kin.

Ability Score Increase. Your

Intelligence score increases by 1. You are a well-
trained engineer in a world of simpletons.
Superior Darkvision. Your darkvision
has a radius of 120 feet.
Expert Clockworker. Having always
meddled with clocks and gears since you were
young, you gain proficiency with the thieves’
tools and the tinker’s tools.

Extra Language. You can speak, read, OATHSWORN DWARF
and write Undercommon in addition to
Common and Dwarfish. “In the days of yore, we were the chosen priests,
Sunlight Sensitivity. You have the rightful speakers of the god. We still follow
disadvantage on attack rolls and on Wisdom the tradition, we still honor the oath swore by
(Perception) checks that rely on sight when you, ours forefathers.”
the target of your attack, or whatever you are
trying to perceive is in direct sunlight. In dwarven culture, tradition is very important:
Tricks of Clocks. The gears and a clan is a family as much as it is a guild devoted
clockworks grafted in your body grant you the to a specific profession, a field in which its
ability to replicate certain spells and magic members are highly specialized. What strangers
tricks. You know the mending cantrip. When don't know, however, is that among such a
you reach 3rd level, you can cast the expeditious conservative race even the call of the gods may
retreat spell once with this trait and regain the became a family tradition: the sons and
ability to do so when you finish a long rest. daughters of those who swore an oath of service
When you reach 5th level, you can also cast the to the gods are expected to do the same, and the
knock spell, targeting a single object that you heirs of priests are encouraged to be their
touch, once with this trait and regain the ability successors at the shrine.
to do so when you finish a long rest. Generations of traditions thus gave birth
Constitution is your spellcasting ability for to families and clan whose expected role is that
these spells. of ministers of the faith; and, while not every
member of these clans will one day be chosen
Include clockworked in your campaign if... by the gods to be their cleric and a miracle-
… you want to drastically advance the tech level worker, all the oathsworn dwarves learn in
of the dwarves, a race that dealt in their youths the fundamental orations and
craftsmanship for millennia and could not prayers of their traditional cult, and are thus
possibly be still at Middle-Age level. rewarded with the ability to manifesting a small
… you want a race of good, if a bit strange, folk to ounce of divine power. It is among the
come from the Underdark, to overturn the oathsworn that the few monastic traditions
stereotype of only bad people living under the native to dwarves were born, and the wisdom of
surface. the clan is renowned and respected by rulers
and common folk alike.
Play a clockworked if... Whether they embrace the role that
… you are interested in a rational character that dwarven society expects from them or not,
upholds the flame of reason and science in a members of these clans are useful and trusted
world of magic and superstition. companions for those who heed to their
… you want to play a cyberpunk dwarf. sometimes pompous words.
Cyberpunk dwarf. ‘Nuff said.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom
score increases by 1; theological truths and
speculations were a fundamental part of your
Cantrip. The gods always reward their
followers, and thus you are capable of casting
one cantrip of your choice from the cleric spell
list. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for it.

Extra Language. You can speak, read, PACTBOUND DWARF
and write Celestial in addition to Common and
Dwarfish. For every oathsworn dwarf must be “We were in dire need, and we asked, we begged
able to speak with the gods. Moradin for help. He didn't answer. But
something else did. May its name be blessed
Include oathsworns in your campaign if... forever in the depths! Ya! Ya!”
… you want the society of dwarves to be sound
and unchanging, with different clans that hold Grim was the fate of the dwarves, when the
the same position within their society since it was aberrant horrors of the Underdark assaulted
first established. and enslaved them. However, not all the clans
… your dwarves are a pious and religious folk, fell prey to the enemies: they all prayed the
whose culture revolves around the adoration of gods of their fathers for help, but when the gods
their creators and forefathers. kept silent some dwarves were desperate
enough to raise their preys to other entities,
Play an oathsworn if... entities that were closer to them as the depths
… you want to play an interesting dwarf monk, a of the abyssal underworld were their home.
sturdy fist-fighter with a rosary in one hand and And, from the unspeakable horrors that
the blood of the heathens in the other. first spawned their very assailants, came
… you want your character to be a pious devotee, salvation for the desperate dwarves. The
but not necessarily a cleric. ancient being gave them the power to resist and
counterattack the enemy, the strength to
survive in the direst recesses of the Underdark,
the curse to be slaves for life. For, in escaping
deep below, these dwarves found themselves
entrapped by the cities of their enemies, unable
to reach the surface and join the other clans,
unable to find salvation without subjugation to
a greater evil. Centuries and generations of
servitude shaped a new lineage of dwarves, a
breed tainted by madness and dire need, a race
of albino degenerates that revel in a madness
that disgusts even the gray dwarves, those who
suffered enslavement and broke their chains by
While the majority of the – fittingly
named – pactbound dwarves are vile and
deranged cultists, some of them reject the way
of their kind and struggle to a new life, a life free
from their legacy... a legacy whose dubious
“blessings” will nevertheless haunt them

Ability Score Increase. Your

Intelligence score increases by 1. For you have
seen, and you know things, things that while
eroding your sanity greatly opened your mind.

Superior Darkvision. Your darkvision
has a radius of 120 feet. Play a pactbound if...
Blessings of the Deep Lord. The gifts of … you want to play the darkest side of dwarfkind,
the Unearthly Savior run deep in your blood. a cruel – albeit not necessarily evil – reflection of
You know the minor illusion cantrip. When you the common, grumpy but good-hearted, dwarves.
reach 3rd level, you can cast the arms of Hadar … you like to play a dwarven hero who struggles
spell once with this trait and regain the ability with the dark heritage of a race of vile cultists, a
to do so when you finish a long rest. When you heritage that will be there forever despite the
reach 5th level, you can also cast the alter self best efforts of the hero.
spell once with this trait and regain the ability
to do so when you finish a long rest. Intelligence SPELLWRIGHT DWARF
is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
Extra Languages. You can speak, read, “But of course it could be dangerous, you fool.
and write Deep Speech and Undercommon in This is a portal after all, potent magic is at work
addition to Common and Dwarfish. The tongues here. And now, please, keep silent: I need to
of the Underdark horrors are you native ones. concentrate on the right formula.”
Nightmares of Madness. As the
inherited memories accompany you forever, Some dwarven clans, often shunned and
your sleep is plagued by nightmares and half- condemned by their own clan, have long since
forgotten recollections of what the pact forced practiced the arcane arts. Often seen as vile
you and your kin to do. Nightmares, sleepwalk mages, they are more commonly dedicated
and horrible screams are your companions at scholars that live in seclusion within the secrecy
night. Whenever you take a long rest, you can of their own hidden cities, for very few dwarven
choose to ignore and fight these nightmares, or communities will accept them.
embrace them; if you resist, you need 2 Spellwright dwarves claim to be the
additional hours to calm yourself, and so you follower of the ancient way, the last keepers of
will need 10 hours to complete a long rest. If the forgotten dwarven wizard tradition, while
you succumb to your dreams, 8 hours of the other clans say that they are a seditious
screams, maniacal laughs and creepy group that left behind the pristine ways of their
somnambulism will be enough for you, but it proud folk in order to study the fancy spells of
will be impossible for everybody else to rest elves and dragons. And perhaps both claims are
properly in your proximity. true, for there is a whole Multiverse out there,
Sunlight Sensitivity. You have an endless canvas where everything is possible.
disadvantage on attack rolls and on Wisdom
(Perception) checks that rely on sight when you, Ability Score Increase. Your
the target of your attack, or whatever you are Intelligence score increases by 1. Spellwright
trying to perceive is in direct sunlight. clans put great effort in the education of the
Include pactbounds in your campaign if... Cantrip. Every spellwright dwarf
… you want to expand the background of the possesses a basic magical training. You know
most cruel of dwarves, hinting at a grimmer one cantrip of your choice from the wizard spell
truth that hides in the abysses of the underdark. list. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for it.
… your campaign will be focused in the deepest Extra Language. You can speak, read,
recesses of the underworld, and you need more and write Draconic in addition to Common and
diversity than a single race of deep-delving Dwarfish. The ancient tongue of magic is well
dwarves. known among your clan, and often employed
when secrecy is essential.

both by their cave-dwelling cousins and by the
Include spellwrights in your campaign if... amazed outlanders that first saw their imposing
… you are sick with the stereotype of not-magic- homes standing out against the sky.
dealing dwarves, and want a fresher subrace to The need to deal with the risks of
encourage this new, interesting match of race wilderness and savage lands quickly made them
and class. the ultimate survivors, a clan of shepherds more
… you would like to further differentiate dwarven than capable of defending their flock against
clans, based on their tradition and culture. wolves and marauders alike. Hill dwarves could
be sturdier, mountain dwarves could be
Play a spellwright if... stronger and used to literally live in armor, but
… you want to play a dwarven wizard, and not no dwarves knows their land as good as the
the full-armorer I’ll-break-you-with-blade-and- uplanders do.
magic kind of, but rather the usual, hieratic- Sturdy, stubborn and proud even
robed type of wizard. beyond the standard of dwarves, the uplanders
… you want you dwarf to come from a secretive are nevertheless content to live in their harsh
clan that give them an edge in most situation, a plateaus, dealing with all the savage humanoids
useful magical edge. that the wilderness can throw against them, and
seldom mingle with other people. When they
UPLAND DWARF (UPLANDER) do, however, they are regarded as trusted and
valiant friends… but those who mock their
“Surface-dwelling dwarves. Yes, surface. They peculiar accent will surely meet their fists, or
don’t excavate halls, instead living in stone- worse.
crafted palaces built over the plateaus, and they
prefer to be herders rather than miners. But they Ability Score Increase. Your Strength
remain dwarves at heart: proud, too stubborn for score increases by 1. Hard work doesn’t scare
their own good, and the best warriors I ever you, and when you hit you hit really hard.
met.” Harsh Life. You have proficiency in the
Survival skill.
Not all the dwarves live in seclusion inside their Stubborn. You have advantage on
mountain – or hill – cities, dug up inside deep saving throws against being charmed or
caves and hidden from the outside world. Some frightened.
mountain and hill clans, many generations ago,
decided to try a different life, a life that traded Include uplanders in your campaign if...
the harshness and the embrace of the stone for … in your worlds there is at least one dwarven
the warmer embrace of the sun and the greater culture that has lived for century above the
perils of the wilderness. Some stories tell a surface, or in secluded uplands.
different tale, a tale of ban and exile, an exile … you have recognized what the “dwarven
that quickly became self-imposed as the village” below is, and want a similar culture to be
different culture diverged forever. part of your campaign setting.
Whether the case, the dwarves quickly
adapted to a new life in a place where food was Play an uplander if...
easier to find, but where danger could come … you want to play the ultimate dwarven ranger,
from any direction. Building their megalithic a woodsman that comes from a culture of
palaces and villages, reminiscent of the dwarves used to the harsh life of the wilderness.
grandeur of subterranean dwarven … you have recognized at least one of the not so
architecture, atop elevations and tablelands, hidden inspiration behind this subrace, and you
they were quickly branded as “upland dwarves” absolutely want to roll with it.

For a strange reason, there seem to be seems to satiate their lust for unearthly
more ideas of “elf” than the variation of this sensations.
word are: from the tall, strong, immortal elves While these decadent villains usually
of Tolkien to Goethe’s Erlking, and from the constitute a secluded, shunned and despised
diminutive fairies of tales to Moorcock’s minority among the elven folks, in some
debauched hedonists, many are the inspirations unlucky worlds across the Multiverse
behind this D&D race. The game itself added its doshaphalas are the only known elves, and so
own peculiar subraces, such as the sea elves and the elven race as a whole is feared and
the winged one. mistrusted by the natives of those lands.
The following options aim to provide Thus, even when single elves try to
rules for many of the iconic “elves” of D&D and leave this grim legacy behind and struggle to
fantasy in general. For their naming, I used became heroes, they are still seen as pointed-
Sanskrit as I find that the Hindu culture offers eared skinny fiends by those who suffered
many interesting hints to portray a different under the tyranny of doshaphalas. And yet a
kind of elven society. And, as you will find out, hero is someone who defies great obstacles
two of the following subraces are loosely based across the path to glory, and which obstacle is
on such a suggestion. greater than prejudice and the inborn cruelty
inherited by their own folk?
“Their cries of pain, such a subtle pleasure. No
substance, not even the sweetest of ichors will
ever match this ecstatic sensation.”

There is a secret that all elvenkind tries his best

to hide, the secret of their vile and corrupted
surface brethren. While the drows are
universally known and feared, most people
know nothing about the sadistic ways of this
folk, whose very name is forbidden across elven
cultures and referred to only by allusions and
Doshaphalas were originally high elves,
but soon they left behind the way of their kind
to pursue a new path made of nefarious power,
decadent pleasures, and unbridled corruption.
Thanks to the dark pacts they forged with many
a Fiend Lord, the doshaphalas are a threat that,
were not for their predisposition to idle
debauchery, would subjugate whole continents.
Still, they often lord it over vast legions of
nonelven slaves, miserable wretches whose life Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma
is worse than death: no pleasure is too extreme score increases by 1. You are as charming as a
for the doshaphalas, and there is no taboo in devil, as the fiends your forefathers made a pact
abusing their servant in whatever manner with.

Drug Addiction. You have advantage on
saving throws against poison, and you have Play a doshaphala if...
resistance to poison damage; in addition, you … you want to play a hero or an anti-hero that
gain proficiency with the poisoner's kit. Drugs, struggles constantly against their inborn nature
poisons and similar substances are of common and the traditions inherited from a vile legacy.
usage among the doshaphalas, and you are used … you want to play an albino warlock in pact
at brewing them as well as sustaining their with a fiend, whose pact blade will be black and a
worst effects. thousand times more evil than your PC.
Inured to the Worst. You have
advantage on saving throws against being SAVAGE ELF (MALINASYA)
frightened; among your people you have seen
literally everything, and there is no evil, no “We didn't see them coming. Our scout was the
horror, no abomination that could easily scare first to fall. They come out of the frigging trees, I
you. swear it!”
Cruel Weapon Training. You have
proficiency with the longsword, shortsword, Sometimes wood elves are called wild elves, but
whip, shortbow, and longbow. The weapon in the most pristine of forests, in the coldest of
training of your folk comprehends the whip, a snow-covered mountains, in the most isolated
tool often used in your culture to punish and corners of the earth still dwell the vicious and
humiliate the slaves and those of lower nearly forgotten savage elves.
standing. They could be the original subrace, a
cruel people whose cannibalistic ways are the
Include doshaphalas in your campaign if... heritage of a crude time when elves had to
… you are tired of drows, and yet you need a vile strive with now unknown perils. Or perhaps
subrace of elves to act as willing servants of a they are the degenerated kin of common wood
greater evil. elves, whose seclusion doomed them to such a
… you need surface dwelling evil elves. brutal destiny. In different places of the
… you need an inhuman folk whose tradition Multiverse both conjectures could be true;
alone speak of darkness, suffering and deranged certainly, whether fur-clad and snow-delving,
pacts. naked jungle marauders, or cruel desert
ravagers, malinasya across the Million Sphere

tend to share the same traits, and the same SEA ELF (SAMUDRIYA)
savage predisposition to beastly cruelty.
Savage elves are feared by explorers and “Sometimes I feel sorry for my land-dwelling
adventurer alike, for the menace of their tribes cousins: they will never feel the breath of the
is something not to take lightly: many an undercurrents, they will never gaze at the
expedition met a tragic end at the hands of a majestic beauty of the reef.”
malinasya marauder party, typically after
mistaking its members for wood elves. During their age-long history, elven civilizations
Conversely, the bad reputation of their savage spawned through the whole world. Whether
kin meant trouble for those elves of the wild forced by fate or incited by curiosity, some
that were mistaken for malinasya and killed on tribes decided to settle down below the sea;
the spot by remorseless scouts. perhaps they were escaping from a cataclysm
Some members of this subrace, despite that destroyed their ancestral lands, perhaps
every prejudice, reject the life of their kind and their lands themselves were sunken
try their best to live among the civilized folk, underwater by earthquakes and tsunamis; or,
typically acting as mercenaries or exotic more astonishingly, when their explorers first
adventurers, often hiding their true heritage reported about the marvels of undersea, the
even to their companions. whole tribes decided to establish a new home in
the waters.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength Different tribes and folks of sea elves
score increases by 1. You are sturdier than the across the Multiverse surely have different
typical elf. backstories. Anyway, all the samudriyas used
Fleet of foot. Your base waling speed powerful magic to adapt themselves to their
increases to 35 feet. new underwater life, developing the ability to
Mask of the Wild. You can attempt to breath water; generations born and raised
hide even when you are only lightly obscured by under the sea shaped them as the most vigorous
foliage, heavy rain, falling snow, mist, and other among the elves, capable swimmers with
natural phenomena. delicate features and athletic bodies.
Primeval Weapon Training. You have As samudriyas never lost their ability to
proficiency with the club, greatclub, spear, breath air, some of their cities are built both
shortbow, blowgun, and net. above and below the water, and many of them,
during their centuries-long lives, spend some
Include malinasyas in your campaign if... time in the dry land, curious about a world that
… you need a tribe of primitive and degenerate is exotic to them as the depths of the sea are for
elves to inhabit the ruins of a once great elven humans and dwarves.
city deep in the woods. While the pale, often water-like
… you are tired of stereotypes and want to complexion of sea elves sets them apart from
substitute the usual orcs and goblins with their land-dwelling kin, a samudriya is always
something new, something that isn’t a color- recognizable as an elf, and often treated as
coded villain. such. Proud, curious and carefree, a sea elf
makes an excellent adventurer.
Play a malinasya if...
… you want to play an elf warrior that doesn't Ability Score Increase. Your
give a damn about finesse, a true champion of Constitution score increases by 1. The depths of
the jungle with pointed ears. the oceans aren’t a place for the feeble ones.
… you want your PC to be a noble savage that Amphibious. You can breathe air and
struggles against a sinister reputation. water.

Swim. You have a swimming speed of through the ages by the ritualized memorization
40 feet. of complex hymns and prayers.
Underwater Weapon Training. You Manyavarnas are often dark skinned
have proficiency with the spear, trident, light and fair eyed, a peculiar match that sets them
crossbow, net and hand crossbow. Your culture apart from other subraces. Their appearance
abandoned the usual elf weapons for other and culture, anyway, seem to hint to a strong
ones, more useful during undersea battles. connection with high elves, but the venerables
Extra Language. You can speak, read, do their best to set themselves apart from other
and write Aquan (a dialect of Primordial) in subraces. They are typically unkempt and
addition to Common and Elvish. untidy, with long, uncut and uncured hair that
cover bodies marked by an ascetic life, but
Include samudriyas in your campaign if... when a manyavarna decides to live among other
… your campaign setting includes an Atlantis-like elves, often acting as a priest or officiant, he or
elven civilization, its greatest city lost to the she takes care of displaying a look fitting of a
ocean but not yet deserted by its former chosen among the great.
… the waters of your worlds are as much Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom
populated as the dry land, with a plethora of score increases by 1. Introspection and
races dwelling both above and below the sea. theological studies were the focus of your
Play a samudriya if... Cantrip. Through stern meditation,
… you want your PC to be an elf, and a really abstinence and ritual chagrin, you proved
exotic one, one that looks with marvel at even the yourself worthy of manifesting a fragment of
most mundane aspects of land-dwelling life. divine magic. You know one cantrip of your
… you want to play with a trump card during a choice from the cleric spell list. Wisdom is your
pirate campaign. Everyone loves pirate spellcasting ability for it.


“I'm not surprised of the toils all us elfin folks
have to suffer: the lesser ones all but forgot the
proper ways to please the gods, as well as the
rightful patterns to guide their own meditations
in order to improve themselves.”

Even among the elves, a people known for their

mistrust of strangers and their sense of
superiority, there is a separate caste whose
seclusion and xenophobic views are quite
legendary, and considered excessive even by
their kin.
These self-proclaimed venerable elves
spend their lives in meditation, kindling their
sacred flames and honoring the old traditions of
their folk. Even their young can recall fragments
of ancient lore, preserved and kept pristine

Secrets of the Plants. You have caracapantha, the “wandering wanderers”, are
proficiency with the herbalism kit. The hymns constantly moving from one land to another,
of your caste speak of the virtues of every plant. oblivious of wars and borders, inured to the
Traditional Elf Weapon Training. You mistrust of those who see them as scoundrels
have proficiency with the spear, scimitar, and vagrants.
shortsword, dart, shortbow, and longbow. In time, their travels will bring them
While other elven folks favor the longsword, back to the places they have already visited, and
your people still trains with the scimitar, a for someone as long-lived as an elf this means
weapon dating back to ancient metallurgy. letting whole human generation pass before
going back: the friends they had are long dead,
Include manyavarnas in your campaign if... even the town may lay in ruin, and the caravan
… you want an elven culture to first establish one will settle there in the ghost town, adding to the
or more monk traditions. bad reputation of the wandering elves as rascals
… your elves are divided in castes, and you want and jinx. They are a proud folk, and they are not,
a priest cast separated from standard high elves. as someone says, “too lazy to settle down and
toil like us”, nor “too much of a bunch of
Play a manyavarna if... cowards to go back and retake their homeland”:
… you want to play an elf that thinks even other the existence of a whole wandering culture, an
elves his lesser, a hero whose pride constantly elven culture capable of adapting to constant
treats to be his downfall. change without losing itself, is not a small feat
… you want to play an elven monk or divine to maintain, and the life of a homeless wanderer
caster who is part of a generations-lasting is certainly not a life for the lazy and the
tradition – and generations, among elves, are coward.
quite something. It would be easier to settle down, and in
the centuries many caracapantha communities
WANDERING ELF (CARACAPANTHA) seemed to have done it, but what for the short-
lived races is a whole life for the wandering
“Come on, you can trust me. Sure, my kin has a elves is just an albeit long-lasting stop during
bad reputation, but it’s not our fault if the world their endless journey. From their point of view,
is for the strong to reap. We are not enslaving even a years-long adventurer career is just a
conquerors, we have no homeland to defend by brief hiatus during the travel.
slaying intruders; we choose a different way, a Some scholars find a striking parallelism
way that sometimes requires… secrecy.” between the caracapantha and the strange
vistani of Ravenloft: both are a folk of
Bards and poets sing of the marvels of elven wanderers with an inborn charisma and an
lands, of blazing marble cities whose impossible undeserved bad reputation, as well as a
towers reach to the sky, of pristine forest where predisposition for magic. Perhaps the two folks
the trees themselves were shaped by growth in are related, perhaps not; or, perhaps, there is a
order to accommodate their centuries-old missing link between them that is lost in the
masters. The elves, for the human commoner, vast infinitude of the Multiverse.
are a fair folk that inhabits a true fairy land.
And then there are the outcasts, the Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma
vagrant with no land, the wanderers with no score increases by 1. Despite their bad
home, the restless nomads that seem to defy reputation, wandering elves are good at making
every belief regarding elvenkind. Alone, in small friends and always manage to get by.
groups or, more often, organized in caravans, by
cart or by vagon or even on foot, these

Entertaining Fellow. You gain ruin, its survivors scattered by the cataclysm that
proficiency with one musical instrument or one destroyed their home.
type gaming set of your choice.
Extra Language. You can speak, read, Play a caracapantha if...
and write one extra language of your choice. … you want to play an elf, but you don’t want
Magic of the Wanderers. A flicker of your character to be the arrogant one – rather,
magic grants every caracapantha some minor you prefer the challenge to play an outcast, and
spellcasting abilities. You know the friends an elven one!
cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast … you like the idea of a good-hearted rascal, a
the bane or the bless spell once with this trait rogue who favors trickery and diplomacy over
and regain the ability to do so when you finish a stealth and violence.
long rest, targeting a single creature. Charisma
is your spellcasting ability for these spells. WINGED ELF (SAPAKSHA)
Wandering Elf Weapon Training. You
have proficiency with the shortsword, “She was... beautiful. Like an angel. An elven
shortbow, and longbow. Your culture angel. She disappeared behind the peak, the one
abandoned the use of the longsword, as it favors with those ruins. Tomorrow I'm going there, will
diplomacy over violence. you come with me?”

Include caracapanthas in your campaign if... These feathered elves are perhaps the most
… you want to twist stereotypes and create a reclusive member of their race, a proud and fair
world where the proudest of races is a refugee folk that lives in seclusion where those unable
folk, shunned by the humans that are usually of flight cannot even hope to reach them: even
scorned by elves. other elves are not welcome into their cities, as
… in the ancient history of your campaign world the sapaksha are extremely reluctant to involve
there was a proud elven kingdom that fell into themselves with others; they are not evil or
uncaring, they simply want to be left alone.
For the prospective of winged elves,
while they could assist the other races in their
battles, “soil-dwellers” won't even be capable of
helping them in their aerial struggles. And so
they believe that it is for the mutual good that
the two kinds of flying and earthbound elves
remain separated, at least until dire
circumstances require a brief alliance. The
coming of a rescuing warband of sapaksha
when everything seemed lost inspired many a
poem, as the saviors flied away even before they
could be thanked properly.
Winged elves are perhaps the most
aesthetically gifted of their race: their build and
features are delicate and refined, the very
paragon of elfin visage. Hair, eyes and feathers
all come in varied hues, that mingle with the fair
shade of the skin in what appears to elf and
humans – who at times dubbed sapaksha
“angelfs” – as nearly absolute perfection.

determining your carrying capacity and the
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma weight you can push, drag, or lift.
score increases by 1. You are beautiful beyond
words, and your shyness adds to the attractive Include sapakshas in your campaign if...
mystery of your reputation. … you need to populate the mountain peaks when
Aerial Weapon Training. Winged elves the first elven cities were founded with
favor the less cumbersome weapons that they unforgettable inhabitants.
can use during flight. You have proficiency with … flying cities are, in your campaign, a common
the spear, shortsword, shortbow, and hand sight.
Flight. You have a flying speed of 30 Play a sapaksha if...
feet. To use this speed, you can't be wearing … you want to play an elf who walks literally
medium or heavy armor. above common folks.
Thin Build. Your hollow bones, while … you want to explore ruins, dungeons and
necessary for flight, strongly compromise your savage lands from a different prospective.
build. You count as one size smaller when

Among the main D&D races, the halfling MELLON HALFLING
stand as a testament of Tolkien’s works’
influences in the game. Where other “I regret my haste, I would have loved to be able
“inspirations” had to change their name for legal to linger in the library, but we have no time. Our
issues, the race of “half men” keeps a name that mission is of the utmost importance. There will
you could read in The Lord of the Rings as an be time when we get back to finally delve into the
epithet for the same creatures. However, as the shelves and their secrets.”
Professor’s legacy stands true, it is hard to
imagine D&D’s halflings as something different Most halflings live across human and dwarven
from Tolkien’s ones; some campaign setting settlements, and only the wandering
tried to, but the nontolkienish halfling soon community visit from time to time the
became something new, something different. magnificent elven kingdoms. There is, however,
For better or worse, the halflings are an exception to this rule: some halfling families
still tied to The Hobbit and its sequels. And so, were long ago accepted into elfish cities and
rather than defying this heritage, I decided to nations not as passing visitors, not as hired
embrace it: here you will find two halfling workers, but as estimated members of the
subraces that wink at Tolkien’s works, two community.
options designed to fill into a very specific niche The eminent members of these families
that, I’m sure of it, needs no further were named mellon, “friends”, thanks to some
introduction. great services they rendered to the elves, and in
time the name stuck to their descendants. When
compared to other halfling families, the mellon
tend to be more reflective and pensive than
most lightfoot and stout, and they can speak
Elvish with no inflection at all, often composing
touching poetry that rivals the works of the
elves themselves. Their sweet talks, however,
pales in comparison to the force of will that
every single mellon possesses, an inner strength
that goes beyond the proverbial bravery of the
halflings and that hints at some great suffering
that forever marked the family.
Time and generation may pass, but what
made an adventurer a mellon to the elves,
remains, and will eventually surface back in
their heirs that decide to take back the
adventuring career.

Ability Score Increase. Your

Intelligence increases by 1. Thanks to the
constant exchange with the elven culture, you
possess a keen and sharp mind.
Extra Language. You can speak, read,
and write Elvish in addition to Common and

Persuasive. You have proficiency in the shun and distance from, but throughout history
Persuasion skill. Despite being less expansive there were circumstances when whole halfling
than other halflings, you have a knack for communities were corrupted by utter darkness,
finding the right words for every situation. and thus the tainted subrace was born.
Strong Will. You have advantage on Where halflings are regarded as
saving throws against being charmed. incarnations of the joy of life, tainted ones are
vileness made flesh: their bodies are twisted,
Include mellon in your campaign if... their minds vicious, their word treacherous and
… you use the halfling subraces to differentiate their motivation utterly egoistic. Despite this,
the families that live within different cultures: tainted halflings share a loose bonds with
lightfoot with humans, stouts with dwarfs, and members of their community, as they all toil
mellon with elfs. towards mutual survival; but, should a single
… you need a subrace to represent a family of member of the community, even a close relative,
halflings that favors lore and knowledge over became a burden or a treat, they will be quick to
secrecy and a quiet life. dispose of the weak link of their chain, typically
integrating it into their food chain. For
Play a mellon if... cannibalism is not the first, nor the worst of
… you want to play a halfling sage, or even a common taboos that tainted halflings break and
halfling wizard. assume as habits.
… you prefer your halfling character not to be the Given their cruel ways, and their small
stereotypical midget thief, nor the typical bare- numbers, one would wonder how are such
footed merry fellow, but rather a contemplative debased and ultimately weak creatures capable
hero with a strong heart. of surviving in a world full of heroes and greater
evils. The answer is that, as most halflings do,
TAINTED HALFLING they are good at hiding themselves, and their
true motive too: the inner corruption doesn’t
“I saw the eyes, I swear it. Those fiery eyes always manifest itself on the outside, and some
flashing in the dark, I can’t forget them. Pardon wandering halfling communities are in fact
me, but I can’t believe that this… this thing is clans of debased marauders and cannibals,
related to me.” always on the run from their rightful demise.
Others, the most deranged and hideous ones,
As sages have often pointed out, halflings hide themselves in the darkest caves of the
possess an inborn resistance to darkness and Earth, and often offer their services to a
corruption that would shame many self- powerful master in order to survive.
proclaimed heroes: even in the gloomiest of The tainted halfling adventurers are a
shadows, they can keep going and carry on, handful at most, as very few of them would
overcoming every obstacle. But this very reject their corrupted life, and even fewer
resilience could became a weakness, for as a would be accepted by a traditional adventuring
halfling gets inured to the corruption of party. Still, among monstrous and vile ravagers,
darkness this vile taint will slowly take root in a tainted halfling would be a proper addition.
their heart, subtly at first, till the very spirit of
the unlucky fellow will be forever marked by Ability Score Increase. Your Strength
corruption. increases by 1. You tap into a savage prowess
Most races would not be still alive by that most halfling will never achieve.
then, but a halfling can. Usually it is only a poor Heart of Darkness. You have resistance
sod to be infected by such a taint, a single against necrotic damage.
individual that the community will promptly

Superior Darkvision. Your eyes are Include tainted halflings in your campaign
adapted to a life in the darkness, both if...
metaphorical and actual ones. You can see in … you want to illustrate the corruption that took
dim light within 120 feet as if it were bright root in the halfling community during some
light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You tragic historical events.
can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of … you like to insert an evil subrace for every
gray. common adventurer race, to show that evil can
Sunlight Sensitivity. You have took root almost everywhere and that personal
disadvantage on attack rolls and on Wisdom choices are what, ultimately, makes the
(Perception) checks that rely on sight when you, difference.
the target of your attack, or whatever you are
trying to perceive is in direct sunlight. Play a tainted halfling if...
… you want to play a ruthless marauder that
seeks its precious treasure.
… you are sick with the
chubby, good halfling
fellow stereotype, and
want to play something
totally different.

If the field of traditional portrait and testaments, is adamant in its believe that the
D&D rendering there is no race whose orcs were created ex novo by their god,
reputation is as bad as the orcs’ one. In fairy Gruumsh, and that their ancestors were never
tales, orcs and ogres (the two words are strictly anything less than orcs themselves.
related) are the quintessential boogeymen, and The vileness of the so called “corrupted”
in Tolkien’s works the orcs and goblins are orcs, according to the chronicles, exceeded that
literally hopeless vileness made flesh, a race of the orc race, nor they seemed to be driven in
born from mutilation, slavery, and corruption, their plunder by any religious zeal.
an evil folk beyond any hope of redemption. Furthermore, the sources disagree in regard of
But, since the time of the porcine- the specific appearance of the corrupted ones:
snouted orcs of the first D&D iteration, the many of them seemed to be bent and hunched
fantasy culture has changed much, and in many humanoids, others had animal features and fur,
works the orcs are portrayed in a different, while some could pass for mundane, albeit
better light. The orc race presented on Volo’s bulky, humans. The current orcs resemble a
Guide, however, suffers from trying to be good stabilization of those ancestral monsters, one
for both the vile, bestial, cruel orcs and the bold, that has become a race of its own and doesn’t
strong and valiant ones -a “vanilla” race. Only manifest as a perversion of other humanoids.
recently the new Eberron campaign setting Despite this, corrupted orcs still live and
finally introduced official and not mentally- prey upon the weak. Be it as lone predators or
impaired orcs. as small families and communities of
But, should you prefer subtly different degenerated, photo-phobic cannibals, they
races for different orc concepts, here they come. quietly come to be even now, their savagery
further adding to the notoriety of Gruumsh’s
ones. And a few sages point out the clear
influence of an evil, extremely powerful will
“It was during the famine, Jorason and the others behind their transformation… and to the
were isolated in the mountains by the sudden similarities between the word “orcs” and the
storm. It was not until spring that we were able name “Orcus”, the Demon Prince of undead and
to reach their cabin, and we expected to find no lord of corpse feeders.
one alive. When we opened the door, the stench
of death almost suffocated us: the floor was CORRUPTED ORC TRAITS
littered with dried blood and gnawed human
bones. Of the woodsmen party, only Jorason Ability Score Increase. Your Strength
remained, having feed on his deceased score increases by 2, your Constitution score
companions… but he was now an orc!” increases by 1.
Age. Orcs reach adulthood at age 12 and
Many legends, ancient inscriptions, and live up to 50 years.
mythical chronicles, both in prose and in verses, Alignment. Unlike the common orcs,
speak about the wicked mutation that the corrupted ones are ravaging villains and
transformed one or more humanoids into a vicious raiders with no regards for the weaker
crooked, vile creature of pure evil, one that was ones. They are always evil, and usually chaotic
soon to be called an orc. The orc race that evil.
currently inhabits the world however, while Size. As common orcs do, corrupted
sharing many traits with the orcs of these ones are usually over 6 feet tall and weigh

between 230 and 280 pounds. Your size is Strength modifier, instead of the bludgeoning
Medium. damage normal for an unarmed strike. As a
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 bonus action, after a melee attack, you can make
feet. an additional unarmed attack with your fangs.
Superior Darkvision. You can see in Powerful Build. You count as one size
dim light within 120 feet as if it were bright larger when determining your carrying capacity
light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.
can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of Silent Nightmare. You are trained in
gray. the Intimidation and Stealth skills.
Aggressive. As a bonus action, you can Sunlight Sensitivity. You have
move up to your speed towards an enemy of disadvantage on attack rolls and on Wisdom
your choice that you can see or hear. You must (Perception) checks that rely on sight when you,
end this move closer to the enemy than you the target of your attack, or whatever you are
started. trying to perceive is in direct sunlight.
Flesh-Tearing Fangs. Your bestial Languages. You can speak, read, and
snout is filled with deadly fangs, that you can write Common and Orc.
use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit, you
deal piercing damage equal to 1d4 + your Include corrupted orcs in your campaign if...
… you find the mundane
orcs are now too
overdone, and you want
a subtly different race of
true monsters to haunt
the nightmares of your
… you want corruption
and taint to be, in your
campaign setting, a
tangible darkness that
could potentially pervert
and infect anyone.

Play a corrupted orc

… you want to play a
true boogeyman (and
the other players agree,
of course).
… you want to defy even
utter and ultimate taint,
in playing a hero that
seeks salvation from a
corruption that will be
forever within their soul.

quickly escalating into love. The ultimate
freedom, however, will not be theirs, but for
“Yes, I’m an orc, and no, I’m not going to split their children to experience: only those who
your skull and carve it into an offering for my never heard the call of Gruumsh, that were not
lord Gruumsh. Not all the orcs are murderous risen to be his servants and warriors, will live
zealots, you know?” beyond his clutches.
Compared to common orcs, the “free
As the Sage of Shadowdale once pointed out, an folk” has a quieter disposition: their temper is
orc life is a god-ridden life – and the orc gods still what even a dwarf would call short, and to
are a bunch of evil, cruel deities. Influenced by insult them would still be to dare one’s fate, but
their creed of violence and ruthless oppression, in their souls there is no trace of the savage
orc society is often nothing more than a gang of eagerness to fight and plunder, the aggressive
ravagers and murderous slavers. The call of goad that drives the charges of their pious
Gruumsh and the orders of his equals are a brethren. Instead, the physical prowess of the
constant snarl that rages in the dreams of every free orcish folk gets exercised through a more
orc, and of many half-orcs too, eroding their careful military training. Gone the proverbial
sanity and replacing any glint of empathy with a rage that the gods instilled into their ancestors,
furious urge to conquer and despoil. the mental capabilities of free orcs suffer no
The orcs who gave up the ways of their impairment, despite the bias of other races into
kind had to learn how to quench their inner accepting the “savage humanoids” as their peer.
fury, and to do this under the pressure of a As long as the followers of Gruumsh are
“civilized” society that sees them as glorified prevalent among the orcs, the free folk will have
bipedal beasts, thus further increasing their to face prejudice from both sides, as an
angst in trying to resist the urge to resume their iconoclastic blasphemer among the orcs and as
previous ways. For an orc to really blend into a a blood thirsting beast among “civilized” races.
different society, many pointed out, the voice of But, if no one struggles to change the
Gruumsh must first be suppressed. way of things, they will not change by
And this was a chance that, in the themselves.
boundless Multiverse, found a way to happen
more than once. Some orc tribes were enslaved FREE ORC TRAITS
and their priest executed, depriving orc gods
from their spokesman – and of the urge to Ability Score Increase. Your Strength
waste time with such spineless servants to let score increases by 2, and your Constitution
others capture them. Other clans fortuitously score increases by 1. Gone is the unending rage
found their way to a different plane of existence, that dulled the mind of your ancestors.
one where their gods had no power at all, and Age. Orcs reach adulthood at age 12 and
were thus set free from their presumptuous live up to 50 years.
voices, lost in the vastness of the Million Alignment. The orcs of the free folk are
Spheres. no more the slaves of Gruumsh, and His dark
Only seldom do orc communities choose dictates are harbored no more within their
to leave all their rites and practices behind, souls. As such, free orcs tend towards neutrality
discovering empathy between themselves and rather than evil, with an equal predisposition
an affection that goes beyond comradeship and for both chaos and law.
eventually blossoms into true feelings and Size. Orcs are usually over 6 feet tall and
emotions; this, however, is the path of freedom weigh between 230 and 280 pounds. Your size
more often walked by very small groups of orcs, is Medium.
such as a couple that discovers a fondness

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 Languages. You can speak, read, and
feet. write Common and Orc.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light
within 60 feet as if it were bright light, and in Include free orcs in your campaign if...
darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t … you had enough with the whole “orcs are
discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. inherently evil” mantra, and want you campaign
Impetuous. As a reaction, after you are setting to comprehend at least an orc culture
targeted by an enemy attack, you can move up that lives on par with dwarves, elves, halflings
to your speed towards the enemy that triggered and humans.
your reaction. You must end this move closer to … you find it lame, and perhaps even a bit racist,
the enemy than you started. that the orcs are ruled to be dumber than every
Orc Weapon Training. You have other race.
proficiency with the handaxe, battleaxe, and
greataxe. Play a free orc if...
Powerful Build. You count as one size … you want to play a strong, proud orc, but you
larger when determining your carrying capacity find that having the “greenskin” labeled as a
and the weight you can push, drag, or lift. dumber race is not so encouraging.
Strong and Menacing. You are trained … you are too hardcore to settle down with
in the Athletics and Intimidation skills. playing a half-orc.


The following class options are certainly evenly distributed among the different classes,
unbalanced toward certain classes, especially as the original idea was to grant some more
the warlock, but I took care in providing new versatility where I found it was lacking: some
balanced and interesting choices for every classes already possess very broad archetypes
character. In this new draft I took care in that could cover different character concepts,
correcting some balance issues that plagued my while others are so specific that they don’t offer
previous works. enough margin – or, to be honest, I find that
You will find more than 30 new some classes tantalize my imagination more
subclasses, along with new fighting styles and than others.
some other class variants. These options are no

When you first take a level as a barbarian, you As for the following Primal Paths, the
may instead choose to became a whirlwind, a former Paths of Legend, they are available to
variant class that uses most of the main features every barbarian character, whirlwind or not.
as detailed on the Player’s Handbook.


Barbarians are clearly Strength-weapon based, • You have resistance to bludgeoning,
as both their signature feature and their piercing, and slashing damage.
capstone focus on this ability. And what about a
Dexterity-based barbarian, a nimble savage that OVERWHELMING CRITICAL
unleashes a flurry of strikes upon the enemy? Beginning at 9th level, you can roll one
Well, here comes the whirlwind. Their “rage” is additional weapon damage die when
a relentless flurry, a dervish’s dance of strikes determining the extra damage for a critical hit
so fast the mortal eye could not follow them. with a melee attack made with a light or finesse
Yes, a whirlwind remains a brute at core, a weapon.
warrior without finesse as someone would put This increases to two additional dice at
it; but it’s a damn fine warrior nevertheless. 13th level and three additional dice at 17th
A whirlwind has all the usual class level.
features of the barbarian, with the following
exceptions. ROLL WITH IT
Starting at 11th level, your enhanced reflexes
proficiencies help you roll with a potentially deadly attack. If
Armor: Light armor, shields you drop to 0 hit points while you’re raging and
Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons don’t die outright, you can make a DC 10
Tools: None Dexterity saving throw. If you succeed, you drop
to 1 hit point instead.
Saving Throws: Strength, Dexterity Each time you use this feature after the
Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, Animal first, the DC increases by 5. When you finish a
handling, Intimidation, Nature, Perception, and short or long rest, the DC resets to 10.
RAGE Beginning at 18th level, if your total for a
While raging, instead of the usual ones, you gain Dexterity check is less than your Dexterity
the following benefits if you aren’t wearing score, you can use that score in place of the
medium or heavy armor: total.
• You have advantage on Dexterity
checks and Dexterity saving throws. PRIMAL CHAMPION
• When you make a melee weapon
At 20th level, you embody the deadly grace of
attack using Dexterity, you gain a bonus to the
the wilds. Your Dexterity and Constitution
damage roll that increases as you gain levels as
scores increase by 4. Your maximum for those
a barbarian, as shown in the Rage Damage
scores is now 24.
column of the Barbarian table.

with weapons, they are deadly even with their
bare hands.
“Yeah, he started all those fancy movements with As you enter and progress along this
his hands and that ridiculous dance of kicks and path, you became an accomplished brawler, one
chops. I took one or two hits, then replied with a whose impressive martial skills come not from
single cross, right on the jaw. He's still drooling discipline and self attuning, but from the primal
the floor. rage and savagery that burn within your spirit.
Damned spineless monks... bring me another You learn how to hit, and hit hard, with your
beer.” unarmed strikes, and during a rage you are
capable of beating every enemy into
Those who follow the Path of the Brutal submission.
Brawler are perhaps the most savage of the A brutal brawler is perhaps the ultimate
barbarians: while other warriors prefer to fight tavern brawler... but your skills will be equally
useful – and deadly – into the dungeons.

Starting when you
choose this path at 3rd
level, your unarmed
strike uses a d6 for
damage. Furthermore,
during a rage, you can
make a single unarmed
strike or grapple attack
as a bonus action on each
of your turns.

Beginning at 6th level,
your unarmed strike uses
a d8 for damage, and
your unarmed strikes
count as magical for the
purpose of overcoming
resistance and immunity
to nonmagical attacks
and damage.
You also gain proficiency
in the Athletics skill; if
you are already
proficient in Athletics,

you gain proficiency in one of the two following behind your cruel past was to implant your
skills: Acrobatics and being with such powers.
Intimidation. Furthermore, your proficiency Your capabilities may be great, but you
bonus is doubled for any Athletics check you still count yourself among the cursed… and you
make during a rage. long for the day when you will be able to finally
exact revenge for the past.
Beginning at 10th level, your unarmed strike ALL THAT FLOWS WITHIN THE BLOOD
uses a d10 for damage, and you can take the As you embrace the legacy of your own cursed
Dash action as a bonus action while you are past, a strange energy pervades you whenever
raging. you enter a rage. Starting when you choose this
path at 3rd level, while raging you gain
BEAT INTO SUBMISSION resistance to necrotic, poison, and psychic
Starting at 14th level, your unarmed strike uses damage.
a d12 for damage, and while you are raging, you Furthermore, a drop of your blood, or
can use a bonus action on your turn to knock a the froth from your foaming mouth, or even
Large or smaller creature prone when you hit it your mere presence, is enough to harm those
with an unarmed strike attack. around you. At the end of each of your turns you
spend in a rage, each creature within 5 feet of
you takes damage equal to half your barbarian
PATH OF THE CURSED level. This damage is necrotic, poison, or
psychic; you choose the type of damage when
“It was the mind flayer. I was only seven years
you gain this feature.
old, I don’t remember the details. All I know is
that they did… something… to me. Thankfully I
was rescued by an adventuring party, and I really PRETERNATURAL STAMINA
have no memory of what happened… at least, not Something inside your body grants you a hidden
until my rage kicks on.” toughness whenever your fury would normally
put you in harm’s way. Starting at 6th level,
Your past harbors a dark secret, a when you use Reckless Attack while raging, you
wretched experience you don’t like to speak also gain temporary hit points equal to your
about, for this tragedy left a grim mark on your Constitution modifier (minimum of 1). They
life. Perhaps you were kidnapped and vanish if any of them are left when your rage
experimented upon by aberrations or dark ends.
mages, or you were once possessed by a demon
or another vile fiend. Perhaps you were a I’VE SUFFERED WORSE
willing test subject, or you were simply too Starting at 10th level, the combined effect of
young to remember exactly what happened your past ordeal and your present training
during such a traumatic experience. makes you immune to disease and poison.
Anyhow, your body and soul were
scarred and somehow twisted by your ordeal, NEVER GOING DOWN AGAIN
and now that you tap into primeval wrath to Beginning at 14th level, the inner strength that
fuel your battle prowess you have started made you survive your ordeal becomes an asset
showing unusual powers and capabilities. you can rely on – or, perhaps, you discover the
Perhaps you developed such inner strength to final side effect of the experiments you were
endure the suffering, perhaps the whole reason subjected to.

While raging, having 0 hit points doesn’t order to learn the constrained ways from off-
knock you unconscious. You still must make land fighters, fearful of what the sagas convey
death saving throws, and you suffer the normal about many a proud warrior that lost their
effects of taking damage while at 0 hit points. temper during a banquet.
However, if you would die due to failing death Someone would look down at you as a
saving throws, you don’t die until your rage spineless coward that fears their own shadow…
ends. but they will soon discover that your battle
skills are as honed as theirs, if not better. For,
when you choose to fight, you unleash the
blood-frenzied soul of a true barbarian.

Upon entering this path at 3rd level, you temper
your wrath with the dedicated exercise
associated to a Fighting Style. Choose one of the
following options. You can’t take a Fighting
Style more than once, even if you later get to
choose again.

PATH OF DISCIPLINE While you are wearing armor, you gain a +1
bonus to AC.
“When I enter a rage, I set aside my humanity in
order to became a monster, a slaughtering beast
that revels in the smell of blood. Only my stern
discipline sets me aside from the bloodthirsty When you are wielding a melee weapon in one
creatures we hunt down.” hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2
bonus to damage rolls with that weapon.
When the battle rages on, you rage with
it, your blade arm a crazed coryphee in the great weapon fighting
dance of blood and death. But, when the clash is When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an
over and the survivors lick their wounds, you attack you make with a melee weapon that you
become an utterly different person. For the are wielding with two hands, you can reroll the
greatest struggle you fight is against yourself, die and must use the new roll, even if the new
against the inner wrath that makes you a raging roll is a 1 or a 2. The weapon must have the
warrior, fearful in the battlefield but prone to two-handed or versatile property for you to
the violent rampages that have cost much to gain this benefit.
many a legendary barbarian.
Fearful of what you become during a two-weapon fighting
fight, you devoted yourself to vigorous exercises When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you
and a severe discipline aimed at putting in a can add your ability modifier to the damage of
cage the beast within you until its dire character the second attack.
is needed. Perhaps you hail from a civilized
land, and those compromises are what keeps vengeful strikes
you a productive member of the community When you are wielding a melee weapon, and a
even when no bloodshed is needed, or perhaps creature you can see within 5 feet hits you with
you abandoned your ancestral homeland in a melee weapon attack, you can use your

reaction to inflict damage equal to your may be our ally, but he is surely a dangerous ally
proficiency bonus to the attacking creature. The with such an unstable mind.”
damage is of the type inflicted by the weapon There is a thin border between battle frenzy,
you are wielding. the bloodletting rage of the battlefield that
every barbarian learns to harness, and true
A PLACATING PRACTICE madness. A thin border that every warrior puts
Upon entering this path at 3rd level, you learn a great effort not to cross, for beyond that even
new language of your choice, or you gain the steadiest of the champions will lose himself,
proficiency with one type of artisan’s tool or overwhelmed by an insanity not of this world,
musical instrument of your choice. A new habit an insanity not of his own, a primeval force of
to focus on helps you placate your fury. madness whose subtle and unsettling call we
can still hear.
DISCIPLINED LEARNER Those among the barbarians who follow
the Path of Madness decided to answer the call,
By 6th level, as a way to distract yourself from
and they crossed the border, so that insanity
the wrath of battle, you have trained to master
may embrace and engulf them into its abyss.
new noncombat skills. You gain proficiency in
Whether they are willing subjects of madness,
two skills from the following list: Acrobatics,
or they mind slipped away descending into it,
History, Perception, and Persuasion.
barbarians who follow this path gain incredible
capacities in battle... at the price of their own
EVASIVE RAGER sanity. But, as they say, sanity is for the weak.
Beginning at 10th level, you can take the
Disengage action as a bonus action while you
are raging. Despite your state of mind, you have
Starting when you choose this path at 3rd level,
the lucidity to move out of harm’s way, and the
during a rage you gain resistance to psychic
potential to become even more deadly as you
damage: your mind slippers away, lost into the
evade enemy ambushes to engage new targets.
depths of your insanity, and you are thus less
susceptible to effects that damage your psyche.
COUNTERATTACK Furthermore, during a rage you can
Starting at 14th level, when you take damage literally descend into madness, acting like a
from a creature that is within 5 feet of you, you frenzied killing machine whose very presence
can use your reaction to make a melee weapon acts as a catalyst for fear and insanity, your
attack against that creature. A split second is attacks too unsettling to suffer. If you do so, for
enough for you to act, as you can think with the duration of your rage when you hit a target
clarity even while raging in the midst of battle. with a melee weapon attack you can use a
bonus action to impose disadvantage to all its
PATH OF MADNESS attack rolls till the start of your next turn.
However, when you rage ends you are
“I saw many a barbarian during my days as an confused (as for the spell confusion) for 1
adventurer, but someone like him? This drooling minute: the whispers and visions and
idiot that swings a hammer while laughing, hallucinations summoned by your madness
making faces and sticking his tongue out? Not a wouldn't simply go away for a while.
chance. He's speaking of tea parties with
pumpkin octopuses fried in dragon milk, did you RESILIENCE OF THE SHATTERED MIND
hear him? How could an orc possibly know about
Beginning at 6th level, you can't be charmed or
tea parties? We must be extremely cautions: he
frightened while raging, and during a rage you

are immune to the confusion spell. If you are to an effect that inflicts psychic damage or reads
charmed or confused or frightened when you your thoughts, you can use your reaction to
enter your rage, the effect is suspended for the automatically confuse the attacker (as by the
duration of the rage. confusion spell) till the end of its next turn. For
when they gaze into the abyss of your madness,
HEAR THE VOICES your madness also gazes into them.
At 10th level, you can cast the contact other
plane spell, but only as a ritual; you gain Friendly Reminder: Effects of Confusion
A confused creature can't take reactions and must
advantage to the Intelligence saving throw
roll a d10 at the start of each of its turns to
imposed by the spell. When you enter a rage,
determine its behavior for that turn.
however, you can automatically cast the contact Result of 1. The creature uses all its movement to
other plane spell, with no action required; in move in a random direction. To determine the
this case, you can freely ask one question per direction, roll a d8 and assign a direction to each die
round of rage, up to a maximum of five face. The creature doesn't take an action this turn.
questions; if you do so, you have to make the Result of 2-6. The creature doesn't move or take
saving throw imposed by the spell when your actions this turn.
rage ends, after you asked all your questions. Result of 7-8. The creature uses its action to make a
melee attack against a randomly determined
creature within its reach. If there is no creature
within its reach, the creature does nothing this turn.
Starting at 14th level, when you are raging and Result of 9-10. The creature can act and move
you are hit by a melee attack, or you are subject normally.

As every bard knows, words and music are the College of Lore and the College of Valor, are
much more than pleasant vibrations of air; collective names for different congregations
there is a magic in every sentence and note, a that share the same disposition, others
magic that a precious few can harness. The represent in fact proper branches of bardic
Multiverse is an echoing chant, a reverberation teaching, their songs and secrets handed down
of the first word ever uttered. The typical bard from master to pupil through history. Such is,
learns how to insert their own songs into this for example, the College of Swords.
chant, repeating minor patterns of musical Among the following colleges you will
power that are granted magical properties by find both the common and the rare, ranging
the strong character of the singing magician. from the merry to the ominous. Each of them
Some bards, however, were granted the offers interesting new features or combinations
power access such an ancient magic not by their of features, tailored to convey an interesting
own musical talent, but by the vision of this type of bard while still maintaining power
ever-echoing melody granted by a greater balance.
power, a deity that blessed them with an
unusual and amazing gift. Other individual
followed their own way into discovering the
ultimate chant, and learned to channel the
power of bardic magic through words alone,
without the help of any music but the patterns
of their own memories. Just like not every
minstrel is a bard, not every bard carries a lute.
Anyway, what really defines and
characterizes different bards, giving rise to
schools, academies, and loose brotherhoods, are
the different bard colleges. While some, such as


A loreseeker is an archaeologist, a scholar of accordance with the melody of words and silent
ancient and forgotten knowledge, an adventurer notes reverberating through the worlds. Plus,
more interested in the story behind a treasure loreseekers make excellent archaeologists.
than in its value in gold pieces. Loreseekers A loreseeker has all the usual class
know a bit about everything, but they display features of the bard, with the following
peerless skills in their own fields. They learned exceptions.
to harness magic from ancient texts and
forgotten rhymes, or thanks to a brilliant and PROFICIENCIES
often impromptu understanding of the Music of Tools: None
Creation. Scholars at core, they can offer the Languages: Three of your choice
right advice for nearly every situation. Wizards Saving Throws: Dexterity, Intelligence
spend their time studying and developing spells
that alter the natural order, the names of their SPELLCASTING
creator renowned across the Multiverse. A
It is your knowledge of ancient magic that
loreseeker, on the contrary, casts their spell in
shapes your spells, not the music of the

universe but your own understanding of the Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus +
words of power behind the fabric of existence your Intelligence modifier
SPELLCASTING ABILITY This class feature works exactly as the Bardic
Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your Inspiration feature, but you can use this feature
bard spells. Your magic comes from your a number of times equal to your Intelligence
understanding of the ancient lore and from your modifier (a minimum of once), rather than a
ability to draw from it. You use your Intelligence number of times equal to your Charisma
whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting modifier.
ability. In addition, you use your Intelligence
modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a FURTHER FEATURES
bard spell you cast and when making an attack Whenever a bardic spell, a College feature, or a
roll with one. similar class feature refers to your Charisma
modifier or Charisma score, use instead your
Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier or your Intelligence score.
Intelligence modifier When a similar feature refers to your bardic
inspiration feature, use instead your advice
from the sage feature.


A wordseer is a prophet, a chosen scholar of the Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma
divine who saw the very fabric of existence and
can proudly say: “I saw, hence I know.” SPELLCASTING
Wordseers can be true prophets, It is your understanding of the visions granted
secluded oracles, or even holy minstrels whose to you, your own ability to recall the sacred
poems and compositions are granted by the hymns and the inspired music you composed
gods. Whether the case, their magic is strong that empowers your spells.
and their advice convey wisdom, their spells
coming from a progressively expanding SPELLCASTING ABILITY
understanding of the visions granted by the
Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for your
deities. While a cleric is the speaker of a specific
bard spells. Your magic comes from your visions
god or pantheon, a divine agent chosen by a
and from the sacred words you learned.
certain party to uphold Their will, the mystical
You use your Wisdom whenever a spell
visions of a wordseer come with no strings
refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition,
attached. When a mortal gains the power to
you use your Wisdom modifier when setting the
hear the Music of the Spheres not even the gods
saving throw DC for a bard spell you cast and
could hinder such a vision.
when making an attack roll with one.
A wordseer has all the usual class
features of the bard, with the following
Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your
exceptions. Wisdom modifier

PROFICIENCIES Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus +

Tools: One musical instrument of your choice your Wisdom modifier
Languages: Two of your choice

This class feature works exactly as the Bardic Whenever a bardic spell, a College feature, or a
Inspiration feature, but you can use this feature similar class feature refers to your Charisma
a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier or Charisma score, use instead your
modifier (a minimum of once), rather than a Wisdom modifier or your Wisdom score. When
number of times equal to your Charisma a similar feature refers to your bardic
modifier. inspiration feature, use instead your thus spoke
the seer feature.


Beginning when you choose this college at 3rd
The basic teachings of every bard start with level, your unhindered movements posses an
music and songs, relying on the arcane power inborn grace that makes you literally dance
that properly tuned melodies could unleash. So, among enemy blows. While you are wearing no
for most bards, dancing is just a physical armor and not wielding a shield, your AC equals
accompaniment to their ethereal words, a 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Charisma
minor manifestation of art that holds no real modifier.
A few of them, however, display a
stronger inclination for dance, and they soon
wonder if the same magic channeled by songs
and ballads could be harnessed by an artful
melody of steps. Those who persist in this fancy
soon discover that, like the silent characters of a
scroll can channel spells, so could their finely
tuned promenades and choreography. Quick,
nimble, charismatic and athletic, nevertheless
no two students of the College of Dance are
alike, for they all infuse in their own movement
a personal touch.
But, whether a virtuoso of the finest
waltz, a jolly barn dancer, or a fiercer
practitioner of tribal dances, every one of them
shares the same knacks and features.

When you join this college at 3rd level, you gain
proficiency with the Acrobatics skill, if you
didn’t already have it. Furthermore, your
proficiency bonus is doubled for any check you
make that uses your Acrobatics skill.

Also at 3rd level, you learn to substitute an
intricate choreography of steps and turns for Gregarious, easygoing, skillful, persuasive, and
the subtle words of bardic magic. As long as you often flamboyant and with too much self-
can move and are not restrained, you can esteem: bards make ideal politicians and
substitute verbal (V) components with somatic spokesmen. Especially in those community
(S) components for any bard spell you cast. If where real power is held in accordance to the
the spell already has both verbal and somatic people’s whims, and a nobody could aspire to
components, however, you can’t change them become mayor or bailiff, an enterprising bard
and you are still forced to chant its mystic has the best chances to become the real power
words. behind the people’s shared throne.
Many centuries ago, in the first
INSPIRING DANCE democracies even established, schools of
Also at 3rd level, your moves and steps are rhetoric were founded in order to teach the
enough to inspire others. When you use a bonus skills required for demagogy, the art of leading
action to grant your Bardic Inspiration, as long the people – no matter what the ends, as long as
as they see you target creatures don’t need to be the pupils payed their fee. Even with the ups
able to hear you. Furthermore, when you grant and downs of democratic regimes through
Bardic Inspiration you can also move up to half history, the orators’ teachings were not lost. The
your speed; this movement doesn’t provoke occasional bards that study speech and
opportunity attacks. harangues not just as fine works of prose, and
When you reach 6th level, your speed that share a strong drive towards a more
also increases by 10 feet as long as you have any resourceful approach to public life, are
use of Bardic Inspiration left. Finally, when you collectively referred to as the College of
reach 14th level, you can move up to your full Demagogy. Even when the course of action is
speed when you use your Bardic Inspiration. uncertain, they make excellent leaders, capable
of leading an adventuring party as well as a
merchant guild or a city council.
And this, should their ends be anything
Starting at 6th level, when an attacker that you
but righteous, makes them extremely dangerous
can see hits you with an attack, you can use
– for adversaries and allies alike.
your reaction to halve the attack’s damage
against you.
When you join this college at 3rd level, you gain
proficiency with the Deception and Persuasion
At 14th level, you can nimbly dance out of the
skills, if you didn’t already have it. Furthermore,
way of certain area effects, such as a white
your proficiency bonus is doubled for any check
dragon’s icy breath or a fireball spell. When you
you make that uses either of these skills.
are subject to an effect that allows you to make
a Dexterity saving throw to take only half
damage, you instead take no damage if you
succeed on the saving throw, and only half Also at 3rd level, you learn to touch the
damage if you fail. heartstrings of many individuals at once, with
crafty words that inspire each one as if they
were tailored for them.
When you use a bonus action to grant
Bardic Inspiration, you can grant the Bardic

Inspiration die to a number of creatures up to target is briefly shaken by your sentence, and is
your Charisma modifier (minimum 2) within 30 incapacitated until the end of your next turn.
feet. The Bardic Inspiration die that you grant, On a failed saving throw, the target is
however, becomes a d4. charmed by you for the next 8 hours or until
Once you use this feature, you can’t use you or your allies attack it, damage it, or force it
again until you finish a short or long rest. Note to make a saving throw. Thanks to your skills in
that, as long as you have any remaining use of both rhetoric and magic, what others perceived
your Bardic Inspiration, you can use it normally as a brief statement was enough to completely
without Shared Inspiration. change, albeit briefly, the way the target of your
Your Shared Inspiration die changes Argumentum Ad Hominem sees you.
when you reach certain levels in this class. The The charmed creature sees you as a
die becomes a d6 at 5th level, a d8 at 10th level, reliable ally and a trustworthy friend that has
and a d10 at 15th level. its best interest at heart, and it will act
accordingly. The target will follow your
COMPELLING SPEECH commands at its best, but it won’t risk its life for
At 6th level, you gain the ability to deliver an you or fight for you, unless it was already
oration so touching that even your enemies, inclined to do so. It grants you favors and gifts it
upon hearing your remarks, have a hard time would offer to a close friend.
resisting your suggestion. Once you use this feature, you can’t use
As a bonus action, you cast command, it again until you finish a long rest.
without expending a spell slot, and you start a
brief but intense harangue that takes up to 1 COLLEGE OF THE EXEMPLAR
minute; your Compelling Speech ends abruptly
if your concentration is broken (as if you were According to their fiercest critics – and
concentrating on a spell), or if for any reason sometimes to their friends and companions, too
you can’t speak. During this time, you can cast – all bards are grandstanding attention-seekers.
command as a bonus action on each of your After all, who needs a showman without an
turns, without expending a spell slot. audience? More often than not, a bard’s
Furthermore, all your Bardic Inspiration grandeur is legitimate only as long as it
dice spent during your Compelling Speech can concerns their artistic performance: the tales
be rerolled it they rolled a 1 or a 2. about daring duels, courageous victories, and
Once you use this feature, you can’t use otherworldly travels are at best poetic license,
it again until you finish a long rest. at worst lies and plain boasting. Many a bard’s
chronicles were belied by their own
ARGUMENTUM AD HOMINEM companions, and as artists themselves tell,
By 14th level, a few words are all you need to every time a poet speaks it’s a swindle.
make an ally out of an enemy, utterly crushing A few bards’ boasting, however, is not
the self-esteem of those who have the audacity vain babble. Rather than lie about themselves,
of opposing you. or compose pieces and ballads about the lives of
As an action, you utter a brief weighty others, these bards decided to turn their own
sentence focused towards a single creature of lives into a piece of art. The College of the
your choice within 30 feet of you. The target Exemplar teaches to its member to always the
must make a Wisdom saving throw against you best at what they do, if not better; their own
spell save DC. It automatically succeeds if it actions must speak louder than any singing
doesn’t share a language with you or if it can’t voice, and such achievements should be the real
hear you. On a successful saving throw, the inspiration for their companions’ exploits.
Enemies will soon cower in fear of an exemplar

and, as their fame increases, their deeds will be COLLEGE OF THE FARSHOOTING
praised all over the lands, as “exempla” that will
incite the younger generations of adventurers. BRIGHTNESS

PEERLESS SKILLS In some worlds of the Multiverse there was

When you join this college at 3rd level, you gain once a human civilization that revered a
proficiency with a new skill of your choice. peculiar sun deity: this god was the patron of
Furthermore, your proficiency bonus is doubled arts, especially of music and songs, as well as
for any check you make that uses this skill the great divine archer, dispenser of death and
pestilence as well as of His healing rays. Some of
LEAD BY EXAMPLE the attributes of this human god reverberate
with the patron and creator of the elven race,
Also at 3rd level, you learn how to make the
Corellon Larethian, and so the practices
best out of your most astonishing acts and
associated with their cults have spread in
victories. Every time you score a critical hit, or
countless realities thanks to the pious efforts of
whenever you roll a natural 20 on an ability
humans and elves alike.
check or a saving throw, you can immediately
The most rigorous devotees of this
use one Bardic Inspiration die from your
shared tradition, however, are not priests nor
reserve and grant it to one creature without
clerics, but bards, the members of the College of
spending any action. When used, this Bardic
the Farshooting Brightness, the name most
Inspiration die grants the maximum bonus
often associated with this divine paradigm. As
possible without need to be rolled.
the Farshooting Brightness favors chord
Furthermore, whenever a creature
instruments, in order to the musician to be free
spends one of your Bardic Inspiration dice to
grant itself ts bonus, it also gains temporary hit
points equal to said die’s roll + your Charisma

Starting at 6th level, you can attack twice,
instead of once, whenever you take the Attack
action on your turn.

When you reach 14th level, for an enemy to rise
arms against you means to be forced to
withstand your greatness and cope with their
petty vileness in striking you.
When you are hit by a melee attack, you
can use your reaction to deal psychic damage to
the attacker. The damage equals your bard
level. The attacker must also make a Charisma
saving throw against your bard spell DC. On a
failed save, the attacker is frightened by you
until the end of your next turn.

to sing, so do them; as their divine patron fights cause the weapon to deal extra radiant damage
with bows, so do them; as Apollon-Larethian is to the target you hit. The damage equals the
caring in His protection and deadly in His wrath, number you roll on the Bardic Inspiration die.
so are they. The target must also make a Constitution saving
throw against your spell save DC or be blinded
BONUS PROFICIENCIES until the end of your next turn.
When you join this college at 3rd level, you gain
proficiency with two chord musical instruments EXTRA ATTACK
of your choice. Furthermore, you gain Starting at 6th level, you can attack twice,
proficiency with the heavy crossbow and the instead of once, whenever you take the Attack
longbow. action on your turn.


At 3rd level, whenever you make a Charisma Starting at 14th level, whenever yo use a Notes
(Performance) check, and you accompany your of Light option, you can roll a d6 and use it
voice with a chord instrument, your proficiency instead of expending a Bardic Inspiration die.
bonus is doubled for the check. Furthermore, whenever you grant Bardic
Inspiration to a creature, it immediately regains
NOTES OF LIGHT lost hit points. The damage healed equals to the
Also at 3rd level, you learn to emulate your number you roll on the Bardic Inspiration die.
patron with astonishing performances of art
Whenever you are maintaining
concentration on a spell, attacking at long range All bards are performers, but they are
doesn’t impose disadvantage on your ranged distinguished by the outlook they have, and by
weapon attack rolls. the tone of their performances. Many bards
Furthermore, you can use the following favor a jolly aptitude towards life, and the
Notes of Light options. You can use only one occasional slapstick comedy, but few of them
Notes of Light option per turn. linger extensively in the trivial humor of
Arrows of Pestilence. When you hit a carnivals and clowns. To become a jester you
creature with a ranged weapon attack, you can don’t need to be a bard, and a bard is so much
expend one use of your Bardic Inspiration to more than a common buffoon!
cause the weapon to deal extra poison damage And yet some bards are known to adopt
to the target you hit. The damage equals the the corny gags of a fool as their favored, if not
number you roll on the Bardic Inspiration die. unique, genre. Worse, they always wear the
The target must also make a Constitution saving mask and dress of a folk masquerade’s
throw against your spell save DC or be poisoned character, the tatterdemalion club-wielding
until the end of your next turn. trickster servant Harlequin! Truly, a dumb
Radiant Healing. When you cast a spell charade unworthy of a proper bard: every
that restores the target’s hit points, you can twisting fool could be a Harlequin, the role
expend one use of your Bardic Inspiration to doesn’t require any poetic skill at all. To such
restore extra hit points equal to the number you critics, a member of the College of the Harlequin
roll on the Bardic Inspiration die. answers with a sly smile, saying that they don’t
Searing Brightness. When you hit a “dress like a Harlequin”, they “act like The
creature with a ranged weapon attack, you can Harlequin”.
expend one use of your Bardic Inspiration to

The dark truth behind this enigmatic half your speed. This movement doesn’t
statement requires a closer look at the provoke opportunity attacks.
Harlequin’s domino mask, whose dark brow Alternatively, you can use this reaction
protrudes over the eyes like a small set of horns to make a melee weapon attack against a target
would do. In fact, the denomination of this within your reach.
unsuspicious character was once Hellaquin, an
ominous name that immediately recalls the TUMBLE AWAY
Nine Hells. The legends about the infernal Herla Starting at 6th level, you can disappear in a
King and his host, the Wild Hunt of damned thick, netherworldly fog to evade enemy
souls, are still told around campfires; and the attacks. When you take damage, you can use
sages across the Planes speak in awe of your reaction to teleport up to 60 feet to an
Alichino, apparently a lesser devil noble of unoccupied space you can see. You leave behind
Malbolge, that nevertheless retains his place a 20-foot-radius sphere of fog centered on your
from unaccountable centuries despite Baator’s – previous position; this sphere spreads around
literally – infernal politics. corners, and its area is heavily obscured for
Bards from the College of the Harlequin everybody but you. This fog dissipates at the
are in fact the last remnant of a secretive cult, end of your next turn.
aiming to propitiate – or perhaps mock and Once you use this feature, you can’t use
avert with apotropaic laughter – the feared it again until you finish a short or long rest.
archdevil. Of this secret, out of the college, only
a chosen few are part; potential candidates are HOST OF THE HERLA KING
chosen by expert Harlequins among those bards
Starting at 14th level, when a creature within 30
who favor slapstick comedy and jet show
feet of you falls to 0 hit points, or fails a death
promising qualities towards a better
saving throw, you can use your reaction to
understanding of their important role.
To act like the Harlequin is to become
the Harlequin, to channel his powers on the
Material World is to employ them towards the
ends of mortals. To be a harlequin is the only
way to avert Alichino’s eyes from Earth. And to
risk one’s soul is a small price to pay in order to
save one’s own world.

When you join this college at 3rd level, your
training as a stage acrobat makes you an ever
moving target, and you are nearly impossible to
pin down. While you are wearing no armor and
not wielding a shield, your AC equals 10 + your
Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier.

Also at 3rd level, whenever a creatures uses one
of your Bardic Inspiration dice within 60 feet of
you, you can use your reaction to move up to

summon from the netherworld the hellish host COLLEGE OF LAUGHTER
of the dead presided by Alichino. For an intense
moment, a thick haze covers the area within 30 ETERNAL
feet of you, ominous shapes of riding devils and
wailing corpses gallopping through the fog. The “He was born with a gift of laughter and a sense
fallen creature immediately dies, its soul that the world was mad.”
dragged away by the host. Every creature of Rafael Sabatini
your choice within the area must make a
Charisma saving throw; on a failure, it takes 8d8 The objective of every self-respecting bard is to
necrotic damage, and is frightened by you until raise the spirits and strike the chords of the
the end of your next turn; on a success, the audience with every exhibition. Fear, joy, love,
target takes only half damage and is not and hate are only a few of the colours in a good
frightened. performer’s palette.
Furthermore, while the Host of the Every bard will eventually choose a
Herla King rides its ghastly promenade, you specific emotion as the focus of their favorite
gain all the benefits of a short rest, and you can works, but few entertainers devote themselves
spend hit dice to heal yourself. to a single sentiment. But, as every specialist
Once you use this feature, you can’t use could tell, focusing on a restricted scope often
it again until you finish a long rest. paves the way to the achievement of uncanny
capabilities in the chosen field.
“Ha!” Should a bard choose to focus on the
“Ha!” most direct of emotions, joy, and on joy’s most
“Ha!” obvious expression, laughter, the capabilities
would be the ones associated with the so called
College of Laughter Eternal. To be able to

inspire a deadly cackle with a single word, to saving throw against that spell. You must
face death as a big joke and avert it with a single expend your Bardic Inspiration use before the
laugh… these are the tricks that a proper target rolls its saving throw. Whether the target
trained bard could pull off. Let the others call succeeds or fails the saving throw against your
the performer a fool or a vulgar jester; they will spells, before the spell’s activation it
soon pay the price of their arrogance, one immediately suffers psychic damage equal to
painful laugh at a time. the number you rolled with the Bardic
Inspiration Die.
When you join this college at 3rd level, you GRINNING FOOL
learn the vicious mockery cantrip and the At 6th level, have advantage on saving throws
Tasha’s Hideous Laughter spell. They don’t against being charmed or frightened, as well as
count against your number of cantrips or spells on saving throws against having your thoughts
known. detected. Furthermore, you gain resistance to
psychic damage, and the psychic damage caused
DEATH’S GRIN by you ignores resistance and does half damage
Also at 3rd level, you learn how to imbue a even against targets that are immune to psychic
deadly compulsion into your Tasha’s Hideous damage.
Laughter spell. At the start of each of its turn, a
creature affected by your laughter spell takes THE LAST LAUGH
psychic damage equal to your Charisma Whether by careful planning, literal fool luck, or
modifier; this damage doesn’t trigger a saving even the blessing of the – dubious – forgotten
throw. god Lhul’z, starting at 14th level, you can avert
impending death with sheer laughter.
KILLING JOKES When you are reduced to 0 hit points,
At 3rd level, you learn how to empower your before falling unconscious, you can use your
own jokes with Bardic Inspiration, changing reaction to erupt in mad, contagious cackle and
even the most trivial quip into a deadly gag. You deliver the greatest joke of all. You immediately
can expend one of your uses of Bardic regain hit points equal to half your hit point
Inspiration to use one of the following actions; maximum, and then you stand up if you so
regardless of the chosen action, your Killing choose. Each creature of your choice that is
Jokes work only if the target creature is able to within 30 feet of you and that can hear you
hear you. takes psychic damage equal to 2d8 + your
You can use deliver only one Killing Joke Charisma modifier, and is knocked prone by
per turn. overwhelming laughter.
Distracting Pun. When an attack roll is Once you use this feature, you can’t use
made against you, but before knowing whether it again until you finish a long rest.
it hits or misses, you can use your reaction to
roll a Bardic Inspiration die and subtract the COLLEGE OF PRISTINE
number rolled from the attack roll. If you do so,
the attacker suffers psychic damage equal to the UTTERANCE
number rolled with the Bardic Inspiration die.
Deadly Punchline. When you cast a Every learned bard knows that their powers
spell that targets a single creature, you can use a come from the echo of the pristine, Original
bonus action to roll a Bardic Inspiration die and Words that put the existence of the Multiverse
subtract the number rolled from the creature’s into being, an act of such a magnitude that even

after countless eons its power lingers in the UTTERANCE OF POWER
worlds, its magic forever reverberating. At 3rd level, you learn to improve your own
Most bards are content with this spells with a subtle echoing of the First Words.
knowledge and a very little understanding of Whenever you cast a spell on your turn,
how, metaphysically speaking, their magic you can use one of the following Utterance of
works: as long as they can harness such power, Power options of your choice. You can use only
they really don’t need to understand everything one Utterance of Power per turn.
about it. A precious few bards, however, are not Utterance of Awe. If the spell targets an
satisfied by this shallow consciousness: they are enemy creature, you can expend one of your
not content to merely be able to practice magic Bardic Inspiration to deal extra psychic damage
with their songs, they must know why in some to that creature. The damage equals the number
circumstances an otherwise mundane tune you roll on the Bardic Inspiration die. The target
becomes a magical spell. As more often than not also subtracts the number rolled from any
is true for many arcane and mystical pursues, to attack roll it makes until the start of your next
investigate the nature of the Pristine Utterance turn.
is not an easy task, but it is one that certainly Utterance of Might. If the spell targets
grants its own reward. an enemy creature, you can expend one of your
To seek out the correct articulation and Bardic Inspiration to deal extra psychic damage
the proper meaning of the Pristine Utterance is to that creature. The damage equals the number
an unending quest, one that no seeker has ever you roll on the Bardic Inspiration die. As the
completed. But even the scrambled fragments of power of your magic forces it to its knees, he
truth achievable by a mortal are enough to target must also make a Strength saving throw.
empower their spells: as a bard’s magic comes On a failed save, you knock the target prone.
from the eternal memory of the Original Words, Utterance of Confidence. If the spell
to better understand them is to better manifest targets an ally, you can expend one of your
their own power. A song, sometimes, could be Bardic Inspiration to restore that ally’s hit
the real key to unlock ultimate arcane power. points. The damage healed equals the number
you roll on the Bardic Inspiration die plus your
POLYGLOT SAVANT Charisma modifier. The ally also adds the
When you join this college at 3rd level, you number you rolled to their next ability check,
learn three more languages of your choice. attack roll, or saving throw made until the start
There is a spark of the Pristine Utterance in of your next turn.
every speech, and every mastered tongue will When you reach 14th level, the damage
help your research. caused by your Utterance of Power changes
from psychic damage to force damage.
ARTICULATE MAGIC Furthermore, spells influenced by an
Also at 3rd level, you learn to substitute simple Utterance of Power are immune to silence and
words of power for the required movements of similar effects: their verbal component pierces
any spell you cast. As long as you can speak, you trough every magical stillness.
can substitute somatic (S) components with
verbal (V) components for any spell you cast. If WORDS TO BE HEEDED
the spell already has both verbal and somatic At 6th level, you gain the ability to harm your
components, however, you can’t change them enemies with simple whispers.
and you are still forced to execute any gesture As a reaction, when you are attacked by
and movement it requires. a creature within 60 feet of you who can hear
you, you force the attacker to make a Wisdom

saving throw. It takes 2d8 psychic damage on a expending a spell slot nor using an action.
failed save, or half as much damage on a Should you die, the curse can’t be lifted until
successful one. For 1 minute, as long as the you are resurrected, unless by a wish or equally
targets keeps attacking you or your allies, and powerful magic effect.
remains within range, you can use your reaction Once you use this feature, you can’t use
to force it back again to make a Wisdom saving it again until you finish a long rest.
throw against the same damage.
When you reach 14th level, the damage COLLEGE OF SHANTIES
caused by your Words to Be Heeded changes
from psychic damage to force damage. A seaman, a singer, a trusty mate with quick
Once you use this feature, you can’t use reflexes and a big heart: this is the ideal bard
it again until you finish a long rest. from the College of Shanties, a hero whose
words lead and inspire their companions to
A DEADLY LAST WORD always act at their best.
Starting at 14th level, your last words are Before being studied and applied by bards of
infused by the power of a powerful, nearly every calling across the worlds, shanties were
unbreakable curse. simple sea song with a mechanism of call and
If you are reduced to 0 hit points or are response: the main singer, the shantyman,
incapacitated against your will, you can would direct their companions both in the
immediately cast a 9th level bestow curse spell chorus and in the chores required to sail a ship.
against a target within 60 feet, without The voice and wits of a proper shantyman
would support sailors during their exhausting
manual labor, and many a seaman found that a
good shanty could inspire them to complete
nearly impossible tasks.
As soon as bardic colleges started to study and
catalog sea shanties, it became clear that the
same principles could be used to lead
adventurer parties. And so many a bard spent
at least a few months aboard a ship, learning
from the sailors and taking the role of
shantyman, in order to learn the basis of an art
that would lead their companions against
impossible odds – for what is a seaman life, if
not a constant struggle with the impossible
odds posed of the ocean?

Starting when you join this college at 3rd level,
you add twice your proficiency bonus to
Strength (Athletics) you made to swim or to
climb the cordage of a ship, and to Dexterity
(Acrobatics) checks you make to balance on
the rigging or to stay upright on the rocking
deck of a ship. Furthermore, you gain
proficiency with vehicles (water).

To be a shantyman means to know your (minimum of once). You regain all expended
way around the deck, first and foremost. uses when you finish a long rest.


At 3rd level, you infuse the call and response Starting at 6th level, when you run out of breath
rhythm of shanties with your bardic inspiration. or are chocking, you can survive for a number of
When you use a bonus action to grant rounds equal to twice your Constitution
Bardic Inspiration to a creature, that creature modifier (minimum of 2 rounds). Accidents
can use its reaction to move up to its speed, or happen at sea, after all.
to take the Attack or Use an Object action. If the
creature decides to use the Attack action, the BALLAD OF SHAME UNENDING
granted Bardic Inspiration die can be added to When you 14th level, the very act of striking you
the damage roll for that attack, and must be down is enough to invoke a supernatural curse
used before the start of your next turn. on whoever dared attack the shantyman.
If you are reduced to 0 hit points or are
LOOK OUT MATE incapacitated against your will, you can
At 6th level, you gain the ability to utter a immediately cast a 9th level bestow curse spell
mystical warning that saves your companions against a target within 60 feet, without
from certain death. As a reaction when a expending a spell slot nor using an action.
creature you can see within 30 feet of you that Should you die, the curse can’t be lifted until
can hear you suffers a critical hit, you can turn you are resurrected, unless by a wish or equally
the hit into a normal hit. Any effects triggered powerful magic effect.
by a critical hit are canceled. Once you use this feature, you can’t use
You can use this feature a number of it again until you finish a long rest.
times equal to your Charisma modifier

“Me, a devilish scoundrel? What is a devil, When a powerful angel makes a mistake and an
preacher? A devil is nothing more than a fallen Archdevil is born Hell breaks loose – quite
angel, and this is the issue: the very existence of literally! Hell, a place were mortals are
devils teaches us that angels can fall, that there is methodically chained and tortured for the sake of
no such thing as pure and absolute Good. If even punishment.
the paradigm of goodness can fall, Good is not You see, preacher, I don’t believe in chains and
perfect. No: angels are living creatures, as we punishment. No one among us does. Pirates? Yes,
are, and make mistakes as we do. we are. Marauders? Quite so, sometimes.
The only difference is that when angels do a Scoundrels? Of course. But devils? Not even close,
mistake a devil is born, and mortals have to priest. We believe in freedom, and in freedom for
suffer because of it. everybody. Not just in our own freedom, not in
Think about your theology: the oh so wretched our freedom to the detriment of others. We are
evil of primordial Chaos what could produce? not “devils”, nor “demons”.
The Abyss, a place of madness and unfettered So, you see, you are free to go. We won’t kill you.
violence, the very land fighting against itself. And The cargo is ours, of course, but you and the crew
what did fallen angels create? Literally Hell. are safe, albeit a bit bruised.
There would be no Hell were not for fallen angels. Go, and spread the tale!”

“I saw, hence I know, hence I speak. With my word I can render true what is not not
My word is truth, what I deny is falsehood. true.”

The cleric is, among the classes in the Player's tend to be sometimes inadequate to the
Handook, one of the most versatile ones. Still, as endeavor.
D&D worlds span for decades of stories and This works aims to provide seven new
chronicles, and as the rules of the games try to domains, along with some quick variants, to
catch the legends and myths of countless real expand the possibility of the cleric's class.
world religions, the domains provided so far


The humble friar that, when not adventuring, holy texts so that everybody may access the
returns to his monastery where hard work is its word of god.
own pay. The secluded scholar that translates Not all the chosen of the gods are
militant champions, holy warriors clad in steel
that deal swift death to the enemies of the Faith.
Sometimes, deities bless a man of peace, a
scholar or even a humble artisan, with the
power to work miracles in their name.
A contemplative has all the usual class
features of the cleric, with the following

Armor: Light Armor
Weapons: All simple weapons
Languages and Tools: A single language or tool

Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma

Skills: Choose three from History, Insight,
Medicine, Persuasion, and Religion

Beginning at 1st level, while you are wearing no
armor and not wielding a shield, your AC equals
10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Wisdom
modifier. Your god protects you with divine
majesty, and whispers to your soul the right
path to avoid incoming attacks.

If the selected domain would grant you
proficiency with heavy armors, you instead gain
proficiency with shields and you can use them
without losing the benefits of your Unarmored
Defense class feature.

The Death and Trickery Domains grant a Divine cause the attack to deal an extra 1d8 psychic
Strike feature that in some instances seems very damage to the target. When you reach 14th
odd while compared to some of the deities level, the extra damage increases to 2d8.
associated with those domains.
The following quick variants are meant For gods of death associated with
to be used as simple tools to make those plagues, pestilences and diseases rather than
domains more consistent with the associated undeath and necromancy, such as Morgion,
gods. replace the Divine Strike domain feature with
the following.
For gods of trickery associated more
with pranks and frauds rather than murder and DIVINE STRIKE
poisoning, such as Loki or Hermes, replace the At 8th level, you gain the ability to infuse your
Divine Strike domain feature with the following. weapon strikes with the essence of poison and
disease. Once on each of your turns when you
DIVINE STRIKE hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can
At 8th level, you gain the ability to infuse your cause the attack to deal an extra 1d8 poison
weapon strikes with the unsettling energies of damage to the target. When you reach 14th
trickery itself. Once on each of your turns when level, the extra damage increases to 2d8.
you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can


Cleric Level Spells
Every race and culture has its own creation 1st create or destroy water, find familiar
myths, and reveres its own patron deities as the 3rd find steed, spiritual weapon
creators of more or less everything that exists. 5th create food and water, revivify
Often those myths are nothing more than
7th fabricate, stone shape
glorified, parochial legends, but a few powerful
9th animate objects, creation
gods are in fact the rightful creators of one or
more worlds: other divinities created lesser
beings, but the existence of the Material Plane is WHISPERS OF THE CREATION
the work and gift of those almighty, secluded When you choose this domain at 1st level, you
deities. Creator gods, such as Brahma, aren't learn the druidcraft and prestidigitation
usually revered by masses of faithful, nor they cantrips. You also gain proficiency in two sets of
possess organized churches or cult. tools of your choice.
Nevertheless, they lend their blessing and
powers to a selected few mortal agents, the CHANNEL DIVINITY: CHARM
chosen prophets and heralds of Creation itself.
Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel
Divinity to charm animals and plants: the lesser
creatures are easily influenced by your stature
as a chosen agents of the Creator.

As an action, you present your holy hands of those forces that in darkness live and
symbol and invoke the name of your deity. Each revel, for Darkness is in the Multiverse a power
beast or plant creature that can see you within equal to Light. Many gods are associated with
30 feet must make a Wisdom saving throw. If darkness, and many of them are cruel, vicious
the creature fails its saving throw, it is charmed deities with no regard of mortal life. However,
by you for 1 minute or until It takes damage. despite common association, darkness isn't a
While it is charmed by you, it is friendly to you mere attribute of evil: its substance transcends
and other creatures you designate. the concepts of good and evil, and represents
the primal, arcane force that pervaded
CREATION UNENDING everything before the birth of light.
Beginning at 6th level, you gain a greater Deities of darkness, such as Hecate and
proficiency in channeling healing magic. When Set, confer great magical powers to their chosen
you cast a spell of 1st level or higher that agents, humans gifted with a shard of darkness
restores hit points to a creature other than you, that makes them one with the night.
you regain hit points equal to 2 + the spell's
Cleric Level Spells
1st hex, unseen servant
3rd darkness, darkvision
Starting at 8th level, you add your Wisdom
modifier to the damage you deal with any cleric 5th fear, hunger of Hadar
cantrip. 7th black tentacles, phantasmal killer
9th dream, modify memory
At 17th level, you are enlightened with a basic
understanding of powerful magic strictly
At 1st level, you gain darkvision within 60 feet,
related to the creation of the Multiverse, a magic
and your eyes can see even through magical
that normally no cleric could wield. You add the
darkness. You also gain proficiency in one of the
four new spells noted below, one for each level
following skills of your choice: Deception or
from 6th to 9th, to your list of domain spells.
Like your other domain spells, they are
always prepared and count as cleric spells for
SECRETS OF CREATION SPELLS Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel
Spell Level Spell Divinity to suppress light and damage your
6th move earth enemies with the freezing embrace of darkness.
7th magnificent mansion As an action, you present your holy
8th demiplane symbol, and any magical light within 30 feet of
you is dispelled. Additionally, each hostile
9th wish
creature within 30 feed of you must make a
Constitution saving throw. A creature takes cold
DARKNESS DOMAIN damage equal to 2d10 + your cleric level on a
failed saving throw, and half as much damage
Darkness, say the fools, is not an entity by itself, on a successful one. A creature that has total
but a mere absence of light. Those fools will cover from you is not affected.
typically meet an excruciating death by the

CHANNEL DIVINITY: CLOAK OF fate. When the right time comes, and a new
DARKNESS cosmic cycle must start anew, entire planes
must meet their ultimate doom, bathed in blood
Starting at 6th level, you can use your Channel
and utterly destroyed by the chosen agents of
Divinity to vanish within invisible darkness.
apocalypse, the gods of destruction and their
As an action, you become invisible until
mortal heralds.
the end of your next turn. You become visible if
Gods like Shiva and Apep are not
you attack or cast a spell.
necessarily evil, but nevertheless their mission
is to shatter entire worlds so that new ones can
POTENT SPELLCASTING start anew. Clerics of the destruction domain
Starting at 8th level, you add your Wisdom tend to be menacing individuals, great warriors
modifier to the damage you deal with any cleric gifted with powers that herald the incoming
cantrip. doom.


At 17th level, you have a flying speed equal to Cleric Level Spells
your current walking speed whenever you are 1st burning hands, inflict wounds
underground or in darkness. 3rd cloud of daggers, shatter
5th call lightning, fear
DESTRUCTION DOMAIN 7th blight, ice storm

Everything in the Multiverse obeys to a single, 9th cloudkill, flame strike

enormous cosmic law: all that is born must die.
Humans meet death in a few decades, elves last BONUS PROFICIENCIES
some centuries, and dragons outlast At 1st level, you gain proficiency with martial
civilizations, but even the gods are cast down by weapons and heavy armor.

TREMENDOUS GAZE ultimate destroyer of the current world and the
Also at 1st level, you can channel divine power instrument of eternal renewal. You add the four
to destroy those who try to halt your mission. new spells noted below, one of each for 6th and
When a creature within 5 feet of you that you 9th level and two of 8th level, to your list of
can see hits you with an attack, you can use domain spells. Like your other domain spells,
your reaction to cause the creature to make a they are always prepared and count as cleric
Constitution saving throw against your spell spells for you.
save DC. The creature takes 2d8 fire, necrotic or
thunder damage (your choice) on a failed saving CATALYST OF DOOM SPELLS
throw, and half as such damage on a successful Spell Level Spell
6th disintegrate
You can use this feature a number of 8th earthquake, tsunami
times equal to your Wisdom modifier (a 9th meteor swarm
minimum of once). You regain all expended
uses when you finish a long rest.
Love, lust, fear, rage... the mortal soul echoes the
Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel superhuman passions of the gods. Some deities
Divinity to utterly destroy your unfortunate are imperturbable and detached, but there are
targets. among the gods those that trifle with the
When you hit a creature with a melee feelings of mortals and divinities alike, proud of
attack, you can use Channel Divinity to deal their influence over minds and bodies.
extra fire, necrotic or thunder damage (your The clerics of gods like Aphrodite, Freya,
choice) to the target. The damage equals 5 + and Dionysus are blessed by their patrons with
twice your cleric level. the power to shape the passions and feelings of
mortals like molten wax, spreading the words of
CHANNEL DIVINITY: AGENTS OF RUIN their deities with a more gentle approach than
At 6th level, when a creature within 30 feet of militant proselytism. And yet they remain
you hits an enemy with a melee attack, you can capable warriors of the faith, for they can strike
use Channel Divinity to deal extra fire, necrotic the soul of their enemies as well as their body.
or thunder damage (your choice) to the target.
The damage equals 5 + twice your cleric level. PASSION DOMAIN SPELLS
Cleric Level Spells
DIVINE STRIKE 1st animal friendship, charm person
At 8th level, you gain the ability to infuse your 3rd crown of madness, suggestion
weapon strikes with the divine energy of ruin. 5th fear, tongues
Once on each of your turns when you hit a
7th compulsion, confusion
creature with a weapon attack, you can cause
the attack to deal an extra 1d8 fire, necrotic, or 9th dream, Rary’s telepathic bond
thunder damage (your choice) to the target.
When you reach 14th level, the extra damage PASSIONATE BLESSINGS
increases to 2d8. At 1st level, you learn one additional language
and gain proficiency in one musical instrument
CATALYST OF DOOM of your choice. You also become proficient in
At 17th level, your god grants you the power to your choice of two of the following skills:
act as the chosen agent of destruction, the

Deception, Intimidation, Performance, and saving throw, you can't use this feature on it
Persuasion. again until you finish a long rest.
Your proficiency bonus is doubled for If the creature fails its save, you can read
any ability check you make that uses either of its surface thoughts (those foremost in its mind,
those skills. reflecting its current emotions and what it is
actively thinking about) when it is within 60
CHANNEL DIVINITY: EVERYTHING feet of you. This effect lasts for 1 minute.
YOU WANT During this time, you can use your
action to end this effect and cast the suggestion
Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel
spell on the creature without expending a spell
Divinity to align yourself with the passions and
slot. The target automatically fails its saving
inner desires of a selected creature.
throw against the spell.
As an action, you choose one creature
that you can see within 60 feet of you. For 10
minutes, you have advantage on Charisma skill DIVINE STRIKE
checks that target that creature. At 8th level, you gain the ability to infuse your
weapon strikes with divine energies that
CHANNEL DIVINITY: READ THEIR unsettle the soul as they harm the body. Once
on each of your turns when you hit a creature
FEELINGS with a weapon attack, you can cause the attack
At 6th level, you can use your Channel Divinity to deal an extra 1d8 psychic damage to the
to read a creature's thoughts. You can then use target. When you reach 14th level, the extra
your access to the creature's psyche to damage increases to 2d8.
command it.
As an action, choose one creature that
you can see within 60 feet of you. That creature
Starting at 17th level, when you cast an
must make a Wisdom saving throw against your
enchantment spell of 1st to 5th level that
spell save DC. If the creature succeeds on the
targets only one creature, the spell can instead
target two creatures within range and within 5
feet of each other. If the spells consumes its
material components, you must provide them
for each target.

A cosmic cycle starts with the creation and ends
with the destruction of entire planes of
existence. However, while the worlds last,
during the age long aeons of thriving life, the
worlds must be protected and kept safe. Gods
are often regarded as the protectors of mortals,
but few among them are in fact the protectors of
whole planes of existence, often the preservers
of Multiverse itself.
Gods like Vishnu sometimes assume
mortal shape in order to intervene personally in
the mortal world, but they usually act through

their chosen miracle-workers, the preservation can also end one spell of your choice on that
clerics. Through magic, weapons and often mere creature. The level of the spell you end must be
words of wisdom, the heralds of preservation equal to or lower than the level of the spell slot
gods keep their home world safe until it is ripe you use to cast the healing spell.
for destruction, the necessary and inescapable
doom of every plane of existence. When a new POTENT SPELLCASTING
cycle will be set in motion, the preservation Starting at 8th level, you add your Wisdom
gods will once again guard and protect the new modifier to the damage you deal with any cleric
Multiverse, as they did before and will always cantrip.
At 17th level, you gain resistance to
Cleric Level Spells
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage
1st bless, protection from evil and good
from nonmagical weapons.
3rd lesser restoration, warding bond
5th beacon of hope, remove curse
7th guardian of faith, polymorph
9th greater restoration, reincarnate Many among the mortals see death as a curse,
an impending doom that that condemns them
all. Many deities, however, teach that death is
BONUS PROFICIENCY not the source of suffering, but its end; not a fate
When you choose this domain at 1st level, you of torments, but a promise of rest. Whoever is
gain proficiency with heavy armor.


Also at 1st level, you gain the resistance cantrip.
You also gain proficiency in one of the following
skills of your choice: Insight, Medicine, or


Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel
Divinity to heal the badly injured.
As an action, you present your holy
symbol and evoke healing energy that can
restore a number of hit points equal to five
times your cleric level. Choose any creatures
within 30 feet of you, and divide those hit points
among them. This feature can restore a creature
to no more than half of its hit point maximum.
You can't use this feature on an undead or a

Starting at 6th level, when you restore hit points
to an ally with a spell of 1st level or higher, you

born will soon or later die, even the gods will feed of you must make a Constitution saving
fall someday, at the turning of aeons. throw against your spell save DC. A creature
Deities like Osiris act as judges of the takes necrotic damage equal to 2d10 + your
dead, offering eternal peace to the deceased; cleric level on a failed saving throw, and half as
other gods, like Hermes and Odin, are much damage on a successful one. A creature
psychopomps themselves, guiding the mortals that has total cover from you is not affected.
during their last journey towards the lands of
death. Clerics of the deities of rest often act as UNDENIABLE CALL
undertakers, but they are equally renowned as Starting at 6th level, whenever you channel
the healers that assist those on the deathbed: negative energy your magic is capable of laying
the rest domain teaches to ease the suffering of to rest even those creatures that are normally
those who are passing away, to fight death till beyond the grasp of death. Necrotic damage
there is even a tiny hope, but to exhale in peace dealt by your cleric spells and class features
the final breath with the knowledge that, like ignores resistance to necrotic damage.
life, death is a necessary part of the natural
At 8th level, you gain the ability to infuse your
weapon strikes with the divine energy of death.
Cleric Level Spells
Once on each of your turns when you hit a
1st detect poison and disease, false life
creature with a weapon attack, you can cause
3rd gentle repose, hold person
the attack to deal an extra 1d8 necrotic damage
5th feign death, speak with dead to the target. When you reach 14th level, the
7th death ward, staggering smite extra damage increases to 2d8.
9th hold monster, reincarnate
Starting at 17th level, you can call up visions of
the past that relate to a corpse you touch. You
At 1st level, you gain proficiency with heavy spend at least 1 minute in meditation and
armor. prayer, then receive dreamlike, shadowy
glimpses of the events regarding the deceased.
FUNERAL RITES You can meditate in this way for a number of
Also at 1st level, you learn the spare the dying minutes equal to your Wisdom score and must
cantrip. You also gain proficiency in the maintain concentration during that time, as if
Medicine skill. For there is no justice in death if you were casting a spell.
the deceased was killed before the proper end Once you use this feature, you can't use
of their days. it again until you finish a short or long rest.
Last Breaths. Touching the corpse, you
CHANNEL DIVINITY: FINAL SHROUD can see visions of its death. After meditating for
Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel 1 minute, you learn its cause of death, as well as
Divinity to evoke a shroud of divine energy that its eventual killer and the identity of the
damages your enemies and gives peace to your deceased. If the corpse was reanimated through
allies. necromancy, you can spend 1 additional minute
As an action, you present your holy to learn who was that animated it as an undead.
symbol, and any ally of yours with 0 hit points Everlasting Memories. As you meditate,
within 30 feet of you is automatically stabilized. you see visions of the most important events in
Additionally, each hostile creature within 30 the life of the deceased whose corpse you are

touching. For each minute you meditate, you Wisdom saving throw against your spell save
learn about one significant memory, beginning DC. The creature takes 2d8 radiant damage on a
with the most recent. Significant memories failed saving throw, and half as such damage on
typically involve powerful emotions, such as a successful one.
battles, betrayals, marriages, and other You can use this feature a number of
important rites; however, they might also times equal to your Wisdom modifier (a
include mundane events that were nevertheless minimum of once). You regain all expended
important for the deceased. Anyway, your uses when you finish a long rest.
visions can't go back more than a number of
months equal to your Wisdom score. CHANNEL DIVINITY: EDICT OF THE
SOLEMNITY DOMAIN Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel
Divinity to rebuke otherwordly creatures in the
Every pantheon has its sovereign, the greatest name of your deity.
and most powerful among the gods the one As an action, you present your holy
whose majesty is revered by entire nations, symbol, and one celestial, elemental, fey, or
often identified with the sky itself. fiend of your choice that is within 30 feet of you
Zeus, Jupiter, Dyeus, Ra-Horakhty... must make a Wisdom saving throw against your
often different populations use different names spell save DC, provided that the creature can see
for a deity that they recognize as the same, for – or hear you. If the creature fails its saving
according to mortals – who could be greater throw, it is turned for 1 minute or until it takes
than the greatest among the gods? Clerics of any damage.
gods of solemnity wield tremendous powers A turned creature must spend its turns
themselves, acting as unyielding sentinels trying to move as far away from you as it can,
against every monstrosity and blasphemy that and it can't willingly end its move in a space
challenges their divine patron. within 30 feet of you. It also can't take reactions.
For its action, it can only use the Dash action or
SOLEMNITY DOMAIN SPELLS try to escape from an effect thtat prevents it
Cleric Level Spells from moving. If there's nowheere to move, the
1st Command, feather fall
creature can use the Dodge action.
3rd enlarge/reduce, see invisibility After you reach 5th level, when a
5th fly, spirit guardians creature fails its saving throw against your Edict
7th dominate beast, guardian of faith of the Lord feature, the creature is also banished
(as in the banishment spell, no concentration
9th circle of power, geas
required) if it isn't on its plane of origin and its
challenge rating is at or below a certain
BONUS PROFICIENCIES threshold, equal to that of your Destry Undead
At 1st level, you gain proficiency with martial class feature.
weapons and heavy armor.
WRATHFUL MAJESTY As befitting your stature as an agent of the king
Also at 1st level, you can channel divine power among gods, divine forces sustain and protect
to punish those who dare attack you. When a you even when you selflessly ease the suffering
creature within 5 feet of you that you can see of others. Beginning at 6th level, when you cast
hits you with an attack, you can use your a spell of 1st level or higher that restores hit
reaction to cause the creature to make a

points to a creature other than you, you regain It was a full moon night, and we were just
hit points equal to 2 + the spell's level. returning from a banquet. Our carriage suddenly
stopped, and we heard a thud. The coachmen
POTENT SPELLCASTING didn’t answer, and so we came out of the
Starting at 8th level, you add your Wisdom carriage, and we saw them.
modifier to the damage you deal with any cleric Two assassins; the coachmen had been their first
cantrip. victim but, no doubt, I was the target. As they
were beating me up, I shout at them to be quick
ON EAGLE'S WINGS and spare my family, but they just laughed.
Our daughter, our smart, beautiful daughter was
At 17th level, you have a flying speed equal to
the first to fall. They said that I had to pay, that I
your current walking speed whenever you are
had to watch them both die before me. And then
not underground or indoors.
they went for my wife.
I was there, beaten and helpless as I clung to her,
“Why did I start adventuring only in my middle
as I heard her gasping for air, blood all over her
years? Because I had no talent at all before my
gown. She died in my arms. I knew I was next,
forties, before… that day. I was married, you
and I rejoiced, for I could not imagine a life
know, with the most beautiful and wisest woman
without her.
of all the shire. And we had a daughter; she was
But then I heard a voice, a voice the like of which
my pride, such a clever and joyful young lady.
I had never heard before. And then… then there
Alas, it was not to last.
was the power, a surge of power such as I
Back then I was a minor constable, and a very
couldn’t even imagine.
scrupulous one; sadly, I was too scrupulous for
I easily vanquished the assassins, but my family…
some of my superiors. When they found out that I
they were both gone.
couldn't be bought, they decided to remove me
So, you understand, there is nothing for me out
from office. Permanently.
there, no one awaits me at home. There are only
these powers, and the lives I can save with them.

Most druid circles focus on what represents the decay, and the inner energies hidden beneath
proper, usual natural world, from dreams to everything sometimes harbor truly unnatural
animals to different environments. But life is forces.
part of the circle of nature as much as death and


consider pure blasphemy, hence their
reputation of apostates.
The Circle of Apostasy is the dark and corrupted This circle offers a path to power, one
face of the Circle of the Land, a congregation of that could easily seduce a young druid into
druids whose heretical views made them the accepting its ways. Apostates, of course,
very scourge they once swore to fight. maintain no formal organization, nor they have
Inspecting and contemplating the most common (un)holy places to revere. But they are
controversial aspect of nature, they ended up anyway divided into four main sects, as if four
enmeshed with what an orthodox druid would dark voices were clearly speaking among the
whispers only them can heard. Those sects are
the Circle of Beyond, the Circle of Death, the
Circle of Decay and the Circle of the
For the Circle of Death the real meaning
of life is its end, for there will be no life without
death. And so these druids encourage, revere
and spread the work of the Grim Reaper, for
this, they believe, is the cruel but necessary way
of nature. Great is their power over death, and
they are perhaps the only druids that view
undeads as tools rather than abominations.
The Circle of Decay reveres the
inevitable decay and putrescence as the only
means towards a new, promising life, for new
blossoms always sprouts from decay, and
nothing is capable of arousing renewal as a
corrupted drop of pus, the putrescence that
strengthens the worthy and thins the herd of
the weak.
The Circle of the Netherworld was born
from an excessive and insane interest on the
fate of the souls and spirits, an interest that
drove many druids to linger with the most vile
of the outsiders in order to extort their utmost
secrets. A member of this circle gains great
power over the weak-minded, and knows how

to bind powerful outsiders to his or her will, but access to circle spells connected to your own
the very soul of this druid is condemned to an apostasy.
eternity of suffering in the Lower Planes. Once you gain access to a circle spell,
However, the most vile of all the you always have it prepared, and it doesn't
apostates are perhaps those of the Circle of count against the number of spells you can
Beyond, for their madness transcended the prepare each day. If you gain access to a spell
nature of this world to embrace the not-so- that doesn't appear on the druid spell list, the
natural order of the Far Realm, the very bane of spell is nonetheless a druid spell for you.
mortal worlds. And yet, if it is the natural order
that imposes the survival of the fittest and the CIRCLE OF BEYOND
strongest, the denizens of the Great Beyond will Druid Level Circle Spells
be the true inheritors of the earth. 3rd crown of madness, misty step
As a member of this circle, your magic is 5th hunger of Hadar, lightning bolt
influenced by the dark power whose influences 7th confusion, Evard's black tentacles
on the natural world you choose to revere.
9th contact other plane, scrying

When you choose this circle at 2nd level, you CIRCLE OF DEATH
learn one additional cantrip based on your Druid Level Circle Spells
3rd Blindness/deafness, hold person
specific circle, as noted below.
5th animate dead, speak with dead
BONUS CANTRIP 7th blight, death ward
Circle Bonus cantrip
9th antilife shell, cloudkill
Circle of Beyond dancing lights
Circle of Death chill touch
Circle of Decay poison spray
Druid Level Circle Spells
Circle of the Netherworld thaumaturgy 3rd Melf's acid arrow, ray of enfeeblement
5th Stinking cloud, vampire's touch
FORBIDDEN SHAPES 7th blight, vitriolic sphere
The blasphemous rites of your circle grant you 9th cloudkill, contagion
the ability to transform into forbidden forms,
that no druid would ordinarily assume. You can
convert your flesh into living wood, or divide
Druid Level Circle Spells
your consciousness between innumerable
3rd darkness, suggestion
lesser animal forms.
Starting at 2nd level, you can use your 5th fear, magic circle
Wild Shape to transform into a single plant 7th banishment, phantasmal killer
creature, or into a swarm of beasts. The shapes 9th contact other plane, planar binding
you can assume are still subject to the
limitations of challenge rating and special
movement based on your level.
As your power grows, so does your ability to
integrate druidic rites with forbidden formulas
and blasphemous powers, in order to assume
Your specific circle grants you vile powers
unnatural and corrupted forms with your Wild
linked to the apostasy that made you a heretical
Shape feature. Starting at 6th level, when you
druid. At 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th level you gain

use your Wild Shape, you can choose to alter the CIRCLE OF DECAY
type of the creature you transform into to better New Type ooze
reflect the vile nature of your own circle. If you Resistance to acid damage
do so, you gain resistance to a damage type Possible Features purulent swellings, fluid flesh
determined by your circle.
Furthermore, your corrupted shape is
such an abomination against the natural order
New Type fiend
than the plants themselves try to avoid you.
When you are in Wild Shape, moving through Resistance to poison damage
nonmagical difficult terrain costs you no extra Possible Features distorted, humanoid features
movement; you can also pass through
nonmagical plants without being slowed by NATURE'S BANE
them and without taking damage from them if When you reach 10th level, you are immune to
they have thorns, spines, or a similar hazard. poison and disease. Furthermore, you can't be
charmed or frightened by elementals or fey, nor
CIRCLE OF BEYOND by the creatures associated with your specific
New Type aberration
Resistance to psychic damage
Possible Features distorted facial features, tentacles CREATURES
Circle Creature Type
Circle of Beyond aberrations
New Type undead Circle of Death undeads

Resistance to necrotic damage Circle of Decay oozes

Possible Features rotting flesh, exposed bones Circle of the Netherworld fiends

When you reach 14th level, the border
between your own shape and the ones
you assume with your powers
becomes labile. You continuously gain
resistance to the damage associated
with your circle and, while you
assume your Shape of Corruption, you
gain immunity to that damage.
Furthermore, you can cast the
alter self spell at will, but the forms
you assume are always influenced by
your Shape of Corruption feature.

of radiance is manifest, when a creature you can
see moves into a space within 10 feet of you or
According to the legends, the founder of the starts its turn there, you can use your reaction
Circle of the Energy Within was a gith foundling to deal 1d4 radiant damage to that creature
raised by a community of druids. During their unless it succeeds on a Constitution saving
training, the foundling’s inborn psionic abilities throw against your druid spell save DC. The
unsealed the path to an enlightening new radiant damage increases to 1d6 at 6th level,
understanding of the natural world. The gith 1d8 at 10th level, and 1d10 at 14th level.
druid could psionically interact with the matter Furthermore, when you cast a druid
around them, both living and inanimate, and spell or a druid cantrip that deals fire damage,
soon heard the echo of an overwhelming energy you can change its damage type to radiant.
hidden within everything. Some rocks and lands
were stronger, literally rife with it, but this new IF FLOWS FROM WITHIN
radiance of power could be found everywhere. At 2nd level, you gain the ability to enhance
In learning to channel their newfound power, your radiant aura with druidic magic. As an
the gith druid established the Circle of the action, you can expend a use of your Wild Shape
Energy Within. feature to empower your radiance, rather than
Some tales say that the once foundling transform into a beast form, and you gain 4
raised to became the arch-druid of their group, temporary hit points for each level you have in
the first Circle of the Energy Within, while this class. While this feature is active, you gain
others assert that they were shunned and the following benefits:
banished from their old community, and that - When you deal your Savant of Hidden
they founded a proper circle only after a long Radiance damage, roll the damage die a second
pilgrimage. Some scholars utterly refuse this time and add it to the total.
legend, or at least suppose that the new druidic - Your melee weapon attacks deal an extra 1d6
tradition wasn’t founded, but rather discovered radiant damage to any target they hit.
many times by those druids who could sense These benefits last for 10 minutes, until
the hidden flow of the inner force. you lose all these temporary hit points, or until
As of today, there isn’t a unique circle, and you use your Wild Shape again.
perhaps the followers of the energy within
wield a power far greater than their mythical PSIONIC SPELLS
master did. According to some, they could even Your latent psychic abilities manifest as
bring forth the end of the world! powerful spells. At 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th level
you gain access to new spells, as shown in the
BONUS CANTRIP Psionic Spells table.
When you choose this circle at 2nd level, you Once you gain access to a psionic spell,
learn the mage hand (the hand is invisible) you always have it prepared, and it doesn't
cantrip, and this is a druid cantrip for you. count against the number of spells you can
prepare each day. If you gain access to a spell
Starting at 2nd level, you learn to harness the appear on the
energy hidden within the natural world as a druid spell list,
deadly radiance. the spell is
As a bonus action, you can surround nonetheless a
yourself with an aura of radiance that sheds druid spell for
bright light in a 10-feet radius. While this aura you.

PSIONIC SPELLS Wisdom modifier to the damage dealt by that
Druid Level Psionic Spells spell.
3rd levitate, see invisibility
7th guardian of faith, fire shield Starting at 14th level, you can unleash a deadly
9th hold monster, telekinesis radiance from your body. When you are hit by a
melee attack, you can use your reaction to deal
radiant damage to the attacker. The damage
PRETERNATURAL RADIANCE equals your druid level, and ignores resistance
At 6th level, you gain resistance to radiant and immunity to radiant damage. The attacker
damage. In addition, when you cast a spell that must also make a Constitution saving throw
deals radiant damage, or use your Savant of against your druid spell save DC. On a failed
Hidden Radiance feature, you ignore the target’s save, the attacker is poisoned until the end of
resistance to radiant damage, and deal half your next turn.
damage event to targets immune to radiant
damage. “This hidden power, this energy within me… it’s
too much, too much to bear. This accursed light!
SECRETS OF THE INNER RADIANCE My companion, that good-for-nothing ranger,
When you reach 10th level, you are immune to said it was my fault he was bald, that his pet
poison and disease, and when you cast a spell could tolerate space radiation but he could not.
that deals radiant damage, you can add your Bah. Blathering nonsense.
And yet now that I am alone I miss him, I miss
them all.
They say they couldn’t, and wouldn’t, follow
me through the Cursed Cave of Unseen Light.
I called them cowards, they called me a
delusional fool, and we parted with so much
hate and contempt...
… how I miss their company now! Now that
I’m here, now that I have reached my
destination, now that I am alone with my
long-sought treasure. The Disk of Power, I
feel it buzzing with my neck hair, I could
almost see it shine with the Unseen Light
that fills the whole cave.
It’s heavy, heavier than it looks, and bright,
brighter than the finest steel. A simple
carving digs through its face, the carving of
a small circle surrounded by three small
The Disk of Power, the Source of Unseen
Light is mine now! Now I am the Arch-
… if only I could get out of this blasted cave!”

The fighter is one of those classes whose fighting styles. This new update, however, also
existing archetypes are already broad enough to includes a few brand new martial archetypes
cover different character ideas. Hence I initially designed to offer new interesting combat
offered only a minor variant and some extra experience, as well as a new fighting style.


This simple variant of the eldritch knight is choice, two of which you must choose from the
good to represent a fighter that discovers (or abjuration and evocation spells on the sorcerer
finally decides to accept) that magic flows in spell list. The Spell Known column of the
their bloodline. Rather than study it as a wizard, Eldritch Knight Spellcasting table shows when
they awaken it from their own blood and soul as you learn more sorcerer spells of 1st level of
a sorcerer does. higher. Each of these spells must be an
Thus they uses all the eldritch knight class abjuration or evocation spell of your choice, and
features, with the following exceptions. must be of a level for which you have spell slots.
The spells you learn at 8th, 14th, and
SPELLCASTING 20th level can come from any school of magic.
When you reach 3rd level, you augment your Whenever you gain a level in this class,
martial prowess with the ability to cast spells. you can replace one of the sorcerer spells you
See chapter 10 for the general rules of know with another spell of your choice from the
spellcasting and chapter 11 for the sorcerer sorcerer spell list. The new spell must be of a
spell list. level for which you have spell slots, and it must
Cantrips. You learn two cantrips of your be an abjuration or evocation spell, unless
choice from the sorcerer spell list. You learn an you’re replacing the spell you gained at 3rd, 8th,
additional sorcerer cantrip of your choice at 14th, or 20th level from any school of magic.
10th level. Spellcasting Ability. Charisma is your
Spell Slots. Your spells slot work exactly spellcasting ability for your sorcerer spells,
as those of a normal eldritch knight. since you draw from your own soul the power
Spells Known of 1st-level and Higher. to cast them. You use your Charisma whenever
You know three 1st-level sorcerer spells of your a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In

addition, you use your Charisma modifier when Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your
setting the saving throw DC for a sorcerer spell Charisma modifier
you cast and when making an attack roll with
one. Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus +
your Charisma modifier


When you choose a fighting style, the following shield-wielding
styles are added to the list of available options. When you are wielding a shield, you can wield a
You can’t take a Fighting Style option more than weapon with the other hand ignoring the two-
once, even if you later get to choose again, but handed property.
you can take and combine different Fighting
Styles. vengeful strikes
When you are wielding a melee weapon, and a
free hand fighting creature you can see within 5 feet hits you with
When you are fighting with a free hand that a melee weapon attack, you can use your
doesn’t wield a weapon nor a shield, you can reaction to inflict damage equal to your
use a bonus action to take the Use an Object proficiency bonus to the attacking creature. The
action. damage is of the type inflicted by the weapon
you are wielding.


as one size larger when determining your
carrying capacity and the weight you can push,
A Juggernaut is an unstoppable, overwhelming drag, or lift. Juggernauts are notorious for the
force whose advance cannot be halted nor ease they move with even while wearing
resisted, and this is the better word to describe cumbersome looking armor.
some fighters. Juggernauts relentlessly charge
into melee, shaking off enemy attacks before FEROCIOUS TACKLE
showing their martial superiority in a deadly At 7th level, you always maintain a momentum
display of force. And, as many veterans would that burst into a reckless charge whenever you
say, few things are more fearsome than a enter combat. You have advantage on initiative
charging bulwark about to cleave you in two. rolls. Additionally, if you are surprised at the
beginning of combat and aren’t incapacitated,
LIVING BULWARK you can act normally on your first turn, but only
Beginning when you choose this archetype at if you move at least 10 feet in a straight line
3rd level, when you use your Second Wind before doing anything else on that turn.
feature you also gain resistance to all damage
until the start of your next turn. RELENTLESS BULK
By 10th level, even to stop your advance
UNBURDENED becomes a difficult task. At the start of your first
Starting at 3rd level, your speed is never turn of each combat, or when you reduce a
reduced by wearing heavy armor, and you count creature to 0 hit points, you can take the Dash

action as a bonus action. If you take this action, the unarmed warrior’s demise. The archetypal
opportunity attacks provoked by you are made pugilist is a fighter that constantly trains in
with disadvantage until the end of your turn. order to reach the peak of physical condition,
You simply can’t be stopped. learning how to deliver ferocious unarmed
blows as strong as a maul: armor and shield
RECKLESS CHARGE become complementary to their strikes and
Starting at 15th level, you can trample your pins, and the resulting fighting style is, if not too
enemies like a living engine of destruction. elegant, quite efficient.
If you move at least 10 feet in a straight line
before attacking a creature in melee and you hit BONUS PROFICIENCY
it with the attack, the target must succeed on a When you choose this archetype at 3rd level,
Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. The your gain proficiency with the Athletic skill. If
DC for this saving throw is equal to 8 + your you are already proficient in Athletic, you gain
proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier, and proficiency in one of the two following skills:
you can use this feature only once on each of Acrobatics and Insight.
your turns.
MIGHTIER THAN DEATH Starting at 3rd level, your unarmed strike uses a
When you reach 18th level, even death isn’t d4 for damage, or a d6 if you are wearing an
strong enough to hold you. If you take
damage that reduces you to 0 hit points
and doesn’t kill you outright, you can use
your reaction to delay falling unconscious,
and you can immediately take an extra
turn, interrupting the current turn. While
you have 0 hit points during that extra
turn, taking damage causes death saving
throw failures as normal, and three death
saving throw failures can still kill you.
When the extra turn ends, you fall
unconscious if you still have 0 hit points.
Once you use this feature, you
can’t use it again until you finish a long

Every proper fighter learns the basics of
unarmed combat, but combatants across
the worlds of course prefer to focus on
armed training, as weapons are far more
efficient and deadlier than fists and kicks.
Only through rigorous training a warrior
could become so adept at unarmed
fighting that their jabs could compete
with sword and pikes without resulting in

armor. This damage increases to 1d6, or 1d8 if UNCANNY DODGE
you are wearing armor, at 10th level, and to At 15th level, when an attacker that you can see
1d10, or 1d12 if you are wearing armor, at 18th hits you with an attack, you can use your
level. You can also treat your unarmed strikes reaction to halve the attack’s damage against
as a melee weapon with the finesse or heavy you.
UNARMED RIPOSTE Starting at 18th level, you can strike with
Also starting at 3rd level, when a creature virtually every part of your body, and you are
within 5 feet of you hits or misses you with an trained to do so as a split second response. In
attack, you can use your reaction to combat, you get a special reaction that you can
immediately make an unarmed attack or a take once on every creature’s turn, except your
grapple against that creature immediately after turn. You can use this special reaction only to
its attack, provided that you can see the target. make an unarmed strike as an opportunity
attack, and you can’t use it on the same turn
PRETERNATURAL ATHLETE that you take your normal reaction.
By 7th level, your whole body is a
formidable, flexible weapon. Your
unarmed strikes count as magical for
the purpose of overcoming resistance
and immunity to nonmagical attacks
and damage, and you gain proficiency
in Dexterity saving throws.

At 10th level you learn to strike
where it really hurts. When you hit a
creature with an unarmed attack, that
creature has disadvantage on the next
attack it makes against you before the
end of your next turn.

The monk is a very peculiar class, characterized possible to devise new monastic traditions that
mainly by an unarmed fighting style and by an focus on one single aspect of this broad
Orientalist(ish) flavor. Given these premises, it’s inspiration.


Once you reach 5th level in the monk
class, you can spend additional ki points to
The Way of Mercy originated from the Way of increase the level of your spells. The spell's level
the Open Hand when a powerful master decided increases by 1 for each additional ki point you
to devote his great and quite deadly skills to a spend. The maximum of ki points you can spend
higher purpose, foregoing all the violence in in the same spell is 3 at 5th level, and raises to 4
order to shape a new art, a monastic tradition at 9th level, to 5 at 13th level, and to 6 at 17th
focused on healing the sick and cease the level.
Monks of the Way of Mercy have great
knowledge of the pressure points in the
humanoid body, and could adapt their art even
to different creatures, but they don't use this
skill as a tool of violence; even when they fight
an enemy, they prefer to avoid any bloodletting,
unless it is strictly necessary. For this reason
they are reverend and beloved by the common
folk, as true beacons of light in a cruel world.

Starting when you choose this tradition at 3rd
level, you master the basics of the healing
techniques based on pressure points, and you
know exactly which body parts you have to
touch in order to channel the ki into powerful
spell-like effects.
If you don't already know it you gain the spare
the dying cantrip. Furthermore, as an action you
can spend 2 ki points to cast cure wounds (cast
as a 2th level spell), enhance ability, lesser
restoration, or protection from poison as a spell SECRET PRESSURE POINTS
that requires no material nor verbal
As you reach 6th level, your mastery of pressure
components but works only at touch against a
points increases and you master the ability to
single target.
touch the secret points to disable and submit
Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for
your enemies without having to harm them. As
these spells, and the saving throw DC for them
an action, you can spend 4 ki points to cast hold
equals 8 + your Wisdom modifier + your
person or bestow curse as a spell that requires
proficiency bonus.

no material nor verbal components but works
only at touch against a single target.
As noted before, Wisdom is your spellcasting
ability for these spells, the saving throw DC for
them equals 8 + your Wisdom modifier + your
proficiency bonus, and you can increase their
level by spending additional ki points.

Beginning at 11th level, you can enter a special
meditation that surrounds you with an aura of
peace. At the end of a long rest, you gain the
effect of a sanctuary spell that lasts until the
start of your next long rest (the spell can end
early as normal). The saving throw DC for the
spell equals 8 + your Wisdom modifier + your
proficiency bonus.


By 17 level, you have mastered the fine art of
pressure points, and you can heal every
wound, ease any suffering, or halt every
enemy in its tracks with a mere touch of the saints and masters of the past, they become
secret spots of the body. As an action, you can Enlightened themselves.
spend 6 ki points to cast greater restoration or
hold monster as a spell that requires no material TRUE REVELATION
nor verbal components but works only at touch Starting when you choose this tradition at 3rd
against a single target. level, you attain the first glimpses of a
As noted before, Wisdom is your spellcasting revelation that encompasses every other,
ability for these spells, and the saving throw DC granting you the capability to channel your ki in
for them equals 8 + your Wisdom modifier + order to understand for a short time single
your proficiency bonus. fragments of lore that you normally don't
possess. As a bonus action, you can spend 1 ki
WAY OF ENLIGHTENMENT point and choose a language or tool, or 2 ki
points and choose a skill; for 10 minutes, you
Every monk gains power through meditation have proficiency with the chosen skill or tool, or
and self perfection, but many traditions see you are able to speak, read and understand the
asceticism as an instrument towards an end, chosen language.
this end being often the achievement of a
greater martial prowess. The Way of SHARED ENLIGHTENMENT
Enlightenment, however, teaches to consider As you reach 6th level, you have learned how to
meditation its own end, self perfection the only share with others fragments of the revelation
objective of the true ascetic. that enlightens your spirit, uttering words of
Through stern practices, the followers of wisdom that grant a single, unparalleled
this monastic tradition are capable of achieving moment of clarity. To do so, you must spend 3 ki
the uttermost secret of existence and, like the points and use a bonus action to choose one

creature other than yourself within 60 feet of confront too soon with mysteries too great to
you that can hear you. That creature gains one comprehend. Cosmic Balance requires for Chaos
Enlightenment die, a d6. to countervail Law, for Darkness to countervail
Once within the next 10 minutes, the Light, for Oppression to countervail Freedom,
creature can roll the die and add the number and to Madness to countervail Discipline. Thus,
rolled to one ability check, attack roll, or saving those monks who deviate from the right path
throw it makes. The creature can wait until after end up as followers of the Way of Madness, a
it rolls the d20 before deciding to use the non-tradition properly referred to by many a
Enlightenment die, but must decide before the master as the Wrong Way.
DM says whether the roll succeeds or fails. Once The Way of Madness, grants access to
the Enlightenment die is rolled, it is lost. A visions of beyond, glimpses of the Far Realm
creature can have only one Enlightenment or whose ever-changing lies, for the follower of
Bardic Inspiration die at a time. this monastic tradition, take the place of the
Your Enlightenment die changes as you universal truths once sought. And, where
gain levels, matching the Martial Arts column of madness crawls, twisted powers will soon
the Monk table. follow.


Beginning at 11th level, you can enter a special Starting when you choose this tradition at 3rd
meditation that surrounds you with an aura of level, you create a bond with dark, insane forces
peace. At the end of a long rest, you gain the that feed on the suffering of your enemies.
effect of a sanctuary spell that lasts until the When you reduce a creature within 5 feet of you
start of your next long rest (the spell can end to 0 hit points, you can spend 1 ki point (no
early as normal). The saving throw DC for the action required) to steal part of its last breath
spell equals 8 + your Wisdom modifier + your and gain temporary hit points equal to your
proficiency bonus. Wisdom modifier + your monk level (minimum
of 1 temporary hit point). Furthermore, while
BRIGHT NIMBUS OF THE those temporary hit points last, if a creature hits
ENLIGHTENED you with a melee attack, you can use your
reaction to deal cold damage equal to your
At 17th level, you are capable of manifesting
Wisdom modifier to the creature.
externally your inner enlightenment as a
radiant nimbus, the true sign of your superior
stature. You shed bright light in a 30-foot radius BEACON OF MADNESS
and dim light for an additional 30 feet. You can At 6th level, you gain the ability to act, for a
extinguish or restore the light as a bonus action. brief moment, as a conduit for the absolute
If a creature hits you with a melee attack insanity of the Far Realm to manifest. As an
while this light shines, you can use your action, you can spend 2 ki points to force each
reaction to deal radiant damage to the creature. creature within 30 feet of you that can see you
The radiant damage equals your Wisdom to succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against
modifier + half your monk level. DC equals 8 + your Wisdom modifier + your
proficiency bonus or be confused, as by the
confusion spell, until the end of your next turn.
Among the monks, there are those who lost DEATH IS A LIE
their way, entrapped within the turmoil of a Beginning at 11th level, when you are reduced
mind whose discipline crumbled when trying to to 0 hit points, you can expend 1 ki point (no

action required) to have 1 hit point instead. The Friendly Reminder: Effects of Confusion
claws of death can no longer touch you, as your A confused creature can't take reactions and must
true essence is linked to something that goes roll a d10 at the start of each of its turns to
beyond the mortal plane. determine its behavior for that turn.
Result of 1. The creature uses all its movement to
move in a random direction. To determine the
SUMMON THE CRAWLING DARKNESS direction, roll a d8 and assign a direction to each die
At 17th level, you are capable of opening a face. The creature doesn't take an action this turn.
direct pathway with the contorting, tentacular Result of 2-6. The creature doesn't move or take
madness of the Far Realm. As an action, you can actions this turn.
spend 6 ki points to cast Evard’s black tentacles Result of 7-8. The creature uses its action to make a
as a spell that requires no material components. melee attack against a randomly determined
creature within its reach. If there is no creature
The saving throw DC for the spell equals 8 +
within its reach, the creature does nothing this turn.
your Wisdom modifier + your proficiency
Result of 9-10. The creature can act and move

In 5th edition, we finally have the paladin as a Oathbreaker, a blasphemer that set aside any
full-fledged class, free from any alignment former devotion to any gods: evil deities grant
attachment: if a paladin is the champion of a to their champions the same power as the good
god, and every god can bestow its power upon a one do. And this is inconsistent at best.
mortal, then even the non-lawful, non-good Hence come the following oaths, aimed
deities should be able to do so. However, when at granting new interesting options that explore
it comes to player options, we have for now only different paladin concepts, be it a humanist
a few “not so pure but still good” oaths, and the champion, a ruthless reaver or the protector of
only clearly evil paladin option makes it an a certain temple.


When you choose a fighting style, the following a melee weapon attack, you can use your
style is added to the list of options. reaction to inflict damage equal to your
proficiency bonus to the attacking creature. The
vengeful strikes damage is of the type inflicted by the weapon
When you are wielding a melee weapon, and a you are wielding.
creature you can see within 5 feet hits you with


Although the vows, as well as the precise
Paladins of the Oath of Apocalypse are not the objective of the Oath of Apocalypse may vary,
usual champions in a shiny armor, and their paladins of this oath usually share these tenets.
coming is not echoed by cries of joy. For these Some orders and some deities, of course, put
paladins swore an oath to be the warriors of the more or less emphasis in one or more tenet.
ultimate battle, the champions of Doomsday, Crush, Kill, Destroy. You are not a
and to act in the meantime as the harbingers of protector nor a defender, you are an agent of
the incoming Apocalypse. Often called black – incoming doom, and doom comes for us all. You
and bleak – knights, doom knights, or even grim don't create, you don't protect, you deal in
reavers, they bring death and destruction in destruction.
their wake, but are nevertheless powerful allies Burn to the Ground. Even the gods are
when a hard battle must be fought; however, slayed by the Fate, so why should you spare the
their allies must be wary, for the bleak knights mortals? Every institution, every civilization,
will not hesitate to raise their sword against every creatures is doomed. You execute the
their former comrades, according to the whims sentence of Fate.
of their gods, the – often evil – immortal lords of Feel No Hate. You are not an avenger.
Apocalypse that always fight the Eternal You are an agent of doom not because you enjoy
Struggle to hasten the end of the Mortal World. pointless destruction, but because this is your
And yet Apocalypse and utter destruction are duty. Harbor no harsh feelings for those you kill.
necessary for rebirth and renewal to sprout. Nihilism. Everything will wither,
everyone will die. Don't feel attachment, don't

develop any bonds, for you, as well as those you with the power of entropy, using your Channel
hold dear, will sooner than later die. Divinity. For 1 minute, you add your Charisma
Retribution. You reap what you sow. modifier to attack rolls made with that weapon
The ultimate doom will be merciless to those (with a minimum of +1). The weapon also sheds
who showed no mercy. a quivering red radiance, and emits bright light
in a 20-foot radius and dim light 20 feet beyond
OATH SPELLS that. If the weapons is not already magical, it
You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed. becomes magical for the duration.
You can end this effect on your turn as a
OATH OF APOCALYPSE SPELLS part of any other action. If you are no longer
Paladin Level Spells holding or carrying this weapon, or if you fall
3rd bane, inflict wounds unconscious, this effect ends.
5th cloud of daggers, spiritual weapon
I Spell Doom. As an action, you channel
the essence of doom, death and destruction to
9th animate dead, call lightning
compel your enemies to fight on. Each creature
13th blight, phantasmal killer of your choice that you can see within 30 feet of
17th flame strike, destructive smite you must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a
failed save, the target can't willingly move more
than 30 feet away from you. This effect ends on
the creature if you are incapacitated or die or if
When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain
the creature is moved more than 30 feet away
the following Channel Divinity options.
from you.
Instrument of Death. As an action, you
can imbue one weapon that you are holding

AURA OF DESTRUCTION dreams of equilibrium away. For the Cosmic
Starting at 7th level, you and every creature Balance to triumph Evil and Ruin must be kept
within 10 feet of you, friend or foe, gain a bonus on check, but the same is true for Good and Life.
to melee weapon damage rolls equal to your Chaos and Law are two faces of the same medal,
Charisma modifier (minimum of +1). A creature but every cosmic force tries to unsettle the
can benefit from this feature from only one precarious arms of the Cosmic Balance to its
paladin at a time. favor. To be a champion of balance is a perilous
At 18th level, the range of this aura call, but to swore the oath of Balance, to
increases to 30 feet. proclaim oneself a full-fledged Knight of the
Balance and serve Its cause along with a
UNYIELDING WARRIOR compass of moral decency, is to embrace
perhaps the hardest of lives. The mission of a
Starting at 15th level, when you are reduced to
Knight of the Balance is never over, for the
0 hit points and are not killed outright, you can
Multiverse is endless and eternal, and the
choose to drop to 1 hit point instead. Once you
schemes of opposing cosmic forces never stop.
use this ability, you can't use it again until you
finish a long rest.
Additionally, you suffer none of the TENETS OF BALANCE
drawbacks of old age, and if you are resurrected Very few deity officially encourage the birth of
through magic you suffer none of the penalties an order of paladins sworn to the oath of
associated with raise dead, resurrection and Balance, as the gods themselves are among the
similar spells. cosmic forces that struggle to win the Eternal
Game of the Multiverse. Hence there isn’t any
THE ULTIMATE BATTLE formal order for a Knight of the Balance to join,
and this constitutes a personal call, one
At 20th level, you gain the ability to act as a true
answered by every singular champion in their
beacon of Apocalypse, the catalyst of the
own ways and with their own precepts.
ultimate battle that will consume the world, an
Nevertheless, most paladins swore to this oath
unstoppable machine of destruction that leads
usually honor the following tenets.
the harbingers of doom. You can use your action
Protect the Mortals. Act in such a way
to gain the following benefits for 1 hour:
that you treat mortals, whether in your own
• You have resistance to bludgeoning,
person or in the person of any other, never
piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical merely as a means to an end, but always at the
weapons. same time as an end.
• Your allies have advantage on death Restore the Balance. Whenever the
saving throws while within 30 feet of you. Balance is throw off, fight without malice nor
• You have advantage on Constitution hate against the forces that keep it unbalanced,
saving throws, as do your allies within 30 feet of whoever may they be. Unchecked God is
you. dangerous as much as unchecked Evil.
This effect ends if you are incapacitated or die. Maintain the Balance. Whenever the
Once you use this feature, you can't use it again Balance is still, keep it that way. Know that
until you finish a long rest. Balance is the dynamic effort of opposing forces
kept in check, and treasure every moment of
OATH OF BALANCE stillness, albeit brief.
Destroy the Balance. Should the cause
Balance is, to put it simple, a flickering thing, an of Balance became an excuse, a mere pretext to
ephemeral ideal that could only be momentarily pretext to force one’s will above the others, or
achieved before the next swing of fate tosses all even one of the Cosmic Forces themselves, with

no regard of the living beings that inhabit the VETERAN OF A THOUSAND MAGIC
Multiverse, destroy the corrupted Balance so WARS
that a new, better one could be established.
Beginning at 7th level, you and friendly
creatures within 10 feet of you have resistance
OATH SPELLS to damage from spells.
You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed. At 18th level, the range of this aura
increases to 30 feet.
Paladin Level Spells PURITY OF BALANCE
3rd comprehend languages, detect evil and
Starting at 15th level, you are always under the
effects of a protection from evil and good spell.
5th moonbeam, zone of truth
9th magic circle, nondetection WARRIOR AT THE EDGE OF TIME
13th banishment, freedom of movement At 20th level, you can albeit briefly embrace
17th dispel evil and god, teleportation circle your true nature as a Knight of the Balance, an
Eternal Champion that awaits for the ultimate

When you take this oath at 3rd level, you
gain the following Channel Divinity options.
A Thousand Memories. You can use
your Channel Divinity to invoke the wisdom
of the previous Knight of Balance and tap
into their knowledge. As an action, you
choose one skill or toll. For 10 minutes, you
have proficiency with the chosen skill or
tool. You could instead choose a language
whom you will be able to speak, read, and
write for the next 10 minutes.
Suffer the Tilt. You can use your
Channel Divinity to make those that would
tilt the Balance suffer the consequences of
their actions. Immediately after an attacker
within 30 feet of you deals damage with an
attack against a creature other than you
within the same range, you can use your
reaction to force the attacker to make a
Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the
attacked creature regains hit points equal to
half the damage received, and the attacker
takes force damage equal to half the damage
it just dealt. On a successful save, the
attacked creature regains hit points equal to
half the damage received, but the attacker
suffers no ill effects.

cosmic battles. You can use your action to gain Sometimes a life has to be sacrificed for the
the following benefits for 1 minute: freedom of many.
• You have resistance to all damage. Atone for Your Mistakes. Yours is a
• Your can take the Help action as a path of leniency, but sometimes those you spare
bonus action. will prove themselves unworthy of your mercy;
• Whenever a creature hits you with an in those cases you must be swift in making
attack, it takes force damage equal to you amend, lest a noble act of yours has dire
Charisma modifier. consequences.
Once you use this feature, you can't use
it again until you finish a long rest. OATH SPELLS
You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed.
The greatest among the gifts that the gods Paladin Level Spells
bestowed upon mortals was, is, and will always 3rd alarm, protection from evil and good
be, their freedom. Freedom to choose their own 5th calm emotions, pass without trace
path, freedom to be sinful or virtuous, even the
9th nondetection, spirit guardians
freedom to ultimately defile the gods
13th death ward, freedom of movement
themselves and suffer the rightful punishment.
The only liberty that no one should possess is 17th dispel evil and good, greater
the license to deprive others of their own restoration
freedom. As a paladin of the Oath of Liberty you
swore to uphold these principles: you are an CHANNEL DIVINITY
agent of freedom among the oppressed, the When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain
merciful hand of those benevolent gods that the following Channel Divinity options.
seek new followers not through fear or Break the Chains. You can use your
coercion, but through the noble deeds of their Channel Divinity to release an ally from the
devotees. clutches of any effects that restricts its freedom.
As a bonus action, you speak a quick prayer and
TENETS OF LIBERTY choose an allied creature within 30 feet of you
Despite the precise wording may vary, all the that can hear you and that is suffering from the
paladins of the Oath of Liberty are swore to charmed, frightened, paralyzed, or restrained
respect those tenets. condition. The target is set free from that effect,
Respect Freedom. Every being should and for 1 minute gains advantage to saving
be free to make their own choice; always offer throws against being charmed, frightened,
your counsel, if asked, but never dictate your paralyzed, or restrained.
orders. Move Out. Thanks to the blessing
Respect Life. To kill a mortal is to bestowed by your god, you can help your allies
utterly deprive them of any freedom; stay your escape any dire combat situation. As an action,
sword hand, for some mistakes cannot be you can use your Channel Divinity, while rising
undone. Resort to violence only when there are your holy symbol and uttering an encouraging
no other means to prevent a greater evil. prayer, in order to bestow great mobilities to all
The Freedom of Many. When in doubt, the friendly creatures of your choice within 30
always choose the greater goods: the more feet that can see or hear you. Each creature can
persons will have their freedom protected by use its reaction to move up to half its speed
your action, the better your deed will be. without provoking opportunity attacks.

AURA OF FREEDOM around the bonds of kinship that all the mortals
Starting at 7th level, you and friendly creatures share between them, the very ties that set them
within 10 feet of you can't be charmed while apart from the immortal gods and their
you are conscious. unearthly, chosen servants. From the point of
At 18th level, the range of this aura view of those paladins, it is their true duty, as
increases to 30 feet. mortals, to embrace the cause of all mortal kind
and use their powers to protect the weak, to
UNBOUND avenge the fallen, and to grant a better life to
those that still breath and live. And, somehow,
Starting at 15th level, you and friendly creatures
those who follow the Oath of Mortals are still
within 10 feet of you have advantage on saving
capable of harvesting their former divine
throws against being paralyzed or restrained.
power; perhaps a greater, unspoken deity
At 18th level, the range of this aura
secretly favors them above the servants of
increases to 30 feet.
lesser gods, lost in their petty squabbles, or
perhaps it is their faith in mortals that makes
UNCHAINED WE STAND them a receptacle for the same power that is
At 20th level, you roam the battlefield as the granted to the gods by the worshiping of
champion of literal and metaphoric liberty, an mortals. Either the case, those paladins remain
inspirational herald of freedom clad in true and stalwart heroes, trusted protectors of
quicksilver-like steel. mortal kind and uncompromising upholders of
You can use your action to gain the following the same tenets they used to follow... however,
benefits for 1 hour: they act no more in the name of the gods, but of
• When you are subject to an effect that the whole mortal races.
allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to
take only half damage, you instead take no
damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and
Whatever your previous tenets were, you now
only half damage if you fail.
embrace those new ones.
• You can take the Disengage action as a
Kinship. Despite the differences, all
bonus action.
mortal races share a common bond, for they all
• You have advantage on Wisdom saving
inhabit the same world and will ultimately meet
throws, as do your allies within 30 feet of you.
the same fate. Be conscious of this kinship, but
This effect ends if you are incapacitated or die.
don't let your compassion became leniency.
Once you use this feature, you can't use it again
Independence. Mortals should rely only
until you finish a long rest.
on each other, the grace and blessings of deities
should not be sought nor accepted. You have
OATH OF MORTALS not to be blasphemous, but the gods should play
no part in your life.
According to many of their former comrades,
Self-Determination. All mortals should
those paladins who choose the Oath of Mortals
be free to walk their own path, with no
are no better than the vile Oathbreakers, for
interferences from above – or below. The
they rejected whatever allegiances to the
Mortal Plane is the place of mortals, not the
greater powers they possessed, and now openly
playground nor the chessboard for the
defile the gods. However, while an Oathbreaker
immortals' squabbles.
follows no rule rather than their own whims
and desires, a follower of the Oath of Mortals
gave up the former, god-spoken tenets in order
You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed.
to embrace a new life philosophy, centered

OATH OF MORTALS SPELLS your Channel Divinity. Each creature of your
Paladin Level Spells choice that can hear you within 30 feed of you
3rd healing word, protection from evil and regains hit points equal to 1d6 + your Charisma
good modifier (minimum of 1) if it has no more than
5th gentle repose, warding bond half of its hit points.
9th create food and water, magic circle
13th banishment, death ward
Starting at 7th level, when a creature within 5
17th greater restoration, raise dead
feet of you takes damage, you can use your
reaction to magically substitute your own
CHANNEL DIVINITY health for that of the target creature, causing
When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain that creature not to take the damage. Instead,
the following Channel Divinity options. you take the damage. This damage to you can't
Begone, Immortals. As an action, you be reduced or prevented in any way.
utter words of
banishment that are
painful for immortal
creatures to hear. Each
celestial, fey, and fiend
that can see or hear you
within 30 feed of you
must make a Wisdom
saving throw. If the
creature fails its saving
throw, it is turned for 1
minute or until it takes
damage. A turned
creature must spend its
turns trying to move as
far away from you as it
can, and it can't
willingly move to a
space within 30 feed of
you. It also can't take
reactions. For its action,
it can only use the Dash
action or try to escape
from an effect that
prevents it from
moving. If there's
nowhere to move, the
creature can use the
Dodge action.
Carry On. As a
bonus action, you can
ease the suffering of
injured creatures with

UNTOUCHABLE Honor-bound and devoted, paladins of the Oath
Beginning at 15th level, you are always under of Tyranny are granted – nearly – unlimited
the effects of a protection from evil and good powers when it comes to impose their will over
spell. their enemies or to punish the defilers of what
they stand for.
At 20th level, you can extend your power into TENETS OF TYRANNY
an invisible and yet effective magical shield that The tenets of the Oath of Tyranny are brutal,
protects you and your fellow mortals from any simple and meaningful: a coherent code to be
nearby outsider. followed blindly.
You can use your action to gain the Be Strong. The weak perishes, the
following benefits for 1 minute: strong prevails; this is the natural order of
• Your allies within 30 feet of you are things. Hone yourself to be stronger than the
under the effects of a protection from evil and fodder, unless you'll perish. Your duty is to
good spell. prevail, no matter what.
• Your have advantage on saving throws Be Merciless. Mercy is a pointless lie
against spells cast by aberrations, celestials, that lets the weak live on. Have no mercy, give
feys, or fiends, as do your allies within 30 feet of no quarter, ask no quarter if defeated. To grant
you. freedom to the weak is to invite disaster upon
• You can use a bonus action to harm the them and yourself alike.
immortals and boost the mortals within a range Obey and Dictate. The strong rules, the
of 30 feet of you. Every ally of your choice weak obeys: this is order, this is the
regains 10 hit points, if it has no more than half fundamental law. Your duty is to lead those
of its hit points, and every aberration, celestial, below your stature, and to obey those above
fey, or fiend within range takes 10 force you; no deceit, no trickery should be suffered to
damage. let the weak rule. Improve your stature by
This effect ends if you are incapacitated or die. strengthening yourself.
Once you use this feature, you can't use it again
until you finish a long rest. OATH SPELLS
You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed.
The natural order is a constant struggle that Paladin Level Spells
ensures the survival of the strongest; rights, 3rd bane, command
laws and civilization are not meant to change 5th hold person, zone of truth
this fundamental, universal mandate, but are 9th animate dead, fear
mere tools to establish a stronger authority and
13th compulsion, locate creature
make it last until it outlives its strength. A true
17th geas, hold monster
leader must be powerful, feared, and respected
– or not be at all. Those are the fundamental
teachings of the gods that first inspired the Oath CHANNEL DIVINITY
of Tyranny, the protectors of mortal and When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain
immortal dictators alike; consequently, their the following Channel Divinity options.
champions are not protectors nor saviors, but Cower in Fear. As an action, you
rather enforcers, cruel executors of a higher will channel the strength of your violent devotion
that leaves no room to leniency nor piety. into a wave of pure terror that annihilates the

will of the weak. Each creature of your choice UNCHALLENGED TYRANT
within 30 feet of you must make a Wisdom At 20th level you stand as the epitome of
saving throw if ti can hear or see you. On a despotic power, the ultimate dictator whose
failed save, the target is frightened of you for 1 power knows no rival. You can use your action
minute. If a creature frightened by this effect to gain the following benefits for 1 minute:
ends its turn more than 30 feed away from you, • Attack rolls against you are made with
it can attempt another Wisdom saving throw to disadvantage, and you can't be charmed.
end the effect on it. • When a creature within 30 feet of you
Keep Enemies Closer. You utter an misses you with an attack roll, you can use your
order that prevents your enemies to escape. reaction to force it to make a Wisdom saving
Each creature of your choice that you can see throw. On a failure, the target is charmed by you
within 30 feet of you must make a Wisdom until the end of its next turn or until you use the
saving throw. On a failed save, a creature can't following feature.
willingly move more than 30 feet away from • During your turn, you can use a bonus
you. This effect ends on the creature if you are action to inflict 2d10 necrotic damage to a
incapacitated or die or if the creature is moved charmed target; this damage ends the charmed
more than 30 feed away from you. condition, but you regain hit points equal to half
the damage inflicted.
TORMENTOR This effect ends if you are incapacitated or die.
By 7th level, there is no escape from your Once you use this feature, you can't use it again
clutches. When you hit a creature with an until you finish a long rest.
opportunity attack, you can move up to half
your speed immediately after the
attack and as part of the same reaction.
This movement doesn't provoke
opportunity attacks.


Starting at 15th level, you gain the
ability to subjugate a humanoid's mind
with the sheer power of your violent
might. When you incapacitate a
humanoid with an attack, you can use a
bonus action in order to submit its
consciousness to your imperious will.
That creature must make a Charisma
saving throw against your spell save
DC; if it succeeds, the target is
frightened by you; if it fails, it is
charmed by you.
Both effect last until a calm
emotions spell is cast on the target, if
the charmed or frightened condition is
removed from it, or if you use this
feature again.

Swore to Protect. Your ultimate duty is
to protect your ward, be it a relic, a sanctuary or
To take the Oath of Warding is to commit your a person. You'll suffer no harm to your ward.
life to protect one of the holiest vestiges of your Life on the Line. You stand ready to
deity in the Material World. Be it a relic, a struggle, to suffer, even to sacrifice your own
sanctuary, or even the god's reincarnated life in order to protect your ward.
avatar, the object of the Oath of Warding is The Greater Good. No purpose is higher
served by an order of devoted paladins, swore than to serve and protect your ward. Every
to forfeit their lives in order to ensure the safety other task, mission and objective is trivial when
of their ward. As they share a more intimate your ward is endangered.
bond with their deity than most paladins, those Never Give Up. Should your ward be
who took the Oath of Warding are used to damaged, harmed, or lost, your duty is to
answer only to their god, without the mediation retrieve and secure it. Your life is not to be
of priest, clerics or prophets. Should their wasted in a pointless sacrifice of atonement, but
prized ward get lost, the paladin would embark must be spent to uphold your duty and your
in an endless quest in order to retrieve it, and oath.
they'll never give up till they have reattained it.
TENETS OF WARDING You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed.
As you swore the Oath of Warding, you
embraced the following tenets. OATH OF WARDING SPELLS
Paladin Level Spells
3rd alarm, sanctuary
5th augury, warding bond
9th magic circle, spirit guardians
13th divination, guardian of faith
17th commune, hallow

When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain
the following Channel Divinity options.
Armor of the Hallowed. As an action,
you surround yourself with the sacred aura of
your god, using your Channel Divinity. For 1
minute, at the start of each of your turns you
gain temporary hit points equal to your
Charisma modifier + half your paladin level.
While clad in divine majesty, you also shed a
holy radiance, and emit bright light in a 20-foot
radius and dim light 20 feet beyond that.
You can end this effect on your turn as a
part of any other action. If you fall unconscious,
this effect ends.
Drive Them Out. As an action, you
manifest the virtue of your deity as a majestic

aura that strikes your enemies with awe and use this ability, you can't use it again until you
fear. Each creature of your choice within 30 feet finish a long rest.
of you must make a Wisdom saving throw if ti Additionally, you suffer none of the
can hear or see you. On a failed save, the target drawbacks of old age, and if you are resurrected
is frightened of you for 1 minute. If a creature through magic you suffer none of the penalties
frightened by this effect ends its turn more than associated with raise dead, resurrection and
30 feed away from you, it can attempt another similar spells.
Wisdom saving throw to end the effect on it.
I AM YOUR SHIELD By 20th level you have developed a bond so
Starting at 7th level, when a creature within 5 close with your ward and the divine power that
feet of you takes damage, you can use your emanates from it that you can briefly manifest a
reaction to magically substitute your own fraction of this might from within your soul. You
health for that of the target creature, causing can use your action to unleash this aura, that for
that creature not to take the damage. Instead, 1 minute shines bright light in a 30-foot radius
you take the damage. This damage to you can't from you, and dim light 30 feet beyond that.
be reduced or prevented in any way. While the light shines, you and your
allies within bright light regain 10 hit points at
TILL MY LAST BREATH AND BEYOND the start of each of your turns. Furthermore, any
Starting at 15th level, when you are reduced to enemy creature that starts its turn in the bright
0 hit points and are not killed outright, you can light takes 10 radiant damage.
choose to drop to 1 hit point instead. Once you This effect ends if you die. Once you use
this feature, you can't use it again until you
finish a long rest.

The ranger class certainly has some issues, at the hot water the ranger skillfully surfs over,
least in the common perception, and yet it the new introduced options include just a few
remains a solid choice for many players. Given optional tweaks to the base class.


When you choose a fighting style, the following vengeful strikes
style is added to the list of options. When you are wielding a melee weapon, and a
creature you can see within 5 feet hits you with
free hand fighting a melee weapon attack, you can use your
When you are fighting with a free hand that reaction to inflict damage equal to your
doesn’t wield a weapon nor a shield, you can proficiency bonus to the attacking creature. The
use a bonus action to take the Use an Object damage is of the type inflicted by the weapon
action. you are wielding.


Some rangers are hunters rather than natural also replace one maneuver you know with a
wardens, or perhaps they lack the specific different one.
mystical disposition needed to commune with Superiority Dice. You have three
the powers of nature and harness their blessing superiority dice, which are d8s. A superiority
as spells. They are nevertheless incredible die is expended when you use it. You regain all
warriors, capable of holding their own in battle of your expended superiority dice when you
and especially deadly in their favored terrain, finish a short or long rest.
against their favored enemies. You gain another superiority die at 5th
If you choose this variant, you ignore all level and one more at 9th and 17th level.
the Spellcasting features of the ranger, as well Saving Throws. Some of your
as the class features that refer to your spells. maneuvers require your target to make a saving
Instead you gain the following features. throw to resist the maneuver’s effects. The
saving throw DC is calculated as follows:
At 2nd level, you learn maneuvers that are Maneuver save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +
your Strength or Dexterity modifier (your choice)
fueled by special dice called superiority dice.
Maneuvers. You learn two maneuvers
of your choice, which are chosen from the list of HERBALIST
maneuvers available to fighters with the Battle At 2nd level, you also gains proficiency in the
Master archetype. Many maneuvers enhance an Herbalist Tools, and your proficiency bonus is
attack in some way. You can use only one doubled for the checks you make to use the
maneuver per attack. Herbalist Tools with the plants of your favored
You learn one additional maneuver of terrains.
your choice at 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th levels. Furthermore, you can use infusions and
Each time you learn a new maneuver, you can poultices, made from fresh or dried plants, to
ease the pain of yours and your wounded allies

during a short rest. If you or any friendly
creatures who you treat regain hit points at the
end of the short rest, each of those creatures
regains extra hit points equal to the number you
roll on your superiority die. If you are in one of
your favored terrains, and you can employ the
fresh plants that you know so well, you and
your allies regain the maximum hit points

By the time you reach 2nd level, your mastery at
exploring and hunting at your own conditions.
You can add your proficiency bonus to the
damage roll of an attack you make against one
of your favored enemies.
Furthermore, whenever you are in your
favored terrain, you add your proficiency bonus
to your initiative checks, as well as to the DC
and damage rolls of the traps you personally

Beginning at 3rd level, you can use your action
and expend one superiority die to focus your
awareness on the region around you. For 1
minute, you can sense whether the following
types of creatures are present within 300 feet of
you (or within up to 1 mile if you are in your
favored terrain): aberrations, celestials,
dragons, elementals, fey, fiends, and undead.
This feature doesn’t reveal the creature’s
location or number.

Starting at 9th level, you have advantage on
saving throws against poison and have
resistance to poison damage. Additionally, your
herbalist treatments now remove the poisoned
condition from you and your allies.


When you reach 13th level, your superiority
dice turn d10s. At 20th level, they turn into

Starting at 17th level, when you roll initiative Beginning at 15th level, whenever you regain
and have no superiority dice remaining, you hit points your beast companion regains the
regain 1 superiority die. same amount of hit points if the beast is within
30 feet of you. This feature replaces Share


The Xanathar’s Guide to Everything
introduced a new archetype spells feature for HUNTER SPELLS
the ranger. The following features are meant to Ranger Level Spells
be added to the Hunter and to the Beast Master. 3rd guiding bolt
5th hold person
HUNTER MAGIC 9th elemental weapon
Starting at 3rd level, you learn an additional 13th blight
spell when you reach certain levels in this class,
17th hold monster
as shown in the Hunter Spell table. The spell
counts as a ranger spell for you, but it doesn’t
count against the number of ranger spells you BEAST MASTER MAGIC
know. Starting at 3rd level, you learn an additional
spell when you reach certain levels in this class,
as shown in the Beast Master Spell table. The
spell counts as a ranger spell for you, but it
doesn’t count against the number of ranger
spells you know.


Ranger Level Spells
3rd healing word
5th enlarge/reduce
9th revivify
13th dominate beast
17th awaken

Also at 3rd level, you gain the ability to briefly
“He who fights with monsters should look to it shapeshift yourself into a feral form that
that he himself does not become a monster. And if combines your humanoid traits with the feature
you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes of a savage beast. On your turn, you can use a
into you.” bonus action to assume your Liminal Shape and
gain the following benefits:
Every ranger is a protector of the civilized lands • Your speed increases by 10 feet.
that dwells in the wilderness in order to divert • You gain temporary hit points equal to
the threats that come from there. To do so often twice your ranger level.
means to embrace the very habits of the • Your teeth and nails protrude as sharp
monstrous beasts the ranger fights against. But, fangs and claws; your unarmed strike deals 1d6
as far as bestial means to civilized ends go, it is piercing or slashing damage (your choice), and
only the archetypal Liminal Warden that goes you can use Dexterity instead of Strength for the
beyond the breaking point, accepting the very attack and damage rolls of your unarmed
form of a shapeshifting monster in order to strikes.
defend what they hold dear. • When you use the Attack action, or
when you use your action to cast a spell, you
LIMINAL WARDEN MAGIC can make an unarmed attack as a bonus action.
Starting at 3rd level, you learn an additional • You have advantage on Wisdom
spell when you reach certain levels in this class, (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or
as shown in the Liminal Warden Spell table. The smell.
spell counts as a ranger spell for you, but it • You have disadvantage on Intelligence
doesn’t count against the number of ranger and Charisma ability checks, except Intelligence
spells you know. (Nature) and Charisma (Intimidation) checks.
Your Liminal Shape lasts for 10 minutes.
LIMINAL WARDEN SPELLS It ends early if you are knocked unconscious,
Ranger Level Spells and you can’t otherwise revert back before it
3rd healing word expires.
5th spider climb Once you use this feature, you must
finish a short or long rest before you can use it
9th vampiric touch
13th polymorph
17th antilife shell
Starting at 3rd level, while you are not wearing
FERAL SENSES any armor, your Armor Class equals 10 + your
When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, Dexterity modifier + your Wisdom modifier.
your gain proficiency with one of the following You can use a shield and still gain this benefit.
skills: Insight, Perception, or Survival. Choose
one of these three skills you have proficiency FERAL SENSES
with; your proficiency bonus is doubled for any By 7th level, you have developed a sixth sense
ability check you make that uses the chosen for ambushes and a subtly pervasive bloodlust,
proficiency. so that you have advantage on initiative rolls.

Additionally, if you are surprised at the drop to 0 hit points while you’ve assumed your
beginning of combat and aren’t incapacitated, Liminal Shape and don’t die outright, you can
you can act normally on your first turn, but only make a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw. If you
if you acquire your Liminal Shape before doing succeed, you drop to 1 hit point instead.
anything else on that turn. Each time you use this feature after the
first, the DC increases by 5. When you finish a
INFUSED FLESH short or long rest, the DC resets to 10.
At 7th level, your unarmed strikes count as
magical for the purpose of overcoming UNSTOPPABLE BEAST
resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks At 15th level your seem to literally regain your
and damage strength the more you are wounded and
desperate. You regain hit points equal to 1d6 +
RELENTLESS BEAST half your ranger level if you end your turn in
Starting at 11th level, your Liminal Shape gives combat with fewer than half of your hit points
you the sturdiness of a fearsome beast. If you remaining and you aren’t incapacitated.

“The horde of Trakhazk the Cruel always avoids she-that-is-not-woman guards the forest, and
Springoak Forest and the few hamlets scattered that he is the one who bit off Trakhazak’s hand. I
around the woods. According to their legends, think it’s safe to assume that we know where our
Springoak is ansolwos, unsafe: they say that a friend retired to.”

The rogue is another class whose archetypes following, minor tweak is only a simple variant
are especially broad, and could offer solid rules archetype.
to many different character concepts. The


This simple variant of the arcane trickster is Spell Slots. Your spells slot work exactly
good to represent a rogue that discovers (or as those of an arcane trickster.
finally decides to accept) that magic flows in Spells Known of 1st-level and Higher.
their bloodline. Rather than study it as a wizard, You know three 1st-level sorcerer spells of your
they awaken it from their own blood and soul as choice, two of which you must choose from the
a sorcerer does. enchantment and illusion spells on the sorcerer
Thus they uses all the arcane trickster class spell list. The Spell Known column of the Arcane
features with the following exceptions. Trickster Spellcasting table shows when you
learn more sorcerer spells of 1st level of higher.
SPELLCASTING Each of these spells must be an enchantment or
When you reach 3rd level, you gain the ability to illusion spell of your choice, and must be of a
cast spells. See chapter 10 for the general rules level for which you have spell slots.
of spellcasting and chapter 11 for the sorcerer The spells you learn at 8th, 14th, and
spell list. 20th level can come from any school of magic.
Cantrips. You learn three cantrips: Whenever you gain a level in this class,
mage hand and two other cantrips of your you can replace one of the sorcerer spells you
choice from the sorcerer spell list. You learn an know with another spell of your choice from the
additional sorcerer cantrip of your choice at sorcerer spell list. The new spell must be of a
10th level. level for which you have spell slots, and it must
be an enchantment or illusion spell, unless
you’re replacing the spell you gained at 3rd, 8th,
14th, or 20th level from any school of magic.
Spellcasting Ability. Charisma is your
spellcasting ability for your sorcerer spells,
since you draw from your own soul the power
to cast them. You use your Charisma whenever
a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In
addition, you use your Charisma modifier when
setting the saving throw DC for a sorcerer spell
you cast and when making an attack roll with

Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your

Charisma modifier

Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus +

your Charisma modifier

The Spell Known column of the
Blasphemer Spellcasting table shows when you
The archetypal Blasphemer is an insufferable learn more cleric spells of 1st level of higher. A
mockery of pious devotion made flesh, for this spell you choose must be of a level no higher
rogue possess undeniable magic powers, divine than what’s shown in the table’s Slot Level
magic powers, without any special bond with column for your level. When you reach 13th
the gods. In fact, the Blasphemers’ name comes level, for example, you learn a new cleric spell,
from the harsh contempt they often display which can be 1st, 2nd, or 3rd level.
towards clerics and other divine spellcasters, The spells you learn at 9th, 15th, and
but most Blasphemers are usually not so prone 20th level come from the warlock spell list.
to theological question, such as the true nature Whenever you gain a level in this class,
of the font of power they tap on. They have you can replace one of the spells you know with
magic powers, they use them how they see fit another spell of your choice. The new spell must
without strings attached nor repercussion, and be of a level for which you have spell slots, and
that’s enough. it must be from the cleric spell list, or from the
warlock spell list if you’re replacing the spell
SPELLCASTING you gained at 3rd, 9th, 15th, or 20th level.
When you reach 3rd level, you gain the ability to
cast divine spells. See chapter 10 for the general
rules of spellcasting and chapter 11 for the Rogue Cantrips Spells Spell Slot
Level Known Known Slots Level
sorcerer spell list.
3rd 3 2 1 1st
Cantrips. You learn three cantrips:
thaumaturgy, one cantrip of your choice from 4th 3 2 1 1st
the cleric spell list, and one other cantrip of 5th 3 3 1 1st
your choice from the warlock spell list. You 6th 3 3 2 1st
learn an additional cleric or warlock cantrip of
7th 3 4 2 2nd
your choice at 10th level.
Spell Slots. The Blasphemer Spellcasting 8th 3 4 2 2nd
table shows how many spell slots you have. The 9th 3 5 2 2nd
table also shows what the level of those slots is; 10th 4 5 2 2nd
all of your spell slots are the same level. To cast
11th 4 6 2 2nd
one of your Blasphemer spells of 1st level or
highter, you must expend a spell slot. You regain 12th 4 6 2 2nd
all expended spell slots when you finish a short 13th 4 7 2 3rd
or long rest. 14th 4 7 2 3rd
For example, when you are 7th level,
15th 4 8 2 3rd
you have two 2nd-level spell slot. To cast the
16th 4 8 2 3rd
1st-level spell healing word, you must spend one
of those slots, and you cast it as a 3rd-level spell. 17th 4 9 2 3rd
Spells Known of 1st-level and Higher. 18th 4 9 2 3rd
You know two 1st-level spells of your choice, 19th 4 10 2 4th
one from the cleric spell list and one from the
20th 4 11 2 4th
warlock spell list.

powerful artifacts. You ignore all class, race, and
Spellcasting Ability. Charisma is your level requirements on the use of magic items.
spellcasting ability for your cleric and warlock
spells, since your magic comes from your ability SIPHON SPELL
to forcibly draw power from an unwilling – or At 17th level, you gain the ability to impromptu
uncaring – source. You use your Charisma siphon magic power from another spellcaster.
whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting Immediately after a creature casts a
ability. In addition, you use your Charisma spell that targets you or includes you in its area
modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a of effect, you can use your reaction to force the
sorcerer spell you cast and when making an creature to make a saving throw with its
attack roll with one. spellcasting ability modifier. The DC equals your
spell save DC. On a failed save, you negate the
Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your spell’s effect against you, and you steal the
Charisma modifier
knowledge of the spell if it is at least 1st level
and of a level you can cast (it doesn’t need to be
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus +
a cleric or warlock spell). For the next 8 hours,
your Charisma modifier
you know the spell and can cast it using your
spell slots. The creature can’t cast that spell
until the 8 hours have passed.
Starting at 3rd level, you can use the bonus Once you use this feature, you can’t use
action granted by your Cunning Action to cast it again until you finish a long rest.
your thaumaturgy cantrip and force one
creature within 30 feet to make a Charisma
saving throw against your spell save DC. If it
fails, you can use your Sneak Attack against that
target even if you don’t have advantage on the
attack roll, but not if you have disadvantage on
This benefit, but not the usual effect of
thaumaturgy, lasts for a number of rounds equal
to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1 round)
minute or until you use this feature against a
different target.

Starting at 9th level, the excruciating pain from
your attacks distracts the enemy from the
threat of your spells. If you dealt Sneak Attack
damage against a creature, that creature has
disadvantage on any saving throw it makes
against your spells until the end of your next

By 13th level, your mastery of poached magic is
so great that you can trick even the most

At 3rd level, you gain the ability to feint and
“Nobody is my name. My mother and my father trick your enemies with grievous consequences.
call me Nobody, and all my companions as well.” As a bonus action, you make a Charisma
(Deception) check against a creature you can
Those who follow the archetype of the Shifty see that isn’t incapacitated, contested by the
One are notorious, even among rogues, because target’s Wisdom (Insight) check. If you succeed,
no trick nor scheme is above them. They are you can use your Sneak Attack against that
capable of anything and versed in everything, target even if you don’t have advantage on the
no skill is too trivial for them, no detail so attack roll, but not if you have disadvantage on
insignificant that it could not be pivotal in it.
potential ruse. Legends flourish around this or This benefit lasts for 1 minute or until
that Shifty One, legends about how they tricked you successfully use this feature against a
a titan or escaped a dragon’s cave with the different target.
wyrm’s most prized treasure. And yet, despite
their knack for deception and their calling for IT TAKES ONE TO KNOW ONE
greatness, most Shifty Ones ultimately long for Starting at 9th level, you have advantage on any
the most simple of pleasures: the love of their Charisma (Deception) and Wisdom (Insight)
significant ones, the soil of their homeland
below their feet, and that peaceful life they
would spare no ruse to

When you choose this
archetype at 3rd level, you
can add half your
proficiency bonus,
rounded down, to any
ability check you make
that doesn’t already
include your proficiency
bonus. You also learn one
language of your choice.
Additionally, you
can unerringly mimic the
speech patterns and
accent of a creature that
you hear speak for at least
1 minute, enabling you to
pass yourself off as a
native speaker of a
particular land, provided
that you know the

check if you move no more than half your speed rogues, and certainly not the most charming
on the same turn. one, but is tenacious, resourceful, and deadly.
This cat survived their own curiosity,
SHARP MIND and learned to do it again.
By 13th level, you are so accustomed to
cheating and lying that even magic trickery ALL PATCHED UP
can’t foil you. As an action, you sense the When you choose this archetype at 3rd level,
presence of illusions, shapechangers not in their you gain proficiency in the Intimidation and
original form, and other magic designed to Medicine skills if you don’t already have it. Your
deceive the senses within 30 feet of you, proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability
provided you aren’t blinded or deafened. You check you make that uses either of those
sense that an effect is attempting to trick you, proficiency.
but you gain no insight into what is hidden or
into its true nature. CROOKED AND LETHAL
You can use this feature a number of Starting at 3rd level, when you deal Sneak
times equal to your Intelligence modifier Attack damage to a creature, that also suffers
(minimum of once), and you regain all necrotic damage equal to half your rogue level.
expended uses of it when you finish a long rest. When you reach 9th level, your sneak attack
damage becomes magical for the purpose of
MASTER OF DECEPTION overcoming resistance and immunity to
Starting at 17th level, your thoughts can’t be nonmagical attacks and damage.
read by telepathy or other means, unless you
allow it. You can present false thoughts by NINE LIVES
succeeding on a Charisma (Deception) check Starting at 9rd level, you can reroll a saving
contested by the mind reader’s Wisdom throw that you fail. If you do so, you must use
(Insight) check. the new roll, and you can’t use this feature again
Additionally, no matter what you say, until you finish a long rest.
magic that would determine if you are telling You can use this feature twice between
the truth indicates you are being truthful if you long rests starting at 13th level and three times
so choose, and you can’t be compelled to tell the between long rests starting at 17th level.
truth by magic.
WRETCH Starting at 13th level, you can use a bonus
action on your turn to gain advantage on the
They say that curiosity killed the cat, but this cat next Wisdom (Insight) check you make during
burglar made it out alive – barely, and certainly the same turn.
not unscratched. The memory of that haunting,
fateful heist will linger forever: whether a single
jewel, a whole treasure, or a few grave goods,
Starting at 17th level, when you have fewer than
the cursed loot left a scar on the wretched one’s
half of your hit points remaining, if a creature
very soul, but it was worth it. For the rogue
hits you with a melee attack, you can use your
survived the doom that should have felled them,
reaction to deal necrotic damage to the
and they soon learned to tap into the
creature. The necrotic damage equals your
experience. A wretch is not the most daring or
Dexterity modifier (minimum 1).

Sorcerer origins are interesting class features, following origins you will find both the generic,
as they could completely change the flavor of a as in “I am a sorcerer but no one of my
class with only a few minor features. Among the ancestors was so special”, and the specific.


power as a sorcerer, as well as the reason of
your exuberant, irrepressible, and sometimes
One of your ancestors came from the Feywild, utterly crazy personality.
or perhaps struck a deal with a powerful fairy At your option, you can pick from or roll
creature, you are certain of that. Or perhaps it on the Fairy Bloodline Quirks table to create a
was a simple matter of conjunction of the quirk for your character.
spheres, and when you were born – or
conceived – the borders between the Material FAIRY BLOODLINE QUIRKS
Plane and the land of fey were particularly thin. d6 Flaw
Were you taken by the fae and then given back 1 You laugh. Often. Too often. But your
to your parents after a spark of magic was happiness and your laughter are
instilled within you? Whether the case, the
essence of the Feywild is the source of your 2 You love to sleep under the stars,
especially when there is a full moon, or a
new moon, or a crescent moon.
3 You speak with plants and animals as if
they were people.
4 When angered you became wicked, and
you are quick to take offense.
5 You have a predilection for jokes and
cruel pranks. It’s not your fault if they fall
for it.
6 You partake of every pleasure of life
without giving a damn about the future.

At 1st level, you learn the druidcraft and minor
illusion cantrips, and they don’t count against
your number of cantrips known.
In addition, when your Spellcasting
feature lets you learn or replace a sorcerer
cantrip or a sorcerer spell of 1st level or higher,
you can choose the new spell from the druid
spell list or the sorcerer spell list. You must
otherwise obey all the restrictions for selecting
the spell, and it becomes a sorcerer spell for

30 feet for 1 hour. Once you reduce your flying
A FAIRY GRIN speed in this way, you can’t do so again until
Starting at 1st level, you manifest the beguiling you finish a short or long rest.
and fearsome presence of the fey. As a bonus
action, you can cause a single creature within 30 FATED BLOODLINE
feet of you to make a Wisdom saving throw
against your sorcerer spell save DC. If the “Born on the first day of the year, the firstborn of
creature fails the saving throw it is charmed or a twin and a triplet shall wield the magic of
frightened by you (your choice) until the end of blood, and the Five Dragon Lords shall finally be
your next turn. vanquished.”
Once you use this feature, you can’t use
it again until you finish a short or long rest. Among your ancestors there were no dragons
nor outsiders, and no special event marked your
GONE WITH THE WIND birth of your early years, as your destiny as a
Starting at 6th level, you can vanish as a dream sorcerer was already written before you were
in response to harm. When you take damage, born. Whether prophecies foretold of your
you can use your reaction and spend 2 sorcery arcane prowess or a simple, trivial matter such
points to turn invisible and teleport up to 60 as your birth order doomed you to magic,
feet to an unoccupied space you can see. You eldritch power flows within your veins and
remain invisible until the end of your next turn always will. Some sorcerers of fated bloodline
or until you attack or cast a spell. came from families that, conscious of their
arcane birthright, encouraged their magical
career; others were not so lucky and only after
years of struggle and odd accidents finally
Beginning at 14th level, you can harness power
embraced their destiny. Some were destined to
from the dreamscape intertwined with the
greatness, others were doomed to bring great
Feywild, even using it to perceive the real
ruin. But foretelling is a fickle art, and
prophecies could always lie… or be rewritten by
When you finish a short rest, you can
bold adventurers!
cast one of the following spells, without
At your option, you can pick from or roll
expending a spell slot or requiring material
on the Fated Bloodline Omens table to create an
components: dream (with you as the messenger,
omen regarding character.
albeit in a fairy shape), scrying, or seeming.


At 18th level, you truly embrace your nature as 1 Mages across the world look at you as a
one of the great among the fey-touched. You once future master.
gain resistance to poison and psychic damage, 2 Animals and children are scared by you.
and you can’t be charmed, frightened, or
3 You always win at every game of chance.
You can also use a bonus action to 4 Every extraplanar entity you meet seems
manifest magical, fairy wings and gain a flying to know your name.
speed of 60 feet. As an action, you can reduce 5 There is a star that only you can see.
your flying speed to 30 feet for 1 hour and 6 A local noble fears your very existence,
choose a number of creatures within 30 feet of and you have to fend off their hired
you equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier. The assassins.
chosen creatures gain a magical flying speed of

At 1st level, you learn a bonus language of
your choice. You also gain proficiency with
two skills among the Arcana, Intimidation,
History, and Religion skills.

Starting at 1st level, when you make an
attack roll, an ability check, or a saving
throw and you roll a 20, you gain
temporary hit points equal to your
Charisma modifier + your sorcerer level
(minimum of 1).


Starting at 6th level, you have the ability
to claim your birthright and strive for
success against all the odds. When you
make an attack roll, an ability check, or a
saving throw, you can spend 2 sorcery
points to roll 1d4 and apply the number
rolled as a bonus to your roll. You can do
so after you roll but before any effects of
the roll occur.

Beginning at 14th level, you have the ability to
carry on towards your destiny regardless of You weren’t born with magic, but it was grafted
tampering from mortal magic. You have into you, quite literally, as an ancient artifact or
advantage on saving throws against spells; some other power source fused with your very
furthermore, you have resistance against the flesh and bone. Was it a willing process, the last
damage of spells. resort of a desperate aspiring mage to finally
master arcane power, or the fortuitous result of
AVOIDING DOOM a horrible accident? Either way, magic is now
At 18th level, you gain the ability to overcame part of your nature, and the same source that
every obstacle and instantly recover from fuels your spells grants you a preternatural
impending doom, as fate promises more twists resistance, as if it didn’t want to be parted from
before your destiny unfolds completely. As a you. As sorcerers go, you aren’t the most
bonus action when you have fewer than half of conventional one, but your powers are not to be
your hit points remaining, you can regain a trifled with.
number of hit points equal to half your hit point At your option, you can pick from or roll
maximum. on the Implanted One Oddities table to create
Once you use this feature, you can’t use an oddity for your character.
it again until you finish a long rest.

IMPLANTED ONE ODDITIES of your turn, you can instead spring back to
d6 Flaw your feet with a burst of radiant energy. You
1 You refer to yourself with the plural. regain hit points equal to half your hit point
2 Arcanists and scholars tried to dissect maximum, and then you stand up if you so
you. More than once. choose. Each creature of your choice that is
3 You eat your share of food, and your within 30 feet of you takes force damage equal
power source’s too. Were not its needs to 2d6 + your Charisma modifier, and it is
so peculiar... frightened by you until the end of the current
4 When you cough you spark, glitter, or
otherwise emit raw magical waste.
5 You have your magic source’s agenda to
uphold. Beginning at 18th level, you can make the magic
within you flow through your spells as a
6 You spend your free time in museums
potentially endless flow of power. When you
and academies. As a living exhibition.
roll damage for a spell and roll the highest
number possible on any of the dice, choose one
ARCANE FLESH of those dice, roll it again ad add that roll to the
As the implanted artifact accepts you, its damage. You can use the feature only once per
eldritch power strengths your body and infuses turn.
your very flesh with magical protections. At 1st
level, your hit points increase by 1 and increase
by 1 again whenever you gain a level in this
class. Furthermore, when you aren’t wearing
armor, your AC equals 13 + your Dexterity

Starting at 1st level, you gain proficiency with a
set of artisan tools of your choice. The magical
source grafted within you still needs to be taken
care of, after all.

Starting at 6th level, the source of your power
corroborates your cantrips beyond your highest
expectations. When a creature succeeds on a
saving throw against your cantrip, the creature
takes half the cantrip’s damage (if any) but
suffers no additional effect from the cantrip.

Beginning at 14th level, your eldritch power is
so attuned to your body that it could potentially
save you from the brink of death. When you
have to make a death saving throw at the start

Pacts & Patrons is, by far, my most successful along with a few bonus familiars. All these
5th edition work. It includes new pact boons, options all have been included in the following
new patrons, and new eldritch invocations, pages.
The faustians took their name from a legendary disposable pawns. A faustian applies to the
ancient warrior, one so notorious that many signing and clauses of their pact the same
ballads, novels and plays were inspired by his rigorous method that wizards apply to the study
life and demise. For this is a cautionary tale, the of arcane magic; for, as the faustians believe, it
story of a warlock that struck a pact with is ultimately possible for a warlock to outsmart
Mephistopheles and was ultimately outsmarted its own patron. And, as mortal warlocks study
by the archdevil, his soul dragged to the Nine their schemes, all their patrons laugh.
Hells for all the eternity. A faustian has all the usual class features
Faustians don’t seek a trust pact with a of the warlock, with the following exceptions.
patron intrigued by their personality, for they
know that ultimately every patron, even the PROFICIENCIES
most benevolent ones, have their own interests Saving Throws: Intelligence, Wisdom
at core and treat their mortal servants as mere,
Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for
your warlock spells. You use your
Intelligence whenever a spell refers to your
spellcasting ability. In addition, you use
your Intelligence modifier when setting the
saving throw DC for a warlock spell you
cast and when making an attack roll with

Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +

your Intelligence modifier

Spell attack modifier = your proficiency

bonus + your Intelligence modifier

Whenever a warlock spell, a Patron or Pact
feature, or a similar class feature refers to
your Charisma modifier or Charisma score,
use instead your Intelligence modifier or
your Intelligence score.


PACT OF THE AEGIS at your feet if it is in the extradimensional space

when the bond breaks.
You can use your action to create an eldritch
armor that surrounds and protects you. While
you are protected by the aegis, your AC equals
10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Charisma Your patron grants you proficiency with one of
modifier. You can't activate your pact of the your choice among the Alchemist's Supplies, the
aegis if you are already wearing an armor. Herbalism Kit, and the Poisoner's Kit, as well as
The eldritch armor granted by the pact the ability to conjure a magical pact cauldron, in
of the aegis can't be removed, but it disappears which you are proficient, that you can use as
if you dismiss it (no action required), or if you either of those tools.
die. You can perform a 1-hour ritual to
You can transform one magic armor into create a pact cauldron within 10 feet of you.
your pact aegis by performing a special ritual Your cauldron disappears if it is more than 10
while you wear the armor. You must be feet away from you for 1 minute or more. It also
proficient with the chosen armor, and you disappears if you dismiss it (no action
perform the ritual over the course of 1 hour, required), or if you die.
which can be done during a short rest. You can Furthermore, when you are crafting
then dismiss the armor, shunting it into an something using your cauldron, you make
extradimensional space, and it appears progress every hour in 25-gp increments. You
whenever you create your pact aegis thereafter. must still spend the proper raw material in
You can't affect an artifact or a sentient item in order to craft the item. If you dismiss the
this way. The armor ceases being your pact cauldron while still working on a concoction, it
aegis if you die, if you perform the 1-hour ritual remains safely stored into the cauldron until
to a different armor, or if you use a 1-hour ritual you create it again.
to break your bond with it. The armor appears
Your patron grants you the ability to act as a
proxy pact dealer for minor contracts of power.
You can use a bonus action to magically propose
a verbal covenant to a target creature within 30
feet of you.
Until the start of your next turn, the
target can then agree on the contract and gain
advantage on a single attack roll, saving throw,
or ability check. Should the target accept your
favor, you can use a reaction to inflict necrotic
damage to the target equal to your Charisma
modifier (minimum 1 necrotic damage);
furthermore, you regain hit points equal to the
damage inflicted to the target.
You can have only one of such contracts
active at a time.

PACT OF THE VISIONS saving throw, or ability check made by you or a
creature that you can see with your foretelling
You patron grants you the ability to behold brief roll. You must choose to do so before the roll.
glimpses of the near future. Whenever you When you finish a short rest, you lose
finish a short rest, roll one d20 and record the the unused foretelling roll.
number rolled. You can replace any attack roll,

Drakones, as mythologist call them, are
supposed to have been the forefathers of
The sage scholars that devoted their lives to the modern-day dragons, wyverns, and drakes, as
ancient tongues have since long established that well as hydras and nagas; perhaps the ancient
the very name of “dragons” wasn’t initially snakes that the Yuan-ti culture sought to
referred to the majestic, death-breathing emulate were in fact those Drakones, or their
winged lizards everybody knows about and more reclusive progeny that still lives in the
fears, but was a generic word for “serpents”. world. While today most of the reptile creatures
Furthermore, the very name of “dragons” and have lost any kinship, the atavistic memory of
“drakes” hinted at their fearsome, unblinking their ancestors lives on… as do a very few
and hypnotic eyes, whose very gaze was as Ancient Scaled Ones, dreaded beings gifted with
deadly as their poison and breath. The original pristine power whose alien mentality is not

above forging pacts with the lesser, mammal SCALE-KIN
races in order to advance their own Starting at 1st level, you learn the poison spray
unfathomable agendas. Many of the “sleeping” cantrip, and it doesn't count against your
entities revered by the yuan-ti qualify as number of cantrips known.
Ancient Scaled Ones, as do monstrous figures Additionally, entire portions of your
such as Apopis, Jö rmungandr, Typhon, Vrtra, skin convert into the cold and resilient scales of
Nidhogg, Python, and Lotan the Leviathan. a reptile. When you aren’t wearing armor, your
As an optional way to add more flavor to AC equals 13 + your Dexterity modifier.
your character, you can pick from or roll on the
following table of flaws associated with SHED THE SKIN
warlocks of the Ancient Scaled One.
Starting at 6th level, you can shed your old skin
and spring back on your feet, ready to fight
back, even when everything seemed lost. When
d6 Flaw
you succeed on a death saving throw you can
1 While speaking, you can’t avoid hissing
spend a hit dice to regain hit points, and you can
whenever you utter an S.
then use a bonus action to cast poison spray,
2 You are used to “taste the air” of every
spitting your caustic blood against the enemy.
place by letting your tongue out, as
Once you use this feature, you can't use
snakes do.
it again until you finish a short rest.
3 You prefer to eat your meals whole and
with a single morsel, eventually spitting
out non edible parts. And you prefer to
eat them still living. Starting at 10th level, you gain resistance
against poison damage. Additionally, you gain
4 You are prone to long sleeps and
advantage on saving throws against being
catnaps, preferably immediately after
charmed, paralyzed, or poisoned.
having your meals.
Furthermore, you age at a slower rate.
5 You either stand still or move with quick, For every 10 years that pass, your body ages
jerky gestures.
only 1 year, and when you use your Shed the
6 Every chat with you becomes a staring Skin feature you reverse any magical aging
contest against your cold, unblinking effect you suffered.


EXPANDED SPELL LIST Beginning at 14th level, more and more
The Ancient Scaled One lets you choose from an serpentine scales cover your skin and your very
expanded list of spells when you learn a physiology realigns itself to the one of your
warlock spell. The following spells are added to patron, and your bond of kinship encompasses
the warlock spell list for you. every reptilian creature. You can hold your
breath for 15 minutes, you gain a swim speed
ANCIENT SCALED ONE EXPANDED SPELLS equal to your current speed, and a climb speed
Spell Level Spells equal to half your current speed.
1st command, sleep In addition, you gain the ability to
2nd protection from poison, see invisibility sprout a pair of bird or dragon-like wings from
your back, gaining a flying speed equal to your
3rd haste, nondetection
current speed. You can create these wings as a
4th freedom of movement, polymorph
bonus action on your turn. They last until you
5th cloudkill, dominate person dismiss them as a bonus action on your turn.

You can’t manifest your wings while
wearing armor unless the armor is made to
accommodate them, and clothing not made to
accommodate wings might be destroyed when
you manifest them.

You tried to study magic as a wizard, but you
simply had not the required knack, the right
inclination to succeed in your studies. Instead,
you turned to a higher power, a legendary
wizard that somehow exists even centuries
after its great deeds in the past. The Archmage
accepted your devotion, and proposed you a
pact that you promptly accepted. Now, in
exchange of powerful arcane magic offered by
your patron, you act to fulfill its agenda in
recovering powerful artifact, thwarting the
schemes of ancient enemies, and ultimately
granting even more power to your master.
Potential Archmages include Merlin, Morgan Le
Fay, and the Trismegistus; Elminster and
Khelben Blackstaff; and even the notorious EXPANDED SPELL LIST
Master of Past and Present. The Archmage lets you choose from an
As an optional way to add more flavor to expanded list of spells when you learn a
your character, you can pick from or roll on the warlock spell. The following spells are added to
following table of flaws associated with the warlock spell list for you.
warlocks of the Archmage.
ARCHMAGE FLAWS Spell Level Spells
d6 Flaw 1st detect magic, shield
1 You are very secretive about any 2nd Nystul's magic aura, rope trick
knowledge you posses.
3rd Leomund's tiny hut, phantom steed
2 You openly disregard any mage other
4th arcane eye, Mordenkainen's private
than your patron.
3 Sometimes you display your powers only
5th Bigby's hand, teleportation circle
for the pleasure of showing the gifts
granted by your pact.
4 You value the Archmage wisdom, as well SECRETS OF THE SKILLFUL MAGICIAN
as your own, far above those of the gods At 1st level, you learn the prestidigitation
and their servants. cantrip, and it doesn't count against your
5 You tend to become irrational and number of cantrips known.
violent if someone despises your patron. Furthermore, when you cast a spell that
requires a saving throw to be resisted, you can
6 You have a compulsion to use your magic
even for the most mundane of tasks.
impose disadvantage to the first saving throw
made by the spell's target (or targets) to resist

its effect. Once you use this feature, you can't THE ASCENDANT
use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
Many warlocks serve those who are in fact
MINOR MISLEAD demigods, either fallen divinities or
Starting at 6th level, you can instantly vanish in enterprising fiends. Your patron is a demigod
response to harm. When you take damage, you too, and their only true objective is to finally
can use your reaction to turn invisible and ascend a became a proper deity. In order to
teleport up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space achieve this ambition, the Ascendant needs
you can see, You remain invisible until the start more and more followers, legions of devoted
of your next turn or until you attack or cast a mortals and revering worshipers that profess
spell. their faith. As the Ascendant is not yet a full-
Once you use this feature, you can't use fledged god, and can't provide spells to their
it again until you finish a short or long rest. devotees, you were chosen to be Their voice and
Their sword. Potential Ascendant entities to
ARCANE WARD enter a pact with include enterprising half-gods,
Starting at 10th level, you can choose one such as an empyrean, powerful mortal warlords
damage type when you finish a short or long
rest. You gain resistance to that
damage type until you choose a
different one with this feature.
Damage from magical weapons,
silvered weapons, or
adamantine weapons ignores
this resistance.

Starting at 14th level, you have
advantage on saving throws
against spells.
Furthermore, when a
creature damages you with a
spell you can use your reaction
to grant yourself resistance
against that spell damage, and
that creature takes the same
amount of damage that you do.

lately revered as deities, such as an emperor, or AGENT OF THE ASCENDANT
even entire mortal races, such as mankind. Starting at 1st level, you learn the thaumaturgy
As an optional way to add more flavor to cantrip, which counts as a warlock cantrip for
your character, you can pick from or roll on the you.
following table of flaws associated with Your patron grants you the ability to
warlocks of the Ascendant. scare its foes and to subjugate the weak to its
will. As a bonus action when you cast the
ASCENDANT FLAWS thaumaturgy cantrip, you can cause each
d6 Flaw creature in a 10-foot cube originating from you
1 You are blasphemous towards the gods:
to make a Wisdom saving throw against your
after its ascension, your patron will
warlock spell save DC. The creatures that fail
submit them all.
their saving throws are all charmed or
2 Whenever something goes well, you fell frightened by you (your choice) until the end of
the urge to pray and thank your patron, your next turn.
whose mighty hand surely made the Once you use this feature, you can't use
deed possible.
it again until you finish a short or long rest.
3 You are an unbearable preacher, always
speaking about the ways of your patron.
4 You have a compulsion to always Starting at 6th level, you can call on your patron
perform the sacred rites of your patron, to alter fate in your favor. When you make an
even when urgency would dictate ability check or a saving throw, you can use this
feature to add a d10 to your roll. You can do so
5 You engage in endless theological after seeing the initial roll but before any of the
disputations with every priest you meet, roll's effect occur.
party members included. Once you use this feature, you can't use
6 You often threat not to help your allies it again until you finish a short or long rest.
unless they pray to your patron for help.
EXPANDED SPELL LIST Starting at 10th level, whenever you finish a
The Ascendant lets you choose from an long or short rest you and up to five creatures
expanded list of spells when you learn a you can see at the end of your rest, gain
warlock spell. The following spells are added to temporary hit points. These temporary hit
the warlock spell list for you. points equal your Charisma modifier + half your
warlock level.
Spell Level Spells FORCED RAPTURE
1st command, sanctuary Starting at 14th level, when you hit a creature
2nd warding bond, zone of truth with an attack, you can use this feature to
3rd beacon of hope, create food and water
instantly transport the target to the presence of
your patron. The creatures briefly disappears
4th compulsion, guardian of faith
and is delivered to bear the mighty gaze of the
5th hallow, raise dead Ascendant.
At the end of your next turn, the target
returns to the space it previously occupied, or
the nearest unoccupied space. The target takes

10d10 radiant damage from the experience of following table of flaws associated with
its forced rapture. warlocks of Fate Itself.
Once you use this feature, you can't use
it again until you finish a long rest. FATE ITSELF FLAWS
d6 Flaw
1 You offer to divine the ultimate fate of all
THE FATE ITSELF your new acquaintances.
Rather than a specific entity, your patron is Fate 2 You act rashly and don't give a damn
Itself. Destiny choose you to act as an agent of about the consequences of your actions.
doom, or perhaps the harbinger of fortune and 3 Even when your life is at risk, you are
good luck. You can read and discern the threads reluctant to struggle against the
of Fate, and your patron granted you the ability inevitable: perhaps your death was
to subtly alter them, choosing which one will preordained.
became real among the endless possible futures. 4 You don't want them to tell you the
Or perhaps every action of yours, as well as odds, never.
every mortal and immortal deed alike, was 5 You feel the urge to always struggle
preordained by Fate Itself long before you were against the inevitable, even when it
born, and what you perceive as your free seems pointless: you, and you alone, are
choices are in fact your destined actions. the chosen instrument of Fate.
As an optional way to add more flavor to
6 You compulsively engage in every game
your character, you can pick from or roll on the of chance you know, no matter how big a
loser you are.


The Fate Itself lets you choose from an
expanded list of spells when you learn a
warlock spell. The following spells are added to
the warlock spell list for you.


Spell Level Spells
1st bane, bless
2nd augury, gentle repose
3rd bestow curse, feign death
4th divination, death ward
5th geas, reincarnate


Starting at 1st level, when you reduce a hostile
creature to 0 hit points, you gain temporary hit
points equal to your Charisma modifier + your
warlock level, and you gain advantage on your
next ability check. However, whenever you
reach 0 hit points you have disadvantage on
your first death saving throw.

Furthermore, you gain proficiency in a
set of gaming tools of your choice, typically a BEHOLD YOUR OWN DEATH
game of chance like dice or cards. Starting at 14th level, when you hit a creature
with an attack, you can use this feature to
THE HAND OF FATE briefly force the target to experience the
Starting at 6th level, your patron entrusts you circumstances of its own death. This ordeal
with the power to alter destiny in your favor. reels the target and, even if it instantly forgets
When you make an ability check or a saving about the precise details of its passing,
throw, you can use this feature to add a d10 to fragmented memories still linger into its mind;
your roll. You can do so after seeing the initial the target takes 10d10 psychic damage,
roll but before any of the roll's effect occur. potentially dieing from the shock caused by the
Once you use this feature, you can't use very experience of its incoming death.
it again until you finish a short or long rest. Once you use this feature, you can't use
it again until you finish a long rest.
As a chosen agent of Fate Itself, you cannot die THE LORD OF CHAOS
before the proper time. Starting at 10th level,
you have resistance to necrotic damage, and Your master is one of the Lords of Chaos, the
your hit point maximum can't be reduced. In Black Dukes of Entropy feared by many and
addition, you are immune to being magically called idiotic almighty fools by a few brave ones,
aged. whose entrails are typically found scattered
around the floor. For the Lords
of Chaos are not evil, and their
very existence is in fact
necessary for the Cosmic
Balance and the constant
rebirth of life from death and
decay, but they follow a
pattern of thoughts impossible
for the mortal mind to grasp.
Demons are agents of Chaos, as
many celestials are, for
different tasks require
different emissaries. And, for
the Lords of Chaos, the voluble,
fleeting mortals are among the
most beloved of servants. Of
course the affection of a Duke
of Chaos is at best a mixed
blessing, but a blessing
nevertheless for the
enterprising warlock.
As an optional way to
add more flavor to your
character, you can pick from or
roll on the following table of

flaws associated with warlocks of the Lords of warlock spell. You then regain the use of this
Chaos. feature.


d6 Flaw Starting at 1st level, whenever you cast a spell
1 When you speak you alternate between
that inflicts damage, you may invoke the powers
all the languages you know, creating an
of Chaos to alter the very essence of the spell.
impossible pidgin.
Furthermore, when you suffer damage from a
2 You make a point of mocking the law, spell, you can use your reaction to let you
even when you have no reason to not chaotic powers surge and alter that spell.
abide by it. Whether the case, roll a d12 and change the
3 You feel the physical to indulge all your type of the damage caused by the spell
fascinations, however flickering. according to the number rolled.
4 You change everyday the way you dress,
your hairstyle, and your make-up.
5 You openly despise the gods of Law,
even when it would be wise to be
6 You display your emotions in the most
blatantly conspicuous way, and you have
very frequent mood swings.


The Lords of Chaos lets you choose from an
expanded list of spells when you learn a
warlock spell. The following spells are added to
the warlock spell list for you.


Spell Level Spells
1st color spray, Tasha’s hideous laughter
2nd alter self, enlarge/reduce
3rd nondetection, water walk
4th confusion, polymorph
5th creation, seeming

Starting at 1st level, you can invoke the forces of
Chaos to gain advantage on one attack roll,
ability check, or saving throw. Once you do so,
you must finish a long rest before you can use
this feature again. Any time before you regain
the use of this feature, the DM can have you roll
on the Wild Magic Surge table (on page 104 of
the Player’s Handbook) after you cast a

FLICKERING MAGIC Imploring your patron’s aid requires
d12 Flaw you to use your action. Describe the assistance
1 Bludgeoning, piercing or slashing (your you seek, and roll percentile dice. If you roll a
choice) magical damage number equal to or lower than your warlock
2 acid damage level, your patron intervenes. The DM chooses
3 cold damage the nature of the intervention; the effect of any
warlock spell or patron spell would be
4 fire damage
appropriate. If your patron intervenes, you can’t
5 force damage use this feature again for 7 days. Otherwise, you
6 lightning damage can use it again after you finish a long rest.
7 necrotic damage
8 poison damage FLESH OF CHAOS
At 14th level, you are so familiar with the
9 psychic damage
energy of Chaos catalyzed by your patron that
10 radiant damage they somehow infuse with your body: you can’t
11 thunder damage be blinded, deafened, frightened, or poisoned,
12 instead of dealing damage, the spell and any critical hit against you counts as a
restores lost hit points to its target up to normal hit instead, unless you’re incapacitated.
a maximum equal to the damage it would
have caused

At 6th level, the absent blessings of your
patron help you ward against enemy
attack. When a creature makes an attack
roll against you, you can use your
reaction to impose disadvantage on that
roll. If the attack misses you, your next
attack roll against the creature has
advantage if you make it before the end
of your next turn.
Once you use this feature, you
can't use it again until you finish a short
or long rest. Any time before you regain
the use of this feature, the DM can have
you roll on the Wild Magic Surge table
(on page 104 of the Player’s Handbook)
after you cast a warlock spell. You then
regain the use of this feature.

Starting at 10th level, you can call on
your patron to take an active role and
intervene on your behalf when your
need is great.

The Lords of Order lets you choose from an
You have sworn yourself to one of the distant, expanded list of spells when you learn a
enigmatic Lords of Law, sometimes called the warlock spell. The following spells are added to
White Dukes of Order, an enigmatic force that the warlock spell list for you.
operate in the Multiverse to uphold the cause of
uncontested law. The Lords of Order are LORDS OF ORDER EXPANDED SPELLS
somehow above the lords of Mechanus, and Spell Level Spells
both angels and devils heed their call. You have 1st command, identify
no special link with your Patron: whether you 2nd locate object, zone of truth
like it or not, you are merely a cog in the perfect
3rd clairvoyance, glyph of warding
machine that will reduce the Million Sphere to a
4th locate creature, guardian of faith
harmonious singularity. Some would call the
Lords of Order evil, other would revere them as 5th geas, planar binding
the greatest among the gods; from your point of
view, it’s enough for them to be and grant you
power: you owe them obedience, as dictated by
Starting at 1st level, when you reduce a hostile
your pact, but you are not compelled to revere
creature to 0 hit points, you gain temporary hit
points equal to your Charisma modifier + half
As an optional way to add more flavor to
your warlock level (minimum of 1).
your character, you can pick from or roll on the
following table of flaws associated with
warlocks of the Lords of Order. ORDERLY INFLUENCES
Starting at 1st level, whenever you cast a spell
LORDS OF ORDER FLAWS that inflicts damage, you may choose to not roll
d6 Flaw for damage but instead inflict the medium
1 You maintain a perfect, rigid diction, damage that the spell’s dice would cause.
preferring not to speak rather than have Furthermore, whenever you would make an
your words distorted by emotions. attack roll, an ability check, or a saving throw
2 Wherever you go, you uphold the local with advantage, you could forego the advantage
law – even if it is the worst possible law! in order to gain a +5 bonus to the roll. Likewise,
3 You openly despise the differences whenever you would make an attack roll, an
between living creatures; it’s not that ability check, or a saving throw with
you are a racist, but everything would be disadvantage, you could roll a single die and
better if everyone was identical. suffer a -5 penalty to the roll.
4 You always dress in the same way, and
always eat the same foods at the same DIRECTING THE MINIONS
time. At 6th level, when a creature within 30 feet of
5 You openly despise the gods of Chaos, you makes an attack roll, you can use your
even when it would be wise to be reaction to grant that creature a +10 bonus to
discreet. the roll. You make this choice after you see the
roll, but before the DM says whether the attack
6 You do your best to hide your emotions:
you would not shed tears over a fallen
hits or misses.
friend, nor be moved to compassion or Once you use this feature, you can't use
hatred. it again until you finish a short or long rest.

When you reach 10th level, you became as MOTHER NATURE FLAWS
steadfast and immovable as your patron wishes. d6 Flaw
1 You don't simply speak with plants, you
You can’t be charmed or frightened, and your
enter into a discussion with them, even if
hit points maximum can’t be reduced.
they don't reply. And you do so in public.
2 You value the life of an animal above a
humanoid's one, for they are closer to
At 14th level, you gain the ability to subjugate a
vanquished foe, turning it into another servant
of your master. You can use your action to touch 3 You avoid eating plants and vegetables,
preferring instead to feed on other living
an incapacitated humanoid. That creature is
creatures – humanoids included.
then charmed by you until a remove curse spell
is cast on it, the charmed condition is removed 4 When you meet someone, you smell
from it, or you use this feature again. your new acquaintance, especially their
You can communicate telepathically rear end, just as an animal would do.
with the charmed creature as long as the two of 5 You avoid any food or tool that required
you are on the same plane of existence. what you perceive as animal

THE MOTHER NATURE 6 The law of the survival is the only law
you follow, for it is the law of nature.
Your patron is not an otherworldly entity, nor
an alien being, for you forced a pact with the EXPANDED SPELL LIST
essence of the natural world, an undeniable The Mother Nature lets you choose from an
force of life and renewal usually referred to as expanded list of spells when you learn a
Mother Nature. Whether you picture your warlock spell. The following spells are added to
patron as a proper feminine figure, the great the warlock spell list for you.
caring – or savage – mother of all that exists in
nature, or you use her name as a metaphor for MOTHER NATURE EXPANDED SPELLS
the impersonal forces that animate the world,
Spell Level Spells
you manifest great powers, and some of the 1st entangle, goodberry
spells you cast are very unusual for a warlock.
2nd animal messenger, beast sense
Perhaps, the entity you revere as Mother Nature
is in fact a former goddess of a long-forgotten 3rd meld into stone, speak with plants
pantheon, or a powerful nymph that intends to 4th dominate beast, grasping vine
use your actions to further increase her power 5th commune with nature, tree stride
and influence over the world. Not surprisingly,
warlocks of Mother Nature don’t go along too
well with druids: according to most circles, their
personal bond with the supposed All-Mother, Starting at 1st level, your learn the druidcraft
and the strange power they channel trough it, and shillelagh cantrips, and they count as druid
makes even the most well-meaning warlock cantrips for you.
appear as an overzealous, idolatrous fool. Additionally, plants and animals have
As an optional way to add more flavor to difficulty harming you. If a beast or a plant
your character, you can pick from or roll on the targets you directly with an attack or a harmful
following table of flaws associated with spell, that creature must make a Wisdom saving
warlocks of Mother Nature. throw against your spell save DC (a creature
needn't make the save when it includes you in

an area effect, such as a breath weapon). On a created or manipulated to impede movement,
failed save, the creature must choose a new such as those created by the entangle spell.
target or forfeit targeting someone instead of
you, potentially wasting the attack or spell. On a MOTHER NATURE'S PROTECTION
successful save, the creature is immune to this When you reach 10th level, you are immune to
effect for 24 hours. A beast or plant is also poison and disease. Furthermore, you gain
immune to this effect for 24 hours if you target resistance to poison damage.
it with an attack or a harmful spell.
ONE WITH THE WILDS When you reach 14th level, the blessings of
Starting at 6th level, your pact with Mother Mother Nature enable you to quickly regenerate
Nature grants you an inborn ability to survive your health. On your turn, you can use a bonus
into the wild, as your bond extends to the whole action to regain hit points equal to 1d8 + your
natural world. You gain proficiency in one of the warlock level. Additionally, if you put a severed
following skills of your choice: Animal Handling, body part of yours back in place when you use
Nature, or Survival. this feature, the part reattaches.
Furthermore, moving through Once you use this feature, you can't use
nonmagical difficult terrain costs you no extra it again until you finish a short or long rest.
movement. You can also pass through
nonmagical plants without being slowed by
them and without taking damage from them if
they have thorns, spines, or a similar hazard.
You leave no tracks or other traces of your
passage, unless you wish so, and you can't be
tracked except by magical means.
In addition, you have advantage on
saving throws against plants that are magically

d6 Flaw
The mythical bird of fire, the Phoenix, 1 You are afraid of the dark, and must
incarnates the promise of a flame that does no always have a light source at hand.
harm but instead restores, the true essence of 2 You are reckless, and you often put your
rejuvenation. The true nature of the Phoenix, life and the lives of your friends in
however, is a matter of debate among the jeopardy; after all, death is not the end.
scholars, for someone intend it to be a mere Not for you. Or at least you firmly believe
metaphor, while others believe that there is a so.
whole race of phoenix birds, peculiar beasts but 3 When someone dies you have a
nevertheless no more astonishing than the compulsion to set afire the corpse, so
average phase spider. However, you laugh at the that the deceased may be born anew.
idiocy of those scholars, for the Phoenix is your 4 You refer to the sun as your “Big Bro”,
patron, and a powerful supernatural creature. and you are very sad when it doesn't
Of course, your master is not a dull elemental or show up its face.
a red-feathered bird that simply resurrects 5 You are fond of literally playing with fire,
itself, but the very essence behind every single too fond for your own good.
phoenix, a being of great power that channels 6 You don't want to use your fire and
fire, light, and restoration. In exchange of your radiant powers against particularly
devotion, the Phoenix granted you a spark of its wicked enemies, as you believe that
own power, a spark that sustains your life and doing so will restore their health.
your pact magic.
As an optional way to add more flavor to
your character, you can pick from or roll on the
following table of flaws associated with The Phoenix lets you choose from an expanded
warlocks of the Phoenix. list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The
following spells are added to the warlock spell
list for you.


Spell Level Spells
1st burning hands, guiding bolt
2nd continual flame, flame blade
3rd daylight, revivify
4th fire shield, death ward
5th flame strike, raise dead


Starting at 1st level, you gain the first benefit of
the Phoenix force that branded you as its
warlock. You have resistance to radiant damage,
and when you cast a spell that deals radiant
damage or fire damage, you add your charisma
modifier to the damage dealt. Additionally, you
know the dancing lights and light cantrips; they
count as warlock cantrips for you.

Once you use this feature, you can't use Furthermore, you age at a slower rate.
it again until you finish a short or long rest. For every 10 years that pass, your body ages
only 1 year, and you are immune to being
RISEN FROM THE ASHES magically aged.
Starting at 6th level, your link with the Phoenix
allows you to rise anew after the most grievous FLAMES OF THE PHOENIX
injuries. When you would make a death saving Starting at 14th level, you can channel the
throw, you can instead spring back to your feet flames of your patron, the Phoenix, into a fiery
within a burst of flames. You immediately stand explosion that burns your enemies while
up (if you choose so), and you regain hit points reinvigorating you and your friends.
equal to half your hit point maximum. All hostile As an action, you engulf every creature
creatures within 30 feet of you take 10 + your within 30 feet of you into your Phoenix area.
Charisma modifier fire damage and are blinded You and every ally of your choice within the
until the end of your next turn.Once you use this range can spend (no action required) up to your
feature, you can't use it again until you finish a Charisma modifier (minimum 1) of your
short or long rest. remaining hit dice to regain lost hit points. All
the enemies within range must make a
UNYIELDING FLAME Dexterity saving throw; they take 3d10 fire
When you reach 10th level, you are so attuned damage and 3d10 radiant damage on a failed
with you patron that you gain resistance to fire save, or half as much damage on a successful
damage. one.
Once you use this feature, you can't use
it again until you finish a long rest.


These new invocations can be learned by your
warlock character; while some of them are BLOODED THE SHIELD
generics, other are based on the new pact Prerequisite: Pact of the Aegis feature
boons. If an eldritch invocation has As a bonus action, you can spill your own blood
prerequisites, you must meet them to learn it. and sacrifice your own health to increase the
You can learn the invocation at the same time protection granted by your Pact of the Aegis; if
that you meet its prerequisites. A level you do so, your hit points maximum is reduced
prerequisite refers to the level in this class. by 1 per level until you dismiss your eldritch
armor, but your AC becomes 11 + your
BEAST CHARMER Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier.
You can cast animal friendship once using a
warlock spell slot. You can't do so again until BLOODTHIRST
you finish a long rest. Prerequisite: Pact of the Blade feature
As a bonus action, you can spill your own blood
BREWED BLESSINGS and sacrifice your own health to increase the
Prerequisite: 3rd level, Pact of Concoctions power of your pact weapon; if you do so, your
feature hit points maximum is reduced by 1 per level
While adjacent to your pact cauldron, you can until you dismiss your pact weapon, but you
cast the enhance ability spell using a warlock automatically cast the magic weapon spell on it
spell slot.

(no action required) at a level equal to your You can cast the fireball spell once using a
warlock spell slot level. warlock spell slot. You can't do so again until
you finish a long rest.
Prerequisite: 7th level INELUCTABLE CLAUSE
You can cast the conjure woodland beings spell Prerequisite: 7th level, Pact of the Contracts
once using a warlock spell slot. You can't do so feature
again until you finish a long rest. The damage inflicted by your Pact of the
Contracts feature ignores resistance to necrotic
CURSE OF THE WRATHFUL SKIES damage, and deals half damage even to targets
Prerequisite: 5th level immune to necrotic damage.
You can cast the call lightning spell once using a
warlock spell slot. You can't do so again until REVENGE OF THE BITING AEGIS
you finish a long rest. Prerequisite: 7th level, Pact of the Aegis feature
When you finish a short or long rest you can
DANSE MACABRE choose one damage type; while your eldritch
Prerequisite: 5th level armor is active and an enemy hits you with a
You can cast the animate dead spell once using a melee attack, you can use your reaction to inflict
warlock spell slot. You can't do so again until damage of the chosen type equal to your
you finish a long rest. Charisma modifier to the attacker.


You can cast cure wounds once using a warlock Prerequisite: Pact of Concoctions feature
spell slot, but after receiving your healing touch All the potions of healing you create with your
the target is automatically poisoned until the pact cauldron restore extra hit points equal to
start of your next turn. You can't do so again your Charisma modifier.
until you finish a long rest.
DIVERT THE STREAM OF DESTINY Prerequisite: 15th level
Prerequisite: 12th level, Pact of the Visions You can cast suggestion at will as a 2nd-level
feature spell, without expending a spell slot.
You can alter your foretelling roll by an amount
equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1), WILD COMPANION
either adding or subtracting it from the dice Prerequisite: 5th level, Pact of the Chain feature
result. The modified foretelling roll can’t exceed When you cast the find familiar spell, your
20, nor be lower than 1, and it never counts as a familiar can take the form of any Medium or
natural 20 or as a natural 1. smaller beast or plant with a CR of 1 or lower.


Prerequisite: 15th level Prerequisite: 7th level
You can cast fear at will, without expending a You can cast the ice storm spell once using a
spell slot or material components. warlock spell slot. You can't do so again until
you finish a long rest.
Prerequisite: 5th level

When it comes to the wizard, the arcane necessarily being war wizards. Hence comes the
tradition whose need is most deeply felt is arcane tradition of the erudite; the white and
perhaps one for generalist wizards that equally dark mage just followed.
focus on all eight schools of magic without


skills. You also learn two extra languages of
your choice.
More than other wizards, an erudite is a scholar
at core. Rather than focus their studies on a ECLECTIC SAVANT
single school of magic, the erudite aims at Beginning when you select this tradition at 2nd
obtaining a better understanding of the whole level, the time you spend copying a new spell
picture: they may certainly lag behind a into your spellbook is halved. Each time you
specialist in a single field, but they are equally gain a wizard level, you can add one extra
adept at using and defending against every wizard spell of your choice to your spellbook for
known magic spell. Not surprisingly, most free, up to a total of three extra spells per level.
archmages come from the tradition of erudites. Furthermore, the number of spells you
can memorize and prepare now equals twice
BONUS PROFICIENCIES your Intelligence modifier + your wizard level
When you select this tradition at 2nd level, you and, when you use your Arcane Recovery class
gain proficiency with two skills of your choice feature, you can recover one extra spell level
among the Arcana, History, Insight, worth of spell slots. This amount increases to
Investigation, Medicine, Nature, and Religion two extra spell levels at 6th level, 3 extra spell
levels at 10th level, and 4 extra spell levels at
14th level. None of the spell slots recovered can
be 6th-level or higher.

At 2nd level, choose one of your Intelligence
related skill proficiencies. Your proficiency
bonus is doubled for any ability check you make
that uses the chosen proficiency.
At 6th, 10th, and 14th level, you can
choose another skill proficiency to gain this


At 6th level, you add the counterspell and dispel
magic spells to your spellbook if they aren’t
here already. When you cast dispel magic, you
can target one additional creature, object of
magical effect.

Furthermore, whenever you HOWLS OF THE DEAD
successfully counter or dispel the effects of Starting at 2nd level, you are enshrouded by an
magic using the aforementioned spells, you echo of every last creature you defeated, a howl
regain hit points equal to 2 + the level of the of their departed soul that you can unleash on
countered or dispelled spells. your enemies. When a creature you can see
moves into a space within 10 feet of you or
ASTONISHING MEMORY starts its turn there, you can use your reaction
Starting at 10th level, your memory and to deal 1d6 necrotic damage to that creature
recollection for spells is so amazing that it unless it succeeds on a Constitution saving
apparently defies the most basic rules of magic. throw against you spell save DC. The necrotic
When you are concentrating on a spell, and you damage increases to 1d8 at 6th level, 1d10 at
cast another spell that requires concentration, 10th level, and 1d12 at 14th level.
you don’t automatically lose concentration on You also gain darkvision with a range of
the first spell. You can still maintain the effects 60 feet.
of a single spell at a time but, if the Duration of
the first spell is not expired, you can use a bonus FEED ON THE VANQUISHED
action to end your concentration on the second Beginning at 2nd level, whenever you reduce a
one and recall the first spell you were hostile creature to 0 hit points with a spell or
maintaining concentration on. your Howls of the Deceased class feature, you
You can’t keep memory of more than gain temporary hit points equal to your
two concentration spells at a time: should you
cast a third one, the durations of the first one
will automatically expire.

Starting at 14th level, you have advantage on
saving throws against spells. Furthermore, you
have resistance against the damage of spells.


What is dark magic? Most people would say that
it is any magic that dabbles with demons and
death, notably necromancy and conjuration. But
even the spells used to resurrect the fallen are,
strictly speaking, necromantic, and the same
spell could be used to contact a fiend as well as
a celestial. For dark magic is not a single school
of spells, but a predisposition to employ every
form of magic with grim means, testing its
power with a morbid curiosity that the common
rabble would certainly despise. Not all “dark
mages” are evil, but they means certainly tend
to be at least arguable, if not utterly vile, even
when employed towards a greater good.

Intelligence modifier + half your wizard level them. And, in doing so, they discover amazing
(minimum of 1). powers.


Starting at 6th level, your ability to channel Starting at 2nd level, you learn additional spells
negative energy becomes more potent. Necrotic whenever you gain an additional Arcane
damage dealt by your wizard spells and howls Tradition feature, as shown in the Merciful
of the defeated class feature ignores resistance Healer Spell table. You add these spells to your
to necrotic damage. spellbook, and for you they are wizard spells.
You also learn the spare the dying cantrip, and it
SHROUD OF THE DECEASED is a wizard cantrip for you.
Starting at 10th level, the lingering memories of Furthermore, you gain proficiency with
your victims floating around you became an one skill of your choice among Diplomacy and
intangible veil that protects and empowers you. Medicine.
You have resistance to necrotic damage, and
your hit point maximum can’t be reduced. MERCIFUL HEALER SPELL
Furthermore, you can see normally in Wizard Level Spells
2nd sanctuary
darkness, both magical and nonmagical, to a
distance of 60 feet. 6th revivify
10th greater restoration
At 14th level, you gain the ability to cross the
border between the dark corners of the world
and, in so doing, drag along the breaths of your
enemies. When you are in dim light or darkness,
as a bonus action, you can force every creature
of your choice within to be targeted by your
Howls of the Deceased class feature; you then
magically teleport up to 60 feet to an
unoccupied space you can see that is also in dim
light or darkness.


More than a clear list of spells, white magic is a
calling, a calling to use magic to help those in
need and to protect those who can’t protect
themselves. More than anything, white magic is
the voluntary acceptance of many self restraints
and the unselfish use of arcane power for the
good of others. The School of White Magic
ultimately leads to a path of renunciation. White
mages are of course still capable of wielding the
most notorious signature wizard spells, of
course, but more often than not they avoid

At 2nd level, you gain the option to renounce to
your arcane power in order to sustain your Wizards traditionally avoid to wear armor of
companions in their suffering. As an action, you any kind: it’s heavy, cumbersome, and requires
sacrifice a spell slot to heal one creature you can an arduous training in order to be worn while
see within 60 feet of you. The target casting spells. After all, proper magic could do
immediately regains 1d6 hit points per level of almost everything, including protecting the
the spell you used for your Healing Charm. spellcaster. In some worlds across the
Multiverse it is even taboo for wizards to train
BANEBREAKER in armor or weapon usage! And yet what is the
Starting at 6th level, when you restore hit points quintessence of wizardry if not creative
to an ally with your Healing Charm feature, you ingenuity, the firm conviction that through
can also end one spell of your choice on that rigorous study the impossible will be made
creature. The level of the spell you end must be possible? Spellplates are the rare but not
equal or lower than the level of the spell slot unheard of wizards that train with books and
you use to activate Healing Charm. steel alike, and constitute a loose tradition of
armored mages.
At 10th level you can cast greater restoration
without expending a spell slot and without When you adopt this tradition at 2nd level, you
consuming its material component. gain proficiency with light and medium armor.
Once you cast greater restoration in this Furthermore, when you reach 6th level, you
way, you can’t do so again until you finish a gain proficiency with heavy armor.
short or long rest, though you can still cast it
normally using an available spell slot. ARMORED SYNERGY
At 2nd level you learn to treat your armor as
INHERENT SANCTITY something more than a mundane protection
When you reach 14th level, you literally radiate from physical attacks. You can use the armor
peace, so that even the most vicious of enemies you are wearing as your arcane focus, and while
hesitates before rising the hand against you. wearing armor you add your Intelligence
When a creature you haven’t attacked nor cast a modifier (minimum of +1) to any Constitution
spell against attacks you, that creature must saving throw you make to maintain your
make a Wisdom saving throw against your concentration on a spell.
wizard spell save DC. On a failed save, the Furthermore, when you are wearing an
creature must choose a different target, or the armor you can use your Intelligence score,
attack automatically misses. On a successful rather than you Strength score, to determine
save, the creature is immune to this effect for 24 the amount of weight you can bear and as the
hours. required score to wear heavy armor without
The creature is aware of this effect being slowed down.
before it makes its attack against you.
Starting at 6th level, the magic of your spells
channeled through your armor lingers for a few,
precious moments, strongly enhancing the
cuirass’ resistance. When you use your action to
cast a spell while wearing armor, until the start

of your next turn you reduce any damage you concentration on a spell, you have a +2 bonus to
receive by an amount equal to the level of the AC and all saving throws.
cast spell.
For example, if during your turn you RELEASE THE FLUX
cast fireball and are then attacked for 14 Starting at 14th level, when you are hit by a
damage, you instead suffer only 11 damage. melee attack, you can use your reaction to deal
force damage to the attacker. The damage
STURDY SPELLS equals your wizard level. The attacker must also
Beginning at 10th level, the magic you channel make a Strength saving throw against your
resonates with your plate and mail. While you wizard spell save DC. On a failed save, the
are wearing armor and you maintain attacker is pushed in a straight line up to 10 feet
away from you.


My first custom content for the DM Guild was, new bundle with new and revised background
back in 2016, a new background, the inquisitor. options. You fill find them all in the following
One more followed soon after, and then a whole pages.

the crown. Perhaps your enemies are not
sinners or rebels, but something far more dark
Your job is to detect, apprehend, and condemn and evil that your order swore to eradicate from
the wicked; as a full-fledged agent of the the world.
Inquisition, you are part of a larger group, a Whether the case, as an inquisitor you
notorious and feared organization. Typically, are sanctioned to act as detective, judge and
inquisitors hunt down heretics and enemies of jury. Feared and hated, you are nevertheless
the faith, but not all inquisitorial orders are respected by those you stand to protect.
religious in nature: many political authorities
maintain their own private police of inquisitors, Skill Proficiencies: Choose two from Insight,
sworn to detect and punish conspirators against Intimidation, Investigation, and Religion
Tool Proficiencies: Thieves’ Tools
Languages: One of your choice
Equipment: A badge of service (a
holy symbol or a symbol of the
authority you represent), a prayer
book or a law book, a scroll of
authorization (to act as a
sanctioned inquisitor), manacles, a
set of office clothes, a set of
common clothes, a belt pouch
containing 10 gp

Your position and your office are
known to those who serve or obey
the same authority as you do. That
same authority gave you the right
to investigate with any mean and
to rightfully condemn those you
find guilty.
In some cases you will have to
cooperate with other inquisitors
or similar agents, especially when
dealing with an influential suspect,

but even when not judge and jury you are a SUGGESTED CHARACTERISTICS
trusted and respected detective, one that Feared, hated and nevertheless respected,
nobody would dare to cross as long as he falls inquisitors are key figures in grim and dark
under his jurisdiction. Nobody short of your times. They bear a great power, but must be
direct superiors can defy your judgment. careful not to misuse such influence.


What was the specific nature and purpose of the d8 Personality Trait
order you swore into? You and your DM can 1 I prefer to maintain my affiliation a secret
decide it based on your campaign setting, or you as long as I can. Nobody expects the
can choose or roll on the table below to
determine what is your order like. 2 I tend to pose too many questions, even
when I am not on duty.

INQUISITORIAL ORDER 3 There is no such thing as innocence, only

degrees of guilt.
d8 Inquisitorial order
1 Religious order hunting down heretics 4 My instinct never betrayed me, first
among the faithful. impression is the best impression.
2 Religious order dedicated to detect the 5 Everyone has his secrets, I must uncover
enemies of the faith. them.
3 Secret religious order directed by the High 6 I can't tolerate those that assume no
Priest himself. responsibilities for their own actions.
4 Fiend-hunting order. 7 I need to know all the available information
before emitting a verdict.
5 Aberration-hunting order.
8 I tend to annotate every detail, even the
6 Secret police of the crown.
most insignificant ones.
7 Order of inquisitors swore to a dark entity.
8 Evil order dedicated to the eradication of
one or more races.

d6 Ideal
1 Cruelty. When in doubt, I condemn them
all: God will know Their own. (Evil)
2 Leniency. Every sinner must be granted a
chance to redeem themselves. (Good)
3 Strictness. It is not my will that judges, I am
the executor of a higher will. (Neutral)
4 Pliability. Every subject is a different case, I
must bear no prejudice. (Chaotic)
5 Protection. My duty is to drive out the
wolves that prey upon the herd. (Any)
6 Authority. Should I have doubts, I will
always know who to turn to have in order
to unravel them. (Lawful).

BOND practiced before entering the career of an
d6 Bond adventurer.
1 My master, the one who taught me when I Part academic, part folk healer, part
was still a novice, has lost their way. medicine man, you roamed the land to offer you
2 I personally granted for a redeemed assistance during plague outbreaks, seeing
convict, and I am now responsible for their quite your share of death and suffering even
before your adventurer days. And, during your
3 I delivered a harsh condemnation, and now service as a plague doctor, you acquired many
the family of the victim wants to make me
skills that will be very useful in your new
pay for it.
career. For clerics and priests run out of spells,
4 Even if we haven't seen each other for but your science will not be stopped by any
years, my fellow inquisitors can always
count on me.
hindrance, and many a companion will soon be
thanking you for your well-timed aid.
5 A young novice of the Inquisition looks at
me as an example.
Skill Proficiencies: Medicine, plus one from
6 The members of a different faction within
Investigation and Perception
the Inquisition are always breathing down
my back. Tool Proficiencies: Herbalism kit, poisoner's
Equipment: A healer's kit, a herbalist kit, a set
FLAW of protective clothes (designed to avoid
d6 Flaw contagion, they are waxed or made of leather
1 I have a secret in the closet that could turn
and often associated with a pair of gloves and a
me from inquisitor to accused.
very peculiar mask), a sample associated with a
2 I find lack of faith disturbing.
3 I'm not new to use my authority in order to
pursue personal goals.
4 I can't suffer those who profess ideas
different from mine.
5 I'm sure that there is a secret conspiracy
against the Inquisition.
6 Those who are not with me are against me.

Miracles happen, but not for everyone: the gods
grant their healing magic to few, precious
individuals, and so in times of need their divine
blessings are not enough to halt the spread of
plagues and infections. Plague doctors
originated in times of dire need, when the
spreading of a vicious pox proved too sudden
and wide to be halted by spells: there were
simply too few magic healers to heal everyone.
So, from practice and theory alike, a new
profession was born, a profession that you

rare illness you intend to study, and a belt
pouch containing 10 gp
In every hamlet, town or city there is always 1 Greed. I don't give a damn about them and
someone that needs a good doctor. You can their suffering: all that matters is the
money they pay me with, and the power I
make a living by offering your services to the hold over their life. (Evil)
afflicted, be it by the soup offered by the farmer
2 Selflessness. If a doctor is needed, I offer
whose daughter had chicken pox, or the
my help with no regard for my own health:
banquet offered in your honor by the rich I swore to do what is best for my patients,
merchant you helped with a “personal matter”. not for me. (Good)
While you know every major pox, 3 Delusion. Death is the true enemy of every
illness, and disease, some supernatural or long doctor, and I will be the one to finally
forgotten plagues will require every inch of defeat it. (Any)
your time in order to be kept at bay. Were you 4 Cruelty. The progress of medicine requires
to discover a nonmagical cure against the most some sacrifices: what is the excruciating
vicious plagues, your name will became truly pain and suffering of a few patient in front
of a huge breakthrough? (Evil)
5 Fraternity. When facing a plague, all
mortals are alike; we should remember this
SUGGESTED CHARACTERISTICS fact even when our lives are safe. (Good)
Plague doctors lead their life in strict contact
6 Resignation. Every mortal must die; I can
with death itself; they must come to term with only delay the inevitable. (Any)
the demise of those they couldn't save. How this
shaped the characteristics of the single plague
doctor largely depends on their own ideals and
d8 Personality Trait 1 I'm haunted by the memory of a young
1 My profession taught me to be very patient that I could not save.
detached, from patients and companions 2 Sometime ago I was “invited” me to assist
alike. an infamous criminal. I fear I have not
2 Life is a fickle light, we must enjoy it while it heard the last of them.
lasts. 3 I have a sort of rivalry with a colleague,
3 People think of me as a jinx, and perhaps dating back to our apprentice days.
they are right: with no plague, there would 4 Some years ago I saved a hamlet from a
be no doctor. quite vicious infection; the inhabitants
4 I take note of the physical health of consider me a hero.
everybody; they'll thank me later for this. 5 I fell in love with a patient. Even if this is
5 I prefer not to attract too much attention, not very professional, I long for the chance
unless my work is needed. to see my beloved again.

6 I'm always eager to help. 6 I fear I have discovered a new plague, a

very insidious and dangerous one, and
7 Nothing is more satisfying than the sadly I have yet to find an effective
gratitude of my patients. treatment against it.
8 I simply love black humor, even if nobody
gets nor likes my jokes.

d6 Flaw Skill Proficiencies: Arcana, plus one from
1 I fear contagion, any contagion, like death Deception, Persuasion, Stealth, and Survival
itself. Languages: Two of your choice
2 First I get paid, then I offer my help. Equipment: A keepsake from your home plane,
3 I cannot suffer uncleanness, when I have to a trinket you collected from a distant Plane of
touch something dirty I feel the urge to Existence, a bedroll, a set of traveler’s cloths,
wash my hands, even in a dungeon. and a belt pouch containing 10 gp
4 Clerics, gods and their miracles have just to
shut up: where was healing magic when my
patients got ill?
5 I can't refuse a call for help, no matter the
6 I tend to speak quite too often about the
most disgusting details of my profession.

Most people know nothing of the Million
Spheres that extend over the Multiverse; even
among those few scholars who know, typically
only the mightiest adventurers have ventured
upon a journey towards a different plane of
existence. Common folk, to put it simply, don’t
travel the Million Sphere, and spend their whole
lives in the usual, dull Material Plane they were
born on.
You, however, are not “most people”,
and your background is the most uncommon,
for you left your home world behind and
roamed across the Multiverse before setting
down in the plane you currently inhabit. FEATURE: PLANAR SIXTH SENSE
Perhaps curiosity drove you to explore a Your roaming across the Million Sphere taught
strange portal with no turning back, or you you a thing or two about portals and extra-
were trapped in a conjunction of the spheres planar journeys. By the subtlest changes in the
that cast you elsewhere. Or, as it too often air, by the thinnest glares and reverberations,
happens, war and cataclysms forced you to you are able to detect the presence of a portal of
abandon your home plane and seek shelter in a any kind within your perception range.
distant world. By examining the thus detected portal,
Whether the case, you are a stranger in you are able to speculate brief glimpses of its
the strange land that your companion call probable destination: you recognize any plane
home; before reaching this plane you had your that you have already visited, and you have a
good share of ordeal and tribulation, in order to sixth sense for discerning a safe destination
survive among the powerful denizens of the from one that will probably spell trouble for you
Million Spheres, the outsiders of legend that and your party.
play the Game of Fate with the lives and souls of

Anyway, after you planar ordeal, you are IDEAL
inured to the most strange features and d6 Ideal
denizens of the Multiverse. Usually… 1 Nostalgia. One day I will be back to my
home plane, no matter the obstacles. (Any)

SUGGESTED CHARACTERISTICS 2 Compassion. Suffering from constant

homesickness, I fell compelled to comfort
Planar refugees are survivors of an unusual those who suffer from a loss. (Good)
kind, for it was not their might that ensured
3 Freedom. I’m not from this Plane of
their safety, but the knack they developed at
Existence. I’m not bound to its rules.
navigating among the strange places of the (Chaotic)
Million Spheres, dealing unscathed with alien
4 Cosmic Balance. There are strict laws that
and extra-planar beings whose power could rule the Million Spheres, and for good
annihilate whole mortal cities. As most reason. (Lawful)
wayfarers do, planar refugees often long for 5 Pillage. This strange, new plane is mine to
their lost home, and yet the inborn curiosity of plunder and loot. (Evil)
mortals drives them to explore the farthest
6 Curiosity. I’m always eager for new
planes, an overwhelming zeal to explore the experiences. (Any)
Multiverse pursuing the most obscure

d8 Personality Trait
1 I’m curious about the most mundane of
habits and costumes – they are so different
from the ones I once knew.
2 I’m very reserved: during my peregrination
I had many acquaintances, but few true
3 I’m too much exuberant, and I like to have
a friend in every town.
4 Sometimes I am really verbose about my BOND
long-lost home plane and the days I spent d6 Bond
there. 1 A fiend once offered me its help. I couldn't
5 My old habits are hard to break, even when refuse its proposal, and I’m supposed to
they prove to be socially awkward. repay this debt sooner or later.

6 I formally introduce myself by all the names 2 Strange as it may sound, I’m in love with
I earned during my planar journeys. an outsider.

7 I often made jokes and references about 3 I left my significant others in my home
bits of obscure planar lore. plane; I long to see them again.

8 I compare every new experience and 4 During my journeys I joined a league of

acquaintance to the ones I had back at planar adventurers.
home. 5 In an Outer Plane I met a departed soul
that asked me to watch over their living
6 Somewhere out there there is someone
that can send me back to my home plane. I
know it.

FLAW still keep living. This is not, you are certain, the
d6 Flaw first time your soul was covered in flesh and
1 Compared to my home plane, this place walked in the Mortal World.; most disturbing of
makes me sick, and I have no qualms to all, you keep the memory of your death, and of
manifest this feeling.
what happened after your own demise.
2 I have seen much; compared to me, The Great Beyond is a mystery to every
everybody else is an ignorant simpleton.
mortal, but not for you; as you grew up,
3 Only I know true suffering and loss, memories of your previous life emerged upon
everybody else is just a crybaby.
your mind, and this peculiar knowledge shaped
4 I suffer of nightmares about the things I had you into the person you are now much more
to do in order to survive in the Outer than your family and the environment you lived
in. You were surely a strange child, as you
5 Every mention of my home plane catches happened to know things that you shouldn’t
my attention, even the most obvious of
even fathom. Being reborn made you an outcast
among your fellow, fresh-new souls with no
6 I often pretend not to speak the language
memory of a previous existence. Or did holy
of this Material Plane, and express myself
with my mother tongue. men and priests crowd you with questions and
assertions, using your existence to prove the
truth of their cult’s dogmas?
REBORN Whether the case, you want answers,
answers about what you are and why you, and
You harbour the memories of a whole life, a life you alone, had such unsettling memories. In
you lived before the one you were born into and order to find the truth about yourself, you

decided to embrace the career of an adventurer.
Perhaps you will one day meet the gods and the FEATURE: MEMORIES OF A LIFETIME
Lords of the Outer Planes in person: they will
Despite what you may claim, you don’t
surely know your answers.
remember perfectly what happened during
your previous existence – it was literally a
Skill Proficiencies: Choose two from History,
lifetime ago, and more. You have the main
Insight, Investigation, and Religion
frame, but small details tend to be fuzzy, at
Languages: One of your choice
least, and for you déjà vus are the norm, only
Tool Proficiencies: One of your choice
that in this case you have really already seen the
Equipment: A set of traveler clothes, a dubious
thing that triggered your memory.
tome about death and reincarnation, and a belt
However, this means that you will have
pouch containing 15 gp
frequent flashes of remembrance about small
but important details: perhaps you already set
THE GREAT BEYOND foot into that dungeon, or you used to hang out
Priest and sages may speculate, but you were at this town’s famous inn. A long-lived creature,
dead, and you keep an albeit fragmented like an elf or a dragon, could be an old
memory of what lies after death, the much acquaintance of yours, and what is now ancient
feared Great Beyond. What happened to your lore could have been common knowledge back
soul between your two lives? You and your DM in your days of yore.
can decide it based on your campaign setting, or The memories of your previous lifetime
you can choose or roll on the table to the side to vary from the trivial to the utmost essential, and
determine what was your impression of the sometimes new perceptions will trigger
Great Beyond. important memories borrowed deep into your
d8 The Great Beyond
1 Your soul underwent a long purifying ritual
before being reincarnated in a new body.
2 You joined your god as one of Their blessed
saints, singing hymns in the bliss of heaven.
3 You were tormented by fiends to atone for
your previous sins.
4 You had to bargain in order to obtain a
second chance on Earth before meeting
your final doom.
5 You were forced to fight as cannon fodder
in a battle between the lords of the Outer
6 You traveled the Outer Planes, but met no
gods at all.
7 You remember just a vast nothingness
where your soul floated alone and,
surprisingly, at peace.
8 You have no memories of an afterlife. Was
it because you forgot, or there is no
afterlife at all?

To be reborn means to constantly live with the BOND
memory of what you did and experience during d6 Bond
a previous lifetime. Your whole existence is 1 The relatives of my past self still live.
shaped by how you let the memories of a 2 I share the same appearance of my
concluded life influence the new one: will previous incarnation, and I was quite
famous back then.
unfulfilled business haunt you even now?
3 During my previous existence I left quite a
mark on history, such that my former
identity is somehow notorious even now.
d8 Personality Trait
1 I tend to act like an old geezer despite the 4 I have an extra-planar patron to thank for
age of my current self. my second chance.

2 I’m very secretive, always cautious not to 5 There is an old possession that I want to
betray myself with an out of date allusion reclaim at all costs.
that could disclose my true identity. 6 My loved one is out there, perhaps trapped
3 When in a hurry I speak my now archaic in undeath, perhaps reincarnated just like
vernacular. me.

4 I secretly mock priests and clerics: they

believe, I know. FLAW
5 I know I am special, for I am one of the few d6 Flaw
enlightened souls capable of rebirth. 1 I loath this new, decadent age: the world
was much better back then!
6 I believe that every mortal is destined to
reincarnate someday; perhaps they already 2 An old enemy knows about my rebirth, and
have and simply don’t remember. is still hunting me.
7 I’m very curious about what happened 3 I dislike modern innovation and
between my two lives: there is so much technologies: windmills? Spyglasses? No,
history I must catch on! thank you.
8 I see myself as an old, sage grandparent. 4 There is a small and yet fundamental detail
about my previous life that I just can’t
recollect. Perhaps I fear what I would
IDEAL remember.
d6 Ideal 5 The agents of the Netherworld are trying to
1 Freedom. If not even death could stop me, capture back my soul.
what stronger authority could?(Chaotic)
6 I am way too careless and put my life on
2 Self Redemption. I was granted a second the line way too often; after all, I already
chance to atone to my past misdeeds. escaped death once, didn’t I?
3 Unleashed. They killed me, but here I am,
back again. I’ll enjoy toying with this world
once more. (Evil)
4 Closure. I had many unfulfilled issues back
when I first died; it’s time to address them.
5 Release. I am trapped in a cycle of death
and rebirth, and I want to break free. (Any)
6 Cyclical Order. My rebirth is part of the
Cosmic Order of birth, death, and rebirth.

Many of the backgrounds introduced by the Guild Artisan: Choose two from History,
Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide, instead of Perception, and Persuasion.
providing two fixed skills as the first ones given
by the Player's Handbook, let the players choose Hermit: Choose one from from Arcana, Religion,
among a pool the skills their adventurer will be and Nature, plus one from Medicine and
trained on. Here comes a possible list of Survival.
expanded skill list for the Player’s Handbook’s
backgrounds. Noble: Choose two from Deception, History,
Intimidation, and Persuasion.
Acolyte: Religion, plus one from Insight,
Medicine, and Persuasion. Outlander: Survival, plus one from Animal
Handling, Athletics, and Stealth.
Charlatan: Deception, plus one from Insight,
Performance, and Sleight of Hand. Sage: Choose two from Arcana, History, Nature,
and Religion.
Criminal: Choose two form Deception,
Intimidation, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth. Sailor: Athletics, plus two from Deception,
Perception, and Survival.
Entertainer: Performance, plus one form
Acrobatic, Animal Handling, and Sleight of Soldier: Athletics, plus one from Animal
Hand. Handling, Intimidation, or Medicine.

Folk Hero: Choose two from Animal Handling, Urchin: Choose two from Insight, Persuasion,
Athletics, Persuasion, and Survival. Sleight of Hand, and Stealth.


The following feats are partially aimed at Note that, with your DM permission, you
providing new options for the previously may used some of the racial feats introduced by
introduced new races, but many of them are the Xanathar’s Guide to Everything for some
available for every character regardless of their of the races detailed here, such as half-orc feats
origin. for orcs or human feats for half-blooded

BLESSED BY THE WAVES • You can wrap or unwrap a cloak, a

cape, a trench, or a similar garment around your
Prerequisite: Child of the Sea
You have a mystical link with the deep ocean
that harbors your enigmatic forefathers. You
learn the message cantrip. You also learn the fog
cloud and water walk (but you can target only
yourself with it) spells, each of which you can
cast once without expending a spell slot. You
regain the ability to cast these two spells in this
way when you finish a long rest. Constitution is
your spellcasting ability for all three spells.

Prerequisite: Dhampir
You have, in time, improved your own implants
and devised new uses for the existing ones.
With your Power of Blood or Seduction of Blood
trait you can now cast magic weapon at will, by
simply sprinkling it with your blood. You can
also cast on yourself each of the following spells
once with this trait and regain the ability to do
so when you finish a long rest: spider climb and
gaseous form.


You have mastered fighting with a light blade free arm at the same time as you draw or stow a
and a cloak wrapped around your free arm. You finesse or light weapon.
gain the following benefits:
• Increase your Strength or Dexterity CLOCKWORK-IMPROVED
score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
Prerequisite: Dwarf (clockworked)
• You gain a +1 bonus to AC when you
are fighting with a finesse or light weapon with You have, in time, improved your own implants
a cloak, a cape, a trench, or a similar garment and devised new uses for the existing ones.
wrapped around your free arm. With your Tricks of Clocks trait you can now

cast feign death on yourself at will, without finish a short or long rest. Charisma is your
needing a material component – you can spellcasting ability for this spell.
literally suspend and jump-start yourself! You
can also cast on yourself each of the following MARTIAL ARTS ADEPT
spells once with this trait and regain the ability
You are trained in martial arts that allow you to
to do so when you finish a long rest: jump, see
fight and win even when unarmed. You gain the
invisibility, and spider climb.
following benefits:
• Your unarmed strike uses a d4 for
DIRTY FIGHTER damage, and you can use Dexterity instead of
You gain the following benefits: Strength for the attack and damage rolls of your
• Increase your Strength or Dexterity unarmed strikes.
score by 1, to a maximum of 20. • You gain 1 ki point, that you can spend
• Your unarmed strike uses a d4 for to perform certain special action.
damage. • Immediately after you take the Attack
• When you make a melee attack against action on your turn, you can spend 1 ki point to
a creature you can take a bonus action to make make two unarmed attacks as a bonus action.
an unarmed strike against the same target. • You can spend 1 ki point to take the
• When a creature hits you with a melee Disengage or Dodge action as a bonus action on
attack, you can use your reaction to make an your turn.
unarmed strike against the attacker.
FIERY SOUL Prerequisite: Charisma 13 or higher
Prerequisite: Dwarf (brasskin) You learn the friends cantrip; in addition, you
Your blood boils with Elemental Fire, so much can cast the charm person and detect thoughts
that it manifests as powerful magic. You learn spells once at their lowest level, and you must
finish a long rest before you can cast them in
the produce flame cantrip. You also learn the
this way again. Charisma is your spellcasting
burning hands and continual flame spells, each ability for these spells.
of which you can cast once without expending a
spell slot. You regain the ability to cast these PARLOR TRICKSTER
two spells in this way when you finish a long
Prerequisite: Intelligence 13 or higher
rest. Constitution is your spellcasting ability for
all three spells. You learn the prestidigitation cantrip; in
addition, you can cast the detect magic and rope
INTOXICATING BEGUILER trick spells once at their lowest level, and you
must finish a long rest before you can cast them
Prerequisite: Feyblood
in this way again. Intelligence is your
You are a paragon of whatever a fay could be. spellcasting ability for these spells.
You gain the following benefits:
• Increase your Wisdom or Charisma RETIARIUS
score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
You are adept at fighting with a net. You gain
• You gain proficiency with a musical
the following benefits:
instrument of your choice.
• When you attack with a net and you
• You learn the suggestion spell and can
are also wielding another weapon you can make
cast it once without expending a spell slot. You
your normal number of attacks.
regain the ability to cast it in this way when you

• When you hit a creature with a net, Any creature within 10 feet of you that hits you
you can use a bonus action to move up to half with a melee attack takes 1d4 psychic damage.
your speed towards the target and make a
melee attack against it with a light, reach, or SLINGSHOOTER
thrown weapon.
In your hands the humble sling becomes a
• You can treat a net as a martial
fearsome weapon, one that could fell an
weapon that deals 1d4 damage with the finesse,
armored giant with ease. You gain the following
light, and reach properties.
• During a short rest, you can reinforce a
• You treat the sling as a simple weapon
net with 2 sp worth of materials; a reinforced
that deals 1d8 bludgeoning damage with the
net adds your proficiency bonus to the DC of the
ammunition, (range 90/360), and light
Strength check to evade from it and to its AC.
• During a short rest, you can repair a
• You can reload your sling even if you
broken net with 2 sp worth of materials.
are wielding a shield.
• When making an attack with a sling,
you use your choice of your Strength or
Prerequisite: Farspawn Dexterity modifier for the attack and damage
Your mere existence is like a wound on the rolls. You must use the same modifier for both
fabric of reality, and you harness its screams to rolls.
fuel your magic. You gain the following benefits: • When you attack with a sling and miss, you
• Increase your Intelligence or Charisma can use a bonus action to deal bludgeoning
score by 1, to a maximum of 20. damage equal to your proficiency bonus to the
• When you roll psychic damage for a target.
spell you cast, you can reroll any roll of 1 on the
fire damage dice, but you must use the new roll, TORCH BEARER
even if it is another 1. You favor the use of torches, lamps and lanterns
• Whenever you cast a spell that deals as both illuminations and weapons. You gain the
psychic damage, you can make the world following benefits:
scream louder until the end of your next turn.

• You can see in the dim light cast by a • You learn the phantasmal force spell
lamp, a lantern, or a torch with no penalties, as and can cast it once without expending a spell
if it was bright light. slot. You regain the ability to cast it in this way
• You are proficient with attacks made when you finish a short or long rest. Intelligence
with lanterns and torches. is your spellcasting ability for this spell.
• You treat lanterns as light weapons
that inflict 1d4 bludgeoning damage, and TRUE BELIEVER
torches as light weapons that inflict 1d4 fire
Prerequisite: Wisdom 13 or higher
• When a creature hits you with a melee You learn the thaumaturgy cantrip; in addition,
attack, you can use your reaction to make a you can cast the sanctuary and gentle repose
melee attack with a lantern or a torch against spells once at their lowest level, and you must
the attacker. finish a long rest before you can cast them in
this way again. Wisdom is your spellcasting
ability for these spells.
Prerequisite: Kobelyn
You are the epitome of your kind, a master of
Prerequisite: Constitution 13 or higher
both magic and crafts.
You gain the following benefits: You don’t really shine in battle, unless your life
• Increase your Dexterity or Intelligence is on the line: you may pass for a loser but,
score by 1, to a maximum of 20. when in dire need, you turn the tides of battle
• You gain proficiency with a tool of and fight viciously till your last breath. When
your choice.

you have fewer than half your hit points you grapple the target, even if it’s beyond your
gain the following benefits: reach.
• You can take a bonus action to use the • While wielding a whip, you can use a
Dodge action. bonus action to take the Use an Object action
• You add half your proficiency bonus, within the reach of your whip.
rolled down, to all the damage you cause with • While wielding a whip, you add twice
your attacks. your proficiency bonus to any Strength
• When you are reduced to 0 hit points (Athletics) check you make to climb or, given
you can use your reaction to take the Attack the presence of handholds, to jump.
WHIP MASTER Prerequisite: Wisdom 13 or higher
Prerequisite: Dexterity 13 or higher You learn the druidcraft cantrip; in addition, you
You are adept at fighting with a whip, a most can cast the animal friendship and animal
uncommon weapon that you could use as an messenger spells once at their lowest level, and
extension of your arm. You gain the following you must finish a long rest before you can cast
benefits: them in this way again. Wisdom is your
• When you hit a creature with a whip, spellcasting ability for these spells.
you can use a bonus action to attempt to


The creation of new spells is apparently easier Nevertheless, this section introduces only a
than the elaboration of a new class archetype or handful of spells: the aim is not to overwhelm
race, as there are far more example and they the players with new options, but to offer them
have a lesser impact to the single character. a few interesting options.

The following spell lists shows which spells can spell can be cast as a ritual, the ritual tag also
be cast by characters of each class. A spell’s appears in the parentheses. No, no one is right
school of magic is noted in parentheses. If a now.


Martyrdom (evocation) Arms of the Giant (transmutation) Arms of the Giant (transmutation)
Wicker Man (conjuration) Martyrdom (evocation) Frozen in Time (transmutation)
Redraft (divination) Wicker Man (conjuration) Wicker Man (conjuration)
CLERIC RANGER Gruesome Demise (necromancy)
Enclose in Time (transmutation)
Martyrdom (evocation) Arms of the Giant (transmutation)
Offering to the Flame (conjuration)
Wicker Man (conjuration) Wicker Man (conjuration)
Offering to the Flame (conjuration) WIZARD
DRUID Arms of the Giant (transmutation)
Arms of the Giant (transmutation)
Frozen in Time (transmutation)
Arms of the Giant (transmutation) Frozen in Time (transmutation)
Time Skip (abjuration)
Martyrdom (evocation) Time Skip (abjuration)
Gruesome Demise (necromancy)
Time Removal (transmutation) Gruesome Demise (necromancy)
Time Removal (abjuration)
Wicker Man (conjuration) Time Removal (abjuration)
Enclose in Time (transmutation)
Offering to the Flame (conjuration) Enclose in Time (transmutation)
Redraft (divination)



2nd-level transmutation 6th-level transmutation

Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Touch Range: 90 feet
Components: V, S, M (a piece of rubber) Components: V, S, M (a broken hourglass)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

Your magic distorts and enlarges a creature’s Choose a creature that you can see within range.
arms, greatly enhancing the target’s combat The target must succeed on a Constitution
efficiency. The reach of all the target’s melee saving throw or be paralyzed for the duration.
attack increases by 5 feet, as well as the reach of At the start of each of its turns, the target can
its opportunity attacks. Furthermore, the choose to act normally until the end of its turn,
target’s unarmed strikes become magic natural but by doing so it suffers 4d8 force damage.
weapon, and inflict 1d4 extra damage. At the end of each of its turns, the target
can make another Constitution saving throw. On
a success, the spell ends on the target.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this
spell using a spell slot of 7th level or higher, you
can target one additional creature for each slot
level above 6th. The creatures must be within
30 feet of each other when you target them.

3rd-level transmutation

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S, M (a broken hourglass)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

Choose a humanoid that you can see within

range. The target must succeed on a
Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for
the duration. At the start of each of its turns, the
target can choose to act normally until the end
of its turn, but by doing so it suffers 4d6 force
At the end of each of its turns, the target
can make another Constitution saving throw. On
a success, the spell ends on the target.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this
spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, you

can target one additional humanoid for each
slot level above 3rd. The creatures must be You shed your blood and, by your suffering,
within 30 feet of each other when you target your allies are reinvigorated. Choose up to six
them. creatures of your choice that you can see within
range. Each target regains hit points equal to
GRUESOME DEMISE 3d6 + your spellcasting ability modifier. This
5th-level necromancy spell has no effect on undead or constructs.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this
Casting Time: 1 action spell using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, the
Range: 120 feet healing increases by 1d6 for each slot level
Components: V, S, M (a fragment from a above 4th.
Duration: Instantaneous OFFERING TO THE FLAME
8th-level conjuration
You afflict a nearby creature with a pain so
unbearable that its agony, aggravated by magic, Casting Time: 1 action
is enough to damage the bystanders. The target Range: touch
must make a Constitution saving throw. It takes Components: V, S, M (a small wicker doll)
8d8 necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
much damage on a successful one.
The first target’s agony then magically You conjure the visage of a flaming wicker idol
affects up to three creatures, each of which that envelops a creature within range that you
must be within 30 feet of the first target and can see. The target must succeed on a Strength
must be able to see and hear it. The secondary saving throw or be stunned for the duration.
targets must make a Wisdom saving throw. A You can use a bonus action to force the target to
secondary target takes 6d8 psychic damage on a move up to its speed and to make an attack
failed save, or half as much damage on a against a creature that you mentally choose, as
successful one. This saving throw is made with if it were not stunned. At the start of each of its
disadvantage if the damage was enough to turn, the target suffers 4d10 fire damage.
reduce the primary target to 0 hit points of At the end of each of its turns, the target
fewer. This spell has no effect on undead or can make another Strength saving throw. On a
constructs. success, the spell ends on the target.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this
spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, one REDRAFT
additional bystander is affected by the 6th-level divination
secondary effect for each slot level above 5th
level. Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take in
response to a creature within range making an
MARTYRDOM ability check, an attack roll, or a saving throw
4th-level evocation Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S, M (a golden hourglass,
Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take in worth at least 250)
response to being damaged Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S You slightly alter the flow of time, rewriting
Duration: Instantaneous what has just passed. The target must

immediately remake the roll that triggered this another Intelligence saving throw. On a success,
spell. You can grant advantage or impose the spell ends on the target.
disadvantage to this new roll. An unwilling When the spell expires, the target returns to the
creature must make a Wisdom saving throw to space it previously occupied, or the nearest
avoid the effect. unoccupied space.
You can cast this spell after the die is
rolled, but before the DM says whether the roll TIME SKIP
succeeds or fails. 4th-level abjuration

TIME REMOVAL Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take in

5th-level abjuration response to being targeted with an attack or a
spell by a creature withing range
Casting Time: 1 action Range: touch
Range: touch Components: V, S, M (an hourglass filled with
Components: V, S, M (an hourglass filled with silver powder worth at least 50 gp)
silver powder worth at least 50 gp) Duration: Instantaneous
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
You avoid impending danger by briefly
You briefly seclude a creature from the flow of secluding yourself from the flow of time.
time, making it literally disappear until the end Immediately before being affected by the
of the spell. An unwilling target must succeed on triggering effect you disappear, and at the start
an Intelligence saving throw or disappear, its of your next turn you return to the space you
subjective time halted, until the spell expires. At previously occupied, or the nearest unoccupied
the end of each of its turns, the target can make space.

5th-level conjuration

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: touch
Components: V, S, M (a small wicker doll)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You conjure the visage of a flaming wicker idol

that envelops a humanoid within range that you
can see. The target must succeed on a Strength
saving throw or be stunned for the duration.
You can use a bonus action to force the target to
move up to its speed and to make an attack
against a creature that you mentally choose, as
if it were not stunned. At the start of each of its
turn, the target suffers 2d10 fire damage.
At the end of each of its turns, the target
can make another Strength saving throw. On a
success, the spell ends on the target.


Familiar Faces was a small work of mine

dedicated to Conan, my dog, and Logan, my cat,
that detailed a few new familiars well suited for
any warlock character. It found its way into
Pacts & Patrons, and was hence included in
Multiversatility – POP. Last winter Conan, my
faithful, dumb, smelly, and lovable Conan,
passed away; and so, please, even if it’s no one’s
familiar include a little hound in your
adventures. Do it for Conan.

Visually identical to a common flamingo, a

cruoringo possesses an unnatural lust for
blood: the reddish hue of its plumage derives
Small monstrosity, unaligned
not from a diet rich in shrimps, but from the
Armor Class 12
precious fluid it feeds on.
Hit Points 39 (6d6 + 18)
At closer examination, the body of a
Speed 10 ft., fly 60 ft. cruoringo is found to be literally covered in tiny
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA blood vessels: they run through its flesh,
6 (-2) 15 (+2)16 (+3)3 (-4) 12 (+1)7 (-2) through its skin and within its feathers. The
Skills Perception +3, Stealth +4 tongue of the creature is rather a subtle
Senses passive Perception 13 proboscis capable of sucking the blood of the
Languages - prey.
Many druids speculate that cruoringos
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
aren’t natural animals, but the result of some
magical experiments – or, perhaps, the alien
Blood Frenzy. The cruoringo has advantage on spawn of a far distant world.
melee attack rolls against any creature that isn’t As vampires often take a fancy on
at full hit points. cruoringos both as pets and food resources,
Blood Spray. A creature that hits the cruoringo some necromancers and warlocks who enter a
with a melee attack while within 5 feet of it is pact with a bloodlusting undead favor them as
sprinkled by its blood and must succeed on a DC familiars
13 Charisma saving throw or suffer
disadvantage on all attack rolls for 1 round. If a
creature's saving throw is successful, the
creature is immune to the blood spray of bloody
flamingos for the next 24 hours.
Bloodsucker. If the cruoringo hits a creature
with an attack and has advantage on attack rolls
against that creature, the target takes an extra 5
(2d4) damage from the attack, and the bloody
flamingo regains hit points equal to that

Beak. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5
ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4+2) piercing damage.

above more conventional animals and constantly searching for a creature to “adopt”
creatures. them.
Eye stalkers are curious and, despite not
to bright, tend to argue intensely with their
host, often acting as an angst-ridden teenager
EYE STALKER would with a foster parent. In fact, the very act
of detaching itself from the beholder that
Tiny aberration, lawful neutral spawned it, could be interpreted as the
Armor Class 16 (natural armor) rebellion of an adolescent against family and
Hit Points 10 (3d4 + 3) parents.
Perhaps eye stalkers are the paragon of
Speed 0 ft., fly 20 ft. (hover)
beholderkin ultimate madness: a body that no
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA more perceives itself as a whole, its very
6 (-2) 17 (+3)12 (+1)9 (-1) 11 (+0)7 (-2) appendages developing consciousness and
Skills Perception +2, Stealth +6 going away from the main body.
Condition Immunities prone As beholders do, eye stalkers come in
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception every form and shape: some have proper stings
12 at the end of their bodies, while others possess
Languages understands Deep Speech and lamprey mouths or even humanoid fangs. Some
Undercommon but can't speak them, telepathy scholars believe that every eye stalker starts
30 ft. with a sting that slowly develops into a mouth,
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) and that this process is part of the development
of the eye stalker into a new, full-fledged
Attach. An eye stalker can attach itself to the
head of a willing subject, typically to the temple,
entering a symbiotic relation with the target's
brain. While attached, the eye stalker and the
host can freely communicate through telepathy,
and the host gains advantage on Perception
checks that rely on sight, but the eye stalker
can't make perception checks nor sting attacks
on its own. The attaching process requires a full
minute, and inflicts 1 piercing damage to the
host; while the eye stalker is attached, this
damage can't be recovered. The eye stalker can
detach from the host as a bonus action, inflicting
1 psychic damage.
Sting. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 0
ft., one target. Hit: 1 piercing damage.
Eye Ray. The eye stalker shoots its magical eye
ray at one creature it can see within 90 feet of it.
Wounding Ray. The target must make a
DC 13 saving throw, taking 5 (2d4) necrotic
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage
on a successful one.

Eye stalkers are an uncommon type of

beholderkin, the unlikely result of an eyestalk
gaining consciousness and detaching itself from
the main body. Eye stalkers, while unwillingly
to return to the main beholder that originated beholder.
them, as to any other beholderkin, are

Medium beast, unaligned Tiny fey, chaotic evil
Armor Class 13 Armor Class 13 (natural armor)
Hit Points 11 (2d8+2) Hit Points 5 (2d4)
Speed 40 ft., fly 60 ft. Speed 20 ft.
13 (+1)17 (+3) 12 (+1) 4 (-3) 15 (+2)8 (-1) 7 (-2) 16 (+3)11 (+0)13 (+1)8 (-1) 10 (+0)
Skills Perception +4 Skills Perception +1, Sleight of Hand +7, Stealth
Senses passive Perception 14 +5
Languages - Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) Languages Common, Sylvan, Undercommon
Flyby. The dog doesn't provoke opportunity Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
attack when it flies out of an enemy's reach. Ruin. The gremlin's melee weapon attacks deal
Keen Hearing and Smell. The dog has 5 (2d4) extra points of damage against objects.
advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that Sapper. The gremlin has proficiency with the
rely on hearing or smell. thieves tools, and doubles the proficiency bonus
ACTIONS while using them.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., Tricky Attack. If the gremlin hits an enemy with
one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) piercing damage. If a weapon attack while invisible, the target must
the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC pass a DC 13 Intelligence saving throw or be
11 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. stunned until the end of its next turn.
Feathered dogs are majestic, loyal and useful Blowgun. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
pets, whose small numbers contribute to their range 10/40 ft., one target. Hit: 1 piercing
value and appreciation. Fierce and yet playful damage.
guardians, feathered dogs are especially valued Tricky Tools. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
by the small races as useful flying steeds and reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1 bludgeoning,
familiars. piercing, or slashing damage.
Invisibility. The gremlin magically turns
invisible until it attacks or casts a spell, or until
its concentration ends (as if concentrating on a
spell). Any equipment or item the gremlin
wears or carries is invisible with it.

Gremlins are tricky, evil fairies with a true

fascination with humanoid arts and craft... a
fascination that they express by hacking and
smashing every object they could.
While usually they don't point their
discussable attentions towards living beings –
usually! –, gremlins show no regards to the
safety of those that rely on the items they
target: for them it is all a big game, and if
someone dies when the wheels detach from the
cart, or if the bridge breaks under the weight of
the pilgrims' procession, gremlins laugh at the
good prank and are utterly incapable of
expressing empathy towards those who
suffered from their tricks. Someone says that

gremlins are agents of the natural world, sent to GUIDING LIGHT
punish humanoids (especially dwarfs, humans,
and gnomes) for their unnatural technologies, Tiny celestial, neutral good
while others believe that those fairies are Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
simply one of the less kind examples of the fairy Hit Points 2 (1d4)
folks, with no elaborate reason behind their acts Speed 20 ft.
other than their own fun. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
1 (-5) 19 (+4)10 (+0)12 (+1)15 (+2)13 (+1)
Skills Insight +4, Religion +4
Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire, thunder;
“It’s not my fault, really, you know? Jerrys wanted bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from
to play and, well, you know how it gets when nonmagical weapons
Damage Immunities necrotic, radiant, poison
Jerrys plays: it gets messy. Forbid Jerrys from
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion,
playing? No, thank you. I am pretty happy being frightened, poisoned
alive, and I don’t want to die with a pair of Senses blindsight 120 ft., truesight 30 ft.,
scissors in my gullet!” passive Perception 12
Languages Celestial, Common, telepathy 60 ft.
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
Radiant Essence. The guiding light sheds bright
light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an
additional 20-foot radius. This light can't be
suppressed willingly nor through darkness
Cleansing Light (Recharge 4-6). Ranged
Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range 30/60 ft., one
target. Hit: 3 (1d6) radiant damage, and the
target sheds dim light in a 5-foot radius,
granting advantage to attack rolls against it, till
the start of the guiding light's next turn.
Light of Guidance. The guiding light blesses
with radiance one willing target within 60 feet;
the target sheds bright light in a 5-foot radius
and dim light for an additional 5-foot radius till
the end of its next turn, and gains advantage to a
single ability check or saving throw made while
shining from the light of guidance.

Guiding lights are agents sent by the celestial

powers to lead mortals towards the path of
virtue. As good redeems its own, and like gods
celestials often act in strange ways, often a
guiding light is provided as a familiar to a
somehow dubious individual, in order to guide
the chosen humanoid towards a greater path.
While they are not particularly strong
nor resilient, guiding lights act as trusted
advisers and mentors to those wise enough to
pay attention to their counsels.

While smaller than mastiffs, hounds are often
preferred as hunting dogs thanks to their great
speed and agility, and are often trained to hunt
in pack against stronger animals, such as boars.
Thanks to their inborn grace and elegance,
hounds are often favored as pets by nobility.

Tiny fey, neutral
Armor Class 13
Hit Points 4 (1d6 + 1)
Speed 40 ft., climb 30 ft.
3 (-4) 17 (+3)10 (+0)13 (+1)12 (+1)12 (+1)
Skills Perception +3, Stealth +5
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
Languages Moon Cat, Sylvan
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
Moon Jump. As a bonus action, the cat can
magically shift from the Material Plane to the
Feywild, or vice versa. While bounded to a
HOUND mortal as a familiar, however, the moon cat
loses this capability.
Small beast, unaligned Keen Smell. The cat has advantage on Wisdom
Armor Class 13 (Perception) checks that rely on smell.
Hit Points 4 (1d6 + 1) ACTIONS
Speed 50 ft. Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA ft., one target. Hit: 1 slashing damage.
12 (+1)16 (+3)12 (+1)3 (-1) 12 (+1)7 (-2) Teleport (Recharge 4-6). The cat magically
teleports, along with any equipment it is
Skills Perception +3, Sleight of Hand +7, Stealth wearing or carrying, up to 40 feet to an
+5 unoccupied space it can see. Before or after
Senses passive Perception 13 teleporting, the cat can make one claws attack.
Languages –
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP) The common folk erroneously calls moon cat
Keen Hearing and Smell. The hound has the mysterious pusses that sometimes seem to
advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that simply disappear, only to reappear somewhere
rely on hearing or smell.
Pack tactics. The hound has advantage on an
attack roll against a creature if at least one of
the dog's allies is within 5 feet of the creature
and the ally isn't incapacitated.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 3 (1d4+1) piercing damage. If
the target is a medium or smaller creature, it
must succeed on a DC 11 Strength saving throw
or be knocked prone.

else in a blink: according to superstition, those PHOENIKIN
cats disappear because they jump to the moon,
and from the moon back to earth's surface.
Tiny monstrosity, unaligned
Moon cats, however, share no bound
Armor Class 13
with the moon, nor with the Material Plane:
Hit Points 10 (3d4 + 3)
they are in fact natives of the Feywild, capable
of teleporting out of reality or back into their Speed 10 ft., fly 60 ft.
home plane. Much more intelligent than STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
earthling cats, those kittens are capable of 5 (-3) 16 (+4)12 (+1) 4 (-3) 15 (+2)8 (-1)
speaking, but rarely do so. They usually flee to Skills Perception +4
the Material Plane in order to avoid harm, but Damage Resistances cold
sometimes they leave the Feywild only to enjoy Damage Immunities fire, radiant
the higher status they possess among mortal Condition Immunities exhaustion
pusses, and the liking of humanoids that love Senses passive Perception 14
beautiful cats. For they are the best kittens in Languages -
the whole Multiverse, or at least they believe so.
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
Flyby. The phoenikin doesn't provoke
opportunity attack when it flies out of an
Yes, the tabby is Logan and the hound was enemy's reach.
Conan. Together they made quite a crossover. Regeneration. The phoenikin regains 1 hit
point at the start of its turn. If the phoenikin
takes necrotic damage, this trait doesn’t
function at the start of the phoenikin’s next
turn. The phoenikin dies only if it starts its turn
with 0 hit points and it doesn’t regenerate.
Beak or Talons. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1 piercing damage
plus 7 (2d6) fire damage.

Phoenikin is the collective name for various

species of small birds that share a strong bond
with the highest essence of life and immortal
fire. Believed by many a scholar to be a minor
offspring of the phoenix, or perhaps the missing
link between the legendary avian creature and
mundane birds, phoenikin are much
appreciated as exotic and dangerous pets, as
well as familiars by those who prefer a more
endurable companion.
In the wild, phoenikin are tireless flying
predators that feed on small animals, cocky
enough to defend their nests against larger
predators. Different species of phoenikin adapt
differently to captivity, and some of them have
since become a relatively common sight in
noble houses across the world.

undead fetuses, constantly wailing and
contorting their half-rotten limbs. How a
magician could be so cruel against life itself to
Tiny undead, neutral evil
create such a blasphemy is beyond
Armor Class 11 (natural armor)
understanding for the minds untouched by a
Hit Points 11 (2d4 + 6)
psychopathic's madness.
Speed 5 ft. However, as scholars of necromancy
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA argue, no mortal magic can possibly pervert in
3 (-4) 8 (-1) 17 (+3)8 (-1) 9 (-1) 13 (+1) undead a life that has not yet blossomed, and
Damage Vulnerabilities radiant thus the origin of unborns may be different. As
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison those creatures are often provided as familiars
Condition Immunities exhaustion, frightened, to those warlocks that dabble in pacts with
poisoned powerful undeads, they are perhaps the spawn
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 9 of a different plane of existence, where
Languages Undercommon, telepathy 30 ft. everything is born to undeath. A slightly less
unsettling possibility.
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
Undead Fortitude. If damage reduces the
“You want a creepy tale? Are you sure? Well, here
unborn to 0 hit points, it must make a
Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 + the goes nothing: it is one of my worst experiences,
damage taken, unless the damage is radiant or and it still gives me nightmares.
from a critical hit. On a success, the unborn Do you remember the bleak week, when a cabal
drops to 1 hit point instead. of necromancers literally raised hell over the
ACTIONS capital? I was just a novice back then, so I didn’t
Life Drain. Melee Weapon Attack: +0 to hit, fight firsthand against the mages, but the temple
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d6) necrotic, and sent me and my comrades to help the survivors
the unborn regains hit points equal to the and clean up some of the mess after the big shots
damage caused. The target must succeed on a vanquished the bad guys. It was a real mess,
DC 13 Constitution saving throw or its hit point
believe me: magical duels and rampant demons
maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the
damage taken. tend to be quite disastrous. The few buildings still
REACTIONS standing were charred by fire, most of them were
unstable mazes, and we had to venture there in
Wail. The unborn releases a tearful wail, the cry
of an undead who was never alive. The wail has order to rescue the survivors and terminate the
no effect on constructs and undead. All other surviving undead. Charming, right?
creatures within 30 feet of the unborn that can I won’t tell you about the foul smells, about the
hear it must make a DC 13 Constitution saving rotting corpses we were forced to step on among
throw. On a failure, a creature takes 5 (2d4) the debris, or about the half-starved ghoul that
necrotic damages and is frightened until the end
devoured one of my friends. No: you know what is
of its next turn; on a success, it takes only half
damage and is not frightened. the most terrifying memory of those days?
A survivor, a still breathing woman, oblivious of
Few horrors are so chilly as the very existence everything, that, sitting among the corpses, was
of the undead monstrosities properly called cradling her undead baby!”
unborns. Those abominations appear as

Flyby. The cat doesn't provoke opportunity
attack when it flies out of an enemy's reach.
Keen Smell. The cat has advantage on Wisdom
Tiny beast, unaligned
(Perception) checks that rely on smell.
Armor Class 14
Hit Points 5(2d4) ACTIONS
Speed 40 ft., fly 60 ft., climb 30 ft. Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 1 piercing damage.
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5
5 (-3) 18 (+4)10 (+0)4 (-3) 14 (+2)8 (-1) ft., one target. Hit: 1 slashing damage.
Skills Perception +4, Stealth +6
Senses passive Perception 14 Winged cats, sometimes affectionately named
Languages - feathered whiskers, are little fluffy kitten
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP) provided with wings and the ability to fly. Those
Aerial Assault. If the cat is flying and dives at cats are brighter than the usual puss, and far
least 30 feet straight toward a target, it can use more fierce in defending their territory. They
one bite attack and two claws attacks against it. are particularly prized as pets and as familiars.

“I spent the better part of my life – and I am quite phlogiston ships, I crossed the Moonbeam Roads
old, kiddo, believe me – journeying across the and sought the Blade and the Staff…
Multiverse, and I have jet to find an answer to the … and jet here I am, none the wiser, too old to
questions that first set me in motion. continue with my travels, a simple vessel of
The more I think about it, and the more I realize memories with no residual strength. I was a
how ignorant I am about the Planes, the champion, a villain, a lover, and a scoundrel, but
creatures that inhabit them, the gods, and the now I am just an old fool. Perhaps I was always a
bonds that tie them all. Is time really just an fool, after all.
illusion? Is it true that the opposed are the same? Why I’m telling you this? I will not be long for
I rode dragons among the knights of Krynn, and this world, my dear. I am long-lived, but I’m not
roamed the cruel sands of Athas, I got drunk at eternal. I will soon depart for my final journey,
Waterdeep and Sharn… and I went beyond, even and it would be a shame for all my adventures to
beyond! I traveled trough the Mists with the be forgotten. You want to become an adventurer
Vistani, I saw the giant space hamsters and the yourself, don’t you? Well, take heed of my
ramblings then, and treasure them.”

The Multiverse
Awaits: The Choice
Is Yours!
A whole Multiverse exists out there, a
whole Multiverse of friends, enemies, and
monsters, a Multiverse that is yours to

Among these pages you will find:

• 8 new races, along with 22 subraces.
• 8 variant for base classes, and more than
50 new archetypes for the existing classes!
• 19 new feats.
• 10 new spells.
• 10 new familiars.
… and much more!

For use with the Fifth Edition

Player’s Handbook®, Monster Manual®,
and Dungeon Master’s Guide®


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