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Course Code HRM 507

Course Title Human Resource Management

Discuss the role of e-learning and modern technologies in the
Assignment Topic development of employees’ skill in banking sector of

Exam’s Name Final Examination

Student’s ID 2102140435

Student’s Name Istiaqur rahman chowdhury

Semester’s Name and Fall 2021

Course Teacher’s Monowara Begum Memy
Name and Designation
Department’s Name Business Administration

Date of Submission December 10, 2021


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E- learning : E-learning is becoming increasingly common these days. The term E-learning
includes much more than online learning, virtual learning, or networked or web-based
learning because the letter “E” in E-learning refers to the word “electronic” and thus it
includes all educational activities carried out by groups or individuals working over the
Internet or without an Internet connection, and asynchronously or synchronously via
computers independent of the network or connected or any other electronic devices (Shank,
2021). Definitions of E-learning differed, four general characteristics were shared by all
definitions: uses technology to provide learning and training programs, works to provide an
educational, training, or educational program through electronic means, facilitates learning
through the use of digital tools and content that includes some form of interaction, Finally,
information and communication technologies are used to help apprentices improve their
knowledge, which may include online interaction between the learner and his or her
instructors or colleagues (Corbeil & Corbeil, 2015).
E-training is defined as the trainer's use of technology with the aim of providing specific
knowledge to trainees via a medium such as the Internet. Video conferencing and web-based
training are two of the most popular types of E-learning (Renner, 2015). The significance of
Etraining can be found in the following: The integration of the learning process and modern
digital technology with a number of innovations, as well the rapid development of their
application; Etraining allows a greater number of trainees from all job levels and locations to
participate in trainings; E-training reduces the training the cost while also saving time and
effort; E-training serves as an interactive medium between the trainees and the trainers; E-
training works to develop and improve the capabilities of the trainee to use computers and
benefit from the Internet advantages; Provide an online training base that you can return to
when needed.(Alkhater, 2010)
E-workshops can be defined as the use of technology and digital technologies with the goal
of exchanging knowledge, experiences and skills (Pappas, 2021).While the workshop is
defined as “a short-term learning experience that encourages active, experiential learning and
employs a variety of learning activities to meet the needs of diverse „learners‟.
E- seminars and presentations must involve the trainees in order to achieve the training‟s
goal, which can be accomplished by using emails and online discussion boards, responding
promptly to discussion questions, encouraging trainees to share their backgrounds and work

experiences, and conducting group projects. Good online trainers are those who possess the
knowledge and skills on how to use and adapt to the updated and available online
technologies (Abdel Fattah, 2013). Seminar and presentation benefits to trainer can provide
the training material after preparing it on the Internet for the benefit of others, thus increasing
participants 'knowledge of the results of others' research and create an intellectual atmosphere
in the workplace. Seminars also improve communication, management and presentation skills
by preparing and attending seminars (Dessler & Al Ariss, 2012).
E- applications are technological services made available by the Internet. Interactive
Internet applications are appealing and simple to use, in addition to being easy to access and
operate by users, as they provide direct visual and audio communication between the trainer
and trainees, and the trainer can display the training material through these applications
(DeCenzo,, 2016). E-applications are available on mobile smartphones, computers, and
tablets, and can be downloaded for free with Internet access and used in the training and
developing process, as they provide an interactive medium for discussion and dialogue
between the trainer and the trainees (Jiang & Long 2019).

Employees are made aware of the working of the banks and taught other basic skills required
to make a career in banking through E-classes online.

Figure1: Relationship of the variables

₪ ADVANTAGES OF E-LEARNING : E-learning courses have become quite popular in
the banking domain. The advantages of E-learning are many. Here is a list of some major
benefits of E-learning classes for the Banking sector.

i. The E-learning system allows the banks to maintain their privacy and secrecy of their
operations. The internal material and procedures are safe, as the training and skill
improvement process is controlled electronically. The sensitive data and information
can also be secured with firewalls, protecting the data.
ii. The banking sector is known for its frequent change of rules. Thus, regular training in
banking and finance is a must for all employees. Any human involvement might cause
inefficiency as adapting to the rules takes time. Also, changing the training material
for E-learning courses is comparatively easier. Thus, E-learning online education is a
boon for the banking sector.
iii. The banking sector recruits people from all educational backgrounds. Thus, fitting in
might be problematic for some. Also, with long training hours, dedicatedly attending
a physical classroom course can be difficult. E-learning courses can be taken up at
will from wherever you are. Thus, banks can easily train recruits using E-learning
courses to teach banking ethics, the working code, the procedures, and even impart
proprietary software training.
iv. E-learning is also a great tool to deliver compliance or regulatory training to your
employees. The employees can learn a lot using case studies, scenarios, and reports.
The employees can also be acquainted with the regulatory policies of the bank
through e earning.


There are several reasons E-learning courses should be preferred for training employees in
the banking sector. We list some of the significant ones.

i. A well-designed E-learning course will allow the banking employees to attain

proper knowledge about their roles and duties in the bank.

ii. The IT skills of banking officials can be improved with E-learning courses. The
banking officials will be more aware and comfortable using newer technologies.

iii. New recruits can also be swiftly inducted using E-learning courses. This improves
the efficiency of the bank.
iv. E-learning is also a great way to keep the banking employees constantly updated
about new rules and regulations, updates to government policies, and any changes
to the bank processes.
v. E-learning also makes it easier to track the training completion of bank employees
and gauge their proficiency.


IN BANKING SECTOR OF BANGLADESH : Among the financial service industry, the
banking sector was one of the first to embrace rapid globalization and benefits significantly
from technology development. The technological revolution in banking started in the 1950s,
with the installation of the first automated bookkeeping machines at banks. This was well
before the other industries became tech savvy. The first Automated Teller Machine (ATM) is
reported to have been introduced in the USA in 1968 with only a cash dispenser. Automation
in banking have become widespread over the past few decades as banks quickly realized that
much of their labor intensive information-handling processes could be automated the use of
computers. Against this background the paper examines the technology driven banking
services reference to the present and future of Technology driven banking in Bangladesh.

Training on modern technology for employees : The use of technology driven training
delivers benefits to employees and organizations. Leveraging internet enabled training
capabilities maximizes available education training resources. Technology offers ease of use,
learning retention, dissemination of information, the ability to reinforce learning, employee
training convenience and a reduced impact on productivity. While technology provides the
building blocks for employee training and development, it is an addition to, not a replacement
for, employee training and development processes. Building a 21st century world class
employee training and development program requires the integration of instructor-led
training, technology based training, employee assessments, employee coaching, work center
simulations and measurable training outcomes. The e-learning technology industry has
matured to deliver innovative, effective and engaging employee training opportunities.
Mobile learning and game based applications have become an accepted training delivery
system. The use of technology to learn, interact socially and communicate formally and
informally is an accepted and prevalent method among the working population across all

genders and all age groups. This acceptance ensures employees are receptive to receiving
training via technology-based learning techniques. Technology based employee e-training
programs provide self-paced employee directed learning that is delivered with a click of the
mouse. Employees review a catalog of online classes and select training courses that are
applicable to the work center. Employers can create a training web site that provides access to
databases and links to relevant web sites and search engines. The web site could include
descriptions of database link to assist employees in determining links that would be useful for
a work center related problem. Employees can search for employment related information
and pursue skills or knowledge, when they need it, where they need it, whether it is a video or
a web delivered training course. Technology enabled learning can be an effective tool if the
lessons are designed according to instructional design principles. Additionally, online training
is not restricted to a specific time or location. Employees can complete training materials
anytime and anywhere they have an Internet connection. Websites can deliver the primary
instructional content or extend and enhance training content. Many online employee training
programs require registration and have the capability to monitor employee performance
through the use of a learning management system.

The most effective platform which driven by technology is E – Banking .

Here we have discussed about it :

E-banking implies provision of banking products and services through electronic delivery
channels. It permits anytime, anywhere and any how banking. It offers easy, faster,
convenient, low cost banking services around the clock. E-Banking as the wave of the future,
provides enormous benefits to consumers in terms of cost of transactions, either through
internet, telephone or other electronic delivery channels. E-Banking is now widely practiced
in Bangladesh. There are various types of e-banking services like SMS banking, Tele
Banking, Push and Pull services, ATM, Fast Track etc. that have been introduced by the
commercial banks in Bangladesh. E-banking product and services can include wholesale
products for corporate customers as well as retail and fiduciary products for individual
customers. E-banking refers to systems that enable bank customer to access accounts and
general information on bank products and services through a personal computer or other
intelligence device. Now a day‟s due to emerging global economy, e-commerce and e-
business have increasingly become a necessary component of business strategy and a strong
catalyst for economic development. The new information technology is becoming an

important factor in the future development of financial services industry, and especially
banking industry. As a third-world developing country, Bangladesh is far behind to reach the
expected level in global banking system. Electronic banking has been around for some time
in the form of automatic teller machines l customer transaction costing about $1 in a
traditional "brick and mortar" bank branch or $0.60 through a phone call costs only about
$0.02 online. Electronic banking also makes it easier for customers to compare banks'
services and products, can increase competition among banks, and allows banks to penetrate
new markets and thus expand their geographical reach. Some even see electronic banking as
an opportunity for countries with underdeveloped financial systems to leapfrog
developmental stages. The state owned commercial banks in Bangladesh may not be offered
all the functions of e-banking. The customers may not be trusted on e-banking without
providing top level of security. Many customers may be used either mobile bank account or
ATM account in Bangladesh, which are not actually highly secured. Some other study have
done on e-banking system in Bangladesh such as. But No comprehensive stud has done on
effect of e-banking on banking sector in Bangladesh. Ali mentioned in his study that On-line
banking can act as a complementary factor of e-business. Bangladesh Bank has recently
argued to introduce automated clearing house system. This pushed upward transition from the
manual banking system to the on-line banking system .

Different Forms of Electronic Banking: The terms „PC banking‟, „online banking‟,
„Internet banking‟, „Telephone banking‟ or „mobile banking‟ refer to a number of ways in
which customers can access their banks without having to be physically present at the
bank branch. E-banking may be understood as term that covers all these ways of banking
business electronically.

Tele-banking: Tele-banking service is provided by phone. To access an account it is

required to dial a particular telephone number and there are several options of services.
Options included

i. Checking account balance

ii. Funds transfer between current, savings and credit card accounts
iii. Bill payments
iv. Stock exchange transaction

v. Receive statement via fax
vi. Loan payment information

PC Banking: The increasing awareness of the importance of literacy of computer has

resulted in increasing use of personal computers through the entire world. Furthermore,
incredible plummet of cost of microprocessor has accelerated the use of computer. The term
„PC banking‟ is used for banking business transacted from a customer‟s PC. Using the PC
banking or home banking now customers can use their personal computers at home or at their
office to access their accounts for transactions by subscribing to and dialing into the banks‟
Intranet proprietary software system using password.
Types of PC Banking

Basically, there are two types of PC banking.

The first type is online banking, in which bank transactions are conducted within closed
networks. The customer needs specialized software provided by his bank. The second type
is Internet banking, which German banks have been offering since the mid-nineties,
although the only product they were offering at the time was information. Unlike closed
networks, Internet banking permits the customer to conduct transactions from any terminal
with access to the Internet.

Internet Banking

Internet banking would free both bankers and customers of the need for proprietary
software to carry on with their online banking transactions. Customer behavior is changing
rapidly. Now the financial service is characterized by individuality, independence of time
and place and flexibility. These facts represent huge challenges for the financial service
providers. So the Internet is now considered to be a „strategic weapon‟ for them to satisfy
the ever-changing customers‟ demand and innovative business needs.

Adequate legal framework and maximum security are the two essential factors for Internet
banking. The comprehensive security infrastructure includes layers of security from the
network to the browser, including sophisticated encryption that protects customers‟ from
intrusion when they access the bank over the public network.

Mobile Banking: Actually mobile banking is a variation of Internet banking. Mobile
banking is a good example of how the lines between the various forms of e-banking are
becoming gradually blurred. Due to the new transmission technologies such as WAP
(Wireless Application Protocol), portable terminal like mobile phones, personal digital
assistant (PDA) or small hand-held PCs are providing bank customers with access to the
Internet and thus paving the way to Internet banking. It assures immense flexibility and
makes the financial services independent of time and place. However, the use of mobile
banking is still in a nascent state. The slower transmission speed of the WAP standard and
the limited amount of information available are just two of the factors inhibiting the use of
those terminals.
E-Banking is a new concept in banking sector of Bangladesh. It is becoming popular in
Bangladesh; thus almost all Bangladeshi banks offer many facilities of e-banking. E-banking
is growing in Bangladesh day by day. Customers can withdraw and deposit money any time
within 24 hours of a day. All types of e-banking services are being appreciated and applied
by people of different walks as this eases the activities. So banks are arranging training to
develop their employees through online or physically based on demand of the situation to
make the team strong to achieve the goal of the organization.

֍ CONCLUSION : After the effect of Covid 19 the importance of the E-leaning people
are understanding in their life. It saves time and money and helps to get any kind of training
in a convenient time. Now a days organization does not need to make a huge budget to
arrange necessary trainings for the development of employees. On the other hand modern
technology is driven a significant role in Baking sectors in 21st century. To achieve the
organization goal it is mandatory to train up employees to make them expert to implement
technology in Banking business.

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……………………………………………………….………..THE END……………………………………………………………….

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