Tim Dosen Bahasa Inggris Akademik 2018

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Name: TodoYobel Hutahaean

NIM : 200906071

Tanda Koma


1. Pilihlah penggunaan koma yang benar pada kalimat berikut:

a. I plan to quit smoking, thereforeI threw away my cigarettes
b. I plan to quit smoking therefore I, threw away my cigarettes
c. I plan to quit smoking therefore, I threw away my cigarettes
d. I plan to quit smoking therefore I threw away, my cigarettes
(Answer: C)

2. Pilihlah penggunaan koma yang benar pada kalimat berikut

a. The people will harvest the plant, if the rain does not come.
b. If the rain does not come, the people will harvest the plant
c. The people will harvest the plant if, the rain does not come.
d. If the rain does not come the people, will harvest the plant
(Answer: B)

3. Pilihlah penggunaan koma yang benar pada kalimat berikut

a. Having living for sixteen years in this city, I find it difficult to live in other one
b. Having living for sixteen years in this city, I find it difficult to live in other one
c. Having living for sixteen years in this city, I find it difficult to live in other one
d. Having living for sixteen years in this city, I find it difficult to live in other one
(Answer: ABCD)

4. Pilihlah penggunaan koma yang benar pada kalimat berikut

a. Because, I have many work at the office I can’t leave for the party
b. I can’t leave for the party because, I have many work at the office
c. I can’t leave for the party, because I have many work at the office
d. Because I have many work at the office, I can’t leave for the party
(Answer: D)
5. Pilihlah penggunaan koma yang benar pada kalimat berikut
a. Living in other area is difficult, if you don’t have a right attitude
b. if you don’t have a right attitude, living in other area is difficult
c. Living in other area, is difficult if you don’t have a right attitude
d. if you don’t have a right attitude living in other area, is difficult
(Answer: B)

Tim Dosen Bahasa Inggris Akademik 2018
Tanda Titik Koma

1. Pilihlah penggunaan titik koma yang benar pada kalimat berikut

a. Computer use is increasing; computer crime is, too.
b. Computer use is increasing, computer crime is; too.
c. Computer use is increasing; computer crime is; too.
d. Computer use is increasing ;computer crime is too.
(Answer: D)

2. Pilihlah penggunaan titik koma yang benar pada kalimat berikut

a. The professor attend the symposium ; the professor presents his research
b. The professor; attend the symposium ; the professor presents his research
c. The professor attend the symposium ; the professor; presents his research
d. The professor attend the symposium ; the professor presents; his research
(Answer: A)

3. Pilihlah penggunaan titik koma yang benar pada kalimat berikut

a. Many companies make sugar-free; soft drinks; which are flavored by synthetic
chemicals the drinks usually contain only one or two calories per serving.
b. Many companies make sugar-free soft drinks; which are flavored by synthetic
chemicals the drinks usually contain only one or two calories per serving.
c. Many companies make sugar-free soft drinks, which are flavored by synthetic
chemicals; the drinks usually contain only one or two calories per serving.
d. Many companies make sugar-free ;soft drinks, which are flavored by synthetic
chemicals the drinks usually contain only one or two calories per serving.
( Answer: C)

4. Pilihlah penggunaan titik koma yang benar pada kalimat berikut

a. The artist; preferred to paint in oils; he did not like watercolors
b. The artist preferred to paint in oils he did not like ;watercolors.
c. The artist preferred to paint in oils; he did not like watercolors.
d. The artist preferred; to paint in oils he did not like watercolors.
(Answer: C)

Tanda Titik Dua


1. Pilihlah penggunaan titik dua yang benar pada kalimat berikut

a. He offered some free services: there were many people who couldn't pay. 
b. He offered some free services: there were many people: who couldn't pay. 
c. He offered some free :services: there were many people who couldn't pay. 
d. He offered some free services: there were many people: who couldn't pay. 
(Answer: D)

Tim Dosen Bahasa Inggris Akademik 2018
2. Pilihlah penggunaan titik dua yang benar pada kalimat berikut
a. He opened: two more clinics: one north of the city: and another in the poorest
section of the city.
b. He opened two more clinics: one north of the city and another :in the poorest
section of the city.
c. He opened two more clinics: one north of the city and another in the poorest
section of the city.
d. He opened two more clinics: one north of the city :and another in the poorest
section of the city.
( Answer: C)

3. Pilihlah penggunaan titik dua yang benar pada kalimat berikut

a. This is what I told him: "Buy yourself a bicycle, so that you don't have to borrow
b. This is what I told him : "Buy yourself a bicycle: so that you don't have to borrow
c. This is what I told him "Buy yourself a bicycle:so that you don't have to borrow
d. This is what I told him ,"Buy yourself a bicycle, so that you don't have to borrow
(Answer: A)

4. Pilihlah penggunaan titik dua yang benar pada kalimat berikut

a. Java ,a popular programming language :for the World Wide Web
b. Java: a popular programming language for the World Wide Web
c. Java a popular programming: language for the World Wide Web
d. Java a popular programming language :for the World Wide Web
(Answer: B)

5. Pilihlah penggunaan titik dua yang benar pada kalimat berikut

a. I bring everything I need to class every day: my pens, my books and my
b. I bring everything I need to class every day my pens: my books and my
c. I bring everything I need to class every day my pens, my books: and my
d. I bring everything I need to class every day my pens: my books and my
( Answer: B)

Tim Dosen Bahasa Inggris Akademik 2018
Tanda Tanya


1. What time is it : A. Yes B. No (Answer: A)

2. Do you want another piece of cake : A. Yes B. No ( Answer: A)
3. Juan asked if we are going to the mall today : A. Yes B. No (Answer: B)
4. It is 5:00 : A. Yes B. No (Answer: B)
5. May be class ends at 3:30 : A. Yes B. No (Answer: B)

Tanya Seru


Pilihlah kata yang diberi tanda seru dalam kalimat berikut.

Contoh: Hush! Don’t make any noise.
Tanda seru: Hush

1. Oh! I am sorry to hear that. D. Is

A. Oh E. Hush
B. I am (Answer: E)
C. Sorry
D. Hear 4. How wonderful! It can fly.
E. That A. How
( Answer: A) B. Wonderful
C. Can
2. Ah! This is my dream car. D. Fly
A. This E. How wonderful
B. My (Answer: B)
C. Dream
D. Car 5. Alas! The dog is dead.
E. Ah A. Alas
(Answer: E) B. The dog
C. Dead
3. Hush! Be quiet. The baby is asleep. D. Is
A. Quiet E. The
B. Baby ( Answer: A)
C. Asleep

Tanda petik


Pilihlah penggunaan tanda petik yang benar dari pilihan yang ada.

1. a. “I thought he was responsible,” he said, “but he isn’t.”

b. I thought he was “responsible”, he said, “But he isn’t.”
c. “I thought he was responsible, he said, but he isn’t.”

Tim Dosen Bahasa Inggris Akademik 2018
d. I thought he was “responsible, he said, But he isn’t.”
e. I thought “he was responsible”, he said, but he isn’t.
( Answer: A)

2. a. Give me liberty or give me death, “these are immortal words”.

b. “Give me liberty or give me death”, these are immortal words.
c. Give me liberty “or” give me death, these are immortal words.
d. “Give me liberty or give me death, these are immortal words”.
e. Give me liberty or give me death, these are “immortal words”.
(Answer: B)

3. a. Is it eight o’clock?“she asked. Did she say, It’s eight o’clock”?

b. “Is it eight o’clock? she asked. Did she say, It’s eight o’clock”?
c. “Is it eight o’clock?” she asked. Did she say, It’s eight o’clock?
d. Is it eight o’clock? she asked.Did she say, “It’s eight o’clock”?
e. “Is it eight o’clock?” she asked. Did she say, “It’s eight o’clock”?
(Answer: E)

4. a. I think he is responsible, he said. “Look at his fine work.”

b. “I think he is responsible,” he said. Look at his fine work.
c. “I think he is responsible,” he said. “Look at his fine work.”
d. “I think he is responsible, he said. Look at his fine work.”
e. I think he is responsible,“he said. Look at his fine work.”
(Answer: B)

5. a. As John F. Kennedy reminded us, “We should never forget the words of Martin
Luther King. Jr. who said, ‘I have a dream’.”
b. “As John F. Kennedy reminded u”, We should never forget the words of Martin
Luther King. Jr. who said, ‘I have a dream.’
c. As John F. Kennedy reminded us, We should never forget the words of Martin
Luther King. Jr. who said, ‘I have a dream.’
d. As John F. Kennedy reminded us, ”We should never forget the words of Martin
Luther King. Jr. who said, I have a dream.”
e. “As John F. Kennedy reminded us, We should never forget the words of Martin
Luther King. Jr. who said, ‘I have a dream’.”
(Answer: B)

Pertemuan ke 2



Tim Dosen Bahasa Inggris Akademik 2018
1. Our team …. the best in the class
a. Is b.are c. does d.do
(Answer: A)
2. The crew ….. wearing the uniform
a. Can b. is c.are d.do
(Answer: B)
3. A ……of bird move away to the west
a. Band b.flock c.herd d.school
(Answer: B)
4. A…..of bull grazing in the praire
a. flock b. herd c. swarm d.crowd
(Answer: B)
5. The girl puts a….. of roses in the vase
a. bunch b. pinch c. bundle d. handful
(Answer: A)

1. She feels……..to win the medals of championship
a. to happy b. be happy c. happy d. happily
(Answer: C)
2. They look …….wearing that new jacket
a. fantastic b. to be fantastic c. to fantastic d. fantastically
(Answer: A)
3. They seem ……for the new regulation in the office
a. unhappy b. to be unhappy c. unhappily d. to happy
(Answer: A)
4. The ……mall in the country is Royal
a. big b.biggerc.more big d.biggest
(Answer: D)
5. The people who life in the city is……than the people in the rural area
a. busiest b. busier c. busy d. more busy
(Answer: B)



1. There……a nice restaurant around the city

a. Is b.was c. are d.are
(Answer: A)
2. A terrible accident…..in that road yesterday
a. Occurred b.to be occurred c. to occurred d. occurring (Answer: A)

Tim Dosen Bahasa Inggris Akademik 2018
3. The train …..leave this afternoon
a.do b.will c. does d. has
(Answer: B)
4. Listen to the bird. They………
a. Are singing b.singsc.singing d.to sing
(Answer: A)
5. On her right hand Sara …..her handbag
a. Carries b. carrying c. to be carried d. to carry
(Answer: A)



1. The little girl smiled sweetly at me E. On time

yesterday. (Answer: D)
A. Little, girl
B. Sweetly, yesterday 4. You must spend your money more
C. Smiled, little wisely.
D. Smiled, yesterday A. You must
E. Little, yesterday B. Your money
(Answer: B) C. Spend
D. More wisely
2. Please hang the wet clothes here. E. Money
A. Here (Answer: D)
B. Hang
C. Wet 5. It is raining heavily. You must drive
D. Clothes carefully.
E. The wet A. Raining, must
(Answer: E) B. Heavily, drive
3. The chairman seldom arrives on time. C. Raining, carefully
A. Chairman D. Drive, carefully
B. Arrives E. Heavily, carefully
C. Time (Answer: E)
D. Seldom


1. The dog ran ........ the yard d. In

a. Across e. On
b. By (Answer: D)
c. To

Tim Dosen Bahasa Inggris Akademik 2018
2. The students is studying 4. The cat is on the table.
math ......... the room a. Verb
a. Under b. Adverb
b. In c. Preposition
c. Upon d. Interjection
d. To e. Adjective
e. After (Answer: C)
(Answer: B) 5. They went into the hall.
3. We can find sponges ......... the sea a. Noun
a. By b. Preposition
b. From c. Verb
c. To d. Adjective
d. Of e. Interjection
e. Under ( Answer: B)
(Answer: E)



1. Although he was late, he managed to D. Because

catch the bus. E. Since
A. But (Answer: A)
B. Although
C. And 4. We must hurry or we will be late.
D. Or A. But
E. Since B. Although
(Answer: B) C. And
D. Or
2. My father had locked the door before E. Since
he went to bed last night. (Answer: D)
A. But
B. Although 5. Do not move until the general gives the
C. And order.
D. Before A. But
E. Since B. Although
(Answer: D) C. And
D. Before
3. I am dark but my sister is fair. E. Until
A. But ( Answer: E)
B. Although
C. And

Tim Dosen Bahasa Inggris Akademik 2018
Pertemuan ke :3
Kajian Maeri : Phrase (Frasa)
Tentukanlah jenis frasa yang terdapat pada kalimat di bawah ini.
a. Houses are unbelievably expensive just now.
b. We met Paul last week.
c. A car that won’t go is not particularly useful.
d. I enjoy eating in Indian restaurants.
e. The old man walks very slowly.


a. Adjective Phrase

b. Verbal Phrase

c. Noun Phrase

d. Prepositional Phrase

e. Adverbial Phrase

Tim Dosen Bahasa Inggris Akademik 2018

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