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Oracle Database Appliance Virtualized OS Imaging


Oracle Database Appliance ships from the factory with Bare Metal ISO pre-installed.
Customers planning to use Virtualization need to install the Virtualization ISO. This document
describes the steps to install Virtualization ISO.

Deployment procedures are covered in Document Note:1373617.1.

Oracle Database Appliance Virtualization OS imaging will format the local disks and therefore
will result in loss of Data that was previously stored on the Local and Shared storage. After re-
install and subsequent Re-Deployment steps are completed, restore from backup may be

Oracle Database Appliance ships with various components like ILOM to help manage the
system remotely. Customers may choose to use ILOM especially if the Appliance is hosted
remotely. The rest of the document outlines the steps to reimage the Operating System using
ILOM however ILOM is not required. Customer can choose to use PXE or other methods.

Download the OS image

 Log on to My Oracle Support and download patch 16186163

 Download the file
Note: File name is version specific
 The file can be unzipped on a Linux or Windows environment using appropriate
commands to unzip the file. For example on Linux use


Initiate Browser to connect to ILOM

1.) Connect to ILOM from the Browser and login as root. There may be some messages in
the console which be ignored since we are going to reimage.
2.) On Successful login, Browser would redirect to the Oracle Integrated Lights out
Manager home page. Click on “Remote Control” tab to continue
3.) In the “Remote Control Tab”, Click on Launch Remote Control as shown below
4.) Depending on the state of the system, there may be some message on the console.
Click on Devices as highlighted below

5.) In the Devices Menu, Choose CD-ROM Image as shown below

6.) This will open a file browser on the local client from which the browser was invoked.
Browse to the location where the ISO image was unzipped.

Please Note that the file name of the ISO could be different from what is shown below.
7.) The console **may** report the successful redirection depending on the state of the
8.) Once these steps are successfully completed, click on “Host Control” tab as shown
9.) And choose CDROM as the “Next Boot device” as shown below
10.) Now click on “Remote Power Control” tab as shown below and choose “Power Cycle”

11.) The Database Appliance Virtualization install will start after reboot. This process will
continue for 2 hours and then the following screen will be displayed.
Note: The screen above is from an X4-2 system, the screen output depends on the Hardware type (V1, X3-2, X4-2)
12.) On X4-2 systems, another screen will prompt customer to choose the network. Customers who
have a Fiber Network and have connected the Public network to the Fiber card should choose
“Yes” below.
Customers who have connected their public network to the onboard cards should choose “No”

The default setup is to choose Copper for public, if this is changed, the system needs to be
rebooted as mentioned in the prompt

It is very important to choose the correct network here. If the system is connected one way and the
choice made here reflects the other, then deployment will fail

If the wrong option was chosen, Execute as root /opt/oracle/oak/lib/ and

choose the correct option. This should not be changed post deployment.
13.) After successful imaging with virtualized options on both the ODA nodes, the screen
will show output as shown below.
Note: The screen shot above shows the host name as ovs-3b-32-52. This means we need to reboot the node once more.
The hostname should be oak1.

14.) At this stage, the Virtualized image also known as dom0 is installed on the Oracle
Database Appliance. The rest of the document describes the steps to deploy

15.) The console message at the top says to use [ALT-F2] to login console. This will not
work if the keyboard entry is not correctly setup. To confirm, click on Keyboard Menu as
shown below and click on the “Left Alt Key” to enable it as shown Below
16.) Once this is done, Pressing Alt-F2 on the keyboard works and you will be presented
with a login console.
Note that the “Left Alt Key” needs to be de-selected before continuing using the same
steps mentioned above

Proceed to login using user name root and password welcome1.

17.) Once this is done, we can proceed to assign IP’s to dom0. To assign IP, login as root
and execute “/opt/oracle/oak/oakcli configure firstnet”. Choose global to ensure that the
dom0 on both the nodes is assigned the IP address. This will prompt to enter the

Configure the network for the node(s)(local, global) [global]: global

The network configuration for both nodes:
Domain Name:
DNS Server(s): Primary DNS Server: 130.XX.XXX.XX
Node Name Host Name
0 vmbox1dom0
1 vmbox2dom0
Choose the network interface to configure (net1 , net2, net3, net4) [net1]: net1
Configure DHCP on net1 (yes/no) [no]: no
You have chosen static configuration on net1
Enter the IP address for net1 on Node 0: XXX.XX.XXX.XX
Enter the IP address for net1 on Node 1: XXX.XX.XXX.XX
Netmask for net1:
Gateway Address for net1 [XXX.XX.XXX.1]:

a. Choose Global [Default] for “Configure the network” prompt
b. Enter a valid domain name
c. Enter valid DNS Server
d. Enter Node 0 and Node 1 Host name
e. Choose the interface to be configured [Default is net1]
f. Choose “No” [Default] in response to “Configure DHCP”
g. Enter the IP address for each Node. This is the IP address of dom0.
h. Enter the Netmask
i. The Gateway is calculated automatically, Hit enter to choose it

The above are guidelines. You can choose to use dhcp or other IPs as per your environment

18.) Once the prompts are responded, the IP is assigned as shown below
19.) If you have not already done so, Log on to My Oracle Support and download files from
Patch 16186172. Generally they are downloaded on a local box. The following sub-
steps shows the steps to merge and copy them to the Appliance.
a. Copy the files namely “” and
“” using scp command to dom0
For example

#scp p16186172_28000_Linux-x86-64_?of?.zip root@10.XX.XXX.XXX:/OVS

b. Login to dom0 and from the /OVS directory unzip the files
# unzip

c. This will create oda_base_template.tar.gz00 and oda_base_template.tar.gz01

d. Now concatenate these files using cat command
# cat oda_base_template.tar.gz00 oda_base_template.tar.gz01 > templateBuild-2013-11-06-

e. File “/OVS/ templateBuild-2013-11-06-22-18.tar.gz” will be used for creating the

oda_base_template in Step 20

Note: The file name changes between version to version. Please ensure that the correct file
name is used as documented in the readme. The file name should not be changed
20.) Change directory to /opt/oracle/oak/bin and execute oakcli deploy oda_base. This will
prompt the following as shown below

Choose the License as needed. General guidelines are documented in the getting started guide.
Choosing 6 as shown above means licensing 6 Cores on each node.
Choose memory as needed for the ODA_BASE. This is the memory that is used for the Database
so ensure an appropriate value is chosen.
21.) Once the above process completes, the ODA_BASE domain is started, this can be checked by
running oakcli command
#oakcli show oda_base

22.) Now we can login to ODA_BASE and start the deployment. This can be done by using
vnc with dom0 hostname and 5900 as port.

23.) This opens a session from which the database can be deployed as shown below
24.) Login using root as user name and password welcome. Execute startx to start X-

25.) Proceed to deploy using by executing as root

#oakcli deploy

The deployment steps are covered in Document Note:1373617.1.


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