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Resources Required:

1) A 16 GB VPS.
2) Rotating Backconnect Proxies
3) CTR Booster

Setting Up CTRBooster:
1) Login to VPS.
2) Download CTRBooster. Extract.
3) Download ChromeDriver and paste it into CTRBooster
4) Login to Panel. Go To settings for Proxies. Under
Special settings select Geo. Check YES on the option labeled
“Allow Proxies To Use Google Services”.
5) Go To Assigned Ports tab and copy IPs.
6) Open CTR Booster, validate license. Under Settings Tab, go to
proxies and paste the IPs. Tick on the “Use Proxy” and “
Randomize Proxy” checkboxes. Click Update.
Creating A Project:
1) Click On Add Project. A new window will pop up. Add Project
Name. Tick on “Map Search” checkbox for GMBs. Add Target
Name(Exact name for GMB)
2) Tick on GMB Post Interaction Checkbox.
3) Tick on Use Custom Geolocation checkbox, then click the blue
highlighted Use Custom Geolocation hyperlink.
4) Tick the Use Randomized Location Checkbox. Add Miles radius
and points, then click Generate. (Please refer to Strategies Part
To Understand). Generate multiple points by using coordinates of
GMB Location, then remove original coordinates of GMB. Click
5) Add Keywords in top right textbox. 1 Keyword per line.
6) Use “Mix Search” option to divide the traffic into desktop and
mobile searches. Add % of mobile traffic visits.
7) Add Target URL. The Map URL of your GMB.
8) Edit Project Start and End Time If You want to schedule traffic
9) Edit Delay b/w Actions and add 10 seconds to 20 seconds
10) Save Project. Tick the project you want to run from the
checkboxes on the left side of CTRBooster window. Click Start to
execute CTR Process for a specific or multiple projects.
11) In case of Scheduling, Select the projects to be scheduled.
Then tick the Schedule Run checkbox and click on Start.
12) If you want the bot to first visit a local website in the area, go
to Settings tab in CTRBooster, then click on Referrers and paste
the websites without HTTPS.


Strategy 1: Standard Geo-Location Setting:

1) Use Custom Geo-Location and get coordinates of your business.
2) Choose radius in miles or randomized geolocations.

Strategy 2: Improved Version Settings:

1) Get Coordinates.
2) Don’t use a fixed radius. We want multiple geolocations that are
adjusted per mile radius. Multiply radius by 10 and generate that
many geolocations/randomized locations.

Strategy 3: Expanding Ring Strategy (Recommended For

Competitive Niche And Areas):
1) Take 1 mile radius and generate 50-100 random geolocations.
When that radius gets from red to orange (LocalViking Grid),
widen the radius. 1 mile radius will have 20-30 random points
and 2 mile radius will have 50-100 random geo locations. Repeat
the process after seeing improvements. Example: Another
increase in radius 3 miles. The outer radius gets more
geolocations, the inner 2 miles radius and 1 mile radius get
20-30 geo locations.
2) When moving in to a bigger radius, if you start losing rankings in
inner 1 mile and 2 mile radius, gradually increase geo locations
in those rings.
3) Improve each radius ring and expand green points on ranking

Strategy 4: Geogrid Strategy

1) If you want rank in a certain area points on a geogrid. Get

geolocation points covering that area and generate 20-30
random geolocations within 1 mile of those geogrid points.

Finding How Much Traffic To Send:

Find Total Monthly Searches For A Keyword using UberSuggest.

Check How Much Traffic Is From Desktop And Mobile. Find %.
Use GMB Insights To Check the % of Branded Traffic, Direct Traffic,
and Keywords Traffic. Maintaining a natural CTR Ratio is important.

30 Branded Keyword Searches Per Month = 1 Branded Keyword Visit
per day
30 direct GMB Visits Per Month = 1 Visit per day
540 Natural Discovery Visits Per Month = 18 Max Visits per day
Slowly Increase Traffic Sent Per Week.
If you suddenly send a lot of traffic. Google will detect it.

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