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Appreciated the talk, thanks for scheduling with me. You’re a good dude man. I appreciate how complimenting
and sincere you've been. I have bad days just like everyone else so it's something I don't take for granted. It's
much appreciated.

The reason I do this process is because I want to set expectations with potential clients and let them know what
to expect if they work with me. I've found this way I can be way more involved, build deeper relationships, and
make lasting changes. If I'm not changing people's lives for the better then I'm wasting my time.

My take away from our talk is you just need someone who actually just teaches you what to do and find
something sustainable for your lifestyle. If we were to work together I’d make sure I’m the last person you pay
for any fitness help. I get tired of how this industry operates and takes advantage of people. You just need to be
TAUGHT so you can stop wasting so much time and guessing.

My goal is to only take on clients who are EXTREMELY motivated to change and get to their goal. If you're only
kinda interested then we wouldn't work well together because that's not how i'm wired. I do the best with people
who are sick and tired of the same old, are action takers, and are willing to do what it takes to achieve their
goal. I've left some questions below for you to answer. Just be honest as you can. Based on your responses I'll
then schedule another call if I feel we'd be a good fit. If not I'll kindly let you know and give you advice on how
to proceed or send you to someone else.

If that works for you, answer these questions below....



Body fat: (type in google body fat for men. Pick the picture that most closely resembles yourself. Or send a
picture to me)

Foods you can eat everyday:

Foods you hate:

Do you enjoy cardio? Yes or no?

How many days a week do you want or are willing to work out:
Current training schedule and what you do:

How much time do you have to work out each day?

What changes do you want to see to feel like the program has been successful. BE SPECIFIC:

My programs are about teaching, not just ordering you around. I tell clients It's a one time investment. I'm not
the cheapest, but I solve your issue forever. After the program you should never need another coach or
program again because I'll teach you every last trick in the book pertaining to diet and exercise. With that said,
are you willing to invest financially and mentally to reach your goals?

On a scale of 1-10...1 being I'm satisfied where I am and 10 being ill do anything to reach my goal. What
number are you? (This answer is very important, wink wink)

What would you expect from me as your coach if we decide to work together?

Answer as honest as you can!

Also so you are empowered to sign up with me if we decide it's the best fit for you, I accept regular debit/credit
cards, PayPal/PayPal Credit


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