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Grade Level: Grade 12

Subject: Practical Research 2

Quarter Content Standard Performance Standard Most Essential Learning Duration
The learners demonstrate The learners should be
understanding of... able to...
3rd Quarter 1. the characteristics, decide on suitable Describes characteristics, Week 1-3
strengths, weaknesses, and quantitative research in strengths, weaknesses, and
kinds of quantitative different areas of interest kinds of quantitative
research research
2. the importance of Illustrates the importance Week 1-3
quantitative research across of quantitative research
fields across fields
3. the nature of variables Differentiates kinds of Week 1-3
variables and their
1. the range of research formulate clearly the Designs a research used in Week 4-5
topics in the area of inquiry statement of research daily life
2. the value of research in problem Writes a research title Week 4-5
the area of interest
Describes background of Week 4-5
3. the specificity and
feasibility of the problem
States research questions Week 4-5
Indicates scope and Week 4-5
delimitation of study
Presents written statement Week 4-5
of the
1. the formulation of 1. formulate clearly Illustrates and explain the Week 6-7
conceptual framework conceptual framework, conceptual framework
2. the research hypotheses research hypotheses (if Defines terms used in Week 6-7
(if appropriate) appropriate), and define study
3. the definition of terms as terms used in study
used in the study 3. present objectively Lists research hypothesis Week 6-7
written review of related (if appropriate)
literature and conceptual Presents written review of Week 6-7
framework related literature and
conceptual framework
4 Quarter 1. quantitative research describe adequately Chooses appropriate Week 1-3
design quantitative research quantitative research
2. description of sample designs, sample, design
3. instrument development instrument used, Describes sampling Week 1-3
4. description of intervention (if procedure and sample
intervention (if applicable) applicable), data collection, Constructs an instrument Week 1-3
5. data collection and and analysis procedures and establishes its validity
analysis procedures such as and reliability
survey, interview and Describes intervention (if Week 1-3
observation applicable)
6. guidelines in writing Plans data collection Week 1-3
research methodology procedure
Plans data analysis using Week 1-3
statistics and hypothesis
testing (if appropriate)
Presents written research Week 1-3
1. data collection gather and analyze data Collects data using Week 4-7
procedures and skills using with intellectual honesty, appropriate instruments
varied instruments using suitable techniques
Presents and interprets data Week 4-7
2. data processing, 1. form logical conclusions
in tabular or
organizing, and analysis 2. make recommendations
graphical forms
based on conclusions
Uses statistical techniques Week 4-7
to analyze data– study of
differences and
relationships limited for
bivariate analysis
1. guidelines in making Draws conclusions from Week 4-7
conclusions research findings
and recommendations Formulates Week 4-7

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