Islam College of Engineering & Management Sciences Sialkot, (Icems) - Mechanics of Machine (Lab) - (4 Semester, Spring2022)

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Mechanics of Machine (Lab).
(4th Semester, Spring2022)

Report # 6
Submitted to:
Eng. Ali Abdulrehman
Submitted by:
Registration Number:
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Lab Report # 6
To determine the effort required to lift a load and efficiency of lifting by a wheel and axle.


Simple Wheel and Axle:

In the figure above is shown a Simple wheel & axle, in which the wheel A & axle B are keyed to
the same shaft. The shaft is mounted on ball bearings, in order to reduce the frictional resistance
to minimum. A string is wound round the axle B, which carries the load to be lifted. A second
string is wound round the wheel A in the opposite direction to that of string on B.

Let, W = Load lifted

P = Effort applied to lift the load

D = Diameter of effort wheel, and

d = Diameter of the load drum

One end of the string is fixed to the wheel, while the other is free and the effort is applied to this
end. Since the two strings are wound in the opposite directions, so the downward motion of the
effort (P) will raise the load (W). Since the wheel A and axle B are keyed to the same shaft, so
when the wheel rotates through one revolution, axle will also rotate through one revolution.

We know that the distance moved by the effort in one revolution the effort wheel = πD &
distance moved by the load in one revolution = πd
V.R. = Distance moved by effort / Distance moved by load = πD/ πd = D/ d

Now, M.A. = Load lifted / Effort applied = W/P

And Efficiency η = M.A. / V.R.


1. Revolving doors.
2. Electric fans.
3. Bicycle.
4. Cars.

 Pulley
 Weights.
 Weight hanger.
 String.
 Wheel and axle.

1. First of all we set the apparatus according to the instructions given by the lab instructor.
2. Then wrap the string on the circumstances of the wheels.
3. Put same weights on the hanger attached with wheel (denote as load) and for each value
of load put weights on the effort hanger such that it starts moving.
4. Change the value of load and repeat step – (3).
5. Note the diameter of wheel and axle and calculate the velocity ratio with.
6. Then measure the mechanical advantage and find the efficiency
A plot of load Vs Effort and Effort Vs Efficiency is drawn.

M.A. = Load lifted / Effort applied

V.R. = Distance moved by effort / Distance moved by load

Efficiency η = M.A. / V.R.

Velocity ratio:

V.R = D/ d

V.R = 150/ 75

V.R = 2

Mechanical advantage

M.A = Load / Effort

M.A1 = 2 / 0.5

M.A1 = 4

M.A2 = 2.33

M.A3 =2.29


η = M.A. / V.R.

η1 = 4/ 2

η1 = 2

η2 = 1.666

η3 =1.145
Sr.No LOAD EFFORT M.A η = M.A. / V.R.
1 2 0.5 4 2
2 7 3 2.33 1.166
3 8 3.5 2.29 1.145

After performing this experiment we are able to calculate mechanical advantage of wheel and axle,
velocity ratio and efficiency. This practice allows us the use of wheel and axle in our engineering life.

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