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Zamboanga Sibugay

(Guided, Integrated, Yearning Activities)

for Learners
TLE - ICT - Computer Systems Servicing (CSS) 10
First Quarter Week 4 Day 1- 4

Learning Objectives:

1. List down the required documents or forms before doing a well-

planned installation.
2. Make a Repair Report Sheet on a specific client relative to his
problems on PC.
3. Identify the qualifications to be a certified hardware professional to
do a well-planned installation.

CG Code: TLE_IACSS9-12ICCS-Ia-e-28
Written by:


Titay National High School


Good day, learner! Welcome to

Computer System Servicing (CSS) 9.
Today, you will be learning on basic
requirements for a planned installation.
Are you ready?

Basic Requirements for a Planned Installation

Are you the person everyone calls when they have
a computer problem? Have you considered getting paid
for fixing near-fatal errors and turning your PC prowess
into a business?
There are some requirements that you need to
know before joining the bandwagon of Computer
System Servicing trade, like document/forms (e.g. Job
Orders, Request Forms, and Report Sheets) and
qualifications for personnel in repairing computers.
Required Documents/Forms
A. Job Order
A Job Order is an order received by an organization from a
customer or client, or an order created internally within the organization.
A work order may be for products or services.
In a manufacturing environment, a work order is converted from a
sales order to show that work is about to be begin on the manufacture,
building or engineering of the products requested by the customer.
In a service environment, a work order can be equivalent to a
service order where the WO records the location, date, and time the
service is carried out and the nature of work that is done.
A work order may be a maintenance or repair request from
students, faculty, or staff in a university.
Orders received from outside an organization are often dispatched
(reviewed and scheduled) before being executed. Work orders may be
for preventive maintenance.

▪ In a manufacturing environment, a job order is used to signal the
start of a manufacturing process and will most probably be linked
to a bill of material. Hence, the job order will probably state
1. the quantity of the product to be manufactured, built, or
2. the amount of raw material to be used, its price and
3. the types of labor required, rate (per hour or per unit) and
4. the machine utilization for each machine during the routing
process, its rate and amount
In a service environment, a job order can be the equivalent to a
work or service order where the job order records the location, date and
time the service is carried out and the nature of service that was carried
out. The type of personnel (e.g. job position) may also be listed on the
job order. A rate (e.g. $/hr, $/week) and the total amount of hours worked,
and total value is also shown.
Sample Job Order Form
Computer Repair Job Order Form

Teacher: Client’s Name School: Titay National High School

Date: Sept 2, 2020 Computer #: 001
Service Tag#: 001 Model: Intel i5
Serial #: abcd1234
Computer Problem: (Brief Description of the Problem)

***Blue Screen Error***

For Technical Department Used Only Fax No. (032) 434 4875

Computer Fixed By: JHope

Date Sent Back to School: ________________
Memory: Transcend 2 GHz
Processor: Pentium Dual-Core 2 GHz
Hard Drive Space: Hitachi Sata 80 Gig
Windows: Windows 7 Ultimate


Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the

statement is wrong. Write your answer on the space provided before the
_________ 1. Anyone can perform a planned installation as long as he
knows it.
_________ 2. The Department of Education facilitates the competency
assessment for computer technicians.
__________3. Computer Technicians are given the TESDA NC II
Computer System Servicing by TESDA after successfully
taking the Assessment.
_________ 4. Computer Technicians need not to have strong oral
communication skills for they only repair computers.
__________5. Companies prefer candidates with previous PC repair
experience, and they may look for candidates with
experience repairing specific brands of computers.
__________6. A job order is an external document by a project-based
__________7. A job order can be the equivalent to a work or service order
where the job order records the location, date, and time the
service is carried out and the nature of service that was
carried out.


Directions: Scramble Game. Rearrange the letters in the box to form the
word or words.

1. OBJ ERROD - __________________

2. RUCEOTMP RIARPE - __________________

3. OKRW DOERR - __________________

4. ANLNEDP NLNLTISTAOAI - __________________

5. EUEQRST RMOF - __________________


Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer
on the space provided before the number.

___1. What do you call an order received by an organization from a

customer or client, or an order created internally within the
a. work order c. volunteer
b. job order d. purchase request

___2. Which is NOT a requirement before joining the bandwagon of

Computer System Servicing trade?
a. document form c. job orders
b. request form d. talent fee

___3. What environment that a work order is converted from a sales

order to show that work is about to be begin on the
manufacture building or engineering of the products requested
by the customer?
a. manufacturing c. school
b. service d. internet café

___4. Which environment that a work order can be equivalent to a

service order where the WO records the location, date, and
time the service is carried out and the nature of work that is
a. manufacturing c. school
b. service d. internet café

___5. Which is NOT included in the job order form?

a. the quantity of the product to be manufactured, built, or
b. the amount of raw material to be used, its price and amount
c. the types of labor required, rate (per hour or per unit) and
d. the service or labor of computer repair

DAY 2 & 3

Good day, learner! It’s another day to

learn new concepts and let us continue
what you have started on the
requirements before joining the
bandwagon of Computer System
Servicing trade.

Request Form and Report Sheet

Computer System Servicing maintenance, which

includes planned installation, main objective is:
a. to keep and improve production facilities,
b. to keep and improve production facilities
stable and,
c. efficient at the lowest life cycle cost with the
active participation of all members in the
A Request Form is used to put this objective into action. The Report
Sheet and Request Form bring to life this maintenance’s purposes which
▪ To increase productivity through maximum utilization and
improvement of all equipment

▪ To develop maintenance system to reduce life cycle cost of

machinery and equipment through the involvement of everybody in
the organization

▪ To develop the operator’s capability to be competent in

maintenance activities through education, training, and motivation.

▪ To enhance capability for advanced and sophisticated technology

that would reinforce competitive power.

Sample Request Form
UNIT NO. 5-2 Description:
Acer Aspire abcd1234 Laptop Computer
***Corrupted Operating System*** Date Reported:
Sept 04, 2020

Reported by: John Doe

Activity: Reformat Laptop

Date Completed: Sept 05, 2020


Sample Report Sheet

Repair Report Sheet

Area/Section: DHS Computer Laboratory

Facility Type Nature of Recommendation

Laptop No Operating Viral Corruption Refer to the Technical
System Error Department for
Reformatting of the
Operating System

Reported by: Jevan Hope S. Baltazar

Date: September15, 2020


Directions: Scramble Game. Rearrange the letters in the box to form the
word or words.

1. AUTNRE FO BWDKAEORN - __________________

2. REROTP EHEST - __________________

3. IBANRSTESOVO - __________________

4. TADE TOECELDMP - __________________

5. ODERTNAMONCMIE - __________________


Directions: Answer the following questions comprehensively.

1. Make a Repair Report Sheet on a specific client relative to his

problems on his or her personal computer.


Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer
on the space provided before the number.
___1. What is used to put this objective into action?
a. purchase request c. request form
b. voucher d. report sheet

___2. What is the main function of CSS maintenance plan

a. to keep and improve production facilities,
b. to keep and improve production facilities stable and,
c. efficient at the lowest life cycle cost with the active
participation of all members in the company
d. All options are correct.
___3. Which is NOT a maintenance primary purpose of Report
Sheet and Request Form?
a. To increase productivity through maximum utilization and
improvement of all equipment
b. To develop the operator’s capability to be competent in
maintenance activities through education, training, and
c. To enhance capability for advanced and sophisticated
technology that would reinforce competitive power.
d. To develop maintenance system to increase life cycle cost
of machinery and equipment through the involvement of
everybody in the organization

___4. What should be included in preparing a request form?

a. observation c. activity
b. description d. date completed

___5. What should be included in preparing a request form?

a. observation c. activity
b. description d. date completed


Good day, learner! It’s another day to

fill in the empty vessel. Are you ready?
Today, you will be learning the
Required Qualification for A Computer
Hardware Personnel.

What Qualifications Do You Need to Become a

PC Repair Technician?
▪ Education
Employers prefer applicants who have
completed formal electronics training in a vocational
school, community college or similar setting, reports
the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Training programs
may last from 6 months to two years. Some
employers require at least a high school diploma or
▪ Certifications
Trainees can take the TESDA NC II Computer System
Servicing assessment to demonstrate their competency for entry-
level jobs to employers. The Technical Education and Skills
Development Authority or TESDA offers a variety of certification
programs. In addition, technicians can achieve certifications even
for traineeship.
▪ Physical and Personal Traits
PC technicians must be able to squat, bend and reach to
access the computer equipment requiring repair. They should be
physically able to lift at least 50 pounds of computer components.
Employers look for technicians who can stand for long periods of
time and have the ability to perceive a variety of colors. They should
feel comfortable working under tight deadlines, and companies may
expect them to work overtime or on weekends.

▪ Knowledge and Skills
Applicants should know how to use a variety of standard
office software, and some jobs also require knowledge of
networking. Companies prefer candidates with previous PC repair
experience, and they may look for candidates with experience
repairing specific brands of computers. Technicians need strong
oral communication skills and should be able to explain their
findings to customers using common terms.


Directions: Explain the following comprehensively.

1. What qualifications do you need as a future computer technician?



Directions: Answer the following questions comprehensively.

1. IIAFLATSIQCUON - __________________
2. IPEARR IIAHTNCCNE - __________________
3. IODUTANEC - __________________
4. TINIACFTSEROIC - __________________
5. LHAPYSIC ADN SPNRLEOA TISRAT __________________
6. OEGLKDWEN NAD LSLIKS - __________________


Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer
on the space provided before the number.

___1. Which qualification to become a PC repair technician that

needs strong oral communication skills and should be able to
explain their findings to customers using common terms?
a. knowledge and skills c. patience
b. physical and personal traits d. education

___2. Which qualification to become a PC repair technician that
employers prefer applicants who have completed formal
electronics training in a vocational school, community college?
a. knowledge and skills c. patience
b. physical and personal traits d. education

___3. Which is NOT a qualification to become a PC repair

a. knowledge and skills c. patience
b. physical and personal traits d. education

___4. How many pounds to lift a computer component for a person

to qualify a PC repair technician?
a. 50 b. 100 c. 150 d. 200

___5. What certification of assessment which demonstrates the

competency for entry- level jobs to employers?
a. DepEd Certificate of Recognition
b. ChEd Honor Certificate
c. TESDA National Certificate
d. DOLE certification

Books and Articles and Printed Materials

Barry Press, Marcia Press, PC Upgrade and Repair Bible, Desktop

Edition., Wiley Publishing Inc., 10475 Crosspoint Boulevard, Indianapolis,
IN 46256

Ron Gilster, PC Repair Bench Book., Wiley Publishing Inc., 10475

Crosspoint Boulevard, Indianapolis, IN 46256

Barry Press, Marcia Press, PC Upgrade and Repair Bible, Desktop

Edition., Wiley Publishing Inc., 10475 Crosspoint Boulevard, Indianapolis,
IN 46256

Electronic Resources

Quality Assured/ Evaluated by:


Tungawan National High School

Diplahan National High School


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