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to the seco

e lcome nd
hsworn Journal

Hello and welcome to the second Oathsworn Journal, an irregular PDF publication containing
random stuff for fans of Oathsworn’s miniatures and games. We’ve got some rules for adding ran-
dom events to your games of Burrows & Badgers, a competition, two new warband Allegiances,
and a little push-your-luck dice game...

In this issue, we present trial rules for two new Warband Allegiances; Witch Hunters and Necro-
mancers. These are a bit different to the usual Allegiances, and aren’t recommended for new play-
ers. But if you fancy trying out something new, give them a go, and let us know how you get on!

Issue three will be out sometime in the future, as I write more stuff... But we’re also open to sug-
gestions on what kind of content you’d like to see more of, so feel free to let us know what you

Page3 Rules for the new Witch Hunter Warband Allegiance! For Burrows & Badgers.

Page 5 Rules for the new Necromantic Warband Allegiance! For Burrows & Badgers.

Page 7 Necromancy Spells. For Burrows & Badgers.

Page 9 Divine Might ‘spells’. For Burrows & Badgers.

Page 10 New Skills. For Burrows & Badgers.

Page 11 New Equipment. For Burrows & Badgers.

Page 13 Broadside! A little dice game for two players.

Page 15 Cool stuff from the internet. Tim Eagling’s ‘Magrathea, Builder of Worlds!’

Page 16 Random Events. For Burrows & Badgers.

Page 19 Competition Time! Win Rulebook Number 4000, complete with pointless addi-
tions by the author!

The High Church of All Divine, from its great Cathedral in Roma, believes itself to preside over all re-
ligious activity throughout the Known World, regardless of whichever deity is being worshipped. The
Arch-Prelate claims that their One High God is the Lord over all other divinities. Naturally, this claim is
widely disputed!

In Northymbra particularly, for many centuries most priests and devotees of the various deities have
ignored the High Church completely, and felt perfectly safe in doing so, given just how far distant the
Arch-Prelate was. But in recent years, the shadow of the High Church has reached far beyond the streets
of Roma, and now many a beast has found themselves under the watchful eye of the Office of Heresy…

The Office of Heresy is split into two distinct bodies; the De Bouan Order of Witch Hunters, and the
Order of Illumination. The De Bouans tend to be despatched from Roma in small numbers to carry out
specific assignments, whereas the Illuminators operate from premises owned by the Church in various
Kingdoms, known as ‘Houses of Illumination’. Although for an organisation dealing with enlightenment,
their practices are shrouded in darkness...

The Order of Illumination is specifically concerned with religious heresy, but is also tasked, rather loosely,
with ‘maintaining the balance’; a task which often requires it to get involved in local politics. Many a po-
tential ‘troublemaker’ has disappeared into the cells below one of the many Houses of Illumination, never
to be heard from again.

The De Bouan Witch Hunters are typically more focused, seeking out necromancy, Dark magic users, and
often simply anyone they suspect of dabbling with ‘unholy’ powers. While several great evils have been
successfully ended by the De Bouans’ intervention, many an innocent village wisebeast has also met an
untimely end at their paws…

Witch Hunter Warbands are commonly led by a De Bouan Captain, and accompanied by various witch
hunters, priests, and monks, as well as soldiers seconded from local Royal Army and town Guard com-
panies. It’s not unusual to have a representative from the Houses of Illumination tagging along as well.
Witch Hunters also frequently make use of specially trained Stag Beetle Grubs, for tracking and in com-

Choosing the Warband

Your Leader may upgrade any weapons they start the campaign with to be Malleus Maleficarum weapons;
the weapon is purchased for the usual price, plus an extra 10 pennies.

Up to 2 characters may be given the ‘Critter Boss’ Skill for 3 pennies each.

Armoured by Faith - Three of your characters have their Fortitude dice improved by one level, to a maxi-
mum of d12.

Den – A Witch Hunter Warband has the Town House Den. It does not start with any Upgrades.

Witch Hunter Warbands do not have Magic Users, because that would be a sin… but they do have access
to the Divine Might list, which just so happens to function pretty much like magic!
Necro ntic

With three years of devastating weather ruining the harvests, followed by the sudden violence of the War
of Storms, the Kingdoms of Northymbra and Myrce have both suffered terrible loss of life with thousands
of beasts dying before their time.
In a land already awash with magic, many of the dead have remained as spirits; shades barely capable of
anything more than wandering lost throughout the wild places. But such unquiet souls are sought after by
those who practice the dark magical arts of Necromancy; for such souls are the raw ingredients they need
to perform their blasphemous spells…

Necromantic Warbands must be led by a Necromancer; this character may choose any Spells from BOTH
the Necromancy and the Dark Magic lists; they do not have to restrict themselves to a single list.

Your Second may be any of the Warband’s members; one of your Apprentices, a Stable Ghast, or even a

You may choose any number of characters to be upgraded to Apprentices; this does not cost anything, but
they must have at least one Spell to be upgraded in this way.

Stable Ghasts
Stable Ghasts are undead beasts that have been successfully bound to a necromancer; they always travel
together and the Stable Ghast will act as the necromancer’s bodyguard. In game terms, they act just like
any other character, and you simply purchase them using the same Stats and Pennies cost as if they were
the living animal. They gain Experience and Skills like any normal character.
Your Warband may include a maximum of one Stable Ghast for each Necromancer or Apprentice in the
You may also take normal characters as Thralls; these are beasts that have been ensorcelled by your nec-
romancer, and have their Fortitude and Presence Stats reduced by one die level. They cost the same as
a normal animal of their type. They function exactly like any normal character in all ways. In addition,
they may be drained of vitality; this works like a modified version of the Life Eater spell. Any Magic User
in your Warband may Drain a Thrall at any time during the Magic User’s Activation; it does not cost an
Action, and happens in addition to whatever Action the Magic User is performing. The Magic User must
have Line of Sight to the Thrall; then roll the Magic User’s Presence vs the Thrall’s Fortitude. The Thrall
suffers Wounds equal to the Result. These Wounds are not reduced by Tough Skills or Armour. The Magic
User may restore an equal number of Wounds to themselves, or use them as a bonus to their next dice

Unlike Stable Ghasts, Mist-ghasts are not properly bound; they are not permanent members of the War-
band, and may not be purchased or added to your Warband Roster. They are only available to be sum-
moned during each game by any character who has the Invocation Spell from the Necromancy list. They
do not count towards the size of your Warband. Any still on the table at the end of the game will be as-
sumed to have simply dissipated, and do not get added to your Roster.
Mist-ghasts do not roll dice; the Stats shown below are the actual rolls they always use. So, whenever they
Attack, their Strike Roll is a 6. And whenever they Block, their Block Roll is a 4, and so on. All Mist-
ghasts have the same Stat line, regardless of their Size. However, they have different Skills.
6 6 4 - 5 - 10 2 8
Small Mist-ghast: Strong (5), Tough (5)
Medium Mist-ghast: Strong (6), Tough (6)
Large Mist-ghast: Strong (7), Tough (7)
Massive Mist-ghast: Strong (8), Tough (8)

(note; Mist-ghasts are not actually incredibly strong and tough; these Skills simply reflect the deadly life-
leeching aura of their touch, and the hard-to-disrupt magics that bind them to this reality.)

Fighting Mist-ghasts
Mist-ghasts will be destroyed automatically as soon as they take a single Wound (but their Tough Skill
will take some getting past!) Spells that cause damage, Magic weapons, and Mangarr’s Mystical Blade all
gain +3 to their Wounds total when used against a Mist-ghast.

Mist-ghasts do not get to make the free strike at an enemy if the enemy moves out of Base Contact.
Necromantic Magic is used to summon and control spirits and ghosts. Necromantic Magic is Presence
based, and Cast Spell Roll-Offs are taking using the Caster’s Presence Statistic.

1. Invocation Target: 0
Unquiet spirits are drawn to the caster, and bound to their will…
The Caster makes their Cast Spell Roll-off. The total Roll is the number of Summoning points available to
summon Mist-ghasts. A Small Mist-ghast costs 3 Summoning points. A Medium Mist-ghast costs 4 Sum-
moning points. A Large Mist-ghast costs 5 Summoning points. A Massive Mist-ghast costs 6 Summoning

All Mist-ghasts summoned must be placed within 3” of the Caster. They are treated as members of the
Warband for the duration of the game, and may start making Actions in the Turn they are Summoned.

2. Leeching Grasp Base Contact

The touch of your claws sucks the very life essence from your foes…
The Caster makes a Strike vs Block Roll-off against their target enemy; if it succeeds, the Caster rolls their
Fortitude dice. The enemy character suffers Wounds equal to the roll, ignoring any Tough provided by
Armour. The Caster restores an equal number of Wounds to themselves.

3. Invigorate Target: 3
A wave of power flows through the spirits you command…
All Mist-ghasts within 6” gain +2 to all their Stats for the rest of the Turn.

Ingredients: Belladonna – the Spell affects all Mist-ghasts on the table.

Brimstone – the Spell gives all Stable Ghasts +2 to any Roll-offs they make this Turn.
4. Gaze of Doom Target: 5 / Needs Line of Sight

Your stare carries pestilence and decay…

This Spell causes d6 Wounds, unmodified by Armour or Skills, upon a single enemy within Line of Sight.
This enemy will suffer a further d6 Wounds at the start of every Turn. This Spells ends if the Line of Sight
between the two characters is broken by Terrain.

5. Vigour of the Living Target: 3 / Needs Line of Sight / Range 18”

The energy of life flows through the skeletal frames of your Ghasts…
One Mist-ghast may be moved up to 12” immediately.

Ingredients: Belladonna – three Mist-ghasts may be moved up to 8” immediately.

Brimstone – the spell may also affect Stable Ghasts.

6. Curse of the Centuries Target: 6 / Needs Line of Sight

Aeons of entropy flow across your foes, dessicating them in moments...

One enemy character suffers d4 Wounds this Turn, not modified by Armour or Skills. At the start of the
next Turn they suffer d6, then in the following Turn d8, then d10, d12 and d20 as the Turns go by. The
Spell ends if the Caster makes another Cast Spell Action, is taken Out of Action, or the target model uses,
or has used upon them, a Healing Potion.
Divine Might is typically used by priests, monks, and witch hunters. Rather than being magic, it is instead
powered by faith in the user’s chosen deity.
It functions just like magic, using the Cast Spell Action, and Roll-offs are negatively affected by the caster
wearing Armour just like any other magic. However, each Spell chosen from this list at Warband creation
costs 10 pennies, rather than the usual 5, but does NOT cause Weak and Delicate Skills.
Divine Might is Fortitude based, and Cast Spell Roll-Offs are taken using the Caster’s Fortitude Statistic.

1. Circle of Protection Target: 2

The Gods’ blessings shine out from you, sweeping away evil...
All friendly characters within 3” of the Caster’s Base may re-roll any Fortitude/Presence Roll-Offs against
Magic and may reduce any Wounds they take from Spells or from Mist-ghasts by 2 for the rest of the Turn.

2. Healing Hands Target: 2

Wounds seal and flesh re-knits, as healing power flows…
Restore d6 lost Wounds, and stop the effects of Poisons on one model in Base Contact, or on the Caster

3. Blessing Target: 3 / Needs Line of Sight / Range 12”

The caster calls upon the gods to bless a friend in need…

The target of the Blessing adds +3 to their next Roll-Off score.

Ingredients: Blessed Water – the target adds +3 to their next Roll-Off score, and may re-roll the dice.

4. Holy Zeal Target: 2 / Needs Line of Sight / Range 12”

Righteous rage floods a warrior, giving them the power of true faith!
The target of this Spell may add 2” to their next Move, OR +2 to their next Strike Roll, OR +2 to their next
Ranged Roll.

5. Smite the Unholy Target: 3 / Needs Line of Sight / Range 18”

Fire from the heavens strikes those who consort with mystical powers…
This Spell causes d8 Wounds upon one Magic User, Stable Ghast or Mist-ghast.

6. Light of our Lord / Lady Target: 2

Divine light infuses you, shining out and blinding your foes...
All characters within 2” of the Caster’s Base are unable to Hide, but any Shoot Actions against them suffer
a -3 penalty, and any Mist-ghasts within the radius reduce their Strong and Tough by 1. Lasts until the
Caster takes a Wound.
N ew
Witch Smeller
This beast has a nose for evil magic… All Hidden Magic Users are visible to this character (but not to the
rest of their Warband!), and any Search Actions they make against Hidden Magic Users automatically suc-

Spell Breaker (must have Resist Magic Skill)

Once per Turn, this character may attempt to stop a Spell that has been successfully cast; make a Fortitude
Roll-off versus the Caster’s Fortitude. If you succeed, the Spell fails.

Spell Eater (must have Spell Breaker Skill)

Once per Turn, this character may attempt to stop a Spell that has been successfully cast; make a Fortitude
Roll-off versus the Caster’s Fortitude. If you succeed, the Spell fails, and you may immediately cast the
Spell yourself; it will succeed automatically, and does not count as your Action for this Turn.

Note: this happens via divine assistance, and so is not heretical in any way, nope, not at all! :)

Witch Slayer
This beast’s hatred of heretics is like a finely honed blade…
This character adds +3 to all Strike Roll-offs made against Magic Users.

Critter Boss
This beast is an expert in training and controlling Stag Beetle Grubs. For every character with this Skill,
you may purchase up to three Stag Beetle Grubs, or up to two Grubs and one Bonded Critter. They must
be paid for, and the Grubs count towards the total number of characters in your Warband. (Bonded
Critters do not). If all characters with the Critter Boss Skill go Out of Action, any Grubs in the Warband
become immediately Berserk.

Critter Master (must have Critter Boss Skill)

A character with this Skill counts as having the ‘Voice of Command’ Skill, but only for Grubs. You may
purchase an additional three Stag Beetle Grubs; they must be paid for, but DO NOT count towards the
total number of characters in your Warband.
N ew
Silk Undershirt 5 pennies, may be Equipped as Armour, Item or Special
Silk garments allow easier removal of missiles from a wounded beast’s body. A character with a Silk Un-
dershirt may reduce any Wounds suffered from Missile weapons by 1.

Caltrops 5 pennies, Item, single use; remove from Roster when used
A character with Caltrops may use them as part of any Action. When used, the character counts as having
the ‘Slippery’ Skill for that Action, and can Move out of Base Contact with enemies without their oppo-
nent getting the usual free strike.

Malleus Malificarum 10 pennies + weapon cost, Witch Hunter Captain only (although it’ll prob-
ably be added to the Rare Items Chart when we update that!)
A Malleus Malificarum weapon counts as a Magic weapon when fighting Mist-ghasts, and has Strong(2)
when used against Stable Ghasts or any Magic User. So a two-handed weapon with the Malleus Malificar-
um upgrade would be Strong(3) normally, and Strong(5) against Stable Ghasts and Magic Users.

Dispel Scroll 10 pennies. May only be used by Magic users. Item.

This Item requires a Cast Spell Action to use; the acting model may automatically end one spell that is cur-
rently in play, or store the power to automatically cause one Spell that is Cast that Turn to fail. After use,
the character makes a Fortitude Roll-off against a Target of 5; if the Roll-off is failed, the Scroll crumbles to
dust, and is removed from the character’s Equipment.
(This one’s also in The Warren Percy Affair – but I thought I’d add it here for completeness!)

Shielding Talisman 6 pennies. Item, single use; remove from Roster when used.
The first enemy Spell which is successfully cast upon a character with a Shielding Talisman is absorbed by
the talisman, and fails. A Shielding Talisman is discarded from the Warband Roster after use.

Mirroring Talisman 10 pennies. Item, single use; remove from Roster when used.
The first enemy Spell which is successfully cast upon a character with a Mirroring Talisman is absorbed by
the talisman, and fails. Roll the character’s Fortitude against a Target of 3; if you succeed, the Spell affects
the Casting character instead! A Shielding Talisman is discarded from the Warband Roster after use.

Rondel dagger 8 pennies. One handed weapon.

A Rondel dagger is short and difficult to wield effectively, and may not be dual wielded or used with two
hands. All Attack Actions made with a Rondel dagger have a -1 Strike penalty, but ignore Tough bonuses
from Armour.

Blind dust 6 pennies. Item, single use; remove from Roster when used.
A handful of Blind dust may be thrown into an enemy’s eyes during an Attack Action; all rolls made by
that enemy for the rest of the Turn have a -3 penalty. Requires a hand to use, so cannot be used in the
same Turn as a two-handed weapon, polearm etc.

Inspiring Object 25 pennies. Item.

Banners, flags, musical instruments, icons, and relics all count as inspiring objects for the warband. Any
character in the Warband with Line of Sight to the model carrying an Inspiring Object may re-roll any
Fortitude dice. A character with an Inspiring Object cannot Hide.
Tangle net 10 pennies. Item. May only be used successfully once per game.
A Tangle net may be thrown over an opponent as part of any Attack Action. Make a Strike Roll-off against
your enemy’s Nimbleness; if successful, your enemy is entangled, and counts as Paralysed for the rest of
the Turn (ie may roll no Block or Nimbleness dice, or Move).
Whether successful or not, you may also make your usual Attack, but with a -2 penalty.

Requires a hand to use, so cannot be used in the same Turn as a two-handed weapon, polearm etc.

Signature Item 3 pennies. Item.

Whether a fancy hat, a flamboyant feather, an impressive pipe or anything else, a signature item allows the
character to re-roll a Presence dice once per game.

Bonded Critter Cost varies. Item.

A Bonded Critter stays attached to the character, and is counted as part of the same model. The cost and
the effect they have depends on the type of Critter. Note; Bonded Critters DO NOT get the Perfect Roll
bonus on any Roll-offs that they make.

Hunting Hornet - 50 pennies. When the character takes any Action, they may also make a Shooting At-
tack (Even if in Base Contact with an enemy) against any model within 12”. This does not need Line of
Sight, but always counts as having Moved, is made with a Ranged Stat of d6, and counts as having Mortal
Centipede - 25 pennies. When the character makes an Attack Action, the centipede will immediately after
make an Attack on the same enemy, with a Strike of d6, counting as having Paralysing Poison.
Cave Spider - 20 pennies. When the character makes an Attack Action, the spider will immediately after
make an Attack on the same enemy, with a Strike of d6, counting as having Pain Poison.
Beetle - 25 pennies. When the character is attacked by an enemy making an Attack Action, the charac-
ter recieves a +1 Block bonus, and the beetle will immediately after make an Attack on the enemy, with a
Strike of d6.

Telescope 10 pennies. Item.

A character with a Telescope counts as having the Bloodhound Skill, so may re-roll the dice during any
Awareness Roll-Offs while Searching for Hidden enemies or spotting Ambushing enemies.

Stag Beetle Grubs

I’m listing these as ‘Equipment’, but really they’re Warband characters; you need the ‘Critter Boss’ Skill to
hire them.
Stag Beetle Grub
d6 d6 d6 – d6 d8 d6 d6 d6

May not use Spells or Weapons. Re-roll any Experience Advances that refer to Ranged Stat or Skills.

Tracker Grub 24 pennies. Character; add to Warband Roster.

Has the Bloodhound Skill, and the Unarmed Fighter Skill.

Attack Grub 28 pennies. Character; add to Warband Roster.

Has either the Witch Slayer Skill OR the Strong (1) Skill, and the Unarmed Fighter Skill.

Damping Grub 25 pennies. Character; add to Warband Roster.

Has the Resist Magic Skill, and the Unarmed Fighter Skill.

As well as Burrows & Badgers, I’m always fiddling with loads of different game ideas. I’ve got a medieval
skirmish game in progress, a couple of RPGs, some sci-fi / robot stuff, and a steampunk naval game.

What with all the day to day jobs though, I don’t actually get time to work on them! Which means there’s
a lot of notes and rules and stuff that have just been sitting around, doing nothing for years... so for a
bit of fun, I took one part (the gunnery deck rules from ‘Warfleets of Tethys’) and poked it a bit until it
turned into a fun little ‘push-your-luck’ dice game.

It’s just a basic ‘two players roll some d6s’ game, but it can be a good ice-breaker on game nights. The
rules are simple, but if there’s anything you don’t understand, let me know and I’ll clarify it...

Turn sequence: Players take it in turns to roll 6 dice, representing shooting a broadside at the enemy ship!
Each ship has three layers of Armour, and two layers of Critical Systems. To destroy the first level of armour
requires a triple score matching the armour’s number (so, three 1s to destroy the first ‘1’ box). Once the first
level is destroyed, it takes a double. The last layer of armour is destroyed with a single hit.
Once all three layers of Armour have been destroyed on a particular number, the next two hits on that num-
ber will cause Critical Damage!
When shooting a broadside, you can re-roll as many of the six dice as you like, as often as you like. But for
each re-roll you use, you must place a dice in your Reactor box. So if you were to re-roll four of the dice,
then re-roll three of them again, you’d need to put seven other dice into your Reactor box. Once you are
happy with the scores you have rolled on your 6 broadside dice, apply the damage to the enemy ship.
Both players do this.
Repairs. Instead of Shooting with all six of your 6 Broadside dice, you may use any or all of them instead as
Repair dice; use the same process as shooting, but instead of damaging the enemy ship, matching numbers
repair your ship. This only applies to Critically Damaged Systems, and will not repair Armour! This reduces
your shooting power, but might stop you sinking...
At the end of each Turn, both players roll their Reactor dice, and suffer damage exactly as if the other player
was shooting at them! So the more overloaded your Reactor, the riskier it is... After rolling the Reactor dice
and determining damage, discard them.
Finally, after rolling Reactor dice and applying any damage, both players check to see if their ship sinks! Both
players roll a dice, and add 1 for each Critical Systems hit their ship has suffered. On a total of 7 or more, the
ship sinks, and the player loses. If both ships survive, start a new turn.
Cool stuftfh
from e

I’m often looking around the internet for cool and interesting gaming stuff... and one very impressive
scenery build caught my eye this week!

It’s still a work-in-progress, but already looks amazing. It’s the work of the highly skilled and thoroughly
nice Tim Eagling, whose hobby output I’ve been enjoying for many years... (He was the man responsible
for ‘40K in 40 Minutes’ / ‘Combat Patrol’, back in Warhammer 40000 3rd edition days, if you remember
that. I spent way too many lunch breaks with my Crimson Fists patrol playing that!)

You can find Tim’s excellent terrain builds on Facebook at

The best place to follow his builds is his Youtube channel; there’s a lot of cool Burrows & Badgers stuff
there, and some excellent Necromunda work too! It’s well worth checking out, and while you’re there, hit
the ‘Subscribe’ button to make sure you don’t miss anything. Loads of great tips and tricks for building
beautiful terrain!

Hopefully this link works, but if not, just search ‘Magrathea buider worlds’ on Youtube.

Northymbra’s a wild place, with all kinds of odd stuff happening. Usually, all that odd stuff just happens in
the background, and isn’t really relevant to the game. But it can be fun to let it into your games from time
to time… if you fancy adding a bit of random stuff to your game, just use the chart below!

At the start of each Turn, one player should roll a d20 on the Random Events Chart; the result rolled will
take place during that game Turn.

Roll a d20:

1. All is normal... Nothing weird happens this Turn.

2. Gusty Winds
All Shooting is limited to 12” Range or less, and is subject to a -2 modifier. Characters using Flight must
roll a d12, rather than moving 12”, as if in Difficult Terrain. A roll of 1 results in the character suffering d6
Wounds, not reduced by Armour.

3. Drifting Fog
Visibility is very limited. Each time a model needs to use Line of Sight, or charges an enemy, roll their
Awareness and add 6; this is the distance in inches they can see at that time. All Concealment Rolls gain a
+3 modifier.

4. Collapsing Terrain
Any model that starts or ends an Action within 3 inches of a Terrain Piece risks being hit by fallen debris;
make a Nimbleness Roll-off against a Target of 5. If they fail, they suffer d6+1 Wounds. Armour and Skills
will alter this as normal.

5. Swarms
Hornets are nesting in this area. Every time a character takes an Action, they must also make an Aware-
ness Roll-off against a target of 2. There is a -1 modifier to this if the Action involves a Move of any
distance, and a -3 modifier if the Action is a Sprint. If the Roll-off is failed, the character gets swarmed by
angry hornets; they suffer d6 Wounds (not reduced by Armour or Skills), and their rolls are subject to a
-2 modifier until the end of the Turn.

6. Boggy Ground
The ground is slippery and treacherous; all Movement is counted a Difficult, even for Wildbeasts. All
Nimbleness Rolls are subject to a -2 modifier.

7. Tremors
The earth rumbles and shifts; all Movement is counted as Difficult, even for Wildbeasts. All Roll-offs are
subject to a -2 modifier. Any roll of 1 (before modifiers) causes the character to stumble and fall, suffering
2 Wounds, not reduced by Armour or Skills.
8. Gremlins
There’s something wrong with the mechanism… all Black Powder weapons become Very Temperamental
and misfire on rolls of 1 to 3, rather than just rolls of 1.

9. Lucky Find
Any character that rolls a 1 this Turn makes a lucky find; a dropped piece of treasure. After the game, you
may sell it for 3d6 pennies.

10. Sudden Downpour

Bows and crossbows are limited to 15” Range, and are subject to a -1 modifier. Black powder weapons
become More Temperamental and misfire on a Roll of 1 or 2 before modifiers.

11. Restless Ghost

An unquiet spirit appears in the centre of the table; any character that starts or ends an Action within 8
inches of the ghost must make a Fortitude Roll-of against a target of 4. If the Roll-off is failed, the charac-
ter must immediately move 8” towards their table edge, in as straight a line as possible. Fearsome/Fearless
models still need to make this Roll-off.

12. Fire
The largest Terrain piece has been smouldering for some time, after a lightning strike… and now it bursts
into flames! Any model in Base Contact takes 2d6 Wounds, not reduced by Armour. Any model that
starts or ends an Action within 3 inches of the Terrain piece suffers 1d6 Wounds, not reduced by Armour.

13. Carnivorous plants

Some of the local vegetation has absorbed magic, and developed a taste for blood… any time a character
suffers a Wound, the plants will go wild and attack! The Wounded player must make a Nimbleness Roll
against a Target of 4. If they fail, the plants cause d6 Wounds, not reduced by Armour or Skills.

14. Possession
Unquiet spirits and demonic entities float randomly across the battlefield; any character that rolls a 1 be-
comes possessed! The model must make an immediate Attack Action, but controlled by your opponent!
Once the Action is completed, the character shakes off the possessing entity.

15. Sinkhole
Any time a character rolls a 1, the ground gives way and they fall into a hole. For the rest of the game,
they count as Hidden, but may not Ambush. Before they make any Action, they must try to climb out of
the hole first, by making a Nimbleness Roll-off against a Target of 3. If they pass, they escape the hole, and
may carry out their Action. If they fail, they remain in the hole, and may not Act. If they roll a 1 on the
Nimbleness Roll-off, they fall even further and go Out-of-Action.

16. Old tunnels

Any time a character rolls a 1, the ground gives way and they fall into an abandoned burrow. The charac-
ter suffers d6 Wounds, not reduced by Armour.
Others have fallen before, and after a quick search of their remains, you find something interesting… roll
on the Rare Items chart.
If the character has a Rope & Hook, or the Leap Skill, they may return to the table at the start of the next
Turn. Otherwise, they count as being Out of Action, but do not have to roll for Permanent Injuries after
the game.
17. Magical Storm
The air is filled with the greasy feel of static electricity, as an excess of magical energy surges across the
countryside… every time a Cast Spell Action is declared this Turn, first roll a d6 on the following chart:
1 Null zone; the character is standing in a weak magical area, and the spell’s Range is reduced to 8” maxi-
mum, and there is a -2 penalty to the Roll.
2 Raw power; if the Spell is cast successfully, and bonuses or Wounds caused / healed are increased by d6.
If the Spell is failed, the mage suffers d4 Wounds, not affected by Tough / Delicate modifiers.
3 Channelled power; the character may add a bonus to their Casting Roll of any amount they choose, but
must suffer Wounds equal to that bonus, not affected by Tough / Delicate modifiers.
4 Random weirdness; the character is filled with magical knowledge, and may pick any of the spells from
their Magic type to cast this Turn.
5 Overpowered random weirdness; the character is filled with magical knowledge and power, and may
pick any of the spells from their Magic type to cast this Turn, and receive a +3 bonus to the Casting Roll.
6 Total power! The character is flooded with magical knowledge and power, and may pick any Spell from
any Magic type to cast this Turn, and receive a +7 bonus to the Casting Roll. The magic overwhelms the
mage, and they count as Paralysed for the rest of the Turn, so all attacks made on them are counted as
Ambush attacks (i.e. they may not roll to use Block or Nimbleness).

18. Coventina’s Mirror

Any time a character rolls a 1, they notice a pool of water on the ground… roll a d6:
1 – the reflections in the water are horrifying, showing the character their own death. For the rest of the
game, the character views all enemies as Fearsome.
2 – the reflections show a glimpse of the future. The character may re-roll any one dice roll this Turn.
3- inspiring images fill the pool, and the character is inspired to greatness; their next Roll-off gains a +7
4 – the pool shows a true vision of the battlefield, and nothing is unseen. No enemy can Hide this Turn.
Any Hidden enemies are immediately revealed.
5 – the blessing of Coventina. The next time this character suffers any Wounds, they ignore them.
6 – insanity unbound! The character is driven temporarily mad by the visions, and become immediately
Berserk for the rest of the game.

19. A Tear in the Veil

The boundaries between worlds are weakened; fearful noises drift through. All characters have a -1 modi-
fier to Roll-offs. Magic users suffer the most; they have a -3 modifier to Roll-offs.

20. Too much confusion...

Roll on this chart again – twice! Apply both results.
Competition Time!
Late last year, we ordered a pile of Burrows & Badgers rulebooks from our publisher. And
they sent one book...
When we asked where the rest of the books were, it turned out they were waiting for new
books to come in from the printers. And the book they had sent us was the very last one
from the first 4000-copy print run. Which makes it a bit special, I reckon!
I’m going to put some notes and stuff in it, fixing the errors and stuff with my trusty black
Bic... I may even do the odd doodle or two in the margins!

So if you want to be in with a chance of winning yourself this book,

just send an email to:

with the subject Last Book and your name, and you’ll be
entered into the draw!

Competition closes May the 1st 2021.

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