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Science 7

Quarter 1 Diversity of Materials

Module 1 - Doing Scientific



What I Need to Know

Do you make observations about your environment? Have you attempted to explore or investigate
something that arouses your curiosity? If you have, then you may have tried what scientists do when they
investigate something.

In this module, you will be able to:

Most Essential Learning Competency:
Describe the components of a scientific investigation
1. Identify the steps of the scientific method
2. Formulate hypothesis from a given situation
3. Identify and classify scientific variables

This module is divided into 3 lessons, namely:

 Lesson 1. Steps of the scientific method
 Lesson 2. Formulating hypothesis
 Lesson 3. Identifying and classifying scientific variables

What I Know

Before you move on, try to find out how much you know about the components of a scientific
investigation by answering the pretest below.

Pre - Test

Multiple Choice. Write the letter that corresponds to the correct answer.

1. What skill does a scientist use when she listens to the sounds that whales makes.
A) making a hypothesis C) making observations
B) drawing conclusions D) interpreting data
2. What is the correct order of the steps in the scientific method.
A) Ask questions, make a hypothesis, test the hypothesis, analyze results, draw conclusions, communicate results.
B) Ask a question, analyze results, make a hypothesis, test the hypothesis, draw conclusions, communicate
C) Ask a question, make a hypothesis, test hypothesis, draw conclusions, analyze results, communicate results.
D) Make a hypothesis, test the hypothesis, analyze the results, ask a question, draw conclusions, communicate
3. Which question would be the best high level scientific question?
A) How long ago did dinosaurs live on the Earth?
B) Does the amount of salt in water affect the temperature at which it boils?
C) Who made the first microscope?
D) How many giraffes live in Africa?
4. An experiment that tests only one factor at a time by using a comparison of a control group and an
experimental group is?
A) a controlled experiment C) a theory
B) an independent variable D) a dependent variable


5. The process of obtaining information by using the senses is called a/an
A) scientific method C) conclusion
B) inquiry D)observation
6. A series of steps designed to help you solve problems and answer questions
A) experiment B) observation C) hypothesis D) scientific method
7. A scientist conducted an experiment to determine how the amount of salt in a body of water affects the
number of plants that can live in the water. In this experiment the independent variable is
A) the number of plants in the water
B) the amount of salt in the water
C) the temperature of the water
D) the water
8. A scientist who wants to study the affects of fertilizer on plants sets up an experiment. Plant A gets no fertilizer,
Plant B gets 5 mg. of fertilizer each day, and Plant C gets 10mg. of fertilizer each day. Which plant is the control
A) Plant C B) Plant A C) Plant B D) All of them
9. A scientific procedure undertaken to make a discovery, test a hypothesis, or demonstrate a known fact is a/an
A) hypothesis B) experiment C) law D) theory
10. A series of steps followed to solve problems is
A) the scientific method B) investigations C) experimental guidelines D) standard procedure

Check your answers with your teacher. Then, proceed to “Lesson 1”.

1 Steps of the Scientific Method

What’s In

1. Identify the steps of the scientific method.
Directions: Arrange the situation in logical order. Put the number that corresponds to the correct order of the
situation on the blank provided.

____ A. You tried investigating why it does not work.

____ B. You formulated a hypothesis on why the stove does not function.
____ C. Finally, you were able to identify the cause as defective outlet.
____ D. Observations on the wiring, the cord, the plug, the outlet, and other possible causes were made.
____ E. The electric stove used in the laboratory is out of order.
____ F. Tests were conducted to prove your hypothesis.
____ G. Thus, you solve the problem by following the scientific method.


What’s New

Direction: Encircle the word found inside the box based on the figures below.


What is It

Direction: Read carefully the information and concepts as a brief discussion for you to learn.


Scientific Method is the scientist’s plan which he follows to solve a problem. It helps him to find the reason for
the facts or ideas he questions. It also helps the scientist to find answers that are reliable. Hence, it is a
systematic way of solving problem.
The following are the steps involved in scientific method:
Step 1: Identifying and stating the problem
a. Identifying the problem.
b. Define the problem to find ways in solving it.
Step 2: Gathering of relevant data
a. Have keen observation of all facts relevant to the problem.
b. Gather data from all possible sources.
Step 3: Formulating a hypothesis
Based on observations, formulate a tentative answer or a trial idea about the nature of the observations.
This is known as the hypothesis.
Step 4: Testing the hypothesis
a. Test predictions made on the basis of the hypothesis through experimentation.
b. When an observation made does not agree with the hypothesis, conclusion is made that either the
observation or hypothesis is wrong.
c. If an observation is thought to be valid, the hypothesis is either modified or rejected in order to
account for a new observation.
d. A variable is a factor that can affect the results of an experiment.
e. The independent variable is the factor that is changed or varied to see its effect on a system.
f. A dependent variable is the factor that the independent (manipulated) variable effects and that is
measured or observed the changed that is brought about or is affected by the change in the independent
g. Controlled variable is the factor that is kept constant all throughout the experiment.
Step 5: Drawing a conclusion
a. Test and verify the facts.
b. If verified, conclusion is drawn and the problem is answered.
c. A conclusion is a statement about the results of the experiment.
Step 6: Communicating results
a. Do this by writing an article that is published in a scientific journal or magazine.
b. Present findings during formal as well as informal meetings.

What’s \More

Direction: From the short information that you have read about the steps of the scientific method, answer the
following questions on the blank provided.

1. The random steps in applying the scientific method are enumerated below. Write the steps in the proper order
in the ladder.
 Identify the problem
 Drawing a conclusion

 Gathering of relevant data 4.

 Test the hypothesis 3.

 Formulate a hypothesis
 Communicating results

2. Complete the sentences below by using the appropriate vocabulary words listed in the box.

Scientific Method Hypothesis Independent Variable

Dependent Variable Controlled Variable Observation


a. The tentative answer to a problem is called ___________.
b. The answer in Question Number 1 is based on ____________ made.
c. The _______________ is the factor that the independent variable effects.
d. The orderly way of solving a problem is called_____________.
e. The _____________ is the factor that is changed or varied to see its effect on a system.

What I Have Learned

Directions: Fill in each blank with the word that fits best. Choose from the words below.

Experiments Measurements Observations

Hypothesis Data
Conclusion Scientific Method

A young scientist solve problems by using the ____________. To solve a problem, first a _____________
is stated. Careful _____________ are made and _____________ are recorded. A ____________ may be drawn
after several ____________ have been conducted.

What I Can Do

After performing this activity, you should be able to:
1. Identify the steps of the scientific method.

Activity card, paper, ballpen
Study the situation and answer the questions.
Bea wanted to find out the effect of sunlight to the growth of the plant. She prepared two pots of the
same kind and size and place inside these pots the same amount and kind of soil. The same kind of plants were
planted in each pot. She placed one plant inside the room and the other outside. She watered the plant daily with
the same amount. After seven days, Bea observed that the leaves of indoor plant turns yellow and becomes wilt,
while the outdoor plant grows well. Bea record the data about the changes in the plant.

Figure 1

Inside the room Exposed to sunlight

1. What was Bea’s study problem?
2. If you are Bea, what hypothesis can you make based on the problem?
3. How does Bea test the hypothesis?
4. Identify the independent, dependent, and controlled variables in Bea’s experiment.
5. What conclusion can you draw based on the situation?


What are the steps in scientific method?


Direction: Each sentence below describes a step of the scientific method. Match each
sentence with a step of the scientific method. Write the letter before the number.

Additional Activities

This activity will enable you to:
1. Identify and state problems that can be investigated scientifically, given the conditions of particular
events and situations.

Pen, paper

Given below are problem situations. Read them and identify at least one problem that can be investigated
scientifically in each situation.

It is a known fact that frogs appear when the rain comes. They make so much noise croaking
throughout the day and night during the rainy season, but when the rainy season is over, the
croaking stops and the frogs disappear. Yet the next rainy season, the frogs return.

Problem - To study the behavior of frogs in order to find out where they disappear to after the
rainy season.
Situation 1.
Log ponds are parts of the sea coast closest to land. Logs are left floating to soak in salt water in these
log ponds. According to loggers, soaking in salt water cures the wood. Fishermen, most of whom have no access
to boats, complain about the log ponds. The log ponds, they say, prevent their fishing in those areas. They also
clean that the logs change the underwater conditions so the fish move away.

Situation 2.
String beans is a kind of plant whose seeds or beans are used for food. String beans growing depends a
great deal on its interaction with the environment. It what kind of soil does string beans grow best? During what
season is it good to start planting it? How long does the plant survive and continue being productive before it dies?
Situation 3.
The explanation to the solar eclipse has long been known. What is not known are its effects on Earth and
the living things on it. Does the solar eclipse change atmospheric conditions? If so, in what ways? Does the solar
eclipse affect the living things on Earth? If so, how?

Check your answers with the answer key. If you got all answers correctly, very good. If not,
don’t worry! Your teacher will help you know why!
You can now move on to the next lesson.

2 Formulating Hypothesis

1. Formulate hypothesis from a given situation.

What’s In


Direction: Use the words in the word bank to fill in the blanks.

Mr. Smith challenged his fourth graders to work in groups to make a tower out of cards. At first, they did
not understand what his challenge had to do with __________________. In the first group, Joseph started by
leaning 2 cards against one another. Julie wanted to use 4 cards to start with a square. “Wow!” exclaimed Mr.
Smith, “You both have a different _________________ for how to build a tower. What can you do to work
together?” The second group asked the __________________, “How many cards will each of us need?” They
began their ____________________ with two cards each. The third group asked Mr. Smith if they could look it
up on the internet. When Mr. Smith looked at them funny, they replied, “You said that ________________ often
do __________________ about their topic before they begin”, Mr. Smith laughed but couldn’t argue with their
request. After ten minutes, Mr. Smith said that it was time to share their _________________. Some groups
were able to make a tower and some groups were not. “What _________________ can we draw from this
investigation?” Mr. Smith asked the class. Joseph raised his hand and said, “When scientists conduct the scientific
method, they have to work as a team or their whole experiment will collapse just like our card tower!”.

science question research results

investigation hypothesis conclusion scientists

What’s New


Below is an example of a scientific problem. Can you formulate a hypothesis based on the given situation

It is a known fact that frogs appear when the rain comes. They make so much noise
croaking throughout the day and night during the rainy season, but when the rainy season is
over, the croaking stops and the frogs disappear. Yet the next rainy season, the frogs return.

Problem - To study the behavior of frogs in order to find out where they disappear to
after the rainy season.

Hypothesis -_________________________________________________________________

What is It
Direction: Read carefully the information and concepts as a brief discussion for you to learn.

A hypothesis is a tentative assertion or proposition whose validity shall be tested in the course of the scientific
investigation. It is described as educated or intelligent guess because its formulation involves critical thinking.
Major Types of Hypothesis
1. Null Hypothesis - a statement of denial of relationship, difference or an effect. As such it is expressed in
the negative form of a statement.
1. There is no significant relationship between the amount of squash seeds and the weight gain of broiler

2. Alternative Hypothesis - formal affirmative statement predicting a single research outcome. It is the very
opposite of what the null hypothesis predicts.
1. There is a significant relationship between the amount of squash seeds and the weight gain of broiler

3. Causal Hypothesis - one which expresses a cause and effect relationship between two or more variables.
If the ratio of squash seeds and commercial feeds is varied then the performance index of broiler chicken is
Tips in Writing Hypothesis
 It should always be in declarative form.
 The number of hypothesis depends on the number of research objectives which are comparative and
relation in nature.
 There may be objectives that need not have hypothesis (descriptive in nature).
 Like in the objective, hypothesis shows the independent and dependent variables.
 If there are more than one hypothesis, they should follow the logical flow in writing.
 It is usually stated in the null form because testing the null hypothesis is easier than the alternative

What’s More

Try This Activity



Exercise 1
Directions: Write your null hypothesis, alternative hypothesis and cause and effect hypothesis regarding the problem
“What is the effect of varying temperature of water on the dissolving time of sugar?”. Fill in the table below.
Null Hypothesis Alternative Hypothesis Causal Hypothesis

What I Have Learned

Directions: Fill in each blank with the word that fits best. Choose from the words below.
Null Hypothesis Declarative form Causal Hypothesis
Hypothesis Alternative Hypothesis

An educated or intelligent guess based on sound reasoning or judgment is called _____________. There are three types
of hypothesis namely _______________, ________________, and _______________. A hypothesis should always be in
______________. It is usually in the null form because testing the null hypothesis is easier than the _________________.

What I Can Do

At the end of the activity, you should be able to:
1. Formulate a hypothesis based on a given problem.
2. Perform the activity to test the hypothesis.
3. Form a conclusion based on the results of the experiment.

water, 3 identical jars, stones of different sizes

1. Consider this problem:
How fast will an object fall through a liquid?
2. Fill 3 identical jars with equal amount of water.
3. Drop the 1st stone in container 1, the 2nd stone in container 2 and the 3rd stone in container 3 respectively. Record
the time it takes for each stone to reach the bottom of the container. Conduct at least 5 trials. Record your data in table 2.

Stone 1 Stone 2 Stone 3
Trial time time time

Average Time

4. Based on your observations, construct a hypothesis on the given problem



Directions: Write your null hypothesis, alternative hypothesis and cause and effect hypothesis regarding
the problem “What is the effect of particle size of salt in its dissolving time in water?”. Fill in the table below.

Null Hypothesis Alternative Hypothesis Causal Hypothesis

Additional Activities

This activity will enable you to:
1. Formulate hypotheses for the stated problems.

Pen, paper

Given below are problem situations. Read and formulate a hypothesis about it. You may recall that the
hypothesis is a possible explanation, an educated guess or a tentative answer to the problem.

It is a known fact that frogs appear when the rain comes. They make so much noise
croaking throughout the day and night during the rainy season, but when the rainy season is
over, the croaking stops and the frogs disappear. Yet the next rainy season, the frogs return.

Null Hypothesis: There is no significant difference between the croaking of the frogs
and its disappearance during the rainy season.
Alternative Hypothesis: There is a significant difference between the croaking of the
frogs and its disappearance during the rainy season.
Causal Hypothesis: If the frogs croak during the rainy season then the population of
the frogs is affected.

Situation 1.
Log ponds are parts of the sea coast closest to land. Logs are left floating to soak in salt water in these
log ponds. According to loggers, soaking in salt water cures the wood. Fishermen, most of whom have no access
to boats, complain about the log ponds. The log ponds, they say, prevent their fishing in those areas. They also
clean that the logs change the underwater conditions so the fish move away.
Situation 2.
String beans is a kind of plant whose seeds or beans are used for food. String beans growing depends a
great deal on its interaction with the environment. It what kind of soil does string beans grow best? During what
season is it good to start planting it? How long does the plant survive and continue being productive before it dies?
Situation 3.
The explanation to the solar eclipse has long been known. What is not known are its effects on Earth and
the living things on it. Does the solar eclipse change atmospheric conditions? If so, in what ways? Does the solar
eclipse affect the living things on Earth? If so, how?
3 Identifying and classifying scientific variables

1. Identify and classify scientific variables.

What’s In


Directions: Match the vocabulary word with the definition. Write the letter for the definition that matches the
word in the blank.

____1. Hypothesis a. The steps you take to complete the experiment

____2. Variables b. The process scientists follow to complete an investigation (question,
____3. Conclusion hypothesis, materials, procedure...)
____4. Procedure c. Things you need to complete your experiment
____5. Data d. The results of the experiment.
____6. Observation e. The information you collect from the experiment (usually in numbers)
____7. Materials f. To repeat the experiment
____8. Replicate g. Watching and noticing events that happen during an experiment
____9. Investigation
h. A prediction about what will happen with the experiment
____10. Scientific Method
i. An experiment designed to answer a question
j. Parts of an experiment that can be changed and can affect the results
of an experiment

What’s New

Direction: Write what is changed, what is observed, and what are kept the same in the column provided.

Examples of a Fair Test

Problem What is What is What are kept the same

changed observed

1. Does the length of the Varying length of Number of 1. Mass of the pendulum
string affect the number the string (20 swings per 2. Kind of string
of swings of the cm, 30cm, 50 second 3. Time (one second)
pendulum? cm) 4. Height from where the pendulum is

2. Which brand of tissue

paper is the most

3. What kind of liquid

makes an egg float?

What is It

Direction: Read carefully the information and concepts as a brief discussion for you to learn.




Experimental Variable
 any property of person , thing that varies and is not fixed; factors affecting the result of the study.
 an experimenter changes or varies one factor and observes or measures what happens as a result of the

Types of Variable
1. Independent Variable (IV) - the factor that is varied or manipulated.
- the “assumed cause” of a problem.
2. Dependent Variable (DV) - the factor that is measured or observed the change that is brought about or is
affected by the change in the independent variable.
- the “assumed effect” of another variable.
3. Controlled Variable (CV) - the factor that is kept constant all throughout the experiment.

The table below shows the example/s of independent, dependent and controlled variables.

Amount of Type of Amount of Temperatu Size of Pot Stem Height (cm)

fertilizer Soil water (mL) re (0C)
5 Loam 10 35 Medium 5.0

10 Loam 10 35 Medium 5.3

15 Loam 10 35 Medium 5.5

20 Loam 10 35 Medium 5.8

What’s More

Try This Activity

Suppose Fay wants to figure out the most efficient route to walk home from the school. Obviously she will
try out several route and time how long it takes her to get home on each route. She’s only interested in finding a
route that is efficient for her (not for her speed-walking neighbor or my slowpoke friend), so Fay will do the
walking herself.

What is Fay’s independent variable? __________________________________

dependent variable? ____________________________________
controlled variables? ___________________________________

What I Have Learned

Direction: Fill in the missing terms:

The __________________________ or manipulative variable is the one factor that you intend to change in an
experiment. What is being tested?The __________________________ or responding variable is what change is
expected as a result of the independent variable.What the results might be due to what we are testing. The
__________________________ or constants are the variables that do not change during the experiment to have
your experiment be as valid as possible and to have a true baseline for comparison.



What I Can Do

1. Identify and classify scientific variables.

pen, paper

Read through the examples below. Write down which parts of the examples
are the independent, dependent and controlled variables in the experiment.

1. Mary thinks that if people eat foods high in sugar, then they are more likely to develop diabetes.Mary designs
an experiment where a group of 100 people, Group A, consisted of people that had diets high in sugar while
another group of 100 people, Group B, ate diets low in daily sugar.
Controls: ________________________________________________________________
Independent variable: ________________________________________________________________________
Dependent variable: ________________________________________________________________________

2. Justin believes that the decreasing temperature during the fall months is what causes the color of the leaves to
change. He sets up an experiment where he placed 10 oak tree seedlings in greenhouse set at 80 degrees and an
adjourning greenhouse also had 10 oak tree seedlings and was set at 50 degrees. He was certain to give the two
sets of seedlings the same amount of light, fertilizer and water. He then observed the color of the leaves for a
total of 1 month. At the end of the month, Justin observed that ¾ of the plants in the 50 degree temperature had
leafs that had changed colors and only ¼ of the plants in the 80 degree temperature began to change colors.
Controls: _______________________________________________________________
Independent variable: ______________________________________________________________________
Dependent variable: ______________________________________________________________________

3.If waking a bear when it is hibernating will always result in being attacked by the bear.
Controls: ________________________________________________________________
Independent variable: _______________________________________________________________________
Dependent variable: _______________________________________________________________________

4. Jenna wants to know how different colors of light effect the growth of plants. She believes that plants can
survive the best in white light. She buys 5 ferns of the same species, which are all approximately the same age
and height. She places one in white light, one in blue light, one in green light, one in red light and one in the
closet. All of the ferns are planted in Miracle-Grow soil and given 20 mL of water once a day for 2 weeks. After the
two weeks, Suzie observes the plants and made
Controls: ________________________________________________________________
Independent variable: ________________________________________________________________________
Dependent variable: ________________________________________________________________________

5. SpongeBob loves to garden and wants to grow lots of pink flowers for his pal Sandy. He bought a special
Flower Power fertilizer to see if will help plants produce more flowers. He plants two plants of the same size in
separate containers with the same amount of potting soil. He places one plant in a sunny window and waters it
every day with fertilized water. He places the other plant on a shelf in a closet and waters it with plain water
every other day.
Controls: ________________________________________________________________
Independent variable: ________________________________________________________________________
Dependent variable: ________________________________________________________________________

What is a variable and what are its three classifications?




Direction: Identify the Independent (IV), Dependent (DV) and Controlled (CV) Variable of each scenario.

1. Justin wants to determine the effect of fertilizer on the growth of grass.

IV:____________ DV:_____________ CV:_____________

2. Randell wants to determine if salinity has an effect on his goldfish.

IV:____________ DV:_____________ CV:_____________

3. James wants to know the effect of studying an extra 10 minutes each day on his Biology grade.
IV:____________ DV:_____________ CV:_____________

4. Joelle wants to determine the effect of pesticides on the size of the apples in the orchard.
IV:____________ DV:_____________ CV:_____________
5. Billy wants to know if increasing his exercise will decrease the time it takes him to run a kilometer.
IV:____________ DV:_____________ CV:_____________

Additional Activities

Propose an experiment to answer the question “Which brand of penlight battery lasts the longest?” Identify the control,
independent and dependent variables.
1. Controlled Variable:
2. Independent Variable:
3. Dependent Variable:


Direction: Read the statement. Answer the question that follows. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Miguel placed 500mL water each in two dishes. The dishes are of the same size and shape. He kept one in the dark and the
other in sunlight. After one hour, he gathered the dishes and measured the amount of water left. Which of the question is
Miguel trying to answer in his experiment?
A. Does sunlight heat water? C. How much water does sunlight absorb?
B. How can water be conserved? D. How does sunlight affect evaporation of water?
2. What is the controlled variable in Miguel’s experiment?
A. Amount of water C. Temperature of the surroundings
B. Size and shape of dishes D. Amount of water, size and shape of the dishes
3. Referring on question no.1, which is the independent variable?
A. Amount of water B. Location and temperature of the surroundings
B. Size of the dishes D. Amount of water and size of the dishes
4. Which is the dependent variable in Miguel’s activity?
A. Amount of water left in the two dishes C. Amount of water
B. Temperature of water D. Size and shape of dishes
5. When a person says, “I think a steel ball bearing and a marble will hit the ground at the same time if I drop them from the
same height at the same time”, that person is stating a
A. Hypothesis C. law
B. Theory D. observation
6. Three glass jars of the same size and shape were filled with 10mL of colored water. Each container was used to stand three
kinds of materials of the same length and diameter.
First container - chalk
Second container - small glass tubing
Third container - drinking straw
What problem was investigated in the experimental set-up?
A. Does water rise faster in the glass tubing?
B. Does the kind of material affect the rise of water?
C. Does the rise of material affect the rise of water?
D. Does the height of material affect the rise of water?
7. Two squash plants were planted on the same plot. One squash plant was made to creep on the ground; the other was made
to creep on the trellis. The observations were recorded in the table below.



Manner of Total weight of the fruits produced
1st month 2nd month 3rd month 4th month

ground creeping 3.2kgs 5.5kgs 10.6kgs 12kgs

trellis creeping 4kgs 5.0kgs 5.9kgs 6.8kgs

Which of the following hypothesis was investigated in the experiment?

A. Ground creeping plants produce more fruits.
B. Ground creeping plants are bigger than climbing plants.
C. Ground creeping plants make the soil fertile.
D. Ground creeping plants live longer than climbing plants.
8. Three different objects of the same mass were dropped from the third floor of a building to determine which one would hit
the ground first?

Object 1 Object 2 Object 3

Which is the controlled variable?

A. size of the objects C. kind of objects
B. shape of the objects D. height from which the object was dropped

9. What could be the independent variable in an experiment whose observation is presented below?

Condition Number of seeds that germinated after 5 days

Mongo 0
dry seeds

Mongo 5
moist seeds

Mongo 0
covered seeds
with water

A. Size of mongo seeds B. Amount of light C. Number of seeds D.Amount of moisture

10. Based on question number 9, what could be the dependent variable?

A. Amount of light and moisture C. Size of mongo seeds
B. Number of seeds D. Number of seeds that germinate after 5 days



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