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BSMA-3 SC 1187 TIME 7:00 – 8:30

1. What are moral standards, and how do they differ from other rules?
There are a lot of reasons and meanings about moral standards especially on
things which we do if it’s morally good and morally bad. It also tells us about how
to conduct our synonymous actions and the things we do if it’s a right way or bad
way to do to others. It refers to the norms which we have about the types of
actions that we do and believe is to be morally acceptable and morally
unacceptable. For me, moral standards tell me about the moral values and
principles that I could achieve if it’s in a morally good and bad way to do but it
gives us meaning and more understanding of the things we create in life. Moral
standards can differ from other rules by how we can handle ourselves and the
things we do in life. It can be different from each other because rules only point
out the things which people do according to law or in the beliefs of people which
tells you if the rule is right or wrong, in the other hand moral standards tells us
about how people can do it based on their behavior and interactions to human
beings if it is in a good way or bad way. Most of all moral standards give me a
reason for working things which can lead to being good or bad.

2. What is a moral dilemma? Give an example.

For me, a moral dilemma is a situation where the choice of one make sure
causes moral harm, which cannot be uneasy to be repaired. It can have an
argument of our philosophical points in life, which can also make you reveal
certain priorities in life. My example is based on my real-life situation it’s like a
family matter but I end it by doing my own decision; here it is now going to be. It’s
not likely the word choice I would have but it’s the word decision I refer to. My
two options are like this having the decision to stay with my dad but in my
thought, I prefer to stay with my mom. In this situation, I have learned something
in myself like if it is morally good or bad. In making my decision I first focus on
myself and think which is the best for me, in the end, I was able to make the
good decision which is I stay on my dad side because in his family they are the
ones that support me especially in my education and just having some days
which there is no class that I could go in my mom’s place and visit her. Yes, my
parents are separated but I was able to make a decision that can be morally
good or bad.

3. Why is freedom crucial in our ability to make moral decisions?

When talking about human freedom there has a lot of things but when
talking about human freedom and moral decisions this relationship between them
is a crucial one because in life sometimes we are not free in doing the things
about our moral decisions it can give us problems and having some worries to
each other. Yes, we all know that without freedom there is no choice and with no
choice, it is impossible for an action to be right or wrong, moral or immoral, which
deals that every action we do is predetermined in doing it. Sometimes having
freedom makes us have crucial moments especially in doing moral decisions
because we all know that not every decision we make we are free or not but we
should need to think first if our moral decision has a good or bad act to show to
the people around has so that we should not have a crucial moment in life. Most
of all we should learn how to handle our freedom to have not crucial moments
based on our moral decisions in life.

4. What is the advantage of owning moral standards over merely abiding by

moral standards?
The advantage of owning moral standards over merely abiding by moral
standards gives us a sense of responsibility to humanity. It also gives us a sense
of different moral values we could show to the people around us. For me, it gives
me a reason to be kind to the people around me like doing moral standards,
having the courage to tell others what you want for humanity, and having
compassion to be a good human being especially building one’s character with
courage and strength. It also makes me have good integrity to show people what
is going on in my mind. Most of being a good human being and having a good
moral standard can lead us in making better and rightful decisions over which is
wrong and genuine to people.

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