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Woodlea Junior School

Woodlea Road
PR25 1JL

Dear Woodlea Families,

This year really is flying by and we have already begun to set the dates for the end of year annual
events. You will find some of these details in this letter.

All the children have worked tremendously hard this week on their National Curriculum tests. Children
in years 3,4 and 5 still have a few tests to complete next week but I am pleased to say that for the
Year 6 children tomorrow will see them sitting their last test. We are all very proud of all our children
for the resilience and determination they have shown this week.

I would like to thank all the parents of our Year 6 children for supporting us in ensuring last Thursday
and Friday were very successful learning days in which everyone had fun. Thank you also to all the
teachers for making these days possible and beneficial. I’m not sure who enjoyed McDonalds more –
the teachers or the children!

Can I please remind you that we would like to continue to encourage the children to cycle or walk to
school. If cycling your child will need to wear a helmet and have a secure bike lock. If cycling without
an adult they must also be in year 5 or 6.

Woodlea School is promoting a Walk to School Week. This will take place from Monday 16th May to
Friday 20th May.

During this week, we would love your child to walk to school. As you well know some of the benefits of
walking are:

healthy exercise for your child increased alertness and concentration in school

development of pedestrian and social skills reduced traffic congestion around the school

less use of the car for short trips cuts the cost of your fuel bill

Naturally, we do realise that for some children, travel by car is essential, and what we would like is for
every child to walk the final 5 minutes of their journey. We have permission from Tesco for you to
park your cars at the end of their site near to the leisure centre.
Headteacher Drop-ins In addition to our open door policy I would like to offer a regular time slot for
you to drop in and discuss any issues with myself. The remaining dates for this term are:-

Friday 13th May 11.00 – 12.00 Wednesday 18th May 8.30 – 9.30
Monday 23rd May 3.45 – 4.45 Thursday 9th June 9.00 – 10.00
Friday 17th June 3.00 – 4.00 Tuesday 21st June 8.00 – 9.00
Thursday 30th June 3.30 – 4.30 Friday 8.00 – 9.00
Wednesday 13th July 12.00 – 1.00 Wednesday 20th July 10.00 – 11.00

If you can’t make any of these ‘parent surgery’ times please arrange an alternative time as it is
important to solve any issues before they escalate. Once we share information we can work together to
solve it.

Open Friday Assemblies – Reminder We would like to invite you to our ‘open to all’ Friday assembly
services. You are welcome to join us on a Friday in our celebratory whole school assembly which
currently starts at 2.30 pm. On the dates when there is a class assembly there will be no afternoon
assembly. Class assemblies will take place at 9.00 am. Please do join us on a Friday if you can.

Summer Term Dates

Monday 16th May to Friday 20th May. Walk to school week

Monday 16th May 6C Magistrates in the Community
Wednesday 18th May – Friday 20th May Y6 PGL
Wednesday 18th May – Friday 20th May Y6 real life experiences
Friday 20th May Whole School Eco Day
Thursday 26th May 6O Magistrates in the Community
Monday 30th May – Friday 3rd June Half term
Monday 6th June Staff Inset
Tuesday 7th June Staff Inset
Tuesday 21st June Year 5 educational visit
Thursday 23rd June Year 3 and 6 neighbourhood talks
Friday 1st July Moving Up Day
Friday 8th July Summer Fair
Thursday 14th July Sports Day
Friday 15th July Reports sent home
Friday 22nd July End of term 2pm

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