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“Experimental Analysis of Basic Mechanical Properties of

Aluminium with Graphene”


(An Autonomous Institution under VTU, Belagavi)
In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree


Submitted by

Under the guidance of

Mr. Arvind Kumar
Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
P.E.S. College of Engineering, Mandya
(An Autonomous Institution under VTU, BELAGAVI)

Department of Mechanical Engineering


This is to certify that Mohan, Mohan Kumar K Y, N Nishanth , Nagaraju H

N, bearing the USN: 4PS16ME056, 4PS16ME057, 4PS16ME058,
4PS16ME059 have satisfactorily completed project phase-Ⅱ entitled
“Experimental Analysis of Basic Mechanical Properties of
Aluminium with Graphene ”Mechanical Engineering, P.E.S. college of
Engineering, Mandya, During the year -2019-20.

Signature of guide Signature of HOD

Mr. Arvind Kumar Dr. S Ghanaraja
Assistant Professor Professor and Head of Department
Department of Mechanical Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering
P.E.S. College of Engineering, Mandya P.E.S. College of Engineering, Mandya

Signature of Principal
Dr. H V Ravindra
P.E.S. College of Engineering, Mandya

Detailsof project work viva examination held

No. Examiners signature Date

We hereby declare that this dissertation work entitled Experimental Analysis of
Basic Mechanical Properties of Aluminium with Graphene has been independently
carried out by our group under the guidance of Mr. Arvind Kumar, Assistant Professor,
Department of Mechanical Engineering, P.E.S. College of Engineering, Mandya in the partial
fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the degree BACHELOR OF

We further declare that we have not submitted this dissertation either in part or full to any
other university of the award of any degree or diploma.





Place: Mandya
Life, as is known, is always guided by the elder ones and the learned persons. We would like

to express our gratitude to Mr. Arvind Kumar, Assistant Professor, Department of

Mechanical Engineering, and P.E.S. College of Engineering, Mandya for providing their

valuable guidance, support, constant supervision, interest and precious help in the completion

of this project work.

We sincerely thank Dr. S .GHANARAJA , Professor and Head of the Dept., Department of
Mechanical Engineering, P.E.S. College of Engineering, Mandya for providing all the
facilities required for the completion of project.

We also thank our Dr.H.V.RAVINDRA, Principal, P.E.S. College of Engineering,

Mandyafor allowing us to do the project in our college.

We also thank the teaching and non-teaching staffs of our department who have helped us in
the course of our project.




Experimental analysis of basic mechanical properties of Aluminium with Graphene


Particular Page no





1.1 Aluminium 8
1.2 Aluminium 6061 10
1.3 Alloy composition of 6061 11
1.4 Graphene 12
1.5 Theory 14


2.1 Review of Literature Survey 21

2.2 Literature summary 26


3.1 Objective 27

3.2 Methodology 28





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Experimental analysis of basic mechanical properties of Aluminium with Graphene






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Experimental analysis of basic mechanical properties of Aluminium with Graphene


Metal matrix composite of Aluminium alloy (Al 6061) reinforced with Graphene
particulates was fabricated by stir casting technique. Aluminium alloy is selected as the
matrix materials and graphene particulates were reinforced with varying proportions of
weight percentage such as as cast condition, 0.25%,0.5%, 0.75% and 1% and keeping all
other parameters constant. Stirring was done to acheive uniform distribution of
reinforcement particulates and castings were prepared as per required specimen geometry
considering appropriate ASTM Standards by machining. The behaviour of composite
material for basic mechanical properties will be analyzed.

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Experimental analysis of basic mechanical properties of Aluminium with Graphene


Fig,No. Title Page No.

1.1 Aluminium 7

1.2 Graphene 10

1.3 Stir Casting 14

1.4 Different types of stirer used im stir casting 18

3.1 Flow Chart 27

4.1 Universal Testing Machine 31

4.2Graphical representation of Tensile test for 0% as cast 32

4.3 Graphical representation of Tensile test for 0.25% Gr 33

4.4Graphical representation of Tensile test for 0.5% Gr 34

4.5 Graphical representation of Tensile test for 0.75% Gr 35

4.6 Graphical representation of Tensile test for 1% Gr 36

4.7 Comparative Graphical representation of Tensile test results 38

4.8 Graphical representation of Compression test for 0% as cast 40

4.9 Graphical representation of Compression test for 0.25% Gr 41

4.10 Graphical representation of Compression test for 0.5% Gr 42

4.11 Graphical representation of Compression test for 0.75% Gr 43

4.12 Graphical representation of Compression test for 1% Gr 44

4.13 Comparative Graphical representation of Compression test results 45

4.14 BHN Testing Machine 47

4.15 Comparative Graphical representation of Hardness test results 49

4.16 Impact Testing Machine 50

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Experimental analysis of basic mechanical properties of Aluminium with Graphene

4.17 Comparative Graphical representation of Izod Impact test results 53

4.18 Comparative Graphical representation of Charpy Impact test results 57

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Experimental analysis of basic mechanical properties of Aluminium with Graphene


Table No. Title Page No.

1.1 Properties of Aluminium 9

1.2 Properties of Aluminium6061 11

1.3 Alloy composition of Aluminium6061 11

1.4 Physical Properties of Graphene 13

4.1 Tensile Test Result for 0% as cast 33

4.2 Tensile Test Result for 0.25% Gr 34

4.3 Tensile Test Result for 0.5% Gr 35

4.4 Tensile Test Result for 0.75% Gr 36

4.5 Tensile Test Result for 1% Gr 37

4.6 Compression Test Result for 0% as cast 40

4.7 Compression Test Result for 0.25% Gr. 41

4.8 Compression Test Result for 0.5% Gr. 42

4.9 Compression Test Result for 0.75% Gr. 43

4.10 Compression Test Result for 1% Gr. 44

4.11 Hardness Test Result for 0% Gr. 48

4.12 Hardness Test Result for 0.25% Gr. 48

4.13 Hardness Test Result for 0.5% Gr. 48

4.14 Hardness Test Result for 0.75% Gr. 48

4.15 Hardness Test Result for 1% Gr. 49

4.16 Izod Impact Test Result for 0% Gr. 51

4.17 Izod Impact Test Result for 0% Gr. 51

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Experimental analysis of basic mechanical properties of Aluminium with Graphene

4.18 Izod Impact Test Result for 0% Gr. 52

4.19 Izod Impact Test Result for 0% Gr. 52

4.20 Izod Impact Test Result for 0% Gr. 52

4.21 charpy Impact Test Result for 0% Gr. 55

4.22 charpy Impact Test Result for 0.25% Gr. 56

4.23 charpy Impact Test Result for 0.5% Gr. 56

4.24 charpy Impact Test Result for 0.75% Gr. 56

4.25 charpy Impact Test Result for 1% Gr. 56

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Experimental analysis of basic mechanical properties of Aluminium with Graphene



In the past few years, the demand for lighter weight materials with increased
specific strength for the automotive and aerospace industries has caused the development
and usage of Aluminium alloy based composites. The metal matrix composites (MMCs)
are gradually replacing the general light metal alloys like aluminium alloy in different
industrial applications where strength, low mass and energy savings are the most
important factors. The combination of various properties such as electrical, mechanical
and sometimes chemical can be obtained by using the different types of reinforcements
such as continuous, discontinuous short and whiskers etc., with the MMCs.

1.1 Aluminium

Aluminium is a silvery-white metal, with atomic number 13 in the periodic table.

One surprising fact about aluminium is that it's the most widespread metal on Earth,
making up more than 8% of the Earth's core mass. It's also the third most common
chemical element on our planet after oxygen and silicon.

Mean while, because it easily binds with other elements, pure aluminium does not
occur in nature. This is the reason that people learned about it relatively recently.
Formally aluminium was produced for the first time in 1824 and it took people another
fifty years to learn to produce it on an industrial scale.

The history of aluminium has been shaped by usage of alum. The first written
record of alum, made by Greek historian Herodotus, dates back to the 5th century BCE.
The ancients are known to have used alum as a dyeing mordant and for city defense.
After the Crusades, alum, an indispensable good in the European fabric industry, was a
subject of international commerce, it was imported to Europe from the eastern
Mediterranean until the mid-15th century.

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Experimental analysis of basic mechanical properties of Aluminium with Graphene

Fig 1.1: Aluminium

Table 1.1 : Properties of Aluminium

Property Value

Atomic Number 13

Atomic Weight(gm/mol) 26.98

Number of Valency electrons 3

Crystal Structure FCC

Melting Point(℃) 660.2

Boiling Point(℃) 2480

Mean Specific Heat (0-100℃) (cal/g.℃) 0.219

Thermal Conductivity(0-100℃)(cal/cms.℃) 0.57

Co-efficient of Linear Expansion(0-100℃)(×10-6) 23.5

Electrical Resistivity at 20℃ 2.69

Density (gm/cm3) 2.6898

Modulus of Elasticity(GPa) 68.3

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Experimental analysis of basic mechanical properties of Aluminium with Graphene


• Aluminium has a very high strength to weight ratio.

• It resist corrosion by water and moisture without any coatings.
• It is considered the most common metal in earth’s crust.
• Can be easily recycled.
• It has good thermal and electrical conductivity.
• Has good formability, machinability and its non magnetic.
• Ease to weld and doesnt get brittle under extereme cold or heat.


• It is used for making electrical wires.

• It is widely used in food packing and cocking pots.
• It is widely used for aeronautical and marine application.
• It is used in making doors, windows and roofs of facturies.
• Heat sinks for cooling CPU’s and graphics processors.
• It is also used in solar panels, air conditioning and refrigerators panels.

1.2 Aluminium 6061

6061 aluminium is an aluminium alloy, with magnesium and silicon as the

primary alloying elements. It is used in applications requiring high strength to weight
ratio.It is popular for medium to high strength requirementsand has good toughness
characteristics.Alloy 6061 has excellent corrosion resistance to atmospheric conditions
and good corrosion resistance to sea water. This alloy also offers good finishing
characteristics and responds well to anodizing.

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Experimental analysis of basic mechanical properties of Aluminium with Graphene

Table 1.2 : Properties of Aluminium6061

Properties Value

Density(gm/cc) 2.7

Melting point(℃) 588

Tensile strength(MPa) 115

Yield Strength(MPa) 48

Shear Strength (MPa) 83

Fatigue Strength(MPa) 62

Elastic Modulus (GPa) 72-80

Poisson Ratio 0.33

1.3 Alloy composition of Aluminium6061

Table 1.3 : Alloy composition of Aluminium6061

Elements MIN MAX

Aluminium 95.85 98.56

Magnesium 0.8 1.2

Silicon 0.40 0.8

Iron 0.0 0.7

Copper 0.15 0.40

Chromium 0.04 0.35

Zinc 0.0 0.25

Tin 0.0 0.25

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Experimental analysis of basic mechanical properties of Aluminium with Graphene

1.4 Graphene

Graphene is much softer than diamond, the other well-known, naturally-occurring

form of carbon. It is formed from two-dimensional sheets, each just one atom thick,
stacked onabove the other like a block of paper. The atoms in each sheet form a
hexagonal, honeycomb-like structure and the bonds between these atoms are much
stronger than those between the sheets. The sheets can be aligned properly by heating for
perfect flatness. This kind of graphene is then called highly oriented pyrolytic graphene.
The “lead” in pencils is not lead at all; it is made of graphene, the most common form of
carbon and a material with many other, more specialist uses.

Fig 1.2 :Graphene

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Experimental analysis of basic mechanical properties of Aluminium with Graphene

Table1.4 : Physical Properties of Graphene

Physical Properties of Graphene

Chemical Classification Native element

Colour Steel gray to black

Length and Breadth [avg X & Y dimension] 10 micron

Thickness [avg Z dimension] 1-20 nm

Purity <98%

Number of layers 10-16[Avg]

Surface area 60 m^2/g

Specific Gravity 2.1 to 2.3

Bulk density 0.45g/cc

Crystal System Hexagonal


• It has low coefficient of thermal expansion, which guarantees stability of

• It is the thinnest material known and also the strongest.
• It is the good conductor of both heat and electricity.
• Its density is lower than that of copper which results in lighter electrodes.
• Used in the production of lithium–ion batteries that rechares faster , these batteries
use graphene on the anode surface.

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Experimental analysis of basic mechanical properties of Aluminium with Graphene


• The graphene products are used in break linings, refracteries, and steel making.
• Graphene improves both energy capacity and charge rate in rechargable batteries.
• Carbon brushes of electrical motor are manufactured from high purity synthetic
• Graphene is the most effective material for electromagnetic interferance [EMI]



There is a multitude of fabrication technique of metal matrix composite depending

on whether they are aimed at continuously reinforced MMC production. The techniques
can further be sub divided ,according to whether they are primarily based o treating the
metal matrix in a liquid or solid form.

Processing methods of Aluminium Metal Matrix (AMC) can be mainly classified into two

a. Solid state processes

b. Liquid state processes.

(a) Solid state processing

a. Powder blending and consolidation

Blending of aluminium alloy powder with ceramic short fibre/ whisker/ particle is
versatile technique for the production of AMCs. Blending can be carried out dry or in
liquid suspension. Blending is usually followed by cold compaction, Canning, degassing
and high temperature consolidation stage such as hot iso-static pressing (HIP) or
extrusion AMCs processed by this route contain oxide particles in the form of plate like
particles of few tens of nanometer thick and in volume fractions ranging from 0.05 to
0.5 depending on powder history and processing conditions. These fine oxide particles

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Experimental analysis of basic mechanical properties of Aluminium with Graphene

tend to act as dispersion strengthening agent and often has strong influence on the
matrix properties particularly during heat treatment.

b. Physical vapour deposition

This process involves continuous passage of fibre through a region of high partial
pressure of the metal to be deposited, where the condensation takes place and a
relatively thick coating of aluminium on the fibre. composite fabrication is usually
completed by assembling the coated fibres into bundle of array and consolidating in a
hot Press or process. composite with uniform distribution of fibre (volume fraction) in
matrix up to 80% can be produced by this technique.

(b) Liquid State processing

a. Stir casting

This involves incorporation of ceramic or metallic particulate into liquid

aluminium melt and allowing the mixture to solidify. Here, the crucial thing is to create
good wetting between the particulate reinforcement and the liquid aluminium alloy melt.
The simplest and most commercially used technique is known as vortex technique or
stircasting technique as shown in figure.The vortex techniques involves the introduction
of pre-treated ceramic particles into the vertex of molten created by the rotating impeller.

In homogeneity in reinforcement distribution in these cast composite could also be

a problem as a result of interaction between suspended ceramic particles and moving
solid liquid interface during solidification. Generally it is possible to incorporate up to 30
wt% ceramic particles in the size range5 to 100 micro-metre in a variety of molten
aluminium alloys. The melt-ceramic particle slurry may be transferred directly to a
shaped mould prior to complete solidification or it may be allowed to solidify in Billet or
rod shaped so that it can be reheated to the slurry form for further processing by
techniques such as die casting and investment casting. The process is not suitable for the
incorporation of sub-micron size ceramic particles or whiskers. Another variant of stir
casting process is compo-casting size ceramic particles or whiskers. Here, ceramic
particles are incorporated into the alloy in the semi-solid state.

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Fig.1.3 :Stir casing

Major factors to be considered during Stir casting

1. Difficulty of achieving of uniform distribution of the reinforcement materials.

2. Wettability between the two main substances.
3. Porosity in cast metal matrix composites.
4. Chemical reaction between the reinforcement material and the matrix.

b. Infiltration process

Liquid aluminium alloy is injected/infiltrated into the interstices Porous pre-forms

of continuous fibre/short fibre or whisker for particle to produce AMCs . Depending on
the nature of reinforcement and its volume fraction pre-form can be infiltrated with or
without the application of pressure or vacuum. AMCs having reinforcement volume
fraction ranging from 10 to 70% can be produced using a variety of infiltration
techniques. In order for the pre-form to retain its integrity and shape, it is often necessary
to use silica and Alumina based mixture as binder. Some level of porosity and local
variation in the volume fractions of the reinforcement are often noticed in the AMCs
processed by infiltration technique. The process is widely used to produce aluminium
Matrix composites having particle / whiskers / short fibre /continuous fibre as

c.Spray deposition

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Experimental analysis of basic mechanical properties of Aluminium with Graphene

Spray deposition techniques fall into two distinct classes, depending whether the
droplet stream is produced from a molten bath (osprey process) are by continuous feeding
of cold metal into zone of rapid heat injection (thermal spray process). The spray process
has been extensively explored for the production of AMCs by injecting ceramic
particle/whiskers/ short fibre into the spray.AMCs produced in this way often exhibit in-
homogenous distribution of ceramic particles. Depositions of this type are typically
consolidated to full density by subsequent processing. spray process also permit the
production of continuous fibre reinforced aluminium matrix composites. For this, fibres
are wrapped around a mandrel with controlled inter fibre spacing and the matrix metal is
sprayed onto the fibre.A composite monotype is thus formed such as bulb composite are
formed by hot pressing of composite monotypes of fibre volume fracture and distribution
is controlled by adjusting the fibre spacing and number of fibre layers.AMCs processed
by spray deposition technique are relatively inexpensive with cost and is usually
intermediate between stircast and powder metallurgy process.

d. In-situ processing (reactive processing)

There are several different process that would fall under this category including
liquid-gas, liquid-solid, liquid-liquid and mixed salt reaction. In these processes refractory
reinforcement are created in the aluminium alloy Matrix. one of the example is directional
oxidation of aluminium also known as DIOMX process. In this process the alloy of Al-
Mg is placed on the top of ceramic perform in the crucible. The entire assembly is heated
to a suitable temperature in the atmosphere of free-flowing Nitrogen bearing gas mixture.
Al-Mg is soon after melting infiltrates into the pre-form and composite is formed.

Martin-marittas exothermic dispersion process or the Temptress is another in-situ

technique for composite processing. XD process is used to produce TIB reinforced
aluminium matrix composites. The process is flexible and permits formation of both hard
and soft places of various sizes and morphologies that include whiskers, particles and
platelets in aluminium alloy matrices.

e. Factors to considered during Stir Casting

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Experimental analysis of basic mechanical properties of Aluminium with Graphene

In order to achieve the optimum properties of the metal matrix composite , the
distribution of the reinforcement material in the matrix alloy must be uniform and the
wettability of bonding between these substances should be optimised. The porosity levels
need to be minimized and chemical reactions between the reinforcement materials and the
matrix alloy must be avoided.

f. Distribution of the Reinforcement materials

One of the problems encountered in metal matrix composite processing is the

settling of the reinforcement particle during melt holding or during casting. This arises as
a result of density differences between the reinforcement particles and the matrix alloy
melt. Then reinforcement distribution influenced during several stages including (a)
distribution in the liquid as result of mixing. (b) distribution in the liquid after mixing, but
before solidification and (c) redistribution as a result of solidification. the mechanical
stirrer used (usually during melt preparation of holding) during stirring, the melt
temperature, and the type, the amount and nature of particles are sum of the main factors
to be considered when investigating these phenomena. Proper dispersion of the particles
in a matrix is also affected by pouring, rate of particle addition, pouring temperature and
gating system. The method of the introduction of particles into matrix melt is one of the
most important aspects of casing process. It helps in dispersing the reinforcement material
in the melt.

There are number of techniques for introducing and mixing the particles including:

1. Injection of particles in entrained in an inert gas into the melt with the help of an
injection gun, where in the particles are mixed into the melt as the bubbles rise
through the melt.
2. Addition of particles into the molten stream as the mould is field.
3. Pushing particles into the melt through the use of reciprocating rods.
4. Spray casting of droplets of atomized molten metal along with particles onto a
5. Dispersion of fine particles in the melt by centrifugal action.

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Experimental analysis of basic mechanical properties of Aluminium with Graphene

6. Pre- infiltrating a packed bed of particles to form pellets of a master alloy and are
re dispersing and diluting into a melt, followed by slow hand or mechanical
7. injection of particles into the melt while the melt is irradiated continuously with
high intensity ultrasound.
8. Zero Gravity Processing which involves utilising a synergism of ultra-high
vacuum and elevated temperature for a prolonged period of time.

The vortex method is one of the better known approaches used to create and
maintain a good distribution of the reinforcement material in the matrix. In this method,
after the matrix material is melted, it is stirred vigorously to form a vortex at the surface
of the melt. and the reinforcement material is then introduced at the side of the vortex.
The Stirring is continued for a few minutes before the slurry is cast. Different designs of
mechanical stirrer are as shown in figure. Among them, the turbine stirrer is quite
popular. During Stir casting for the synthesis of composites, stirring help in two ways
such as (a ) transferring particles into the liquid metal and (b) maintaining the particles in
a state of suspension.

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Experimental analysis of basic mechanical properties of Aluminium with Graphene

Fig.1.4 Different types of stirrer usedin stir casting.


Wetting is the ability of a liquid to maintain contact with a solid surface, resulting
from intermolecular interactions when the two are brought together. The degree of
wetting or wettability is determined by a force balance between adhesive and cohesive
forces. Wetting is important in the bonding or adherence of two materials.

In any type of the fabrication method used, wettability and distribution of the
reinforcement material in the alloy matrix are among the main problems. In general stir
casting of metal matrix composites involves producing a melt of selected matrix material
followed by the introduction of reinforcement material into the melt and the dispersion of
the reinforcing material through stirring. Stirring carried vigorously to form a vortex
where the reinforcing particles are introduced through the side of the vortex. The
formation of the vortex will drag not only the reinforcement particles into the melt, but
also all impurities which are formed on the surface of the melt. The vortex will also
entrap air into the mould which is extremely difficult to remove as the viscosity of the
slurry increase. In this approach of fabricating cast meat matrix composites, magnesium
was used as a wetting agent and in which the composite slurry in the semi- solid condition
was applied in order to enhance wettability between the Titanium Carbide particles and
matrix alloy. The emphasis was on the wettability and chemical reaction between the

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Experimental analysis of basic mechanical properties of Aluminium with Graphene



2.1 Review of Literature Survey

The research effort and direction related to present work will be identified through
the following literature survey.

Mina Bastwros [1] succesfully synthesised 1.0 wt.% graphene reinforced
aluminum 6061 (Al6061)composite to investigate the effects of graphene dispersion by
ball milling technique. The ball milling time varied from10 min to 90 min. Results shows
that the strength increase for the Al6061- 1.0 wt.% graphene composite was 47% and34%
for the 60-min and 90-min times, compared with the reference Al6061 sample. It was
concluded that thestrengthening was significantly affected by the dispersion of the
graphene in the matrix phase.

Sunil Kumar[2] In this study, the orientation of aluminium atoms over the
graphene substratealong with mechanical properties of aluminium/graphene
nanocomposites have been investigated using molecular dynamics simulation. The
following conclusions may be drawn.It has observed that lower potential energy
aluminium atoms aggregate and formed a cluster near the graphene substrate.The
orientation or crystallization of aluminium atoms have observed as {111} planes of the
face centered cubic (FCC) at aluminium/graphene interface. Graphene substrate has been
acting as facilitator for aluminiumcrystallization.The young modulus and yield strength
found higher during tensile deformation along the normalaxis (Z-axis) of grapheme
substrate compared Y- and X-axis. These results implies that the nanosubstrates affects
the nature of the metal atoms response to stress which affect the mechanical properties of
metal/nanocomosite. In addition, further analysis of the aluminium/graphene
nanocomposite and its impact on the various properties will also help to provide a greater
understanding to reduce failures in metal nanocomposite systems.

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Experimental analysis of basic mechanical properties of Aluminium with Graphene

S. Sathishkumar [3] et.alThe hardness test and tensile test the were conducted and
the mechanical properties were strong-minded. The experimental results that were
originate are been compared with the conventional Aluminum 7075(Al7075) and with the
Composite material were one can see that the composite material (combination of two or
more material) plays a dominant role than the Aluminium7075 (Al7075) with respect to
its ductility, strength, and hardness. Dynamic analysis is a very significant study when it
comes to the composite materials, where these can show diversity in material properties
as well as shapes. The main idea of this work is to perform analysis which gives the
information about locations of the damages and cracks on the composite materials.

Jeevan Gowda G [4] Using stir casting particulate metal matrix composite
can be produced successfully Addition of reinforcement particles with the aluminium
increases the mechanical property andgives a better result. Addition of 6% alumina with
3% Graphene in aluminium improves the hardness by 30 % and tensile strength is also
increased. Scanning electron microscope images shows a good distribution of
Reinforcements For 9% alumina with 3% Graphene reinforcement there is a drop in
tensile strength which may be due to the clustring of reinforcements as seen in Scanning
electron microscope images.

Kumar and Xaviour [5] synthesized and performed the characterization of
Al 6061 matrix by using nanocomposites. In the aluminium matrix, the reinforcement
were used was Graphene with various wt. % i.e., 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 1 given in
percentage. By using the method of ultrasonic liquid processing, the uniform dispersion
of Graphene in the mixture is carried out and also powder metallurgy (PM) approach
followed by XRD and SEM analysis were used to strengthen the mixtures. Thus the
prepared mixture are moulded at different temperature and investigation of Graphene
weight proportion and sintering hotness was done on mechanical properties like micro
hardness, density. Has analyzed the wear parameter like sliding distance, pressure, sliding
speed of Al 6061/Al2O3 composite. A pin-on-disc wear machine was used for the wear
study. A steel made disc was used. Investigated study shows that the composite used in
this research work had much higher wear resistance as compared to the corresponding
matrix materials.

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Experimental analysis of basic mechanical properties of Aluminium with Graphene

Niranjan K N [6]et.alexperimentised on Al 6061 hybrid composite material

containing SiC and Gr particulates were fabricated successfully by varying wt% of Gr
from 3% to 9% using stir casting method. Keeping Sic 6% as constant, by increasing the
Gr particulates of 3%,6%,9%, we can conclude that Hardness of the prepared hybrid
composites is higher than the base AL 6061 alloy. Addition of 6wt% SiC increases
hardness considerably. Whereas the addition of Gr particulates decreases the hardness,
but is higher than the Al6061 alloy. However, decrease in hardness of Al6061-hybrid
composite possibly due to poor wetting characteristics of Gr by Al 6061.Tensile strength
of prepared Al6061 hybrid composites is higher when compared to base Al 6061
composite. Addition of 6% SiC and Gr varies from 3% to 9% increases the tensile
strength considerably with respect to base matrix Al6061. It can be seen that as the SiC
and graphene content increases, the compressive strength of the hybrid composite
material is also increases.

Ajay JanakraoPuri [7]et.alconcluded and inferred that, Aluminium is finding

wider applications in different industries due to low weight. Aluminium is remarkable for
the low density and its ability to resist corrosion through the phenomenon of passivation.
Aluminium metal matrix composites are studied on large scale now a day to find their
superiority in different properties with respect to pure aluminium. This paper mainly
focuses on aluminium metal matrix composite having Sic as a reinforcement and effect of
reinforcement on different properties.

Pulkit Garg [8] et.alstudiedon “Effect of processing parameters on structural and

mechanical properties of grapheme reinforced aluminium matrix composites” has been
reported in the present paper. The experimental results havebeen discussed critically and
the following important conclusions have been drawn. XRD plots show characteristic
peaks of only pure aluminium and graphene.SEM micrographs show the formation of a
dense phase microstructure along with some minute amount ofchannel pores. Graphene
particles were also clearly visible. Dendrite microstructure observed in the
samplecontaining 0.5 wt. % graphene sintered at 650°C indicates to the formation of
Al4C3 phase due to reactionbetween aluminium and graphene particles.Density of the
composite samples was found to increase with an increase in sintering temperature due
tobetter packing and bonding between the particles.Vickers hardness of the samples
increased with increase in sintering temperature due to better packingbetween the
particles and improved micro structural properties.Compressive strength increased with

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increase in the concentration of graphene reinforcement from 0.1 wt.% to 0.5 wt. %
indicating increase in load bearing capacity of the samples.

Ali Afzal[9],analyzed and concluded that, by vortex stir casting method
aluminium 6061 alloy, aluminium6061-silicon carbide and aluminium6061-silicon
carbide-graphene composites were successfully fabricated. Micro structure and XRD
studies indicated uniform distribution and occurrence of graphene and silicon carbide
particles in the alloy used. Aluminium-silicon carbide composite microhardness was
higher than the hybrid composites and base alloy. Heat treatment enhances
microhardness of base alloy and its composites with ice quenching resulting in maximum

Saravana kumar .K, [10], investigated that The flowing conclusion drawn
from the work. From the study it is concluded that we can use graphene for theproduction
of composites. Graphene up-to 6% by weight canbe successfully added to commercially
pure aluminium bystir casting route to produce composites. Hardness of commercially
pure aluminium is increased from 24BHN to30BHN with addition of Graphene. The best
combinations of process parameters are foundfrom Taguchi’s L9 orthogonal array. Then
by thiscombinations the metal matrix composite were created bystir casting method. Then
this composite material wastested based on wear behaviour, microstructure analysis
byscanning electron microscopy and mechanical propertiesare observed by Brinell
hardness test.

S. Cem OKUMUS [11] a studies on Aluminum-silicon based

hybrid composites reinforced with siliconcarbide and graphene particles which are
processed by liquid phase particle mixing (melt stirring) and squeeze casting.The thermal
expansion and thermal conductivity behaviors of hybrid composites with various
graphene contents (5.0; 7.5;10 wt.%) and different silicon carbide particle sizes (45 μm
and 53 μm) were investigated. Results indicated that increasing the graphene content
improved the dimensional stability, and there was no obvious variation between
thethermalexpansionbehaviors of the 45 μm and the 53 μm silicon carbide reinforced
composites. The thermal conductivityof hybrid composites was reduced due to the
enrichment of the graphene component.

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Experimental analysis of basic mechanical properties of Aluminium with Graphene

J.K. Chen [12] successfully developed aluminium–graphene composites by

powder metallurgy to test the thermal properties of composites. 0.10-0.9 vol.% of flake
graphene is combined with aluminium powders to form aluminium–graphene composites
via vacuum hot pressing process. Results shows that thermal conductivity of aluminium–
graphene composites increases with increasing amount of graphene. For composites
containing 10–80 vol.% of graphene, the measured thermal conductivity increases from
324 to 783 W/m K. Coefficients of thermal expansion for aluminium–
graphenecomposites decrease with increasing flake graphene. This study demonstrates
that the thermal conductivity and thermal expansion of aluminium–graphene composites
can be controlled easily by the percentage of graphene and orientation via hot pressing.

Prashant S N [13] successfully developed composites containing 6061Al

with 6, 9 and 12wt% of Graphene particulates using stir casting. The addition of
Graphene has resulted in increase in tensile strength. The tensile strength is a function of
volume fraction of reinforcement. As volume fraction increases tensile strength of
composite increases. However, addition of graphene has resulted more improvement in
tensile properties. The wear rate of the 6061Al-Graphenecomposite found to decrease
upto 6wt% but thereafter tends to increase.

J.Zhang [14] have investigated the effect of Silicon Carbide and Graphene
particulates on theresultant damping behaviour of 6061 A1 metal matrix composites to
develop a high damping material. The micro structural analysis has been performed using
scanning electron microscopy, optical microscopy and image analysis. It was shown that
the damping capacity of Al 6061 could be significantly improved by then addition of
either Silicon Carbide or grapheneparticulates through spray deposition
processing.Aluminiumcomposite material having very goodmechanical properties while
we increasing the %age ofgraphene. The graphene composite metal represents the
mechanical and physical properties for the metal matrixcomposites. The ductility is
important aspects in the mechanicalproperties of composites. The aluminium strength of
the aluminium graphenecomposite metal is very good.

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Experimental analysis of basic mechanical properties of Aluminium with Graphene

2.2 Literature summary

• Use of Graphene as a reinforcement reduces friction and increases the

machinability of the composites.
• Different methods of production of hybrid composites have been identified with
the vortex principle (stir –cast procedure) being the mostly used .good quality
composites can be produced by this method through proper selection of the
process parameters such as pouring temperature ,stirring speed, pre-heating
temperature and reinforcement.
• It could be seen that Metal Matrix Composites fabricated by stir casting is simple
and shows high surface hardness and homogeneity.

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In the view of the large scope available for investigation, the present work is taken
up to study the influence of graphene reinforcement particulates in Aluminium
6061matrix alloy, to increase the properties and hardness of the composites.

The following are the main objectives of the present work:

• Selecting the materials for composition.

• Composition of Aluminium 6061 with Graphene.
• Fabrication of Aluminium6061-Graphene Metal Matrix Composite using stir
casting method with weight ratio of 0% ,0,25% ,0.5% ,0.75%and 1% Graphene
• Machining of specimen to the required dimensions as per ASTM standards.
• To analyze and compare the MMC prepared with various weight fractions for the
Mechanical properties.

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3.2 Methodology

Fig 3.1: Flow Chart

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What is Tensile Testing?

A tensile test, also known as a tension test, is one of the most fundamental and common
types of mechanical testing. A tensile test applies tensile (pulling) force to a material and
measures the specimen's response to the stress. By doing this, tensile tests determine how
strong a material is and how much it can elongate. Tensile tests are typically conducted
on electromechanical or universal testing instruments, are simple to perform, and are fully


We can learn a lot about a substance from tensile testing. By measuring the
material while it is being pulled, we can obtain a complete profile of its tensile properties.
When plotted on a graph, this data results in a stress/strain curve which shows how the
material reacted to the forces being applied. The point of break or failure is of much
interest, but other important properties include the modulus of elasticity, yield strength,
and strain.

Ultimate Tensile Strength

One of the most important properties we can determine about a material is

its ultimate tensile strength (UTS). This is the maximum stress that a specimen sustains
during the test. The UTS may or may not equate to the specimen's strength at break,
depending on whether the material is brittle, ductile, or exhibits properties of both.
Sometimes a material may be ductile when tested in a lab, but, when placed in service and
exposed to extreme cold temperatures, it may transition to brittle behavior.

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Experimental analysis of basic mechanical properties of Aluminium with Graphene

Hooke's Law

For most materials, the initial portion of the test will exhibit a linear relationship
between the applied force or load and the elongation exhibited by the specimen. In this
linear region, the line obeys the relationship defined as "Hooke's Law" where the ratio of
stress to strain is a constant, or σ/ε =E. E is the slope of the line in this region where stress
(σ) is proportional to strain (ε) and is called the "Modulus of Elasticity" or "Young's

Modulus of Elasticity

The modulus of elasticity is a measure of the material's stiffness which only

applies in the initial linear region of the curve. Within this linear region the tensile load
can be removed from the specimen and the material will return to the exact same
condition it had been in prior to the load being applied. At the point when the curve is no
longer linear and deviates from the straight-line relationship, Hooke's Law no longer
applies, and some permanent deformation occurs in the specimen. This point is called the
"elastic or proportional limit." From this point on in the tensile test, the material reacts
plastically to any further increase in load or stress. It will not return to its original,
unstressed condition if the load is removed.

Yield Strength

A material's "yield strength" is defined as the stress applied to the material at

which plastic deformation starts to occur.

Offset Method: For some materials (e.g. metals and plastics), the departure from the
linear elastic region cannot be easily identified. Therefore an offset method to determine
the yield strength of the material is allowed. This methodology is commonly applied
when measuring the yield strength of metals. When testing metals according to ASTM
E8/E8M, an offset is specified as a percentage of strain (usually 0.2%). The stress (R) that
is determined from the intersection point "r" when the line of the linear elastic region
(with slope equal to Modulus of Elasticity) is drawn from the offset "m" becomes
the Yield Strength by the offset method.
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Experimental analysis of basic mechanical properties of Aluminium with Graphene

Strain:we will also be able to find the amount of stretch or elongation that the specimen
undergoes during tensile testing. This can be expressed as an absolute measurement in the
change in length or as a relative measurement called "strain." Strain itself can be
expressed in two different ways, as "engineering strain" and "true strain." Engineering
strain is probably the easiest and the most common expression of strain used. It is the
ratio of the change in length to the original length.

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Fig.4.1:Universal Testing Machine of Tensile Test

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Experimental analysis of basic mechanical properties of Aluminium with Graphene


I. Aluminium 6061 – 0% As Cast

Table 4.1 Tensile Test Result for 0% as cast.


Initial Area mm2 31.32

Initial gauge length mm 25
Final Gauge Length mm 28.17
Yield Load KN 5.23
Yield Strength MPa 167.14
Ultimate Tensile Load KN 5.67
Ultimate Tensile Strength MPa 181.17
% Elongation 12.68

Fig.4.2 Graphical representation of Tensile test for 0% as cast

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Experimental analysis of basic mechanical properties of Aluminium with Graphene

II. Aluminium 6061 –0. 25% Gr

Table 4.2 Tensile Test Result for 0.25% Gr

Initial Area mm2 29.54
Initial gauge length mm 25.00
Final Gauge Length mm 27.57
Yield Load KN 5.16
Yield Strength MPa 174.91
Ultimate Tensile Load KN 6.54
Ultimate Tensile Strength MPa 221.47
% Elongation 10.28

Fig.4.3 Graphical representation of Tensile test for 0.25% Gr

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Experimental analysis of basic mechanical properties of Aluminium with Graphene

III. Aluminium 6061 – 0.5%Gr

Table 4.3 Tensile Test Result for 0.5% Gr

Initial Area mm2 33.17
Initial gauge length mm 25.00
Final Gauge Length mm 27.43
Yield Load KN 6.87
Yield Strength MPa 207.13
Ultimate Tensile Load KN 8.23
Ultimate Tensile Strength MPa 248.14
% Elongation 9.72

Fig.4.4 Graphical representation of Tensile test for 0.5% Gr

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IV. Aluminium 6061 – 0.75% Gr

Table 4.4 Tensile Test Result for 0.75% Gr

Initial Area mm2 30.01
Initial gauge length mm 25.00
Final Gauge Length mm 27.07
Yield Load KN 6.90
Yield Strength MPa 230.19
Ultimate Tensile Load KN 7.81
Ultimate Tensile Strength MPa 260.27
% Elongation 8.28

Fig.4.5 Graphical representation of Tensile test for 0.75 % Gr

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V. Aluminium 6061 – 1.0% Gr

Table 4.5 Tensile Test Result for 1% Gr

Initial Area mm2 30.54
Initial gauge length mm 25.00
Final Gauge Length mm 27.88
Yield Load KN 8.15
Yield Strength MPa 267.14
Ultimate Tensile Load KN 9.07
Ultimate Tensile Strength MPa 297.13
% Elongation 11.52

Fig.4.6 Graphical representation of Tensile test for 1% Gr

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Comparative Graph of Tensile Test Results :-


250 221.47
200 181.17




0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1

Fig.4.7 Comparative Graphical representation of Tensile test results.

INFERENCE: -From the graphical representation it is observed that,the ultimate

strength of as cast condition is 181.17 MPa, for 0.25% of composite metal matrix is
221.47MPa, for 0.5% of composite metal matrix is 248.14MPa, 0.75% of composite
metal matrix is 260.27 MPa and for 1% of composite metal matrix is290.14MPa. So with
the increase in percentage of reinforcement the ultimate strength of the composite also

The percentage increase in ultimate strength of composite = × 100 =


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What isCompression Testing?

Compression testing is one of the most fundamental types of mechanical testing,
alongside tensile and flexion tests. Compression tests are used to determine a material’s
behavior under applied crushing loads, and are typically conducted by applying
compressive pressure to a test specimen (usually of either a cuboid or cylindrical
geometry) using platens or specialized fixtures on a universal testing machine. During the
test, various properties of the material are calculated and plotted as a stress-strain
diagram which is used to determine qualities such as elastic limit, proportional limit, yield
point, yield strength, and, for some materials, compressive strength.


Compression testing allows manufacturers to assess the integrity and safety of

materials, components, and products during several phases of the manufacturing process.
The potential applications can vary from strength testing of a car windshield to endurance
testing of concrete beams used in construction. Materials that exhibit high tensile
strength tend to (but do not always!) exhibit low compressive strength.
Likewise,materials high in compressive strength tend to exhibit low tensile strength.
Therefore, compression testing is often used on brittle materials such as concrete, metals,
plastics, ceramics, composites, and corrugated materials like cardboard. These materials
are often used in a load-bearing capacity where their integrity under compressive forces is
critical.Unlike tensile tests, which are usually conducted to determine the tensile
properties of a specific material, compression tests are often performed on finished
products. Common items such as tennis balls, golf balls, water bottles, protective cases,
plastic pipes, and furniture are all examples of products that need to be evaluated for their
compressive strength

Ultimate Compressive Strength

The ultimate compressive strength of a material is the value of compressive stress

reached when the material fails completely. When brittle materials reach their ultimate
compressive strength they are crushed, and the load drops drastically. Materials with

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Experimental analysis of basic mechanical properties of Aluminium with Graphene

higher ductility, (most plastics) do not rupture, but instead continue deforming until the
load is no longer being applied to the specimen, but rather between the two compression
platens. In these cases, compressive strength can be reported as specific deformations
such as 1%, 5%, or 10% of the test specimen's original height.


I. Aluminium 6061 – 0% As Cast

Table 4.6 Compression Test Result for 0% as cast.

Sample Area Compression Load KN Compression Strength MPa

01 314.2 109.12 347.32

Fig.4.8 Graphical representation of Compression test for 0% as cast.

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II. Aluminium 6061 – 0.25% Gr

Table 4.7Compression Test Result for 0.25% Gr

Sample Area CompressionLoad Compression Strength

mm2 KN MPa
01 314.2 131.22 417.65

Fig.4.9 Graphical representation of Compression test for 0.25% Gr

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III. Aluminium 6061 – 0.5% Gr

Table 4.8 Compression Test Result for 0.5% Gr.

Sample Area Compression Load Compression Strength

mm2 KN MPa
01 314.2 153.11 487.32

Fig.4.10 Graphical representation of Compression test for 0.5% Gr

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Experimental analysis of basic mechanical properties of Aluminium with Graphene

IV. Aluminium 6061 – 0.75% Gr

Table 4.9 Compression Test Result for 0.75% Gr

Sample Area CompressionLoad CompressionStrength

mm2 KN MPa
01 314.2 172.59 549.32

Fig.4.11 Graphical representation of Compression test for 0.75% Gr

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V. Aluminium 6061 – 1.0% Gr

Table 4.10 Compression Test Result for 1% Gr.

Sample Area CompressionLoad CompressionStrength

mm2 KN MPa
01 314.2 179.2 623.54

Fig.4.12 Graphical representation of Compression test for 1% Gr

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Experimental analysis of basic mechanical properties of Aluminium with Graphene

Comparative Graph of Compression Test Results :-


600 549.32
400 347.32




0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1

Fig.4.13 Comparative Graphical representation of Compression test results.

INFERENCE:-From the graphical representation it is observed that, the compression

strength of as cast condition is 347.32 MPa, for 0.25% of composite metal matrix is
417.65 MPa, for 0.5% of composite metal matrix is 487.32 MPa, 0.75% of composite
metal matrix is 561.38 MPa and for 1% of composite metal matrix is 623.54 MPa. So
with the increase in percentage of reinforcement the compression strength of the
composite also increases.

The percentage increase in compression strength of composite = × 100 =


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In the Brinell hardness test, an optical method, the size of indentation left by the
indenter is measured. In contrast to the likewise optical Vickers method,which involves a
pyramid-shaped indenter being pressed into a specimen, the Brinell method uses a
spherical indenter.The larger the indent left in the surface of a workpiece (specimen) by
the Brinell indenter with a defined ball diameter and a defined test force, the softer the
tested material.

Test procedure: In order to determine the Brinell hardness (HBW) according to

ISO 6506, the spherical, hard metal (tungsten carbide) indenter is pressed into a specimen
(workpiece) with a defined test load (between 1 kgf and 3000 kgf).

The Brinell hardness results from the quotient of the applied test force (F in
newtons (N)) and the surface area of the residual indent on the specimen (the projection
of the indent) after withdrawing the test force (see formula below). To calculate the
surface area of the residual spherical indentation, the arithmetic mean (d) of the two
perpendicular diagonals (d1 and d2 in mm) is used, because the base area of Brinell
indents is frequently not exactly round.

In practice, the formula is not calculated for every single test in order to determine
the hardness value. Alternatively, the hardness value can be read from tables or specially
programmed test software, which indicate the hardness value for all standardised ball
diameters and test loads as a function of the average indent diameter (d).

The test force must be selected such that the average indent diameter (d) is
between 0.24 D and 0.6 D. In order to adhere to these limits, the test force must be
coordinated with the ball diameter. This results in different force-diameter indexes (also
referred to as loading levels or load factors) within the Brinell method, whereby the
quotient of test force and square of the ball diameter is kept constant: B = 0.102*F/D2.
The five common force-diameter indexes are 1, 2.5, 5, 10 and 30. Testing of a material
with different ball diameters and test forces must be conducted within the same force-
diameter index in order to achieve comparable test results.

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The ball diameter must be selected in such a way that the indent covers the largest
possible workpiece area – representative for the specimen.According to the standard (ISO
6506), the test load should be increased to its final value within a minimum of two to a
maximum of eight seconds Generally, the dwell time for the test load is ten to 15 seconds

Fig.4.14:BHN Testing Machine.

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Experimental analysis of basic mechanical properties of Aluminium with Graphene


Test Method : IS 1500-2010

Ball dia : 5mm
Load 250 Kg

I. Aluminium 6061 – 0% As Cast

Table 4.11 Hardness Test Result for 0% Gr.

Sample Mark Result-1 Result-2 Result-3 Average

01 68 67 67 67.0

II. Aluminium 6061 – 0.25% Gr

Table 4.12 Hardness Test Result for 0.25% Gr

Sample Mark Result-1 Result-2 Result-3 Average

01 73 72 72 72

III. Aluminium 6061 – 0.5% Gr

Table 4.13 Hardness Test Result for 0.5% Gr

Sample Mark Result-1 Result-2 Result-3 Average

01 77 77 77 77

IV. Aluminium 6061 – .75% Gr

Table 4.14 Hardness Test Result for 0.75% Gr

Sample Mark Result-1 Result-2 Result-3 Average

01 81 83 83 82

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V. Aluminium 6061 – 1.0% Gr

Table 4.15 Hardness Test Result for 1% Gr

Sample Mark Result-1 Result-2 Result-3 Average

01 87 87 87 87.0

Comparative Graph of Hardness Test Results :-


90 82
80 72
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1

Fig.4.15 Comparative Graphical representation of Hardness test results.

INFERENCE:-From the graphical representation it is observed that, the Brinell

Hardness number of as cast condition is 67.0, for 0.25% of composite metal matrix is
72.0, for 0.5% of composite metal matrix is 77.0, 0.75% of composite metal matrix is
82.0,and for 1% of composite metal matrix is87.0. So with the increase in percentage of
reinforcement the Brinell Hardness number of the composite also increases.

The percentage increase in Brinell Hardness number of composite = × 100 =


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Scope:Notched Izod Impact is a single point test that measures a materials resistance to
impact from a swinging pendulum. Izod impact is defined as the kinetic energy needed to
initiate fracture and continue the fracture until the specimen is broken. Izod specimens are
notched to prevent deformation of the specimen upon impact. This test can be used as a
quick and easy quality control check to determine if a material meets specific impact
properties or to compare materials for general toughness.

TestProcedure:The specimen is clamped into the pendulum impact test fixture with the
notched side facing the striking edge of the pendulum. The pendulum is released and
allowed to strike through the specimen. If breakage does not occur, a heavier hammer is
used until failure occurs. Since many materials (especially thermoplastics) exhibit lower
impact strength at reduced temperatures, it is sometimes appropriate to test materials at
temperatures that simulate the intended end use environment.

Fig.4.16:Impact Testing Machine

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Experimental analysis of basic mechanical properties of Aluminium with Graphene

Specimensize:The standard specimen for ASTM is 64 x 12.7 x 3.2 mm (2½ x ½ x 1/8

inch). The most common specimen thickness is 3.2 mm (0.125 inch), but the preferred
thickness is 6.4 mm (0.25 inch) because it is not as likely to bend or crush. The depth
under the notch of the specimen is 10.2 mm (0.4 inches).The standard specimen for ISO
is a Type 1A multipurpose specimen with the end tabs cut off.The resulting test sample
measures 80 x 10 x 4 mm. The depth under the notch of thespecimen is8mm.

Data: ASTM impact energy is expressed in J/m or ft-lb/in.Impact strength is calculated

by dividing impact energy in J (or ft-lb) by the thickness of the specimen. The test result
istypically the average of 5 specimens.ISO impact strength is expressed in kJ/m2.Impact
strength is calculated by dividing impact energy in J by the area under the notch.The
testresult is typically the average of 10specimens.Thehigher the resulting numbers the
tougherthe material.

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I. Aluminium 6061 – 0% As Cast

Table 4.16 Izod Impact Test Result for 0% Gr.

Width X Thickness X Length mm 10X 10 X 55
Impact Load J 1.2,1.2,1.2

II. Aluminium 6061 – 0.25% Gr

Table 4.17 Izod Impact Test Result for 0.25% Gr.

Width X Thickness X Length mm 10X 10 X 55
Impact Load J 1.5,1.5,1.5

III. Aluminium 6061 – 0.5% Gr

Table 4.18 Izod Impact Test Result for 0.5% Gr.

Width X Thickness X Length mm 10X 10 X 55
Impact Load J 1.7,1.7,1.7

IV. Aluminium 6061 – .75% Gr

Table 4.19 Izod Impact Test Result for 0.75% Gr.

Width X Thickness X Length mm 10X 10 X 55
Impact Load J 2.1,2.1,2.1

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V. Aluminium 6061 – 1.0% Gr

Table 4.20 Izod Impact Test Result for 1. 0% Gr.

Width X Thickness X Length mm 10X 10 X 10
Impact Load J 2.4,2.4,2.4

Comparative Graph of Izod Impact Test Results: -



2 1.7
1.5 1.2


0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1

Fig.4.17 Comparative Graphical representation of Izod Impact test results.

INFERENCE: -From the graphical representation it is observed that, the Impact Load (J)
of as cast condition is 1.2, for 0.25% of composite metal matrix is 1.5, for 0.5% of
composite metal matrix is 1.7, 0.75% of composite metal matrix is 2.1,and for 1% of
composite metal matrix is 2.4. So, with the increase in percentage of reinforcement the
Impact Load of the composite also increases.

The percentage increase in the Impact Load of composite = × 100 = 1%

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The Charpy test is most commonly used to evaluate the relative toughness or
impact toughness of materials and as such is often used in quality control applications
where it is a fast and economical test. It is used more as a comparative test rather than a
definitive test.

Charpy Test Specimens: -Charpy test specimens normally measure 55x10x10mm and
have a notch machined across one of the larger faces. The notches may be:

• V-notch – A V-shaped notch, 2mm deep, with 45° angle and 0.25mm radius along
the base

• U-notch or keyhole notch – A 5mm deep notch with 1mm radius at the base of the

What Does the Charpy Test Involve?

The Charpy test involves striking a suitable test piece with a striker, mounted at
the end of a pendulum. The test piece is fixed in place at both ends and the striker impacts
the test piece immediately behind a a machined notch.

Determination of Charpy Impact Energy

At the point of impact, the striker has a known amount of kinetic energy. The
impact energy is calculated based on the height to which the striker would have risen, if
no test specimen was in place, and this compared to the height to which the striker
actually rises.

Tough materials absorb a lot of energy, whilst brittle materials tend to absorb very
little energy prior to fracture.

Factors Affecting CharpyImpact Energy

Factors that affect the Charpy impact energy of a specimen will include:

• Yield strength and ductility

• Notches

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• Temperature and strain rate

• Fracture mechanism

Yield Strength and Ductility

For a given material the impact energy will be seen to decrease if the yield
strength is increased, i.e. if the material undergoes some process that makes it more brittle
and less able to undergo plastic deformation. Such processes may include cold working or
precipitation hardening.


The notch serves as a stress concentration zone and some materials are more
sensitive towards notches than others. The notch depth and tip radius are therefore very

Temperature and Strain Rate

Most of the impact energy is absorbed by means of plastic deformation during the
yielding of the specimen. Therefore, factors that affect the yield behaviour and hence
ductility of the material such as temperature and strain rate will affect the impact
energy.This type of behaviour is more prominent in materials with a body centred cubic
structure, where lowering the temperature reduces ductility more markedly than face
centred cubic materials.

Fracture Mechanism

Metals tend to fail by one of two mechanisms, microvoid coalescence or

cleavage.Cleavage can occur in body centred cubic materials, where cleavage takes place
along the {001} crystal plane. Microvoid coalescence is the more common fracture
mechanism where voids form as strain increases, and these voids eventually join together
and failure occurs. Of the two fracture mechanisms cleavage involved far less plastic
deformation ad hence absorbs far less fracture energy.

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1. Aluminium 6061 – 0% As Cast

Table 4.21 charpy Impact Test Result for 0% Gr.

Width X Thickness X Length mm 10 X 10 X 75
Impact Load J 1.1,1.1,1.1

2. Aluminium 6061 – 0.25% Gr

Table 4.22 charpy Impact Test Result for 0.25% Gr.

Width X Thickness X Length mm 10 X 10 X 75
Impact Load J 1.3,1.3,1.3

3. Aluminium 6061 – 0.5% Gr

Table 4.23 charpy Impact Test Result for 0.5% Gr.

Width X Thickness X Length mm 10 X 10 X 75
Impact Load J 1.7,1.7,1.7

4. Aluminium 6061 – .75% Gr

Table 4.24 charpy Impact Test Result for 0.75% Gr.

Width X Thickness X Length mm 10 X 10 X 75
Impact Load J 2.2,2.2,2.2

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5. Aluminium 6061 – 1.0% Gr

Table 4.25 charpy Impact Test Result for 1% Gr.

Width X Thickness X Length mm 10 X 10 X 75
Impact Load J 2.6,2.6,2.6

Comparative Graph of Charpy Impact Test Results :-




2 1.7

1.5 1.3


0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1

Fig.4.18 Comparative Graphical representation of Charpy Impact test results.

INFERENCE: -From the graphical representation it is observed that, the Impact Load (J)
of as cast condition is 1.1, for 0.25% of composite metal matrix is 1.3, for 0.5% of
composite metal matrix is 1.7, 0.75% of composite metal matrix is 2.2,and for 1% of
composite metal matrix is 2.6. So, with the increase in percentage of reinforcement the
Impact Load of the composite also increases.

The percentage increase in the Impact Load of composite = × 100 = 1.36%

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Experimental analysis of basic mechanical properties of Aluminium with Graphene


➢ In Tensile test, the ultimate strength of the composite metal matrix is increased
from 181.17MPa to 290.14 MPa by increasing the reinforcement material from
0.0% to 1.0%.

➢ In Compression test , the Compression strength of the composite metal matrix is

increased from 347.32 MPa to 623.54 MPa by increasing the reinforcement
material from 0.0% to 1.0%.

➢ In Hardness test, the Brinell Hardness number of the composite metal matrix is
increased from67.0 to 87.0 by increasing the reinforcement material from 0.0% to

➢ Impact test,

• In Izod Impact Test, the impact load of composite metal matrix is increased
from 1.2 to 2.4 by increasing the reinforcement material from 0.0% to 1.0%.

• In Charpy Impact Test, theimpact load of composite metal matrix is increased

from 1.1 to 2.6 by increasing the reinforcement material from 0.0% to 1.0%.

➢ From the above conclusions, it is observed that with increase in percentage of

reinforcement material the mechanical properties the Composite also increases.

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