Department of Education: NAME: Maria Bettina L. Dizon - Score: - GRADE & SECTION: 12-Diplomacy Teacher: Ms. Morial

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
N a t i o n a l C a pi t a l Re g i o n
Sc h o o l s D i v i s i o n O f f i c e o f La s Pi ñ a s C i t y

NAME: Maria Bettina L. Dizon_ _ Score: _

GRADE & SECTION: 12- Diplomacy Teacher: Ms. Morial
Learning Activity Worksheet Second
Week 1
• Demonstrate understanding of the 4 Ms of operations TLE_ICTAN11/12EM- Ia-2
The learner shall be able to understand on how to demonstrate understanding of
the 4M’s of operations in relation to;
• develop a product description
• create a prototype of the product
• test the product prototype
• validate the service description of the product
JUMBLED LETTERS Directions: Rearrange the letters to form the word or phrases
that best define by the clues given below. Write your answers in a separate sheet of paper.

1. Entrepreneur form groups and the participants will provide relevant insights about the new
product or service. FOCUS GROUP DISCUSSION
2. Entrepreneur conducts this test to ensure that the product is safe to use, safe to be consumed
(food and beverages) and safe to be applied (cosmetics products). SAFETY TEST
3. It is a preliminary model or sample of a new product or service that is created to test a product
concept or service process. PROTOTYPE
4. Prior to launching, the entrepreneur conducts test to ensure that the product or service
complies with all relevant laws. LEGALITY AND ETHICAL TEST
5. To organize something to make profit. COMMERCIALIZING
6. A company conducts study before launching a business. FEASIBILITY
7. It is the process of developing, testing and commercializing product or service. PRODUCT
8. The entrepreneur examines every stage of the manufacturing process to evaluate and
finalize the costs involved. PRODUCT COSTING TEST
9. Each component of the product or service is tested independently to identify component
failures for goods or service failures for services. COMPONENT TEST
10. The entrepreneur must test a similar line of products or the competitors’ product or
service itself and get the best practices to be applied to the new product or service.


Directions: Fill in the blanks the correct answer. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.

SAFETY TEST 1. It’s a type of test to ensure that the product is safe to use, safe to be
consumed and safe to be applied.
PROTOTYPE 2. Preliminary model or sample of a new product or service that is created to test a
product concept or service process.
LEGALITY AND ETHICAL TEST 3. A test to ensure that the product or service complies with all relevant
TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT 4. Designing and developing manufacturing
techniques and automating processes.
PROCUREMENT 5. Acquisition of inputs, or resources for the firm.

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