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Lecture # 08 By: Engr.

Imtiaz Hussain Kalwar

Lecture # 8
♦ Introduction to Laplace transform
9 Introduction
9 Advantages
9 Definition
9 Examples
♦ Basic theorems and properties

Lecture # 08 By: Engr.Imtiaz Hussain Kalwar

Introduction to Laplace transform

Introduction: - The Laplace transform method is an operational method that can

be used advantageously for solving linear differential equations. By use of
Laplace transform one can convert many common functions, damped sinusoidal
functions and exponential functions into algebraic functions of a complex
variable. Operations such as differentiation and integration can be replaced by
algebraic operations in complex plane. Thus a linear differential equation can be
transformed into an algebraic equation in a complex variable S.

Advantages: -

1. An advantage of the Laplace transform method is that it allows the use of

graphical techniques for predicting the system performance without actually
solving system differential equations.
2. Another advantage of the Laplace transform method is that when one solves
the differential equation both the transient component and the steady state of
the solution can be obtained simultaneously.

Definition: - To construct the laplace transform for a given function of time f(t),
we first multiply f(t) by e-st, where S is a complex number (S = σ + jω). This
product is integrated with respect to time from zero to infinity. The result is the
laplace transform of f(t), which is designated as F(S). Mathematically it is defined

L [f(t)] = F(S) = ∫ f(t) e-st dt

Example#1: - Find the Laplace transform of the function given below:

f(t) = 1 ,t > 0
Solution: - ∞
L [f(t)] = F(S) = ∫ f(t) e-st dt

L [1] = F(S) =∫ 1 e-st dt

L [1] = F(S) = ∫ e-st dt

L [1] = F(S) = e-st /-s│

L [1] = F(S) = -1/s[e-s∞ - e-s 0]

L [1] = F(S) = -1/s[e-∞ - e- 0]
L [1] = F(S) = -1/s[1/e∞ - e 0]

Lecture # 08 By: Engr.Imtiaz Hussain Kalwar

L [1] = F(S) = -1/s[1/∞ - 1]

L [1] = F(S) = -1/s[0 - 1]
L [1] = F(S) = -1/s[-1]
L [1] = F(S) = 1/s

Self practice#1: - Find the Laplace transform of the following functions:

(1) f(t) = 3 ,t>0

(2) f(t) = 4a ,t>0
(3) f(t) = A ,t>0

Example#2: - Find the Laplace transform of the following function

f(t) = e-at , t > 0

Solution: - ∞
L [f(t)] = F(S) = ∫ f(t) e-st dt

L [e-at] = F(S) = ∫ e-at e-st dt

L [e-at] = F(S) = ∫ e-at -st dt

L [e-at] = F(S) = ∫ e-t (a +s) dt

L [e-at] = F(S) = -1/(s + a) │e-t (a +s) │0
L [e-at] = F(S) = -1/(s + a) │e-∞ (a +s) - e-0 (a +s) │

L [e-at] = F(S) = -1/(s + a) │0 - 1│

L [e-at] = F(S) = 1/(s + a)

Self practice#2: - Find the Laplace transform of the following piece wise define

f(t) = 0 ,t < 0
= eAt ,t > 0

Basic theorems and properties

Lecture # 08 By: Engr.Imtiaz Hussain Kalwar

Theorem#1: - Multiplication by a constant

Let k be a constant and F(S) be the laplace transform of f(t). Then

L [k f(t)] = k F(S)

Theorem#2: - Sum and Difference

Let F1(S) and F2(S) be the laplace transform of f1(t) and f2(t) respectively. Then

L [f1(t) ± f2(t)] = F1(S) ± F2(S)

Theoerem#3: - Differentiation

Let F(S) be the laplace transform of the f(t), and let f(0) be the limit of the function
f(t) as t approaches 0. The laplace transform of the time derivative of f(t) is

L [d f(t)/dt] = s F(S) – lim

f(t) = s F(S) – f(0)

Theorem#4: - Integration

The laplace transform of the integral of f(t) with respect to time is the laplace
transform of the f(t) divided by s.

L [∫ f(t) dt] = F(S)/s

Theorem#5: - Shift in time

The laplace transform of f(t) delayed by time T is equal to the laplace transform
of f(t) multiplied by e-sT.

L [f(t-T)] = e-sT F(S)

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