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Weight by Lakambini Sitoy:

A written Report
Buteng, Mary Suzzayne Fabros

Grade 11 STEM

Febuary 4, 2021
Lakambini Sitoy

Who is Lakambini A. Sitoy?

Lakambini A. Sitoy is an author, journalist and teacher that hails from

the Philippines.She graduated from Silliman University with a degree in
Biology and was born in the Philippines in 1969. She holds an MA in English
Studies and Cultural Encounters from the Department of Culture and Identity
at Roskilde University in Denmark.

Sitoy worked as a journalist and section editor for the Manila Times, as
well as a lifestyle and cultural section editor for several newspapers. In the
Philippines, she has also won nine Don Carlos Palanca Memorial Awards
(1995, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2005, 2007]) as well as a Philippines Free
Press Award (1994). She currently teaches English at Studieskolen in
Copenhagen, Denmark.

Albin Michel translated her novel Sweet Haven into French as "Les
filles de Sweethaven" in October 2011, the New York Review of Books
published it in English in 2014, and Anvil Publishing Inc. released it in 2015. In
2003, she was awarded the University of East Anglia's David T.K. Wong
fellowship in Norwich, England.

In Manila, Sitoy has published two collections of short tales and a

novel, Sweet Haven. Anvil published Mens Rea and Other Stories in 1999,
and the same year, it won the Manila Critics' Circle National Book Award. In
2006, the University of the Philippines Press published Jungle Planet, which
was shortlisted for the Manila Critics' Circle National Book Award that year. In
2008, Sitoy was one of 21 finalists for the Man Asian Literary Prize's long list.
Sweet Haven was her first novel.

Philippines Free Press, Philippine Graphic, and Story Philippines are

among the magazines where she has published short tales. In the Philippines,
they've been published in anthologies including Likhaan Anthology of Poetry
and Fiction (published by the University of the Philippines Press) and The
Best Philippine Stories, edited by Isagani Cruz and published by Tahanan
Books in 2000. Other stories have appeared in Manoa, the University of
Hawaii's literary journal; Wake, an anthology of Southeast Asian stories,
essays, and poems published in the United Kingdom to benefit tsunami
victims in 2004; and Ansigter, an anthology of Southeast Asian short stories
published by Forlaget Hjulet in Copenhagen in 2008.
The National Writers' Workshop in Dumaguete and the University of
the Philippines National Writers Workshop both awarded Sitoy writing grants
in 1990. In addition, she has been awarded nine Don Carlos Palanca
Memorial Awards and a Philippines Free Press Award in 1994. She lives in
Denmark at the moment.
Summary of the literature

There's Ami, a healthy, "horizontally challenged" lady who works for a

non-profit organization that promotes women's rights, as well as Jayme, her
supposedly co-worker. The girl was a little unsure of herself, but she never let
it get to her. Perhaps her love of food outweighed her sense of uneasiness. In
addition, she was coping with a variety of issues, including a lack of love,
deadlines, unhealthy friendships. When things grew too much for her to
handle, she resorted to eating, which she enjoyed immensely, for comfort and
pleasure.She was frequently criticized for her proclivity for overindulging in
food. In the form of fresh air, his male officemate came to her. His kindness to
her was clearly contagious! He would tease her in a cute way, and he made
her feel as if she wasn't as heavy as he thought she was, but that she was
fine with it. The male character in the story was a nice, artistic individual who
went with the flow. He was really considerate to her. Even though he didn't
have a strong attraction to her, he adored her and was aware of her
vulnerability. He was a bit of a male role model to her. She was more
enamored of him as a result.

This is really adorable. What I admire about it is how the man made her
feel better. As if all her problems vanished into thin air, as if all the weight on
her shoulders vanished and she felt dazzlingly light.

Elements of the Short Story

Exposition The story opens to Amy coping up
with her problems by means eating
food because it gives and makes her
feel comfort and pleasure.
Rising Action The rising action in the story was
when Amy's coworkers began to
criticize or berated her for her eating
habits and it was at this point when
Jayme began to appear in the
Climax The short story reached its peak
when Jayme began to console Ami.
His kindness to her was clearly
overwhelming.  He teased her in a
sweet way, made her feel valued, and
even looked after her. Ami  couldn't
help but develop love feelings for
Jayme as a result of his actions
towards her.
Falling Action When Jayme didn't have feelings for
Ami, the story started going downhill.
He didn't have affections for her, but
he admired her and recognized her
Resolution Ami then went to Baguio City to do
something, and Jayme drove right
there and followed Ami, touching Ami
on the cheek.

1. Amy- A lady who is "horizontally challenged" and works for a women's

rights NGO. She was insecure as well, and she adored food.

2. Jayme- He was a laid-back, artsy kind who went with the flow.

3. Co-workers- A group of people who are constantly intruding into other

people's personal lives. A person's mental state is judged solely on the basis
of their physical appearance.


The conflict in the story is man vs himself. I can say that this is the
conflict in the story because Amy and Jayme we're both unsure of what
they're really feeling for each other. They're both contemplating  and
questioning their selves whether they like each other and be more than
friends only or don't like each other and be friends only.


The theme of the short story is love. Where as you can see from the
summary of the story that Amy fell in love to Jayme because of his actions
towards her. The theme love in the story does not only pertain to love for
another people but also love for yourself.

Culture/s evident from thr country where the story originated

In the story, it was mentioned that the coping mechanism of Amy to her
stress is eating a lot. Because of this, her weight and size up making her fat or
chubby. Because she is fat many people starts criticizing her. They only
focuses on her physical appearance and judge her with out even knowing her
completely. This happening can be seen not only in the Philippines but all
over the world.

The description of Quezon City was another outstanding aspect of the

story. The description of Quezon Memorial Circle, as well as the angels atop
the memorial, were particularly appealing to me. Even though I had never
visited several of the locations featured in the narrative, the details made me
feel as if I was there, bringing them to life in my imagination.
Literary Devices

1. Since then, she had gone again and again to the fridge, leaving her
computer, to spirit.

Life Lesson/s

Knowing what you genuinely want is a lesson that may be taught from
this story. We can have a difficult time defining or pursuing goals that will
make us happy or enhance our lives if we don't know what we want. That is
why it is critical to determine what you actually want so that you may begin
living a life that matches your needs, values, and objectives.

Another thing you can learn  from this short story is the importance of
making wise decisions. Making smart decisions can assist us in being happier
persons and hence better at human relations. We can look realistically at all
possible solutions from a cognitive level when we understand how we feel
about a given decision we have to make, which assists us to make better

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