V6 American Culture: The Roaring Twenties

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V6 American Culture: The Roaring Twenties

You have read an article about The Roaring Twenties.

Assignment 1
The text contains a number of words that are underlined. Fill in the following grid

Words that I already know: Words that I had to look up in the dictionary:
English Dutch
affluen diaphragm diafragma
slan drudgery sleur
wardrob pundits experts
unprecedente curtailed ingeperkt
white-collar job racketeers afpersers

Please turn over

Assignment 2
Do you think the 2020s were similar to the 1920s: we all live more comfortably with

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no boundaries as far as products are concerned. We can order whatever we like,
whenever we like and we pay whenever we want.
We eat a wider variety of food, we go to restaurants more often, we also buy a lot of
products, maybe more than we need, in other words:
we live in a consumer society.
Do you agree? Give arguments to support your answer.

If you look at the broader picture, than this statement is fully correct. We are living
more comfortably and we do in fact have increased spending habits. Once one
zooms in however, the differences start to become ever clearer. Technology is one
of the main differences between our time and theirs and things like this create a
world which is fully different from the one set in the past.

Do you think we are happier now than your parents when they were your age?
Give arguments to support your answer.
I don’t feel qualified to answer this question, because happiness has a different
meaning spanning from person to person.

Do you think that Covid-19 forces us to change our life-style completely for the
future? Give arguments to support your answer.

No, personally I believe that our ways of the pre-covid times will come back
once this virus has settled down and things will have gone back to “normal”.

Assignment 3
Discuss the questions above with your classmates.

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