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By Hadar Shemesh
Build your pronunciation confidence and boost your fluency 
from the outside in 
Watch The ​Video  

th - f - s 
Repeat 4 times: th, th, th - f, f, f - s, s, s 

th - v - z 
Repeat 4 times: th, th, th - v, v, v - z, z, z  

Repeat 4 times:  
vuh, vuh, vai /​aɪ​/ 
vuh, vuh, vei /​eɪ​/ 
vuh, vuh, vow /​oʊ​/ 
vuh, vuh, voi /​ɔɪ​/ 
vuh, vuh, vaw /​æʊ​/ 


Tongue twisters 
Repeat 5 times:  
Eddie edited it  
e-dee e-duh-duh dit 


Tricky transitions 
Repeat 5 times 
● through and through 
● six texts 
● of the month  
● the six of the month 

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R+ flapped T/D 
Repeat 5 times:  
● order 
● border 
● charter 
● quarter 
● porter 
● smarter 


t: ​after a voiceless consonant  

Repeat 5 times: 
● worked​ IPA: ​wɜrk​t 
● focused​ IPA: ˈfoʊkəs​t 
● locked​ IPA: lɑk​t 


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d​: after a voiced consonant or a vowel 
Repeat 5 times:  
● hugged​ IPA: ​hʌg​d 
● robbed​ IPA: rɑb​d 
● begged​ IPA: bɛg​d 


​ə​d or ɪd ​: after a t or a d 
Repeat 5 times: 
● waited​ IPA:​ˈweɪt​əd 
● needed​ IPA: ˈni:d​əd 
● granted​ IPA: ˈgr​æ​nt​əd 


Intonation of YES/NO questions 

Repeat 5 times: 
● Did you see that?  
● Would you like a cup of coffee? 
● Should we go? 

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Intonation of WH questions 
Repeat 5 times: 
● Where’s your house? 
● What are you doing? 
● How do you know that? 


go over ​/​goʊ ˈoʊvər/ 

- look at something in a careful or detailed way 
Repeat 5 times: 
● We need to go over the proposal tomorrow. 
● I need to go over my lines for the play. 
● Let's go over the rules once again. 


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Present Perfect  
Repeat 5 times: 
● I have never been there. 
● She has lived here all her life. 
● What have you done? 
● I’ve seen that movie. 
● She’s seen that movie. 


Now, put your hand on your belly, breathe in, and then breathe 
out. Repeat that 3 more times. 

*If you want to learn how to get more sprints click HERE 

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